Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
PACES 11 TO 10.
a clean. Tollable newspaper that la
admitted to each and every home.
VOL XXXV1IIX(). 262.
Men's Clothin
A Saturday full of wonderful possibilities for men
in search of Spring Suits. Opportunities to save a five
dollar bill on the very handsomest suit the spring sea
son has brought out. Here's a clothing business that's
done "on the level" offering you best clothing on the
lowest margin of profits.
Saturday We Offer These
Men's strictly pure worsted and all wool cassimere suits. In all
the nobby models, with fancy cuffs and pocket flaps or the
more conservative styles. In new tans, grays, slates,
Olives, etc., Including blue serges, serge or alpaca
linings, values to 116.00..
MEV8 SUITS -In all the choicest worsted effects, two and three
shades of tans, greens, grays, including fancy stripe and plain
Diue serges. Greatest assortment dressy models
Bennett's ever displayed at the popular price
of. - .
MEW'S FIJTEST SOTS In two and three buttons; velours, cassl-
f meres and worsteds, very choices fabrics In the late
hades, also check and pencil stripe patterns. High
grade tailoring throughout, 125.00 and
Dress the Little Fellows in Style Here's
Helping You Do It Cheaply.
Men's Shirts for Less ,
You'll no such shirt-values In town as we
' offer now. The department is overflowing- with
, new shirts patterns you'll like, any style you
prefer as well. Among them are white madras
shirts and in atrip and figured '
effeota , $1.00 and $1.80
One of the big attractions In our new Boys' department
Saturday Is a lot of 300 strictly all wool double breasted
suits, with two pairs of knlckerbocker pants. They
come in all the best spring shades, sizes 9 A( aa
to 15 years; these suits are actual $4.50 JW MX
values. On sale Saturday at "WW
Two tables stacked full of fine all wool cassimere and
worsted suits, in all the new nobby shades now so
popular. Smart double breasted models and
knlckerbocker pants, $5 and
BOYS' FIXE REEFERS In plaids, checks and stripes,
with emblem on sleeve, sires 5 to 8 yrs., an assorted
lot of our entire small lots and broken lines 'J r
of $5.00 styles; your choice of any 4 M
BOYS CAPS AND HATS In all the late shades and
shapes in the new department. (Second Floor.)
Men's Hats at 08c A clean-up lot, good styles
black stiff hats, also soft telescope, trooper and staple
chapes, In brown, pearl and nutria, values $2.60
at 08
Stetson and Oofut Knapp Hats One of the broadest
range of styles shown by an Omaha store. There's be
coming shape for all men, either in soft or stiff, and in
every shade; others at. .$2.50 $3.00 nd $3.50
Fancy Half Hose
100 dosen new embroidered effects and other fig
ured ilesUnr, in blacks and all the new shades
en popular this season. They're lc quality
Summer Style IVook and any
Home Journal Pattern
15c Ladles'
Bath-a-8weet Rice rowder lee
Ia Trefle Talcum Powder So
Murray and Lanman's Flor.
Water i0o
Colgate's Turkish Bath Four.,
1 lb. bars for sio
German Sea Foam Soap (Imp.)
at Bo
Parisian Sage Hair Dressing.
at 48o
Hays' Hair Health SSo and 4So
Panderlne.. sao, 43a and a So
Uoldman's Hair Restorer $1.00
Traveling Man's Sample Line
for "HO
Tight Sjhlrts for men, plain white and fancy
trimmed, rollarless and with collar, regular
and extra elses $1.00, 7 So aud Boo
Tailored Suits--Choice..$15.00
An unexpected purchase, and just in the nick of time. A
traveling salesman for one of New York's big suit houses,
traveling to the coast, just finished his trip here in Omaha.
To avoid paying heavy excess baggage on about 100 sam
ples back to New York he closed out to us his entire line
at practically our own figures. These suits represent the
entire line of styles made by a house favorably known in
every prominent city in the United States. In the line are
, 1 t Acr rs a aoa rs rm
vaiues oi -d.uu 10 u.uu. mere are TH J
that we can hold a sale that will create
town talk. Saturday's buyers get pick
Suits for the Little Miss
Tailored models, woman1" styles such as the fastidious
young miss of 14 to 17 years yearns. Made from new wor
teds, with long coats, featuring the straight line tendency
r.s.Tp"la::....... $10-$12-$15
Children's Wash Dresses
There's that "something different" about our child
ren's dresses that mothers always look for but rarely find.
