Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FIJI DAY, -APKIL lfi, 1909.
THE HALVATION ARMT solicits rsstoff
clothing; In "ct anything you do not
nt4 W collect. repair and sell at 1X4
N lith St., for cost of collection to th
worthy poor. Call 'phone Dougls US) W
OMAHA Stamnierrs' Ins., Itamg Bid.
(W) 4l
STRINGES. rubber good, by mall; cut
lrlrea. Send for freu catalogue. Myare
Dillon Drug Go,,. Omaha, . tl-4u
MAflMTTin treatment. Mm a. Bmlth,
AUiVEjAAV-' a Ittli, third floor.
(18 fcH
A HOME for woman during confinement.
We find homea for bablea where moth
era cannot cara for them. Bablea
hoarded. Mrs. Martha. A. Lee., 40$ Ban
croft 8U .'Fhona Douglas ltJl.
U$)-M43 MayTx
WANTED The acquaintance of refined
young la(ly, 22 year old. Addrere Y 159.
care Bee, (18) M14& Ux
PRIVATE1 home during confinement;
babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan San
itarium. 740 rirak Ave., Council Bluffs,
la. (l)-MiWi
HALL'S safe, new, Id-hand. ISIS Farnam.
, (1J-1
YOVNO WOMEN coming to Omaha, as
etrsnger are Invited to vialt the Young
Women'a Christian aaeociatlon, 17th and
Howard It.-, where they will be directed
to unliable boarding place or otherwise
aaiatealf-A-rd4Aconria representing the
sssortattrm meets tralna at the Union at,
tloa aa travelera' aid. 18)-28
M AnWTIf1 Electrlo vibratory. 120 8.
ilAliiJ,jiIL.J(.th toonT3m. Fourth
Floor, '31d Besion Store. 1)-4S May 12 -
PERT MASSEUR. -For ladies and gentle
men, If tired, . languid, toay, from lack
of. circulation which caueea ' Indigestion,
conniption, tvrpld llvcr. rheumatism and
chronic troubteu,. try the Oriental mu
sage. Thorough hand work. Face and
scalp treatment; yeara In Omaha at 406
Boe Blujj. Douglas-4038.
' - ' (18)-817 May4
8. C. B. LEUHORJi.fcXKid $1 per setting,
$3 per luu. O. U. Deaver, Orleans, Neb.
-. (11) Mb3V 23x
atandard bred stork. Heavy laying sirio.
la per 100. $3 per &). Is per $0.
Mrs, W. I.T McKentiey, . .
maimer, Merrick county, Men.
' ' Hl)-Mo37 23x
8. C. BUFF ORPINGTONS, free range;
egga for natching, $1.26 per IS, $3.00 for to.
15.00 for l0. Indian Runner duck egga, tl
for $1.2! W for $3-60. Toulouse goose eggs.
25o each. Guaranteed fresh and fertile.
Peter V Brehm, Harvard. Neb.
v: U M53S 2x
. C. BIAfK MINORCA eggs, for eettlng.
$1 for 12. Tel; Karnya32l uUHOl Mx
R. C. R. 1. RED EGO Cop sale. Pen eggs,
$1.69 per 14, $8 per 100: from pens scoring
to to M range $1 per in, $8 per 100. ,J. W.
Abraham, Valley Neb, (ll) M2tt
CHAMBERLAIN'S Orlgtnar perfect dry
ct.lek feed'. TJaa this only and sav young
chickens. ' "Stewart Feed Store, Hole
Agent. til N. 16th St. (U)-MM1 May I
Whit Leg1irn eggs per WO, at Mandy
Le Farm. tel. Florence 182.
(U)-M7W A20
INCUBATORS for aale cheap. A1piy to
Kxpreeman's Delivery Co., 2iA and
laard St. - ' ' (U) M7 18x
JARVE PTO. CO.. Job prlotlng and calen
dars, Klh & XTap.' Ave. 'Phone Ind. A-2020.
REJtb ABatJiXCT CQ,..JBC, las-," piimyX
service; get prices. JJ10 i'trntm u
v.. ;a$)-rw .
eUAS. K: WIDLIAMSOft, Presldqut. 1 "
PATNB INT; -CO.:: flrst Hopr N. T. L
BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 4T7 Brandels Bldg.
.. . .:., Mini V'.'t ' 4il
block. (!) M967 MayU
6i; o 'Modern residence, Weat
lO o-roora Famam district, fast of
40th ' atreet. ...
Vacant ' '" m6 "trlct or Teldence.
or fi Wm house, Field Club district.
V VA V- . VVllt ... .. - ... ...
5-r0"oin'! '?rtl.' ,ottB' north " aide. ;
4 oi- 5-room 'rwHage-aKo'ut i.6oo.. . ;:
R tn1I Are Improved, for. poultry,
U to i APreS eSraaka or. low. . . ,
Xfant, abov atenc.' Call c phone..
,' "ED 'JdrtKSOW ' CO. ' '
Phdrie- Doug. 15, . . 1614 Faxnam St.
....... - ' ' o 1 m
Special Hpme, Bargain
: InvestigaXe at.Once ; .
New. house. T rooma,- all modern, barn
naved street and1 permanent : walka, 1124
touin jtiitj street, 4;ov. .Make us an offer.
Birkett & Tebbens,
4J$ Dr Bldg-. fhonas, Doug. 4764. A-1754.
UW-162 15.
wkst farnam.
One of the moat high-and siglitlf points In
the Immediate cream of West Farnam
district, consisting of south and east front
corner ilDxhNT fet, with Tine shade, com
manding vlew;vsrreet paved' on both aides,
Willi ptHrtnaner.t walka; large two-story 12-'
rooni house, exceptionally well built; down
ataira finished In quarter aawed oak. large
rooms. This property never oTfered for
sale until this time. Owner decided to sell
and wanta to make quick sale. Can be
aeen any day. House cost $12,00 to $1E.Ou0
and It can be bought" for a little over the
actual valine -of the ground. See ua for
particulars. -
.111 B. pf Trade. Bldg. ldth and Farnam sta.
