" TTTF. .Iirr. mfATTl tnyruv APnn 1 mon u 1 f Want - ads Ad-ertlses-eate tor tke want ad ! will he take- aatll It m. far Ike e-ealns; rdltloa aad aatll a. a. Cask aiaat aecempaay rl flret lasertloa. Rates apply ta rltkrr Tha Dallr if nee. Comklaatloae of laltlala ar aaaiaara aaat aa ana ward. Always coast als wt?4i fa a llaa. TH RATES FOR WAJIT AOi. REUILAR CLARIFICATION Oaa lasertloa, per llaa, 10 eeots. Two ar mora roaseratlre laeertloas, f llaa, rents. Kara lasertlea made aa add Mara, 10 reals per llaei $1.8 atr llaa per moatk, etrrptlaa; tkat FIRN1IHED ROOM ADS, lu ireoafialti kr aaak, tha rata will net Out laaertlaa. 4 eeata ai Ilari three or all eoaseeatl-e laser tloaa, SI reals per llaa rack laartloa Mif or mtr MWf (! laarrtloaa, U irnli per llaa rack laasrtle SO wti per llaa per nsoatk. Want ads for Tke Bee aaar ka left at aar af the fellowlac ri stores Is year "coraer drsgrlat"- tkey arc all kraaek oaScrs far Tka Bca asd rear ad will ha laserted Jaat as promptly aad aa tka sane ratca aa at tka main a (lire la Tka Bee Balldlas, eveaterntk aad Farsaas atreetai llach, V. C. toth and Farnam. Bersnok. S. A., 14M 9. 16th St. Betht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bnile Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2825 Sherman Ave. Coughlin, C. R., th and Pierce 8ts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2311 Military Ava. Conle. J. P, list Avs. and Far nam Bt Crlesey Pharmacy, 14th and 1-ake Sts. Cermak, Emit. li04-6 8. 13th 8l. Ehlers, P. H 2S02 Lesven worth. Foster Arnold!, 218 N. th St. FrtytMt. John J.. 1U14 N. 24th St. Florence Drue Co., Fl rtnee. Neb. Goodman Pharmacy. 2fth and Lake Sta. Oreenough, O. A., 1624 8 10th Bt. Otenough. O A., 134 8 10th St. Hayden. William C, 29i0 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29tn 8t. Holnt. John. 624 N.- 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2?4 I.eavenwc:th Ft King, H. 9.. 23.,S Farnam St. KounUe Place Pharmacy. 2801 N. 24th St. Lalhrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th Et. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N 24th Bt. Peyton. L. K.. 24th and Leavenworth Bta, Saratoga Drue; Co., 24th St. and Amea Ave. bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., .16th and Chicago Sts ehaefer. August. 3031 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H . 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 30th and Grace Bta. Worth. O. H.. 40th and Haml!ton8te. DKATH AND FVMERAL NOTICE. KELLY John, age SO ywirs. at Garrycwcn, two miles cast from I ntfinan station, after an Illness of six days. Funeral from residence Tuesday at 7:30 a. m. to Holy Family church 10:30 a. m Interment St. Mary'a cemetery. CARD OF TH Aft KS. We wish to extend our thank to our friends kr their kind assistiuice and floral olienngs to our beloved wife and mother. G10ORUB GIFT AMI FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS e have an excupilonal UUplay vt tfuud things In our loin and Duugia ninuow tuts wssk. ito box stationery (pr 20c. , 4vo box stationary lur inc. buu box alauoncry lor luc. ia box Stationery (or 6ul-. Hoe tha display of real live Uasier chick ens in our lath Si. window. Never shown in Omaha before and you should see to appreciate a A LD b I'V S MPfeClAL Apricot Marshmalluws lor 3oo per pound. Something new and very Una. See our fancy toilet waters and par fume. feasler Dyes FLECK'S new combination -1UU colore for &c; also the new Easier Egg Dye, called RAINBOW finest on the ma rkat. BCHAKFER S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Four Big mores. (0-A1386 13 U LLTIORAPH DUPLICATING CO.. .71 Urandftla Bldg.. makers of typewritten Utlera In multiple quantities. Tel. D. 49 U. (D-MJJ3 Ai4 6HOK8 repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co , 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 76W. l)-663 OMAHA Bafe and Iron Works makes a speclslty of fire escapee, ahutters. doors and salts. G. Andrsen, Prop., In; g. lutn Q)-64 ' DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (l)-64 rrn business cards. rr ' Si 111 YAFFE PRINTING CO., UUp IW BOSTON STORE BLDG! . - (D MttlO aU MONEY ? TO LOAN - LOW RATE,, In sums to sun. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Dnii UNION LOAN COMPANY. (1)-w3 J310 HOWARD St., Mo. Filter. 15 days trial. (1J-M477 May8 TTfiTTiAND PRINTING nn w. - - THE printing: why not yours, no So. 17th St. Douglas B43S. (1) 362 May6 J. R. STEVENSON aV CO.. gravel and composition roofing, R. 638 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam. Omaha. Tela.: Doug las ftth; Ind. A-1792. Res.. Web. 2S4. (D-MT44 A30 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, U0$ Douglaa ID-647 OMAHA PLUMEINO AND HEATING CO. We are practical. Both 'phones. J. Morriaaey. manager. 2613 Sherman Ave. l)-664 MAX MORRI9. the Tailor, new location; rooms Jfl-2 Brown Block, alter April 1. (1) &23 A25 PAVTVR WLLEOK. I train dogs and XVlNliMJ BliTia.l. Pro'. W.O. Frank lin, 1313 Jones St., or fnd. A 2303. (D-M716 A30 1909 Spring Frame "Merkel." Rides like a Pullman, goes like the fast mail or a snull. reliable as a horse and durable as a Wkgon. L. Flrschvr, Agent. IC'2 Csp. Ave. (2)-S7 MayS HULBK R1EPEN. funeral directors, sue. cessors to Harry D. Davis. 