TITE BEE: OMATTA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14, 1900. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska I WILLIAMS' CLEAN BILL USED , Burlington Spring it in Cue Where Fire Damages Are Urged. KOEMAL BOARD WAR BEGINS Aadlltr Will Refss te Recocalso ttebers , ! Mfakrri ( Hew Body mm Llttfatloa Starts. (From a Staff Correspondent.) UXCULN, April 11 Speclal.)-Tr.e Bur- Itnirton railroad tlila morning, through Ita general manager, O. W. Holdregs, took refuga behind a report made by J. A. Williams, ex-railway commissioner, when complaint was made by Desta E. McCon nell of damage to'ricr property by reason of a. bad crossing of the railroad. The complaint of Mrs. McCnnnell was nt by the railway commission to the Burlington for some action. This morn ing Mr. Holdrege returned. to the commis sion a copy of an Injunction secured by the Burlington against John McConnell, whom Mr. Holdrege said he supposed was the husband of Mrs. Desta McConnclI, to pre vent him from destroying the railroad property and he also returned a report made by Judge Williams of his Investiga tion of the McConnclI report against the Burlington.' ' ' 1 In this report Mr, Williams gave the Burlington a clean' bill. Ho said he had carefully Investigated the complaint of Ms Conne;i of numeroua fires started by the engines of the Burlington, but the fires complained of. the report said, did not damage the property of McConnell. Fur ther, the report laid, McConnell had re fuged to permit the rail rood to burn a fire gjard on his land which abutted the right-of-way of the-railroad and this Judge Williams held was necessary to prevent the fires if the rillroads continued to use iWl !n tucir engines. Vh: report of Judge Williams said fur ther that when the commissioner reached t..e McConnolh property and met the owner t ) discuss his complaint MdConnell began to t bu c and villify him because the commls n mi lind given him no relief, when as a 1. aucr of fuel the commission had done all I. i on d- do and the railroad had done Us boat to prevent tiros. The request of, the m ixed to bum a fire guard on the iroporty of the individuals which joined tin.- lailroad'a right-of-way. Judge Wil liams said, was not, thought unreasonable ly McConnell s neighbors. The McConnell family lives near Somerset and the com plaint of , the head of the, house was in vestigated by Judge WilllanSa last October, t'taanre to Test Biew Un. An opportunity Is at hand to test the validity of the) act -of the late legislature to charge toT for listing with the secretary or statu the resident agent of foreign cor poiatlons. Heretofore ttjls charge has been nomliuil, 30 tents, but the late legislature increased the fee to $o0. - So tar one corpora t.on has paid the increase fee. . This morning an electrical company of Omaha sent down the name of its agent, who take the place of Its retiring agent, and the company failed to send the neces sary 150 fee. The company has been noti fied of the change In the law and the list ing of its new agent Is held up pending tre receipt of the i0. Yalsatloa I.atr Jnclsdes Street Lines. If the street railways of Omaha and Lincoln have aav.tdea that.Sejator Ransom tved them from - the operations of the physical valuation bill when he saved the banoc of tliu Block yards, they have an other guess coming. Under, a ruling of the State Railway commission the bill ap plies to. strict railways. The commission bases Its construction oh this section: "Sec. 2. Tho term public-service corpora tion when used in .'this act shall mean and embrace every railroad, railway, tele graph, express, telephone and the railroad transportation property of stock yard companies." The commission today mailed out to a number of prominent englneera in various parts of the country copies of the law - and Invited them to make suggestions re garding the enforcement and also to sub mit propositions to attend to the work under Its provisions. In its statement to the engineers he commission said the law ref:rrcd to street railway companies. The general . Impression prevailed around the legislature thai street railways hat? not been Included In the bill. Nersnsl Board '! Oa. The warriors are on the ground for the battle . ever the control of the state normal schools. Colonel Majors of the new board created by the democratic leg islature