Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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STRING KB. rubber goods, by mall; cut
trl.'on. Bend for free catalogue. Myr.
olloa Drue Co., Omaha- (18 14
f AflMKTIf! Ireatment Mm. Smith.
A. HOME for women during confinement.
We find home for. bablea where moth
er cannot car for them. liable
boarded. Mr. Martha A. Lee, 403 Ban
croft St. 'Phono Douglas 192L
tl8) M43S May7x
PRIVATE horn during confinement;
babie adopted. The Good Bamarltan San
itarium, 740 First Ave., Council muffs,
la. OS) una
HALL'S safea, new, Id-hand. 1114 Farnam,
atay cured under positive guarantee,
Write the F.naor Remedy Co.. Dept. a,
.South Omaha, Neb. (18) M98:i MIS
YOVNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha a
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women' Christian association, 17th and
Howard St., where they will be directed
to suitable boarding place or otherwise
assisted. A deaconee representing the
association meet train at the Union sa-
. Hon aa traveler' aid. (18) 288
Flectrlo vibratory, 120 B.
'lth. room 30. Fourth
Floor. Old Boston Store. (18) 948 Meyl3
PERT MAS8KUR. For ladles and gentle
men, If tired, languid, laay, from lack
of circulation which causes Indigestion,
constipation, torpid liver, rheumatism and
chronic troubles, try the Oriental mas
sage. Thorough hand work. Face and
sralp treatment; I year In Omaha at 406
Bee Bldg. Douglas 4u88.
(18)-317 May4
8 C. B. LEGHORN KOGS-81 per setting.
13, per 1U0. O. H. Deaver. Oi lcans, Neb.
. (U-M638 Ux
standard bred stock. Heavy laying strain.
fc pet luu. U per co, U per so.
, Mrs. W. L. McKenney.
:'. . Paliner, Merrick County, Neb.
; " (1D-M537 23x
B. JC. BUFF ORPINGTONS, tree rauge;
ears tor . hetchin. 31. 26 Dor 15. 14.00 for 60,
," 26.00 for' 100. Indian Runner duck eggs, U
fur $1 24; to for 13.60. Toulouse goose eggs,
26e each. Guaranteed . fresh aud ferula.
Peter A Brehm, Harvard, Neb.
; (11 M638 23s
S. C. BLACK MINORCA eggs for setting.
11 for 13. Tel. Harney 83Z3. UU-M8H Mix
R. C. R. L RED E008 for sale. Pen egga.
11 .89 per 15, 18 per 100; from pen scoring
W to sb rang n per is, per . j. w
Abraham. Valley, Neb. (U)-M243
CHAMBERLAIN'S - Original perfect dry
chk-k feed. Cse this only and save young
rhickena. 'Stewart's Feed - Store, Sol
Agents. 11 N. 16th St. (U)-MMl May t
White Leghorn egg 18 per 100, at Mandy
Lao rami. ei. irwrenc jr . .
(1D-M768 A
sard Sts.
for sale cheap. Apply to
Delivery Co., 22d and
(1D-M731 18:
jaiivf : PTfl. CO.. lob printing and calen
dars. 16th Cap. Ave.' Phone Ind. A-2R20.
to) 15
REED ABSTRACT CO..' Est. 1866; prompt
service; get pur prices. 1710 Farnam au
CHita E. WILLIAMSON, President.
, (18)-4D.7
PATNE INV. , CO.. first floor
BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg.
.... lis
. Mock. (19) M987 MaylS
41 Hrandels Bldg..
Tets. D. 6034 or A-1S22.
(19) 206
Property Wanted
nam district, east of 40th St.
Vacant lot same district for resilience.
h dr 6-ronm house Field club district,
t-riom modem cottage north side.
4 fir 6-room cottage aooui ie.
6 to 10 acies Improved for poultry, Nebraska
or Iowa. .. . .
Want above at once. Call or 'phone.
8 to 8-rooro modern residence, Weat Far
Phone Doug. 1235 1614 Farnam St.
. (19) 21" 18
Cash, balance monthly payments, $30-per
month, buys a good S-room house, city
water, sewer ad gas, lot 60x150 ft., on
paved street, pavement paid for, one block
to good 'school. Thl property la west of
Hanseom park, listed (era short time only.
Get. busy. .....
434 Board of Trade.
: A New Printed List of
Jianging in Prico fronv
$1,100 TO $7,500
that w want everyone to get and look over
who ia Interested in buying a home, every
house on the list Is sood value. Call at
our office or telephone- and wa. will be
pleased to let you have one.
HASTINGS 4V HErUKN, 1614 Harney Bt.
. , (19MD17
": . " ' BARGAIN
On elf th most high and aightly point In
th Immediate cream of West Farnam
district, consisting of south and east front
corner 110xlS7 feet, with line snaae, com
mandina view, street paved on both sides.
wtlh remanent walks: large two-story 13-
room house, exceptionally well built; down
stair finished In quarter aawed oak. large
rooms. This property never offered for
sale until this time. Owner decided to sell
and wants to msk quick sale. Can be
seen any day. House coat $12,0ua to $16,000
and It sen- be bought for a little over the
actual valu .of th ground. Be us for
Ill B. of Trade. Bldg. 18lh and Farnam Sts.
Tela; Douglas 49. Ind. A&M9.
(1)-M1H 1$
bfttanee'. monthly payments, buys 8-room
modern house near 40th and Seaard. large
lot, paved street, all specials paid. 8e me
at once If you want a bargain. Price, U 6u0.
T. L. EWg;
Both phones.
