und ay Bee. PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAOE5 1 TO . WEATHER FORECAST. Tnr Nebraska Fair. For lown-Fair. For west her report see pnge VOL. XXXVIII-XO. 44. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1909-S1X SECTIONS THIRTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Any Sunday from Now On OMAHA MARKET CITY ENGINEER UOSEWATER DEAD Koted Engineer Passei Away at tha Taxton Hotel of Heart Failure. TIFE AND SON THERE AT TIME 3y Aged Twelve UNITED ACTION- HAS HIGH RANK Shoots Himself to Avoid Punishment FROM WEST Operations on L al Grain Exchange, ana tor of Nebraska, Iowa, Dakot Youngest of All, Crowding the Leaders. and Kansas Talk Over Tar" " nax Leroy Roby of Tilden Commits Sui Needs. cide When Father Threatens to Chastise Him. a. v a L0&KETT WHEAT AND CORN COME STRONG CALLED BY SENATOR The Omaha In on Tn ' i tin) w ) CuVouied by Her Husband in Pain, She laniea jraysiuinus. COMES BEFORE THEY DO cloi;!ath Viewed by Prominent Men ai fit " . . 6 wed by Promine Keen Civio Lou BENUOUS CAREER AT ITS CLOSE fae Prty Tear Cltlsea of Omaha, Twea 1 t-FIe Cllr EnUr, Hta Pro- cot feaaloaal Dlstlnetloa Was on h KtltoaWiae. ' ,( Andrew Kosewater, city engineer lor quarter of a century and a cltlaen of 'Omaha since 1887. died of heart trouble In hla apartmenla at tha Paxton hotel at 4:45 o'clock Saturday morning. Ha wae In hla 61at year. Ha waa a brother of the lata Edward Roaewater and of Dr. Charlea. Roaewater. Xm mxin aa ha learned of ' Mr. Rose- wster's death Mayor Dahlman ordered - the tlac at half-maat on the city hall. and the engineering- department, upon In atructlona of Assistant City Knglneer Crick, waa cloaed fur the day. Shortly after 4 o'clock Mra. Roaewater waa awakened by her husband who had seemingly had an attack of some kind. She attempted to restore him by every meana poailble and summoned aid at once. Pr Charlea Roaewater, hla brother, and Dr. O. B. Hoffman responded. Before they arrived life waa extinct. Mr. Roaewater had passed away between 4:30 and 4:46 o'clock with no one but hla wife and eon with him Mr. Roaewater had retired about 11 O'clock. He waa In good spirits, though he had worked hard the day before. He waa feeling eapeclally gratified because he had Just been endorsed and nominated by republicans aa candidate for city engineer, which position he had held for so many year. Thf.re wa no evidence of Illness Friday evening nor during the day, when he was In hla office and meeting his friends on the street. Cares of the campaign just opening had. horn-ever, began to weigh on him. Jast Bollt New Home. Mr. and Mrs. Roaewater had just com pleted twenty-five years of married life, all of which have been apent In Omaha. Their only child, Stanley M. Roaewater, had Just finished hla taw course at Ann Arbor and began the practice of law in Omaha. After living In apartmenla at the Pazton hotel for a number of years, Mr. and Mra Roaewater had just arranged to move into a new home on Thirty-eighth street. This th7 bad lnteiMed WilwtBe coming week. One of the last things' Mr. Roaewater did waa to appear before the city council and secure the confirmation in office of the niany employee of his oflce, who under the new charter enacted by the legislature had to he confirmed by the city council. Though Mr. Roaewater had had friction with the present city council and some feel ing developed, he said he went before the body, laying aalde any personal feeling he had In the matter, and presented his re quest that the present office force be con firmed because of hla dealre to 'assist the men who had wives and children dependent on their employment. Bora . ia Bohemias. Andrew Rosewaler waa born In Bohemia, October SO, 148. coming to America with hla parents, who made their home In Cleve land, O. Of the family of six brothers and three slaters, Edward Roaewater, founder of The Bee, and one slater, Mrs. Fell, were the only dead. The mem ber a of the family living are Dr. Marcus Rosenwasser, 1947 East Eighty-second street, Cleveland, O.; Dr. Nathan Rose water, 2429 East Fifty-fifth street, Cleve land, O. r Joseph Roaewater, 2534 Eaat For tleta street. Cleveland, O.; Frank Roae water, Chicago Dr. Charlea Roaewater, Omaha; Mrs. Charlea Singer, 638 South Twenty-fifth avenue, Omaha, and Mrs. E. Kohn, 8X South Twenty-first street, Omaha. Mr. Roaewater was educated In the pub lic schools of Cleveland and when he came to Omaha In 1867 It was a rodman or flag man with the engineer corps engaged in tha construction of the Union Pacific rail way. He waa self-educated in bis profes sion. His first connection . with the engi neering department of the city of Omaha was in 1868, when he w.as made aaalatant city engineer. Hla first term aa