Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
PACES 1 TO 10.
Tnr Nehrsnks-f howe r.
For IowaShowers.
For went her report see pa 1
Massacre of Christian Armenians at
Adana Continues and Troops
Are Powerless.
Soldiers Are Joining in Pillage of
the City.
. y ; ''
D. E. Thompson to
Leave Service of
the United States
Packers Indicted by Federal Grand
Jury at Topeka on Charge of
Violating Revenue Law.
Nebraska Man to Be Succeeded in
Mexico by Oregonian, Ac
cording to iteport.
Unconfirmed Rumor that Americans
Are Among Victims.
Anrrim Official at Messina Will
Proceed to Meat of tho Dlatarb
art m Instructions (root
Minister Lelshman.
MEBJEIXA, Asiatic Turkey, April 16.
The massacre of Armenians at Adana con
tinues. The troops are powerless to control
the situation, and some of the soldiers are
Joining In the pillage of the city. This
Information was received here cjr telegraph
from Adana this afternoon.
CONSTANTINOPLE, April 14. Informa
tion received here today from Adana, In
Asiatic Turkey, declares that two American
missionaries have been killed la the anti
Armenian outbreak at that place.
The Moslem fanaticism against the Chris
tians of Adana appears to have broken out
afresh. The Moslem attacks recommenced
yesterday afternoon and continued through
out the night. Large numbers of Chris
tians are said to have been killed. One re
port nays that sixty Armenians have lost
tholr lives and that many house have been
looted and burned.
There is no confirmation of the deaU) of
the two American missionaries. Their
names are not given In the dispatch re
ceived here.
'The first news of this antl-Chrlstlan out--
break said the scene was Merslna, but thia
wu erroneous. The trouble occurred at
Adana, which is about thlrty-slx miles In
land from Merslna. The early reports were
declared to have been exaggerated and
messages received here yesterday evening
said that only ten Armenians had been
killed, thai martial law had been pro
claimed at Adana, and that reinforcements
of troopn were being sent In from Beirut.
This latest intelligence refers to disorders
that took place after the situation waa sup
posed to have quieted down.
Ambassador Irishman has had no direct
news of the reported killing of the two
American muw'criarles. He has Instructed
the American vice consul at Merslna, John
Debbaa, to proceed Immediately to Adana
and report on the situation. - Railroad
communication between Merslna and Adana
appears to be Interrupted.
.The Bible house Is also without direct
"lnformatl(!W , The missionaries -6fJ!no"8Ie
trlct are at present at Adana; for the regu
lar district meeting. They are Mr.-and
Mra. William Chambers, the Misses Webb.
Miss Wain. Miss Borel and Misa Peck.
Mr. Christy Is st Tarsus. Mrs. Chambers
Is a alster of TaUott Williams, editor of
4 the Philadelphia Press.
The government has given ' assurances
that It Is doing Its best to restore oer
ot Adana and to protect foreigners ad
ditional troops are, being sent tn.
O.Word from Missionaries.
NEW YORK, April 16 Walter T. Mil
ler, treasurer of the Board of Foreign Mis
sions or the Reformed Presbyterian
church, said today that his church had no
missionaries permanently stationed at
Adana. The Reformed Presbyterian mis
sionaries stat'oned at Merrina and Tarsus.
nearhy cities, sometimes visited Adana and
co-operated with the American board In
the work of mission achool, he said.
Rev. C. A.. Dodds and wife. Rev. Robert
B. Wtllaon and wife of Morning Sun, la.;
John Peoples of Philadelphia and Miss
Elma French of Winchester. Kan., are sta
tioned at MiTslna under the control of the
Reformed Presbyterian board. Mr. Miller
said he hud received no word from any of
the Presbyterian missionaries and felt as
sured thry were all safe, or he would have
been cabled. He Siid the Armenian's sehool
at Adana, which is conducted by the Amer
ican beard missionaries, was endowed by
the late EUlott F. Slicpard of New York.
Adana is a wtatton of the American
Board of commissioners for foreign mis
sions, wtih a working force of five mis
alonert" and thirty-two native workers;
an out station of the Reformed Presbyte
rlan cnurch In North America and a Bible
d pot and subagency of the American Bible
. society.