(1V 81 14
FOR 8 ALE 6-room house, and barn; gas.
.well and tie tern; 8716 brown St., 8 blinks
from 24th St. car, 2 from Fort St. car;
price, fci.suO, $bu0 cash; move In. make
garden and set trvri and fruit; be your
own landlord; 8a0 commission. Tel. Owner,
Webster 8. (1 Ml; 17
NEW, T rooms, rery choice, Bemts Prk
district. ,C U. Kkb, 8 N. Y. Lira.
t 803. A 8238. ' . t!9-Mifc
HOMES IN BENSON Part cash: balance
seai a rent. V. K. Yartoo. 228 B. Or
iieaeg A vs., Jiensuo. Tel Benson fcai
oium A4v
city FMut-F.nrr koK bams
' Midway between Omaha and South
Omaha, on South 13th Bt. car line. Four
block south of Rtvervtew park.
With wide street and alloys. All lots on
nice (trade. kivery tot desirable and
Prices ranee from 114 to t-'M).
cash; balance, $10 per month.
Terms, 1-6
Between 1 and 4
by appointment.
n. m. or ajiy other time
'Phone South 32.
Phone Douglas 41S.
1504 Dodge St.
(19I-M228 18
510 Poppleton Ave., $2,000, 6-
rooma, city water, also closet In house,
cement walks. Vacant lot, 3 1st and
Corby Sts., $200.
Tel. t). 200, 508 Bee Bldg.
' (19) M 249 Id
FOR BALE Nearly new house and barn
on two acre of good ground, some rruii.
Price $2,200. Adolph Hansen. Mth and
Center eta. (191-154 17k
LA RGT0 new mod. 5-r. cottage, cor. lot
100128. two blocks rrom car line; imme
diate possession; get a borne on easy pay
ments from the owner. Doug. 18SS or even
lnga Web. 4641. U M4
$2,250 '
t-room new cottage, modern except' heat.
at 7th and Ames Ave Good barn, 1 oioca
a car. - Easy terms II you want.
First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. lJSDJ
H819 N. 1Mb St., near Manderon. vvery
nice lot, 10x140 feet, full of shrub snd
shade treea, house of 4 room In very good
Reasonable offer will be conatderea.
Phone Doug. 7497. 908 W. T. Ufa.
(19)-M18Z IS
FOR SALE bv the owner no agent' com'
mission North 36 It. of lot 12, Aztord S
add. (36x40). on lad and Lake Sts.. a few
feet from street car. In fine residence
neighborhood and paved streets all
around. 9-room modern house and large
barn. If you mean business you can buy
It for 13,000. H. O. Counsman. 2213 N. ISth
St. Tel. Webster 1390. (19) MSitt Wx
We offer for a few days fine 6-roon
residence on Burt St., south front, modern,
rood basement and walks. Owner has -to
move onto homestead this month. Price
13,000; 11,000 cash; balance same as rent; If
desired, furnishings, including piano, win
be sold with th house lor WO.
682 Brandels Bldg.,
-108 18
LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 23d
and Cuming Sis. (19)-ea
Farnam St Property
Very choice ooi-ner near th otty hall
with five-story brick and stone building.
Well rented and Income growing. . 1106,000.
Harrison & Morton.
(1 MoOl
SIXTY ACRES in El Reno, Okl., ten blocks
from poetofflce. a town of 12.000, Rock
Island Railroad Cn. building shops; , big
tl ing for an investor; price, $36,000. No
wata Land and Lot Co., Suite 24. N. Y.
Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 1999.
Open evenlrgs. (19)-M91U 14
K 75n Receotion hall, oarlor. dining room
kitchen, reinge.rai.or room, Dearooms
on,! alcove, full cement basement, laun
dry; L-shape lot, 49x116, south front, 60x60
west front: warning distance.
490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha Neb.
tlfi) U0 16
uth ST. ROULKVARD 60x138 feet, south
and east front, corner, spociai price tor
few days. F. IA Wead, uoi rarnam bt.
REAL ESTATE, LOANS and Insurance
IJat tour Dropeny wun ue lur wh or
exchange. .Walnut and Orchard Hills
Realty Co.. 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phones
Harney 8766: Ind.. B-1842. U81M
Figure your rant recelpta Suppose you had
paid that amount on a noma oi your own :
Not too late yet.
Look at 2608 8. 20th .-Ave., t room, good
home and a good Investment at $1,400.
tSM N. 26th, 7 rooms, two-story, barn, big
tree and outhouses; you can i Degin to
riunlicatk It for I1.SO0.
Four rooms, chicken house, coal house, etc.,
tain lrla 79x13). only S1.2U0.
Seven rooms, modern, paved street, fruit
trees, shade trees, lot 40x93. $2,600; or will
. vnii 100 feet front for X3 260.
Well located building lot on Wirt St., only
Thla Is surely a snap, and then w will loan
you the money to build.
And we have lot more of them. Com In,
you are surely welcome.
Suite N. Y. Life Bldg..
Omaha, Neb.
Phone Red lw. Open evening.
r U)-M91T18
CUT property, farms, ranch lands or mer
chandise to sell or trade, list them with
m. It costs you nothing unless I effect a
u la. vv. yv . nam lieu. m ou. au. i,iu.
U9)-il A Rn HOUFE. 8248 North 19th 6t.
u r,m. modern, only $2,600. Thomas
Rrennan. room I New York Ufa Bldg
r..v.rrauv district, under Irrigation
sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and
fruit raising; low price, easy payment.
