Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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    1 I
The Car
For The
Btfiy Man
keenly appreciated by
the mm whose time
"counts" ie found In the
Utrht, convenient, depend
II b th narM, speediest and
most tedeteeleetrie runabout
ever aveu'tteeu.
Lew arrant eonaumptloa
long mlleaf radios controller
steering wheel divided seat
ample earrr'nff capacity under
eat' aourpe.eed for either
bnafaiaaa r pleasure purposes.
Equipped with high overload
capacity motor end controller
that wUlNOTaraor "I raaxa".
It la the perfect ear for physi
cians, professional and btuiocoe
aaaar particularly adapted foe
tiaa in congested streets, rat ao
slnrele aod easy of operation that
any woman ean drWa It.
The Baker Electric Runabout
arena anew era ia electric vehi
cle construction.
Let t glv you denor.tra
tioa of thia convenient model.
ABpAtntrnenra made by phone
ar letter. We will call for you at
roar effloa or residence,
IrM raraaja ftfc, Outaaa, Jfeb.
Telephone Douglas seal.
Silver Bridal
Gifts Special
We have made special effort
this spring to lay In the finest line
et Wew Sliver In special new things
adopted for Wedding Gift ever
shown in Omaha. A line of fine
eipenslve pieces, and also the larg
est line of to and 110 Rifts we
have ever shown. "Take a look
The reliable Jewelry store
where goods are sold at reason
able prices.
f brilliancy and purity are the
diamond! we offer. It is. our in
tention to handle none but tho
best diamonds to be had in regard
to cut,, color ard perfection.
When selecting for our stock we
have In mind values, and our
prices, quality considered, are very
Albert Edhom
Sixteenth and Harney.
For the Money
The Best Meal
1514 Farnam St
Chesapeake Cafe
IBOt-'t W--TT1 Uet.
J. . -, Manager,
fable as Sot eoo. iiiso to T. U.
Oyster Cocktail Mlnnett
Celery, Ollvea
Cream Ch token with Rice
Coneutrm Prlntanler
Baked Klllet of Black Bui. Wine Blane
Potato Richelieu
Roast Pig Ham with Apple Sauce
Roast Young Chicken, stuffed.
Ulblet Sauce
Reaat Prime of Beef au jus
Turkey Croquettea, a la Bearhamrl
String Beans Whipped Potatoes
Macedon Salad
Naopolltan Ice Cream
Assorted lea.s
Xaa Coffee Milk
Country Clubi Making Beady to Open
for the Warm Weather. -
Cauatry Clue Ciena Heme nasi
Wean Stick to Samaaar liwlti
Darlaaj rrtalcata Interval
Before Formal Opening.
When Gladys dona her lataat hat
We know full well that spring U hare,
Unmoved by chill remlndcra that
Belated winds are harsh and drear,
Though anew may father o'er the field
Where yellow blooming bravely strives.
Our vernal hope we ahall not yield
When Olady's hat ao fairly thrives.
No violet that deeks the glade,
No flaunting Jonquil Is more neat
Than la the flowering there arrayed
About her smile demurely sweet.
And so, though storms may rage about,
This dainty prophetess stands pat;
'Tin gentle spring beyond a doubt
When Gladys dona her latest hat.
Washington Btar.
Social Calendar.
MOXDAT Monday Bridge club; Monday
Bridge Luncheon club.
TUESDAY Evening bridge party at home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charlta Harding for
benefit of Child Saving Institute ; Miss
Oladys Impey, theater party for Miss
Louise Kennedy; Mrs. H. E. Barnes,
Sermo club.
WEDNESDAK-Peerless Card club, Mrs.
Rye; K. K. K. club, Mrs. H. E. Long.
THURSDAY Lynn Boclal club dancing
party at Chambers' academy; CUx club
dancing party at Rome hotel.
FRIDAY Kappa Kappa Gamma annual
, dancing party at Lincoln; Junior Bridge
club meeting; hop at Fort Omaha.
SATURDAY Kappa Kappa Gemma ban
quet at Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Kellog, M. M. C. club.
The Rod and Gun club, so popular last
season as the only local club with water
privileges, will make extenalve improve
ment of Its grounds at Cut Off lake thla
aeason. The bathing beach has been ex
tended and Improved with new sand and
the new docks are now being built. Be
s'.des this a new club house will be built
immediately, equipped with lockers ior the
women and a dancing pavilion. The pres
ent house will be moved back end con
verted Into a cafe. Plans have been drawn
for a handsome club house that Is com
plete In every detail and the bulldl W to
be erected this season will Ivs n rrt cf
this, the remainder to be burlt lot;r. Be
tween M.OOO and 17,000 will be spent In the
Improvement of the club this ssason. The
opening of the cafe promlsta lo Increase
the demsnd for cottages and will undoubt
edly prove a popular future.