and Dr. Siiellhorn of the same city, a member of the old board, held a conference with the attorney general, the state auditor and .the state treasurer 'o day and ho has decided his line of action. The entire matter will be placed up to the state auditor. When the new board meets tomorrow and organises and then presents to the state auditor the vouch ers for expenses of the members, llie au ditor will refuse to Issue the warrants. He will hold that ha U undecided whether the members of the new board are entitled to the money. So this will tie up matters until someone brings suit against the au ditor to force htm to Issue the warrant, UAYDENi . THC KCUABUt VrmnK TSc EITRAOOD Another Ulg Sale Thursday. Wait h, For l. IS-" Hueh a suit would establish the constitu tionality of the new law. Treasurer Brlsn, who Is a member of ths old board and of the new by virtue of hi position as state treasurer, will refdse to meet with the new board, but will hold that the law creating It Is no good from a legal standpoint. Blew Treasary Esasalaer. Samuel Nlea of Xeltgh la expected to ar rive shortly and qualify as a couuty treasurer examiner under appointment by Auditor Barton. Mr. Nles was formerly county treasurer and also county superin tendent of Antelope county. Kearaey Hobo's lareslatereil. Auditor Barton his refused to register a bond issue of $100,000 by the city of Kear ney for the purpose of constructing a. city water works plant Mr. Barton's reasons for the refusal are contained In the fol lowing letter to the city clerk of Kearney, Mr. George E. Flerde: I havo had before me for consideration the history of the action of the council of the city of Kearney relative to the issue of water works bonds In the sum of (100,000, and beg to state that I cannot register same, for the following reasons: The ordi nance providing for the calling of the special election does not mention the time the bunds are to run and rate of Interest they are to bear, nor when they are op tional. Tho notice of the special election does not mention the length of time the bonds are to run or the rate of Interest they are to bear, or the tlrne when tlmy are optional. The last ordinance provided lor the Issuance of these bonds specified in regard to this matter, but such ordi nance wns passed after the election was held and the result declared. The bonds were voted October 15, 197, and were never Issued until Jsnuary 1. 1909 fifteen months later, which leads me to believe there was tome doubt in the mind of the council of the city of Kearney as to their validity. But greater than ail of these, there is a grave question, and for which I hesitate to register them, and that is the constitu tionality of the act under which they were voted. Oploloas of Saoreiao Ceart. The following opinions of the supremo court were filed today: Smith against Hofeldt. On rehearing former judgment of reversal vacated and set aside; Judgment of district court af J., dtftsentvng.oLaotn shrdlu bra bm bm bm firmed. Reese, C. J.; Jtton, J., and Barnes. J., dissenting Currier against Teske. On rehearing former Judgment of this crurt vacated; inri.TTK.nt of district court affirmed as to ail defendants except Walter Schmiedko and ..reversed as to said HcnrrueoKe. iai- ton, J. ' . Butler agnlnst Recrist Reversed and re manded. Rose, J. Butler agalnat Smith. Reversed and re manded. Rose, J. Krbel against Krbel. Reverted and re manded. Good, C. Brvln against Montgomery. Affirmed. Duffle, C. , Jt , Fauber against Kelm. Appeal dismissed. State ex rel Minden Edison Electric UgTit and Power company against City of Minden. Reversed and remanded with Instructions to dlmlJS relator's application. Calkins. C. Griffin against Chriswisser. Reversed and remanded. Calkins, C, ana ooi, J not sitting1. WMt ac-alnst West. Affirmed. Good, C. Munson against Thompson. Affirmed. Root. J. Cornelius against City Water company. Affirmed. F.ppereon, c. Meyer-Cord comoany against Hill. At ftrmnrl Vaweett. J. Bngelke against Engelke. Affirmed. Ep person. C. Blrke! against Norton. Reversed and ac tion dismissed. Good, tj. Tyson against Bryan. Reversed and re mnnrieri. Calkins. C. ' Wllklne against Wilkin. Judgment of district court modified and affirmed. Cttlk- William Krotter'A Co. against Norton. PvArMt inri remanded. ErDeron. C. Hoi r gainst Burling. Reversed and plain tiffs