engineer of the city was from 1870 to 1876 and he held the position except for ehort Intervals for twenty-flvo years since. Oa The Beo a While. Leaving the engineering department In H75, Mr. Roaewater was associated with Edward Roaewater In publishing The Bee. He was manager and for a short time as sociate editor of The Bee, leaving the newspaper business to take charge of the construction of the Omaha aV Northwestern railway In 187. Following his Work for this railway company Mr. Roaewater aerved aa resident engineer for the Omaha Water oompanjr until 1881, when he began his lung, term aa city engineer. Mr. Hue water waa married October U, 181. to Frances Meinrath of Boaton. (and Mr. and Mrs. Roaewater have always made Omaha their home, though Mr. Roaewater s profession called him to many parts of the country. He waa at one time a consulting ar.J designing engineer of sewerage t more man ie.uy-iive a merle in clt.ea, who owe good systems which were so con structed as to n ke them almost elastic as the city grew M the work of Andrew Roaewater. Receives High Honors. When Washington, tha capital of thu na tion, needed a permanent way to handle electric wiring and. President Harrison was authorised to appoint a commission to mak plana with such foresight aa would meet the needs of the capital for many years to coma, the president named Andrew' Roae water as chairman of the commission. Mr. ltoecwatur wrote the report to the presi dent which the commission made when the plana wtre completed. la planning Sewerage syatema of cities Mr. Roaewater waa a recognised expert and enjoyed a world-wide reputation as each. Ha was called to Mexico City by Prrs dnt lUs to assist in the public tni prowmenta being made there. Aa a con sulting engineer he participated In the plan- (Continued oa Second Page.) NORFOLK, Neb., April 17. (Special.) A special to the News tells of the suicide by shooting of Leroy Roby, a 12-year-cld boy. at Tilden today. The boy sent a bullet Into hla right temple rather than submit to punishment at the hands of his father for a tnlschieveous misdeed In the latter's bakery earlier In the day. The lad was the only child of Mr. and Mra. George E. Roby. The father had told the boy to go home and had forewarned him of punlshnient to be administered little later. The bn went directly home. distance of three blocks, secured a re volver kept in the house and sent the bullet crashing through his brain Tho report of the revolver was heard by his mother In another room. The mnther has ben very 111 and It la feared the tragedy will result gravely with her. The boy Is said to have been always mischievous though never vicious, and hie father has been compelled to punish him severely at times, though the punishments are said never to have been cruel. The boy was In the fifth grade at school. New Grand Jury for Haskell Case If Land Fraud Charges Are Becon sidered it Mutt Be Before Panel of West District. WASHINGTON, April 17.-The attorney general today wired the United Btatea at torney at Tulsa, Okl., that the present grand Jury cannot legally re-lnvestlgate the Haskell cases, but that a new grand Jury muat bo drawn from what waa formerly the western district of Indian territory, in order to reconsider those caaea In caae they are to be reconsidered at all. The Depart ment of Justice still has under considera tion the question whether or not Judge Marshall's decision leaves open any new meana of procuring Indictments against Haskell and hla associates. No Change for Year at Least Harvey W. Scot Says Appointment of Mexican Embassy Will Not Come at Present CHICAGO. April 17.-Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Portland Oregonlan, whose name has been reported in connection with the ambassadorship to Mexico, ar rive here today. Mr, Scott said: 'This appointment could not take place until nearly a year hence, when it may be time to talk about it." It Is known President Taft has expressed to Pacific coaat visitors a desire more fully to recognise that section of the coun try In making appointments. Niagara Ice Gorge Carries Away Dock Clearing of River Attended by Con siderable Damage, and More is Threatened. NIAGARA FALLS, N. T., April 17.-The Ice In the Niagara river below the falls broke up today at the whirlpool and also In the vicinity of Lewlston, Queenston and Toungstown. Considerable damage was done at Queenston, one dock being carried away and several fishing shanties have been destroyed. It Is feared there will be great destruction later. Dynamite will be resorted to In an effort to save the docks. WELCOME FOR JAP SQUADRON Rear Admiral Svrlaborne, Command ing Paclfle Fleet, Will Give Glad Has! to Orleatals. SAN FRANCISCO, April 17.