National Investment Co.. ifl BrandeU
Bldg.. t.maha. Tel Doujl (Ml. (A)j-e7
HiVFl four choice Missouri farma In ex
cellent neighborhood, within 26 miles of
Kansas City; "price low. Keiiy Keny
Topeka, Kan. iau-ai8i l7x
ln acres, close to town and R. R. All nice
i. vi la ml. sood soil: price $16 per acre
$1,100 casri; aee us for Deuel county bar
gains. Write lor nieraiur-.
8. E. WAIT CO.,
(11 B-e Bldg., Oroaba.
ly M188 1$
Maw Meslea.
FOR SALE 160 acre of deeded land In
iiih rkch Pt-co alley of New Mexico,
with artesian well and improvement
, within mil of the town or Dayton
Price. K per acre. Addrees Dayton Lam
Co.. Dayton. N. M. t2o Mi 19x
Nerth Dakata.
FOR SALE, cheap. Improved quarter North
Dakota. 8 inline Ir-iin Bnerw.nxi. in la
mu Mus river loop. J. W. Cnuidall,
care Loal boiel, Omaba, b
UU-U961 IT
The Yaqui River Valley Country
The Land of Many Crops
650,000 acres of the richest land In the world,
400,000 acre under Irrigation.
The Opportunity of a Lifetime for
The Farmer. Wacre
Anyone with a gmall amount of money can make a fortune. v
This land was put on the market January lt at $25 an acre, easy terms.
tth a free water right for every acre. It offers a greater future than any
land ever before offered.
The market value of the first year's crop should more than double the
entire cost of the land.
Six to eight crops of alfalfa: two
yearly. Oranges, lemons, bananas, rjlneannles and other semttroplcal iruus
uood markets at hand. From a producing standpoint one acre of tnis iana ,is
loaay worth two acres of any Irrigated
It surpasses California's famous
fronts west on the Gulf of California
rich, ellt soil will profitably reproduce
cheap and plentiful. A transcontinental
Join the Nebraska and Iowa Colony and
Locate in this Wonderful Country
where your industry and labor will
country and Its marvelous resources will
great rapidity. Excursion April 20th.
321-322 New York Life Building,
TUESDAY, April 20.
A very low round trip and one-way r&U to
rwowat. we want id for special ' car.
Land $10 to 428 per acre; 4,500 oil wells In
Nowata county. No better Investment on
the face of the earth. Ask Missouri Pa
cific Railroad agent for rates. Nowsta
Land and Lot Co., Suite 424 N. T. Life
Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone (Red im
Open evenings. (30) M991 19
Acres of Land
Now Open to Entry
under the Carey Act at Wheatland, Wyo.
Write us for full Information, how to
get some of these lands. We will locate
you and look after your Interests care
fully. This Is a splendid section, th soil
Is rich; It Is a great alfalfa, wheat, oats.
barley, -sugar beet and potato country.
Fruit does well. The land Is ready to
plow. Building material are cheap, fuel
Is abundant. We have railroad, school
and church facilities and the best of
' neighbors. Ttils Is a dairy country. Tou
can get rich farming here. We want you
to have our full descriptive Illustrated
circular at once, free for the asking.
Write; we want to hear from you. In
quire of J. R. Mason, Immigration Agt
Wheatland, Wyo. (2U)
LOTS In -Prince Rupert on sale by auc
tion May 26. Terms. 4 cash, balance,
three payments, 6 per cent. If you wish
to" Invest write. Prince Rupert Realty
and Commercial Co., 430 Richards SU
Vancouver, . J. tau miw ivx
ACRES- no Improvements, mile west
of Elmwood Park; 6 mile west of 16th
1001 N. Y. Ufe. Douglas or A Z162. .
Omaha, Neb.
(2D-M194 18
WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co.
lis; ojm
amroND MORTGAGE loana negotiated.
Apply Koora 411-ia rinii i-tuii uvik uuib.
Bell 'phon Doujla 8818. t22 Ct
WANTED City loan
and warrants.
13J0 Farnam St.
Karnam Smllb o-.
If you need a reasonable loan on well Im
proved umana rwi buj, & can vmer
tain your application, at i or per cent
Intereat, according to location or grade of
property; no delay, and privilege I glvea
for repayment before maturity.
I. Blbbenisan, 808 Old Boston Store Bldg.
. . 12-M478 AIT
PRIVATE money to loan. I.
H. Sherwood.
ca 3i
US Branaeie oiag.
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg.
prtvsta nllNier, w w ,uw rsie.
WS) 641
$100 TO $l,0OB made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Ilug., ioiu a.iiu I nn. w-a
t loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room L New York Ufa Bldg.
8600 TO 86,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keef
ae4 isiava w, w a. u.v. ivug.
or A-8168. (22) J7
$S00 to $200,000 at current rate.
H. THOMAS, 608 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
U2 Ji
$600 to $200,000, lowest rates.
no delsy,
(22 636
Uvrin uroa., uut r arnam.
MONEY TO LOAN Psyn Investment Ca
int OS
WHEN writing to advertiser remember
It only takes a stroke or two of tne pen
to mention th fact that you saw th ad
The Bee.
WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a
6-room house and a couple or vacani ioi.
Butte 624 N. Y. Life Bldg . umana.
Phen Red 1998. Open Evenings.
(23 M7S6
NEW furnace, hov water and hot air com
bination heating, 2 and 4-hoi laundry
hot water healer, mantle grains, gas
love repaired, water front and flower
vases. Omaha Stove Repair works, IS
128 Douglas Bt. 'Phone Ind. A-3&U;
Bell. Dougla sap.
FOUR or 6-room furnished otttag or flat.