action dismissed. caimns, Strong against Thurston county. Affirmed. Rose, J. ' , , " ' Exchange bank of Wilcox against Ne braska Underwriters' Insurance company. RverFtvl and rwmanded. TJuffie O. Powers against Bohuslav. a f firmed. Good. C. ' ... , ' : .RotKf against R4ce. Boversed andre mended. Epperson. C. Radii against Sawyer. Affirmed. Eppef- "J.' H. Tensdalej company against Keckler. Reversed and remanded, Duffie, C. .Jones against Union Pacific railroad. Re versed In part: affirmed in part. Duffle, C. State (i rel Katelman against Fink. Af firmed. Good. C. " " McSliane against McShane. Affirmed. ni T Cannon against Worth. Affirmed. Ep person, C. Bayard against City of Franklin. Af firmed, r'pperson, C. , Boebe against TSahr. Affirmed. Good. C. Fisher against Chamber. Affirmed. Brlel against Claus Groth Plattduttchen vereen. Ainrmra. e.i-i --. Wecke against Wlrtmann. Reversed and remanded. Calkins. C. Schuster against Schuster. Reversed with directions. Dean, J. . - Schade ngalnst Connor. Reversed and re manded. Barnes. J. Free Bros, against Flrestine. Reversed end remanded with directions. Duffle, C. Farrell against F. and M. Insurance corn par y Reversed and remanded. Root, J. Berger against WUcox. Reversed. Duffle C. Cleve agalnat Burlington railroad. Re versed and remanded F.pperscn. C. Peterson against Slate. Reversed and remanded. Root, J. Following are ruling on motions for re hearing: State against several parcels cf land (Wl manl. Overruled. DennlKon agsinst Dally Sews. Overruled. HadRll against Hadall. Overruled. Burnham against Burlington railroad. Overruled. . Bhults against Burlington railroad. Over ruled. , . Shell against Tucker-man. Overruled. Douglas county against Vinsor.haler. flvrriile1. Bergeron against Modern Brotherhood of America. Overruled. Kennison against State. Overruled. Woods ngalnst Varley. Overruled. Bolton aaaliist Backer. Overruled. Pcston against State. Overruled. Whedon against Brown. Overruled. Bee Want Ads Are Business Booster SKIRT SALE IW1Y Our New York buer secured the entire Skirt Stock of Meyer Isaacs, Green street, New York, for -cash at 50c on the dollar. Panamas, Voiles, Serges and fancy mixed fabrics in the very newest styles and best colorings, not a skirt iu the lot worth less than $5 and up to $10. All fine at one price Wednesday. BUU Your unrestricted choice OTHER ROUSING SPECIALS HOMKMAItti HOUSE WIESSfcS Regular 11. 50 to $2.00 values Wednesday, at choice 93c 35, S19 Challle Dressing Sacques . . . . 35 ' $3.00 Heutberbloora underskirts In colors and black, at , HAYDEU's . TMC MUABLC STSStg Mrs. Chas. VVooster 1 Renews Her Suit She Again Applies for Divorce from Fusion Politician All Efforts to Ajree Fail. CENTRA l CITT. Neb.. April 13.-(8pe-clal.) Dropping the charge that her hus band would not give her any rest because she would not declare to him that she loved him better than she loved Ood, but making more prominent the claim that he threat ened to commit murder If he was compelled to live with her any longer, I-lllle M. Wooster ha started another suit In the district court of Merrick county against her husband, Charles Wooster, asking for an absolute divorce and alimony. The first suit was started several months ago and after dragging along In the courts and after repeated continuances had been granted It was dismissed at an equity ses sion aboutt wo weeks ago, when the plain tiff wa not ready for trial at the time set. It wss thought then that a recon ciliation between the parties would be ef fected. Evidently all effort in this line have failed. The main grounds upon which Mrs. Wooster asks for a divorce are extreme cruelty. She claim that only a few month after they were married in 1881, Wooater smashed down the door of the room where she had fled for refuge, and the door struck her on the head and ren dered her unconscious. She claim on sev eral occasions he beat her and used pro fane and vulgar language toward her and repeatedly ridiculed her belief In God and taught their children to do the same. She claim that she left him in 1906, because he threatened that If he was compelled to live with her any longer he would commit murder. She has atnee been making her home wtih friends In Portland, Ore., but claims that she has not relinquished her residence in Merrick county. She claims that when she married Wooster she