Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Spring Millinery
Duy your Spring Hat now
The newer style for late spring; are here and they
( are prettier than ever. Prices are much to your ad
vantage. .
""' il
No other store In the west puts in to hats at $5 as much
style and good value as Brandeis offers at this price.
The most up-to-date new shapes and trimming.
' Every hat is absolutely correct.
Price is i
Hisses Red Tam-O-Shanters 50c
Popular, serviceable and becoming tams for misses and
; girls. We offer hundreds Saturday, at a Sflr
' special price of, each , JJK
Flowers for Trimming
Thousands of new flowers for trimmings. . Imported ex
, pressly for Brandeis. Every variety is in- C
. eluded large bunches for ...mJC
In Basement Millinery Dept.
"5 MATS for '2-
To . make the basement millinery department a special
feature for Saturday, we place on sale a genuine f 5 hat.
exact copies of Imported hats for $2.50. These are in
.mushroom shapes,, elaborately
trimmed with velvet, buckles and
flowers of all
V colors
? a., ii.n.i- -
All (he Samples and Surplus Slock From a New York Mannf adorer
CM dlr em's Spring. Coat s
These smart little spring coats are in medium and light weights wools
and silk and wool materials many are elaborately trimmed, fancy collars,
medallion effects also many with linen and pongee collars and cuffs some
with emblems on the elecves. . j
Colors are reds, blues, tans, whites, etc. There are many stripes and checks.
Materials are broadcloths, worsteds, serges, piques, linens and silks.
The greatest lot of children's coats ever offered at such a bar-
gain. They have been greatly admired in our show windows. p
These Liltlc Coats Worth Up to $6 at
Children's $1 and $2 Dresses at 75c
Made in the Styles that are Newest This Spring
Hundreds of the prettiest little spring and summer wash dresses for child
ren in ages 2 to 14. The materials are selected ginghams, chambrays and percales.
Styles are Russian blouses, French blouses, sailors, Peter Thompsons, jump
ers and many little fancy dress effects. At a price so low as 5c;
, this is simply a wonderful bargain. The dresses are suitable for
school and every day wear. Many of them nice enough for dress
ier wear. Positively worth $1.50 up to $2.00, at
mmm ,7
Remarkable Sale
Strong Field Grown
Rose Bushes at 10c each
91.00 Doiei 50c Half Dozen
These bushes are 2 and 3 years old. They are
strong and hardy, and will bloom this summer
assorted red-rassorted pinks some are climb
ers. Anne de Piesbaoh, deep carmine, Baroness
Iiothschild, clear pink, Gen. Jacqueminot red,
La Heine, rosy pink; Magna Charta, rosy pink;
Crimson Rambler, Baby Rambler, M. P. Wilder
and others.
Nurserymen would
sell these bushes up to
50c each -Saturday
special in Brandeis'
Basement, at. each C
50c Half Dozen $1.00 a Dozen.
Women's One-Piece
Spring Dresses
and Frocks
These dresses are made in
the correct 1909 spring styles
and the very latest, features are
Included materials are striped
and . plain silks, figured
satin foulards, Rajah clothB etc.
Many have embroidered fronts,
lace insertlngs, and empire and
Jumper styles Gray, rose, tan,
black, are the principal colors.
These are piece drees, and are
actually worth up to $20
No shoes in Omaha at this price
can compare with these
We offer for Saturday the daintiest,
most stylish and in every way the fin
est shoes for women that were ever of
fered at $2.60 in Omaha. j .
These shoes are superior to most low
shoe you can find at $3.60. No store
but Brandeis could make such an offer.
Blacks -Tans-Browns-New
Cloth Tops or
Kid Tops. All the
Newest Lasts.
Experienced salesmen could fit these
shoes properly. You will find your exact
size and width.
$3.50, at
Women' Smart Tailored
Spring Suits
We have Just received a new ship
ment of spring suits In the very newest
These are all the later season styles
and are even prettier and more grace
ful than the earlier effects.