709 b. Vtith St (l)-y TOITT.E NEXT. II chs. : shave. 10c: shine, ic. Elsaeaer's. across from N. Y. Life Bdg. ' ID M:i MaylO AUTOMOBILES M'INTTRE Wallace, Oakland autos. also slightly used autos. 24th, near Farnam. (J)-MJ1 Al$ AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair work; dead storage. Wm. Pf elf for Car riage Co.. 26th & Leavenworth. Red 021 0-M1&7 Is RAMBIJCRS New. 4 and 3-cyllndera. 10 per rent discount. Rambler Auto Co., 2044 Farnam St. (5)-6i AMERICAN 1908 model, 40-H. P., fine con dition, for side cheap. Address P 4. lit. ll M 13 AUTO painting. Andrew Murphy Son. CD-4.17 All SMITH HARRINGTON, automobile liv ery; open day and night. Bell 'phone Red 1600; Ind. phone 12a Red. 1327-2 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. (2) MKW HOUSE isng model, flve-psssenger touring car, $709. Address O 'l. Bee. (21-M817 13 BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DKKIGHV AI T11MOBILE CO.. 1814 Farram 8t. I2i-M RAMBLER touring car for sale cheap. Ad drtfcS A SOT. Bee (2)-Ml( 13 AUTOMOBILES (Continued. letererelee. TWO motorcycles. Baysdorfer. 13 Cap. A v. ' M7K0 Am BARTER AND EXCHANGE NEW stork of stationary and office sup plies, Invoicing about $2,000 for rash or clear property. What have youT Both pnones. uiobe Land and investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (3 MS5J DARLING DARLING. Farms 4c City Property. 441 Brandels Bldg. (8)-63 TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. R. Stringer. 636 Paxton Blk., Omaha. (2)-66$ REAL ESTATE. LOANS and Insurant List your property with us for sals or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co , 4O10 Hamilton Bt. 'Phones Harney 1766; Ind.. B 1842. (3-664 WHAT have you to trade for the rat one- hair northwest one-fourth of section 25-9-2. Ringgold county, Iowa. Im proved. Subject tn mortgage $2,000. James W. Davis, Newton. la (D-MS49 18 BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEI9 BLDG. (D-M470 SEWING machine for painting. Nebraska Cycle Co., comer lSlh and Harney Sts. (D-6S3 IS WB HAVE for exchange stocks of gen'L mdse., hardware, drugs and clothing In Iowa, Nebraska and Dakotas, ranging in price from $2,000 to $25,000. Wsnt land. NOWATA LAND AND lVT COMPANY, Suite 824 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. 'Phone Jted 19. Open Evenings. () M829 13 Flour Mill to Exchange Vn-to-date flour mill, first-class condition. both steam and water power, located at Tekamah. Neb. ; plenty good milling wheat raised there; good custom trade; also big demand for feed stuff; mill can be kept running day and night and a very pro fitable business done; this property will be exchsnged for land, city property or merchandise; property Is clear and a loan can be obtained If desired. National Investment Co., 682 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. NVh. (31-M763 13 WANTED TO TRADE $1,000 equity In Dacatur county, Kansas, land, 141 acres, for first payment on Omaha rental prop erty; can go with Interested party to lot k at land from April 17 to 20. G. A. Hampton, 821 N. 41st Ave. Phone Har ney 2669. (3) M866 14 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of business call on GANQESTAD. Room 401, Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Clean general store in live town of 700, forty miles from Lincoln; invoice about $10,000; doing a cash busi ness; owner wants to go to Washington; exceptionally few shelf worn goods; spring lines bought; all departments in good shape; no run down trading stock; trades not considered. Address Y 398, care Bee. (4) M553 12x FOR 8ALE Best equipped meat market in n. e. Neb.; good buslneas; Investigate quick. Addrees Y 36, care Bee. (4)-M5oO FOR SALE A blacksmith shop, tools and atock, with dwelling; have good business, A. E. Morehead, Adavllle, la. (4I-M4S3 16x A GOOD paying restaurant; easy terms; cheap for cash. Address Y 1B7, csre Bee. (4) M482 Hx GROCERY LOCATION. Vacant atoreroom; natural supply point for dense population; money spenders. A live man with adequate stock of groceries and family supplies can make good monev. See. owner, 1101 N. 18th St., Km. to 4 p. tn. (4)-M773 17 GOOD, clean stock of dry goods, notions, ladles' and gents' furnishings in Omaha; Invoicing $7,000; owner wishes to retire; a ganulne tuoney-maker, doing a cash business. Would take some city property, balance cash. Address A 291. care Bee (41-M742 12 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St., Douglas C497. i 868 Mayo MAMIE WRIGHT, 1004 S. 18th. Doug. 2038. SS9 May6 DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor Paxton. D. 108S. (6) 670 Dr. H. Oa&ntner, 16th and Howard. D. 2806. -761 AJ0 DR. FICKE8, Farnam St. at 16th. He a a good dentist" (6)-421 May TAFT'S Dental rooms. 1B17 Pouglaa St. M424 May 7 DRESSMAKERS MISS MALONE, 230S Douglas St., hlgh-clasa J bins Phnna fi-ll I trl a m Cllt M66 A16 DRESS pleating; buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 0 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. 213 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam --669 ' MISS a E. CROSBY. 