Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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u p r. ' om osr-s) mc an. pirrt-m a-isi
Spring Styles in Man
Tailored Skirts
To Your Special Measure
The new styles we are showing are pretty and prac
tical, 'they are made by expert skirt makers, which gives
them an air of "chic" not easily achieved at home. Se
lect any material you want from our great stock of colored
and black dress goods and we will man-tailor it to your
special measure at small cost.
See models at Dress Goods department.
Rcdlcrn Week at Thompson, Delden & Co.'s
Miss McCauJey has been with us
four days, during which time she has
enjoyed the greatest success-r-enthus-,
ing old friends of the Redfern and add
ing to its ' weafers women who have
not before known the comfort and style
of this rarely handsome corset.
RedfertrCorsets are made of the
yery best materials, prettily trimmed
with dainty laces and boned through
out with the 'best. Greenland whale-"
bone. In -every particular they are the
peer of -imported corsets of twice the
cost, and they fit better. Let Miss Mc
Cauley ihow. you the newest models
and prove the fact to you. Prices
start at $3.50.
See the handsome new Redfern models in our Sixteenth
street window. ' :
' ' Beos-ll-'OS. I
Costs Are Taxed
Against Standard
Sam of $14,600 Assessed to Oil Trnst
for Fees in Missouri
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 13. Coat
of $14,60 were today taxed against tha
Standard Oil company of Indiana, re
spondent in the., recent oueter ault decided
adversely, to It by the supreme court of
the stat. The u.rn. represent the expense
of taking teattmony before Special Com
mlaeloner Robert C. Anthony and tha feeing
of witnesses. Commissioner Anthony wa
allowed $11,000 for hla aervicea.
The court also decided favorably to the
railroad,- -a -ease f rem Benton county, in
which an alleged violation of the law re
quiring railroads to run at least one train
dally each way was charged against the
Missouri Pacific Hallway company. The
evidence ehowed that the road had been
fined $100 because the train In question
was not iiroftfilVy Ajrawsaejigers'-Tb
supreme oVt holda, that the train com
rled wlt (he HatUfoiy; requirements In
trfat It was ?ertedtn regular schedule.
Gompers to Study
European Ways
Federation of Labor Votes to Send
' President on Tour of
' WASHINGTON. April 13. After laying
before'the executive council of the Ameri
ca Federation tt I.abor at today's ses
sion a report of his proposed trip to Eu
rope to1 Study and report upon the Indus
trial, sociological and economic conditions
In 'those countries. President Gompers an
nounced ' that he might sail from New
York on the Baltic on June 1. The coun
cil authorized an expenditure to meet the
expenses' ef the trip. Mr. Gompers will
visit Englsnd, Germany, France, Sweden
It was announced that sufficient funds
for ths present to meet the expenses of
the federation's legal defense In the In
junction and contempt proceedings In the
case of the, Bucks Stove and Range com
pany had been raised and that it would not
now be necessary to levy an assessment of
1 cent per member, per month, aa author
ised by the Denver convention.
Control of Railroad Formally Passed
I Kerr Owners at Mil
nsakee, MTLWAl'KKK. Wis.. April 13 The con
trol uf tin- Wlscnsln Central Railway com
pany was tclay fully transferred to Die
Boo line and thus made a part of thn Cana
d'an Parlfiu system. The transfer was
made at a special meeting of the Wisconsin
Central Railway company stockholders.
The board of -directors also held a meet
ing and the re!gnaf iona of Messrs. tj. C.
ftarr, W. M. Wadilen. El N. Foss and
Jesse E. Mayor were accepted and Messrs.
J. F. Pilleuury of Minneapolis, C. E. Wales
of Minneapolis, 11. M. Ballou of Neenah.
Wis., and C. T. Jaffrey of Minneapolis were
elected In th ir places.
Thpllnodel's Secret.
The fluak Models' Association haa raised
their falling to the' status of a fine art.
The development and retention of a per
fect tlKVr Is made tbe study of their
lives. 'As result. They receive high sal
aries fenLo(.uur, live irorrespondliigly
well. ' -y , ,
But Jp. Mid Hvjng and a perfect figure are
n.'ldoiif, tiontemporaneoua in the same lady.