brought with her (1,300 which ha gone Into hi property, and In her demands for ali mony and a division of the property she ask that this $1,200 be taken into consider ation. She clajms that Wooster has real estate to the value of 111,000 and personal property valued at $3,000. Wooster ha been prominent In state politic for a long time, being representa tive from Merrick co'inty In the state leg islature and at one time prominently men tioned for fusion nominee for congressman from the Third congressional district. He reside at Silver Creek. The case will probably be tried out at the next regular term of the district court. Court Affirms Case from Wayne Holds License Procedure Conld Not . Be Corrected in Court Katie man Wins from Omaha. (Frxm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb. April lI.-(Special Telegram.) In the Wayne llauor case, wherein appeal wa taken rom the district court because It refusj.l to cause the city council of Wayne to reconvene and take evidence on the application of Peter Thorn aon for a liquor license, the supreme eourt has affirmed the decision of the lower1 court. The court held that while no license should have been granted Thomson, yet the error could not be corrected in the district court. Jacob Katleman won his case against the city of Omaha In which he sought to secure an order from the court to force the city to pay him $300 for aome property condemned for boulevard purpose. The city attempted to hold out some $J00 by reason of special assessment against the property. Th property had been appraised at $3,000, the court said, and the appraisement ac cepted by the council and the warrant Issued. The city should at that time have claimed Its lien upon the money, but having failed to do so it must now pay the full amount of the warrant. In the syllab'ua the court said: A freeholder otherwise qualified to s gn a petition or a liquor license is not dis qualified because he is not personally ac quainted with the applicant, or doea not know that he la a man of reputable char acter unci standing in the community. If a remonstrator appeals from an order of the excie board granting a saloon llcente. the district court Is without author ity In that proceeding to direct said board to reconvene and reieive testimony thai waa offered by the remonstrators and ex cluded by said board. Thrown from Horse Under Car Wheels Irwin Wilds of Chappell Seriously Injured from Hiding: Broncho Too Near Train. CHAPPELL, Neb., April 13 (Special.) One of the worst accidents in this vicinity for years happened yesterday near Tur ner Wild' place, feur mile west of town. to his son, Irwin Wild, who was riding 4 broncho. At that time a freight train was passing their place and young Wild rode the animal up toward the train, when It bogun bucking and threw him off next to the moving train, which cut off one of his hand and badly mutilated hi head, tearing the flesh and making seventeen scalp wounds. Up to noon today he had not regained oonsclousnes. The attending physlclsn thinks he will recover, a the skull ha no fracture. Young Wild is about 16 $ears of age and one of the best liked boy In the community. Narrow Ex-ape of Two Wsmrs. WY MORE, Neb., April IS. (Special.) Whiel driving home from church last even ing Mrs. R. E. Tucker and her daughter CI co escaped serious injury by a narrow margin. They live acroaa Indian creek and It was while on the bridge across the stream that th horse became frightened at a pool of water on the plank. The ani mal backed the buggy off th bridge and down a twenty-foot embankment. The girl Jumped from th buggy In time to save herself, but Mrs. Tucker and th horse went Into the creek. Some young men going to their home In the country hap pened to be near and saved Mrs. Tucker from drowning, and also rescued the horse. Mrs. Tucker, aside from a few minor bruises was uninjured. ' Isaac Maai Left to HI Pale. FALLS CITT, Neb.. April 13 8pecial.) Bheriff Fenton ha in charge the man who wa charged two year ago with forg ing checks on many banks In this section of the state. He gave his name as Frank Holland and until lately has been fanning west of tltella. He has been married since the check trouble. After having a sale two weeks ago he went tu Dawson and hired a team at a livery barn, but never returned the horses. The sheriff wa notified and th team waa found tied to a hitching rack at Verdon, from which place he had taken the train for Oklahoma, where his father lives. After reaching Kansas City he de cided to return to Iawson, which he did, to be met by the sheriff with a warrant and taken to the coumty Jail. His father came here to see wkat could be done for hi eon, but after hearing the facts In the case decided to leave the boy to hi fate, and returned home. Howland will probably be turned over to the Banker' association to deal with as It sees fit. Divorce Matters in Dodge County Court Occupied with Them Almost to Exclusion of Other Business Persons Invoked. FREMONT. Neb., April 13.