TJ TILE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AFRIL 18, 1909. us. ANECDOTES OF MODJESKA Reminiscences of a Distinguished Ca reer on th Stage. STAET WITH JOHN MCULLOUGH Th Spirit f "Prla Reflected l a Rr ltrliw-Am Experience wltk Dahlia thaalaats. Th long, successful dramatic career of Madam Modjeska reflect, alike the charm of artiste and Individual, and la flecked with anecdote and Incident which her recent death reclla. Most Interesting I the story of her flrt attempt to aecur a footing on the Ameri can stage. In February, J877, ahe went to Ban Francisco, put herself under a tutor, and by hard study was able in all months to speak with some fluency. She then ap plied to John McCullough, who was man ager of the California theater, for an en gagement. Barton Hill, then the stage manager for Mr. McCullough, preserved the letter which Modjeska wrote, and which reads as follows: "Mr. John McCullough: Dear Sir Pardon the liberty X take In ad dressing you, but being a stranger here I know of no other way of approaching you. I h&v been introduced to you, but do not know whether you remember me or not. I came from Europe last year, and met you at the Occidental hotel. Tou were even so kind as to offer to play Hamlet with me, but I could not decide to appear In a for eign language, and I determined to learn English, Now I am almost ready to go on the American stage, and knowing you to be so obliging, and being quit alone In this wide foreign world, I turn to you for ad vice. Please let me know when and where I can meet you. I know very well that you are very much engaged, but perhaps you can find some time to give to me, an artist and a stranger. Believe me, yours truly, Helena Modjeska," Mr. McCullough mad an appointment with her, but pleaded sickness, and sent Mr. Barton Hill to hear the timid applicant about whose ability so little was then known. Sh made her appearance, accom nonled by a friend who was teaching her English, and gave the last scene from "Adrlonne Leeouvreur." Mr. Hill tells the story In his own words: "I listened at tentively, and praised her earnestly when she had finished. I did not tell her Just what I thought of her for fear I would rise her hopes too high. John came that night and said In his brusqu way: Well did you ke herr 'Yes I answered. 'What did you think of herT' Then I was en thustbstlc. 'She Is a revelation wonder. I am more thn surprised I am astounded.' Then John was Interested. 'Eh,' he said; 'sorry I didn't hear her. Suppose she would come again Y 'It she did,' I replied Jest ingly, 'you probably would be sick. Madame came the next day and McCul lough was even more pleased than I. He aelsed her hand and said: 'Tou have an . engagement for as long a you wish.' Everybody knows the rest. Msdame Helena Mod Jerk a made her debut, and I have al ways claimed the honor of being her first American audience." Caret nines of Detail. Mme. Modjeska was a great reader, and he spent years of her life, taking it alto gether In ttbrariea, studying up the details 1 of her costumes. There Is only one class of literature that she did not read, and that ts the newspaper. She read only such fragments as her husband and ' friends thought would be of special Interest to her. One of the latter, an Intimate woman friend, took her one morning an enormous clipping from a paper, the advertisement of a patent medicine. In the oenter of it was a picture of the actress and beneath it n large words, "Mme. Modjeska Is never without Boanerges' Chicory Extract." ILme. Modjeska was not up when it was taken to her. A look of deep amusement stole over her face as she Vty among her pillows and gazed at her picture In the pa'per and the emphatlo worda below. "They are right," ahe aald finally. "Mme. Modjeska 1 never without It. The? sent me a bottle once, and to my certain knowl edge It never was opened, so I must have It still." Mme. Modjeska's regard to detail In her costumes was the causa of an amusing experience that she had In London when she was playing there at one time, a friend of the actress said while talking remlnlscently the other night. The Order of the Oolden Fleece, which Mary Stuart wore and which the prince of Wales wears. Mme. Modjeska also wore when she played the part of the Scottish queen, her order being, of course, a reproduction, though a Very perfect one. It wa lying on her d reeling table, when the prince of