Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
clean, reliable newspaper that la
admitted to each and every home.
For Nebraska -tnrreaatng rloudlntM.
For Iowa Showerr.
For weather report Pg S.
VOF,. XXXVIII XO. "51). .
General Debate on the Tariff Bill in
Senate Will Probably Not Begin
Until Monday.
Sentence it Seeks to Change Stricken
Out by Senate Committee.
Fraternals Must
Not Be Run Close
State. Auditor Barton Lays Down This
nlation with Respect to
V v Nsurance Companies.
Damage in Different Sections of the
Two Battalions of Troops Leave
City Amounts to Half
Ministry of War and Surround
House of Parliament.
House Members Inclined to Doubt
Statements About Necessities.
Belief that Manx lhanaee
Madt by Kraile Committee Arf j
Intended for I In (
(rrrnrr Commltm.
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Before the
senate meets on Thursday there will be a
tension bf the finance committee to de
termine whether the minority will be ready
to lake up general dibate on the tariff
bill that day. From Informal dlacuaalona
nf the bill between republican and demo
cratic members the Indications are that
tho minority will aik for an extension of
time unlll Monday of next week. If they
should lo ( the reijueat would be granted
by ibe republican senat leaders.
Senator Aldrich will make a brief state
ment to die senate when it meets Thurs
day, when ha .Will explain the revenue pro
ducing features In the amendments to the
house bill already reported. He docs not
i;ect 10 u-eupy more than half an hoor
in addre.-V the senate.
WiTj'.Not Hetwra Bill.
Tie ni'.-essge from the house asking that
t lie Paynu bill b returned for a correction
of the petroleum sch;lul will be received
Thursday, lit view of the fact that the
bill had bi-en .referred to the finance com
mute, umeiiile.d and reported back to the
s-iiatt, It Is not likely that the bill will
be permitted to go back to the house. Sen
ate, lead-Ms lake the position that there
is iio necessity for the return of the bill
to the house, us the finance committee In
tends to otter amendments en the floor
to the petroleum schedule which will en
tirely efface the error which crept Into
the bill at the time it waa passed by the
muse. '
That portion of the bill to which the
worda "and Its products," are to be added
by the clerk of the house, have been
atrlcken out by the senate committee, and
It would be necessary for the senate to
amend the correction desired by the house.
It is therefore thought to be unnecessary
waste of time to return It.
Hoim View of Seaata BUI.
In the house the statement that the
Aldrich amendments to the Payne bill
tend to Increase the duties on luxuries and
.. reduce them, on neceealtUis la taken -with
gialtl of salt. It Is pointed out by the
republican members of the ways and
means committee that the necessities
whlrh are reduced ar apices and cocoa.
which the ways and means committee
mad dutiable for revenue purposes. On the
other hand, corh, wheat, barley, rye and
other acrlcultural products, many of
which are used on the breakfast table,
have been greatly Increased. While the in
creased duties on cheap gloves and hosiery
have bean taken off by the senate finance
committee, th general opinion prevailing
In the house Is that the amendment to re
store the Dlnglcy rates Is Intended partly
at least for use in conference. Several
other changes mad by the senate com'
mlttee are inteipretcd to be for the pur
poe of obtaining satisfactory compromlaea
when the blU is in conference. The strik
ing out of the retaliatory provision on
Turkish tobacco and the restoration of tho
Dlngley schedule on wool are suggested
as offering possibilities In this respect.
The duty on tops, wlileh was considerably
reduced by the wave and means committee
and restored by the senate committee Is
deprecated by some members us prohibl
live. i
Oil Representatives Active.
Representative Vreelond of New Tork
and others Who have endeavored to obtain
protection for petroleum are actively en
gaged In Impressing the members of the
senate with their views.
. The new provision placed In the bill by
the senate committee, which Imposes a
duty of 16 per cent, ad valorem, upon for
eign built yachts and pleasure boats pur
chased by American citlscna Is held to
be unconstitutional by members of the
house ways and means committee.
"We devoted an entire day to tho dis
cussion of such a duty," said one of the
prominent republican members of that
committee today and we decided that it
waa not for us to propose such action.