-Rear Ad miral Swinburne, In command of the Pa cific fleet, arrived here today on hla flag ship, the West Virginia, which waa ac companied by the armored crulaer Penn sylvsnla. The warahtps will remain In this yort to welcome the cruisers A so ana Roya of the Japanese training squadron, due to arrive on April So. The Navy de partment ' has Instructed Rear Admiral Bwlnburn to do everything In his power to make pleasant the visit of the Japanese to thla coaat. No More Corn Land, Other Crops Salvation "The solid good sense of the American1 show Itself In the last few years In the avidity with which they have seised upon the cheap land of the weal and northwest, especially irrigated land in Wyoming, Colo rado and Montana," said L. W. Wakely. general passenger agent of the Burlington. "Nebraska farmers have not Improved their opportunities to a like degree and have been slow in Improving their coin yield. The corn growing area of the world Is practically exhausted and the corn land of Nebraaka Is practically all in cultiva tion and It Is up to the farmers to get a bigger yield per acre. Year after year tne reports show that the yield la practically the aame, varying with the aeasons. "Railroads have sent seed corn specials over the country to educate the farmer in improved methods. Lectures have been given all over the country by experts and propaganda on corn jlelda nave been spread all over the corn belt and still there Is no preceptible increase. The National Corn exposition may bring better results. Patten's contention that high prices now being paid for wheat and corn and. In fact, all products of the sold or not the result of manipulation, but the natural Increase In the demand as against a slight corrs- Agreement Reached with Ease Sur prising to Them All. aaaaaamsns ( FREE LUMBER, COAL, OIL, IRON These Are Some of Provisions fox Which They Will Stand. TAX ON HIDES IMPORTANT PART Free Tea and Coffee, Dingier Rate on Lemons, Hosiery and Gloves Alao Are Agreed To. ' i (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April 17. (Special Tele gram.) An offensive and defensive alliance was effected today, or at least It has that appearance to a rank outsider. At Senator Burkett's call there met In his room today a doxen or more senators with one object In view, to get together on schedules In which the great Missouri val ley Is Interested in the pending tariff bill. Up to this time a sort of hit and miss effort has been made by Individual sen ators to take care of particular schedules In the tariff bill In which their states were most Interested and as a result of this In dividual scouting for preferential advantage little or nothing has been accomplished. It seemed, therefore, of highest importance to interests of the west that the e t should not get all the plums in the tariff bill to the exclusion of the west and In consequence of this condition Senator Burkett called a meeting in his committee room today, which waa attended by Sen' s.tor Brown of Nebraska and In addition Senators Cummins of Iowa, Senators Gam ble and Crawford of Bouth Dakota, Sen ators Bristow and Curtis of Kansas. Senator Burkett explained why the meet lng had been called, expressing the hope that some concerted action might be agreed rwn in hrlna about not theoretical but practical reductions In a number of sched ules. For one he stood for revision down ward in keeping with the platform of the republican party. The conference lasted long into the aft emoon, every member in attendance ex pressing himself as heartily in favor of unity of action looking to western interests. Reenlt of Conference. Aa a result of the "love feast," for It cannot bo called by any other . name, it waa decided to stand for free coal, free lumber, free Iron, free petroleum, free tea and coffee, the Dlngley rate on lemons, hoaiery and gloves and for a tax on hides, unless manufacturers pf boots and shoes would agree to free entrance of the fin ished product of hides Intd the United States, in which event these senators might be Induced to be for free hides. The conference developed unanimity rather surprising lrt view of the complexity of the tariff. It was stated at the meet ing that at least twenty senators would be found making common cause in the In terest of the schedules above named, and It was decided to begin a systematic canvass of the senate to bring about the program outlined today. Benator Curtis of Kansas, In conjunction with Benator Burkett. will begVn Monday a canvass of the senate in favor of aubstantlal reductions In many of the schedules In the Payne-Aldrlch bill nnd It would not be surprising If, unless genorous concessions are made to these so- i called insurgents, they will tie up the ken- ate until