No other house in Omaha is showing such beautiful little
frocks. The designs are simply charming and the materials
are;good standard percales and ginghams such as you
would buy yourself at the counters if you were to make
dresses yourself. Once you see these you'll buy a season's
On Sale Beginning 9 O'Clock Saturday
Season's Accumulation of Silk Remnants
Friday we close out the dress goods remnants. Saturday you carry away the silk
remnants at trifling prices. Over 8,000 pieces, the pick of the season's choicest silks. We
have cleared away the front section of dress goods department for displaying these remnants.
Extra salespeople will be on hand to give prompt service. . In the lot are silks for' every
yiaia Heasaliaas, TsffHaa, tonlatanes, Bajahs, 1-oulard., Pong-ees, .au da Bole, Wash Bilks,
Black auks in length from one and one-half to fifteen yards.
T. . .... l- .ilka in r,iii u.l.i l.nrlh, n1 all worth II will he Bl.BO
One Una is especially dowwwh"! . j . -...- - " ,
. ..... i ,, , .1 .Haft mrA d . fiKrt tr 11 Oft varil
tier piece e.w
Our neat eiyiee irum -1 .
liTard otcoe. that sold at 86o and $1.00 yard.
tCyard plecii 'that 'sold at M-00 a yard, per
Four yard pieces White Wash SUks will be 75c
lS-vard lenathft. worth 5c a yard, price for en
tire length o.o
Dresses of percale and gingham, plain shades,
ring dots, checks, stripes, etc., self straps and
piping, low round or high neck, two to five
vear $1.00
Gingham dresses, In jumper and long sleeve
styles, regular little beauties 85
Plain Gingham Dresses, high or low neck, piping
trimmed ....... 59
Dresses for girls 6 to 14 years, in light and
dark standard percales, high and low neck,
regular and jumper styles; many choice pat
terns, too. Absolute folly to have them made
while these are so good and cheap. . . .$1.25
Also a great assortment of Toll du Nord, Ander
son gingham and percale dresses
$1.75 $2.25 52.75 $3.00
Good Muslin Underwear Picking
Tables fairly bristling with choice offerings and rare good savings on snowy Under
muslins of the better sorts.
I lace and ribbon trimmed.
I very dainty garments, also a
I few mussed lines, ?!
worth to 68c .'B
OOWII, Drawers, Oorset Cov
ers -Moat all new and fresh
garments of special attrac
tiveness, some mussed, .le
garments worth to Sic.,.''''5
aOWBTS and Oorset Covers,
of fine materials and hand
somely trimmed In the lot
are values up to $1.60, .7l
choice w
Combination Garments Corset cover and short
skirt or corset cover and drawers, made of
cambric, lace and ribbon trimmed. . . .$1.25
Others at $1.78, $2.00, f&SO, S3.00, $3.73
Cambric Skirts Beautifully trimmed, with 20
inch embroidery flouncing, with underlay and
dust ruffle; an exceptional f 1.75 value. Sat-
urday for , $1.00
Houaecleaning, garden and kitchen
needs nowhere so attractively vrA.
jSnJa-Csrter's White Lead, in 100-lb
kegs, including double stamps, per
IJberir Howie Paint
1- gallon can. worth 1.25. ,or
.gallon can. worth 65c. for 50 1
2- fallon can, worth 40c. '.... 30
Etra Quality house paints. $1.30
Double stamp, on all Paint and ar
nlsh purchases.
mfc os in. 80-foot lenaths. pr foot.
10eVl2o and Uc 100 stamp, with each
(0-foot lenath.
Voattry Wtra In full rolls, sq ft H
Baajaelwara Imported white ware
Sauce pans with cover
White Knameled Pie Plates 100
Oood slie Mlxlna Bowls
larire else Mlxlna Bowls
Henry Dttson Hand Sawe, fS, :-ln. $1.39
Bally Iron Jack Plane. No. .. . A...$1.S
Maydola Hammers, No. 1V4 or 11 Vi ...BOo
Mortise lckB. old copper finish, oval
Railroad Wheelbarrow, special fi.7
Hteel Un Rake, J4-tlne. 0c
Ppadlns Kork. -tlne 7BC1 and 40 stamp.
