Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Comet Dress for Men and Bys
Movement of Business is Slow, but is
Large in Volume.
win awsi yi
Ever Embarrassed?
Were you ever embarrassed when you met somebody
with whom you wished to make a good impression ?
First impressions should always be best, and your
clothes go a long way towards making this impression
favorable or otherwise.
We Oiler Every Man and Woman the
opportunity of being well dressed. No man or woman
can use the excuse of not having enough money You
, Don't Need the MoneyYou can have the clothes
and be well dressed while paying for them. A small
payment at time of purchase, then a small amount
weeUy is all wc ask.
1315-17-10 FAR NAM ST.
(Continued from Third Page.)
as grade teacher. The salary of nil the
teachers wan raised S2.M to S& per month.
BEATRICE Last evening at the home of
the bride's parent!, three mllea east of
Dlller, was solemnised the. marriage of
John C. Uretslnger of Steele City and Miss
Bertha McCall. The couple will make
their home near Steele City, where Mr.
Grntsinger has charge of a large stock
- I.E1QH At the regular meeting of the
town board Monday evening D. Dunkel ap
peared before the board as a, committee
from the fire department with the request
that the board purchase o nook find ladder
truck for the firemen. The request was
granted and the cost of the truck Is not
to exceed 200.
. 1EIGH Alex tloberson. an aged c'tlsen
of CTPHton, died last Saturday evening of
the infirmities of advanced years. Mr
Rcherson was 73 years old and so far as
Is known he left not a living relative in the
world, i tie had accumulated considerable
properly, but it is not known what dlsposl
tion win be made or it.
t Affct'RN At a special meeting of the
city council last night- the -Auburn -water
work -and sewer . bonds, bearing interest
at the rate of 44 per cent, were sold to the
state of Nebraska at par and accrued inter
est, with an agreement that the bonds are
to be Issued as the money Is-'needed in the
construction of the Improvements.
DICK BN 8 J. C. Ready, a farmer, living
about three miles south of here, was badly
injured In a runaway about noon. He waa
driving, near the railroad tracks when his
team became frightened at a Burlington
freight train. Mr. Reudy Jumped from the
buggy, but waa kicked by one of the
horses over the right eye inflicting a bad
icalp wound.
KEARNEY A very pretty wedding took
Dlace Wednesday eVenlng at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C J. Strand, when their
laughter, Mis Otwl. waa married to Emll
U Benson of Lincoln, the ceremony being
jerformetl in the presence of a large nuni
r of friends and relatives. The young
loupln will be at home Immediately at
is an old and experienced bandmaster and
comiij wr, having phiyed with Dalbey'a
band for a number of years. He is also
a graduate of the Conservatory of Music
at Prague, Bohemia.
BEATRICE The marriage of Varna
Carson of Davenport, Wash., and Miss Alta
Skinner was solemnised at high noon yes
terday-at tne nome or the bride s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner, three miles
southwest of Beatrice. Rev. IT. O. Born
officiating. The young1 couple will leave
in a few days for Washington, where they
win maite tneir nome.
FAU.8 CTTT The county board Is now
in session, navmg met tn the county clerk
office Tueeday afternoon. As R. A. CouDe,
chairman of the board. Is out of the city
en business, John Hlnton has been elected
chairman In his absence. About $800 in
claims have been allowd against the county
general fund. The beard will probably be
In session until the last of the week.
FALLS CITY The annual parish meet
ing was held at St. Thomas' church Mon
day evening and the following officers were
elected for the coming year: John Hutch
Ings. senior warden; Robert Neltxei, Junior
varden; C. H. Hargrave, H. C. Upp, L. C
towards, R. R. Horrocks. A. hi Gantt
A. Morsman. T. I- Illmmebreich, . H. R,
Mirer and W. H. Keeling, vestrymen.
BEATRICE Vesper chapter. No. S, Order
or Eastern star, met last night ana elected
the following o racers: Mrs. Mary Mat'
torks, worthy matron; Charles Codcllngton
worthy patron; Mies Katharine Flske, as
sociate matron; Mrs. Carrie Bpellman, con
duetress; Mlas Imogene Shafer, secretary
Mra. Lucy Ayrea, treasurer. After th
business meeting a play entitled, "The
Pilgrims," was given.