They r only when that lady Is willing
to pV ijtv her good times by most klrun
uous and persistent physical effort to keep
her fat down. So the premier model,
auine uf wlioui are middle aged, have had
to Uht a good fight hitherto.
littliHrto'ls ued advisedly, for now the
struggle Is less keen. Instead of dieting
and vxerclxe being their reliance, tha fol
lowing mixture la asked to do the wink
of keeping these ladies professionally tit:
One-hi ouu.e Marmola, ounce Fluid
Kxtract Cuscara Aromatic, and 3 vk oum-ss
of Peppermint Water. taken a traspoonful after moats
and at bedtime, and reports InuUme it
dots not Molate the trust put In ll. Thoe
with a -tendenvy to fallen up keep their
fltiurcw slailonary by tin menus, while
many find lug themselves overtat huve lost
as much ss a pound a day by Us u.
Four Injured in
Kansas Tornado
Catholic Church at Anrora Demol
ished and Priest Hart Brake
man Blown from Train.
CONCORDIA, Kan.. April 13.-When tele
plwre communication was opened up today
with Aurora, a little town south of here.
It developed that four persons were In
jured, none, It is believed, fatally. In the
tornado that struck that place yesterday.
The Catholic churrti was among the build
ings demolished and Father Molller was
blown fifty yards, but not seriously hurt.
A, M. Gosselmasnn, who was with the
priest, suffered a broken limb. ". Nelson
Marcotte's home was demolished and Mrs.
Marcotte and their Infant child were seri
ously hurt. None was killed -in Aurora,
but at Belolt,' a nearby town, Edward M.
Wells, a brskeman, was blown from a
Missouri Pacific freight .train and KTIled.
In Aurora two- 'churches .and two stores
were wrecked srtd ' almost every store
arm nouse in towji wss oamagea, jsucn
stock, was killed jmj he -un,tryy
Colored Criminal In St. Loals Blames
Srhoollaa- for Downfall la
Unlqae Caae.
BP. I.OCIS. April 13. "To what aource
do you attribute your mental condition?'
"Super-education. I'm a negro and have
no business with a college education."
This question and answer propounded and
replied to by Louis O. Graves, a graduate
of Tale, was the climax of what Judge
Taylor of the court of criminal correction
today declared was the most unique defense
he had ever encountered.
Gravea was charged with forging
check, lie acted aa his own attorney,
called himself to the stand and conducted
hla own examination.
After testifying that he had served terms
tn tha penitentiaries at Jefferson City, Mo
and Chester, III., and that he had been' an
Inmate of five Insane asylums, he asked
"Did you ever try to commit suicide?"
"Five times," waa the response to him
"I jumped from the third tier of cells
and cracked my akull. I took poison In
Central police station. I tried to hang my
self in the penitentiary and twice I tried
to kill myself when I felt a desire to com
mit crime coming over me."
Gravea said that he had no recol'ectlon
of the forgery with which he la now
charged and wa remanded to jail to await
possible action by the grand jury.
Effort of Girl's Katker to Settle HI
valry by Lot Loads to
PITTSBURG. April 1.-Tn a riot at Manl
told, a mining town, early today, six for
eigners were seriously Injured, two of them
fatally. Daggers and revolvers were used.
The alx Injured men were auitora for the
hand of IJxzle M aeka. the belle of the
settlement. The father, to help the lovers,
proposed drawing lota to decide the ques
tion. A foreigner named Chenxo won. but a
free-for-all fight started and all the lovers
were seriously Injured. The police have
arrested eight persons.
Hoata Dakota Odd Fellows,
eiOVX FALLS. S. D.. April 1$ (Spe
cial.) The Odd Fellows at a number of
pointa In South Dakota are preparing to
observe In a suitable manner on Monday.
April :'6, the ninetieth anniversary of the
founding of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. One of the most elaborate of
these celebrations will be held at Salem.