Ciaaollna Stoves, 1-hole. for ....s.a
Base Ball Goods
and Fish Rods
Bsaa Ball Bulls for hoy.. $1.00 kind ..7o
fiaae Ball MUts for boys, special
Catcher'. MUU. factory .ample.. bl line
one third off.
join..? v :n
i.uu r i1' j'"-t
- v. -
Trimmed Hats
five Dollars
A Saturday trimmed hat sale
that sticks out aa the one bright
spot on the millinery horizon.
Two hundred beautiful and ar
tistic spring models, in the best
and moat popular shades; dressy
shapes, trimmed In fruits and
flowers, velvet ribbons
and feathers, values to
$10.00, at
Another lot exquisite hate, worth
to $12 60; priced at.... $7.50
(Second Floor.)
25c kindi
Mattings j Price
Every piece In stock goes I
nothing reserved. Buy your sum
mer floor coverings now. Jap and
China matting like this
kinds at. yard 17 V
at, yard 12Vi
20c kinds at. yard 10
60c fibre matting.". 30t
Telt Bnfi 17x61 Inches, reversible
and very durable, useful all over
the house, fine color combinations
all 12.00 rugs for $1.1
Data ug- 27x50 Inches, four col
ors, guaranteed to launder perfect
ly; clean, beautiful rugs fur bath
or bed room will not become hard
or fringed 12.00 rugs closing
at "
velvet Ribbons
For millinery use entire new line,
all widths to five Inch, all silk, In all
best colors. Moet complete line In )
Telling- .Another great Saturday aale,
all colors, 60c veiling, 25c, 25c veil
ing lOo
Dutch Collars Very choice styles, at
25n to 93.00
Jabots Mure new arrivals. .BBo to $8.50
Kaohlax Cord aad Chiffon Baching, six
lengths In box ..SOa
Tourist Ruchlng, box SSo
Bilk Bjlbbons Satin and fancy, all col
ors, regular 20c line, at lOe
Wide taffeta ribbons for hajrbow. and
sashes, 25c quality for . i- lBo
V-lnch Moire and Messallne ribbons,
plain and c hangelle, 40c quality SBo
Our Market Is Indispensible
Von need It if you are a true economist. Here is the price story
for Saturday :
o,uj ids i-Tesn tig i-orn iioast, per in 69 t
f rime nuueu mo ttoaui, 10.iaC
Choice Pot Roast, lb., lOc, 8c, 6c
Fall Lamb Legs, lb. ... . . . .12Jc
Fall Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb. 7 He
Fall Lamb Stew, 6 pounds. . . ,23c
Mutton Chops, loin or rib, lb. 12 4c
Veal Chops, per lb 10c.
Cudahy's Diamond C Hams, best
grade, per lb 13 He
Cudahy's Rex Bacon, lb.... 12 He
2-lb. palls ...25c and IS stamps
4 -lb. palls ...50c and 25 stamps
10-lb. palls $1.25 and 40 b tamps
Bennett's Big Grocery
These Advertised Specials oa Vale
Bennett's Kxcelslor Flour, per sack
Pride of Bennett s r lour, per sack
Bennett's Cspitol Flour, per sack
Bennett's Beet Coffee, three pounds for
Bennett's Heat Coffee one pound
Bennett's Tea., aBeorted kinds, per pound . . .
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. 6 pound can.
Kntder'a Pork and Beans, large can
Kgg-O-See Corn Flakes, S packages
Pure Honey, Mason pint jar
Bweet Pickled Peaches, quart jar
Blue Borax Starch, package. ,
Hub-No-More Soap, six cakes
Hub-No-More Powder, six packages
F.llen Sardines, per can
New South Syrup, per can ,.
Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle
Kamo Catsup, pint bottle
Armour's Corn Beef, number one. enn
Armour's Ham, Veal, Beef Loaf, can
Lomcetlo Swiss Cheese, pound
Full Cream Cheese, lb
..1.70 and 60 green
...ei.ou ana on green
. .Sl.eo and 60 green
. .$1.00 and 100 green
. ...3&o and SO gretn
. . . .SSo and 75 areen
, , .$1.00 and 100 green
. ...BOo and 20 green
....Boo and 10 green
,...85o and 20 green
...,10o e,nd 10 srreen
...'.850 and 20 green
....SSo and 20 gretn
. ...lOo and 10 green
..,.880 and 10 green
. . . .180 and 20 green
....83o and 10 fcreen
....14c and 10 icreen
. ...10c and 5 green
. ...S5c and 10 green
. ...Sao and 10 green
UTTTT'li'.'R Bennett's
,w-"-' Cr
quality, full lb. bricks, per OfW
lb. Friday and Saturday
ER8 for 1UC
and 10 stamps.
