Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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4 -
'EJm &hmm niodela"'"noderllcouIllryllomes .)
; LjmMw 0l An APP,e Orchard Trad at OcWare
! ' 1 r-lC lirSW i feliil W C ' . The.n you can slecP and bc sure when you awake that it will be to an
? I s'i3JliilW7 1 JBK increase in your fortune; in other words you can rest easy. Located in the
j YSri! I heart of the famous Valleyford Apple District, the greatest and best fruit district
I'Ftrlil I III I ll In Washington where soil and climatic conditions are the best, it is the premier
Utf iif 5c apple district, of the world.
! : hl&WS It is only 20 miles southeast of Spokane,-(the Queen City of
iWSK the Pacific slope) a growing and prosperous city of 125,000 inhabi-
fTP tants on an electric interurban line with nine trains a day each way
I "r stopping at Ochlare.
j .: Oilers you an ideal country-home. No cyclones; no fhunderslorms; no hall; mild winters;
L:5 cool pleasanrsuraraers. . - : .
I We sel1 you ,hc Iand on easy tcrms' sc! M 10 fruH' care ,or ,ne orchard until it comes into bearing. '
! iW ' ffl' Again--What more can you ask?
c Call at our office or write for descriptive booklet with prices and terms
j h . Suite 435 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, Neb.
j "v- JOHN H. HARTE, President. HENRY G. HARTE, Vice-President. ALBERT, S. MAXWELL, Secretary. L. L. JOHNSON, Treasurer ri JOHN P OUMMINGS Manager
j 1 tS. ' - ' ' ' ' merctal club rooms Wednesday noon. - The partial payment plan o( selling lands , teenth street; E. It. lrsen, 4735 Seward Into a financial problem. The meeting la
! Tl.i. i. tU 'l-JJT J ' w't u ",n Nw'York City I m told that but I and building homes was commenced by street; C. J. Westerdahl, 1715 Burt street, undoubtedly one of the large.! planned for Argiurnt in Knit Poatpo.ed B.... . '
Thl iS the FJeA Judge Wltten Makd pe,. cffnt of the people own tnelr own h0mP, Judge Witten in these words: Takes Charge Of Quartermaster Depot and Kd Brooks. 15a Vinton street. Omaha and reoulre. some money The l'rlnel.U C..7J IVt I !
t 1 , V to AH Mfli. while 80 per cent are on the pay roll. Out ''You-men who make It possible for yoiing at Jeffersonville, Ind. - advertising to the city Is unqueiuloned. as Prr , . '
f . f5, ; west here you have more freemen than In men to own homes are doing a commend- r j 9 1 the name of the place and time of meeting " .
. . '' :- the ast- " 1 r-nt )" 1 able work- Every tlm yo" make home OT ' nere re trie races wi" b pnmed on sheet music ued by .
KORETBEE IN WEST THAN EAST freeman. If you .ork for another m. and owner you make a freeman' ONE OF AEMY'S BEST POSITIONS local organisation, for .one yes. . . Argument It, the Colonel Pratt cse
, f. . ' are or his pay roll, you are no freeman be- f Ths local organliatlon had counted on t.?.J,v come up befre Judge Eatelle
tiorieMieaeral .f l.a.a OMre. lu '" forget yor n Interests Uplppp FnCririP -rlerma.ter of the Depart- CoL the support of Interests which cannot be "lC''bul bec Attorney ,W W. i
.IT ! . w an,, Uke ut ,he interests of your em- 1V1CJVCCU IL,UglIlCf secured, sines Governor Bhallehberger ' 4 ll'''ao could not be p.esent the 1
m Re.l K.ff K.m.e, ployPr. T- ' -rl breeds ..8ed ie daylight saloon bill, ""'"l 'matter went over Bntll .April I. Jsrorte