Adapted for late spring wear and Just
as up-to-date and attractive in every
way as scores of suits you see at twice
this price.
All colors and blacks. The most popu
lar prices. .
These suits are easily worth np to
. your choice
Spring Skirts
Newest spring styles in voiles,
chiffon, Panamas, Panaja
cloths, satins, serges and
worsteds the long, straight,
graceful lines, some with
girdle tops, worth m oft
up to $10, ajr
Women's Late Style
Spring Coats
Several hundred fashionable
spring coats made in plain
coverts, silks and mixtures
long or short lengths and
easily-worth $7.50;
' at
On MaJn Floor Great Sale
Fancy Linens
Japanese drawn work fine linen scarfs and squares
In all sizes will go on sale at Just about one-half price.
These beautiful linens have been shown in our Douglas
street windows and have attracted much attention.
Japanese drawn work scarfs, two yards no. i a a
worth up to $3, at , . , , . ?5C"4 leD?
Japanese pure linen drawn work scarfs 94 M(
ltt yards long, worth up to $2, Saturday IrOC'Me'iV
Japanese pure linen drawn work,. 36-Inch AO. am
worth up to $3. Saturday at . . . JoCvle'lV
Japanese pure linen drawn work, 30-inch a. ar
squares, worth up to 2, at . , . . UdC"7lsi)
Japanese pure linen drawn work 24-Inch Qj
squares, worth to $1.75, Saturday, at. . . , DwC"l 3C
Japanese drawn work pure linen scarfs, 7J"J 1 ar
45 inches long, worth up to $2, Saturday! dCa)leZ)
Japanese pure linen drawn work 20-inch IQja
squares, worth up to $1.25, Saturday, at ...... .IvC
Groat Sale of BED SPREADS and TOWELS
Cask Purchase of the Entire Stock of the Great Eastern Hotel Supply
Best quality satin and crochet bed
spreads, f ringed o r hemmed $ 1 25
worth $2.50, at, each. . . . . . . . . :
Beautiful imported Marseilles and satin
bed spreads, fringed or hemmed
worth up to $4.50; $158
at, each
Full size crochet bed spreads nice, soft
finish regular $1.25 spread; Q
at, each P7C
The best quality Turkish towels made to
retail everywhere at $1. to AO,
$1.50, at, each ..MfJC
Full size, seamless,
worth 80c;
at each
bleached sheets,
Co. (Retired from Business) :
Heavy crochet bed spreads, full size and
'extra quality worth up to O fj0
$2; at each: . OC
Fine huck name towels, large size,
wholesale price of these towels was
$2.50 dozen; very special
at, each
Unfinished toweling, a
crash, worth 5c a yard,
at, yard . jjjjjjjj.
Heavy seamless sheets
bleached, worth 65c;
at, each 1 . . .
good, heavy
full size,
75c Turkish name towels, very large and
heavy q
at, each
heavy quality, VL C
Remnants of Fine Mercerized Towel
ingWorth 10c a yard at, Zl
yard 2C
20c white and colored table lA
cloth, at, yard IUC
Human Hair Goods siTJ
24-inch, 24 ounce straight switch, $4 value, at. .$2.85
.Natural Wavy Switch 2 4-inch, ZVt oz.. $7 value, at.. 35
Cluster Puffs, at $2.50
Puffs, 8 in set. . . . , .9S j 24-Inch hair roll Cover,
Two, Extra all-over I with net.. 25
nets 25(5 1 Switches dyed any shade 91
See the New Labor Saver,
It darns quickly, neatly and sat
isfactorily with wool or darning
cotton. Fits all sewing; machines.
Brandeis Stores
Linen Calling Cards
Usually aell at $1.25 per 100.
Men's, women's and children's; .Saturday, per rQ-
B -
3c extra for pottage.
