TUK HKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APim) 17. 1000. ji .m. -Zi zzzx idssti Sale Begins Saturday Men's Separate Entrance. North west Corner Six teenth and Doug las Streets GREAT SHIRT SALE ' . i V II x Brandeis Takes Advantage of the Backward Spring Season A Tremendous Cash Purchase of Men's Vr V . i t j asaaapgannna. ssrswSWaaaasjfcfc- j Lfi rn UNJ 133 FT) r) I If (sT"" 1 ('' 'A A fst'I I Br W. C. BOTH j si j I I I uUzn I From Hew York's Leading Wholesale Tailors Who Are Badly Overstocked on Account of Countermanded Orders EVERY SUIT IS NEW, WELL TAILORED AND UP-TO-DATE IN EVERY WAY Just 2650 Finest Suits, Cravenettes and Top Coats In This Purchase. Buy That Spring Suit SATURDAY s for your unrestricted choice of all the Men's Suits, Top Coats and Cravenettes from the Biff Purchase; worth up to $15.00. for your unrestricted choice of all the Men's Spring Suits, Top Coats and v Cravenettes, from the Big Purchase; worth up to $20.00. for your unrestricted choice of all the Men's Spring Suits, Top Coats and Craven ettes, from the Big Purchase; worth up to $25.00. This is not an ordinary event. These clothes are made in the newest styles by the best tailors in New York. Men who prefer $25 Suits can get them here for just $17.50. 1 rzr Il".l":,.,-,m7 y-)& 'it, -i - je t; J j fJ:: cnKca far ' 1 yriv" - Special Sale of Men's Sample Hats . ! NEW SPRING 8TVLKS, Derbies or Soft Htg Entire sample lines of men's toft and stiff hats from two eastern bat manufacturers. These are all samples of new spring hats positively worth up to 3.00 two great lots, at 98c sl45 Stetson Hats We give to Omaha men the kind of hats they want. The Stetson hat 1s the favorite of all hats for men. Particular fi ffPCQ men ask for it. That's why we sell it. The price is... Ilrandeis Special Derby and Soft Hats, at Sample Caps for Men, Boys and Children Worth up to 75c all in one lot, f C at, each IDC . 5 fiT I I I ! fa I I SSvVlil vSf- ill'1 r;l Boys' Spring Suits : . r The best of styles are found in this attractive depart ment on second floor, old store. OLl'K SrcUGK COMBINATION 81 ITS AT $I.7S All wool blue serge Knickerbocker Suit, with extra pair ot tnieketboeker pants to match a $7.50 value- - special, at BOYS' $5.00 COMBINATION SLIT VOR $3.50 One complete Knickerbocker suit, with one extra pair of Knickerbocker pants free. Just as serviceable ft pn as two suits well worth $5.00, at J).DU BASE BALL AND BAT FREE WITH EVERY SUIT. $4.75 We Bought Fur Drummer's Sample Lines Pocket Knives .W 50c Thousands ot high quality knives from one of the largest cutlery houses In New York, bought at less than one-half their actual value. A positive guar antee as to quality. W. L. Wadsworth steel knives; Yale knives; Parker Bros.' knives; American Cutlery Co.; Sheffield knives, Hunting knives, Deerfoot knives; genuine walrus handle, stag, bone and one-piece pearl handles; 2, 3 and 4 blades and positively worth to $2.00, at 50c Low Shoes For Men The most practical, the most comfortable low shoes In Omaha. You can not get shoes of this sort anywhere else for less than $4.50 We make a speciality of this splendid group, at s 350 About 7,000 Shirts In this purchase. All are samples and broken lots of fine negligee shirts in new spring styles. Sizes 12 to 18 "4. New patterns. $2.00 SHIRTS FOR 98c LOT I Comprises all the men's plaited and plain bosom negligee shirts in the choicest spring patterns and finest materials worth up to $2, at $1.25 SHIRTS FOR 50c' LOT 2 Includes all the men's fine negligee and golf shirts. In new spring designs excellent quality worth $1.25 at 75c SHIRTS FOR 25c LOT 8 Includes all the men's and boys' out ing acd negligee shirts blue, chambrsy, madras and percales some slightly soiled worth up to 75c In base ment, new store, at Men's Spring; Weight Underwear French balbrlggan and derby ribbed worth up to 75c, at 35 nl 504 Munsing and Sterling Union Suits, specially priced, at... 08 to $3.50 Men's Manhattan and E. & W. shirts In new patents (silk initial free with each shirt), at 81.50 to $3.50 ibiicu aii'i 98c 50c wis usui t 25c Sale of Men's Bill Books, Card Cases, Purses Thousands pf drummer's sample Bill Books, Card Cases and Change Purses warranted to be all genuine seal, goat and buckskin leather, including the universal 25C"50c men's change purse, worth to $2 at Jet ear rings, brooches, belt pins. I Women's genuine real seal I Women's Elastic BelU. to hat pins, at, each 2Bo up to hand purses, in black, at50c match your costume, at 45 ea&MDEiis stores M : in BUILDINGS COME FAST Permit! for Orer Two Hundred Thou sand Dollars Worth in One Day. CBEIGHT0N MEDIC ANNEX ONE Tlty Shirt Company Will Rrert Kit Oa, Store ad Rnl( Hmm DweUlnaa Com lcto I.oag? !.!. Addition to tho Crelghton Medical college to cost $44,000; brick bulldlns on North Sixteenth street for the Novelty Bklrt com pany to cost $30,000; three-story brick build ing on West Farnem atrert for stores and bachelor apartment to coat (30,000; residences In various parts of the city to coat $70,000; Improvements at the Smith brick yard to cost $10,000; additions to Florence school bulldlns to coat tlS.COO. These are th new bulging' operations for one day, the total cost being In exceas of taw.ooo. Plans