The supreme court of the United States
has decided that a yacht cannot be Im
ported and therefor we decided not to
include such a provision In th hill."
The democratic senators wilt hold a
conference tomorrow to decide their course
of action with reference to the bill.
Senator Elklns still criticises the bill.
He said today that It waa not In accord
with President TVft'a outline of a bill.
Charlie Potter.
Flees from Home
Former Omahan Resigns $5,000 Job
and Leaves Milwaukee Because
of Domestio Trouble.
.MILWAUKEE. Wis., Aprit U(Spcil.)
Resigning a $6,000 Job aa court reporter
hr la Judge Carpenter's probate court.
Charles A. Potter, formerly a court re
porter In Omaha, quietly left MUwaukee,
evading officer sent to watch th depots
by his wife. Domestic trouble Is supposed
to he th cause of hi leaving.
Before be left Potter said goad-by to
his landlady and told her she would never
f him again. Then, with only a ault
caae, h took aa laterurbaa car and left
th city while th oficer were watching
th depots for him. Before leaving be
carefully finished a transcript of the evi
dence taken by him la court.
Mr. Potter cam to Milwaukee three
year ago from Omaha, wher he had
been employed as a court and general re
porter for a number of year.
Staff Correspondent.)
LI NCt. , 'vil IS (Special.) Auditor
Barton ff, S. In his fight to clean up
the lnurav '--j.'''.
In Nebraka. '
nantes doing business
-A t. ..111' -I., I ..
v Dunui en
force tho rulii '- supreme court In
the Royal irigln .-case that the Inher
ent right to enact nws for the government
of a fraternal society Is In Its stock
holders. The court held that a representa
tive form Of government means one con
ducted and constituted by the agency of
delegates chosen by the people.
The auditor has begun with the Ben
Hur and has notified that fraternal organi
sation that It must have a representative
form of government. This society has per
mitted committees appointed by the su
preme chief which, vote on bylaws to be
adopted the same as delegates are per
mitted to vote and the number of commit
teemen appointed la always in excess of
the number of representatives elected by
subordinate tribes.
The auditor says In his letter to John
C. 8nyder, supreme scribe, "I want the
right of appointment either stricken out
or the representation Increased so that the
delegates elected by the people will be con
siderably Int he majority and would pre
fer as you express It. to have a courteous
and kindly arrangement of the affair with
out parading It before the departments of
other states, but will be frank with you
nd say that If we cannot bring It about
In this manner, I will take It up with the
departments of the states. In which you
do business, and ask for an united effort
John C. Snyder, the supreme scribe, says
It Is the desire of his organization to con
form to the desires of the different state
departments and to cohduct the society
strictly in the interest of Its members.
Pleads Guilty
to Smuggling
Captain of Schooner Who Landed
Chinamen at Marblehead Given
One Year.
BOSTON, April U-That th schooner
Bonlta illegally landed thirty-three China
men from Nova Scotia at Marblehead so
quietly one summer evening three years
ago that the tnhabltanta of the old fishing
iown tnougni in visitors naa teen on a
picnlo waa admitted by Goodman Phillips
of this city In the t'nited States district
court today when he pleaded guilty to a
charge of smuggling and waa sentenced to
one year In prison.
Phillips, who was arrested a few years
ago on a similar charge, waa indicted by
h United States grand Jury in March on
two- counts H'.plad guilty to both,
th second charging him with conspiracy
to smuggle, but that one wna placed on file.
Lawyers Will Get
Two-Thirds of Fine
Only One-Third of Million Dollar
Penalty Taken from Oil Com
pany Goes to State.
WASHINGTON, April IS.-The mandate
of the supreme court of the United Sutea
In the Waters-Pierce Oil company cases
was issued today. It Is addreased to the
attorney general of Texas, end upon Its ar
rival will be authority for the collection of
the $1 .600,000' fine Imposed by the state
courts upon the company. About two-thlrils
of the sum will be divided among the TJiw
yers who prosecuted the eases, while th
remainder will go to the state.