September, which hardly seems likely. Omaha's Interest la Scrap Iron. A well known dealer In Iron, of Omaha, has written Benator Burkett protecting against the proposed reduction of duty on scrap Iron. The present rate of duty Is M per ton; the Payne bill reduced It to 50 cents per ton. The senate split the differ ence and made the duty on scrap Iron 1160. Commenting on the tariff situation as re. vealed to him through his correspondence. Senator Burkett said today: "It la a hard matter to ascertain Just what Is the right thing. There are 4,000 schedules. As an example, I have been thinking that Iron ore and ita products certainly should bo reduced. When the house in its bill put scrap Iron down to 66 centa a ton, I wel comed the reduction, I thought It all right. Today, however, I received a letter from a dealer in acrap Iron In Omaha which over turns my former theory as to Iron Junk. My correspondent states that above every thing, dealera hi scrap Iron should have protection. Everybody sells scrap Iron, is the plaint of my correspondent. Farmers sell It, In old machinery; railroads sell It In old car wheels or other material used In the conduct of a railroad, and, it Is (Continued on Second Page.) ponding Increase In the supply, la un doubtedly cprrecL "The population of the United States Is Increasing by leaps and bounds, and the acreage of tillable soil Is now pretty well taken up, and Uncle Sam's ability 'to give us all a farm' la a aong of the past. The old gentleman, however, is still able to offer some very attractive bargains in western irrigated lands and on terms which will enable the pioneer to make his farm pay for Itself, and by the time he com pletes nix payments his farm will be worth not less than t&O an acre. If he puts a part of his farm Into fruit, as is being done by a great many farmers In the Big Horn Basin, a natural home for Jonathan and Wealthy applea, his property will bring him from touO to .600 an acre. "The people are after the land.. The value of soil products is , Increasing year by year and Improved methods of soil cut- ture and Improved farming machinery are decreasing tha cost of production and In creased the yield. Every homeaeekers day carries train loads of hungry seekers for homes and never has there been a tints when the old adage, the early bird catches the worm,' been more appropriate than at present, when considered In connection with land condition-'' -.'p A ZtiV. fit w c j, V ' t To- oo o wv ) SZJr I it so n mt ) I fl 'II, "T , J ' Ty-K 1 , IIP Jp) wok M,WmV -AM- From the Cleveland LeatU-r. BLOCDT RIOTS SPREADING Christians on Paias Coast. in Sanger of Moslem Knife. HUNDREDS KILLED AT AD ANA Armenian Quarter La Destroyed hr Flames and Alarm la Felt la - - Belrat, Tanas and Eneroasa. ALBXANDRETTA. Asiatic Turkey, April 17. The Christiana of the Paias coast have been attacked by Mussulmans. Two Chris tian vilayets have been burned over and the Laxarlst mission Isjn gnat danger. ' CONSTANTINOPLE,'' April 17. The news received here this morning from Asia Minor Is distinctly alarming. There Is great excitement among the Mussulmans at Beirut and Erxeroum and massacres are feared. No confirmation yet has been received here of the reported killing of two Amer lean missionaries at. Adana. Tha latest In telligence 'ets forth that wversj hundred Armenians and Moslems were killed at Adana In the rioting and that the Armen ian quarter of the town was finally over whelmed and destroyed by flames. The British vice consul at Merslna, Major Daughty-Wylle, was wounded In the arm while endeavoring to quell hostilities at Adana. It appears that the Armenians made a good fight and defended their quarter of the' town well against , the fanatical Mo hammedana. but In spite of the brave re sistance they were driven back and their opponents sacked their homes. Three hundred Mohammedans, armed with rifles, left Adana by train for Tarsus, about twenty miles away. Since the de parture of these men, communcation with Tarsus has been Interrupted. Grave appre hensions are felt regarding the situation there. The Information in the foregoing dis patches waa received In consular advices that have come In here this morning. MANY SHOT AT CO BTANTINOPL.B Score Killed and 80O Wounded Dir. la? Army Uprising:. CONSTANTINOPLE, April 17.