Km aa other Land Ope.. -But the opening of these western Ibps BeSt iLVer 111 KtT foel Knhles., Vk ho It Will Come to Omaha if Commer. the. Commercial club can supply the MK. "on of the other, and a
Ars nae. is going tf make more home owners snd Will Retire. cjal Club Makes Financial lclency by wme mtam liicre la 1 chanrt STands.m of Colonel Pratt, was present
" more . freemen. The government now has y A M . that the big meeting will come. war trom ath" hst he could '
. . '" ' ,' . ,lv Indian resen-atlons which will very tr t m. . rv- p..... Tl,i. Major Daniel F McCarthy chief auarter- ' a,,end- nersl J. C. Cowld. also of ;
" ,;:' U" ,".' '.' th. unction kely be thrown open to entry In the near H" L MuWOe of Chicago FaSSCS ThlS p," the Mlrl , Bsibles g.r.o.led f council for Colonel Pratt, wa. a., bu,y. . . ( 1
Lr ,h.h T T, C7 Pl" rf fu,u One Is In Montans. one In Idaho. Compliment Oil the Motor taVlL .r '"xt the Bacngerfest come. to r colds .re .instantly Wn engaged In the tr... of a case befo,e -
ve the heHdx.f hi. wife and family; any one , w.Bhlng,on and the other two In Made in Omaha. ' and lTurKott grAt mah" depends son.eth.ngon the T r ,Uk"k'y Ured WU" Dr' Kl"'' PnneUA M- Patt wa. repre-
Vrre."' : P"y ,0"' fk"U1' P""0'-- They comprise ..) " , C W lv I, ld " he Commercial club. A com- ' For. l C- Brome and p. M. Vln- 11
J L Z CZ? 1 a"d 1 U"1 t. tel. you about I k. , , , which I.Ton.ldered oni 2 most r.: the local organization consist, g by Beaton Drug Co. -onhaler. f
T. their otTuL mTi P"l th ,and, bUt ,h v"nment never de- the flne.t engine tbat wa, ,te , quJ,rlelma8ler of C. J. Ernst. A, J. Kggers. Paul BtuVdy oak. from little scorns .row an, V 1 ' C0,0nC' rr"tl' 1nitlatio" '
'i o"n T ' S",V" l "ib- he character nor guarantee the ev"r put " Mu,nr0- department of the United Bt.te. army. J- J- " was received before the advertising In The Be, win do wonder. 7o"r -Lt ,T?u ,h
"n praiMn. 0,e home., d , , ,a"d " Th '' " there and you "n'l7, h" ' "T;,1"'"-1 A " will aucceed Colonel George Ruble,,, executive committee of the club Tuesday your bu.lws. which she got In the ante-nuptlal
et ,..ctm!n, o -ttlement . ;
! AV , Sa, fatto !ev ;,r , " ,t"rw"d- COmPttny T" 'dm1 Um f .horlly be placed on the retired ,st. r Lli,.,.,. " ' '
' Ute..f "The government never went out t buv m T P l'ke Major McCarthy succeeded Major Thomas fmmMSmBi MBfljJMailinilL ''ZZZZIZ .. "T
Kates Ihp office, made this ststrm-nt he- ,.na. It h, had land thrust upon It. which T', W wkln lonir Cruse .. chief quartermaster of the De- If ' SS5S , .
- j 'htl' different line.. We w.nt to heve waTtmnt of ,ne Mlgaoul., ab0Ill eU,ltP(.n U 1 '
" ' t,'e ",s,nft move 1,1 ,he "me ltlon all montl ag(J ,nd ,np- , 0maha hp ,l4 I
TTT J the while and to transmit the power to the .Ue , host of f, lends, who will .lncerelv M iTl j- ffX
V!vy r4? IW fU .sHiV h-l front the enginery converting It into r,Rret to le,rn of transfer to another H j ifii IYTO "0 i i iT IXg'
Jl H R iL A . VS. "'O'or can be handled mach more readily Captain John U Mines, quartermaster H - V a fttmtt iT V7-' UT f ' ?1
-tlOfc W; f7? thn the bl 'n",e "d e Cttn "v" fnited State, army, in charge of the 9 CjflMMO U 3 J l'X L Jt
TJf SSjff wrthtmt stopping the engine.- Om.haqua.term.ster depot. will tern- tHC ' - '-TJ"".1
jjtV rrr' """TK-r II p-r-i- . porarlly .ucceed Major McCarthy as chief icr:ii Cff' V.
, (j CClf Xr-Mf H EFFIE PARTS WITH. OLD PALS quartermaster of the department. , '-T4t1 C .