Marked Money
Found on Official
Chicago Examining Plumber Arrested
on Charge of Taking a
CHICAGO. April 13. Hugh H. Smith, a
member cf the city board of examining
plumbers snd well known In municipal poll
tics, was arrested today on a charge of ex
torting a bribe. Tho arrest ws made In
the city hall by detectives from the state's
attorney's office. Fifty dollars in marked
bills, alleged to have been given Smith by
George Ileney, who wss, he says. Informed
that he must pay the sum In order to get
a plumber's license, ta said to have been
taken from Smith' person.
Did Omaha Policeman Put
the FixiiV to Crazy Snake
That an Omaha policeman, who was re
garded as a crack shot with firearms, has
deserted his post of duty on th police
force and has gone to Oklahoma to hunt
for Crasy Snake, has been suggested by
the unaccountable disappearance sine
April S of Patrolman Martin Lavelle. No.
43 of "Omaha's finest."
On the night of April 3, lAvelle tele
phoned Police Captain Dunn that ha
would be unable to report for duty on ac
count of being 111. Supposing that th mat
ter was of the uaual nature. Captain Dunn
marked Iivelle absent on sick leave and
a day or so lster sent Sergeant Bamuelson
to the Northwestern hotel. Sixteenth and
Webster streets, where the officer has
made his home, to Inquire about his health.
The "sick" officer had not been at the
hotel for two or three days and had not
been ak-k. so far aa th clerk knew. With
this information on which to work, and
remembering that Lavelle had often been
joked about his Interest In the recent
movements of Crasy Snak and his band
and about his ability In target practice. It
was ventured by tom of the officers that
perhaps the missing pollcemsn hsd taken
a notion to go to Oklahoma himself.
Further Inquiries gave ground to the
idea, a it was found that Lav-ell waa scan
one last week and was thought to be prs-r
Militia Guards What is Saved of
Household Effects.
Mayor Edgtrton Issues an Appeal for
Relief Funds.
Heavy Dowssaif at Six O'clock
Assists la Kxtlasralshlaar the
Flames, bat Adds Greatly
to the Satferla;.
ROCHESTER. N. Y April .13. Swept
along in the face pf a twenty-five mil
gale, fire today destroyed several section
of the city and did damage estimated at
$600,000. For a time It was thought that a
great portion of the city would bo de
stroyed, and aid waa summoned from Buf
falo and Syracuse. Tonight 100 famJU
were homeless and militiamen guarded
what little the people saved of their house
hold effects.
Mayor Edgerton has Issued a call for
relief funds for these families. Borne of
them are quartered In precinct House and
a large number spent the night in a publlo
A heavy rain set In at S o'clock tonight
and while It helped extinguish the smoul
derlng ruins, It waa hardship on th home
less. Thieving was slopped by the militia.
Because of th numerous fires which
Rochester has had lately, th Board of
Fire Underwriters has Increased rate her
on all buildings except dwellings, JS cent
on every $100 dollars. Tho Increase went
Into effect today.
One girl la reported missing. She worked
in the burned Palmer building. A woman
went violently Insane from fear, as her
home was In the path of the flames. Sh
was sent to a hospital.
The Rochester militia Is on duty in the
streets and help has been summoned from
the Buffalo and Syracuse fir departments.
The fire broke out In the BeldVn building,
a four-story structure at the corner of
Olbbs and Main streets. That building is
In ruins. The flames leaped from It to St.
Peter'a church In Drove street and then
to the big Jewish synagogue, th B'RIth
Kodeah temple. St. Peter's wss saved.
Du th temple is ruined. Apartment houses
on Grove street valued at $100,000 ware swept
awsy and then th flames attacked a score
or more of residences on that and adjoin
ing streets and Is new spreading to others.
Fully ISO families have moved out from the
path of the flames.' Numerous houses are
burning, without a single stream of water
to ehecX b progress of th fir.
About the same time ftre broke out In
the First Reformed church on Naasau
street. In another section of the city and
about one mile removed. Only one fire
company could be spared for this fir and
the church soon fell a prey to the flames,
which spread to realdences and are now
aweeplng the atreet, the reatdents moving
out as fast as the flames approach.