FALL8 CITY Henry Mosiman of till
citv and Miss Cullettla Stewart of Reserve
Kan., were married at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mosiman Wednesday afternoon
by Rev. J. R. Nannlnga of the German
Evangelical church. The out-of-town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of
Superior, Neb Mrs. H. C. Haines and
Mrs. James Whipple of Fortescue, Mo.,
and James Stewirt and daughters of Salem.
BEATRICE! Word was received here yes
terdny from Paola, Kan., announcing the
death of A. H. Swller. a former resident
of this county, which occurred Wednesday
at his home at that place. Mr. Swller
before locating at Paola Waa engaged in
incoln. ' farming and stock raising here. He was
LKIGH Prof. J. V. Pospisll of Schuyler j about 4ii years of age and leaves a widow
vaa here the first of the week and has' and one son. He was a brother of Carl
Kvn engaged aa director of the Leigh ' Swller of Omaha. The body will be
oncertband for one year. Prof. Pospisll, brought here for Interment.
' LE'OH- Messrs. and Mesdames Jamea
, Bayers. Walter Church and George Dawk-
ins, with their ramMles, returned rrom
Texas Tuesday. When thia little colony of
Nebraska people left here three weeks ago
to establish future homes In Texas their
friends In this county little thought they
would be back so soon, but it seems the
southern climate and country was not what
they had antlclpnted. hence their apeody
return to Nebraska, In February Mr.
Bayers purchased about 1.000 acrea of Texas
and. Ail three men are oia seiners or mis
county and own land here.
McCOOK A young Englishman, named
Ernest F. Wright, is a much-wanted man
In this city, on account of numeroua for
geries it Is charged he committed yester
day, in small amounts, the name of C.
M. Bailey or this city, trsveimg engineer
for the Burlington, being used In all the
forgeries. Wright is supposed to have
rroflted by the sum of about lino, besides
paying a similar or larger Indebtedness in
the same menner. ne nas Deen wursina in
restaurants here, coming here, he claims.
from Quebec. Canada. He has been a
world-round traveler, according to his
stories. He haa a glass eye and la a clever
fellow of good address.
Demand for Ire a aad Steel Straetaral
Shapes Is Broader meats
f Shoes from Bostoa
NEW YORK. April 11 -R. O. Dun
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trede tomorrow
will say:
Although the movement of trade is slow
it Is of large volume and steadily in the
direction ot Improvement. in Iron ami
steel the structural lines continue to re
flect a brosder demand, contracts placed
inns far this month comprising a substan
tial tonnage and considerable new business
Is also In sight. The railroads are taking
advantage of the low prices named to
make necessary Improvements and exten- .
slons, while the advancing season hss
stimulated building activity In many sec-
lions. One encouraging feature Is the In
creased Interest shown In pig Iron.
Improvement in the shoe market la
steady, although the movement Is quiet.
Home western and southern wholesalers
have begun to place fall orders for sum
mer delivery. Shipments of shoes from
Boston for this year thus far show an In
crease of about 16 per cent, as compared
with tne same penoa a year ago. Some
concessions are being mads in prices to
secure business, but on the whole values
are firm. The hide market is quiet but
prices are firm with most kinds of nark-
era' hides slightly higher than a week ago.
The report of heavy transactions in J
leather last week are now confirmed, the
largest sales being of hemlock sole. Busi
ness Is on a much lessened scale this week
but trade on the whole Is considerably bet
ter than It was a fortnight ago.
In the primary market for cotton roods
the effect of the recent heavy export busi
ness to China is apparent, many mills 1
having turned over their machinery wholly
or in part to tne production of these aoods.
nne most or the business taken thus far
haa been for S.5 sheetings, considerable in
quiry has been reported of late for tighter
weights, a development which, should or
ders actually be placed, will still further
strengthen tne domestic market. On the
print cloth yarn division converters can no
longer consider propositions for late deliv
ery and in some instsncea a premium for I
nearny gnnns nas been paid, in narrow
grays, printers have operated more liberal
ly, but business on stable prints has not
greatly Improved. The woollen goods mar
ket is now awaiting the results of the vis
its made thus fnr by salesmen on the mad
and some duplicate orders have already
been renorted. I
Prices of cotton vams are Irrerular with
little Improvement In the volume of busi
ness, while woolen and worsted yarns are
quiet but steady and linen and lute are In
rniy moderate demand.