. . .Tela.: Douglas 4J. Ind. AJ049.
tl)-M) 1$
H $6,500
New- Modern House
Of 'roonis wllh lot KxtOO feet, corner
uth and Burt; must ba. sui on account of
tmoval of owner from city.
. ' $7,500
f;tt feet, only I blocks from poatofflce.
It 4 good cottages and room on vacant .trtpla brick flat.
. ' . 1)-M1J 1
"i.,il.BA,B,N,r1y "w house and arn
r, " " , 'im Sd gruund. aome fruit.
Price $i, Aduluh llnnaen. Sfih inH
Center U.
.il)-lit ITx
NKvT. T foema . very choice. Bemla Pifc
D -. A 123$, (U)-MtoO
HOMKI IN BENSON rart caehr balance
turn aa rent. W. E. Tsrton, TA ft. Or
phanage Ave., Benson. .Tel. - Pennon ML
(19) M7 AM
$2,250 . . . . .
-room new cottage, modern except heat,
at ITth and Ame Ave. tlood ham, 1 block
to nr. Essy terma If you. want.
Flrat Floor N. Y. J Pldg., Tel. Doug. 1781,
(!-!$ M
FOR SALE 6-room houee, and barn; gaa.
well and cistern; 2716 Brown St., 3 block
from 24th St. car, 2 from Fort St. car;
price, $2.AO0. $600 raah; move In. make
gaTden and ant treea and fruit; be your
own landlord; $00 commission. Tel. Owner,
Webster XM. 0.--iJ16? 17
rooma, $1,250.
New -room house on Urge? lot. near 441 h
and- Blondn, blocks to car. Tbla la a
bargain. Must fell; 1700 casn; balance
eaay.- -
S. K. WAIT & CO., . :
617 Be Bid., Tel. D. 132 A 2315.
. 09V-M196 It "
A VERY desirable lot, 40x130. only half
block from car line; can be had f
$175, ea the owner must have the money
'fcnnce.' ThlB lot Is worth nearly double
McCague Bldg., OWhft. v
'Phones Doug. 11&2. Ind. A
(1 M193 16.
FOR QUICK SALE - -$1,800.00'
JW19 N. 18th 8t., near Mandornon. very
nice lot. 60x140 feet., full - of ah ruin and
shade trees, house of 1 rooma In very good
Reasonable offer will be considered. .
Phone Doug. 7497. VX N. Y. Life.
- (19) M182 18
Wa offer for a few days fine 8-room
resldenoe on Burt St., south, front,. Modern,
good basement and walks. Owner has to
move onto homestead thts month. PHoe
$3,000; $1,000 cash; balance same as-rent; If
dealred, furnlahlngs. Including piano, Will
be sold with the house for MuO. ' - "
' company; v.
682 Brandels Bldg., .. Omsha. . - .
....... itl) 108 18
67ixl35 ft.
East front on 32d St.,. jjwt north of Jodge
m. unt oi me . lew cnoioe lots, mil . v
Omaha-for sale. If .sold this week, we
think .he owner will . take 4.7iA. -
$810 Dewey. Av.e.k This la a-very neat Tf
room, uii modern nome, wiui 4 rooma and
hall on flrat floor; 2 bed rooma and bath
on aecond. It :.njy requires tltKO to
iianaie mil. .
ltth and Farnam. 436 . Board of Trade.'
KM li
LIST your property with Chris Beyer. 5d
ana cuming his. ? u)-S
OWNER LEAVING CITT will sell home.
consisting or f-room tioueei modern-ex-cept
hest; south front, good location -and
neighborhood; near to-church,- school and
atreet car; good barn and .permanent
walks; various kinds of. fruit;-lot 10x127;
'a pleasant place to live. If Interested call
at .TM Decatur 8K Owner, will aoow
'property. Or Tel, Webster 4JS9 -for price
:a.nd terras..- ; UH Ml4 W
!'' 1 !
Farnam St- Property.
Very choice corner near theiily hall
with five-story ' bMolt and' atone building.
Well rented and. Income) fro wing. $10b,oo&
Harrison & Morton, :
SIXTY ACRES In El Reno, Ok)., ten blocks
from pos toff Ice, ax town oi 12,009. Rock
Island Railroad Co. building shops; big
thing for an Investor: price, $36,000.- No
wata Land and Lot Co.v Butte S34. N. V.
Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.- 'Phone Rd-im-Open
evenings.. - ' 119 MS1S 14
Reception hail, parlor, dining, room,
kitchen, refrigerator room, 8 bedrooma
and alcove, full cement basement, laun
dry; L-ahape lot. 4ixJ16, south front, aOxoO
west front: walking distance:
490 Brandels Bldg., . Omaha Neb.
tli)-110 1
I LA RGB new mod. 5-r. cottage, .cor. lot
jiouaiai, two Diocaa rrom car tine; imme-
dlate possession; et a home-on essy pay.
1 ments froaa .the owner,. Doug. 18fil or even
ing Web. 46i. a. .. . .. i)M4(i
REAL ESTATE. LOANS and tnsursnoa
List yeur- property wlih ur for sale or
exchange. Walnut and Orchard ' Hills
. Realty Co ,- tO Hamilton St. 'Phones
Harney tl&; Ind., B-1842. 11M
Ftgure your rent rocelpta - Buppe yott tmd
paid that amount on a home tf Vour dwiv?
Net too. lata yet.
Look at 350$ 8. 20th. Ave S rooms, good
home and a good inveatment at. $1,400.
$224 N. JHh, 7 rooma, two-story,, barn, big
trees and outhouses; you pant begin to
duplicate It for $1,800. . .