The Odd Fellows of MoC'ook county Have
a county organisation and have united la
the celebration at Salem. The principal
address will be made by Rev. Dr. Galla
gher of Ueddea. who la one of the lead
ing orators of South I Dakota. One of the
fen tuns of the occasion will be a parade
of Odd Fellows. The anniversary cele
bration is expected to be the greatest af
fair of its kind In the history of Odd Fel
lowship tn McCook county. The exercises
will be held in the opera house. ...
If you have backache and urinary troub
le you should tske Foley's Kidney Rem.
edy to strengthen and build up the kid
neys so they will act properly, as a serious
kidney trouble may develop. faV!j by a I
CllCltC Wjll TtllvC
Due Care of Wool,
Hides and Coal
Prediction it Made Intermouatain
States' Claims Will Be Recog
nized by the Upper Honse.
(From a Rlsff Correspondent. 1
WASHINGTON. April 13.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Wool, hides and coal. In which Ni?
braskn, Iowa, Wyoming, South Dakota and
Iritfr-mountaln states are greatly Interested,
will be taken care of by the senate tariff
bll. Already Interest In thrte thtee grrat
products has been at work with a view of
ameliorating conditions under the Payne
and Aldrlch bills, and after a canvass of
the senate It seems fair to predict that
the wool schedule will be nearly that of
the Dlngley bill.
The coal schedule wll be a modification
of the Dlngley bll', with possibly 4i per
cent ad valorem, the admlrtlsfratlve fa.
tures of this schedule being eliminated.
This means that that element of alack
which enters Into the coal situation of the
Intermountaln country with partlcuhr ref
erence to Wyoming, Montana and Utah,
will be Ignored and that a flat ad valorem
duty of 40 per rtnt will be charged, as
against the present duty of 67 per cent,
which includes an administrative charge.
If this ad valorem duty of 40 per cent on
coals from the intermountaln sect'ons of
the United States, and which necessarily
affects coals from West Virginia and sta-tea
bordering thereon, be written Into the bill.
It will be satisfactory to coal operators In
the Wyoming basin and elsewhere. This
rate will keep out coals from Canada and
the Crow-Nest country.
On the question of hides, cattlemen now
In Washington predict the senate will put
10 per .cent adlorem duty on this produvt.
While being a decrease from the Dlngley
bill It will be satisfactory to growers of
hldoa. Secretary Wilson stated the other
dty to the committee of cattle growers,
that the .ratio of hide production was aa
five to seven, packers producing five
twelfths and farmers or "Independents,"
seven-twelfths of the hide output In the
United States. With this showing before
the seante It Is believed that Instead of
hides gowlng on the free list, a compromlHe
will be affected of 10 per cent advalorem
With wool, coal and hides protected
even at minimum." said Mr. Hobbs of
Lander, today, "Wyoming and states in
its immediate section will more than "ac
complish In the next ten years', which
seems to be about the life of a tariff bill,
what they have accomplished In the past"
Kidnapers Still '
Evade Officers
No Trace of Parents Who Abducted
Lucile Colebourne Can Be.
MARSH ALLTOWN, fa.. April 13. (Sne-
cial.) Although the sheriff and his depu
ties nave ncen scouring the country for
me last mirty-aix hours for Mr. and Mrs
H. G. Krels. who are wanted on a phirn
of kidnaping the latter's daughter, Luclle
v.oieoourne, aged 7 years, on a crowded
business street of this city, not one trace
or tne pair or the child has been found
According to the officers they were able
to trace the pair and the child from ont
of the leading -stores of, the city; where
tne Kretaes took the child, to the room
the had been occupying In the northern
part of the city. From there the three
left in an automobile.
It haa been Impossible for the officers
to learn In what direction the car went
or whether It left the city or who the car
belonged to. It la believed that the
couple are headed toward Canada with the
child, but this belief is not grounded on
any known ' facts. The selsure of the
child was the most sensational of a se
ries of encounters, most of which have
been In the district and supreme court,
in which the mother and the girl's
guardian, F. R. Ensmlnger of Q41manv
have engaged. The latest phase in the
court proceedings was an order issued by
the supreme court giving the temporary
custody of the child to Its- guardian.