With the opening of the Country club
only two weeka distant, the social leth
argy promises to continue for anotner
fortnight. This week the Country c! ib Is
cleaning house, which will drive ' away
some of the meat r-nthualistlo golfers.
Meanwhile the women eonsMer that they
have two more weeka to Itnu.t their tprlng
I sewing and to plant their flower eeeds.
Dancing seems to be Incrmnx In favor,
as two of the clubs have tad to double
their floor capacity, while ths wardrobe
for the Country club season Is (Ultj as
elaborate and varied tor a soclul sea
son In town. Tho dressmakers and mil
liners are so busy that they may com
mand their patrons to appear at what
ever time they wish Instead of the mi on
making the, as In former
times. Recently several rev; I were txti.t
to one of the social ft'fulva oecause th
young women had previous engagements
with their dressmakers and could not
clings thee appoint men'.i.
Greek Letterdom was unusually at I've
In Lincoln last evening. A )-rg and for
mal dancing party was gfven by the
Alpha Omlcron PI inr'y at Ihe Lincoln
hotel and a house dance was given hy
Phi Gamma Delta fi,it.vriity lor lis next
door neighbors, the number of the Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority, while the Phi Del-
Theta fraternity also decided to nhow
sums neighborly love anl give sn infor
mal party at the fra' hoiut for the mem
bers of the Delta Delta Delta, otherwise
known as "Tri Detts" so ority. The FnJ
Gain party has proven most successful ns
u peuce offering to the fair neighbor.
For the lsst year, antn a Thota urd a
Phi Gam hava met on the strei-t, neither
could notice anything "jut spec. Borne of
the frat lads were even rude enough to
hang effigys .and signs f r dressmakers
and cooks out of their back "vln.low. But
that Is all history now, and recently,
when the Phi Gams gave 4 stttf puny,
all of' tha Thetas' best cojklng utemlls
and dishes were borrowed for the (freed.
Pleasurea Past.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal D. Miller enter
talned the Week End Card club at their
home In Dundee Friday evening.
Mrs. J. H. Mlthen gave a luncheon
party Saturday at the Henahaw cafe for
Mrs. B. A. McDermott. Following
luncheon they played bridge at Mrs.
Mlthen's apartments at the Hamilton.
Eight guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Martin entertained
the members of the H. H C. club Friday
evening. The game of high five was played
and four tables were placed for the gam.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Pilgrim
and Mr. Carl Strand. The next meeting
will be In two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Strand.
The last of an enjoyable aeries of danc
ing parties given this season by the Oml-
kron club took place Friday evening at
Chambers' academy. The former plan of
giving a cotillion part of tha evening was
chungod, and juat the regular dancing party
was given. Mr. Paul Beaton and Mr. Al
fred Crelgh were the committee In charg
of the parties given this season and much
credit la due them for the success of .these
entertainments, which have been prominent
among the social events of the winter.
Mlsa Florence Olmsted was hostess laat
evening at a card party at her horn In
Florence In honor of Miss Louis
Kennedy of Fort Omaha. Spring flower
decorated ths rooms and the guasts were:
Mlaaes Louis Kennedy, Amy Gllmore,
Marie Hplllnger, Rogene Dellecker, Ottola
Neamilh. Katherln Mllroy, Isabel Mil
roy, Dorothy Stevens, Marguerite Bush,
Gladys Impey and Helen Sherman and
Measrs. Myron Buck, Juatls Low, Fred
erick Wallace, Guy Howell, Waldo Don
nls, William Ross. Earl Burket, Robert
Arthur, Albert Bush, Brandon Howell
and Jack Webster.
Mr. and Mra. W. H. Karls of 1121 North
Twenty-second street entertained a party
of young folka Friday evening. April 1.
Dancing was the feature of the even
ing. Those present were: Mesdames
Wlndqulst, Brown and Festner, Misses
Msrguerlte Brown, Lanor Ayres. Jennie
Grace, Frances Grace. Bess Wylle. Elsie
Wylie, Maynie Oulnane. Margaret Gui
naae. Nell Oulnane. Mildred Ahrlngdale
and Vernlc Karls and Messrs. Craig
Eastoo. Charles Ayres, Ray Hall, Nell
Rebb, Roy Karla. Ed Oulnane. George
Barnett, Charles Erwtn, Ous Klinmsl, U.