Ivory Soap, cake 4o
lac. ijUiuofcoiid
Soap, for SO
10c i.'ocna Dutter
Soup. 8 for . . . .140
IBc Colgate's Trans
parent Glycerine So
3 rukn C'olKatf'n
English Process 35o
ioc Santtol Face
Cream, special 14o
25c Sanltol Tooth
Powder, for ...14o
II 50 Oriental Cream
for 1-091
25c Dr. Grave's Tooth Powder
for 18o
6flc Mme. Tale's Almond Blos
som ream, for 45a
25c Mme. Yale's Soap, spe
cial, at aoo
60c Crab Apple Blossom, per
ounce 890
60c Dabrook's Locust Blossom,
per ounce 89o
50c Java Rice Powder, special
for ao
oxide 90 e-nt
25c Rosellne. special '. . ...ISo
25c Roger & Oailet Rice Pow.
der, for ISo
75c Hudnut's Tnllet Water 4o
75c Plnaud's I.lllc De Franco,
for 69o
$1 Shavinft Mirror, sp'c'l TSo
36c Stand M'rror. special ISO
75o Hot Water Ilottle . ...4o
76c Fountain Syringe ....490
11.50 Fountain Byrlnge . .8o
$2 25 Combination Syringe and
Hot Water Bottle, for fl.SS
fS.OO Female Douche ..(2.00
$3 60 Marvel Whirling Fprav.
for S9.75
75c Ruhher Oloves. special 39o
rAmarr lniDioiiriiB
Kflc Syrup of Figs 46e
35c Castorta 89o
$1 00 Lydla Pttikham's Veire-
tablt Compound 60
31.00 Mother's Friend . ...8o
ROc Scott's Emulsion . ...48o
$1 00 liffy's Pure Malt ..So
$1.00 Wlna of Cardul 89o
$1.00 Bottle AbhotfBroa." Rheumatic Remedy (wonderful dis
covery for rheumatism) for e9o
Fire and Police Board Determined to
t , Stick to the Last.
JtTldlva Ip It the Air, as Practiced
j Joka Akeaatrow . I'son Emll
t Harlae, Will Be Tried
If anyone thinks the position of member
Of the Board of Fire and Police Commls-
i atoners is an enviable one let him ask any
of the three members' of the South Omaha
board now serving.
( W. C. Lambert said last evening: "I
i called up Dr. F. W. Faulk, the newly ap
pointed member, previous to the last meet
ing. of our board and asked him to take
the .reins if lie eared to do so. lie said he
had not receive his commission. I shall be
glad to turn over the position at the earli
est moment. I am satisfied with the ap-
I polntment and consider him a worthy suc
cessor." A. H. Murdock said, previous to his de-
I LI !
(EtbHta4 irn
Aa labalatlea far
IVhooplng-Cough, Croup,
Couchsp Colds, Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Diphtheria,
troup, I
a isa te AsUunatlee.
U set
i aior ttcUym to braia la a
i tor si i n i ii ! ths brakiblu ersaas lata
M bKks the r-nnilT lute tb I
OeeaJeae sans smum uw air, mum
- ..LLnlLL U MirM OVr lb llHMM
ulM wit rTf kiaU, lt rakua4 ul
U tmmlk obUdraa.
a It no.LiMtf twitr
uu rrlau Aauwytie
It IS U'aluabl W auxbara
ImiI a In
ALL bstuaoisTS.
UmA IKHliti lu da
MrlMits Juab .
f ftmliM CJb
parture from the city, that the parties un
der the Jurlsllutlon of the board should
hear from the board as long as he and his
associates were In office. He said this Just
after the board had revoked two licenses
for breaches of the fllocumb law. "The
legislature saw fit to discredit the effective
ness of the board, but we will stick It out
to the last."
W. P. Adkins had thought of tendering
his resignation until certain interested
parties asked him to resign to make room
for them, so he, not feeling flattered, flatly
refused and will stand out for the balance
of the life of the board. The new board
comes Into effect In July.
