Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Executive to. Confirm Experts to
Carry Oat Physical Valuation Bill.
Appointees Will Hat Abundant Of
portunlty to Tall What a Good
Wenator ballenberer Will
tl'rom Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April lL-Speclal.)-Nebraska
will be treated to the very humiliating spec
tacle the first of the week of three rail
way commissioners, elected by the people
fur a term of six year each, marching Into
the offlue of the governor and requesting
him to fermlt them to name certain per
sons aa experts to carry out the provisions
of the physical valuation bill.
This Is the result of a little proviso
put In the bill by a democratic legislature
that the experts and helpers shall be ap
pointed with the consent of the governor.
The proviso, was pat In there for the pur
jose of flvlng the governor a little more
lle for distribution among the great,
hungry srmy of demo-pops.
lnder the terms of the bill the governor
will be able to get quite a big cog In his
machine for those who are appointed for
this work, will necessarily have to spend
a good deal of the time over the state
ii nd they will have plenty of opportunities
to tell the people . what a good senator
Governo- Phallenbcrger will make.
Klaht not Settle1 at Primary.
The republican primary to bo held In Lin
coln, April 16. promises to be a waste of
time and money, as several candidates
will have their names on the election ballot
regardless of the outcome of the prlmaryi
Don Love and A. H. Huttgn have sub
mitted their names to the voters at the
primary for mayor, while John B.' Wright
will be a-candidate regardless of who wins
the republican nomination.
This ls'; the first time Lincoln has had
an opportunity to hold a. non-partisan elec
tion, but it remained for those who have
been shouting loudest for no politics In
city sfalrs, to get up the primary for the
selection of candidates. Insofar aa the elec
tion ballot. Is concerned, there will be no
party designation, as all the candidates
will have to go on the ballot by petition,
so all this primary will do for the candi
date receiving the highest vote will be to
advertise him aa the choice of the majority
of the republicans voting.
, Political affairs in Lincoln were tangled
up by the action of a self-constituted com
mittee attempting to work through he legis
laure a charter which a great many busi
ness men did not want. This charter pro
vided for a commission of five persons
to manage the affairs of the city, but In
asmuch aa It was backed by the biggest
corporations In the city the legislature re
fined to .pass it. In the meantime the back
era of the charter forgot all about a pri
mary election and the time had gone by
before they waked up. Then the republican
committee concluded to manage a little
primary for the benefit of the candidates
who desired to run as republicans.
In the meantime lawyers say there are
very grave doubts whether Lincoln can
have any election this spring.
Srhool et Agriculture Commencement.
The commencement week exercises of
the University of Nebraska Bchool of Ag
riculture . Will r begin- ' Sunday, April 18.
The. baccalaureate address will be de
livered by Pr. Fletcher L. Wharton, for
merly pastor of St. Paul's church. This
address will be given In Memorial hall
on the university campus. The week
will be spent In banquets, entertainments
and receptions to the senior class. " The
annual competitive drill of the battalion
stationed at the farm will take place
Thursday, . morning. The commencement
address will be delivered by Chancellor
Avery.' ' the following Is the program:
Sunday. April 18. 8 p. m., In Memorial
hall, university campus, baccalaureate ser
mon. Rev.. Fletcher L. Wharton, 1). D., of
Pittsburg. Pa.
Mondav. April It. 8 a. m.. In assembly
hall, university farm. Joint entertain
ment by the literary societies In honor
of the seniors.
Tuesday, April 20, 8 p. m.. In university
teint.le, reception to the seniors.
Wednesday, April 21, 8 p. m., In as
sembly hall, university farm, entertain
ment In honor of the seniors by the junior
class. - ; .
Thursday, April it. t a. m., at univer
sity farm, annual competitive drill; 8 p.
in , annual banquet of the senior class at
Llmlell hotel. . .
Friday, April 23. t a. m., In assembly
hall, university farm, general assembly
of the School of Agriculture. Announce
ment of the results of the competitive
drill and presentation of trophies won
and addi'tHS by John Q. Workiier, com
mandant of cadets; 10 a. m.. In assembly
hall, university farm, annual meeting of
the alumnt association; S p. m., in Me
morial hah, university campus, eighth
annual commencement: commencement
orator, Chancellor Samuel Avery, Ph. D.
Tribute to ICs-Governor Poyater.