The child has a fortune estimated at
$25,000, which was left to It by its father,
the first husband of Mrs. Krels. Ens
mlnger Is guardian of the estate of the
Three Dead from
Eating Bad Pork
Galva Family Made Violently 111
by Trichina-Infected
GALVA. Ia., April 1. iPpeclal. ) As a
result, of eating pork Infected with
trichina, three members of the family of
John Kolpln are dead and three are dan
gerously ill.
A local physician examined some of tho
muscular flbera taken from the arm of
the last member of the family to die tnd
found them swarming with the bacteria
of trichina. Mr. Kolpln was a retired
farmer. About a month ago he killed two j
iiubi tor ine imniiiy a use. Dnoruy arter
the family began using the meat Mr. and
Mrs. Kolpln and the five children were
taken alck. In two weeka Mrs.. Kolpln
died and later two of the children also
died. It was then that an examlnatlun of
the tissues from the boy's arm was made.
Of the remaining three children one is -e-covering
and two are In a precarious con
dition. The father's condition Is serious.
James Bolaader Beats II wlta
Straight Flask and Is .Now
la Jail.
MASON CITY.' la.. April IS. (Special.)
Newspaper stories, published in northern
Iowa during recent weeka, were the direct
cause which led up to the arrest of Jamea
Bolander of Charles City, on the charge
of cheating at cards. U Is alleged that
Bolander has found It lucrative to engage
travelera and the Milwaukee railroad be
tween this city and McGregor In card
games. The climax came when a young
rtaveling man wagered $ on four aces,
only to lose to Bolander, who held a
slraightt flush. Bolander was arrested by
Detective John Werntck of Milwaukee.
Bolander ia to be given his preliminary
examination here Wedensday.
lowa-rbraaka Coal Mea.
CLKAR LAKK, Is.. April 11-lSpocial.)-The
annual picnic of the Iowa and Ne
braska Coal eDalera' association will be
held here on uJne 18. It Is sxpected that
Too or more coal dealers from Iowa and
easitrn Nebraska will attend. An elaborate
program for the day is being prepared.
Balloon Tests
at Fort Myer
Gorernment is Preparing: for Elab
orate Demonstrations of Dirig
ibles and Aeroplanes.
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Wlth the open
season for aerial flight rapidly approach
ing, activity will soon begin at Fort Myer.
The algnal corps of the army, whlch con
ducted the tests held there last year When
Lieutenant Thomas K. Selfridge waa killed
In the wretk of the Wright aeroplane, In
which Orvllle Wright was himself seriously
Injured, Is already making preliminary ar
rangements for the continuation of those
tests. The balloon squad H be trans
ferred from' Fort Wood to Fort Myer next
week and will immediately overhaul the
free and captive balloons belonging to the
corps, as well as the Baldwin dirigible.
which waa purchased last year.
The contrarta for the delivery of heavier-thsn-air
machines, held by the Wright
brothers of Dayton, O., who are now In
Rome, and by A. M. Herring of New
York, ' have not yet been fulfilled In
every detail. Orvllle Wright, previous to
the accident to his machine, mado numer
ous flights, some ef which fulfilled cer
tain of the conditions specified In his con
tract, but none of them was official. He
will have to make one flight for endurance,
remaining In the air for two hours and an
other for speed. It la generally acknowl
edged that . the Wright brothers, barring
accident, can . meet these conditions suc
cessfully. .
Although A. M. Herring hss made a tech
nical delivery of his aeroplane at Fort
Myer, he has not made any public flights.
II haa formed a company with Glenn H.
Curtis, whose flights In the "June Bug"
and other -machines belonging to the
Aerial Experiment association, have made
him famous In the world of aeronautics.
The appearance of - these two aeronauts
with an aeroplane for which many new
things are claimed Is being awaited with
keen expectation.
Venerable Head of Chare a "peaks at
onferenee of Mormons at
La man I.
LAMONI, Is., April 1$. (Special.)
President Joseph Smith was the main at
traction at tbe meeting of the Saints held
here yesterday. Immense crowds were
In attendance and the large church
building was taxed to accommodate all
the faithful who were present.
The venerable president holds the re
spect of the entire membership of the
church and hla whole life hss been de
voted to building up this sect. During
his fifty years' experience aa president
he has received aa compensation only as
much as his Immediate needs and those
of his family required.