Four rooms, chicken house, cal houae, 'etc ,
two lots 7Sxl$0, only $1,300.
fitven rooms, modern, paved street, fruit
treea, shade trees, lot. 4093. $2,s00; or ,wll
give you 100 feet front for 13.260.
Well located building lot on W irt PL, only
Tills Is surely a snap, and than we wtll'lban.
you the money to mil In. . , -
And we have lots more of them. Coma In,
you are surely welcome. . - -
Suite K.'4, N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb.
'Phone Red 19. Open evenings.
.... UJ-M917 11
City property, farmar ranch landa or mer
chandise to aell or trade, list them with
me- It costs you nothing unless I effect a
aale. w. w. Mitchell, a bo. to. mag.
BOULEVARD HOIFE. tI4l North 19th St.
rooms, modern, only $2,600. . .Thoma
Brennao. room 1 New York Life Bid
- Celeraev
Denver-Greeley dlatrlct. under Irrigation
sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and
fiuit raialng; low price, easy payment.
National Investment Co., tS3 BrandeU
Bid-, t.maha. lei uoutiaa ftl. 120 m
4el awl g
HAVE four choice Atlaaoun farms in ex
cellent neighborhood, within 2ft miles of
Kansas City; prices low. Kelly Kelly
Topcka. Kan. l MM1 Ux
I. JO acrea In North Platte country, one
mile of water front, farming. hay . and
grastng land, reduced from t to IS. 80 art
acre for quick aale; adjoining land held
at (10 an acre
40-acre farm, all felled, 600 acres good
farm land. Ia0 acrea now In crop, near
B'Mxl towu. Rf publican valley country, $l
160 acrea. Ixu-I county., yntmproved land.
aa gHta as ar ttung- in the county, adjoin
ins lands made 40 buahels of corn laat
aeaaon. lis- an acre.
. W. W. MITCHKLi;:
Board of Trade Bldg , Omaha. 'Neb.
tiv Mitt 11
(Continued. 1
The Yaqui River Valley Country
The Land of Many Crops
650,000 acres of the richest land In the world,
, 400,000 acres under Irrigation.
-The Opportunity of a Lifetime for
. .. The h armor, Wage Earner or Investor.
Anyone with small amount of money can make a fortune.
This land was put on the market January 1st at $25 an acre, easy terms,
with a free water right for every acre, It offers a greater future than any
land ever before offered.
The market value of the first year's crop should more than double the
entire cost of the land.
81x to eight crops of alfalfa; two crops, of whfat and farm products
yearly. Oranges, lemons, bananas, plaeapples and other semltropical fruits.
Good markets at hand. From a producing standpoint one acre of this land Is
today worth two acrea of any Irrigated land In the United 8tates.
It surpasses California's famous climate In every respect. The land
fronts west on the Gulf of California where delightful sea breezea blow. The
rich, slit soil will profitably reproduce anything grown anywhere. Moor is
cheap and plentiful. A transcontinental railroad runs through the land.
Join the Nebraska and Iowa Colony and
Locate in this Wonderful Country
whfre jour industry and labor will make you Independent' This is a new
country and it marvelous resources will cause it to populate and develop with
great rapidity. Excursion April 20th. Write for particulars.
Hackett-Stillman Land Co., Agts.
321-322 New York Life Building,
Land buyers we are. making special In
ducements to. land purchasers to see our
Deuel county land before buying. It will
pay you well to do this. I.and Is selling
for one-third Its actual value. Buy now,
Don't wait. Oood farm land, selling for $12
to $28 per acre. Write for particulars.
..Both 'Phones. 418 Bee Bldg.
-. , (20J-M190 1.
Oreg-on owner of this 640-acre Improved
farm must soil. 86 per cent tillable, good
eoll. Price $10,009. Terms. Call or write
us about this fine section.
v,-. 2d- NevUle Bldg.
'V ' .1 ; ' . (30)-Ml 1
V tl
Every Day is
Bargain Day
f -1
r. "
0 aeres 4n Brown county within five
miles of railroad atation; 130 acrea in cultivation.-
10 acrea- timber, t acrea bearing
young orchard, balance In hay and pasture;
-room house, lsrge barn, granary, two
corncrlbs, wells with windmills and tanks;
land la all fenced and crose-ferrced. Price,
$20 per acre on terms covering five yeara;
part payment can be made In Income prop
arty. There is no sand on this place.
.Douglas 160.
70S N. T. Life Bldg.
1B0 acres, close to town snd R. R. All nice
vol land, good .soil; price $15 per acre;
l.H'astl; see us for Deuel county bar
gains! write for literature.
y 8. E. WAIT A CO.,
I . J7 Bee Bldg., .Omaha.
V; ' . ' - (201-M189 IS
Big Bargain in Buffalo County
320-acre" Improved farm, moat of It In
cultivation; all good land, muat be aold
qiUrk; prlce $30 an acre! worth- more
money. Now -got busy. - -
i Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
! )-Mi$a 16
- . 'North Dakota.
FOR SALE; cheap,. Improved quarter North
iaaoia, i miles rrom Sherwood, In fa
moua Mouse river loop. J. W. Crandall,
P A f ...... I 1 ...... I . . L
. (20)-M$61 17x
' TUESDAY. Aorll 20.
A very low round trip and one-way rate to
nowata. .we. want l- for special car.
Land $10 to $25 per acre; 4.&00 oil wells In
Nowata-. county. No better Investment on
the face of the earth. -Ask Missouri Pa
cific, Railroad agent for ratea. ' - Ncwata
I And., and. Lot Co., Suite 624 N." Y. Life
Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone (Red 1H09.
Open., eveninga - - (30j Ml 19
. MtaeollaaeosuK
LOTS In Prince Rupert oh sale by auc
tion May 28. Terms, Vi cash, balance,
three payments, 6 per cent. If you wish
to invent write. Prince Rupert Realty
and-Commercial Co., 430 Richards HL,
Vancouver, B. C. (20) M 180 19x
80 ACRES no Improvements, 44 mile west
of El ni wood Park; 6 miles, west of 16th
loul N. Y. Lite. DoiiKlas or A mi
Omaha, Neb.