Wales, now the king of England, came to the He saw It lmme- room to. call upon her. dlately. "Hello," he said, "what have we here?" His first thought was that it was the real order. Mme. Modjevka beiurathed her copy to the British M-ineum. A Hare Interview. Interview with ModJ"eka are not very abundant, and this one from the New Tork Pun la especially Interesting to those who only w her with Booth In the char acter of Portia; "I learn the lines first.' but they are nothing. My task I to learn -to feel the woman who would speak those lines. The words are the work of another. My part must be to sink Helena Modjeska's person ality Into that of the woman who would spontantously and naturally, under the circumstances Indicated In the play, speak these lines which already I have ac quired. If I cannot feel that under these conditions this woman's words would spon taneously come to me, I know I am far away from what my impersonation must grow to be. "For this reason It Is Impossible for me to play a part which I cannot learn to sympathise with. I was years and years In learning to be able to play Lady Mac beth. I could not feel her. I could not possibly have any sympathy for her. "On the other hand, take Portia, for ex ample. I loved her from the first. I felt that she was a woman of extraordinary sweetness, of brilliant wit, splendid gener osity, feminine piquancy and great intel lectual power. She belonged to a century noted for its brilliant women a veritable golden age of feminine mentality. "Portia was undoubtedly a woman of dis tinguished social position, with the charm ing, easy manners of high breeding and perfect knowledge of the world. She wa undoubtedly a linguist. All the women of wealth and position of that day were su perbly educated, and it was quite common for them to speak five or six' languages fluently. When I was preparing to become Portia I read everything I could find In French, Italian,' Polish and English con cerning the period in which she lived. I threw my whole personality, so far as I could, back into that time. I absorbed all the history, romance and poetry of the period. I became familiar, geographically with the Italian towns In which she dwelt. I studied the manners. I wore the dress, I familiarised myself with the ethics of the time and people until I was satur ated with the atmosphere of my beautiful heroine. Finally I began to realise myself the component parts of this lovely woman of marvelous speech and extraordinary sagacity. The Spirit of Portia- "I discovered that Just a today many women are legally well mrormed, so in a century which closely resembles our own In varlolus lines It would not have been at all strange for a young woman of Portia's caliber to be legally learned. Gradually I felt the color of the time in which Portia lived, the atmosphere of the woman her self, the noble love which makes her so adorable, the charming daintiness and sweetness of her Innocent gaiety. When this Portia woman of 300 years ago had dominated the nineteenth century Helena Modjeska, I felt that I had caught her, intellectually. Then it became my delight ful task to make her physically as lovely a picture a I possibly could. I do not know how I succeeded, but from the very beginning I have tried to make my other selves harmonious. In fact, I believe the key to my whole existence is my depend "As a little girl I could not bear ct dis cordnot a discord alone in music, but In anything. If colors were discorded, I hated to look upon them. I wanted every thing lfcf ut.r home harmonious, and as a' tiny Utile ? girl this peculiar distaste for anything out of tune was looked upon merely as an absurb Idiosyncrasy. As I grew older, my mother recognised that this ee-called eccentricity was one I could not oonquer. She saw in me the tempcr ment of .the artist. In all my work I feel that there roust be a perfect harmony. A Portia must have the soul of a Portia. She must have the figure of a Portia, and, above all, she must have the voice of a Portia. A Portia in her wonderful speech, 'the quality or mercy,' with the voice of a Lady Macbeth and I see that you smile, but. Indeed, I have heard Juliets with voices so mature and heavy that they were only suitable for the old-faehloned trage dienne in her most blood-curdling declam ations would be out of harmony, and, In studying this role I should make an especial point of having my votco the right