are under way for a large four Story addition to the Crelghton Medical college at Fourteenth and Chicago streets. J. Jeffery Davey, architect, la drawing the rlans and says that the excavation for the new building will be completed before May , 1 and that the building wilt be ready for the opening of the fall term the middle of September. The college has acquired the northeast quarter ot the block on which the present building stands, the new tract being 68x131' feet. The new building will be on the south end of this property, leaving enough ground for the erection in the near future of a maternity and emergency hospital. The new building will be 68x70, four stories and baaement, and will be of brick con struction. (Irmnnlam la Rurmral, The basement of the new building will be fKted up for a gymnasium and will also contain shower baths and lockers. On the lirat tloor will be a large reception room, a free dispensary, clinic operating rooms and a clinical laboratory. The second and third floors will contain class rooms and private laboratories, while the entire fourth floor will be fitted up for the historical department. The new building will cost )45,00u, exclusive of equipment, snd will be connected with the present building scroti the alley with enclosed Bteel viaducts. Posyesglon of the ground will be had by the college authorities April 23 sad excava tion work will start Immediately. This will be completed by the first of the coming month and then work on the building will be begun as soon as possible thereafter. Architect bavey Is also drawing plana for a new three-story brick building to be erected on North Sixteenth street, adjoining the Masonlo temple and directly across the street from the new Hotel Loyal. This buik'tng will cost about $10,000 and will be do not know the difference between PEARL RUSTLESS Wire Screen and any other, but YOU will and save money by using PEARL lasts longer, always looks bright. The gen uine has BRONZE Selvage. We have the Pearl in LIGflT and HEAVY grades, all widths; then we have the regular Black and Gal venized Fly Screen. How About Your Porch Screens? i JAS. MORTON G SOU CO. 1311-1813 DOOCB STREET. Lawn Mswers. Goodrich Garden Hose and Hardware occupied by the Novelty Skirt company. The lots are owned by the St. A. D. Bal combe estate snd the small buildings now on the site will be moved off immediately. Lonsr Lease oa Ground. The skirt company has secured a long lease on sixty-four feet frontage of the property and will erect a building with a frontage of i2 feet and 89 feet luep. v Mrs. Mora Marple, one of the heirs ot the Balcombe estate, will erect another bulloisg with a frontage of 23 feet and with the same depth as the skirt company's building. The two buildings will have the appearance of one. with the same kind of a front and the Novelty people will occupy the whole structure. The front of the building wfll be of gray pressed brick with stone trimmings and extension show win- dows. Tennanta of tho present buildings on the site have been notlftd to vacate May 1, when the old structure will be removed. Work on the new blocks will be begun at once. ' Ancther large building to be erected In the summer will be located at Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on the southwest cor ner. Fisher & Lawrte, architects, are draw ing the plans for this building for W. T. Graham. Dr. Iord and. Dr. Bridges. This third structure will be three stories and a basement and will be fitted up for store rooms on the lower floor and for bachelor apartments on the second and third rioors, with an entrance on Nine teenth street for these apartments. A cafe will be installed in the basement. The building mill be of pressed brick and will cost about 30,(100. Florence School. Plans drawn by Architect Dsvey for addi tions to the Florence school building were sculpted Thursday night by the Board of Education of that suburb snd the general contract was let to H. Armstrong of South Omaha for 1,000. Wings will be built on the north and south sides of the present building, each to be 3ox70 feet, two stories high and a basement. Work on the ex cavation will be begun May 1 and within the next ten days bids for wiring, plumbing and heating apparatus In the additions will be received. City Building Inspector Wlthnell on Fri day issued permits to Hastings Hey den for seventeen new dwellings ranging In price from ll.OuO to $2,&u0 each. The permits to this one firm total $34,800. Eight of the Hastings & Hey den homes will be built on tHhrop street between Fourteenth and Twenty-third streets, two will be built on Ames avenue, two on Madison avenue snd the others on Wirt street. Camden avenue. William street and Webster street Two permits were Issued the same day by Mr. Wlthnell to Charles W Martta for dwellings to tost H.'JOO, and other permits tsaued during the day total IJI.JUO. One of these permits In for a kiln and smoke stack for the Smith Brick company at Thirty-first and !ke streets to float IIO.OOO. an snuther Is for an addition and repairs to Mrs. Mary Angress' home at 4738 North Thirty-eighth street to cost $16,800. The permits for ths one day Issued from City Building Inspector Wlthnell's depart ment total over 70,000. Condemed