Premium Uutterlne. two pounds for 4?o and 20 areen ammo
Martha Washington Flakes, package 10c and 6 green stamps
Hurntiom's 20c Clam Chowder lao
l!Uo lloval Tomatoes, can loo
Mixed Candy, pound
Pop Corn Balls, 3 for
IZHc can. Hoyalton Lima Bean. 8o
10c P. W. Clam., for lis
halted Peanuta, pound loo
California Figs, package 6o
Saturday's C'LTT7,1T,TP HITTCTaT1 Sale at
Greatest OJtljlli 1 MUOlU Dennett's
What's Your Name
Ask me again and I'll tell you
the same.
This tn a new Iwo-.tep dedicated
to all youngster. A dandy new
one by Theron O. Bennett. It's
the biggest kind of a hit every
where it's played. Don't IS)-'
you want It
StraUlT SAISXZB A pretty, new
Irish song an answer - to Irish
Mollis O. Ask to hear It played
you'll Ilk It ,lo
A tittle Hon.. Bulls for Two (new)
Dear Old Broadway (Follies of
1907), Fairy Klsse. (a new waits that
Is good), C. O. P. Mean. Call on
Dad each, and many more lto
New York's Newest
Hona always first at Bcnnelfs busy
muslo corner.
N Py Onlta Owen.
I Daisies Won't I who also wrote
I Tell I Sweet Bunch of
I J lalslea. Just
the sweetest of all tfte new songs.
per copy .14
IOTZLIOR Swinging Into our
third thousand lot' now; simply
can't stop It. Everybody ha. caught
Us magnetic Charm, by Theron O.
l Bennett, of cottTse 10
Jangle Moon, a song and two-stop
that will be as popular aa Under
the Tropical Moon, and by the same
' writer. Percy Wenrlch ISo
Path That Xad to Lore, a new
catchy high class ballad, fresh from
New Tork and taking like wildfire,
at "a
Boys' Heavy School Stockings 10c
100 dozen only, heavy 20c quality, a hosiery bargain every mother ot
boys should grasp. Rarely is such an offering possible these days.
Less than cost to make 10
Women's Imported Lisle Hose, In all best colors, durable double soles,
every pair big value at 36c; Saturday , 25
Women's Geneva Silk. Hose We have sold over a thousand doien of
these splendid goods look and feel like real silk 50c values
three pairs for 91.00
Women's Fast Black. Mercerized Hose specially priced, pair 21t
Knit Underwear
Women's low neck sleeveless vests,
taped neck and arm, 20o goods,
at 134
Low neck mercerized and lisle
vests, lace trimmed. 35c goods,
t -25
Women's knit pants, wide kne,
lace trimmed, SOc, 35c and 23
Women's long sleeve cotton vests,
35c regularly, for 25
Women's pure linen 12-lnch hand
kerchiefs, usual 8V4o value
special 5f
Women's pure linen 13-inch band-
kerchiefs, nice and very sheer,
16c value 10
Men's pure linen 18-inch handker
chiefs, Vi-lnch hems, 20c quality,
at 12
Exceptional Glove Opportunity
You don't go wrong
when buying gloves at
Bennett's. We have
practically all the best
of the world's products
to choose from and the
best are represented in
our lines. Many under
our own brands. Can
supply all the popular
spring shades now.
Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves, everywhere $1.00: choice of
black, brown, tan, gray, red all perfect goods, 7Qf
too; new stock, all alxe.: Saturday, at, pair i w
Women's two-clasp Lambskin Gloves, all best colors '
at ........$1.00 and S1.BS
Women', two-clasp Grenoble French ', Kid Gloves, nil bet
mlnra at SI. 60 and $2 00
Kayscr and Fownes two-clasp Silk Gloves, double tipped
at ; BOo, 7So and 31.00
Kayser and Fownes elbow length Silk Gloves. 'double tipped. 7o, $1.00, $1.60
Double stamps on all purchases of QIot.b, Hosiery, Woman's Underwear
and Handkerchief. Saturday.