-(Speclal.) An equity term of the district court I being held here this week. Judge Hollen beok presided yesterday, and today Judge Thoma i pn the bench. Agnes Arp wa granted a decree of divorce from Henry on the customary ground of cruelty and desertion. The court held the case under advisement for some time. The twx divorce cases of Horst against IIorsL and Staat against Staata, which are of a sensational nature, are set for trial, but it is doubtful If the latter ever reaches the court. An array of counsel are ready, but neither party appears to be, Last summer Staat brought a suit against Louis Kreymbcrg. a prominent and well-to- do citizen, for the alleged alienation of his wife's affections, claiming $20,000 dam ages. The defendant made arrangement for a vigorous defense and the plaintiff dismissed his case, after bringing an action against his wife for divorce on the ground of undue Intimacy with parties at Council Bluffs and St. Joseph, Mo. While at St. Joseph he caused her arrest on the ground of adultery, but the case doe not appear to have even reached a hearing. Mrs. Staats came back to Fremont and employed attorneys, who procured an order for suit money and filed an answer setting up some sensational chajges. On account of the prominence and wealth of the parties and the character of the charge the case ha attracted a good deal of attention. vVoanaa S offers from Exposure. GRAND ISLAND. Nob., April 13. (Spe cial.) Mr. Dick Steinbeck, widow of a farmer who passed away about a year ago in a temporary arberation of mind, wan dered away from the home of relatives during the night and was not found until twelve hours later, when the deputy sheriff discovered th woman In the underbrush along Wood river. Her clothing was wet and torn and she was suffering intensely from the exposure. She had evidently been In the river, which, however. Is shallow at mosr places. The woman Is receiving the best of attention at the hospital In this city. , .Nebraska News Aotes. P1LGEH H. SDence and wife of thla place will take possession of the hotel on April is. a. h. Koplln, the present owner, will retire from business. BEATRICE The city council met last night and canvassed the vote of th late city election. The prohibition majority wa cut down from 108 to 103 votes. BEATRICE Thieve early thl morning entered the hardware tore of D. A. Lasher at wymore naa stole about $100 worth of razors, knives and revolvers, ' There Is no clue. . ' BEATRICE The funeral" bt the late C. M. Summers was held today at 1 o'clock at the, family home west of the city, the services being conduoted by Rev. J. E. Davis. PLATTSMOUTH At noon Sunday In the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Marhall oc curred the marriage of their daughter. Miss Gladys, and Harry A.' James of Weeping Water. , BEATRICE Announcement has been re ceived here of the marriage of Hugh Til ton, a former resident of this city, and JJIbs Nellie Woherton, which occurred at Lawton, Okl., Sunday. BEATRPCE C. E. Hammett, who has been foreman of the wooden windmill de partment of the Dempster factory here for the last six years, resigned yesterday and will probably locate In Kansas City. NEBRASKA CITY-Ororge Coldsberry and Miss Emma Hanberg, two young peo ple of this city, were majTied lust evening by Judge Wilson. None was present but a few relative of the respective parties. BEATRICE Rev. W. K. McNulty, who has been holding revival services at the United Brethren church here for the last two weeks, left ycbterday for Omaha, where he will conduct another revival. BEATRICE Following a heavy rain here Sunday i.ight the temperature lust night dropped down to the froesing point. It Is the general opinion