May bray on Way
to Des Moines
Alleged Fake Race Swindler Leaves
Little Rock in Charge of
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.,' April 14.1. C.
Maybray, the leader of the alleged fake
race and wrestling' swindlers, left here
early today for Des Moines. Ta., In charge
of Deputy United States Marshals Burrls
and Caron.
Boat with Railroad Maaraates Aboard
Reach es Prnsarola After
Roach Trip.
PENSACOLA. Fla.. April 13.-E. H. Har
r man's yacht, the Sultana," arrived In
Pensacola this morning, after a rough trip
from Tampa. The party will leave at noon
today for Chicago, but the yacht will re
main In Pensacola for a few daya to make
necessary repairs.
Mr. Harrtmsn himself is not In th party.
Oaklaad Bank la Closed.
OAKLAND. Cel.. April U-The Union
National bank of this city closed Its doors
to.y. Special Bank K.xamlner Roorback
has taken charge of the Institution and will
wind up It affairs. There Is due to de
positors the sum of $528,000, which the bank
officers are confident will be paid In full.
paring to go south. Although the five ser
geants of the police department and many
of the patrolmen have been looking' for
th missing o fleer since he disappeared,
nothing further has been seen or heard of
him. A big "D" stands opposite his nam
in the roll book, signifying "deserted."
I.uvell Is about 36 years of sge, S feet
11 inches tall, weighs 210 pounds and Is of
sturdy build. His hair Is brown and his
mustache sandy. He is a single man.
Sine th press dispatch cam announcing
th probability of Crasy Snake's being-shot,
killed and burled, the question has arisen,
"Did l.avelle put the fixln" to the chief?"
And aome answer; "Must have, for the
chief waa alive and defying every body and
everything- until Lavelle left."
The big policemen who have stood
shou'der to shoulder with this man lvelle
step back, draw themselves to their full
statur snd survey their towering forms
In ardent pride proud that they did serv
ice with the man who ran ta earth th In
dian chief whu defied everybody else for
But they are all filled With th fear that
ome day they'll wake up and Uvelle w.ll
walk Into tha station, atep up to the desk
and ssy: "Oiv me a chew. Patsy; gee,
but I hsd a fine fishing trip down there at
Cul-Off." '
From th Nw Tork World.
Howell Goes to Honolulu and Others
Are Away.'
Tired Oat Werklas for th People
at pittaac of Fir Dollar a
Day aad Pay. Yaar
Owl Board.
Doe It pay to be a state senator from
Douglaa county In a Nebraska democratic
legislature! Solan. -, ',. .-
Stat Senator Howell hafeleft-for Ifono
lulu, State Senator Tanner la at Excel
sior Springs, Mo., and Is reported a con
templating a trip to Europe, and State Sen
ator Ransom, now at another health resort,
is said to be planing a Cuban tour.
The "hard winter's work" on the small
pay of SS per day, out of which they had
to pay all their expenses, proved too much
for the triumvirate from this county, and
all of them felt the need of a protracted
Be that as It may, however, the senators
have "flown the coop." The members of
the lower house, as far as known, are all
In Omaha, and aome of them say they did
not come back from Lincoln with enough
money to take trips.
"What can you expect a fellow to do on
15 a day," asked Jim Connolly. "I did no
grafting In the legislature, and If I ahould
take a trip you would know mighty well
that I got something that did not belong
to me. I'm going back to Rlverview park
again, and that will constitute my sight
seeing." Hoaae Members Fall Dona,
Walter P. Thomas also says he failed to
save up enough money with which to take
a trip to Honolulu, the Bermudas or even
Excelsior Springs. Bob Holmes denies that
he saved a penny, and BUI Shoemaker
says he came back poorer than he went
But all these men were In the house, not
the senate.
8enator and Mrs. Howell, with their
youngest daughter, left Sunday for Hono
lulu, expecting to be gone five or six weeks.
They left the city rather suddenly and
few of the friends or the senator were
permitted a parting handclasp or a chance
to aay good-bye.
"I know papa's planning on taking a nice
long trip somewhere," said Doc Tanner's
son, "but I don't know where he's going.