Addros C B lj is na
BOD WANTED. Apply 618 B. 18th St.
(25) M170 16 x
HIGHEST price for secondhand furniture,
carpels, clotnea ana noea i eu uoug. sdii.
REST nrlc Mid for secondhand furniture.
carpets, stove, clothing, shoe. Tel. Doug.
Th Practical Auctioneer. 648 N.
Y. Li:.
'26) 4j0
WANT TO BUY A small line of elevator
and lumber yard In eastern Nebraska or
Kansas. R. tt. Chenoweh, Onlowa, Neb.
IJ sn isx
WANTKD Dirt to fill yard. WI7 Miami St.
or Ffc?ne Web. 1H64. (36) AUillUa
(Continued J
Earner or Investor,
crops of wheat and farm products
land In the United States
climate In every respect. The land
where delightful sea breezes blow. The
anything grown anywhere. LaDor is
railroad runs through tbe land.
make you Independent. This is a new
cause it to populate and develop with
Write for particulars.
Land Co., Agts.
Omaha, Neb.
'Phone Douglas 3972.
(20) 17
WANTKD-Fv vminK couole without Chil
dren: 2 or S furnished room equipped tor
light housekeeping: must be In flrst-claes
modern home and neignDornooa; win
prove permanent If agreeable ana rei-
erences exchanged. Address L 834, Bee.
(2 M244 lx
WANTED to rent May 1. 6 or -room mod
ern -house. Must be In -good neighbor
hood. Will lease for year. References.
No children. State terms. Y 12. Bee.
(26) M237 23X
BOOKKEEPER Young woman, ten year
exnerlenee In druic nouse and wholesale
line, wants position; best of references as
to ahilliv In handling books, office work
which reauires dealing with pubHc, but
not atenography. Address, giving time
most convenient for applicant to call, N
838. care Bee. KZi) M260 19x
YOUNG ATTORNEY wants position with
established law firm. Well educated. C
276, care Be. (27) MS66 18x
Willis M. Ward and wife to H. G.
Hlbbeler. lot 8. Koch's subdivis
ion $1,900
Hani C. Peterson and wife to Willis
M. Ward, same 1,800
Queen Victoria Jackson and husband
to Thomas H. Adams, lot 21, Haw
ley Terrace
Daniel P. Stowell and wife to William
Reds-wick. sV lot 6. Wlnthers' sub
division 1.900
Same to same, n same 1,400
Frank Wisdom and wife to Isabella
H Husrhes. part lot 9. block 8. El
V. Smith's addition 2,900
A. L. Reed, et al.. to Fred Well, lot
12. block 7, Campbell' addition.... 800
Andrew Peterson and wife to F. C.
Jnrorenaen.' Iota 21. 22. 23. block 2.
Portland Place 2,960
E. R. Hume and wife to Claude L
t awU nii.' ii Int ft ttlnck ft. Im
provement Association addition ... 2,600 1
Elisabeth R. Garland and husband to -Nannie
B. Washington, west 43 feet
of ntt of Int 3. Buell's subdivision... 860
in. T. Walker and wife to Winifred
G. Adams, lot 28, Stewart place 2,000
William Beste and wife to Florence
Co., east 96 feet of lot 2, Oka-
noma, and south 82 feet f west 310
feet of hit 38, S. IS. Rogers' plat of
William E. Merritt, trustee, to Ed
ward E. Larson, et al.. lot 23, block
3. Grammercy park 150
Genrfje W. Cooper, et al., to Frank
Pnunlnhll rwirt tax lot 4 and 6. sec
tion 10-14-13 1,000
Harriet A. Wilcox and husband in
Ralph B. Weller, lot 13. block 10,
Kountze Ilce
James 8 . White and wife to H. S.
HI inn lot 21. block 2. Hanseom
Place v. 4,000
J. E. Christy and wife to D. W.
Merrow. lots 6. 10. 14, 16, 16 and 19.
block 98, Florence
Mellora W. Fairfield and husband to
Frederich . Dlers. lot 14. block 8.
SulDhur Springs 800
R. C. Enewold et al.. to Daniel D.
Muloehev. sV. tax lot 6. ne'A neW
eectlon 34-15-13 W0
Natioaal Bank of Commerce to George
t'hanman. lot 23. block 2. Pruyn
nark i 128
Nebrsska National Bank to Lewis S.
Reed, east 12 feet of lot 10, block
1. "Sunset" -
Hannnh Cseey and husband to Fred
Fl Kleffner. south 3 feet of lota . 4
and 5. B. B. Dundy.-Jr"s subdlv 1
Ben G. Benson, et al.. to B. A. Ben
son, lot 4. block 11. BriggTs place 1
si. a. Ronann to Elslnor Place com
pany, lot 4. brock 11. Brlggs1 place.. , 1
E. A. Benson, guardian to same, same 1
Total $26,888
Caloa Pacific
..a 8:65 am
..a 8:60 pm
Overland Limited
Colorado Express
a 8:49 om
a 6:00 pm
Atlantic Kxpress
Oregon Express ......'...a 4:10 pm
Loa Angelea Limited. ...a!2:66 pm
Fast Mall a 6:20 am
China and Japan Mall. .a 4.00 pm
North Platte Local a 8:16 am
Colo. Chicago Special... al3:10 am
a :a am
a 6:00 pm
a 8:50 pm
a 6:46 pm i
a 6:46 pm
a 4'45 pm
a 7:06 am
Beatrice A Stromsburg
Local bl2:40 pm b 1:49 pm
Valley Local (motor,
via Lane Cut-Off)....al0:00 am
a 2:46 pm
a 9:00 am
Valley Local (motor)., .a 6:30 pm
Local cassenaers not carnea
on train
No. 1 and Z.