Broke Out on Hips and Legs Was
So Sore, Irritating and Painful
that Little Sufferer Could Not
Sleep Scratched Constantly and
Kept Growing Worse.
"When about two and a half year
old my daughter broke out on bar hips
and the upper parts of her legs with a
very irritating and painful eruption. Ik
began in October; tb first I noticed
was a little red surface and a constant
desire on her part to scratch her limbs,
fehe could not sleep and the eruptions
got sore, and yellow water cam out or
them. I bad two doctors treat her, but
she grew worse under their treatment.
Then I bought the C'utioura Bosp, Cutl
, cure Ointment and Cutloura Resolvent,
and only used them two week when she
tl entirely well. This wag tn Febru
ary. Sha bag never had another rough
filaca on her skin, and she is now four
een year old. I used only naif the
.bottle of Cutioura Resolvent and leea
than box of Cutioura Ointment, sin.
R. R. Whltaxer, Winchester, Teon.,
Bept. 23, 190S."
Everywhere Use Cuttcura 5op
and Cutkura Ointment
For presm-ine, purifying and beautify-
t V. .Li 7. t4tmvrmin ? th mrm ) r rt
druff. for dry. thin
acd falling hair, for
softening, whitening
and soothing red,
rough and sore bands,
fnr annorlng irrita-
1 1 ions and uloerative
I i - n w unitit. anti-
eeptlo purpose aa well aa for ail tl he use
d in
Reports Are Irrearalar, bat Volume
of Business Is Larger.
NEW YORK. April 1. Bradstrect'g to
morrow will say:
Weather, crop and Industrial reports are
still Irregular, rendering general character
isation difficult. Taken as a whole, there
Is, however, a slightly larger business do
ing, this bring particularly true of retail
trade In sections where weather permits
and In bookings for fall and winter de
livery at wholesale. In portions of the
south and In the east generally there is
more confident purchasing, higher prices
for cotton, while the advance of the season
helps trade along the Atlantic seaboard.
Business on the Pacific coast has expanded
slightly,, In the central west trade at re
tall Is expanding slowly and a rather bet
ter business is reported wtlh country mer
chants, but jobbing activity is not as pro
nounced as it waa some weeks a no.
Industry Is In a rather spotted condition
There is more doing in iron and steel, but
largely. It Is claimed, at the expense of
prices. The improvement noted in cotton
aoods Industry Is maintained. Prices of
staple goods are firm. There is more
dotnar In ailk manufacturing.
Women's wear woolen goods -era In good
request and worsted goods and yarns are
Business failures tn the t'nlted - Btates
for the week ending with April 15 were 201,
against K7 last week, 381 in the ssme week
In 190. 187 in 1807. 167 In 1908 and 183 In Wf
The week's failures in Canada number 37,
which compares with 38 last week and 26
in the like week of IMS.
Wheat, including nour, exports rrom tne
United States and Canada for the we;
ending April 15 aggregate 1,475.60ft bu., as
against 1,062.244 last week and 2,470,!77 this
week last year.
For the week ending April IS this yar
the exports are 160.0OKW bu.. as against
174.37,S3 In the same period last year.
Corn exports for the week are 799.SO0 vi.,
ss against 926.894 last week and 292.938 in
1WS. For the forty-two weeks ending April
15 corn exports are K.569,306 bu., as against
43,244,066 last year.
Orgcaalaatloa of Catted Brethren
Chare Holds Sessloa.
BEATKICE, Neb., April l.-(8peclal.)
The east Nebraska branch of the Wom
an's Foreign Missionary society of the
United Brethren church closed a two days
session at Blue Springs last evening. Tho
annual election of officere resulted as fol
lows: President. Mrs. T. U. Swan of
Beatrice; first vice president, Mrs. Susan
Bpangler of Lincoln; second vice presi
dent, Mrs. E. F. Bowers of York; secre
tary. Mrs. F. C. Caldwell of Swanton;
treasurer, Mrs. M. ' M. Buswell of Broken
Bow; superintendent of literature and
evangtt agent, Mra. W. O. Jonrs of Lin
coln. At the afternoon session papers were
read by Mrs. J. W. Buswell of Beatrice,
Mrs. W. O. Jones of Lincoln and others.