that the fruit buds are not far enough advanced to surfer from cold weather. PILOER A base bell tesm was organized last night. W. W. Vaught. cashier of the Farmers National bank, is manager and secretary. Now uniforms will b" pro vided and ntpects are bright for a good team this season. PILOER The Methodists will build a $5,0iX( church Hits summer. The old building Is being torn down and the lumber will be used in the new. The church when com pleted will seat about .".00 people. It will be finished by July 1. GENEVA Tha weather lias been un usually winily and cool, at night falling as low as 20 degrees above and at no time last week at night getting above 33 degrees. Last night there was a frost and the mercury went to 24 above. PLATTSMOUTH Attorney C. A. Rawls. ex-eounty attorney, has gone to ilranadtt. Colo, to look after the landed intoresl of the Platlsmouth capitalists until that prop erty Is disposed of. then he and his family will make Boise, Ida., their home. PLATTSMOUTH Fred Muinhv and wife have returned from Havana, Ouon, where he has been employed in the War derort nient for several years. Mr. Murphy will report for duty in the f-lcrtl building in Omaha about the firxt of next month. GRAND ISLAND Three death have oc curred at the Soldiers' Home In a single day: Mrs. K. T. Pratt, admitted from Omalin. aged 69 years; James B. Thomas, aged So years, and Mrs. Kmrett Knappen. aged 61 years. Interment will be made in the Home cemetery In all cases. DICKENS An unimproved section of bvnd three miles northwest of here sold for $0,000 Saturday. Thin Is hut a fair sami.le of the way land is selling in this locality and considerable is chenging hands. Less thtu ten years ago this land was selling for less than $1,000 a section. CHAPPELL The Odd Fellows' haM s nearing romplrticn and when done will be one of the nicest structures In western Nebraska. The unper part will be for IimIh purposes, while the lower floor will be fur office moms. - The Masons and the Odd Fellows now own their own haiia and both Trv the PERFECT FOOD Grape-Nuts and you'll know, like million of other, There 's a Reason" SUaa ths littl. keek, Th Boa to WsUvtUe," la page. are a credit to town much larger than Chappell. BEATRICE Word was received here yes terday from Lincoln announcing the death of Mrs. Minnie Kappe. a former resident of this county, which occurred at that place yesterday. Deceased was born In Uermany in 1. and leaves two children to mourn his death. The body will be brought, to Beatrice for Interment. GENEVA Mis. William Fulton, wife ef County Judge Fulton, underwent a serious surgical operation Sunday morning. Dr. Blxby of Geneva and Dr. Fltzsimmons of Ohlowa were the attendant pnysicians. rne operation waa successful and Mrs. Fulton Is doing very well. Her plster, Mrs. Lewi of Des Moines, la.. Is with her. BEATRICE Frank MeColery. who left Beatrice last winter before an order en joining him from taking his child out of the Jurisdiction of the court was served on him, returned yesterday. The restrain ing order was secured by Belle MeColery, who had previously begun divorce pro ceedings. Mr. MeColery has secured legal talent and will fight the case. PIATTSMOt:TH While visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Zlnk. In this county, Mrs. A. D. Beach died with pneumonia, aged 70 years. She Is sur vived by a husband, one son and two daughters, one being Mrs. Miller l:i Omaha. Rev. J. H. Andres preached the funersJ sermon In Weeping Water Monday. NEBRASKA CITT The home of Lars Anderson, st the corner of Fourteenth street and First avenue, was entered by burglars Sunday night. Nearly all of their silverware waa fallen. Entrance was ef fected by breaking open a rear window. This is the third house robbed In that part, of the town within that many day and in each instance only silverware was taken. NEBRASKA CH T Monday morning the cooper shop of Vaughn ft O'Brien was de stroyed by- fire. The loss Is something like $10,000. with only a light Insurance. The firm had just unloaded several cars of new barrel material. It Is thought that the origin of the fire was Incendiary, as a tramp was seen to leave the shop a short time before the fire and there had been no fire In the plaos for everl days. NEBRASKA CITT Mayor Logan F. Jackson, the newly elected mayor, took the oath of office thla morning and