-Reouf Pasha, who was at one time vail of Salonkl, has been appointed minister of the in terior In succession to Adll Bey, and given a temporary place - in the hastily formed cabinet. The position of minister of police, vacated by the former occupant on the de mand of the men on the force, has been given to All Pasha, a well known army officer. The work of Naslra Pasha, who ta in charge of the troops at Constantinople; Edhem Pasha, the minister of war, and the priests among the troops urging them to a strict observance of discipline and reapect of the constitution, has had a quieting effect on both the military and civilian elements. The Moslem Theological association, which has branches every where In the provlncea, la preaching con ciliation. The casualties from stray bullets during the mutiny of Tuesday and Wednesday were heavier than was at first reported. Most of the wounded were removed by friends, but In addition to the score of men killed It appears that upwards of (00 persona were more or less seriously shot ST. PETERSBURG, April 17. The reports telegraphed here from abroad that Russia contemplates a naval demonstration in Turkish waters waa authoritatively denied today. The existing altuatlon In Constan tinople does not affect the lntereats of Russia. Everything on the want ad pages from pianos to poultry, Speaking of pianos. some of our big piano firms tell about their best bargains on the want-ad page under the head of "Offered for Sale Piano." Ther know that want-ad readers look for real bargains there. Often, they, or other pooplo, have slightly used planog, too, that mar be) bowght for a fraction of whit a aw ona would cost. Have you looked at the Bee want ad yet todayj Robber Tries to Hold Up Seattle Bank With Gun Demands Money and Shoots at Offi cial When Teller Dodges Behind Counter. SEATTLE, Wssh.. April 17.-rA daring but unsuccessful attempt to hold up the Amer ican Savings Bank and Trust company at the point of a revolver was made by an unidentified man this morning. Arthur Drew, the psylng teller, dodged behind the counter when commanded to "come through with some money." The would-be robber then fired at Secretary Harry Watty and escaped. Loss in Wheat is Recovered Penny Advance in Liverpool Sends the Price Back Near Top Notch. CHICAGO, April 17. Under the stimulus of a penny advance at Liverpool the work of wheat bulls to recover the losses of last Thursday was practically accomplished at the opening of the Board of Trade today May wheat sold HlHc over yesterday at S1.27H to Sl.Hyt. and July V6c higher at SU7H- James A. Patten, leader of the May and July wheat bulla, waa not In the market today, according to his own statement, but prices advanced nevertheless. July touched Sl.UH. and closed lS<te over yesterday at $M8V2fl.l8. May closed lo up at S1.Z74. School Girl Takes Poison Edith Loper of Guide Rock Swallows Carbolic Acid and May Not Recover. GUIDE ROCK, Neb., April 17. (Special.) Edith Loper. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Loper, swallowed about an ounce of carbollo acid laat night and is In a critical condition. It Is not known whether the girl took the acid by accident or not. She Is about IS years old. FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED James Welch, Illinois Central Emi gration Agent. Victim of Heart Disease. WEBSTER CITT, la., April 17.-8peclal Telegram.) James Welch, one of the Illi nois Central's widest known Immigration agents, waa found dead by his family in bed late last night Heart failuro was the cause. - . , Taft Will Tour West and Will Make WASHINGTON. April 17.-Presldent Taft, who believes that the chief magis trate of the nation should keep In as close touch with the people as the duties and re quirements of the office admit, Is planning a rotable trip during the late aummer and early autumn, provided congress decides to continue ths annual appropriation of tJo.OOO for traveling expenses, allowed during the closing years of the Roosevelt administra tion. The president's plans for the summer as far Into the heated term as August 16 have been completed. Mr. Taft will leave Wash ington as aoon as he can arrange matters after the adjournment of congress, and haa been told that the extra session will end June 1. The president will go direct from the White House to his summer home at Wooubury Point, Beverly, Mass., and will spend two months or more there ss qnWtly and as free from official worry os possible. Mr. Taft will devote moat of his vacation to golfing, motoring, and perhaps will take short cruises along the northern coast. The reassembled Atlantic fleet of sixteen battleships will maneuver off the New England coast during the summer and the president undoubtedly will wsnt to I see soma of the work of the Ironclads. STATE COURTS TO KEEP OUT Judge McPherson Reserves Exclusive Jurisdiction in Missouri Rate Case ROADS ASK P0R MORE CHANGES Court Asked to Strike Oat Clause Sarin Two and a Half Cent , Rate Woald lie Com pensatory. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 17.