Chrtstensen. Frank Ktlllan, Will Pa hi,
James Black and Wlndqulst.
The Misses lllgby entertained at
wk. i ue prises were won
by Mrs. Charles Bothwell and Miaa Elsie
Bolln. Those present were: Mrs.
Charles Bothwell. Mrs. C. Homer Shearer,
Mrs. Ralph Moody, Mrs. C. Judeon Chap-
man, Mrs. Frank Harwood. Mra. C. B.
Coons, Mr. B. F. Hutchlna, Mr. Beecher
Hlgby and Misses Ona TroxeU, Evangeline
Homan, Martha Rlckman, France Bell,
Vera, Walker, Blanche Bolln. Elsie Bolln,
Lorl Fuller, Helen Hlghny. Ethel Hlgnby,
Grace) Conant, Stella Beselln. Ina Beeelln,
Nanna Prltchard, Minnie Prltohard,
Vivian Alvlaon, Henrietta Reea and Flor
ence Reld, Douglas, Wyo.
Mr. Harry Slgwart gave a stag party tor
the Cllx club at hi home. 1234 Park Wild
avenue, Thursday evening. Tha evening
was spent at progressive high five, at
which prises were won by Mr. William
Hoist and the mascot. Harry Phelps.
Luncheon wa then served and a few songs
by th club member concluded the even
ing. The house and table were decorated
In the club color of green and white.
Those present were Mr. O. E. Phelps. Mr.
Henry Hempen. Jr.. Mr. Frank Klnkenon,
Mr. William Hoist. Mr. Harry Slgwart,
Mr. William J. Balnea, Mr. Guy V. Davis,
Mr. Frank Srhmlts, Mr. William Roberts,
Mr. rHarry Phelps. Invitations ar now
being mailed for the Cllx dunce, to be given
at th Rome hotel. Thursday evening,
April 22.
Th guests present Friday evening were:
. v.. Messrs.
TCfrie Height, Geo. O. Bohman.
Catherine Perrtne, Harry Koch
V,eM """on- C. A. Votburgh,
Mildred Funkhauser. George Engle?.
Katherln Powell, Talmage Beebe,
5tr W. E. Buckley,
f' ?,15'v John Hoffmln.
Violet Burchmor, n Guild
Cooper, T.'t). Brsden.
Anne Brdwn,
Josephine O'Neill.
Gladys Peters,
Martha Dale,
Ethel Rlchter,
Eunice He well,
Mabel Marr,
Luclle Kreymhorg,
Eleanor Jaqulth,
Edith Carson,
Louise Kennedy,
Dorothy Stevens,
N. Marshall,
Helen Bholes,
Msy Murphy,
Fannie Howland,
Edna Baker of
Frsnces Martin,
Mabel Dutch,
Louise Peck,
Jessie Stag,
Q. T. Crelgh.
E. D. Royce,
F. M. Frederick,
J. O. Caldwell,
Charles E. Mats,
Al Gordon,
E. B. Coe,
W. F. Megeath,
Ralph Rainey,
A. Leslie Dick,
C. W. Dworak,
C. R. Weller,
Jesse Rogera,
T. W. Swltxler,
Jack Webster,
J. E. Buckingham,
Samuel Rees, jr.,
Guy Fursy,
C. W. Van Kuran,
W. R W ood,
R. B. Comatock,
R. A. Goult,
J. A. Murphy.
H. H. Bralnerd,
Russell Harris,
Will M. Wood,
R. A. Fisher,
Mr. and Mra. Lester Drlshaua,
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Dohcrty,
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Chapman.
Miss May Mahoney entertained delight
fully at bridge Saturday at her home, 1
South Thirty-sixth street, complimentary
to Miss Reglna Farrell of Albany, N. Y.,
guest of Mrs. W. N. Haskell at Fort
Omaha, and for Miss Ottola Nesmlth, who
leaves shortly to visit In Fort Des Moines.
Ia. Pink Kllarney roses made a pretty
decoration through the rooms. The guest
were largely from army circles, and five
tables were placed for the game.
Cease and Go Gossip.
Mr. Hattle Easton ha returned from a
month's visit near Montreal, Can.
Mrs. C. J. Ernst and daughter Gertrude
have returned frrm a visit In Chicago.