Altogether six services were held here.
A high wind, almost amounting to a gala,
swept across the country, but It falleJ to
keep the Saints In their homes.
At the business session the entire time
waa consumed In considering the report
of the Board of Auditors. Their recom
mendations as to Bishop Kelley's meth
ods and policies were taken up and, while
little was accompHwhed, what few actions
were taken were In justification of the
bishop. While some acrimony Is at times
noticeable In debate, there are no charges
or Incriminations and a good feeling ex
ists with all. ' 1
Chairman F..M Smith was kept busy
at times in antertalnlng' points of order,
ftc, but came thorough the trial of judg
ment with great credit to himself.
(Continued from First Psge.)
which I took the liberty to express a medal
Is to be sdded to the series of those which
have marked from time to time ever since
the earliest days of Ame.lcan Independence
the persistence of the sympathiea which
arose at the very beginning j.'twe.n our
two countries, frtm the medals wh'ch com
memorated the epoch of the alliance and
of freedom down to the one which a popu
lar Fr.nch subscription enabled to be struck
on the tragic death of Lincoln, and to the
one. finally, which the American repub 1:
offered to my country."
Trading la Domestic Prodart Larger,
Tkosgk Restricted ky Scare
Itr of Stock.
B08TON, April 13. There Is more activity
In Boaton wool -trading than for several
weeks. Demand ' has Improved and-' the
volume of new contracts closed is com
paratively large. Foreign wool continues
of chief Interest. Bales of domestic wool
are also larger, though business Is still re
stricted by the scarcity of desirable stock.
A feature has been the large movement In
scoured wools. Clothing wools are the
weak point of an otherwise strong position.
Appointments of Postmasters.
WASHINGTON, April 13.-(8pecial Tele
gram.) Postmaaters appointed:
Nebraska Glcnrock. Nemaha county.
Michael A. Reed, vice A. W. Brush, re
signed; Welssart. Custer county. Earl A.
Pirnle. vice A. Cooksley. resigned.
lows Deep River, Poweshiek county, R,
B. Light, vice Henry W. Hatter, removed
Benjamin G- Foster and been appointed
regular and S. A. Oronna substitute rural
carriers for route I, Estelllne, 8. D.
Spring Humors
Impure or effete matters
accumulated in the blood
during the winter cause in
Th spring; such disfiguring and pain
ful troubles as boils, pimples, and other
eruptions, also weakness, loss of ap
petite, that tired feeling.
Tho best medicine to take la
Hood'g Sarsaparllla, which thoroughly
cleanses the blood, and efTecta per
manent cures by giving; healthy func
tional activity to the stomach, liver,
kidneys, bowela and skin.
Hood's Sarssparilla efTecta Its won
derful cure, not simply becauto
contain sarsaparllla, but because it
combine the utmost remedial value
of more than 20 different Ingredient,
each greatly strengthened and en
riched by this peculiar combination.
These Ingredient are th very reme
dle that successful physician pre
scribe for th aam disease and ail
ment. If urged to buy any prepara
tion aald to b "just a good," you may
be sure It la Inferior, coats less to make
and yield larger profit.
Begin taking Hood' Barsaparilla
today. In the usual liquid form or In
th chocolated tablets known a Bar
saUba. 100 Doses On Dollar.
Fire at Alliance
Destroys Block
Two-Story Brick Building: Burned,
with Estimated Loss of Over
Forty Thousand Dollars.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. April l.-(Ppeclal Tel
egram.) The Rumer block, a two-story
brick building occupied by the B. F. Lock
wood Furniture company, the Crystal thea
ter, together with a number of offices on
tha second floor, waa totally destroyej by
fire at an early hour thla morning.
The cause of the fire, which had its
origin in the basement and which smoul
dered for some tlme before being discov
ered, is unknown at this time. The con
tents of the building next, door, occupied
by the Alliance she store on the first
floor and offices on the second, were prac
t rally a total loss from smoke arnd writer,
entailing a comhln.-d loss of about '2.0 ).
distributed among the pilnclpal lose a aa
to loss: W. 1). Rumer, building $20,000, In
surance $H,W0; B. F. Lot k wood Furniture
company, stock about I10.00K. partially In
sured; Crystal theater, $2,000; J. M. Mc
N a mar a shoe stock and fixtures, $10,000, Insured.