2411 80. :0th Ave.. j..-..LIn niiii.l.a 700 7 W w , . . - uhiii',' -" n " 1 . m Apis IN FAMILIES-MIss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 422 -12 TVRRVoll,5 ' Dressmaking, 20th J.rJIVlVland irarn.ra Sts. -M17iA27 FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 1908 Far nam. best cleaners and dyers. Both Phones. 474 Al$ REDUCED rates, 2011 North 20th; satisfac tion guaranteed. Tel. Webster 2S4A. -662 May LIEFF ? I.adlea' tailoring In best style in wnrKmansnip guaian- A '-Il7 t l' ri tlH4.l. kM- Take elevator on Kth St. M1M All EDUCATIONAL ENTER BOYLES COLLEGE (DAY OR NIGHT) For complrts training ln all commercial branches. Including bookkeeping, short hand, opewiitlng, telegraphy, civil serv ice, railway mail and all government grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address H. B. Boyles. president, Omaha, Neb. Both 'phoaes. (Ed 110 671 DETECTIVES Omaha Det. Agcy, 42s Paxton Blk. D 1319. t63-Mayx EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SPECIAL DeMars $3 female douche, the most per fect ladles' syringe, (his week with 76c bog of Mars' antiseptic powder only $2.26. BEATON DRUG CO., 16th and Farnxo. 771 BOYS' halrcuttlng a specialty. Bee barber shop, Bes Bldg. M1;A1 LET us shampoo your hair every month; we um warm air to dry the hair; we use tbe latest method knoan to science In our scalp and (ic massage. F. M. Schadell, W2 Douglas. M17S Ail M E NEPIVSICY gowns. -UM A20 LADIES apparel beauilfully dry cleaned. "The French V ay." lvut Farnam. D. 4172. A-S1J6 -MI70 AU A few lines filaorl in I Want Columns will undoubt edly secure what you want EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) MRS. H. M. ECK. 17W Leavenworth; we make switches and pomps from combings, also a new Una of hair goods. Doug. Sou. -Mfiol Alt OMAHA Mirror Art Olasa Co., Mfrs. of leaded art glass, beveled plale glass In lead or metal sash. Mirrors of all kinds. Resllverlng and framing. 1207 Farnam St., Ml 93 May? TIAMXf A Mil Baths, 107 South 14tn day and night. Lady and gent attendant. M910 A 22 l,TriF!T? ATT Art ln LadW Tsllorlng. UIUJUA11(1, Karbech Hlk. Phone: Doug. 1144, A222. M783 M10 -M310 M4 CHINA decorating, realistic; order work a specialty, lyessons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Firing dally. Leather oraft, stains, leather and dsslgns. Mrs. C. C. II ungate, 894 Brandels Bldg-, Tel Red. $4S8. -451 UOSPF! PlcMres and frames, China iiuOiUp...., . Materials. Pvroeranhv and wood to burn, Victor Talking Machines and Records, Reglna Music Boxes and Mu sical Goods. 1623 Douglas. - M840 AM EFFA ELLIS Illustrated music courses. inquire troui orw.iAij day or evening classes for women, personal or mail in struction. 203-4-6 Old Brandels Bldg. 462-A18 WEINLANDER 8M1TH. ladles' exclusive furnishings. 317 S. 18th St. M270 A13 MME. FRAYER'S Adellght specialties, sell ing marietta Stanley t'o.'i goods, for sale i megeain ntaiionery, 14a Farnam. Office, 18th and Farnam, flat & Doug. 3707. Ml8 All WE BUT gold and ailver for our busy ahnna T I . gMvksi M. 1 E "M T"-v. I u'' vwiliug sjc ,f.t AiUV I'UUKIII. -M67 A21 n lui Tr-i.ira iil ..ni. cr w.w - . . avw ". ...'. i iuiii vuiiiuinKa. Xt w CI U -,,!. D m Wulll. Bit. .".. mBiiicww, i.-uo ivvillQ DIK., COT. lth and Harney. Formerly 2126 Sherman AVS. ACI. IWUflu DM. U5- May 1 IF YOUR watch doesn't run try Edholm'a repair aepanmenv, ibin and Harney. -M171 A2f CLEANING and dyeing, biggest and best. only one omco, inia jones Etc THE PANTORIUM. -70 AU WE RENT, repair, sell needles and narta ror an sewing maci.ines. Mebraska Cycle o., loin ana narney eis. M709 A13 WE WILL SELL all of our hair goods at nair price unui taster. zs-inch wavy - . I t -n E -liem swiieiiB, e.w. ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR. UDVs Dodge St. Second Floor, i22 A17 PC8T CARD, send I cents ln stamps for 24 views or umana. novelty f ost Card Co., umana, ro. 790AI TRY Elite Hair Dressing Parlors. A Heatherton, WVVi Paxton block. Red-4423. -Mi71 All HAIRDRESSING. massage, etc. If clean. sanitary memoes appeal to you try Mrs. Waterbury, UJ Seville Blk., Doug.as 6347. M124 A24 WHEN LOOKING FOR SPRING MILLINERY DON'T FORGET RILEY SISTERS $17 SOUTH 1ITH ST. M59S All FOR YOUR SPRING HAT come to F. M Schadell. 1622 Douglas. M171 AU THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR Is a necessity in every home. Write for free book. H. K. Hartman, 619 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. $472. (365)-A14 MOVED TO NEW LOCATION GRAND UNION TEA COMPANY 600 BLOCK OPPOSITE ROME HOTEL. 86-Mayl CARPETS, rugs, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., room 200, Douglas blk. Both 'phones. M166 A13 THE steps save you 40 per cent. Pennell Millinery Co., 1611 Douglas. MI'S A13 O'CONNOR EMBLEM are shewing hand some spring millinery In their new room, tO-Zl Continental Blk., 16th SU entrance. -67$ A18 ART NOVELTY BHOP-China and water colors. 660 Ramge Bldg. 990 A23 LEARN halrdreaalng course, $16. Apply H J. McCarthy, Brandels 8lores. 21J A 26 8TUT8MAN, at THE BAS8ETT STUDIO. 61 S. 1Mb. St., Is the man to make your PHOTOS. Prlcea right M7M A20 FOR GARDEN AND LAWN SHADE trees, small fruits, shrubs. F R. Martin, 18th and Douglas, lei. D. 1068 364 May5 CHOICE CURRANT PLANTts B. C Smith. 