Papa Is at Excelsior Springs now, having
a good time."
Senator Tanner, the member from South
Omaha, went to the Springe several days
ago and his young son said he Is not ex
pected home until the first of the month,
"end then I suppose he will be going away
again," h said.
Senator Ransom la out of the city at
present. Mrs. Ransom ald sh did not
know aa there waa any truth In the re
port that her husband Is planning a trip
to Europe; that he had not consulted her
on the subject.
The business office of
The Bee is to be found
again i n the ground
floor corner of the Bee
Building, which has
I c :n enlarged and re
fitted to accommodate
the growing needs of
the office force and
patrons. Entrance from
Farnam street.
"""" .ft.c-V . 'ilii
Hill and Harriman
. Agree on Pacific
Coast Situation
Two Magnates Will Jointly Use
Terminals Into Portland
Feud is Denied.
ST. PAUU April IS. Louis W. Hill. pres.
Ident of the Great Northern railroad, re
turned today from a visit to the Pacific
coast and almost the first thing he had to
say after he reached his office waa that
th last remaining difficulty of -operation
between the Harriman and Hilt interests On
the coast had been "settled by an agreement
between himself and E. II. Harriman by
which th Hill road would secure a part
ownership In the terminal at Portland, and
go in there as a bedfellow with the Har
riman Interests.
Incidentally, ha declared that the Har-
rlman-Hlll feud, so-called, was remarkable
only for Its non-existence.
"There never was any Harriman-Hil!
feud," he said. "That waa all a newspaper
dream. Certainly there has been and will
continue to be a sharp competition. That's
true of every business. There hav been
business contentions between the Harri
man and Hill Interests. That's natural
enough. Isn't it, considering the Immediate
amount of capital Invested and the terri
tory covered and the business handled."
"What about the much-talked of fight of
the Hill interests to keep Harriman out of
"All nonsense. Two years ago we cut off
a strip of our property and sold it to Har
riman to let him Into Seattle and did It so
quickly there waa hardly a ripple. The
transfer was made without anyone know
lng It.
Seoat Cralser Defeata Salem aad Blr
snlagsham la Tweaty-Foar-Ifoar
NEWPORT. R. I.. April 13.-The scout
cruiser Chester won the twenty-four-hour
endurance run at full speed, defeating the
Salem and Birmingham, according to a
wireless message picked up here todsy.
The trial ended at 10:46 a. m., chronometer
time. 1
Rig- Rrokeraae Firm Falls.
NEW YORK. April IS. An Involuntary
petition In bankruptcy waa filed In the
United Stales district court here today
sgalnst the brokerage firm of Knnls A
Stoppanl, members of the Consolidated
Stock exchange and tha Chicago Board of
Trade. The liabilities are alleged In the
petition to be $I.6CO,(IOO and the asnets StOu.
000. Lindsay Russell was appointed receiver.
May Wheat Three Cents
Above Highest Predictions
CHICAGO. April 13. -Wheat for delivery
In May, July and September established
new high record marks at the opening of
the Beard of Trade toda.
May wheat, the available supply of which
Is In the hsnds of one man, who also la
the owner of million of bushels of "paper"
wheat for which shorts will have to settlo
at his own price, opened with small jales
at from fl.77 to 1.2. The latter price la
S cent better than the most sanguine pre
diction made two months ago by the lead
ing bull. It Is S centa over the price he
publicly declared at that time would be
reached. July rose early to tl.V, an ad
vance ever yesterday of lSc. September
touched S1.0&H, a gain of Tsttc overnight.
Th Liverpool market furnished th bull
news of the hour. Wheat there, after the
prolonged Easter holiday, faithfully re
flected conditions on this side of the At
lantic and prices were marked up SVfeVl
Other European markets advanced sympa
thstkally. Th real Influence, however,
waa a general belief which haa been stub
bornly forcing Itself on the average trader
that there Is a world wide shortage of th
great staple cereal. Report of favorable
weather for th growing crop In th winter
wheat heit was Ignored. The bull leader
Gift is to Commemorate the Restora
tion of San Francisco.