Rev. Mr. Widdoes, returned missionary
from the Philippines, and Mrs. Dr. Blg
ler, returned missionary from China, were
present and gave Interesting addresses re
garding the work In those countries. The
place ot holding the next meeting was left
ito the executive committee.
M Till
of the toilet, bath and nursery. Ciuaran-
absoiuteiv nurs ana auaj- w
the hour of birth.
OtwplMs httiMl sae Istersel Til lot
' l lliT.B
ru. CfcuUfM s4 Aiui erne-
film 3ftc. pr mkI of k ! rur J? Um bi.o.
irouakout th man A rvuur bM CSUS.
aeVtaatwg rrM.feiucura Bjms se tale Plssl
Republican Platform
The republicans present to the
voters of Omaha trls year an excep
tionally well balanced and high class
ticket, representative of our best ltl
acnshlp, and made up of men chosen
from all the constituent elements of our
cosmopolitan population. Confident that
Intelligent cple want no campaign
pledgee made to almply catch votes
without expectation or possibility of ful
fillment, but rather prefer assurances
of honest effort to make their municipal
government serve well Its whole pur
poee, the republican nominees appeal for
support on thia declaration. We etand
t A bigger, cleaner and better Omaha.
t Economy but not parsimony In ex
penditures. I. The loweet tax rate consistent with
meeting all rightful obligations.
4. Competency pre-requlsite to em
ployment for municipal service and full
value retume for evtry dollar of public
money spent.
ft. Ao occupation tax in reasonable
amount to compensate for uss of the
stneets and alleys by the various public
service corporation.
. Regulation of all these corporations
to insuie bust -vice at reasonable
T. Ixwer prices in next street lighting
I. Better arrangements for garbage re
moval. . Wholesome recreation and amuse
ment for all the people all the time.
10. No politics in police and fire de
partment appointments promotions
only for merit dismissals only for cause.
11. Home rule real home rule, not
sham home rule. We Invite the atten
tion of the voters of Omaha to the fact
that It was the republican party that
placed upon the statutes of the ststa
the Slocumb law, by which genuine
home rule and a wholeeome and ef
fective regulation of the sate aa well as
the hours of sale of intoxicating liquors,
up to the time of the late democratic
legislature, haa been exercised by anl
permitted to the various cities and
towns of the state.
12. We favor municipal ownership of
the water plant and declare that the
Water board, having exclusive and
paramount authority, should carry on
to completion with all poasible haste the
proceedings begun long sgo to acquire
city ownership of the water works to
the end that the amount required to
puri'hsse the plant be definitely fixed.
Believing that the demand for good
city government transcends party lints,
and that the republican candidates are
far superior to, their opponents when
subjected to the tost f fitness. In
tegrity and ability, we Invite voters
of all political creeds to Join with us In
relieving this city of the costly burden
of Dahlmanlsm, and, by retiring the
Pahlmen brand of democracy front offi
cial power, to restore and uphold
Omaha's credit and prestige at home
and abroad.
Top or
Rain Coat
whichever you prefer we assure
you that there is not such an
other display in town as .we
6how you
All lengths and colors. Mili
tary collar, if you wish--Auto-mobile
styles everything
that's new and what Fashion
says, wear. All prices too
S!2 Ts3.0
And you will make'no mistake
if you buy it today.
Choice Picking
in our haberdasher department
these days Remember that a
man's fixings are always very
much in evidence during the
spring and summer months.
Shirts, Ties. Collars,
Underwear, Gloves,
Hosiery. Delts.
Hose and Tie Sets.
Every featwre that's worthy,
is honored here.
We've a Grip on the Clothing Trade
This store hag long been knov -3 for the excellence of Its clothing. The reUsblllty of every article of merchandise we sell, and our ability to
show always the latest styleg. We hear dally such expressions as this: "I always come here for my clothes, because I have such Perfect confidence
and get so much more for my money.". It's on account 6f this reputation that we do such an extensive business ana sen mors uuus
other store In town" Then again, we have a bigger and better assortment for you to choose from. More styles and patterns to pick from 1 t any
price you want to pay. f 10, 12, ,16. 18, $20 or op to $40. You are not limited here as you are at other gtores. Wave got the goods ana csn
show you twenty to the other fellow's one and for this reason we have a grip on the clothing
spring suit.
trade, and we also say this way for the
The average bov will always wear out two pair of trousers to one coat. If you have that kind of a boy you will be giaa to Know tnat
we have these boys' eu'lts with extra trousers they make the suit In Talue equal to two. and they are the best $5 suits, the price ever Dougni.