3106 Corby St. Tel. Webster 2463. (16) 800 A3U J. R. RICH, nurseryman, Council Bluffs. la. -463 May7 A. HOOGE. FLORIST, 861$ 8. 20th Ave., 'Phone Douglas 4666. Prices right. MW M3 FOR EVERGREENS and trees that live. Bee Charles Allen 84lh and Farnam 8ts. M339 May 6 FOR QUALITY, quantity, grade, variety and special prices see us first. Benson Omaha Nursery, Halcyon Ave. and Rigg St., Benaon. Bell 'phone, Benson 634. -M98 May4 ORNAMENTAL SHRUBBERY and a com plete line of nursery atock, home grown; grounds. 16th and Harney. Red 6760. 418 TREES, shrubs, rosea. Haxel Dell Nur sery. 24th and Pinkney. 'Phone Webster 1JL -363 M5 FLORISTS BR NDETS 01,7 SLOWER DEPT. i Eilri SOUTH BIDE NEW Store. Thousands of EASTER LILIES and other blooming plants to be sold at the very loweat prices this week. Do not miss this great bargain. Fer)-M64 May HENDBRSON'8-For the freshest cut flowers. Daily from our own hothouse. Telephone Douglas 12681619 Farnam treeC -M666 M9 J. H. BATH, 1621 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. 671 NOW la ths time for planting peonies, clemen ties, hydrangea, lilacs, snowballs, etc. TIXRAV DE8IGN3-We ahlp every day In the year to the best of satisfaction; JJ!Sy-"r m,5 rl-"t -n"l packed right. CUT FLOWERS are now good and pltntl ful at moderate prices. HESS A SWOrODA, 1411 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1601. 143 (.HAS EDERER. 30th and Briatol 8ts., shrubbery, hardy planta. fern baskets, bedding plants ar..t designs, fresh cut flowers dally. Tel. 1706. nor)-M646 May HELP WANTED-FEMALE Hotel aad fteslaaraat. WANTED Dining room girl. JOPI Farnam Tel. Doug. 4882. (7-M767 12x HssMktrssn aad Doaseetlea. WANTED Competent nurse glrL park Ave. i7-ii GIRL for general housework. 1$2( 8 Wth Ave. au1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Beasekrepers aad Deineitlre Coat'd. EXPERIENCED girl for general' house work, small family, good wegea. Tel. Harney 2480. J4 8. S3d St. C)-M89e WANTED Competent cook and second girl; best wages to right parties. Apply 22.Tloward St. (7) M719 WANTED At once, experienced cook, Mrs. N. B. Updike. 1614 Jackson St. 0)-M WANTED Cook. 2418 Dewey Ave. Harney 1727. (7) 363 GIRL to assist with housework, good wages. 240 Cass St. t7) 408 A CAIBLE, for first work In family of two. Mrs. J. G. Martin, 8. R cor. 2Sd and F 8ts.. So. Omaha. (7) 404 9x WANTED-GIrl for general housework; must be good cook and have good refer ences. Small famllv, no washing and good wagea. Apply at 3350 Harney St. ' 7 M867 Wx WANTED Girl for general housewoTk; miiij , no wssning. mil. nnsw water, 101 New Hamilton, 24th and Far nam. (7)-M43t WANTED Girl for general housework. 26 Chicago. 'Phone 2178. (7)-66 12 WANTED Girl desiring good home for general housework; family of three: sat isfactory wsges. Mrs. C. O. Tslmsge, phone Harney 2918. (7) M709 12x COMPETENT girl for general housework; J i iwu. irs. vt. a. itaverstick, 124 8. 88th Bt. (7) 466 10 WANTED A good girl to do plain wssh ing and Ironing; board and room and $20 per month. The Creche, 1824 Harney. O) 154 lOx MIseellaaeoBS. WANTED Womsn or girl to help care for children. 8336 .Woolworth Ave. Tel Hsr- ny 3192. (7) 364 HELP WANTED-MALE Areata, lleltora anal taleaasea. WANTED Eastern manufacturing concern wants two reliable representatives, one each Nebraska and Iowa. Men preferred who huve been auccessful handling Im plements, groceries or cigar line. An swering, give full particulars. P-271, care Bee. $11 THOUSAND for distributing circular! and samples. Send for aample and con tract. W. A. I.oring Mfg. Co., 01J123 Ash St., Spokane, Wash. (91676 WANTED Men who have been successful selling clgara, groceries or some spe cialty, wanting to make a change. Can ahow you proposition $100 to $160 per month. All correspondent treated strictly confidential. O-l. care Bee. (94(o STOP peddling and make some quick money; try tbe mall order buainess; we will start you; write for details. National Supply Co., Hennessey, Okl. (D-M497 12x SIDE LINE Best; no samples; plenty money. Give permanent address. Box 663, Omaha. (9)-574 SALESMEN We want salesmen of good address, ability, integrity and norsorver- ance, who are capable of representing a large unicago nouse, in Omaha, enn't use men who are looking for something easy; want only those who can produce buainess under favorable conditions. Write j. r-red iarson. ller Grand hotel, Omaha. Don't call or phone. ' (9) M761 12 FROM $8 TO $60 PER WEEK MAY BE WARNED IN SECURING SUBSCRIP TIONS FOR. SCKIBNE'B MAGAZINE. Write for list of 44 special offers on which liberal cash commission Is paid Address Desk 46, Scrlbner's Magazine, 166 Fifth Avenue, New York City. (9)-M854 12x SALESMEN (specialty), at once, to sell new, high grade, legitimate proposition to retail merchants; we psy high commis sion and advance expenses weekly; good territory open; state age, experience and references. Address Y 36, care Bee. (9)-625 11 X WANTED Specialty salesman for Ne braska and Wyoming; attractive, new advertising proposition a producer worth $6,000 or better to high