For Ontary aad a Qaarler Two
Frleadly Nation Have Marked
Great K veals hr Tokens
of This Kind.
WASHINGTON. April 13 A medal In
gold, tho gift of the French government,
commemorative of the restoration of San
Fraryclaoo from .Jh 11 and, oarthauake of
tliree year ago. Is to be presented In per
son to the authorities of that city bv Am.
bassador Jussorand between May 20 and
25. The wedal waa designed by Louis
Uottee, winner of ancient prise of Rome
and one of the best known French medal
designers. On one side Is depicted al
legorically the city of San Francisco lay
ing aside Its shroud and lusulng forth from
the ruins, while on the other Is repre
sented France presenting a branch of
laurel to America.
The medal Is offered to the American
people and the city of San Francisco aa
a tokon of sympathy and admiration by
the French republic, M. Jusserand In a
letter aaklng the offices of Secretary Knox
In Informing the Francisco authorities
of the lnatructlons he has received, gave
a brief history of the Incidents and mo
tive which Inspired his government In
presenting the nvedal.
Congress In 1904 directed that a single
gold medal be struck to commemorate the
awth annlveraary of the birth of Benjamin
Franklin and presented to the French re
public. M. Jusserand received it from Sec
retary Root at Philadelphia about three
year ago and the ambassador In his re
sponse expressed the earnest hope that
one of the next medals to be struck would
commemorate the resurrection of San
Francisco, the disaster to which awakened
the deepest grief In every French heart
and admiration for the manliness displayed
by the population during their awful trial.
Continuing, M. Junserand In his letter to
Mr. Knox, ssid:
"The words which I spoke thus and under
the Influence of the emotion called by that
event turned out to agree S3 exsrtly with
the sentiment of my country that the gov
ernment of the republic st once appropri
ated them aa Its own. It consequently de
rided to justify them, while at the same
time the Inhabitants of he devastated re
gion were, on heir part, setting about to
rextore their city In Its original beauty
with the energy and auccess which It had
been o easy to predict.
"In conformity, therefore, with the wish
(Continued on Second Page.)
was quoted to the effect that It will take
three or four years for the wheat acreage,
encouraged by high prices, to Increase suf
ficiently to force the msrket to a lower
The opening flurry In Msy was due, It Is
sah), to the closing out of the May con
tracts of Ennls at Stoppanl, tae brokers f
New York and Chicago, against whom an
Involuntary petition In bankruptcy was
filed In New York today. The amount In
volved her is said not to have been large.
NEW YORK, April 13. - Excitement In
foiegn markets, with a big advance in
Liverpool after th holiday;, caused an up
roar and new high records In the local
wheat market today. May jumped 2c to
ll.JiV, and July sold at tl.TIVi. or lHc over
last night, with heavy buying by commia
slon houses and foreigners a feature.
Later the market broke 2Vc a bushel under
heavy realizing and reports that the Chi
cago bulls wer selling late months on the
Improved weather.
A pal Croa 'I area teaea.
CIirLUCOTHK. Mo.. April U.-A heavy
snow fell In this prt of Missouri yester
day. Th temperature dropped to below
th freezing point. Fear ar entertained
that th large anpl and prach orchard
In lb cttoa will be (lightly damaged.
Objections to Grand Virier, President
of Chamber and War Minister.
Business Houses Throughout Constan
tinople Hurriedly Closed.
trained Relatione far Several "Wee'n
Were Reaalt of Yoaag; Tarka
Party ta Coatrol All
Pa bile Affair.
disturbances of a revolutionary character
have broken out here. Th situation I
The mutinous troop ar demonstrating
against the building of Parliament. Panle
haa seized the people of Constantinople,
and all through the city shops are being
hurriedly closed. .
FRANKFORT, April II. "Constantinople
haa been In full revolution sine early this
morning." declares tho Constantinople cor
respondent of th Frankfurter Zeltung.
"Two battalion of troop quartered In the
Ministry of War marched out at dawn,
headed by their, and proceeded via
Divan and Joul atreet to th mosque of
St. Sophia, from which point they sur
rounded the building of Parliament, They
demand the dismissal of the grand vlaler,
the president of th chamber and th min
ister of war."