Adana is a city of 4S.0OO people and Is the
seat of government of the province of the
same name. The people are mostly Mo
hammedans, but there la a considerable
number of Christians, including Armenians
and a small Greek community.
Bryan Hates to
Run for Senator
May Have. To, However, if No Other
Democrat Seems Likely to
l ITTt: ROCK . Ark.. Anrll Is. Asked to
day relative to a report sent out from '
Washington that he would be a candidate
for the United States senate to sucieil
Senator Burkett of Nebraska, WlllUm J
Bryan said:
"There Is no foundation ior the rrsur
that I deyided positively to enter the rac
and I have exprensed myself ss adverse tj
becoming a candidate. 1 would rather have ,
some one else nominated, and 1 hi'pe we
can find a d. moorat to succeed Senator
Buikett. We have a number of excellent,
democrats who are worthy pf the place,
i m.rnM rather see one of them elected
than myself. I will not say I will- not under
any clrcumHances be candidate, but I
would p-fer not o be.'
Committee of Mlaaoarl MaWes o
llrautniuriiilattno on Prohibi
tion lleastiro.
JCrTERdOX I'iTY. M. Apr! UL-Thc
ea'. committee on Jjdiclary today re
pui'U'U a Hi rut recommendation the
Hu;'!ney bill piovlj'nj for statut-irv
prolnb'tiim In .Mturi. The measuie will
go on the ia!vTv!jr fyr f naroRSinent but itJ
final UUpusUtu Is uncvrtaln
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April l--(3pecial Tele
gram.) According to report circuited to
day, and which emanated from a New
York newspaper, David E. Thompson of
Nebraska, ambussadcr to Mexico, is tq
be succeeded by Harvey W. Scott, editor
of the Portland Oregonian. The change,
however, Is not to take place until after
the adjournment of congress.
Neither Senators Burkett or Brown knew
anymiug oi me comempiatea cnange ana
officials at the State department seemed
to be tn as dense Ignorance of the rumored
letting out of Mr. Thompson as senators
from his home state. United States Sena
tor Bourne of Oregon, the lone republican
senator from that state, Is out of the city
and, therefore, it waa Impossible to confirm
the rumor which, however, Is believed to
have some foundation In fact Bo far as
Nebraska senators are concerned they have
endorsed the officials now holding positions
tn the State department and If there Is
any contemplated change they are not
aware of It.
Mr. Scott, who. It Is rumored, will suc
ceed Mr. Thompson, is one of the best
known journalists of the went, having
moved to Oregon when 13 years of age,
from Tazewell county, Illinois, his birth
place. Out of his savings he obtained a
domical education and went to Portland
to begin his editorial career. He has been
editor of the Portland Oregonian for forty
one years.
Rumor ha had it In Omahn for srme
time that Mr. Thompson had determined
to dispose of all his Nebraska Interests, ex
cept his hotel at Uncoln, give up thought
of diplomatic service, and go to New York
to become active head of a large trust
C. O. Talmage, assistant secretary of the
Columbia Fir Insurance company, of
which Mr. Thompson Is the head and a big
stockholder, said:
"I know positively that Mr. Thompson
has no Idea 'of disposing of any of his
Interests In this company. We know lucre
how he feels about the business of this
company and his Interests In It. There '.
no thought of Mr. Thompson severing his
connection with the company nor disposing
of hia stock."
Other business associates in Omaha say
Mr. Thompson would scarcely sell either
the Lincoln or Capital hotel, properties
which are paying him good money. Mr.
Thompson has sold some Lincoln real es
tate recently.
His Love for Girl
Causes Man to
" Shoot Whitney
Maryville, Mo., Shoemaker Resents
Attentions to His Thirteen-Year-Old
MARYV1LLB. Mo., April M.-tSpecial
Telegram) Because his love for pretty
thirteen-year old Jennie Slvvegge of
Bolckow was stronger than his desire to
permit his hold on life. Will Whitney of
Bolrkow is lying dangerously Injured at
his home.
J. J. Slvvegge, father of the girl, met
Whitney In an alley about 7 o'clock
Thursday evening and with a single-barrelled
chotgun, shot Whitney. The charge
entered Whitney's abdomen. Inflicting a
terrible wound. Slvvegge at once gave
himself up to the city marshal and Is being
held In the Bolckow Jail.