Caleago, Hack lalaasl t Paelft
Chicago Llmltal ........a 3:00 am
all. 06 pre
a 4 .30 pm
all:06 pm
a 4:30 pm
aL2. pm
b 9:66 pra
a 1:10 pm
a 8.36 am
a 2:60 pm
a 4:80 Dm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..a 8:00 am
De Moines A Eastern.. 7:00 am
Dea Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm
Iowa Local bll:00 am
Chicago ( Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:06 pra
Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:13 pm
Colo. A Cal. Exnreaa.... l.M nm
Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm
a l.uo pin
tkltsfo, Mllwaaaaa A St. Pa
Chicago A Colo. SpecUl.a 7:26 am all:60 pro
V. (. OK a.n..vwv.s w.w ,111
Overland Limited a 9:68 pm
Perry Local b 6:16 pm
alcatfe Great W eat era
l a Din
a 8 3u am
tU J6 am
7 JO am
11 :o6 pm
37 am
U:-tf pm
2. J0 pm
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:80 pm
Bt. Paul-Mlnneapolta.... 7:80 am
Chicago Limited' 4:06 pra
Chicago 1.x press 7:80 am
C!ikco Expreaa 3 80 pm
Cblcaga 4k Xortk weatera
Chicago Daylight a T:i am
Twin City Expreaa- a 7:46 am
Chicago Local All:80 am
Sioux City Local a 8.46 pra
Chicago Local a 4 0 pm
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm
Mlnueaotj-Dakota Ex. .a 8:46 pm
Fast Mall - .
Twin City Limited a 8:00 pm
Loa Angeles Limited.... 9 00 pm
all 48 pm
810:20 pm
a 8. pro
all 8u am
a 8:36 pm
a 8 28 am
a 9:30 am
a 8 36 pin
a 3:00 am
al2:$6 pm
Overland Limited a!0:0 pm
a .& am
Nebra'k and Wyoming Division
a 7:40 am
a 7:4u am
a 8:0 Dm
a 6 pm
al0:36 am
a 6 JO pm
a 4 pm
b 1 66 pre
b 6.39 pm
a T08 am
a 6 60 IMa
LlBi-oln-Long Pine
Dead wood-Lincoln
Fremont-Albion ........
Mtsaaert Paelfle
K C. A Pt. L. Express.
K. C s lu L k,pr.-as,
.a 3:0v pm
b 6 80 pm
.t 8.00 pm
.a 9 00 am pm
The Sponge Beds Are laraded by in
Army in Diving Suit.
I Native apoaarers Wits
Methods ComplaiaJ That Tfcoa
Mad of O reeks Have Bees
Attracted to C'oaet.
TARBOT SPRINGS. Fla., April lS.-Th
Greek has come to be regarded as an
eoonomlc menace by the native resident
of Tarpon Spring nd other part of th
west coast of Florida. The tory of now
this has come about is Interesting as show
ing how great tesults sometime grow from
small beginnings.
From Miami on the east cosst down
through the chain of key and up th wet
coast as far as St. Mark' are the Immense
sponge beds which hav been one of the
sources of Florida's wealth for many year
tjp to three or four year ago Key West
Wa the chief center of the industry, end
ing out a fleet of some vessels manned
by several thousand men to fish for
sponges, which sold at highly remunera
tive prices.
t'p to 1908 the apparatu used by the
anonaer consisted of a water glass and a
pole with a three-toothed hook at on end.
The water glass was simply an ordinary
bucket, the wooden bottom of which naa
been replaced with a pane of window gl
The pole varied In length with the depth
In which the sponger wa working, about
forty-five feet being the greatest depth in
which th hooker could work.
Greek Method latrodaceoV
In 1905 one of the spong buyer at this
place, thinking that there must be fine
sponges in the deep water, which were in
acoesstble to the hooker, made arrange
ments with a Greek diver to come to this
place and Introduce th method of gather
Ing sponges by men In diving suit which
are In general use In the sponge, fisheries
of Greece. It was supposed that the local
spongers, observing thl man at work.
would see the advantages of diving over
hooking in the . deep water and would
adopt the new method. But the natlv
spongers absolutely refused to have any
thing to do with It.
The Greek diver wa very successful
The glowing reports or his large earning
sent to the north and to Greece at one
started an Influx of Greeks, and In a few
months some 400 or 500 Greeks had swarmed
Into thl place. They , have been coming
ever since, until now there ar several thou
sand Greeks settled here, their number be
Ing almost treble that of the native popula
As a result of this influx of foreigners
the town hss taken on a foreign appear
ance. The Greek language Is heard more
often than the English, while Greek names
St. Louis Express a 8:80 pm a 1:28 am
, St. Louis Loral (from
council Bluffs) as.Doaro au:i pro
Btanberry Local (from
Council biuiisi d :uu pm Dio:i am
Illlaols eatral
Chicago Express a T:U am a 8:46 pm
Chicago Limited a. 4:00 pra a 8:80 am
Minn. -St. Paul Express. b 7:18 am
Minn. -St. Paul Limited. a 8:00 pm a 8:80 am
Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:18 pm all 80 am
i Leave.
..a 4:10 pm
..a 4:10 pm
..a 4:10 pm
..al2:18 am
..a 8:46 am
..b 1:20 pm
..a 9:16 am
a 8:46 pm
a 3:46 pm
a 8:10 pm
a 9:08 am
a 6:10 pm
al2:ll pm
a 8:10 pm
b 9:08 am
Denver tc California.