Miss Lena Frlcke of Plattsmouth Is a
guest of Mrs. G. B. Comstock for a few
Miss Louise Laurance Is spending her
vacation with her alster In Cedar Rapids,
For-ner Senator J. H. Millard Is expected
Sunday from a stay in New York and
Lieutenant Frank McCune, who has been
seriously HI at th Omaha General hospital,
la convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Crossman left
last evening for a ten days' outing at Ex'
celsior Springs, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Whistler of Water
town. 8. V., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw.
Mrs. David Houston of Tabor, Ia.; Is
visiting Mrs. Houston and family. She will
be her for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ryner have
moved Into their new horn thla week, 233
South Thirty-second street.
Mrs. R. Bendot of Detroit, Mich., baa
arrived to spend several weeks with her
slater, Mr. H. Q. Unverxagt.
Dr. B. O. Willis of Wynot, Neb., I In
Omaha, spending a few daya with hi par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Willis.
Mrs. E. McCormlck and daughter. Miss
Katherlne McCormlck, have gone to Wash
Irgton, D. C, for a fortnight visit.
Mr. anl Mrs. W. D. Wells of Kansas
City, who have been visiting their son
Charles F. Wells, returned home Wednes
Mr. Oscar Kuenne, son of Mr. and Mra
G. C. Kuenne, who has been spending a
year In California, arrived home Friday
Mrs West and two children of Fort Crook
will leave the first of the week to spend
two month visiting Mrs. West's mother In
Leavenworth, Has.
J. E. Elder has leased Mra. With row's
new house on Forty-first avenue, near
Davenport, and May 1 will move from hla
present home, 4012 Harney.
Mlsa Hester H. Peters. 1111 South Twenty-
eighth street, will return Sundey afternoon
frcm a two weeks' visit with Miss Blanche
Woodrldge In Sioux City.
Miss Irene P. Farrell who Is attending
the. Visitation Convent. Georgetown, Wash
ington, D. C, Is spending the Easier vaca
tion with friends In Wilkes-Barr. Pa
Mr. J, R. Campbell leaves today for Chi
cago, where he Will meet Mrs. Campbell,
who will reach Chicago Monday from her
stay of some weeks In Florida. Mr.
Campbell will return to Omaha April IS.
The many frlenda of Mrs. B. A. McWhor
ter and sons, Hugh, Gardner and Donald,
regret to hear that they are planning to
move to Geneva, N. Y., In two or three
month. Mr, Hugh McWhorter, who 1 In
To find a good
dressmaker from
the very highest
grade of fashionable
makers of gowns to
the sewing girl who
will come to your
home look under
the "Dressmakers"
heading on the
want ad page.
Everybody reads the want-ads.
It's profitable. It's Interesting. So
the wise put forth their business
propositions there they turn Into
money- that which they can no long
er use they pick up at a bargain
that with which the other man will
gladly part.
They are cheap and they
certainly do the business.
hi Junior yesr at Hobart college, returns
Friday to resume Ills studies, and Mrs.
McWhorter and. hf two younger sobs will
lemaln here until the School year Is fin
ished, when they expect to sell their Omaha
residence and move to Get eva to reside for
n Indefinite period.
Lieutenant Colonel Robert R. Stevens,
chief quartermaster of the Department cf
California. Is th guest of Mr. and Mra
David S. Burn, apartment f, th Strehlow.
Mr. E. C. Craln of Kansas City, who has
betn visiting at the home of Judge and
Mrs. Wakeley, left Tuesday for a short
stay In Sioux City. Mrs. Craln will remain
for about ten days longer.
For th Fatare.
Mrs. E. H. Barnes will entertain the
Sermo club next Tuesday afternoon at her
home. 1
Mrs. E. H. Morsmsn, Jr., will entertain
the Wednesday Sewing club Wednesday,
April 28.
Mrs. Harry WUklns will be hostes at
th meeting of th Original Cooking club
Tuesday, April 27.
Mr. George Prins will be hostess on
Wednesday, April 21. at the meeting of th
Original Bridge club.
Miss Alice Swltsler will entertain Inform
ally tomorrow evening for Miss Louis
Kennedy, who leave next week for Fort
Bam Houston, Tex.
Complimentary to Mis Louis Kennedy
of Fort Omaha, Miss Gladys Impey will
give a matinee party Tuesday at th Boyd
to see "The Stubborn Cinderella,"
Invitations have been received In Omaha
for the annual dancing party given by the
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity at the Lincoln
hotel In Lincoln, Friday evening. April Jo.