-Jue1ge Smith McPherson, In an amended decree handed down In the United States district court here today, reserved exclusive Juris diction In Missouri's rate cases and in ef fect Instructed the stAte courts to keep out of the caae. The decree will dissolve the injunction against the railroads now pend ing In the state courts and stsrtcd by the state officials to enjoin the eighteen rail roads operating In Missouri from putting the 8-cent paasenger rate into effect. "Today's decree,'! said Frank Hageman, representing the Missouri railroads, "means that the federal court retains absolute con trol of the rate situation In Missouri. It will prevent any future Interference on the part of the state courts." Roada Waat More Chances. Judge McPherson, after handing down the amended decree today, said he would file a supplementary decision within a few days. The attorneys for the railroads asked Judge McPherson to make certain changes In his original opinion of March 2. They desired to have stricken out his suggestion that a passenger rate of 2H centa would be compensatory, and there were other objec Hons. The judge today did not say whether or not he would make the changes de sired. The Burlington and the Rock Island rail way systems had already announced a passenger rate of tvo and one-half centa, effective May 1, and today a third railway, the St. Louis and San Francisco, an nounced Ita intention to follow suit. Rail way officials here profess to believe that all railroads In Missouri will be forced to take similar action. The question of whether or not the railroads will return to the three-cent rate will depend upon Judge McPherson's forthcoming supple mentary decision, which It Is expected will pass definitely upon this latter . point. State Will Dlamlaa Salts. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 17. That the suit against the eighteen Missouri railroads to restrain them from putting a three-cent passenger rate Into effect will be dis missed when It Is called for hearing April 22. waa Indicated in unofficial advices re ceived from Jefferson City today. Officials of the Frisco, Rock Island. Cotton Belt and Missouri, Kansss and Texas railroad systems had already announced that the lead of the Chicago. Burlington A Qulncy lna establishing a flat rate of two and one half cents a mile will be followed. Elklna Brewery falls. ELKINS, W. Va.. April 17.-A petition waa today filed In the United Statea court to force the Elklns Brewing company Into Involuntary bankruptcy. The plant is valued at $260,000. Trip to Alaska The trip the president desires to make to the west during the late summer will he entirely too expensive to be paid for out of his own pocket. An outline of the pro posed Itinerary has been given to a high railroad official and an estimate requested It Is said the cost would be In the neigh bor hoed of $16,000 to 117.00. If he goes west at all, the president will Include Alaska In the Journey, sailing from Seattle, probably on a veasel of the navy or revenue cutter service. No president has ever visited tho far northern territory, which for so long has been a part of the I'nitod Statea. The president has been Invited to and Is par ticularly anxloua to attend the following gatherings: Tho annual encampment cf the Grand Army of the Republic at Salt Lake City. Tho Trunsmtsslsaippl conference at Den ver. Tha National Irrigation congress st Seat tle and the Alaskan-Yukon-Pacific expo, sltion at ths same city. In addition to his proposed visit to the Rocky mountain states and to tha Pacific coast, tho president's tentative plans foe the trip Include a long swing through the southwest and tho heart of the south ItseJf. Total Receipts Here for Two Months Exceed Eight Cities Combined. SOME VERY INTERESTING FIGURES New Traffic Bureau is Expected to Improve Omaha's Chances. POSSIBILITIES ARE TREMENDOUS Solid BeglnalasT of Development ef Milling ladastry Gives Prosaiae that Nebraska Will loos Take Front Raak. Omaha hai the baby grain market of the country, but It's a whale of a baby. It has sturdy underpinning, and ' Its hands i reach out and grasp a very large section of the rich cereal pie. When the new tariff bureau la properly lined up to take care of this youngster's Interests, It will naturally want a much larger sllco, be cause It Is clearly entitled to more. Uncle Sam's report of the Internal com merce of the United States for February of this year gives the Omaha market con-' siderable cause for boasting. In the table showing commercial movement of grain at interior markets for that month, Omaha stands third in receipts of wheat, giving ' precedence only to Minneapolis and Kan- , eas City. For the two months ending Febru ary It holds the same relative position, leading St. Louis. Duiuth and Chicago, In receipts of corn, for the same months, Omaha stands