Few assert of the present board that It
ever receded from the position first taken,
to deal strictly with tho management of all
licensed Industry.
Sidewalk Ordlaaaees.
H. O. Boescho has a serious complaint
against the present city council In the
matter of sidewalk ordinances, which class
ef city legislation Is the common diversion
of the members. Every session of the
council ttua had from one to five such
ordinances. H. O. Borsche Is the city claim
cgert, and It becomes his duty to send out
proper notices when such ordlnancee are
pasted. He has found permanent walks
ordered In on streets not yet on grade,
and has found temporary walks ordered on
slretts which are brought to grade. In
several cases three or four ordinances have
bten discovered covering the same terri
tory which have been passed at different
times and forgotten. In a few cases techni
cal errors have been discovered In ths
Barglara la Hardware Store.
Burglars broke Into a back Uoor of (J. F.
Beaver's hardware store, til North
Twenty-fourth street last night and stole
100 pocket knives, eight ' revolvers and
twelve raaors, valued In the aggregate at
about $i2o. The police have as yet secured
no trace of them. 1
Ma1 (Itjr Goeslp.
C. E. Campbell has sold one of bis
houses to L.yde A. Bevlnglon.
Jetier's Gold Top Boer delivered to any
prt of the city. Telephone No.
The funeral of Mrs. Mallnde Duckworth
was conducted yeaterday afternoon.
Judge A. L. Button was Initialed at Bee
hive lodge of the Maaona last evening.
Bernarg Svarr, who has been sick for
four weeks with typbold fever. Is slowly
Chapter M of the P. E. O. society will
be entertained by Mrs. C. F. Oliver Sat
urday afternoon.
FlHher-McQIll Btatlonery company has
doubled Its capital stock. The shares now
amount to $10,000.
The Unique club gave a party In the
apartments of Judge Callanan In the Scargo
block Wednesday evening tor the benefit
of St. Agnes" church.
Magls City lodge No. 840, Modern Brother
hood of America, held an open meeting last
evening and gave special entertainment to
the friends of the order.
The Frances Willard union of the Wom
en's Christian Temperance union will give
a rummage sale Friday and Saturday at
421 North Twenty-fourth street.
J. V. Starr slipped out of town quietly
and was married In Kansas City Wednes
day evening. The bride Is a young woman
of Omaha. They will return the first of
next week.
The death of Grant Grugss, aged 43, oc
curred Thursday morning at the home of
his brother, 2m North Twenty-fifth street.
The funeral will be from the residence at
I p. m. today.
The following births have recently been
reported: Gus Wordman, a daughter; A.
8. Westover, 1S17 North Twenty-ninth, a
boy; Dennis Clarey, 1421 North Twenty
elRhth, a girl; Oscar D. Mook, 1633 Z. a
The Monday Night Whlat club met at the
home of W. C. Lambert f.r the last regular
party of the season. John G. Kelly, Mrs.
Charles Van Alstlne and Mrs. W. C. Itm
bert won prises for the season. L. C. Gib
son won the prise for the evening.
The Tuesday Night club held Its last
party of the season with Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Wright. Mrs. Lew Etter assisted In the
entertainment. The grand prise for tho sea
son was won by Mr. and Mrs. 1-ew Etter.
Mt. McCoy and Mrs. Beadle won the sea
son's consolation.
The last basket ball game of the Inter
clasa series of the South Omaha High
school will be played off this evening at
the Young Men's Christian association. The
game will decide the championship between
the freshmen and the Juniors. The win
ners will be awarded the season's trophy.