Local members of the Ksppa Kappa
Gamma sorority who are planning to at
tend th aeries of social affairs to be given
In Lincoln on April 23 and 24 ar Mrs. B.
B. Davis, who will preside as toastmls
tress at ths banquet, and Miss Anna Pen
tils, who will respond to a toast. The
others to attend ar Miss Edith Butler, Mis
Doris Wood, Miss Nan Cunningham, Miss
Helen Sholes, Mlas Eva Penny, Miss Ola
Ball Hervey, Mrs. W. B. Howard, Mrs.
Frank Myers, Mrs. Rodney Bliss.
The largest social affair of th week will
be the bridge party Tueaday evening at th
horn of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding. 120
South Thirty-eighth avenue, when each
guest will be charged $1 admission for the
benefit of the Child Saving institute build
Ing fund. Between 400 and 500 Invitations
have been issued, and Judging from the
hearty responses received, there will be a
most delightful party, as well as a large
sum of money, which Sum Mr. Harding
has generously promised to cover with a
check drawn by himself, thus doubling the
amount. Extensive preparation are being
mad for the affair, which t In charge
of a number of women Interested In this
work, and local merchants have donated
sixteen beautiful prlsea for the game. The
rooms win be cleared of all furniture, In
order to accommodate the large number
of tables required, and supper will be
served the latter part of the fventpg.
Wedding aad Bagageaeent.
Cards have been received In Omaha an
nouncing the marriage of Miss Clara Leon
of Louisville, Ky., to Mr. Sot. 8. Gold-
stron of this city. They will be at borne
after May 1 at 1312 Park avonue.
Mrs. G. B. Comstock announces the en
gagement of her daughter, Miss Lorraine,
to Mr. Harold C. Everts. The announce
ment was made to a few Intimate friends
at an Informal tea Saturday afternoon.
Almost th only excitement socially for
several weeks has been In Army circles,
where visitors and 'officers have kept the
social ball rolling. Rumor of engage
menu hav been plentiful, but the first
announcement to be made Is that of Cap
tain Edgar Rldenotjr of th Sixteenth In
fantry at Fort Crook to Mies Jackson of
Shrevesport, Ala. Captain Ridenour la
the ranking captain at th post and 1
one of the most popular bachelors In the
regiment. He leaves this morning for his
nsw station In Scranton, Pa. Miss Jack
son visited at the post about a year ago
and Is a charming southern girl. The
wedding I to occur In th near future,
Invitations were Issued this week for th
wedding of Mis Isabel Milroy, dsughter
of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mllroy, to Mr.
Herbert Michael Haya of Stella, Neb.,
which will take place Tuesdsy evening,
April 27, at I o'clock at First Presbyterian
church. Rev. Hsrte Jenks will officiate
and Mr. John Warren of Vlning, Kss.,
will serve as best man. Mis Katharine
Jean Milroy, sister of the bride, will be
maid of honor and Miss Mayonn Thomp
son will be bridesmaid. Th ushers will
be Messrs. Lynn Lloyd, Sam Slaughter,
Earl Burket, Allen Murphy and Elbert
Burnet. An Interesting feature of tha
wedding date Is that It la th twenty-third
wedding annlveraary of Dr. and Mrs. Mll
roy, whose marriage took place in Balti
more, and It is also the birthday of Miss
Katharine Mllroy. The adding will be
followed by a small receptlAi for the mem
bers of the wedding party and a few In
timate friends of th young people.
Grand Island
Wins Contest
Baptist College Orator Take Tint in
State Prohibition Oratorical
CRETE, Nb., April 17.-Epclal Tl
gram.V Grand Island oollege, winner of th
state oratorical contest, added further
laurels In that line In winning th Stat
prohibition orltorlcal contest her Friday.
Miss Jessl Draper. In her oration. "Th
Mission of tha Vanguard," was strikingly
original and Intensely ffectlv. Pc-an
was second. Cotner third, Wesleysa fourth
and Central City fifth.
Mallorre Settle Clalnte.
CREfiTON. Ia., April 17.-Speclal.)-Re-eelver
Jameson of th defunct Charlton
bank Is authorlaed by Mrs. Mallory and
her dsughter, Mrs. Thayer, to settle all
claim held by creditors of the bank
against them by offering to give up all
their holdings of , real estate In Lucos
county, valued at 1100.000. This Is to In
clude the dismissal of all suits In the fed
eral courts agslnst them. Th property
thus turned over consists of a fine 7iO-aore
farm, a number of Charlton residences and
the Mallory houae, juat outsld th city.