grade men. Ad dress Y 33, care The Bee. (9) M638 12x Bart, WANTED An elevator hoy over 18, ex perienced, to run an electric elevator. In quire Fleming, People's Store. (9)-815 1 Clerical aad Offlre. WANTED Young man of experience for office work anil bookkeeping: references and hnml rMllir it.mllA Banlt.ru Dairy Co.. 1813 Farnam St. (9) M815 13 Factory sit Trades. WANTED To let small Jib of grading In -iuri pan ui cii, airi 10 ds movca 8 blocks. Mall application to E. Wakeley, $03 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9.1-131 THE great Union Pacific R. R. guarantees you a leiegrapnic position arter training. Practice on railroad wire. Addreas for particulars H. B. Boyles, Omaha. ()-760 SIX good, first-class painters; steady work year rouna, 46c per hour. Don t apply unless first-class. Munger Realty and Investment Co., St. Joseph. Mo. (9)-M186 1$ WANTED Good ad. and atone man; must ue rspia: give rererences, experience and salary wanted. Beatrice Da'ly Express, oeairice, iNeD. () M707 12x Mlsceltaaeoas. FREE Employment D-pt., Buslneri Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 525 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-17 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly practical training by free clinic and careful Instructions. Life schol arship, tools given, board provided. Moler graduates command highest wages. Our diplomas recognised everywhere. Shop ex perience and wages before completing. Catalogue free. Call or write. Moler Bar ber College. 110 S. 14th St. (9 M540 16x WANTED Railway mail clerks: salary. 1800 to $1,400; no "layoffa;" examination in Omaha May 15; common education sufficient; candidates prepsred free. Write immediately for full particulars. Franklin Inatltuta. Rochester. N. Y. (9)-M338 Msy$x DRUG stores tt Jobs. Knlcsf, N. Y. L. Pld. (9) AI80U OLD GOLD JEWELRY WANTED. FREN ZER, JEWELER. 16TH AND DODGE. (9)-40J Ma WANTED Min,. - i in small Nhr,,v .in .,t,.hi.i 1,. ! hardware or lumber an additional recom mendation; want some one capable of handling all departments of the business buying, collecting; must also be a good salesman; married man preferred: good salary. Address room 606 Security Bank Bldg., Sioux City; give references. (9)-M562 It HELP WANTED -ALB AWI F MALE. RELIABLE men and women agenta wanted to sell our specialty. Big money easily earned. Write today. . Millar Bp. Co.. 60 8. Penn. Ave., Denver. (I0 M830 lix HOUSE CLEANING ENTIRE houses, carpets, rugs, drsperles cleaned by our nw compressed air snd vacuum system. Ths Ideal Air ("leaning Co., 200 Douglaa Blk. Both 'phones -Ml A THE LIVE STOCK FOR SALfc Horses and eklcles. PAINTING and repairing. A. Murphy 4k Son. UD-S18 A17 RUBBER tiring and repairing done by jonnson a uanrortn, nun ami Jones sis. (1D-M433 All PASTURE 300 acrrs. good running water, good grans no goon shade; horses promptly called for. rarl F. S. Sorenscn, Florence, Nib. Telephone, Florence 3t34. First farm west of Florence, north side of C, St. 1., M. Ik "y- (1D-M70S I2x FOR SALE Chesp, one-station wagon, good condition; rme set brsss harness, single: one set light harness, single Sta ble. 122 So. 28th Bt. (ID-lit FOUR good work horses, 3 good single driven, city broke. $162 Ames Ave. U-70 FOR SALE Entire stable equipment, con sisting of horses, vehicles, harness, etc. W. H. McCord, 2201 Cass St. (ID M 753 13 GOOD family horse, 6 years old: new light single wagon.lljBrnwn. (1ll-48 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST On Farnam 8t.. a pair of spec tacles. Leave nt Moihfr-Ijimpmnti ool lege and get reward. (121 MH01 12x MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL nnd surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid te confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (1S-L'3 BE8T nerve brace for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Bhorman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) ,9 'GLAD you will be." Let me know your chronic disease, L. H. Rogers, Station M. Los Angeles. Cal. 13 M396 A30x MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL. Let Usilelp You If you need a little ready cash. Ixans on furniture, piano, etc. Seventeen years established. "Reasonable and reliable." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, 30tj S. lth St. Telephone Douglas 2k. (14)-M734 $$$$$$$$$ YOU WANT MONEY IbUtl DON'T PAY HIGH RATES $$U$ imi SEE US FIR8T ! t$ We loan you any amount on $1 It furniture, pianos, etc.; or, if you $$ $$ hsve steady employment, on your it $$ plain note at the cheapest rates In $$ $$ the city. Payments weekly or $ $$ monthly to suit your convenience. $$ $$ Open until 6:30 p. m. 