(21) M194 U
WE HAVE a customer for home In Hans
com Park diet.; muat be good; not less
than rooms. Quick..
Both 'Phones. 41$ Boa Bldg.
UD-M192 It
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
. . t22)-
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
. Apply Room 417-U First Nat I Bank Bldg.
Bell 'phone Douglas iBla. (22) Cd
WANTED City losns and warranta. W.
Farnam Smith 4b Co.. ISM Farnam St.
If you need a reasonable loan on well Im
proved Omaha real estate, I can enter
tain your application, it t or per cent
' Interestaccording to location or grade of
property; no delay, and privilege la glvea
for repayment before maturity.
L Slbbaixson, $08 Old Boston Store Bldg.
(22)-M47 A17
PRIVATE money to loaa. J. IC Sherwood,
lit Brandels Bldg. (22j4U
LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg
(22) 27
Private money: $UW to $4,000; low rate.
tan 6i$
$VVJ TO $10fW made promptly. F. D. Wead,
M ead Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam. t22-
ta loan on
Omaha Buslneaa Property.
Room L New York Life Bldg.
Koa TO MOOS oa homes la Omaha. O'Kaefe
Real Estate Co., loul N. Y. Ufa. Doug,
or A -Ilia (2$-A7
$fjt0 tn $3uu.0OA st current ratea.
W. H. THOMAS. su$ First Nat l Bank Bldg.
UU C14
$b0 to $300,000, lowest rates,
U vrvln Bros., ICot Farnam.
no delay,
MONEY TO LOAN Faas Inveatment Cr.
Omaha, Neb
'Phone Douglas 3972.
(20) M184 17
WE HAVE BUYERS for a S-room house, a
S-room house and a couple of vacant lota
Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
'Phone Red IDS. Open Evenlnga.
(2$) M78&
NEW furnaces, hoi water and hot air com
bination heating, 2 and 4-hole laundry
hot water heaters, mantle gratea, eaa
atoves repaired, water fronts and flower
vases. Omaha Stove Repair worka, 120$
12og Douglaa St. 'Phones Ind. A-2621;
Bell,. Douglas tUO. $4$
FOUR or 5-room furnished c ttage or flat.
A ounces j , Dee. () M149 17 X
Apply 61 S. 19th St.
(25) M170 18x
HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture,
carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971.
' - ' (26) 4i)
BEST price paid for secondhand furniture,
- carpets, stovea, clothing, shoee. Tel. Doug.
$401. 26)-41
The Praotlcal Auctioneer. 843 N. Y. Life.
(25) iM
YOUNG ATTORNEY) wants position with
established law firm. Well educated. C
276, care Bee. '- (7 MW 18x
WANTED Position In private kindergarten
for the aumrter. after flrat week tn June.
Address Y 38, care. Bee. - (27) M172 ItU
WANTED Pojltlon by fine' penman who
can furafsh references. Address N-519,
cara Bee. (27) M990 16x
Mellora W. Fairfield and huabanT to .
lwls D; Boyd and .wife, clot 19.
block 1, SulpMir Springs add $ 675
William 8. Pospleton et al. to Caro
line L. Poppleton, lot 1, block 27,
Poppleton park.. 10
Harvey A. Snyder to Hans C. Peter
sen, lot 6, Koch's sub........ 1
South Omaha Land Co. -to 'Peter
Smlthburg, lot 2, block 13M, ' South
Omaha 400
D. C. Patterson, trustee, and wife to
John H. Trenerry, n lots 9 and 10,
block "I," Saunders & Hlmebaugh's
add. .; .-.i J
Robert P. Hamilton and wife to
Adolph F. Selanfler. n26H ft. of sK ft. '
of w37Vs tt- of lot 4 and 25H ft. of
x56 ft. of lot 6. block 13, and part '
28th Ave., Omaha..... 3,000
Jessie F. Shepard and husband to
Richard F. Frerlchs. w37 ft. of lot, 1,
block IS. Kountxe place 4,000
John B. Ruth and wife to Edwin T.
Ryan, 44 ft. of lots 4, 5 and 6, block
12, West End sdd..: 1.950
C. W. DeLarnatre and wife to Grace
Doherty, r. lot -6. Lindsay's sub.... 10
Helga P. Beigo and huaband to John .
Krugo. lot 9, block 14. Central park. 1,800
Martin O. Plowman and wife to Jen
nie D. Stow, n22 ft. of s66 ft. of lot
6, block 12, Improvement association -
add , v two
Frank Walters and wife to Union Pa
cific Railway Co., t interest In part
of eH lot 2, block 30. Omaha Ill
Elalnore Place Co. to William B. Hop
son, lots 18 and 19, block 96, Dundee
place 1.KJ0
The Prairie TfHiat Co. to E. R.
Thresher, lot 3. block 1, Prairie park 8.400
Henry H. Anderson and wife to Jose
phine M. Sage, wlO ft. of lot 2, and
e26 ft. of lot S, block "8," Lowe's
add 4,200
Annie Llnnemann and husband to
Katharine Allen, eH lot 2, block 6,
Improvement association add.; also
lots 2 and 3, Stori' sub.... 6,000
D. V. Slides Co. to Charles E-Carl-strom.
lot 4. block 10, Crelghton's
1st add 3.050
Katherlne Allen and husband to Annie
Llnnemann. out lot 271, Florence 4,000
Jamea B. Bone and wife to Mary E.