Whitney had been to call rn Miss Slv
vegge. The Bivvcgge family live at the
building in which the father's shoe shop
Is located. Sivvegge was in the alley at
the rear of his home waiting for Whitney
to appear. The young fellow left the home
of his adored by the rear door and as he
stepped Into the alley was confronted with
Slvvcgge's shotgun. Without any cere
mony Slvvegge. fired at Whitney. People
who rushed Into the alley found him lying
desperately wounded. He was taken to the
office of Drs. Hanna and Hanna, where
he was treated hurriedly. It is doubtful If
he will recover.
Slvvegge Is about forty-five years of age,
while his victim Is about twenty-two. Slv
vegge Is a shoemaker and Whitney a
young man alout town. .Prosecuting At
torney Sanders of Andrew county was In
Bolckow all day Friday taking evidence In
the matter. Sivvegge was taken to Savan
nah later In the day.
High Wheat May Lead to
More Home-Made Bread
If It takes one and one-fourth bushels of
wheat to make a forty-eight-pound sack
of flour, and the sack will make seventy
eight loaves of bread, for which the baker
gets 5 cents each, how much will a house
wife save by buying Omaha-made flour at
11.73 pep "a-' n' mKlr'f h'r own breadt
This Is a serious problem in arithmetic
which some housekeepers cannot solve,
even with the aid of a rapid calculator and
a com moll school knowledge of mathe
matics. Omaha grain dealers are shipping wheat
to northern and eastern mills, for which
they are getting H 3 to 1 while Denver
is willing to pay II 40 for good-grade mill
ing wheat.
Responding to the soaring price of wheat,
riour has been marked up from 15 to IS
per barrel by local millers and they are
holding back as hard as polbl to kP
from being compelled to mark up the flour
to or even S7 per barrel.
This nu-ans it lukes II. 40 to II M worth
of wheat to make a fifty-pound sack of
flour. That s a close margin, which millers
cunnot stand very ionf.
The bkker buys the flour for 13 per It
p mrn.t ard make 157 loaves of bread. If
the 'lour I high grade, such as that made
In Omaha. When he haa supplied yeast,
alt. m Uturc. labor In baking, gas or
coal for his exens, wrapping, maintenance
of retail store or delivery to shops, the
Two Hundred Persons HaTe Narrow
Escape frqg) Lodging House in
San Francisco.
All Badly Charred and Only One is
Scores Clamber Down Ladders Put
Up by Firemen.
Blsr Three-Story Frame strnetnrw
Waa Filled with ' Sleeping; La
borers When Fire "Waa
Discovered at 8 A. M.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 16.-Flve bodies
recovered a. id probably eight or ten others
buried in the ruins; six Injured, one
fatally, and a property loss of $125,000, are
the results of an early morning fire, which
destroyed the St. George hotel, a lodging
bouse for laborers at Howard and Eighth
streets,' and eight other smaller bulldinrs.
, The bodies taken to the morgue were so
charred that Identification was Impossible.
D. S. Cartwrlght. a carpenter, formerly
of Salem, Ore., was fatally burned.
The hotel waa a three-story frame build
ing and burned so rapidly that none of
the 200 guests had time to dress and many
escaped by jumping to the roof of an ad
Joining workshop. Scores clambered down
the ladders of the firemen and the fire
escapes, and at least four Jumped to safety
Into the net held by the fire fighters.
When the fire was discovered shortly
after S o'clock, Night Clerk Arthur Gronhk.
three or four other employes, and Police
man W. F. Kruger ran through the house
arousing the sleeping tenants.
In the smoke-filled halls they directed the
half erased men to the exits. Great con
fusion and panic prevailed, so that it waa
with great difficulty that men were able
to find their way through the labyrinth
of halls which threaded the 400 amall
Firemen and police worked heroically,
and but for their efforts the loss of life
would have been much greater.
Before the ruins had cooled, firemen be
gan , the search for bodies. Within two
hours five charred bodies had been found,
and only a small portion of the burned
area has been explored.