'Phone Doug- 1$ $$ lag 20S6. $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 11 $$$$$ Room &01 Brown Block, J4JJJ $$S$SM Opposite Brandels' tumi $$e$t4$$ 16th St. Entrance. $mtt$ 14-680 MONET to loan on furniture, pianos, ware- nouse receipts, or anything of value, or on your plain note. If you are steadily employed. Lowest rstes, best terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 307-8 Psxton Blk.. 3d Floor, 16th and Farnam Sta. Tel. Douglaa 1411, Auto. A-1411. (14)-M798 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman. Room 612, New York Mf Bldg. (14) 681 MOVING AND STORING EXPRES8MEN'B Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St. Warehouse 2207-9 Izard St. (16) 584 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooms. THE BACHELORS. InuTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. (loj-686 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (10J-5S6 Faralsked Rooms, DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman; select neighborhood, near Farnam car. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16) 687 DESIRABLE ROOM, &8 N. 19th. (15)-MS67 A20x FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON CO.. RENTAL AOT8. 70S) N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 2201. (16)-6iS DESIRABLE front room in new, modern flat; all conveniences; walking distance. 2406 Harney. (15)-M4U2 13 FRONT PARLOR, sultabls for two gen tlemen. 2427 Dodge. (16) M399 13 TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete fur light housekeeping. All modern. $12 per month. 2019 Webster St.- 15)-M802 17x VERY pleasant east room, suitable for two, also smaller room. 2702 Farnam Bt. (15) MS20 lSx ONE large newly furnished room, sultnbla for one or two gentlemen; strictly mod ern : walking distance. Call 2308 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6401. (16l M76S 17 Apartnaeats aad Flats. CAN'T MATCH 'EM. Six rooms, natural wood, modern; thick walls, cool In summer, stesm heated, warm ln winter; hot water all year; walking distance; summer rate, one at $24 and one $26. Require reference. BEMIS, 480 Bran dels Bldg. (15) 772 17 (r. flat, 3d floor 1611 Farnam: suitable for physicians, art. sta. dreaamakera, etc. I and r flats. S( argo Bldg., 616V N. 24th, 8. Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge, Both 'Phones. 15)-264 UNEQUALED, central, modem 4 or 6-rooro flats. 2JU No. 3d. (16) M252 i-ROOM modern alcara heated apartment In Dunssny, 10th and Pierce Sts. $36 and $26. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge St. Uo)-8J0 FOR RENT 5-room apartment, flrat floor; modern except heal; water paid. 1808 N. 22d St. Vacant April 16; $17.60. Call Douglas 1813. IIS) M 752 13x FIVE-ROOM flat. 3536 Hamilton; new plumbing; modern except heat: $16.50; to adult tenants. Tel. D. 673. (16l M756 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern, $18. Tel. Harney 3886. (15) M788 13x flasekoesilBB Raasaa. TWO excellent furnished, modern rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In bouse. 2574 Harney St. (15)-77 $ CHOICE housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished; very deslrabla for sum mer; large lawn; modern. 627 Park Ave () TWO elegant furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 3"18 Davenport Bt. (15) M12 17x fBfaralsked Raoaaa. FOUR unfurnished rooms, desirable loca tion, modern except heat. Hanscom Park district 8ul4 Mason Bi. Tel. Hsrney 2196. l-M-o OFFERED FOR RENT I stsrslahrrl Knosna TWO rooms and alcove. 2411 Cass St (161-352 MSx FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rome walking distance; everything modern Hi N. 26th St.. Phone Douglas R7I0 (li)-Mt 12x Famished lloases. FOR RENT 7-room furnished modern house. Hanscom park iWptrlct, for IK munms, about May 1. Khone trarney 3j. (la) M7M l.x Hoseee aa Cottavee. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1609 Farnam. lei. Doug. 15.S9. li-91 8-r., 2ftW Pewsrd St., mod. ex. heat. $20. 8- r., 8447 F:rskine, 2 lots, fruit, $13.60. 6-r., 26.W Parker, mod. ex. heat, gas, pnr- celsln bsth. barn, $18. -r., 1313 8. 29th St., new, mod. brick flat. $30. 6-r., 3650 Farnam St., mod. ex. heat, $25. 6-r.. 29n3 Farnam. mod ex. heat. t'S. 9- r., 83 N. 27th, $20. 6-r.. 119 8. 29th St., mod. ex. heat, barn, porcelain bath, good repair, newly pa pered. tJ3. 5- r 3"C9 8. 29th. ll mod., good repair. $20. "I,' 32J.f,'"'i Ave., new St. Louis mod flat, $37.60. 6- r., 2444 S. 17th St., rttv water. $15. 5-r., 2367 8. i9th St., $16. S-r., 1706 8. ISth St., $8.50. 3-r.. 3108 Maple St., good repair. J blocks car, $s. J-r.. 2623 Franklin St., good repair, $9. F. D. WEAD, 111 FARNAM ST. (16) 457 10 FOR RENT Six-room modern house. 631 South 2Ctli. Inquire 412J Hamilton. (16I-M719 12x DESIRABLE 14-room rooming house cen trally located, long lease, furniture for Mle. owner leaving city. Rlngwalt Bros.. SOP, 8. 16th St. (1&I-M725 1 3 8EVEN room modern house. 2406 Parker (16-M72 8-ROOM modern house. So. 28th street. goon repair, rioors snn woortwnrk lust leflnislied. fine heating plant, walking tllst ince. M. J. Kennard A Co.. 310 Brown block. (16) M819 13 5-ROOM, modern house, except heal, 3309 Maple St., $18. -room. 2d floor. 1106 No. 20th St., $15. 10-room house, modern, except hest, $30 and . water rent. 2ilh and Indiana Ave. 2706 Lake, 6-rooms, modern, except best. $15. 4-room house, city water and toilet, 439 wiiiiam at., in rear, sio. CHRIS BOTER, 22d and Cuming Sta. Tel. Doug, and B-WM9. lo-49 New 10-room, all modern house. 26,12 Harney street, gas. electric light, hot water heat; will be readv to occupy May 1st. See T. J. O'Brien. ITenshaw hotel or 2681 Harney. Phone Doug. 1216 or Harney 1094. $65 per month. (15) 655 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, new furnace. 