Dance. 128 ft. of w84 ft. of lota 1 and
2. block 6. Ktrkwood add : 1
Cathedral chapter of Diocese of Ne
braska to John Q. McHTugh, sub lot
$, Capitol add lfl.ooot
Total t , $43,845
Office, Fort Meade, South Dakota, March
18, VM Sealed proposals, In triplicate, wilt
be received at this office until 10 a. m
mountain time, April 19, 19u6, and then
opened, tor the construction, complete, of
approximately twenty-seven miles of birbed
wire fence around the .Fort Meade. South
Dakota, military reaervatlon. In accordance
with plana and specifications which may be
had upon application to this office. Bids
are wanted fur both concrete and wooden
rts. A deposit of $10, to Insure return,
required before plans are sent on In
dividual application. The United States re
serves the right to reject any or all bids
or to accept any part of a bid that may b
advantageous to the government. En
velopes containing propoaala should be en
dorsed "Proposdls for Fence" and addre-aod
to the Constructing guarterniaster, Fort
Meade. South Dikota. M2J-23-24-26 A16-16
m aster Omaha, Neb., March 17, Wus.
Sealed propoaala. In triplicate, (or furnish
ing such printing and materials therefor
aa may be required by headquarters De
partment of th Missouri, Omaha, Neb.,
during the fiscal year ending June SO, liilo,
will htj received here until 10 a. m., April
17, 19o9. and then opened. .Information fur
nished on application. Envelonca contain
ing propoaala should be endorsed "Proposals
for Printing" snd addressed to Major D. E.
McCarthy. C. Q. M. Marchis-)9-20-A16
(Successor ta Dr. H. L. Ramacclottl.)
AJMXjrTAjrr rati vnimrsTAmi,
Offlao aa4 XoeplWl. sen Maaoa
Calls Promptly Anawered at All Hoars,
t'aloa raelfle
Overland Limited
Colorado Kxpresa
Atlantic Enpress
Ieave Arrive.
....asuam a 40 em
...,il:Hpn a $ 00 pra
9:20 am
....a 4 10 pm a $ -oo pm
Oregon Eapress
la Angeles Limited. ...all f pm a 8:M pm
Fast Mall a $ 90 am a $ pm
China and Japan Mali. .a 4:oo pm a t-n pm
North Platte Local ' a 8:1$ am a 4'4i pnt
Colo. Chicago Hpeclal...al2:10 am a 7:0$ am
Healrlco Jfc Stromsburf
Ijocal du: pm o i:w pm
Valley loal (nvtor,
via Ino Cut-Ofr)....aio:u am a i:e pm
Valley Local ( motor)... a 8:30 pm a 9:00 am
IXK-al raanenaers not oarnea on trains
Nos. 1 and I.
Chicago, Rock lalaael Foelflo
Chicago Llmllol a 1.00 am all fl pm
Iowa Local a T:0 am a 4 $0 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd.. ..a I oo am an pm
Dea Molnea A Eastern.. a 1:00 am a 4:80 pm
Des Moines Passenger.. a 4 0 pm al$:80 pm
Iowa Local bll OO am b 9:M bm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer .,. at.ispm u:aia
Rorkv Mountain Ltd....all:l$ pm a I 80 M
Colo. Cai. Express. ...a 1:90 pm a 4:80 pm
Okl. Texas Express. , a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
thlvago, Mllwsaltte as St. rstw.
Chicago Colo. Speclal.a 7:2S am all:$0 Dm
Cal. at Oregon Express. a 6:00 pm a 8:28 pm
Overland Limited a 9:58 pm a 8:80 am
Perry Local b t:lt pm bll:$B am
Chtcaso Great Wntrra
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:90 pm T:80 ant
BL Paul-Minneapolis..,. T: am 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited .- 6:06 pm . 8 27 Am
Chlcaao ExDreaa 7:80 sm 11:25 Dm
Chicago Kxpreia $ 80 pra $.80 pra
ChlcasTO 4k NorthwoetoraV
Chicago Daylight
.a 7: am all:48 pm
.a 7:48 am al0:0 pia
.alLDOam a $ 28 pm
.a $ 46 pm all:80 am
.a 4:30 pm a 8 84 pro
Twin City Expreas
Chicago Local
Sioux City Local...
f'hlrnen LACal ....
Chicago Special
..a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am
Minnesota-Dakota Ex., a 6:46 pm a 9:80 am
Fast Mall a 3 85 pm
Twin City Limited a 9:00 pra a 8:00 am
Los Angeles Limited.. ..a 9:00 pm al2:36 pm
Overland Linrnea aiu:w pm a t:a
Nebraska and Wyoming Division - -
Norfolk Hon est eel a 7:40 am or 8:20 cm
Lincoln-Long . pine a i:eu am aio: am
Dead wood-Lincoln
.a txn pm a 5:20 Dm
Casper-Lander ...
Fremont-Albion ..
Hlssowri Paelfl.
.a $ Ur Dm a 6:90 nm
.b 6 S0 pm b 1:66 pm
.0 i:w pm O 6:20 pm
K. St. L. Express.. a 9:00 am a T OO am
K. v. Bi. i pin a :so Pm
St. Louis Express A 6": 30 pm a 9:21 am
tit. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 9.-00 am all:15 pm
Stanberry Local (from -
Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm blf:U am
Illlaola ratral
Chicago Express a 7:1$ am a 8:45 pm
Chicago Limited a:00pm a 8:30 am
Minn. -St. Paul fc.xpreie.0 l it am
Mlnm-St. Paul Limited. a 6:00 pm a 6:80 am
OmaTia-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:16 pm all M am
Denver ft Callfornta. .
Northwest Special
Leave. Arrive.
.a 4:10 pm ' a 3:46 pm
.a 4:10 pm a 1:46 pm
.a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm
Rlack Hills ..
Northaest Etpress
...al2:lS am a 9:08 am
Nebraska points a $:4IS am a 6:10 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm al2:11 pm
Nebraska Exnresa a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm
Lincoln Local
b 9:08 am
Lincoln Loral
Plattsmouth-Iowa ...