We now show an elegant line' of new
Spring Suits tor $10.00. $13.50, $16.00 and
$18.00 on which we can save you from as.oo
to $7.60 per suit. We also tiave a special
sale on suits Just now at $7.76, and a pair
of suspenders free. You pay big stores
up town from $10.00 to $12.60 for suits no
better. Of those Imported hose from the
great Wilson Bros., purchase we kept a
lot of the beat numbers on reserve which
will be put on sale Saturdsy. Furnishers
sell them from 60 cents to 76 rents. Ths
great reduction at w:iich we bought these
hose enables us to rell them at the extra
ordinary low price of 26 cents a pair. They
come In lace stripe, luster lisle, gause
lisle, fine Maco yarns, etc.. In every imag
inable ahada and pattern. Such a large and
varied assortment Iras never been shown
before. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing
House, corner Tweuty-fiUh and N streets.
South Omaha,
And that Too, Without Manipulation,
Say. W. C. Sunderland. -
Says One Big; Factor Is lacreased
Consamptioa of White H read
Aaotker Is Low Acreage
aad Short Crops.
"Without manipulation of any kind a
slightest adverse report on the growing
wheat crop will send the price on the
Omaha market to $1.50 or more."
This Is the opinion of W. C. Sunderland,
one of the best posted members of the
Omaha Grain exchange, backed by that of
almost every grain dealer who could be
interviewed on the wheat situation, which
la the talk of the business world in Omaha
as elsewhere.
"Talk of manipulation on this market Is
absurd," said Mr. Sunderland. "With May
wheat practically cssh wheat selling on
the Omaha market for I1.JBV4 and bringing
$1.3643.1. 37H In Onlcago, there can certainly
be no manipulation when the freight from
Omaha to Chicago is cents. That would
make the wheat selling at $1 26H In Omaha
worth $1,333 in Chicago. No manipulation
possible. It Is simply a matter of supply
and demand.
"Every year the popuVatlon of this coun
try Is increasing, and besides we are teach
ing the foreigners who come to this country
to eat white bread. That Is a big Increase 1
In the consumption of Itself. The foreigners
come here accustomed to bread made of
cereals other than wheat. They are not
here over two years until they are heavy
consumers of white bread. They consume
It In such quantities that it has Its effect
on the world's supply.
"Cutting down the acreage of wheat in
the corn belt because we are teaching
farmers to grow raw and better corn at
a greater profit lo themselves is another
factor, while the truth about the crops Is
that we have not had a real good wheat
crop for the last four years."
In the opinion of Mr. Sunderland and
other grain dealers there Is a much smaller
amount of wheat in the country than re
ports Indicate.
Secretary E. J. McVan of the Grain
exchange says:
"This talk about $1.50 to $2.00 wheat Is
no myth. We are not sure but what the
price will go far above $1.60 on 'the Omaha
J. N. Barnard, chief deputy grain Inspec
tor of the state of Minnesota, was a visitor
on the floor of the Omaha OraJn exchange
"If there Is wheat In the country, we ere
not getting It," said Mr. Bexncard. "Re
ports, by whoever collated, on the amount
of grain In the country are seldom re
liable. We have had reports of short crops
In sections of Minnesota or counties when
we would handle' through the Minneapolis
market alone more grain than the report
would give as grown In the section.
"As to the possible price wheat will
reach, I would not care to make a pre
diction. The receipts at Minneapolis would
Indicate the supply In the country la short."
Picked Vp by Pronatloa Officer,
IdentlSed aad Sent to
NaYal Yard.
William H. GllcrUt, a deserter from the
United States cruiser Brooklyn, was ar
rested by Probation Officer Carver Tnurs
day and locked In Jail over night.
He was taken before the officer In charge
of the naval recruiting station. Identified
as a deserter and remanded to Jail, lie
dcaerted from the navy In June. 1007, and
has been working at various employments
In Omaha for about a year. He will be
sent to the Norfolk navy yard by the
naval authorities Friday or Saturday to
answer to the charge of desertion.
Quick Action for Tour Money You get
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
Cops oa Dry Beats.