The fabrics are strong, yet handsome; the cut the latest and the tailoring perfect.
It's tho Biggest $5.00 Worth of Boys Suit Ever Put Together.
Test it and See.
0 W
V- .. -.'...: .
We Tell Fortunes
and will tell yours briefly: You are going on a journey And you will be very happy You
are going to have money left to jouYau 're a very lucky man
How do We Know?
You're going on a journey to this store You'll select your new spring hat here, and it will
please you so well, that you'll be very happy?
You'll buy it for less than you thought and have money left. Therefore you are a lucky nan
that's your fortune. See if it comes true.
The very latest creations, styles, blocks and colors, from $2.00 up to $12.00. See our win
dows for correct headwear.
&Z? ZWrsr fib
THe homeofKup
Pj jlgjMJjJjJMMCTMTwi' ii ijamlllllMlllllllllllltll HiiifSiiiMiiusess iiiiisisiiiiiiiiiimiiI.iih 1
esai I I Folk yesterday. This is said to be the first I
I English life insurance society that has ever I
I entered the United States.
j.rr 1 Federal Coart at CovlnatoD,
Kt-eky, Het.ra.
far SUSO.
CINCINNATI O.. April M.-A Jury in the
fS court ot the eastern district of Ken-
utky tn -eeslon at Covington, late tod.y
raae ed a verdict In the night rider cases,
Iwdng the plaintiff. W. 8. Henderson,
I-.S0 damages.
Henderson, a former tobacco merchant of
A.musta Ky.. sued fourteen prominent
resfdents' of Bracken county. Kentucky, for
iSm damage, for an alleged t upon
him in ugust. during the night rider
tables in that section. Judge Cochran.
,n.tructed the Jury that "any penon J. en
titled to damage, for the shock to hi. feel
ings caused by an Invasion of his rights,
and that according to the proof In the case
on trial, the plaintiff was entitled to dam-ages.
The Weather
FOR OMAHA-Partly cloudy, with show
"fOR NEBRASKA Partly cloudy, with
showers in southeast portion.
wnn mV A Showers.
Temperature at QmaHa yesterday
a inui .
6 a. in....
6 a. m....
7 a. m...
g a. m...,
9 a. m...
10 a. m...
,11 a. m...
U m
1 p. m...
2 p. m...
I p. m...
4 p. m...
6 p. m...
p. m...
7 p. m...
(p. m...
9 p. in...
Labor Unions to
Begin Campaign
Federation to Ask Passage
Legislation Favorable to
Organized Labor.
WASHINGTON, April 16. It haa been de
elded at a session of the executive council
of the American Federation of Labor that
organised labor and all reform forces be
urged to begin agitation and organise so as
to be prepared to take action in the next
congressional election looking to the
passage or legislation ravoraDie to or
ganlsed labor.
Iabor men were urged to participate In
the National Congress for the Promotion of
International Peace to be held in Chicago
in May next.
Secretary Morrison rubmitted a "report In
regard to the growth and activities of the
organisation during the last six months
and President Qompers laid before the
council a letter of sympathy with the work
of the federation for "Its struggle for free
Speech and free press," from the general
committee of tho German trade unions.
Raallah Life Compear Licensed.
NA8HVILI.B. Tenn.. April lfc-The Nor
wich L'nlon Llfe Insurance society of Eng
land was granted a license to do business
in Tennessee by Insurance Commissioner
Society Women
Clean Up City
Scheme of Twentieth Century Club of
Washington is in Practical
Working Order.
WASHINGTON, April 16.-Carrylng out
their pledge for a cleaner Washington, so
ciety women were out In full force today
supervising the clearing of the streets ot
the city of all floating paper and debris
'"Unot gathered up by the rubbish carts. The
r I aithAmA mn InAiivnrataH ttv ti& wnmAn nt
the Twentieth Century club, and was that
at 9 a. m. the city should be free of all
floating debris. The Interest of one woman
in each city block was enlisted to act as
chairman for that block, and she in turn
endeavored to Interest all the other house
wives in the block. In this way each
woman was attending to her own premises,
and produced In the aggregate a clean city.
Sturdy oaks from little acorn, grow
advertising In The Bee will do wonders for
your business.