by His Own Pride Jamei Smith it Faced by Witness Who Sayi He Talked of Sun- ' derland Fire. James Smith was a little too well satis fied with the vengeance he secured on the Sunderlsnd Bros, company, according to evidence Introduced against him Friday In the criminal branch of district court. "The morning after the fire Smith bor rowed a nickel of me to buy a paper," testified Frank Merrill, "ant cutting out the accojnt of the fire he ahowed It to me and said, 'I guess 1 showed 'era where to head In,' or something like that." Merrill notified the Sunderlands, who In formed the police. The officers promptly gathered Smith In and found the clipping in his vest pocket. Oilier witnesses Friday were Hugh Boone In charge of the barn, and William Kobb, ysrdmaster for the company, both testify, ing that Smith threatened- to get even. The defense, in addition to denying the confession, will try to prove an alibi. Krlghtfat Spasms of the stomach, liver torpor, lame back and weak kidneys are overcome by Elec tric Bitters. Guaranteed. bOc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Take Life Easy A BeoUUer So Cigar helps wonder, fully in maklnj the world look bright gives you that satisfied feeling. Remitter 5c Cijar Hm. Blnicrcp. Manufacturer Also manufacturer of the Pride of Hastings unit Money Order ie. cigars. 1833-S4 at. aCaxy's Aw., Both Fa ones. Enoch Arden Today Not as Generous as the Original He Return After Twenty Yean and Wants His Wife Back Hubby No. 2 is Willing;. Frank Newbanks was Enoch Ardcn enough to be absent from hla wife twenty years and Mrs. Newbanks believing hun dead took a new husband In the interval. Here, however, the likeness to the Tenny son poem ends. When Enoch did appear on the scene after his Island exile he looked In througii the window. It will be remembered, ami not saying a word fell down beside the house and wept. Nor did he reveal the fact that lie was alive. Newbanks was not so self-sacrificing a soul. When he came to Omaha he gut himself In police custody for Intoxication and prevailed on the officer to lead him up to tho house where his wife, now Mrs. Samuel Morris, lived. He knocked on the door and Mrs. Morris opened: It. "I have come back," said Newbanks. To this self-evident statement Mrs. Morris replied by Inviting him to go away and stay another twenty years. Her husband, who Is an officer on llr Omaha police force, has since brought ault for annulment of marriage snd this cast came before Judge Redkk in district court Friday morning. Hu testified that Mrs. Morris In addition to having one husband too many. Is also addicted to drink. Morris declared that his wifo told him while he was courting her that she had been married before, hut that she had been .informed that Newbanks was dead, and that she did think him dead Is conceded. Ths contest In court Is chiefly over two little g rls, both Mr. and Mrs. Morris wish ing to gain custody of them. Mrs. Morris' first husband, Newbanks, Is declared to have come from s well-to-do Cincinnati family snd to have been a Col lege graduate. TELL MERCHANT TO WHACK UP Mrary Cohen of South Omaha Mast Tara Over $1,044.4S to Tras tea la Baakrapty. Henry Cohen, a merchant of South Omaha, who filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the United States district court some time sgo, Is given ten days In which to turn over to the trustee In bank ruptcy, Sidney W. Smith, property to the value of $1,044.45, which, It Is alleged, ho has sought to concesl, or take the conse quences. This order is made by Referee in Bank ruptcy J. A. C. Kennedy, who Fridsy morn ing filed his complete report with record of evidence, and schedules. Referee Ken nedy's report states that there remains the amount of $1,044.46 which, It is alleged, that the bankrupt seeks frsdulently to conceal, and that the trustee In bankruptcy la en titled to the pomesslon of such property. Cohen filed his voluntary petition In September, 1908, scheduling his liabilities at $7,661.04 and his assets st $5,033. Cohen had applied to make a further ahowlng of his liabilities and assets, but this was re fused after hearing the evidence, by both the referee snd trustee In bankruptcy, on the ground that the record would thereby be unnecessarily encumbered. The flnsi hearing on the case and report Is dated April 10, 1909. WIDOW SUES SALOON MEN FOR SELLING SON DRINK Asks Tea Taoaaaaat Dollars as fries f Yeans" Maa'a Support She l,aaea. Mrs. Dorcas Morris filed suit Friday for $10,0ii0 against Edward Cackley, Uuat Lar son and W. L. Harris, the Uon Bond and Surety company and the Massachusetts Bonding company. Mrs. Morris claims that the first three saloon men robbed her of the support of her son, Robert Morris, by selling him liquor. The plaintiff states that she is a widow aod had as other support than ths boy. 20 DISCOUNT REMOVAL SALE We must move and will close out our entire stock of Men's Clothingand Fur nishing Goods before we move. We will take NONE of our present stock into our new location. A visit to our shop will convince you that this is a bona-fide sale. For Saturday we will specially feature 40 Spring Overcoats and Raincoats. You cannot afford to miss these bargains. BOURKE'S CLOTHES SHOP. 319 S. 16th St.