Stockmen Meet
at Belle Fourche
South- Omaha Delegation "Spends Day
with Them and Hurries on to
' . Miles City
BELLE FOtJRCHE. S. D., April !.-
Special Telegram) The second day of the
stockmen's annual meeting held here has
closed with a large attendance from the
adjacent range districts and neighboring
towns. .The sheep breeders held their
meeting today in the town hall, received
reports of officers in charge, re-elected the
old officers, discussed existing disease
and quarantine conditions In this part of
the state, ordered all Indebtedness paid
and adjourned to meet the second week In
July in view of permanently changing the
date of annual meetings.
The amusement features rn the streets
constated of horse races, foot races and the
bucking broncho, etc.
The Cattle Growers' association has dis
banded and no attempt waa made to hold
a meeting.
The South Omaha delegation spent one
day here and left last night for Miles
President to Attead lavellina- of
Moaament at Petersburg,
WASHINGTON April 16,-Presldent Taft
today accepted an invitation extended by
the states of Pennsylvania and Virginia to
aileim and speak at tho unveiling ol the
monument erected at Fort Maliomc, near
iJetorsbuig. Va., in mcnury of the Pununyl
vania eoiulors wUw lull Uitua Uuiiu Uie
civil war.
Tlia unveiling will take place May .
The president agreed to spend the entire
day at Petersburg and will go from there
to Charlotte, N. C. where ho is to apeak
at tho Mecklenburg celebration on May 30.
baker gets tfi.28 for the bread the flour for
which cost him S3.
Now, the housewives are figuring that
they can save something, In fact almost
everything above the cost of gas for bak
ing. The average household can supply the
water Just as cheap as the baker.
Yeast and salt are Incidentals.
Gas costs money and the bills have to
be paid.
This equals a loaf of bread at home if
the women do not charge for their time.
Bakers are certain to advance the price
of bread to S cents per loaf, and when
they do housekeepers are expected to bake
their own bread to a greater extent than
for many year a'
Families that have not tasted the good
old sour milk and soda biscuit, like mother
used to cut out with tho top of a baking
powder can, will hare these delicious saf
fron-colored substitutes for bread.
Children who do not believe their moth
era can bake bread will be convinced when
bakers' bread goes up to where it Is sure
to go that bread can be baked at home In
an ordinary gas range.
Gem pans, waffles, corn bread, drop cakes
coffee cake, graham gems, rye bread,
crackers and prelaels are sure to be more
popular, and as atrawberrlea are getting
cheaper, the very wtalthy will be able to
afford ahortoaa load out of wheat fleur.
From the V h .iliitfi n Herald.
Burlington Fixes Passenger Fares at
Two and a Half Cents.
Railroad Officials Hope that It Will
Have the Effect of Ending All
Litigation with the
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Arrll 18.-Th Burl
ington railway will make a 24-cent pas
sencrr rate in Missouri, probably effective
May L
This announcement was made by the Of
ficials of the company In Chicago today
and notice was immediately wired Judge
6. M. Spencer In St. Joseph, general solici
tor of the Burlington, who has been repre
senting the company In the proceedings tn
the federal court, to nullify the 2-ccnt rate
The action of the Burlington company la
taken Independently and no other road is
bound by it.
It Is supposed that what one Missouri
railroad does, ir will Tc4 and- a 'JVr-ceot
rate all over the state la considered as
sured. Statement by Burlington.
CHICAGO. April 18.-De.rlua Miller, first
vice president of the Burlington, announced
today that the Burlington had notified all
railroads operating In Missouri that it
would voluntarily establish a 2Vi-ce-nt pas
senger rate in the state May 1 and that the
decision was expected to end all litigation
between that commonwealth and the rail
roads. Following this notification, J. Fran
cis, general passenger agent of the road,
stated that the 2H-ccnt rate had been de
termined upon as a result of the failure to
effect a oompromlse with Governor Hartley
regarding the injunction restraining the
roads from returning to a 3-cent passenger
"The Burlington has determined to estab
lish the 2H-cent rate as a final outcome of
all negotiations with Governor Hadley."
said Mr. Francis.
"It Is not a compromise, but the result of
failure to effect a compromise. Tho Bur
lington believes that the injunction brought
by the state of Missouri restraining the
road from returning to a S-cent rate will
be dissolved.