age, right quality. In fact, the very re flection of the character of the woman." An Experience tn Dnblln. , Mme. Modjeska delighted to play to the warm-hearted Irish people, and they de lighted to see her, particularly in "Mary Stuart." On one occasion of which she was wont to tell the play was produced In Dublin. Whenever the imprisoned queen in the play , spoke of rebellion ugainat Elisabeth, the audience applauded. When She cried defiantly, "Shall I bow to this t 1M s I M f -" I v V Ms M ? I ' 1 ML J . . .1.. J till TT Sill l"t 1'. IHIrtrr7T"1 rtrrrtf rrrrrre rtrerrr The Big Sale of Sanford's Carpets and Rugs at Half Price Continues This IVeekf This stirring Carpet Event has created a great deal of enthusiasm among I but on the whole they are practically as good as the perfect pieces and only SAXFOKD'S BRUSSELS HUGS Size 9x6 feet, appropriate for hall or small bedrooms, worth $10.00, during this sale SANFORD'S. ROYAL RUGS Size 8 feet 3 inches. by 10 feet 9 Inches, slightly mlswoveu, worth $18.00, during this sale i SANFORD'S IMPERIAL BRUSSELS RUGS Size 11x9, closely woven, floral and oriental design, worth $21.00, during this sale for f SANFORD'S VELVET RUG Size 12x9, rich floral and oriental design,. si lghtly Imper fect, worth $29.00, during this sale t e " ten: 'i.j if . iunw ' in T Cat 0550 1 .Direct Bin r?ry u iCu . JIIy feMffii,,., Rsnge, t r V $5-75 S.50 Size 11x9, $11-85 SI7.85 Omaha's housewives, $55,000 worth of Carpets and Rugs from the big Rug those of experience can detect the imperfection. There are thousands of yards T and Carpet Mills of S. Sanford and Sons is offered at half price. These goods and hundreds of Rugs in this big sale and all must be closed out this week. If X are slightly mismatched and in some there is occasionally a "missed stitch," you appreciate a bargain this is a special opportunity to beautify your home. ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT SANFORD'S TIGER BRUSSELS RUG Size 12x9, suitable for parlor, bedroom or dining room, very satisfactory Quality, worth $25.00, during this sale , SANFORD'S EMPRESS BRUSSELS RUG Size 12x9, the best brussels that Sandford's mills produce, slightly lmperfoct, worth $30.00, during this sale SMYRNA HUGS Suitable for hall and In front O0 of dressers, good quality, worth $2.00, ajQU sale price WWW SI5-00 $18-75 $21-50, SANFORD'S AXMINSTER RUGS Size 12x9, the very best grade of goods Sanford's mills produce, your choice of 11 designs, "some slightly mismatched." worth $40. during this sale EXTRA SPECIAL Axmlnster Rugs Extra heavy Quality, 4 very closely woven, bright rich oriental Oft, colorings, size 2 7x54 Inches, worth $2.25, tjilC reduced during this sale INGRAIN ART SQUARES Size 12x9 feet, can be used on either side, bright, strong coloring, worth $6.50, reduced during this sale to $3-oo Three Rooms Furnished Complete for $48.50 . . T1XMJ $S Cash, A0ests a Monthly, Four Rooms Furnished Complete for 863.50 1HBMS IS.SO Cash, $5 Monthly X S12.60 BUYS A GUARAN TEED GAS RANGE This Is positively the very Desi gas range oiierea cy any concern In this city. They are constructed of guaranteed material, no odor no soot, no smoke. QR Fcr this Co!-c57 UiUU lansible Go- Cart Complete with Hood Y TXRMS 600 WIEXLT Exactly like cut, thpy are made on the latest and motit popular desisrn and hav an A all steel construction, side X seats, adjustable back and V hood are covered In genuine fabrlcold leather. FREE-A 52-Piece Oecoratsd Dinner Set-FREE The Greatest Free Gift Offer Ever Uide. Read Offer Below A beautiful and handsomely decorated 52 piece Din ner Set will be GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELV FREE with every cash or credit purchase amounting to $100.00, or will be sold outriKht for on the exceptional 'terms of 60c cash, 50c monthly, or if you should buy one of these sets, and your purchases amount to $100.00 during the year, we will credit the amount to your account. $6-75 I'lVE ROOMS Furnished Completo for S85.00 TERMS 98.60 Cash, 97.60 Monthly. SIX ROOMS Furnished Complete for $184.00 TERMS 910.00 Cash, 98.00 Monthly. 