Death on Way to Hospital.
CHAPPBLL, Neb., April 13.-(Speclal.)
Gotlelb Bolt, who lived sixteen miles north
of her and wa about 75 year old. had
been sick for some time and his daughter,
Mrs. George PDole, thinking he would get
better care by taking him to a hospital in
Omaha, started to bring the old gentleman
to town to take the train. When about
half way to town he died. He wa one
of the oldest settlers In this county, having
come here some twenty years ago with
the pioneers. His wife being dad he bad
been making his home with his daughter,
Mr. Poole, for some time.
More Indictments Retaraed la "loam
Palls for Ille:al Sale.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., April 13. (Special.)
The United States grand Jury ha re
turned several additional indictment and
yet Is at work on other cases which are
to be disposed of. The latestlndlotment
returned by the grand Jury are a follows:
Will Jackson of Mitchell, a colored man.
on the charge of carrying on the business
of a retail liquor dealer without having
first paid the special government tax. The
Indictment contains two counts, the second
charging him with falling to post a notice
showing that he had paid the tax. The
offense I stated In the indictment to have
been, committed between January S and
1 of the present year.
Henry Stella, on the same charge Jack
son, the offense being set forth In the In
dictment aa having been committed be-
twieen January 13 and IS of this year.
Philip Bwlft Bear, an Indian, on the
charge of having on December 18, lng. In
troduced liquor Into the Rosebud reserva
tion. ' Blue Eyes and Cstch the Enemy, In
dians, on the charge of Introducing liquor
Into the Rosebud reservation.
Samuel Rainbow, lso an Indian, on the
same charge as that against Blue Eye
and Catch th Enemy.
W. G. Porter, assistant United States at
torney, moved the arraignment of Will
Jackson, who entered ft plea of not guilty.
Tore Telgen of Sioux Fall I acting as
attorney for Jackson.
Henry Stela and Philip Swift Bear also
were arraigned, and both entered pleas of
guilty to the Indictment against them.
The petit Jury reported Tuesday and th
trial of cases commenced. Present Indica
tions are that the remainder of this week
and all of next week will be taken up with
the trial of cases wtiloh are to be dis
posed of by the present term of federal
Fireman's Life
Saved by Comrades
Barrel of Varnish Explodes and Com
panions Roll Him in Hud to
Rescue Him.
SIOCX CITY. Ia., April l.-(8peclal
Telegram.) A fire which aarted in the oil
roan at the factory of the City Sash and
Door company thla morning caused a loss
estimated at $30,000. Although workmen
were engaged In the bifildtng the conflagra
tion waa not discovered until It had
gained great headway. The Impetus given
the blase by stored oil made it a stubborn
fight for the firemen. The principal dam
age was to the finished product of the
company stored on the second floor. L.
Humphrey, a fireman from hose house No.
1, had a narrow escape from death. He
was standing near a barrel of varnish
when It exploded throwing oily substance
on his clothing. Prompt action In turning
the hose on him and rolling him in the
mud saved his life.
Coart Asked to Knjola Texas Ranch
men front I'slng It for
Past a rage.
FORT WORTH. Tex.. April IS. Dis
patches from Pawhaaka. Osage Nation,
Oklahoma, say the county attorney In the
district court there has asked for an inXj
Junction restraining Texas stockmen from
brining their herds to the Osae Nation
for pasturage or other purposes. If the
Injunction is granted It will stop the
movement or over l.ouo.uoo head of caul
each sesson from this state and cause an
Immense loss to the ranchmen. It is al
leged thst In moving the herd to the
Osage nation cattle ticks and diseases are
are brought Into that section. Th Texas
cattlemen expect to contest the case. '
Members of Church Demand Resloro
tloa of Property by Regnlar
Presbyterian Body.
NASHVILLE. Tonn., April lS.-Formal
notices from the Cumberland Presbyterians
in Nashville to members of th Presby
terian church In the United Slates, notify
ing them to surrender church property In
accordance with terms of the decision of
the suprems court of Tennessee will be
sent opt at once.