Northwest 8peclal ...
Black Hills
Northwest Express .
Nebraska points
Lincoln Fast Mall...
Nebraska Express ...
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
a 7:60 pm
blO:20 am
..b 8:06 pm
b 1:08 pm
Plattsmouth-Iowa ..
....b 9:18 am
.. 412:86 pra
...a 4:10 pm
...a 7:26 am
.. 4:20 pm
...a 8:30 pm
o 2:40 pm
Denver Limited
a 7:08 am
Chicago Special
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer
all:46 pm
a 8:68 pm
a 8:80 am
Iowa Local
...a 8:16 am all: JO am
...a 4:40 pm all:80 am
St Louis Express.
Kansas City & St. Joe.. 10:45 pm a 8:80 am
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:16 am a 6:10 pra
Kansas City St. joe.. a 4:40 pm
Chicago, St. Faal, MlaaeaaxtU 4k
Leave. Arrive).
Twin Cltv Pasaancer...b 6:80 am b 9:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger... b 2:00 pm bll5m
Blcux City Local e 8:46 am e 6:80 pm
Emerson Local D s.w pm o tao am
Mlasoarl Pacific .
Auburn Local b 2:60 pm bll:80 am
Daily, b Daily except Sunday. fcun-
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
Naw York to Paris In 6 Days
Safety, Speed, Comiort
via Hsvr $ Paris, tna City Beautiful,
Fast Train to All Coonaeatal Points.
Compagnie Generate
Gigantic twin screw exprsss steamer a0
every Thursday, 10 A. M. They are modera woa
ders, with all conveniences and luxuries of most
palatial hotels, ea even grandef scale. Passea
, ger elevators, roof cafes, orchestras, fsmous
cuisine, rymnaslura. daily newspaper, elegant
suites, nrovide areatest comfort. NsvslotUcers,
man-o'-war discipline, wireless telegraphy, sub
marine bell signal system afford every provision
tor absolute safety.
La saYot April StILa Provsnce Msr II
La Tourslns ....April Lt Sarola Mar X
La Lorraine Mar 4 La Tosralns Mar at
paalal Ona-etaes esk4 Barvtaa (II cUH
40 ! SSO., alwrmata Saba-aSfS, as aa Unfa twis
st-ivw aud rkpreu ttatmar.
Maw Vak-BarSasaa aerates (oas cleat cabal)
aalr s.
H. C. M aorta
L. Naaas
W. K. Bock
. irot rirnam streat.
. 1st NaUenal Baafe
la- ysfaaat Stnai.
forth QermanAloycL
Krunprtns Wis. . Apill 13. K Win. l Ot a ..April 81
;Hle April 30'Kalsar . II May
fLYMOL'TH HBRdol'KO. till act IS A. M.
Main April 16 April 84
Oneiaanau April iSjKaartssrst May I
Bremen Street.
BalllD at 11 A. M.
P. Iran ., April niNarkat Mar 1
g. A Ibart April MiBarsaroaas May 9
Calls st Alslars.
Bortb Oermaa XJoyd Travelers' Obesks,
Oelrtoba 6t Co., Agents, BroaAway, 88. Y,
fc. Clanaaeaiu 8 Oa, S ZX ax bora 164, Ck.
eage, Itx,
18,00 Tea Twia-Serew Paaseogaf Bteamere
Dueet te
Norwsy, Sweden an. Denmark
Oaoar II April 141 Halll Olai .......May tt
tlalia4 aulas ....April tSIOecar II Mar gl
I P. Tin ....Mar stUnils Solas ... Juae 1
All Steamer liqalpped With Wlreleea
Plrst cabin. 414 upaart, aauio . I aa
A. B- JOHNSON A CO., IM . alaia SC. Calaaaa,
III a U Local Aaoia.
Russian American Line
1ST CLASS. Ml l varte
iu cuss, m m
ist class. spweres
ZU CLASS. toT as
Mew Tvla Saasv 14.M Tea 8. SISSIA. sal ling
Iroai ikear I or a jane t sns Jyir li.
a iralaaa Tclasraptor-
A. JDUfcsilN CO.. IT Bn4wajr. M. Y.
ar rapidly replacing thos of the Amerl
can merchants who formerly did business
hers. At th rat that th Oreek ar
coming It I a question of but a short
time before they will control th town ab
solutely. lavader Gala Caatral.
Key Weet soon felt th effect of th
new competition and veesel after vessel
was withdrawn from the fishery, or els
old to th Greek, until no the Key
West fleet numbers lea than one-half
what It did In IV. It was soon discov
ered that the Oreek. dlvcfs, Instead of
going out Into th deep water which
were Inaccessible to the hooker, preferred
to frequent the shallow waters worked
by th hookers, where the sponge were
more easily and more safely secured than
In the greater depth.
Finding It Impossible to secure effec
tive state legislation owing to the con
flicting, at that time. Interest of Tarpon
Spring- and Key West, and appeal waa
made to congress, which enacted a law
In 1906 prohibiting the landing In this
country after May 1, 1907, of sponges taken
by means of diving In less than fifty feet
of water, while sponges taken In a greater
depth had to be secured between October
and May 1. This law has been of very
little benefit to th natlv spongers, as
but weak and Ineffectual efforts have been
made to enforce it.