-xZyr- I " Major McCarthy will leave for Jeff.-r- f ' ' y I f t '
ViLjJ -J&JS I t"Siiplo" Wild.Bt Salride Leaves sonvllle as soon ss the formalities of the - W -S7 ' NlT U W '
i - 1.1 Its y asli 1 J ) ield aad . for Three. trsnsfer of his present office to Captain ' J A A J I ' I I 1 J
III Uie DalanCT V M " Hlnes can be accomplished J I r'-Nl-ar -ir-v- " Jt I ) I I
-l,. . 01 Captain Edgar Rldenour of the Sixteenth L131 J 1 H rCrSkV .jlJ,-CV. KK ' , I f
- ,V , . Where Calumet No more playing with revolvers or car- infantry. Fort Crook, wiU leave shortly fk " ViW&A SS""" tT-Mf 4
! hjkmg Poder proves "III1 II I" b..llo seld for Kffie Nash, the chsntpion f0r Scranton, Pa., to take charge of ths , JWlSlr f fOfj I SW' II
I its Superiority! its would-ba suicide of the Third ward. She regular army recruiting station there. 1 ,8iisi fiLr" (llOilliS J C VW ! ;
! wonderful raisintr power- it. f,;r it was given permission to board and room at Flr.t ola Pr(vate KranK Alberl, f " IW7 21
CO produce 'the J'r ",Im2 Alt lh lout' Ja" for ",e n'xt tnree mont" Company I. Third battalion corp. of en- WlJ I ., !
- ' , I k .del,ClOU8 baking aid Its bv Jge Crawford, who heard Officer neer. ha. been granted an V'Vitl- 0 -1 I i
ss Vr economy. ia We baking- that IS the only way Kn testify Wednesday morning In police dlschsrge from the srmy by purchase. S"- I - I I
rfyzZ' Can suCcessfully test it and compare it with th court how Kffte had Impressed the Idea of ue.c0" I It J (
SS hiCh price kinds. You cannot discredit her love upon one of her erstwbtie sd- SIX MORE WANT SOME PIE . fGrW - nuV LJ t- I I , i ll
j fiHZZQ sutemena uroU you h-ve tried .m.ers by .uowm. one of b.r pet r- u U""t r,C iartfm TSlItt ;Ve .:ir4rt.t Z 0010 0t ytW3 I ?!
f liVfe'- ' ll JS, Ll If I) H K. hi ha II Kf,1 U a n""-"- Although her usual I. lilt. , j ji
-IF?? " ' VaVa Lia ZS UJU ' Tl Li diversion Is said by the police ta be th " """"V I f -. . x . I
' II ' Iht only hih rrad. bsklrur lMHrl. !!;, . enjuyinenl of making the police surgeons x more candidates for the Board of f A 1 f 1 K I Pitl f t t t I 6 f M a-"Tv I ft
lV V ' 'W'ttS: dotor her up a drink of acid Fir. and Poucs Commoner, have fiec, ( V fj B I I. I U h Vl I II fHl fl f ji) All
tnPUty, W the bakin,, caused bv Cumit or laudanum, she ha. not indulged In such their petitions with the city clerk. This VJ Itil LJ ll Ki I T Ml V V i I i f 1 It I I I IIH i f 1 M
V'Tl' AJt your Crocor-enel basut that ou . r-l".s fun for .lmost a month, her revolver hav- makea a total of thirty-one candidate, to j V A Jl J rjljUgJiJl I A V A V i fj
hVtvJrV"L B . . . , . 7 Clun Intf furnished the am Jsement lately. , dale, with thirty-two more petitions out. 'mmmmTT ' mw.tmmaJ 'KT ' 1 M
r-- HfW ward worU'i Per. - Qu. . f T two o, ,..,. to are s t ii s f - i;re;vc; .iir-NMfmv t I
zrr--' Food ExposiUon, Chicago, 1907. lQu,:k A""'" r"' "ne-V'" et Prie. m the 4-iub r. j ah. hi,. Ifc . ..--.. r,Hnr" I ff
V ' ' 4 that by UMt.g 1 h. B. adv.rtuing eolumus. 13 Pt.ppietn a.enue. and John P0er. Ul) L -..r.-JZZZZZZ- l',' "" ,I!!!SSZZZZZZ " 1"...!,,,,-,,,.,.,, -.J j f
t ' 1 " "'""''-''''-'........ ) 1
1 I
......... ... ' . y j I