Fatal Wlndstorsa Strike Flttshnvg,
Cons! a ar Great Property
PITTSBl'RG. April II. -One dad and a
number of persona seriously Injured 1 ths
results of a severs wind storm In this cliy
and vtnclnlty today. The property loss will
mount to thousands of dollars.
At 10 o'clock tbe velocity of the wind
was fifty-two miles an hour.
deatroya fewer lives than stomach, liver
and kidney diseases, for which Klectrlc
Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. site.
For sale by Beaton Drug -
Business and Residence Property
5 and 5
Privilege given to pay whole or any
part of principal sum twice a year.
ApP.y to Bi MEIKLE
205 RartiRO Building
Hanson's Prices
ar the wonder of all who frequent this beautiful cafe..
Service, food and surroundings considered, the prices
here are the lowest In Omaha.
Haskell Case May
Not Be Dropped
District Attorney Gregg Denies Re
port He Will Abandon Prose
cution of Land Frauds.
TULSA, Okla., April 13. -William J.
Gregg, t'nlted State district attorney here,
today said that the statement that his
office had made any announcement as to
th future course of th government In the
prosecution of the. Muskogee town lot
fraud cases against Governor Charles N.
Haskell and other .la wholly unauthorized
and untrue.
Tho statement was sent out from Mus
kogee yesterday to the effect that Special
Attorney Sylvester Rush and District At
torney Gregg had decided to abandon fur
ther prosecution of these cases.
Mr. Gregg later ordered the federal grand
jury to reconvene In this city next Satur
day. He refused to ssy whether or not
additional evidence against Governor Has
kell would be presented at that time.
Oa Killed ass Two Fatally lajareit
by Falling Wall Dortn
PITT8BTJRQ, April 11 One fireman was
killed, two fatally Injured and several oth
ers slightly hurt today when a wall col
lapsed during a fire at the pottery plant
of the Sherwood Brothers company at New
Brighton. Pa., below this city.
Th dead man I George Hartman and the
fatally Injured are Benjamin Carr and
Charles Felt. Th fire started In the min
eral department of the works and spread
rapidly. The dead and Injured men were
fighting the blase from the rear when sud
denly th wall fell In, burying them. Th
property loss Is $12,000.
Oeaalaosi mm 4 Daaarla Coaaty Are
Deals New Hewvlagr by
V gapreme Coart.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April II (Special Telegram.)
Th supreme curt today overruled a mo
tion by Tom Dennlaon for a rehearing of
his case agalnat the Omaha News. Dennlson
secured a verdict for damages In the dis
trict court and this was overruled in the
supreme court on appeal. Dennlson then
moved for a new trial and lost.
The supreme court also denied a motion
by Douglas county for a rehearing of the
Vlnaonhaler fee case, won by the latter on
ralverslty of Virginia Celebratloa
Attended by Descendants of '
. . Fonnaer.
University of Virginia today honored th
memory of It founder, Thomas Jefferson.
A delegation of descendants of the signer
of the Declaration of Independence and
many alumni attended. Th founder' day
address was delivered by Martin W. Lit
tleton of New Tork, his theme being "The
Reign of Democrscy, Its Dangers and Its
Mercary Reaches Fonrteen Below at
Prince Albrt Xrtr Rec
ord for Season.
WINNIPEG, Man., April lS.-Last night
was one of the coldest of the season. At
Prince Albert It wa It degrees below sero,
at Regina 1 above, at Quappelle, sero and
at Rattleford 4 above. It snowed heavily
at Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge. Tho
lowest temperature; here was 12 above.
Minnesota. Mil Then Tarns (in oa
Himself All Three May
MASON CITT, la., April 1S.-A tragedy
which may end the Uvea of thre ceraons
occurred at Kiester, Minn., last r.lght.
John Olson, a farmer, shot his wife and
daughter, then turned the gun on himself.