The decision of Judge McPherson abolish
ing the 2-ccnt rate gave us the right to
return to the S-cent rato, save for the in
junction secured by the state, but the offi
cials -of the railroad have decided not to
await a dissolution of the Injunction and
the new rate will In no way be affected by
the state's suit."
Wealthy Indian
Shot at His Desk
John Bullette, Killed in Oklahoma,
Was to Have Been Married ,
in June.
CLAREMORE. Okl.. April 16 John Bul
lette, a wealthy Indian land owner, widely
known throughout Oklahoma, Texas and
Old Mexico, was assassinated while sitting
at his desk In his office here last night.
The assassin escaped. Bullette was to have
been marrlet in June to Miss Pearl Eddie
man, a clerk In the government Indian
agency at Muskogee.
No motive Is known. The shots which
killed Bullette were ffed through the win
dow of Bullette's office. He died soon
Everything on the
want ad pages from
pianos to poultry,
Speaking of pianos.
som of our big piano firms
tell about their best bargains
on the want-ad page under the
head of "Offered for Sale
Thar know that want-ad rtaderi
look for real bargains there. Often
they, or other people, have slightly
uaed piano, too. that may bo
boucfet for a fraction of what a niw
one would coat.
Have you looked at the Bee
want ads yet today t
Witness in Graft
Case Says He Took
Bribe Money Twice
Former Supervisor Gives Sensational
Testimony in Calhoun Trial
at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 1.-The bribery
trial of Patrick Calhoun was resumed to
day. Former Supervisor Fred P. Nicholas
told of conversations with former Super
visor James L. Gallagher In which the lat
ter told him that there "would be 14,000
for him" to vote favorably on the applica
tion of the United Railroads for the permit
to transform their cable roads into over
head trolley lines. He asserted that he re
ceived the money in two payments, the
first in currency of small denominations
and the second in large bills.
Upon cross-examination by Earl Rogera
the latter showed witness a record of his
testimony In a previous trial In which
Nicholas had testified that Gallagher had
not mentioned the amount he waa to re
ceive. '
. "Did you ever swear falsely in itt mat
ter?" asked Rogers.
"No, I never have," replied Nicholas.
Rogera then produced the affidavit sworn
to by Nicholas and the other supervisors
thst they have never taken any money cor
ruptly while members of the board. "How
about this?" asked Rogers.
"If you mean that" ,
At. this point Assistant District Attorney
Heney took exception to "this matter,'"
declaring Rogers' question misleading.
A clash followed between Heney and A.
A. Moore of defendant's counsel, which
was finally stopped by the court, who de
clared that a witness had some rlghta as
well as counsel for either side.
Wilson Defends
Guaranty Law
" -
Banker and Legislator Will Raise
Fund to Help Fight for the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., April 16. (Special Tele
gram.) Victor Wilson, a banker of Stroms
burg and a member of the legislature,
cheered the gubernatorial soul uf A. C.
hallenberger this morning with the Infor
mation that he and several other bankers
wished to subscribe to a fund to help de
fend the bank guarantee law. ,
Wilson declared that he had already re
ceived several checks from bankers and
that he had consulted Attorney General
W. T. Thomson who said the idea' of an
asslatant paid for by these bankers was
agreeable to him.
One Meaanre for State Prohibition
ad Another mt Whisky Ada
In Arkansas.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. April 16. A bill
whk-h makea it possible to vote Arkansas
dry by a vote on local option has been
Introduced In the house. Another prohibi
tion measure prohibiting newspapers with
liquor advertisements or any literature ad
vertising liquor from circulating in "dry"
territory haa been introduced also.
A bill prohibit trig the playing of foot ball
in Arkansas has been Introduced in the
Seven Boys Killed in State
During Duck Hunting Season
Seven boys, under the age uVS years,
have been killed in Nebraska during the
last six weeks, either while handling fire
arms themselves, or at the hands of their
boy companlona
These reven youthful lives represent only
a part of tho toll paid during the spring
bunting season in Nebraska. Aside from
the fatal accidents there have been a score
or more of casualties mora or less serious
in which life waa not taken. Eyes, arms,
hands and feet were targeta for pre
mature discharged shotguns and the total
number of serious accidents will probably
mark this aa the most disastrous hunting
season for youth the state haa ever seen.