1612 &.TARfSAM. STREETS. OMAHA. ffh opl I'lrnitnr ana Crpt Co. established la 1887.1 f- Jfifif S6.50 BUYS A GUARAN TEED REFRIGERATOR TBBMIl 600 WIIUT. W ar Sol Asrnt for th Tamoo Our. ny Xitn that w hav handled lor orr 00 yar. They hav no qoal la this city. They have seven distinct wall, and mineral wool fillings. Refrigerator that we offer this week Is made by th same concern and bears a strong guar- antee. $19 KfB ton this mas T2i&OU SIVE DRESSER TXBM8 1 Cash 60o Wkly. Exactly like Illustration, and positively the best dressor value In th city. They are made of solid oak and ar highly finished. Have two large and two small drawers, and a french bevel plat mir ror, supported by carved standard. rule?" or words to that effect, the audi ence evidenced great sympathy, and she wa obliged to wait until the excitement subsided before going on. "Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" they cried. Then, when It was quiet, she would go on, only to be stopped again. Thas was exciting enough, but the real funshe did not think was fun, though, until some time after came when the play was over. Then, when Modjeska was ready to go to her carriage, there was the chief of police waiting for her. Ha escorted her and her maid to a carriage, not her own, they were put in quickly, a policeman mounted the box, and they were off. The carriage seemed to go miles and miles through dark and deserted streets, and poor Mme. Modjeska had no Idea what was In store for her. But It was nothing serious. She had stirred up too much enthusiasm; the men who had been roused by the play had unharnessed the horses from her carriage and were going to give here a great ovation and taking the places pf the horses, draw her them selves to the hotel. But that the author ities could never allow, hence the actress had been taken tn a roundabout way and driven privately, at the city's expenc to her hotel. When the Impersonator of th unfortunate Mary Stuart did not appear, her admirers were npt slow to guess the reason and they betook themselves to her hotel. They were there ready for her when she arrived, and sh was obliged to go out and make a little speech before they would depart quietly. , Candidates Are Picked for Fire and Police Board Republicans Choose W. J. Hunter, Fred H. Hoyc, Charles J. Karbach and William F. Wappich. William J. Hunter, tred H. Hoye, Charles J. Karbach and William F. Wappich were last night selected by the republican city committee as the party's candidates for the Board of Fire and Police commissioners. Th selection was made to fill vacancies on the ticket caused by the passage of that section of the city charter making the excise board elective, the power of filling vacancies on a party' ticket being dele gated to the party's committee. Andrew Rosewater was nominated for city engineer. He received all but una of th vote cast. That on went to A. C. Koenig. There were thirty members of th committee present. The meeting wa held In Judge Estelle's court room In The Bee building and was attended by forty membera of the commit tee which was elected three yeara ago. A. W. Jufferis, chairman of this com mittee, presided, and F. C. Best, secre tary, acted as such. Three of the four nominees have filed by petition for th. board, while the fourth nominee, Mr. Hoye, has a petition ready to be filed. Mr. Hoy was a former mem ber of th city council. Mr. Hunter has been Identified with city politic for a num ber of year. Mr. Karbach 1 a member of th present excise board by appointment fnom Governor Shallenberger, and Mr. Wappich was a candidate last fall for th legislature. The committee adopted the following reso lution naming the four party nomlneea: "Whereas, The recent democratic legisla ture, has, by enacting a new city charter, made it necessary to fill, at the, coming election, four additional offices, namely, four membera of th Board of Fire and Police commissioners, and, "Whereas, The said charter amendment act did not become law In time to permit of candidates presenting themselves for nominations of these officers at the republi can primary, and, "Whereas, By reason of this fact there are vacancies on the republican ticket for th offices of four members of the Board of Fir and Police commissioners, and, "Where, This committee Is made up of members elected by the republican voter of the City of Omaha, at the pri mary election held In April, 1?0, and no other committee has been duly and properly elected to succeed It; therefore be It. "Resolved, Tht the persn named at this meeting be, and ar hereby nominated to fill the vacancies for the offlcea of Fire and Police commissioners on the city ticket, to be voted for May 4. 