At a meeting of the official board of
the First Christian church, a committee
previously selected for the purpose, drew
and presented to the board a resolution
upon the death of William A. Poynter,
which was 'adopted. The committee waa
made up of J. F. Winter, J. M. Eil mis
ton and W. R. Ramey. The 'resolutions
follow.-' . ' k ' . .. '
Whcrea. in ike-' adjustment of things hu
man, the 1i-hJ )noiiHtei'.lias removed fioni
us our lilsly eteiTed and beloved
brother. ix.vjtturnor f'oynter, the Chris
tian t rothe.ihuud of the state, the First
Christian church of Lincoln, and espe
cially Its otflulal board, of which he was
firesident. have sustained a loss which
s. and wilt Continue to be felt keenly.
An earnest.' active Christian from his
youth, a man of strong convictions and
deliberate tn hla Judgment, he was ever
working with voice and pen for those
things which make for the betterment
of mankind.
While we are deeply grieved over hla
departure and our hearts go out In aym
pathy to his loved ones mourning his
death, we feel that no grander termina
tion could have come to a noble life, such
as hla. than the giving of hla latest
lateat breath In pleading for that which
was to bleaa.' humanity and further tiie
cause of Christ In the world.
Colorado Official Waa Kneads City
Money Arrested at Clarke.
CENTRA. CITY, Neb., April ll.-(Spe-i-lal.)
Once trusted by tils fellow townsmen
with the administration of city affairs and
respected In the community,- Ieo Calvin U
languishing In the county Jail of Merrick
county, and as soon as the officers from
Canon City, Colo., arrive he will be taken
to that place to face a charge of abscond
ing with public funds, It la said that drink
la the cause of the young man's downfall.
As the story goes, he resided at Williams
burg, in the county of which Canon City
is the county seat. He was young and
recently married, but he waa unable to
pull away from the companionship of his
congenial friends, and on one occasion,
while he waa. on a prolonged spree, he
spent some of the money from the public
funds entrusted to hut care. When he was
unable to replace the money he had taken
he skipped out, and for a time all trace of
him was lost. He could not refrain, how
ever, from writing to his young wife, and
In title manner the officers located hlra.
He had gone to Clarke. Neb., and had se
cured work on the I lord ranch. The offl-
from the nest notified the city marshal
of Clarke that there was a reward of Ua
for the capture of the man, and the mar
shal put him under arrest and brought him
up to Central City Thursday and turned
him over to Sheriff ller. He Is being held
here awaiting the arrival of the officers
from Colorado.
Nebraska News .totes,
SlTHKRLAND-Tha 4-yejr-old son r.f
Agent Mullln of O'Kallons sustained two
frsctures of his left forearm by a fall
while playing.
SUTHERLAND For several years Japa
nese laborers have been employed In local
railroad Work by the t'nlon Pacific. Now
they are to be replaced by Greeks.
BLUE HILI-Rev. A. Relbert, pastor of
the German Presbyterian church of Rre
mont, died at Hastings this week and was
brought to Rosemont Thursday for burial.
SUTHERLAND The measles epidemic
which has been on here for several weeks,
still continues, nearly all the youngsters
of the neighborhood being subjected' to at
tack. KEARNEY Confirmation services wre
held at St. Luke's Episcopal church Friday
night. There were thirty-two candidates,
services being administered by Bishop
PLATTSMOlTTH The Bank of Com
merce In Ijoulsville has Inrrensed Its cap
ital stock from 110.000 to $31,000 and elected
the following directors: Tom E. Parmele,
C. A. Rlchey and C. E. Wood.
SUTHERLAND Hundreds of acres of
alfalfa will be grown In this vicinity the
coming year. Mammoth crops can be
easily grown In the valleys here and farm
ers are contemplating an alfalfa mill.
BLUE HILT At an adjourned meeting
Of the Bladen Rural Telephone company
held at Bladen. It was voted to consolidate
with the Glenwood Rural Telephone com
pany. The change will be made July 1.
CENTRAL CTTY-Oeorge E. Schiller, re
cently elected mayor of the town, has re
signed his position as deputy county as
sessor, and County Assessor Oosnell has
appointed Joseph A. Hayes deputy In his
SUTHERLAND-W. H. Wllcott. aged 74.
has gone to Omaha far amputation of one
of his legs. Over fifty years ago a running
sore stared as a result of a burn, and he
has suffered greatly down through the
PLATTSMOUTH Charles Hamilton Z
bre, aged 29. of South Omaha, and Mrs. C.