Denver Limited
Chicago Special
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
a 7:60 pm
..b 1:06 pm bl0:20 am
b 1:06 pm
...b 9:18 am
..cl2:86 pm c $-.40 pm
..a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am
..a 7:26 am all:46 pm
..a 4:20 pm a 8:66 pm
..a 6:30 pm a $:80 am
..a :16 am an:au am
At. Louis Express.
a 4:40 pm all:) am
Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:4o pm a 6.30 am
Kansas City & St. Joe. a 9:15 am a 6:10 pra
Kansas City at St Joe.. a 4:40 pm
Chicago, St. Past, Mlaaeapolls A
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am b 9:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger... b 2:00 pm bll5ara
Blcux City Local c 8:46 am c 6:20 pm
Emerson Local b 6:66 pm b 1:10 am
Mlaaowrt PaclfHw '"' '
Auburn Local b 3:M pm bll:30 am
a Dally, b Dally except 6unday. o Sun
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
Weekly "ailing Betweea Bfoatroai, Qnobaa
and Liverpool.
Two days on the beautiful St. Lawrtnoa
river and tbo shortest ocean rout to Eu
rope. Nothing oetter on the Atlantle than our
Empresses. Wireless On all steamers.
First olaaa, 990 ( sacoad, SAO) eao olaaa
oablo, 9-46.
Ask your ticket agent, or wrtto for sail
ings, rates snd booklet.
o. a. aKBrjAMor. a. a-.
Improvers and
Water Bonds
Clubi Being Stirred Up by the
Debate Fro and Con on the
The Southwest Improvement club held
a spirited' meeting at Its quarters, cor
ner of Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth
streets, last night. The main subject for
discussion was the water bonds proposi
tion and the members were faily well
divided oh' the proposition. W. H. Oreen
spoke In favor of the bonds as tho beat
way out of a bad dilemma.
F. W. ' Fitch strongly opposed voting
for tha bonds. He spoke of the dilemma
the city had placed Itself In by falling to
follow the advice of the late Edward
Rosewater on this proposition. He pre
sented a resolution putting the club n
record as opposed to the bonds, but the
resolution was. flnaly tabled after a
spirited discussion and It was decided
that the club would not take any action
either way on the proposition, although
the general sentiment was decidedly op
posed -to the bonds proposition.
R. B. Howell was the principal speaker
at the meeting of tha West Leavenworth
Street Improvement club last night, iu
which he advocated that the bonds be
voted at the coming general election fcr
the purchase of the water plant. II
maintained that the Water board had
never changed Its -views that the Omaha
portion of the plant. Including the pump
ing station at Florence, Is worth approx
imately $3,700,000 and that the physical
value of the remaining portions of the
plant, including South Omaha, Is about
$760,000, or a total value of $4,600,000
for the entire plant. To this amount
he thought the courts would add for a
going value about another $760,000, mak
ing a total valuation of about $6,000,000
for the entire plant
Dr. A. II. Hippie endorsed the views of
Mr. Howell and counseled voting for the
A resolution was adopted by the club,
after listening to the two speakers, en
dorsing the proposition of the represent
atives of the Water board that tha bonds
should be voted for.
Other speakers of the evening were
City Attorney H. E. Burnam, Council
men M. F. Funkhouaer and Alma Jack
eon and candidates ' for council R. JT.
Williams and Fred Schroeder.
During th spring every on would b
benefited by taking Foley's Kidney Rem
edy. It furnikhes a needed tonlo to tho
kidneys after th extra strain of winter,
and It purifies th blood by stimulating
th kidneys, and causing them cllmlnat
tha Impurities from It. Foley's Kidney
Remedy Imparts new life and vigor. Pleas
ant to tak. Sold by all drv4ls"utl.
Prospect Oood for Season of General
Private nwelllagra Largely Predom
inate Asaaagr Si saber Owls
Aro to Move Nest at
' Their Oat.
The building season Is rapidly opening In
South Omaha and prospects are bright for
a year of general Improvement. It Is not
predicted at present that many large) busi
ness places m addition to the number al
ready under way will be built, but the
number of cottsge residences will be largo.
There Is a grrat demand for cottages built
In a neat modern style with the modern
conveniences and which will rent from $20
to $35 per month. Such cottages re readily
rented In South Omaha aa soon as the
foundation is laid. In this class of dwell
ings the latest la the row of four cottag ;s
being erected at Twenty-third - and A
streets by Ed Johnston. Tho four cottages
will cost about $6,000. Several such rows
are In prospect, to be erected by different
Tho Lo rents Shot and Iead worka Is
erecting a small warehouse at Twenfy
eighth and A streets. This Is the first
building of Ik kind In tha city and Is
located at that point on account of the
Inflammable character of the stock to be
Among the private dwellings In process
of erection Is a residence by Anton Olll
wlckt at Thirty-eighth and U streets;
valued at about $1,600. E. Jackson la build
ing a $2,600 dwelling at 1106 North Twenty
sixth. Thomas Tomatowlcs Is Improving
his property on Twenty-eighth street.
H. Tavender Is putting In a new store
front which will cost him about $800. .The
Bakke bakery la making a similar improve
ment. Many new store fronts will bo put
In before the cloeo of tha seaaon.
Cartalaa Too Near Lamp
A fire occurred In the residence of James
Har-burg at Twentieth and 8 streets laat
evening. It was discovered first In tha
bedroom and It Is thought that soma of the
drapery got too close to a lamp. The de
partment arrived In time to prevent ex
tensive damage. The family found It im
possible to remain In the house for the
tilglit after the fire, as the placo was
drenched with water. The loos was not
great, possibly not more than $100. James
Hasburg Is the son of the councilman, John
Haaburg, of the. Ftnirth ward.
Owls la Neat.
The South Omaha Nest of Owls met last
night at Eagle hall to plan for -club rooms
which are expected to add much to the
comfort of the membership. The organisa
tion Is new In South Omaha and this move
for a good, cosy club Is said to be in
keeping wtlh the reputation of the honored
bird for wisdom. Ihe necessity for such
rooms was presented by the president, J.