All three ar still alive, but In a critical
Former Mtaoonrlaai Arrested at :
Regina ana Bogy Will He I
Ksamlnea. j
1 1 INI rMi, April li.-t.ilicni juu,,.,
formerly of Bethany. Mo., is under arrest
at Regina. Bask., charged with the murder
of hi brother, Charles B. Morris, a farmer,
with whom he lived. The police have
stopped th shipment of the body to Mis
souri until t can be examined.
Government Inspector So (o Visit
Snharh ana Oeclne on ees
of Flacc,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
gram.)-It waa atated In the offi. e of the
first assistant postmaster general toddy
that a petitloa Is on Ml asking that Flor
ence be mad a branch station of Omaha,
which, if granted, will give Florence th
Try It Today
same privileges ss to free carrier delivery
as now enjoyed by Omaha. An Ihspector
will visit Florence and make a report as
to what may best b don there to Improv
or Increase fscllltlcs of mall service.
Standard la t.oalslana.
BATON ROI OK. La.. April M. Tho char
ter of the Standard Oil company of IxmiIhI
sns wss filed here today with a capital
slock of 5.IU,000. The company will beltt
Immediately the construction of a SJ.toO.O1)
refinerv In Baton lloujre. It will run oil
In pine Urns from the ljnulslnna fields end
will bring oil in ships from Oklshonta and
Port. Arrived. Stiles.
NEW YORK Mliltilih ,
BOSTON rtomnlo . .
HAVRE La Hrauinn.....
NAP1.KH C.nopli- rinllnd. ,
GI.AHUO w t'siersonl ...... .He.iperua.
CHRISTIANS'!) Hlll Olar.,...
VII-I.K FRANCtlK...t'almlnlt J
MAKHRlM.Ka Pmvlncla,
Hot lNOR. , nyndfia.
OHITRBOimO K. ' WtltiKtm II..
IXIVRR.' Vsrtrrltnd
LIVERPOOL Cnrinili'nn
ANTWERP Montreal
It Takes Steady rismng
to catch net profits1
We've got o advertise, to cstch
our customers nd the garments
we furnish have to be better than
the ad we publish.
Whatever It is that brings you
here for the first time, it is our
superior quality thst keeps you a
patron of this establishment.
Y-O-U-R Summer Suit ought to
bear our label. If it .does,, you
need not fear for fit or satisfac
tion.' We guarantee -both. v.. ,c
Our 126.00 Spring Suits "are
equal to most $35.00 suits.
Come todsy.
Tailoring Co.
304-806 South 16th Street.
Near 16th and Pa mam Sta.
By Ordering
Von receive the very quickest ser
vice. Original here.
Wheal yon Bar Gold Medal Flonr
ho aaro It la Washburn-Crosby's Gold
Uedal Floar. Thla 1 Important.
George H. Brennan Presents
Company of 75 People "
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Tuesday Matinee -The
Quality Musical Play
mm t i ------' i..-.-a-w-ww"iruuuiriXU"-"-
Lady Wage-Earners Coolest i
.-. i 1
First Prize Hound trip ticket, '
sleeper fare, expense' money, to
Seattle Exposition, Portland. San
Francisco, Los Angelegnd return
to Omaha. -'
Second Prize Fifty Dollar Due
Bill for mcrcbandlbe from Thomp
son, Beldttn & Co. t-.
. Third Prize Udleg- ;g 0 1 d
watch, given by the Orpheum
Fourth Prize Two season tick
ets to the KruK theater, i
This will be the most Interest
ing of voting contests t the Elks'
Fair. There lg g genursl invita
tion to all lady wage-earners Sp
enter their name for this contest.
Elks Commute. - Wan Bide.
Uhnanhh n a - . U UTJUTJlJXJXrVXrmJTnii- n SI II I
Hhones: JJuug. tiut: lud . A-II0S
t'hs asw lealing mau, Thaddsu
Orajr, in the Military pram
Omaha Ouard la K at tie .)oa
S Sat.
Wert Week "lb Cowboy and M tMf"
Dally MaUae :1S. Bvery Mlgst g;ig
James t Kliistx th Al. Murray
Julie King. "Wlien tenser t."s Her," The
bisters (iHii'h. Ths Vlndobonas. "Ma k"
"Marcus" and Klnodrom. fries 14a. tkn.
sod sua. "