L. Adams of Omaha, aged 25 years, were
united In marriage In this city Saturday by
County JuAge Heeson. They returned to
Omaha on the noon train.
SUTHERLAND Fruit growers herea
bout are pleased at the prospects for a
good yield from their orchards this sesson.
The backward spring has kept the trees
as sound as they are In winter time, and
It Is thought there will be little damage
from late frosts.
KEARNEY John Trlndle. for a number
of years chief of police of Kearney, has
tendered hla resignation from that office.
Political changes In administration of all
the city offices have awakened the old
timers to the fact that a new reign of gov
ernment begins May 1.
KEARNEY David D. Prather. for twenty-three
years a resident of this city, died
Saturday morning from the effects of an
operation for cancer performed last Sun
day. Mr. Prather was born near Spring
field, la., November 21, IBS". Deceased was
the father of eleven children, eight of
whom survive him.
CENTRAL CITY Mrs. Thomas Lucas,
residing on the college section, died 8at
lirrtav evening rather suddenly of heart
failure. She had been HI for some time,
but the end wn not expected so soon. The
funeral was from the Methodist church
this afternoon at I o'clock. Deceased was
the wife of Captain Thomas Lucas, well
known In Grand Army circles, and the
mother r.f T. M. Lucas, ex-county Judge of
Merrick county.
PLATTSMOUTH Special music was fur
nished In - each of the churches here for
Easter Sunday. In the Methodist church
n choir of thirty-five voices under the
leadership of Mrs. E. H. Weseott. sang
very sweetlv. "Penitence. Pardon and
Peace." Tn St. Luke's chureh was given
the complete music of the Passion under
the leoriershln of Prof Austin. In the
Prehvtertap church R. L. Metcalfe, author
of "Of Such Is the Kingdom. " gave an
ers entitled "xvevsldo Literature" un
dr the ii-t"es of the Men's Brotherhood
of the church.
KEABNV-W. F. Htrtnebsrs-er of G'h
hon was hrn"irht to this cltv by the
marshal of that town nnrl lodged In the
"litv 1''l on prenwt of h ntieer actions'
Tt took thre men to keei blm 'rom In
turlng hlresel' or others During the nght
be hcaiii violent nrl the niSrd had to
him. ptnrdov Tyrrrf he was taken
K-f.--- the Vird " ln-stity and sent to
HseHngs. Me. Pt"n"'"rir hsd some
ronhle vtth hl el?bhnrs sHiit soma
hn. unit hrlni.t pv- tt upt'l he
.Vrf htmsnie ntf s frnV. Th's Is the
hi tn ''. years that he has been
sent to an .asylum.
(Continued from First Page.)
rad Snens, who Is the general freight of
the Burlington railroad company and for
that reason no worse than the best of us.
He Is only 33 years of age and has al
ready attained a distinction that comes to
but few. He will be a credit to your staff
and when you march to glory or to ban
quet, there will be, at least, two good
looking men on it, who will be talked about
yourself and Spens.
Berrymaa Appreciates.
Colonel Berryraan wrote as follows;
My Dear Commander: It has been a
great honor and pleasure that through your
good graces I have been permitted to wear
a colonel's uniform, and I wish to assure
you that the honor and pleasure has been
a thousand times augmented by the fact
that our party has a chief executive who
had the moral stamina and political acumen
to sign the 7 to 8 bill.
I cannot find that on an honest count
you have even lost Douglas county, and
surely out tn the state your gain has been
tremendous. I am yours at all times to
command for governor to president.
Colonel Byrne writes as follows:
My Dear Governor: I have read with
pleasure the report that you signed the
so-called daylight saloo n bill and your
clean-cut statement giving your reason for
dolng so. I think It has been . said that
"Fortune favors the brave" and that "God
hates a coward." If there Is any truth In
these sayings, your standings with both
the deity and fortune at this time should be
good. I am not one of those who seem to
think that the prosperity of the party of
Jefferson, Jackson and Cleveland depends
upon the support of the liquor Interests,
and I believe that the passage of the much
discussed measure Is a distinct atep for
ward and will help us to check the trend
toward prohibition, which none of us want.