second to Chicago. As an oats market Omaha lines up fourth In the table, following Chicago, Ft. Louis and Minneapolis. Third la Primary necelpts. In the table showing total grain re ceived during the two months ended February, 1909, Omaha stands third to Chi cago and Minneapolis, being strongly ahead of Kansas City and close up to Bt, Louis. Omaha received more grain, by almost 2,000.0(0 bushels than the eight cities of Louisville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Toledo, Little Rock. Duiuth and Cleveland com bined. Peoria received but little over one third the total amount brought to the Omaha market. Not so bad for a five-year-old market Just a kid compared to the forty, thirty and twenty-five-year old markets at Chi cago. Minneapolis and Kansas City. And this, too, after sleeping on Its possibilities under a properly organised system until this week. In centralised push, team work that moves the load, Omaha has been sadly deficient. As one leader of the e- - change said, "It took us a mighty long -time to learn the lesson that waa shoved under our noses almost every day since we began business: but now we have learned It, and we mean to profit thereby." It will be Interesting and profitable, to watch the gamo in which the newly or ganised traffic bureau la about to sit In. What Government Klgares Show. During the month of February, out of a total of 13.586,000 bushels of wheat received at fifteen primary markets Omaha took In l,25t,000 bushels, and out of 25.000,000 bushels received at the same markets during the two months Omaha took 2.Z76.0OO bushels. Of corn Omaha received during February 2.850.0O0 out of a total of 20,400,000 received at the fifteen primary markets, and during the two months the Omaha market got 6,101,000 out of 41,M1,000 handled in the fif teen markets. Oats receipts at Omaha for February were 721,000 bushels out of a total of 13. los.ooo for the fifteen markets, and during the two montha we took In 1,664,000 out Of total of 25,000,000 bushels. The total of all grain received at fifteen primary markets during February was 6.',- 197,000 bushels, of which Omaha got 4.923, 700 bushels, and of the 106,722,000 bUBhels received during two months the local mar ket received 9,201.400 bushels. Grain receipts at the Omaha market for the crop period, 1909, (six months ending February 2ti), show that wheat Increased from 4.813.200 bushels in 1908 to ,t31, 2C0 bushels In 19C9. Corn receipts Increased from 6,273.400 In I'm to 9.309.300 In 1909. Oats receipts went up from 7,497,800 in 190k to 9.532.800 In 19T0. In total receipts of grain at the Omaha market the figures are 29, 116.200 for 1909. as against 18.090.309 for 1908. Shipments of wheat, corn, oats, rye and barley from the Omaha market during 19nj totaled S5,OA1,600 bushela, the grain going to Chicago, Milwaukee, Bt. Louis, Minne apolis, Bt. Paul, Illinois, Wisconsin, Mis sissippi river points, the middle sUtes southeast and Mississippi valley, the sea board, for export via the Atlantlo and g'llf ports. Interior points alone took 1,504,000 ' bushels. Omaha Is In tho grain game for keeps. Nebraska Third ia Grala ProoTartloa. Among the principal grain growing- states of the country. In 198 Nebraska stood third, being surpassed In total production pnly by Illinois and Iowa. Far-famed Kansas was away behind, with a total of 263.34g.0Q0. aa compared to Nebraska's total of 310, 273.000. In production of wheat for 19(41 Nebraska ranked fourth, with 44,295.000 bushels; In production of corn third, with 205,767.000 bushels; In production of oats fourth, with 66,078,000 bushels; in production of rye sec ond, with 1.360,000 bushels; in production of barley sixth, with 2,773.000 bushels. These figures make this state one of the . real wherl horses in the agricultural pulling power of the nation. During the ten years, 1899-1908, Inclusive, the grain production of Nebraska has amounted to 2,328. A59.7B8 bushels of the five cereals: Corn. 1.798.533,231; wheat, 417.044.197; oats. 66.571,917; rye, 29.8ii9.57S; barley, 26, 640,838. Marketing; the Crops. Aside from the Nebraska grown grain that comes to the Omaha market, a very large amount goes to other markets, be cause of being nearer to the grower, and In a lesser degree because at times tho price at Kansas City, for Instance, may seem a tittle better to the shipper. Dis crimination In railroad rates, or advan tages that have been secured through years of effort by the older markets, have also cut aome flgjre, but a correction of these things will be secured, It Is hoped, through the new traffic bureau. To correct any existing discriminations against ths Omaha market will not be the work of a weeg or a month, howsrer. Xt haa taken Ua