1909: William J. Hunter. Fred H. Hoye, Charles 3. Karbach and William F. Wappich." you, couldn't make you go to school? The neighbor would have aald that he was a chump." Dr. Lovelond did not specifically counsel Crawford to whip his son, but h declared that mora vigorous parental control would be highly efficacious. - Charles Crawford, the boy. Is reported to behave excellently In school when he at tends. It was on a truancy Information that the child was In court. Judge Estelle did not wish to find the boy delinquent be cause, barring a Inclination to play hookey, his record Is clear. Be Want Ads Produce Result. SENATOR M'CARRON ASKED TO EXPLAIN Brooklyn Democratic Bos Said to B Heartly Indebted to Bankrupt Broker. NEW YORK, April 17. A ensatlon was created today by the announcement that Receiver Lindsay Russell of tho failed brokerage firm of Ennls & Btoppanl had obtained an order ftom Judge Holt sum moning Senator Patrick H. McCarron, th well known democratic leader, to testify next Tuesday at the bankruptcy hearing and produce such books, reccrds and docu ments as may be required. Th summons was based on th alleged discovery of ex pert accountant that on of evral "blind" account, entered as "No. S3," Was thit of 8enator McCarron, who had for years past been a close personal friend of both members of th ftrm. Account "No. S39," It Is stated, was very active,' and It alto showed that the man operating undn it waa Indebted to the firm over 1100,000. The f-jct that members of ssveraJ New York Stock exchange firms have also beon subpoenaed to appear at tho bankruptcy proceedings caused a stir In th financial district. SALE OPENS TOMORROW Preacher is for Parental Rod Dr. Loveland Suggests to Father in Juvenile Court Efficiency of , Its Application. Great Is th hickory switcti and long may ah wave. Rev. F. LoveUnd voiced this doctrln by implication, at least, In Juvenile court Saturday morning when h administered a verbal "Ismmlng" to Michael Crawford. "What would imople hav thought of your father? demanded th clergyman, "If when you wr a boy of . he had com Into court and stated that he cuu:a not control 2,000 DRUMMERS, SAMPLES OF n 97c Wostenholm PId." "Wostenholm I X L," "Sheffield." Wade & Butcher," "Williams," "Balr," "William Elliott," genuine "Stockholm" (Swedish), and "Ward." Imported Razors. Choice of them all, 97c. Every Razor guaranteed and subject to exchange or return of money If not satisfactory. Every Razor honed and set ready for use. 1,060 Genuine ''Bair' Razor Strops Universally recognized as the keenest Razor strop In the world today for barbers or Individual use enables one to obtain that much-desired keen-shaving edge. The regular price as you see advertised In magazines Is $2.00, and at that price Is Is a most desirable bargain but for this week we offer them at 97c each. Remember, you cannot afford to put your good razor on any cheap strop. MAIL ORDERS FILLED MAIL ORDERS for Razors and Strops at 97c filled same as If you came and made the purchase in person. Postage 10c extra. Shavsng Materials Ibai M I ST0 II SHAVING POWDERS 25c Pond's Extract Talcum Pow der lor 20 25c Colgate's Talcum Powder, Violet or Cashmere Boquet, sale price 15? 23c Squlbb's Talcum Powder 20 ISc Craddlck's Blue, special val ue, this week f 1-lb. Cans Violet Talcum Powder, sale price 25 lib. Cans Borated Talcum Po wder sale price 25 SHAVING BRUSHES We have just received a shipment of 5 gross aborted Shavers, worth 75c and upwards. All go on sale this week at .!0t K1IAVI.VG SPONGES Sale of 500 Silk Sponges, worth 15c to 25c. on sale this week, at, each 10 SHAVING SOAP AND STICKS 10c William's Barber Bar, 2 for 15 10c William's Quick and Easy Shave, for 5ti 25c William's Shaving Stick 20 (The new kind, hinged top.) SHAVING CREAM 25c Sanitol Shaving Cream 20c 25c J. J. Shaving Cream 20 60c Lloyd's Euxosis , J8C This week only. SHAVING Ml8 3 gross assorted Shaving Mugs, regular price 2 5c, sale price this week 15c Tills will be a week to save money on all of the above article, also Including Shaving Mirrors, Face Lotions, Toilet Waters, Razor Strops, Razors of all descip tlons, etc., etc. SPECIAL THU WEEK ON DAG GETT & RAMSDELL'8 COLD CREAM (BEAflj W 34ST. For one week we will give with each 50c box of Daggett & Rams dell's Cold Cream a 2 5c cak of Daggett L Ramsdell'g Cold Cream Soap. 76c worth, of a well known merchandise for () Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts Omaha, Nob