C. Walkef, and the secretary, O. 8. Ken
nedy. So far the fraternity has mad use
of Eagle hall. The regular meetings of the
Owls will bo Wednesday -of each week. Th
club rooms will be announced as soon as
: rranlt Dlmke and Miss Mabello Byerly
were married Wednesdsy at 8 p. tp. at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Byerly, 1612 North Twenty-fifth street.
Miss Anna Offerman acted as maid . ol
honor snd Miss -Clara Weseott as brides
maid. , Florence Etter and Margaret Tal
mage were flower girls and Madeline
Mitchell, niece of tho bride, was ring
bearer. John Byerly acted as best man.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler performed tha cere
mony. 'Tha parlors were trimmed In white
snd yellow cut flowers, mostly roses. Th
bride carried whit roses and lilies of the
valley. Th maids carried yellow roses
A wedding supper was served to 112 guests
Th couple left Thursday morning for Chi
cago. They will be at horde after May 1
at 1613 North Twenty-fifth street Many
presents Of value were received.
Made City Goaetp.
Mrs. J. C. Vana. Twenty-third and O
streets. Is said to be 111, requiring the at
tendance of a physician.
Louis Jonashlt. Nineteenth and M, Is ill
witn oipntneria.
Ella Heanny. Seventeenth and Jefferson,
Is quarantined for smallpox.
Mrs. Charles Van Alatlne Is said lo be
seriously 111 with typbold fever.
Tha New Century club will meet with
Mrs. Dan Hannon this afternoon. t
Jetier's Gold Top Beer delivered to ahy
part of the city. Telephone No. 8 '
Mlaa Elta Huntxberaer haa aone on a
visit to her parent's home In Fender.
Mrs. J. S. Housman of Aurora. Neb..
i visiting her son, Frank Housman, and
his family.
Misa Fannie Forney of Omaha was the
guest of Mra. M. Weible and Mra. F. A.
Towl last night.
Under liberal receipts, hogs were off
about 6 cent yesterday from the high
point of Tuesday.
A. H. Murdock has gone to Rock Rao-
ids, la., where he will be busy for a week
on a case In court.
D. D. Ringer reports th death of hla
mother at Denlaon, la. He will not return
to South Omaha until after th funeral.
Mra. A. H- Murdock expects to leave
soon on a trip to California. She will
make th principal polnta of the Pacific
Mr.- John Colvln announces the arrival
of a niece, who la to remain as her guest
through the summer. She comes from
Paul McAulay, the South Omaha truant
officer, ia able to be out after an lllneaa
of two weeks, during which time he suf
fered from the grip.
Mrs. W. H. McCreary, 1323 North Twenty-fourth
street, Is entertainlna her sinter
and niece of Chicago. They are visiting
her on th way home from a trip to Cali
fornia. Th funeral of Mrs. Mallnda Duckworth
will be held from the residence, 902 North
Twenty-eighth, this afternoon at S o'clock.
Rev. George Van Winkle will conduct th
servlcea. .
Th funeral of Henry Krohn took place
yesterday afternoon under th rites of the
German ordera of the city. He died of
diphtheria, which la the first death from
this d eas reported In month.
The Live Stock Dank of South Omaha
Is distributing the book entitled "Corn
Culture" among th residents of Doualaa
and Sarpy counties. This book wss writ
i wss writ
well known
ten oy -ror. r. i. MOiaen
corn expert.
John Alspang Is said to hsve Jumped off
the West Q street viaduct to trie Burling
ton roadbed on a wager that he Would not
Injure himself. The lump ia nearly twenty-five
feet and tha bet wa $16. He col
lected the money before he dared to limp
Wiien he got home he la said to have taken
to bed with tender feet.
Th Tuesday Afternoon club of Omaha
wa entertained by Mra. Robert Dey. 1016
North Twenty-aeventh atreet, during the
week. Mra. Hunter won first prise In the
whlat conteat. Mra. McCaffery aecond and
Mr. Dey third. Mrs. H. Mickey. Si a
street, was guest of honor. Mrs Lillian
Kelly assisted Mr. Dey in th" entrtam
F. Nelson of Niobrara. W. H. Burbank
Of Springfield. W. A. Metigar of Merrl
man and H. M. Dlnel of Springvlew are at
th Merchant.
Dr. O. E. Longren of Loup City, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Kerwin of Orlawold, Dr. S
Lukang snd O. M. Bsker of Tekamah are
at the Her Grand.
W. H. MrOe. J. L. Hull of Kanaas City;
F. W. Smith of D Ind. Fla.; J. R
Donley of Lincoln. J. F. Kant of West
Point. D. A. Lrd of Fullerton, H. G. kTllla
of Centervllle, S. D., and Edgar L Means
of Orloaus ar at th MilU'
Breen Addresses v
Sixth Warders
... A i ' r " 1
Republican Candidate -for ' Mayoi
Speaks to Large Throng on , .
Issues of the Canapairriv - -
- ,-,-- v
: '.. : '
"Arrant hypocrite and demsgojru. , was
th term applied by republican mayoralty
candidate John P. any capdldt
who promise or proposes to do special
things for certain Interests, .claaee. or
races. Ha was the 'principal -pekr at
th open republican meeting hold Wdr
day night at Twenty-fourth n ? Bur
dette atreets. . 4 r't-
In his quiet, straightforward- -and "sa-n-
did way Mr. Breen explained lsv stand
as regard hi candidacy fon .b posi
tion of mayor In th municipal- campaign
nd won hearty Applau'e- no" tha en
dorsement of many (storing- and fwlored
men, as well as othera. by hla lucid, sad
anti-grandstand epoerh. j t
"A man who' supports and ncoiregen
th violation of law. Is dangerous nd Is
not worthy or fit to run for fflro." h
declared. "Election promises Are' the 'ted
flannel belt of tha' politician. I wooUl
rather be short on promises artrt long on
performances. Government rfs 'an Insti
tution of law, i.ot of mere man, ft6 all
any mayor 'can give yon' Is 'at )ut "and'
fair administration of law. '
'I am in the fight h explained,' "Sim
ply to represent what I believe to b th
will of the majority of republican, berit
upon working out th tetter, .and. higher
turn IrKpoll ileal Affairs." '...' v t, r. . v. . .