The people of Key Weat have fought
against diving from th beginning and
hav threatened to burn the first diving
vessel which comes there. Last year a
rumor spread that a diving vessel was
working- on the key grounds In the upper
part of Monro county. An expedition
wa hastily got up, but when It swooped
down upon the susptclou vessel the lat
ter turned out to be a mackerel fisher
man from Miirrl , Nelh iruk nor
the dit ag method ar permitted In Mon
roe ' county. But ss the best grounds
re In the Oulf of Mexico, some distance
from Monroe county, thl has not bene
flted the Key .West fleet very much.
riaals - V.l.n I ajjk-a- la,,r.
Those resldenst of this town whf fa
vored . and helped In the Introduction
of the Oreek methods cf diving In Its early
days soon had their eyes opened to the
effect of the coming of the Greeks. It Is
charged against the latter that thev
spend as little money as possible, buying
only the bare necessaries of life, while
eagerly bent upon exploiting to the ut
most the state's valuable sponge bids
that they give as little as possible In re
turn for what they get. and that they
are ready to decamp as soon ss these
resnurcea are exhausted. It I probable
that the' coming session of the legist
tur will witness the enactment of laws
directed against the Oreeks.
In sponging the regular suit used hy
diver the world over I employed. The
pump 1 placed In an open boat, which
towed along to the ground by the
schooner on which th crew live. ITpon
arrival at the ground the diving crew
goes aboard the diving boat, while the
captain, cook and cleaner remain aboard
the schooner and manoeuver tt so as
not to be far away at any time.
In the diving crew are two divers, one
of whom works during the morning, whll
the other operates In the afternoon. When
ready th diver Is encased In his suit
and drop overboard by means of a small
ladder on the side and Is carried to the
bottom by the weights hanging from his
back and attached to his feet. v
Upon arrival at the bottom he walks
around .tearing loose from It fastenings
any sponge which strikes hi fancy and
placing It In a net bag attached to hi waist.
When he has a bagful or feels the need
of resting b signal to th crew, who
pull hire up and aboard the boat, where
ha rests for a short while. When
goes down again. '
Owing to th fact that they operate
much shoaler water than In th Mediter
ranean th mortality among the diver
has been exceedingly slight. None ha
fallen a victim to that dreaded dfsease
paralysis. Thla la caused by diver go
ing so deep that th men at th pumps
are unable to pump enough air to expand
the suit so that It can withstand the pres
sure of the water. The diving suit
squcese the legs and body, producing
sort of paralysis that Is not always recog
nised by the diver until he reaches the
surface; and IS exposed to th air.
Divers Battle trader Water.
There 1 keen rivalry as to which shall
secure th choice specimens. A a reault
fight bet neen rival divers occasionally
occur at th bottom. In November, 1907,
two diver fought for nearly an hour at a
depth of flfty-aeven feet for th posses
sion of a vary large sponge and inflicted
upon each other severe bruises with their
pong hook befor their comrade at
the aurface discovered what was the mat
ter and separated them , by pulling them
tncontentlnently to the surface, where they
were, of course, ' helpless to harm each
The Oreeks have Introduced their own
peculiar style of diving boat and many
of these bear names which look odd to th
observer. The name Agea Tress (Holy
Trinity) Is very popular, while Katlngo, St.
Oeorg. St. Geo, Panagea, Elpi Ladas,
Athena, Evangellatra, Texarhis, Kmhpnh
and Kphth are fairly common. The Oreek
lettering Is sometime empolyed.
In hooking, on the schooner' arrival at
th grounds, the dingy are run overboard
and two men enter each. Only one man,
the cook, is left aboard th vessel, and he
maneuvers It so as to be nsar the boats,
o that they may easily deliver on board
tbelr catch.
aoage Bed Pretty Plctare. '
One man on each dingy Is called the
hooker, while the other is known as the
culler. The sculler Is In the stern, whence
ha maneuvers It with a long oar, according
to the directions of the hooker, who Is up
in the bow. When the hooker is ready for
work ha slings the water glaas bail over
his head, lean over the gunwale snd plac
ing the water glass on the surface of th
water, bottom down, he Inserts his head
in li. li mi water ia csear ne ean See
to bottom alstlnctly for a conlsderable
dietaries on all sides.
The bottom on which the sponge grow
presents a very beautiful appearance when
looked at through a sponge glass, being
covered with a species of very tall
rest nor and snort moss, red. brown or
white, and a th boat is slowly sculled
along It presents a kaleldescopio appear-
nee, whk-h frequently bring forth crie
of admiration from even the aponger.
Sponge ar usually found In from twlv
to fifty feet of water.
When a good sponge appear In light
quick command to th sculler cause the
boat to be sent In ths desired direction
Th hooksr plunge th hook Into the
water, and aa soon as he Is within reach
he skillfully insert th hook under th
sponge, d-stsvehes it and bring t to tb
surface, where It ia pulled off the hook
and placed In th bottom of th dingy,
Car must be ta,n that th apong does
not work off th hook, as then it would
be lost and become what tbe spongers
call a rolling John, l
Th hooker must hav experience, as h
is compelled to distinguish between the
different varieties of sponge at whatever
depth h may be working and must not
be deceived by worthies loggerheads
which to ths uninitiated look ilk fine
specimens, but ar so poor that when
brought to the surfa-ss they fall apart Of
their own weight.
A soon as a boatload I secured the
hmvt Is Immediately sculled to th schooner
nd the catch deposited on the deck, when
he boat starts out agsln. On th deck of
the vessel they are placed In their natural
prlght position so as to allow th gurry
or slimy matter with which they ar coated
to run off and the animal die.
Treaties; tbe Spoagea. -
The sponge are allowed to Ha on th
deck for several days, during which time
he surrounding atmosphere Is highly -
flavored with the decaying animal matter.
which ha a strong ammonlacal scent.