This I taken to mean that neither Mra.
Mallory nor her daughter Intend to come
back to Charlton to Itv. At present they
are In Chicago, but spent tbe winter in
Florida. Much of the Mallory estate waa
converted into cash before the bank's failure-
La Shell Held tow Maraer.
MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia., April IT.-tSpe.
clal.) Th coroner's Jury thNi afternoon
returned a verdict holding larry La
Shelle for th murder of "Do Slebert
ry shooting him with a revolver in the
C. P. C. Cook billiard parlor. I -a ter In
th day a complaint charging murder in
th second degree was filed by Mr. Mary
Slebert. wife of th dead man. In Jus
tic Peek' court. La Shall waa ar
raigned, but hla attorneys asked for time
to plead and the preliminary examination
was continued for thirty day. La Shell
was remanded to Jail without bond.
V " eV
ELlite Styles for Women
It has always been the aim of this outer-gar-
ment store to show many exclusive styles
and this season finds us better prepared than
ever to show garments that are different.
Exclusive Styles in Tailored Suits
At $25.00. $29.50. $55.00 and $45.00
Our tailored suits may well be said to be the most artistic
creations of the season. While these suits are strictly tail
ored in every way, they are distinguished by their novel
cut, making them quite Parisian. The beauty of these ex
quisite tailored suits appeals to every woman that sees
them. Whether you wish to purchase or not, we want you
to see our tailored suits this week at $25, $29.50, $35, $45
eautiful Long Silk Coats
of . Pongee. Tussah. Shantungs. Rajahs and Taffetas.
We are showing some of the most stylish models of the
season in silk coats, 56 inches long in plain semi-fitting
styles, also the more elaborate models. CJiTJCb CLTK
Special values on sale at . . QivJl J)Jr
Lingerie Waists at $1.45. 1.95 and S2.50
A great showing of styles that are exceptionally good val
ues in plain, lace trimmed and embroidered effects, and
in the tailored waists at $1.45, $1.95 and $2.50.
Omaha's most exclusive specialty store-' Just west of New Henihaw.
aaaaaaaa.e,Me,...... Th'ii
This Is to certify that Mrs. John Do, Omsha, Neb.,
has left with us for storage, for th season of 1909, the following garments, towlt:
Oar ystm of storage is the most complete In th west. We keep your fur ia a carefully insulated eompartment.
The eold al preserves them in their natural element, which revive tho hair and prolongs the life of the garment.
Ton will not, that oar ertlfioet i not only a receipt, but also a polloy damnifying you in eass of loss through any
toss toub rvai wmc maspovsiBt.ii paktixs
ntoae Bougie 747 and Mr. Tost will call. W invite your inspection.
W herety aooept th am, to be stored until Jan 1st, 110, aad agree to return th above garment in as good
condition as when delivered to us.
In th event of on or all of th abov garment Taeia K lost or destroyed by fir, burglary, or other causes, we
agree to indemnify Mrs. John Do for the same, not to exoeed the above valuation on each Individual garment.
This Storage will not be delivered to Mrs. John Doe, except upon presentation of this certificate or upon sstlsfao
tory preof being tendered of ownership of above storage. A charg of 3 per cent will b made on total valuation I
aid charges must be paid upon delivery of goods.
Wt have lust received a large line of new pattern hats In all
the latest styles. They go on sale at $3.00, (F4 C fi
55.00, J7.00, JfO.OO and up to VlD.VV
1522 Douglas - Street
Diamond Sale
Big bargains In all the diamonds and
diamond Jewelry left to u for security are
placred on sale for TXB BEST TEST DATS.
We will save yen about 40 of regular sell
ing price.
Brodkey's Jewelry and Loan Co.
B .member th Bumbsr. 1401 Douglas gtreek
Sanson's Menu,.
1 positively unequalled In tbe west. Hundreds of patrons dally
show their appreciation of the efforts of Hanson's Cafe, to rive
complete satisfaction by forming tbe bablt of dining hrre and dis
cussing business while lunching.
g - - - - -
wiasTta-auNogeiiANo 'e'LO'o.
N.i.conNin-iew a how a no sts.
i Omaha, Nzb.
Hanson's Cafe.
Sunday Tabic D'Hote 75c
Distinctive Footwear
Owing to the beautiful lines and
proportion of Sorosls models and
the superior quality of leathers
and construction,. 8oroals Shoes
forcibly commend themselves to
women of fashionable require
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