tvlth the member of th city council wa guly installed in their office. The other city oflcers took their oath of office laat even ing, during the meeting of the old council. Next Monday evening the new police force, street commissioner and other city em ployes, to be appointed by the mayor, will be made public. NEBRASKA CITT Last evening the property, franchise and ery thing belong ing to the Citizens' Gas crmpany of this city were sold by a special master In chancery to Frank P Grover and Christy C. Loser of Chicago, who represented the bondholders. The price paid wa $6,000. it being the only bid offered. The company Is to be reorganised and the plant over hauled and re':ttcd and the main ex tended. GRAND ISLAND While It wa expected that several applicants for saloon license would drop out after the passing of the 8 o'clock closing bill, no application has ro far been withdrawn. Several changes, however, are being made, and it tls under stood that In one or two cases adminis tration pressure and suggestion has been brought to bear, and that the changes have been made in order to avoid refusal of license. BEATRICE Word was received here yesterday from Lincoln stating that Charles Franz, a Rock Island detective, who la well known in eBatrice, was severely In jured by being thrown from a caboose. He was standing on the rear platform of the car when the train gave a sudden lurch, throwing him to the ground. He fell on one of the rails, sustaining three broken ribs and severe bruises about the body. He was removed to hi home at Fair bury. GRAND ISLAND The dates have been fixed for the next annual convention of the Nebraska Travelers' association for August and 7 In this city. On the Tth the local U. C. T. will have Ita annual plcnlo at Schhnmer's lake, a a feature of the enter tainment exercises. Mr. Sheldon, a noted lecturer on commercial salesmanship, will be secured for an address. The arrange ments are In the hands of the officer of the state association, the local U. C. T. and the Commercial club. GRAND ISLAND At the meeting ef the city council last evening report was made by the committee Instructed to circulate a petition permitting each property owner In the paving district to-vote for the kind of pavement he desired. Over fifty votes were recorded for frick, as agalnat five for wooden blocks and three for cement. The council therefore adopted a resolution, by unanimous vote, in favor of the cement base and brick top and instructed the mayor and committee to employ an engi neer to make plans and specifications. CENTRAL CITT-Amanda li Wetherell has started suit In the district court against Frank C. Adams and Lulu Adams, his, wife, for the possession of an cighthy-acre tract of land lying near Ciarks, and the rent on the same since March 1. 1909. amounting to $50. Mrs. Wetherell and Mr. Adams are mother and son and were a short time ago involved In a suit for the posseasinn of some property, the son claiming that he mother had agreed to slve him certain property In lieu of .lis keeping her as long as she lived. The suit resulted In a victory for the mother. FALT.8 CITT The high wind of the last few days did considerable damage In and near Falls City. The smokestack at Hea coek's mill was blown to the ground, taking with It the telephone and electric light wires and poles, one pole being broken In three pieces. Several chimneys were blown down nnd the plate glass window? in Lyon's bakery were broken. A couple of ear were blown off the track at Btrainssvllle Two miles of telephone pole and wires were blown down just north of the old Meyers place, destroying all connections north of his city. It will be a wek before thl damage can be fully repaired. The Bell telephone system also had some of it wires destroyed. Quick Action for oTur Money Ton get that by using The Bee advertising column. The Weather FOR OMAHA-Posslbiy showers. FOR NEBRASKA Increasing cloudiness, with rain in north portion. FOR IOWA-Showera. Teiin-rwtiire at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. 5 a. m . . . 31 31 82 3 6 a. in... 7 a. m... 8 a. m. 9 a. m 40 10 a. m 46 11 a. m 46 1- m 4 1 p. m 48 Z p. m go 3 p. m 50 4 r- m 52 5 p. m 63 p. m 52 7 p. m 51 8 p. m 49 p. m 47 I.sral necerd. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, April 13. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1909. 