When a load had been secured or near th
nd of the week, they sre taken to th
kraals, which are enclosures of wattled
takes sbotit ten or twelve feet square,
built ckse to shore In water from two to
four feet In depth. Most of th kraal are
located close to Anclote, on th eoaat sev
eral mile from here.
After remaining In the kraals for about
week In order to allow the animal mat
ter to decay they are taken out and beaten
while wet with a shrrt wooden peddle to
drive out the decomposed matter. They
ar then queexed In order to drive out
the water and th remaining animal mat
ter and are then sprung on a piece of
coarse string about five feet In length.
Sponges of a different grade are never put
on tha same string and the stringer also
endeavors to have sponges of a similar
site in the same bunch.
Th diving boat clean their sponges on
board the vessel, thus obviating tha expense
of kraals.
The dangers of the fishery Is greatest In
the fall, when the hurrican season Is on.' A
hurrtcan may swoop down upon th fleet
and spread death and destruction. In Oc
tober, 1906, a hurrican swept through the
key and about twelv vessels, nearly all
of which were spongers. - were destroyed In
the neighborhood of Knights Key. One
vessel waa carried nearly a mil In US tha
Interior of one of the key.
All sponges are sold either at Tarpon
Springs or Key West, by far the greater
part being sold here, and the method Al
lowed In disposing of them I probably
unique and hase been followed almost from
the Inception of the business.
The Sponge Rxcbang.
On the Anclota river, about twenty min
utes' walk from the heart of this town, la
the Sponge exchange, a long, low building
with a yard surrounded by a high board
fence. Th building I divided into com
partment in which the sponges are stored
until the sale days, on Tuesdays and Fri
days of seen week.
On the mornlnn of tha sale th sponges
are taken out Into the yard and arranged
In piles, each grade being kept separata.
The buyers, who represent the Isrgs
wholesale firms dealing In such articles,
are permitted to look over the bunches at
any time before or during the ssle. but are
not allowed to weigh them. When tha
hour of sale arrives th auctioneer take
hi place besld the first pile and ask for
bid. Not a word I uttered by him in re
gard to the sponge, the buyers being up-
posed to know all that could b said about
Each buyer write on a slip of paper th
price he 1 willing to give and hand tt to
the auctioneer, who lay It face down In
the palm of hi hand. There Is no con- '
tlnuous competition as in a regular auction,
a each man Is allowed only one bid.
When all the bids are in the auctioneer
reverses them snd reads off th amount.
The highest bid takes the pile, and th
auctlonser hands tha slip back to tha suc
cessful bidder, who writes his nama and
the data on It and then offers it to th
If the owner accept th slip the sale is
consummated, but should he think tha pries
too small he can decline to receive It, and
the sal la off. Under these circumstance
th pile (must be removed from the yard
to the building at once and cannot be putN
up again until the next sals dsy. Tha'
buyer la not permitted to back out
tales Moist Hlak.
It ean easily be seen from the above that
the buyer must be an experienced man or
he will make costly mistakes. As a usual
times but a few cents separating the high
est and lowest bidders on a lot selling fur
several hundred dollars. Hornet I ms ss
much ss 160,000 worth of sponges will be
old. At Key Wet the sale are held every
morning but Saturday and Sunday.
As soon a a pile I sold It la loaded on
rays ana rsmovea io tne buyer s -ware
house. Here the sponge are thoroughly
dried out and the ragged edges trimmed
off. They are then pressed Into balea
weighing from twenty to eighty pounds.
In which shape they are shipped te th
wholesale dealer in Nw York. Philadel
phia, Chicago and St. Louis in this coun
try, and to London, England, and Ham
burg, Oermany.
The recognized trade varieties- of Florida
sponge are tha sheepawool, the moat val
uable; tha yellow, the velvet, the grass and
tha glove. In 1908 about 2600.000 worth of
sponge were gathered and marketed by
th aponger of Florida.
Ao Interesting experiment Is ' now being
made by the United States buresu of fish
eries, the raising of aponae from clln.
ping. For a long time about ona-half of
the sponges used In this country were se
cured from the waters surrounding the
state of Florida, but of lata year th sup
ply ha not kept pace with th demand.
and In order to prevent the destruction of
th Inudustry the bureau began U experi
ments In 1901, and ha since mat with some
success, although It Is too early to fore
cast th final result. If successful, sponge
may be raised on'prlvat grounds, tha same
as oyster and clam are now.
Oklahoma Pats Stop to Fayalctavaa
Mevlag frena F.ast for Bea
t at Health.
OUTHRIE, Okl., April 4a -No mora phy
sicians who are diseased with consump
tion or tuberculosis will be .licensed to
practice medicine In Oklahoma. This wsa
the decision reached by the Stata Board of
Medical Examiner. In session her yes
terday. It was found that physicians from th
eaat with consumption were coming to
Oklahoma to practice, hoping to benefit
their health. It was held by th board that
the Interest of patient demanded that In
th future th board refused to issue li
censes to such practitioners.
Faetnrles a ad Cellars fear Baste
Ar Flooded aad Malaa Mill
Shat Pass a.
BOSTON. April IS. Th Agawan Mead
ow, opposite Springfield, were from eight'
to-ten feet under water today and in
Weat Sprlngleld some of tha houae were
completely surrounded by water and cellar
were flooded. The uss of powerful pumps
In fautoriea on th Springfield aide of tha
river alone prevented a number of fac
tories from being forced) to suspend opera
tion. The paper mills at Brunswick. Me., were
shut down today on account of high water
in the Androsooggan. but it I believed the
river would recede during th day.