Oil (iasker Near Red Sea.
SUEZ. April 16.-A syndicate that has
been prospecting on the toast of the Red
sra, 160 miles south of here, has struck an
oil gusher, the flowof which It said to
Indicate large supplies.
News from I'rra.
PERU. Neb., April W, (Special. )-The
first game of base ball of the season will
be played on the normal atthletlo field
Saturday between the normal team and
the Nebraska City Eagles.
The prise contest which the staff of the
Peruvian offered to the student, of the'
normal ha. closed. A large number of
poems and stories were submitted and the
contest w very close. Mis. Maria Han
son of Upland was given the prise for the
best story and illc? Mildred J. Anderson
of Mil ford received tht prise for the best
poem. -
The Peru Box factory la now doing an
Immense amount of work In order to
supply the large demand for seed corn
boxes. Manager Hascow say. that the
factory 1. at present having an output of
about two carload, per day and that If
the already large demand Is continued he
may enlarge his plant.
President J. W. Crabtree will deliver the
leading address before the Richardson
County Teachers' association, which will
be In session at Fall. City Saturday.
Mis. May Frank, s prominent member
of the senior class, hs. been elected a.
director of the kindergarten department
of the York city schools. Miss Nellie Dor
sey, also a senior, has been elected to a
position In the Havelock schoola. i
Bradley Plows run alone. Bee Sperling; A.
Trlplett, 327 Broadway.
Local Record.
OMAHA. April lt.-Off Iclal record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of th lant three
years: 1908
Maximum temperature .. oJi S8 40
Minimum temperatuie ... SH
Mean tempeiaiure W J 32 W
Precipitation W .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since Hsrth X,
and compared with tits last two years:
Normal temperatuie f 51
Deficiency for the day i
Total deficiency since March 1 4
Normal precipitation .10 inch
Deficiency for the day 10 inch
Prrr.iuitation since March 1 1. 18 Inches
I Deficiency since March I ..kl .62 Inches
Deficiency lor cor. pi-rioa. iw. iz inrnes
Deficiency for cor. prioa, uui..;.i inrnes
Reports from Statloas at T p. aa.
Station and Temp. Max. Rain-
State of Weather. 7. p. m. Temp, fall
Bismaick. clear M M
Cheyenne, clear SO 01
Chicago, raining 46 . n
Davenport, cloudy M 2
Denver, part cloudy 7 ?4
Havie, clear 54 SH
Helena, clear 64 M
Huron, clear 0 i!
Kantua C:iy. clear i
Ni)rtli l:l''t. cluar tw
Omaha, clear 62 63
Rapid City, ilear ' fci
Bt. Ixuls. clear ' M
Bt. Paul, clear 6 . W
Bait lake City, cloudy....
Valentine, clear M .
VS'illiston. clouuy 4S .id
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WEl.ii 51. local Forecaster
It's hard to keep an even temper with
a dull pain nagging all day at your back;
In fact, kidney trouble, are at the bot
torn of very much of the nervousness and
Irritability thst are so common1 today.
You wonder why you are short and cross.
can't keep your mind on one thing, are In
clined, to worry over trifles, snd subject to
fits and "blues" and despondency. Partly
It Is due to thst pain In your back, partly
to the Irritating effect of uric acid on
your brain and nerves. a
Uric acid Is a poison that Is always
forming In the body, and It Is the duty of
the kidneys to filter It out of the blood
and pass It off, dissolved. In the urine.
Healthy kidneys 40 this work thoroughly
and well, but weak or sick kidneys get
behind, and the waste matter collects
here and there In the muscles, Joint, and
nerve centers. Headache, dixsy apells,
rheumatism, neuralgia, blurry spots before
the eyes, nervousness and heart trouble
are signs of uric poisoning.
Ho do not wondsr at your condition, es
pecially if the urine does not look or pass
naturally. And If your back ache, contln-
ually. or you are taken with .harp erlok.
and stitches of pain when you stoop, turn.
or try to lift. It la sure that your kidneys
are out of order and need prompt atten
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ommend Doan's Kidney pills. Here', a
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wa. cauaed much annoyance by the tou
frequent passage of the kidney secretions
and It was Impossible for ma to stoop
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Pills, t procured a box and by the time
I had finished the contents, I waa free
from the trouble."
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