Solid Gold Set Rings at Half
A chance seldom possible t.
offered you Saturday that
prospective purchasers will do
well to take advantage of.
These are women's rings, net
with opals, emeralds, sap-
phlres, ruby doublets, etc:
I6.K0 ring. for. Sa.a
$4.00 rings for. .$1.08
IS. 00 ring. for.. $1.60
Oold niled Bracelsts Big assort
ment, $7.50 values for $3.00
ZTew SToveltles Just In Jabot pins
and Jet Jewelry. Jet hat pins, Jet
Jabot pin. and brooches, Jet collars
and combs: also new amytheet and
topaz Jahot pins and Jewelry, me
dallion pin. and hatpins, will go
at, up from BBo, BOo and $1
- AW.
Sale Hand Bars Great Saturday of
fering In late styles In Morocco,
goat, seal and patent leather hand
bags, etc., many with spilt bottoms
In all the (latest shapes and col
or. value, two ahd three time,
our price. .$1X0, $1.60, $1.88, $2.00
Greatest Shoe News in the Paper
Nothing hotter in shop bargains has been shown you this aeaaon.
Here's the material to bring out a greatly Increased throng of buyers.
Men and women are both Interested in these Saturday sales.
Men's Low Shoes New, nobby,
upto-date spring styles, best $3
values to -be found in Omaha;
choice of tans, oxblood, gun
metal, vici and $4 patent colts;
choice S1.98
Men's Work Shoes Here's a lot
of good, honest, well made shoes,
.solid leather throughout; a shoe
that will cost you at least $2.60
any place you care to go. Ben
nett's offer them Saturday
st 51.69
Womeu's Low Shoes S mart,
dressy styles, appealing to all
who pride themselves on their
good taste In footwear; choice of
chocolate kid pumps with straps
and Kussia calf oxfords with
hand sewed extension soles, all
J3.60 values, for $2.50
Women's Brons. Kid rumps A b
solutely most fashionable shoe worn
this season, ankle strap, and ex
tension Holes. $5 value. $3.8S
pallets Elastic side Juliet, for wo
men, tipped and plain toe. $1 TK
value, at $1.89
1,000 Cu8pldores in a great
Saturday sale.
36c Earthen Cuspldores for IKe
36c China Decorated Cuspldores
for 19c
76c fancy Hayne or Warwick
Cuspldores 40c
$1.85 high shaped Cuspldores,
very special OMo
$2.76 fancy shaped Parlor Cus
pldores for $1.19
Fruits and Vegetables
Navel Oranges, dozen, J 5c, 20o,
2.V, 30c, and , . . 40c
Lemons, dozen I5c and 2w
Orape Fruit, 2 for i&c
Cooking Apples, pock 40c
Wine Sap Apples, peck 70c
Lettuce, Green Onions, Turnips,
Red Beeta, Carrots, bunch. . . .6c
Cabbage, pound a
Bananas, dozen
Peanuts, quart rc
II - ' M
sfwna WTWiyJHILI.1 1 rTWTMHnsiitrwTwwTrrrmi wniTrmTniMlii " r''"ir ssWlMMHt
" I I I I . 9
traeMaa Mike. ! l Freely
proast OI nmrirm
On. of th. .trans and yet amusing that wa. ever tried In this Acadian
action of country will com. up In the
district court of Vermilion parish at Abbe
vllle La at th. April term. It is the old
'miliar '.tory of th. hidden treasure of
Ilrat. Lafltte. H. operated in the gulf
and the Acadlans believe that he sailed up
the Bayou T-l.e rt"1 booly lon
Us banks In aeveral places. There are tra
ditions to this effect and a number of peo
ple showed their faith In these traditions
by putting up their money. And now they
have asked th. court, to settle Ihe matter.