As you have nothing that I want, I assure
you that my only motive for writing Is to
compliment and congratulate you on having
the courage to walk up to the rack and do
your duty In the face of violent and power
ful opposition, and with loopholes all
around you, and while I do not think In
doing so you considered what effect your
action would have from a political point of
view, I think the majority of thoughtful
men of all parties In the stats are with
Plrkporketa Thought to
Worked Crowded Cars
rtpockets had "easy pickings" on
the street cars near Sixteenth and Cum
ing streets between 6 and t o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. John Chriss, 1042
North Thirty-seventh street, and John
Otlbaugh, mi California street, were
victimised for $80 and 120. respectively,
while on different street cars of the Ben
son line, a gang of four men operating
on the crowded platforma being suspected
of both Joba.
No arrests have been made by the po
lice as yet. but descriptions of the men
ars in the bands of the detectives and It
la thought that good results In each case
will be obtained soon. Chriss says that
one of the men whom he auspects blocked
the doorway of the car as he boarded It
at sixteenth and Burt streets, and that
the other men crowded him and secured
hla porketbook. They Jumped off the
car at' Seventeenth and Cuming streets.
Gilbaugh thinks that perhaps he merely
lost his purse ry ntu being careful la re
turning it to Ms pocket after paying hla
fare. However, the fact that he lost it
within a block or two of where Chriss lost
bis money, and at the same time of day.
leads to the conclusion that both men
may have been robbed by the same gang
of pickpockets
Iomint k Karvolln, w ho Uvea at 2214
Pacific street, was another man who had
hard luck Saturday. He had just drawn
his month's pay and was on his way
home after quitting work at noon, when
three men picked his porket near Twelfth
and Chicago streets and made their es
cape almost before Karvollo knew what
was happening. The police are working
on the rase and have the descriptions of
the pickpockets.
(Continued from First Page.)
and present the course of coin-making
to the finished product. Paper money will
also be made by experts from the bureau
or engraving and printing.
The Agricultural department will show
developments along lines of agriculture
on the Pacific coast and In Alaska, the
preservation of forests, good road mak
ing, etc. The Department of Comment
and Labor will devote special attention
to fisheries, the improvement and safe
guard to navigation and show data ef
fecting commercial and labor interests.
The Poetofflce department will transfer
Its entire museum to the exposition, be
sides establishing a model poetofflce In
connection therewith, while the Depart
ments of Justice and State will make at
tractive collective exhibits of state and
Judicial documents and papers relative
to the early organisation of the govern
ment and the executive departments.
The Navy department will transport to
the exposition models of all the battle
ships and cruisers, the model of dry dock
Dewey, guns and ordnance equipment,
models of every type of gun made for
the navy since Its organisation, together
with historic relics of the Ill-fated Maine
and the entrance of Dewey Into Manila
harbor. During the exposition season the
Pacific squadron will lay In harbor, where
visitors can go aboard and view some of
the largest of Uncle Sam's fighting Ves
sels. Wireless Telegraphy.
Wireless telegraphy has made great
strides within the last few months. There
have been several vessels which hsve
sent out the distress sign, thereby calling
to their aid other ahips which might
never have known of the danger but for
the wonderful method of transmitting
communications through the other, but
In every Instance It has been noticed
difficulty has arisen In locating the di
rection from which the distress signs
have been sent. One of the foremost in
vestigators of wireless telegraphy and its
possibilities In the United States Is Mr.
Elliott Woods. superintendent of the
United States capltol. Mr. Woods, who
has perhaps the best wireless receiving
outfit anywhere In the country, is ex
perimenting now with a device for lo
cating the direction from which such a
message may come. Briefly describing
It, It is a device by which through the
aid of a cono-ehaped contrivance at the
head of a mast the operator ran turn an
auxiliary receiving wire In all directions
and thereby ascertain Just exactly whence
the signal comes.
A homely description of the Idea Is
this. Place a funnel on the top of a
mast with an aerial string through that
funnel arranged so as to make It possible
to turn any direction and there you
have It.
Cody Favors Doty on Oil.
While oil and water are not supposed to
mix very well. Colonel William F. Cody,
otherwise known as Buffalo Bill, seems to
have made a successful mixture of oil and
buttermilk. Colonel Cody la In Washington
at. the present time to renew acquaintance
with old friends In the army with whom he
was associated for many years, and inci
dentally to keep an eye on the tariff bill
ao far as It relates to me countervailing
duty of petroleum and Its products. The
colonel has recently acquired some noto
riety because of his partiality towards but
termilk as a beverage, but he has gained
more of a reputation as an oil producer.