VIENNA, April ll.-8tart1lng rumors ar
current here to tha effect that Constantino
ple today Is In the throe of a grave revo
lutionary movement.
Th Information thua far received Is
meager, but It Is reported that 'several
thousand mutlncua troopa have aurroundrd
the building of Parliament and that the
whole capital I In a state of dangerous ex
citement. Another report says that th ministry of
war building haa been occupied by the In
surgents and that th minister ha fled.
Rltaatlon i tirave.
LONDON. April 13. The only new tj
reach Ion1on up to 17:30 today of the sit
uation at Constantinople wss contained In
a code me.Fsnge which set forth that serious .
disturbances ' of a revolutionary character
had broken out and the situation was1
grave. This message was accepted hero aa
for shadowing a dangeraus upheaval.
Neither the Foreign office, the Turk's t
embassy nor the banks with Constantinople
connections had any further Information.
It Is known, however, that the situ til m
has ben extremely strained for several
weeks ' owlnsf to the great bittern? 1 e- ,
tween the committee of union and progtes'-'
snd the libcrnls. The' liberals resent the
attempts of the commltt" to control public
The murder of Hassan Fehml Effendl.
editor of the liberal newspaper Serbestl, on
April 7 Is thought here to have been the
climax of this pol'tical feud. Th editor
was shot and killed by an unknown man
as he was entering his of fee, nnd a gov
ernment official accompanying him wn
wounded. Tho Serbestl had been carrying
on ii campalan against th committee of
union and progress, In other words, th
young Turks.
Violent demonstrations both In Par'la
ment and in the ftrerta adjacent followed
the killing of the editor. The giand vlrlor
and the prosidvnt of thi chamber wer:
obliged to harangue the crowds outside and
nature them that Justice would be done
The chamber accepted an Interpellation de
nouncing the crime as a pollt'cal murdur
and calling upon the government to take
the necessary Kteps to apprehend the as
sassin. The present grand vlaler of Turkey is
I Ii 1 mi Pan ha. He wss appointed to thin
office on February 14 In succession to
Klamll Pasha,
Htlml Taaha was formerly mlnlater of
the Interior and before holding this of fir 3
he served as Inspector general of Mace
donia. All Rlxa Pasha Is minister of war
and murine, and Is grand master of ar
tillery. These and the other change In
the cabinet that took place In February
showed the absolute control of the po
litical situation by the Young lurks
party, or committee of union and prog
ress, which virtually Imposed on the .sul
tan a ministry of Its own nominees.
The committee on February 14 publicly
repudiated any Intention to overthrow the
sultan or to Install a military dictator
ship, but th crisis and Ita outcome u
then regarded aa not promlalng well for
the stability of the throne or th aucceaa
of parliamentary government. It haa been
a question bow the moderate elements of
the empire would regard this assumption
of absolute power by an Irresponsible
The committee of union and progress
consistently opposed Klamll Pasha, Hllml
Pasha's predecessor. It suspected him of
bring too considerate of palace Influence
and complained of his slowness In con
ducting the negotiation with Austro
Hungary and Bulgaria.
On April S Klamll Pasha Issued a state
ment In which he denounced the commit
tee of union and progress. to whoKe
machinations he attributed the vote of
censure In the Turkish Parliament and th
consequent downfall of hi cabinet. The
Irresponsible Interference of this commit
tee, Kiamll Pasha declared, bad neutral
ized the effort of the government and
If permitted to continue would scrluujly
endanger the future of the country.
Death of Wife
Causes Suicide
Lumber Merchant of Muskogee Takes
Carbolic Acid Was For
mer Iowan.
ML'SKOOEE. Okl.. April 13. M. U B yles.
a lumber met chant aged 71, committed sui
cide In his room at the Vrndome hotel
her today by drinking carbolic acid.
Boyle left a note- declaring his act was
due to grief over the deatb of hie wife re
cently. He formerly waa prominent In the
lumber business, in Keokuk ana Canlarviile,
la., and In Kansas