John J. Ryder spoks In atrorot term
of endorsement, for. th ehflre "republican
ticket. H. J. Plnkett' addressed th
meeting In favor' of tha electloVi of Mr,
Breen and th rest f the ticket D'ther
speakers were: Nelson C Pratt, candi
date for city attorney, and Henry (strom,
candidate for Sixth ward councilman,
whose homes are In the -ward Jn which,
the meeting was held, and who were
heartily received; George D.rRlc. the
Ninth ward councltmanlc candidate; Dr.
E. Holovtchlner. who isrurrfilng lot- th
Second ward seat. In' the council cham
ber; Sam K. Oreenleaf, candidate for olty
clerk; President David A. Ftteh of th
Breen Boosters, who reported 'a member
ship of several hundred In that newly-
organised club. .. , tJ.': ,
Another republican meeting ' at Twenty-fourth
and Burdette streets' Is
scheduled for Wednesday nlfht of next
week,- when an even nre crowded at
tendance than last night's la- expected
' - ' . 11 , ' w a f
John Doe Wind I 1st atatlaa --
Stranger -Tangrleal Vtv let Re-
volvlns; Door. v
Extract of saraaparilla, containing a per -cent
of alcohol, may have caused an uni
dentified man, known to the police as "John
Doe No. 1," to take a joyous trip to alum- '
berland also a trip to the police station In
the patrol wagon. The man was picked tip
on South Sixteenth street Wednesday after
noon by Officer Pletts, who -found a large
bottle of sarsapartlla, partly empty, tn hla
pocket. - - '
: '"Sqtlowee me beg thowsa'' pardon. Ybu
can come In soon's . I can' get .. out,' ;. re-.
marked an elderly -man at the revolving
floor entrance' of : the. Paxt6j'.' ;,t nqon'
Wednesday., 01 had been caught, between
th jamb-and one of ' the revolving- -wings
bf the doo by his leg apd . was" trying to
bull it out the reverse way,; It would: not
pull In' that direction ' And the 'doorway
was blocked for a moment or two.
The elderly man. who ,; Stranger In
the city, was finally relieved from bis pre
dicament. He then remarked:
; "Believe rn. one - thing Ilk bout you
western elters. '. See fcller'n , distress, Jos'
walk up 'n help -m out, 'n don't laff at him,
Cemef In havg' somethtn" ' on me. I tn'
busted yeti . Say, them revolvln' dbora re p.'
holy terror Car't tell whether oln' east
or west." 4
Soa of George Kng Die Saddealy
at tho Family "Home-: tea
Wirt Street.
Suddenly and most unexpectedly th
death of Ar'thur J. Krug, .2! years of . age
and son of George Krug, 117' Wirt street,
occurred Thursday morning.
Patrick . Heafey. undertaker and cor
oner, wa summoned to the - horn.: but
Insisted that ha waa acting only in th
capacity of a prlvat undertaker, and that
there, waa nothing- unusual In th death. - -
; At the home It was stated that the jrounfc
man's death waa due to quick pneumonia,
and- brain fever, originating. from a sever,
aold contracted while he was pitying ball'
four days ago. '' ; ,r . ( f f
; Reside Ills father, George Hrilgt. the 'local
rrfreaentative ,' of . the . Anheuser-Busch
Brewing association, young Krug Is sur
vled by two brother, hla mother having
died a few year ago.. Tne brothers have
been notified of the rase try. telegraph and
will come home for the ' fufuiral. They are
Oacar Krug, now attending college; hi
Washington, ' D. C and Edwin, the real
estate agent of th Anlijuiaer-Buaolv. inter
ests at 8t touts. - ' ' - -- .-
Arthur Krug worked l,fi, "th1 office" wrfh
his father, as bookkeeper. ' " '
Old Officials Re-eUet Wltaoat Ba
eeptlaa by Board of Dtroetata '
la Meetlaa; Yesterday.
All th old officers of th round
Women's Christian association war re
elected yesterday afternoon at a, meet
ing of th board of directors; Th chair
manships of committee also remain the'
same. One new committee was created,
that on employment and boarding houses.
It Is to b .headed . by Mrs. Roftert
Cowell. The officer of the aaeociatlon
are as follows:
President Mrs. W. p. Harford. - , . .
Flrat Vice President Mrs. Oeorge, Til
den. Second Vice President Mrs. J. P, Bal-
f'hlrd Vice President Mrs', John R.
Webster. . ."
Recording Secretary Mrs. ft. h.
Schaeffer. '
Treasurer Mlas Hal Ha- Hood. " '"
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. 'Clement
Where Ar "Mrs." Frank Fa ray
aad "Mrs." Daa B. Batlr,
Aayhawf ' . f ' . , ,
Iarge package of "Neatl' Food" for
Infant hav been received through . th
mail by City Treasurer Furay and Qlty
Clerk Butler. The packages were addressed
to "Mr." Frank Furay and "Mrs'Dan
B. Butler, but aa these peraohage do not
exist., aa yet, th mall, was delivered to
th men. ' The Identity of th perpetrator
of the joke Is not known, but th two city
hstl officials hsve been forced to "set 'sm
op" Just the same- ,. .
Mr. F. d. rTltie. Oneonta.- M. -f.; writes!
"My llttl girl was greitly benefited by.
taking Foley's Oil no Laxative, aad I think
It I the best remedy for constipation
liver troublo." Foley'f . Orlpo ' Laxattrj) . im
best for women and children, as It Is mild,
pleasant and effective, and Is a splendid
spring medicine, as It clean th system
and clears the cotnplaaloav Bold by al.