1908. 19u7. 19wi. Maximum temperature .. M 82 41 Ml Minimum temperature ... 31 52 IU) 37 Mean temperature 42 7 32 48 Precipitation 00 .CO .00 .40 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March I. and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 49 Deficiency for the day 7 Total deficiency since March 1 &. Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency f.tr the day 10 inch Precipitation since March 1 1.06 Inches Deficiency since March 1 1.44 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19... .1.83 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1907.... 1M inches Reports f rasa Statloa at T P. M. Station and State of Weather, Temp. 7. p. m. Mix. Rain- Temp, fall Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Chicago, clear , Davenport, clear Denver, part cloudy .. Havre, cloudy Helena, anowlng Huron, snowing Kansas City, cloudy . North Platte, raining Omaha, cloudy Rapid City, snowing , Bt. louls, clear St. Paul, clear , Sn.lt lake City, cloudy. Valentine, part cloudy Witliston, part cloudy W . 88 62 .lis SS 4 T 48 o .00 64 Si) .0i) :4 .10 84 Mi .01 30 3X .01 62 54 .00 60 00 .2 61 63 .00 E 30 . 60 60 .00 M 42 T 58 (2 .00 33 48 .W 30 32 .14 T Indicates true of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster 4W- 1 S 0 .1 . J Am W 4k F if 7 ; ifif L ,1 . Acquire an Erect, Manly Carriage It may not be your habit now to throw your shoulders back and hold your head erect, but when you wear an "GCtO?" Suit, it will be. " (ASfl" u'ts are u''t on broad shouldered, manly lines, and you cannot fall into a careless un attractive attitude when wearing them. Acquire an erect, manly carriage by wetriog clothes that improve your personality. $15.00 to $35.00 Sold by leading" dealer everywhere. Makers man uiles jou -to When going to California, wouldn't you like tha personal attention of an experienced tourist agent? One who knows the country traversed; who helps make the journey' a pleasant one; who takes special caro of elderly persona, women, and children. Tho Santa Fe carries newest style tourist sleepers every day en three ot its four trains between Chicago, Kansas City and Cal ifornia. The fastest tourist sleeper service to California. Three times a week these excursions are personally con ducted. Our de luxe folder, "To California iu a Tourist Sleeper," tells how cozy tho cars are, and how economical Free on request. California homeseekerg should ask for our San Joaquin Valley land folder, telling all about the greatest irrigated valley in the world where intensive farming pays largest profits. Samuel Larimer. Pass. Agt, Until April 30 Oneway Colonist tickets mTs h AnS: to California are on sale at $33 from Des Moines, ia. Chicago and $25 from Kansas City. HEALTH WEEK ALL NEXT WEEK SUNK 1ST ORANGES FOR HEALTH ITlfMi Fftt) Wea snd nervous tnea gUXJU KJI ho ,ind their power tu NFRVF4 work and youthful vigor (one as a result of ovsr. work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NEHVK FOOD FILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a utaa again 1 os S bones SS M by n't EXE KM AST si McCOaTM ZLX. DIVO CO, Cor. lath and Dodr Btrssts. OWL ZUVO COaUPAMY, Oor. xatk as Karasy at. Omaha, sTss. G. A. Lindquest Co. 235-36 Paxtoa Block. makers of good clothes. A nice II ns of spring patterns on hand and our price are right. A liberal discount on twv o'r mora suits. D. C. SCOTT, D. V. S. (Successor to Dr. H. L. Ramacclot tt.) AWZSTAsTT STATS YXTZSDTAJUAjr, OCfta) Ksspital. taiO Maao txssa. Calls Promptly Answered at All Hears. ThSSS 4ffk.sTsrmey tT. ft-,,. i.k MttfU ta w CSj . I f A1 .r: 1 , . 1 Chicago UTo Cuco Trart Mil ImpnisM M- ggw aWtMsMM, svat sM4 mt I I I Mr aMM a t lam W-aAsW r bbium Ana itor - VtlWbtiasskjrf- CM WfUr.l Brrf M ffa M ifH ..nv. rT WHIM CUHIB. W M n..) tM Ifat Uknk. I v.ul U m(iJ Mr Mtu ka.a 4 w I . Itn it t Ma r cJr4 mt .tttvl7 r-.n, IWIbal. nmfMilwl 1.M vrl'D 1 , 1. fair 4 .' Us '' ia tk mrU llau mt InavM tatlllrUlM. WilMfaMMj. Dr. E. B. Tarry, iii Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. l J till '. V WW TK- ! Ul hmw a ia mf I I . lMMaa mm.1. J m-.A' ; I ..r kaa m. rai w Mry t.fll' ' r"Miu u, m m m fail J ! m wh) I m mS ! f iftlif yen , S J J i I " m ax toil, ar.W l!lfl. Hhral.to. HMkikwi.') 1 P bay Gold Mesial Flsar be ssrs It Is Waahbsra. Crosby's Cl Mesial risar. This la IssaairtaAi.