The etftange series of accidents began
March 1 Vod continued until the latter
part of the month, April ao far being free
from casualties In which outhful life Is
. Following is a list of the young nlmrods
Foreign Warships Will Not Be Sent to
Turkish Waters.
Declaration that l' prising Is Not
Directed Agwlaat Constitutional
Government Has Good
CONSTANTINOPLE, April I8.-The mani
festo Issued yesterday by a committee of
the Ulemas, In which the movement of the
laRt few days is declared to be In nowise
directed against the constitutional govern
ment, has created an excellent Impression
on the public mind.
The nex minister of marine. Vice Ad
miral Art.llTnln Pasha, haa resigned, owing
I to the hostility shown his appointment by
the navy. The president of the council of
state also has surrendered his office, but
on account of ill health. The minister of
police and other officers identified Willi the
.onmmltte of union and progress have either
ccaigned or disappeared.
8ALON1KT, April 16. A battalion of
troops left here by train last night for the
capital. Another departed today and others
are preparing-to leave;
LONDON, April 16. The admiralty today
gave denial to the report emanating from
Vitrna of a Joint naval demonstration at
Constantinople. No British squadron has
been ordered to leave Malta for the Boh
phtirus, as had been said, nor haa Informa
tion reached the admiralty of the intention
of France or Austria-Hungary to send ships
to Turkish wateis.
An official telegram received at the For
eign office today says that all foreigners
and Christians at Constantinople are being
well treated and that up to the present
tlm their safety haa not been endangered.
The Foreign office also denies the report
of a joint naval demons! rat tun.
MALTA. April 16. In the event of civil
war or oilier serious developments threat
ening the safety of foreigners at Con
stantinople warships will be sent to Turkish
waters from here. The battleship Ocean
could sail at once and others are being
prepared for eventualities. The prepara
tions thus far are purely precautionary.
BERLIN, April 16. A local newspaper to
day publishes a dispatch from ITskub, In
the vilayet of Monastlr, and not far from
galonlki, declaring the Albanians of the
vicinity are showing signs bf unrest. Al
ready there have been several clashes with
the authorities. A band of Albanians at
Petch defeated the troops sent there to
restore order and at one of the Turkish
military stations in the Albanian country
military mutineers seized their barracks
and drove their officers away.
Famine prevails In Macedonia and old
Bervia. Eight thousand families are suf
fering, the correspondent deolares, and
more than loo persons already have died of
VIENNA, April 16. Official denial was
given here today to the report that Austria
Hungary was preparing to dispatch war
ships to Constantinople for the protection
of Its subjects. -
Boston Musician Is Dead.
BOSTON, Mass.. April 16. Fred R,
Ccmee, assistant manager of the Boston
Symphony orchestra and well known In the
musical world. Is dead. Mr. Comes was
cointcted with Boston's great musical or
ganization almost from its Inception and
has been active In the managemeht of
mts tnn1fnl ..UKntlnn. II. Er
'years old and leaves a widow.
who have given up their lives In the sport
of hunting:
6YLVEST12R COZAD of Freedom, H
years old, shot dead by a boy coiunaiion
while playing ball.
WILL1AN. HAM of Curtla. U years old.
shot himself while hunting ducks.
LOUIS N EBOLA of Leigli. T years bid.
shot by young brother while the latter was
returning from a hunt.
HARRY TAYLOR of Bel I wood, J5 years
old. shot by discharge of gun In the haiuia
of a boy companion while hunting.
HANB JENSEN of Plalnvlew, 1 years
old. shot and Instantly killed by boy com
panion who was shooting at ducks.
JOHN COFFEY of Nebraska City,
yeara old. shot himself while pulling fun
from a boat.
KLVBR RALYA of Simeon, 13 yeara old.
shot himself while taking his jua out of a
Corporation Accused of Evading Tax
Upon Oleomargarine.
Samples Taken by Agents to All
Farts of United States. 4
Officials of Cndahy Planta at Kansaa
City and Omaha Deny All .
Knowledge of Ar
TOPEKA. Kan.. April 16. Charged. with
defrauding the government by violations of
the Internal revenue laws, an Indictment
was formally returned sgalnst the Cudahy
Packing company of Kansas. City, Kan.,
In the United Btatcs district court here
today. .
The company is Indicted on counis.