6um Urn ago a crowd of "loal fortun."
hunter, claimed that th.y had found a
filled with, gold-aoubloooa. Tb cava
mmm situated in th. "Cow island" country.
twenty mile, south of Abbeyvllle. It was
nn an lale and surrounded by moraaeas.
and difficult of approach. The Pirate T
Lafltte had undoubtedly "planted in.
treasure fa this almost Impenetrable
marshy section, and these hunter, found
It by accident while they were hunting
muskrat. and alllaator.. They minutely
described the cave. It waa ten feet squsre.
lined with brkk, and there were no doubt
millions In It. These men were native
Acadlans and lived In that section, wliero
they follower hunting and trapping for the
market. Price Choate wa. the leader of
the company and the other, were Joe
Choatu. Terry and Mesalre Hebert, and
Clebert Qaapard. Whether they found a
cava or not la not positively known, and
It Is certainly known that no doubloons
hare found their way Into th pockets af
ttooaa who lavaaUd In the aoierprlM.
After the treausure cave was located.
either real or fancied. Price Choate, who
Is known as a shrewd character, under
took to finance the scheme. This par
ticular section of morass In which the cava
is situated la on the land of Pierre Dupleti,
and In order to make matter, safe this
land must bo bought. A stock company,
limited, wa. organized, and an unlimited
number of shares sold, at whatever price
the verdant buyer, would pay. In addi
tion, a solid roadway must be built across
the sanip to hard land, so that the gold
could be hauled out. Twenty thousand
dollars was needed, and the people of this
vicinity put up part of the money. Now,
they are wishing that some one else had
bit at the scheme. Price Choate and his
confederates spent soma time In making
developments, but did not turn up the
stuff. In th. meantime, one of ihe men
who had advanced money, quietly .lipped
In and bought the land, paying 10,(W) for
It about twice its value. He also searched
for the supposed treasure, and, not finding
It, charged the prospectors with fraud.
Price Choate was arrested, but the
others escaped. It Is Choate'. trial that
will take place in Abbeville In April. He
I. charged with obtaining money under
false pretenses. But, he say. that th.
pretensec were not false; that the cave
and the Spanish doubloons are both there,
and he can prove It, If they will let him
out. He la In a peculiar condition, as well
as In Jell. He cannot furnish ball. He
ill not trust any one with the secret,
and, of course, lite officers will not let
him go to the cave alone nor can they
officially accompany him. It would not
look well. With him it 1. a case of an
ocean of water and not a drop to drink.
There are seme who still believe hi. story,
and offer to visit th. cava, and bring back
at least enough doubloon, to baU him out
of jail, and, perhaps secure hi. acquittal.
But, he refuse, to trust any one. He may
go to the stste prison, but, then, when he
1. released, ha can get the plant. The
crowd got about 11,000 and Price soon lost
or spent hi. part, and 1. now left to do
penance for the gang. The largest loser la
the man who bought the land at an exor
bitant price and who squealed when the
cava was not found. The other victims
have remained quiet. New Orleans Pe-caynna.
Latest Thing im Appllaarrs (.It's
f.ao4 Reealls First
Th. first operation In thai country upon
a human being In which th. cavity of
th. tharaa waa opened while th. lung.
were Inflated from a chamber containing
air at a greater pressure than that ot
the atmosphere wa. performed last week
at the Oemisn hospital. New York City,
by rr. Willy Meyer. That Institution ha.
been the first hospital to be equipped with
the new positive air-pressure apparatus.
The operation upon the little boy for em
pyema thus far Is deemed to have been
successful. The patient's condition has
te?n satisfactory since the operation.
It la believed that this apparatu. will
open up wide field In surgery of the
thorax. I'p to this time many operations
In the thorax have been difficult to per
forin and other. Impossible. Owing to
the fact that a. soon as the cavity of
this thorax was opened the stmospherlo
pressure collapsed the lung, and breach
ing slopped.
The apparatus used, which is after the
mojele of Prof. Bauerbruch to a deg
consist, of two chamber, and a door from
between the chambers and u door from
the smallest chamber to tin- out-r air
in. cnambert are lined with rubber.- To
them run air pip.-, and valve, from a
compressor run by a motor.
Th. operating table Is arranged so that
the patient lies outalde the main cham
ber with Ms head within It. Rubber
about the neck of the patient keep, the
air within the chamber front escaping.
The front of the larger chamber I. of
glaaa, which allow, th. surgeons to see
within it. Within the larger chamber,
when an operation Is performed, are two
anaesthetists, who admlnlate;- the ether.
The smaller chamber I. for their con
venience. The air pressure -within It is
the asms as (hat within the larger cham
ber, and permit, them to leave th. patient
and return without changing the pres
sure. New York T.mes.