2011 Willis Ave.. $25.00. 4 nice rooms, city water, toilet 1st floor. 1523 N. Hth St.. $12.50. 4 rooms, basement, city water, toilet, big aru. io-4 rv. ism. ss.uo. t-room apartment. 1917 Clark St., $9.00. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. (15)-84S FINE all modern house of 12 rooms on 8. W. coiner 27th and Jackson; references required, $60. Bemls, Brandels Bldg. (15-M769 FOR RENT. Nice five-room house, strictlv modern large living room, woodwork dark finish W.06 North 19th St. Apply 749 Brandels mag., or on premises. 25. (16) 664 12 $35 Strictly modern brick. 8 rooms. 1301 a. snn t. t-none Harney 1767. (15)-M673 13x FOR LEASE. 1513 N. 30TH St., 8-room modern house; spic and span; high ceilings, large rooms, all new decorations new furnace, big cellar, front and back stairs. Ready April 20. Owner, 1101 N. 18th St. (15)-M774 17 K SO. 25TH Ave., 8 rooms, modern, new plumbing: location and arrangements of house suitable for keeping roomera; rent very reasonable, $30. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1064, Ind. A-1064. (15) M768 13 ELEGANT 6-rooin flat located No. 610 So 27th, all modern; price, $35. Bemls, Bran dels B dg. O6)-M770 THREE modern 5-room houses, first-class condition. $17. 2731-2S02 Seward. 1618 North SMh, strictly first-class: 8-room modern house, nearly new, $3u, 2813 Seward, keys next doors. (16 M724 12x 6-ROOM HOUSE, modern, S. 32d Ave., i 'Phone Harney 1566. E. H.Howland Lum ber Co. (15)-6S 2867 PACIFIC St., 8-room. thoroughly mod ern house, oak finish, $40. A. G. Ellick 6o2 Bee Bldg. (15) 917 6-ROOM brick house, modern. 16"4 Maple. (15)-M163 A25X TTOTTSES ln Part" the city. UUUQJliO crelgh Sons A Co.. Be" Bldg: (15) 697 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing' Expressmen Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 391 (16)-69 4JROOM apartment, modern. 816 S. 22d U5)-M163 A35X ELEGANT ten-room brick residence 3200 Harney St.; steam heat; large yard '$66. Mads A. Hansen, 1324 Farnam St (16)-M2o7 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms n apartment basement, city water: toilet and ass ta C. M. BACHMANN. ' 436 Paxton Blk. O5)-20 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. U5)-69.' 8-ROOM modern houae. walking distance suitable for two families, 003 So. J7th St. $3-'.60. W. B. Meigle, 206 Ramge Bldg. ()-409 MAGUARD VAN at STORAGE CO.. Tel D. (9tS. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. tl6) S95 J-ROOM. modern house, 833 Main St.. Ben son, $18. Turklngton, Bee Bldg. (151-860 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16)-594 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 596 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, $25. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. (151-892 CENTRAL, modern, no eajal. 4 or 6 rooms each, with bath. 220 No. 23d. (16) M62 I Halls aad Lodge Rooms. OSTHOFF HALL, 613 North 16th (UI-M95T A23 Washington hall and lodge rooms, 410 8. 18th. (15)-M174 A 25 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of Kth and N 8ts . South Omaha. Call at Bee office. 8. O. branch, 24th and N Sts. Near address (15)-M577 FOR RENT Largs office room In Oounse Elk., on 16th St.. opposite postofflrc; $16 per month. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodg et- (15)-874 BRIGHT, clean offices for rent in Ramge Building. G. E. Shukert. 401 80. 15th St Agent. (15) M446 14 ON ACCOUNT of changas In offlre ar. rangement we will sell the counters now Installed in The Bee office and Hsstlngs Heyden's office. These are handsomely carved and decorated oak counters, hav ing a marble bass 10 inches high. The counters stsnd 3V feet high and i foot top snd there Is a total of about 45 feel In length. Theae will be sold either sen ,r?,.',y Jr ,0her. Arply Bee Pub lishing Co., Kth snd Farnam Sts n5)-r lorea. FOR RENT $-story building at 14f Far. nam St.. new occupied bv H 3 Tenfold Co.. heat retsll location In Omaha For particulars snnlv Palace Clothing Co I4th and Douglas 15)Mi3$'' OFFERED FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD good for sale 4032 lurd St. Call bitwern 6:30 and 4 p. m. (1HI-M544 12x riaaos and Maslral laslramrats. A NEW l.-.jfi piano, taken In a business ,,' i.,"1" r" cheap for cash. Time tn reliable person. Fully guaranteed. Ad dress P JM. care Bee. (1 MWI l-'x Serving Marklaea. SECOND-HAND sewing machines. $8 an, u Xl'-IU.'ll?-re. p I r for all mschlnee. OU8TAF80N HKNRICKKOnT lath and Cap. Ave.. N. E. Cor. Duoc. 157. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS All makes, all prices for sale, for rent; rent applied. Hi-th phones. B. F. Swanson Co., 417 8. 16th St.. Omaha. (1) i Mlsrellaaeoas, SEND us your mall orders for drum freight paid in $10 lots. Myers-Dlliort Drug Co., Omaha. (16) tia FOR SALE New and td-hand billiard ami pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy psyments. Brunswick Balke Collender. 407 8. 10th St. (lS)-floi DRUG8 st cut prices; freight paid on all iu oroers; catalogue rree. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neh. (l)-d THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low special prices, rreignt prepaid 60 days' free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co., Clay Center, Neb. (16) 6(0 FOR SALE Somo four and five-ton stake drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock bux 486, Sioux City, Is, (1() M6D2 TENTS AND AWNINGS. Ordsr now before the rush begins. 'Phone us for estimates no charge. Omaha Tent and Awniiig Co. 11TH AND HARNEY STB. DOUGLAS 883. lii M387 May FOR SALE Caah register. "Nat ion a':," wllh tape attachment. Address A 240. B-s. 16 M280Apr27 WE HAVE on hand a number of tnlc barrels which we will sell at 60o each. They ire fine for rain water or ashea Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. (16)-277 FOR SALE One Am. Hoist and Derrick Co., contractors hoisting engine. 616 Bee B'dg- ' U6)-U6, SODA fountslns, new and secondhand; monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (18)-604 ELECTRIC PIANOS, $150. Baysdorfer, Iff Capitol Ave. . (18)-M789 A3 USED bicycles from $5 up. to per cent discount on new wheels during April. 16 per cent discount on 21, horse pow.r "Light" motorcycles during April. Re pairing a specialty. L. Fleschrr, 1623 Capitol Ave. (16) 866 May5 REMINGTON typewriter No. 6. first class, $30. People'g Loan Co., 1623 Farnam St. (16)-M396 TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices, easy terms; shipped anywhere; agents wanted ln unoccupied territory; write for large bargain list and offer. B. F. Swan son Co., 417 8. 16th St., Omaha. 00-M757 INCUBATORS for sale cheap. Apply to Expressman's Delivery Co. '22nd and Ixard Sts. (161-M731 18x HOUSEKEEPERS, buy our useful house hold articles, catalogue. 2 cents; Tip-Top lamp chimney stove, postpaid. 16 cents. Home Economy Co., Ob., 846 Pst-k Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (16) M647 13x A NEW coal range cheap. Mrs. R. W. Breckenrldge, 1310 So. 30th Ave. (16) M7v 13x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. U Tel. D. Ii64. (6)-08 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolsa, 608 N. T. L. Bldg. (6)-60 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Farnam. Doug. 6370. (6) M95S A28 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117.- (17) 610 H. A. STURGES, Atty. N. Y. L. Tel. D. 8469. (17)-M551 May9x PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c pos'. age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estau llshed 1869. (172.-6U PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 014 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) 613 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 740 Firat Ave., Council Blufis. la, (18)-Mtl3 f A Cti A flP treatment and bath. Mme. Mi-CSO-AUi- 6mlth, ias. 16th. 3d floor. (18)-627 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha 18 414 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and eell at 1.14 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglss 4136 and wagon will cali. (18)-78S VAPOR BATHS fond"- men. If you wsnt to get rid of your rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and othsr chrenlc ailments, take the vapor baths and massage treatments of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Bcnda. We also give face and scalp treat ments. We get results. 230-234 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 190. (18) 669 May!) YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association. Kth snd Howard 8ts., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing ths association meets trains at the Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 268 MASSAGE PROF. G K. DINJIAN, EX PERT MASSEUR. For ladies and gentht msn. If tired, languid, lasy, from lack of circulation which causes indigestion, constipation, torpid liver, rheumatism and chronic troubles,, try the Oriental mas ssge. Thorough hand work. Face and scalp treatment; 8 years In Omaha at 406 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 4038. (U)-317 Ma4 A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where moth ers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. Mrs. Martha A. Lee, 403 Ban croft Bt. Phone Douglas 19JI. (18) M436 May7x $75 WILL HANDLE furniture of 10-room rooming house. Address S 806. csre Bee. (18) M44 I2 POULTRY AND EGGS 8. C. B. LEGHORN EUG8-11 per setting, $3 per 10U. O. H. Deaver. Organs, Neb. (1D-M536 x 8 ,t''.Wi1rB. LEGHORN EGGS-Choica standard bred slock. Heavy laying strain $5 per 100, $3 per 60. $2 per $0. " Mrs. W. L. McKenney. Palmer, Merrick County, Neb UD-M37 23x 8. C. BUFF ORPINGTONS, free rang-; eggs for hatching, $l., per 15. $3 00 for io. $5.u for loo. Indian Runner duck egs U for $1.25; to for $3.60. Toulouse guoae egit a each. Guaranteed frcali and fertile" Peler ac Brehm, Harvard, Neb. (1D-M538 23X 8. C. BIVCK MINORCA eggs for -t,ln $1 'or 12. Tsl. Harney 3322. (U)-M92 M2x R. C. R. I. RED EGGS for sals. Pen eggs 11.50 per 1$. 68 per 100; from pens scoring 9u 10 93 range $1 pi 15. $4 per P. J. w Abraham, Valley, Neb. (11) M243 CHAMBERLAIN'S Original perfect dry cl ick frd. Use this only and save young rhlcksna. Stewart s Feed "tore, Agent. ll N. lain iu (UJ-MM1 May t