The officers of the company De "um'
moned to appear In court and defend the
charges outlined in the Indictment.
The grand Jury was dismissed iouowing
the return of the Indictment.
The Cudahy Packing company of Kansaa
City waa Indicted on the charge of whole
sale violations of the United States Inter
nal revenue laws. The charge Is that the
company has defrauded the government out
of over $80,000 In revenues on oleomargarine.
The revenue law provides that each pound
of uncolored olemargarlno must bear a
revenue stamp of a quarter of a cent, but
thst each pound of which coloring matter
haa been added to give it the appearance
of butter, a 10-cent revenue stamp must
be attached.
It la charged In the Indictments that the
Cudahy company has sold the colored
product under the uquarter of a cent tax
and consequently has defrauded the gov
ernment out of large sums.
Inspectors have been working on the
case several months and have secured
samples sold In towns and cities from New
York to Seattle and from Duluth to Jack- .
sonvllle. These were forwarded to the
government chemist, who reported that
every sample contained coloring matter,
and this evidence was turned over to Dis
trict Attorney H. J. Bone of Topeka. who
submitted the facts to the grand Jury.
Every sample now In the hands of tho
government exrerts bear the Identification '
mark of the Inspector who purchased It,
as well as the analysis, which shows that
It contains coloring matter.
It Is claimed by the government officials
that the Cudahy company haa succeeded,
In monopolising the oleomargarine market
by selling the colored product and paying
the tax on the basis of uncolored, there
being a difference of 9 cents per pound.
By this means, It is claimed, they were
enabled to undersell other manufacturers
and control the market. '
District Attorney Bone declared today
that in addition to the criminal action, he
would bring a civil action against the
company to have the plant and machinery
used In the manufacture of oleomargarine
lsrae Anoint Involved.
WASHINGTON. April 16. Internal rev
enue official expreased no surprise at
the announcement that the Cudahy Pack
ing company hacl been' Indicted at Topeka,
Kan., for frauds against the internal
revenue laws.
It was admitted that the oleomargarine
bunlncHH of the company had been un
der observation and Investigation by
treasury agents for three months or
It waa atated that government agents
have examined a large number of sam
ples of oleomargarine in many parts of
the country sold by the Cudahy company,
and that while it would not be expedient
to estimate the amount of taxes Involved
In the alleged frauds, it Is known that
the officials believe It will be In excess
of $1-6.000 and possibly a much larger
sum. The penalty provided for violation
of the law Is a fine of from $500 to
$5,000 and imprisonment front six months
to three years for each offense.
Cudahy OAielala Deny t'hararea.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 16 "I know
nothing whatever of any Indictments
that may have been returned against the
company," J. H. Hale, general superin
tendent of the Cudahy plant in this city,
said when told of the action of the fed
eral grand Jury at Topeka today. "I
don't know that the company haa violated
any federal law with retard to the la
beling of gooda sent out from thla plant.''
J. K. Wagner, another official, aald:
"If we have violated an Internal reve
nue law we are not aware of It. There
Is evidently a mistake somewhere."
Saya Dlspale Is Pnrely On of rheaa
lral Analysis.
E. A. Cudahy, vica president and general
manager of the Cudahy Packing company,
made thla statement to The Bee yesterday'
"The dispute between the government and
out flc Ives h simply a question of chemical
aualysls. For some time past wo have
been aware that government officials have
be"n taking samples of our butterlne all
over the country wherever the goods have
been en sale. These samples, they claim,
show the infinitesimal uae of artificial
coloring matter. We have had similar
tamples submitted to the leading chemical
analysts of the United States and they
have assured us that the butterine was
not colored.
"Every man In our employ at our Kansas
City butterlne factory the only place where
we make butterlne having a knowledge of
the manufacture of the goods, has made
an rffldavlt that no coloring matter bas
been used,
"As the goods wure sold by us as un
coil red oods and by our customers to the
trade as iuoh there ha been no attempt
on our prt to defraud the government of
levenue." ,.
Telearraphers Join Postal Employes.
PARIS, April Is The French telegraph
ers held a formal meeting here today and
Joined the postal employes snd the teach
ers In demanding the privilege of forming
unions under the laws of Walcfe in-
eludes tho right, to strlkdj