Any Chicago policeman who gets drunk
while on duty In the future will be a can
didate for Immediate discharge from the
force, according to an official announce
ment made by Chief Shlppy. In an order
Issued In the department ouiletin the chief
said: "Vou win pieee notify your sub
ordinates thst hereailer I will recommend
that all members of this department
brought before the trial board on charges
of Intoxication be discharged from the de
partment." The chief has found that In
toxication Is Involved In the majority of
the chargae on which policemen are
brought before the trial body.
Aa Editorial Expert Ventures a. Few
Hemarka with Becoming
It knows that men who are able to dis
cuss Christian Science, vivisection, woman
suffrage and the tariff on suede gloves
without obscuration of Judgment or in
crease of pressure In the carotid arteries
find, when the trimming of trees Is men
tioned, that against the nock of prejudice
surges a whirlpool of emotions. Neighbors
have boon known to go on in peace and
amity for years, though members of dif
ferent churches, political parties and tennis
clubs, and then come tp the parting of the
ways when the catalpa trees become large
enough to bear the weight of a man with a
saw, and whole streets have been embit
tered over the question whether a particu
lar box elder should be cut Merry Widow
or In tho stylo of the First Empire.
In such a rase It is always safe to con
fine comment to a simple recital of fact,
with necessary explanations, and we there
fore rise merely to remark that the Ital
ians know a trick or two In the trimming
of trees worth noting, and that It Is Just
possible that the race that Invented the
wheelbarrow and the triple-screw warship
and produced Columbus and Bignnr Mar
coni Is worth a little casual attention now
and then outside of matters concerning
the Mafia and the Black Hand.
When the common or garden variety of
tree trimming American feels the arboreal
Instliait Inherited from his simian ances
tors stirring within him, he Is seised with
a wild yearning to cut off main branches
near the trunk, leaving unsightly scars,
and to lop off other Important ramifications
a few feet from their point of divergence,
so that when he has wrought his worst
the tree resembles a hearth broom which
has come through a long, cold winter In
the hands of a careful housewife. He
trims his trees as he governs his cities;
periods of magnificent Indifference are
punctuated by moments of pernicious ao
tivlty. Not so with the Italian. He lives with
his trees, lie does not perform capital
operations; the trimming of an Italian tree
Is like the cutting of a well groomed man's
hair; It la done a little at a time, and
not erected Into an annual festival. The
Italian, except for the occasional removal
of a branch too near the ground, cuts the
extreme ends of the boughs of his trees.
Quick Action for Your Money Tou get
that by using The Bee advertising columna
And he never allows a tree to exceed tho
height and girth !".e originally determined
upon for It.
Yeu may ride for scores of miles through
the plains of Lombard between rows of
mulberry trees which are kept perennially
large enough to afford a certain supply
of leaves tor silk worms and small enough
not to shade too strongly the wheat or
hemp which grows between thlr lows, or
the two grape vines for which each tree
serves as trellis. You may walk under live
oaks In Rome whose lower surfacea are
level planes of dense foliage. You may
dumb the hills of Genoa and never see a
tree which looks too large or too small for
Its place.
Might not It be worth while for our
American cltlea to put a few Italians Into
the departmenla of forestry to see whether
a sweet reasonableness In the care of trees
might not displace the major surgery of
the present day? St. Louis Republic
To Knjoy
the full confidence of the Well-Informed
cf the World and the Commendation of
the most eminent physicians it was essen
tial that the component parts of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be
known to and approved by them; there
fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub
lishes a full statement with every package.
The perfect purity aad uniformity of pro- ,
duct, which they demanJ in a laxative
remedy of an ethical character, are assured
by the Company's original method of man
ufacture known to the Company only.
The figs of California are used in the .
production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but
the medicinal principles are obtained from
plants known to act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effect always buy
the genuine manufactured by tha Cali- v
foraia Fig Syrup Co. only, and tut gala
jy all leading druggist