The colonel is enthusiastic, as to the prod
ucts of the western oil fields. He has very
large Interests In Wyoming and he declares
that that state will soon rival the Oklahoma-Kansas
field, which la at present the
largest In the United States, but like all
other oil producers Is fearful that If pe
troleum Is to be admitted absolutely free
there will be a slump In the oil market.
The enormous production In the Mexican
field, while not at present a menace to the
United States producers, certainly will be
If there is no tariff bar against Mexican
oils coming to this country. The Mexican
government Imposes a duty on American
oils and their uvoducts and even though
the countervailing duty be maintained this
would afford no protection aliould the Mex
ican authorities d ided to place petroleum
products on the Ires list in that country.
Still Colonel Cody thinks that the future
of the oil fields of the west tls very prom
ising and that much will be added to the
wealth of the state of Wyoming through
Its oil fields. As to irrigation, he declares
that tie government works will add enorm
ously to the agricultural wealth of all the
arid and semi-arid regions of the country
which can be supplied with water, and he
expresses the same belief that In spite of
the opposition which the Irrigation project
met at first that no act of congress has
done so much for the west as the Irrigation
projects now In course of construction will
eventually bring to this country.
Police Bay Beer From E. P. Derek
and Then Close
On the charge of selling beer on 8unday,
Ernest P. Derek, the proprietor of a pool
room at 1008 Capitol avenue, and Harry
Albes. the clerk, were arrested lata yes
terday afternoon by Sergeant Cook and Of
ficers Emery and Trlplett, who wore civil
ians' clothes In order to collect their evi
dence against the men and arrest them in
the act of dispensing liquor.
Lincoln Connor, a negro, waa arrested at
the same time on a gambling charge, the
officers reporting that they found him con
ducting a poker game in the rear of the
pool room. All three men were locked up
at the police station and their bonds were
fixed at $50 for Connor and 1100 each for
the other two men.
Numerous complaints had been made to
the police of late that while the saloons In
that neighborhood had been observing the
Slocumb law, Derek's pool room had been
occasionally converted Into a saloon on
Sundays. Investigation Saturday proved
that a quantity of beer had been bought
and delivered at the place, and the raid
was planned and carried out under the di
rection of Chief Donahue and Captain Mos
tyn. with the result that they were con
vinced that the law har been broken.
Officers Emery and Trlplett, who re
mained In the pool hall and bought bottles
of beer to use as evidence, stated In their
report that ten or flteen men were patron
ising the drinking emporium while they
were there, and that both Derek and Albes
sold liquor In their presence. Another lace
that was suspected of allowing the sale of
liquor on Sunday waa also Investigated, but
the suspicions of the officers were found
to be without foundation.
Wind Too Much
for Easter Hats
Blows Gale All Day and Makes the
Womenfoltf Made All
Those Raster hats, what a time they
had of It yesterday!
If Colonel Welsh ever had a standing
with the women folk, he lost It when ho
dished up that brand of weather for
Eaater. He could not have done worse.
What chance did one of thona coal
scuttel, or washtub hats have aguinut
that hurricane? What milliner in the
land coul.1 have anchored those vesetablo,
fruits, feathers or plumes against such a
"Here I've spent three weeks of my
time and four of my husband's salary
getting this hat and this suit for Easter
end look at the weather! Horrid! Why.
I can't walk against that wind, let alone
wear my now Easter outfit. The wind
would get In under this hat and lift It
and me off the ground. What Is the use,
This was a common soliloquy Sunday.
Ami, oh, how Forecaster Welsh did catoli
Throughout Saturday night the wind
kept up an Incessant howl and when Sun
day morning dawned It seemed to sain,
velocity; It blew all day, making life
outside very near Intolerable.
Switch Falls to Work In Kansas City,
Kan., and Crowded Cars
Come Tog-ether,
KANSAS CITT, April lt.-Thlrty people
were hurt, some of them seriously when
two crowded trolley cars collided at Sixth
Street and Quindaro avenue In Kansas City,
Kan., last night. . The most seriously in
jured were:
Mrs. Mary Calvin, back wrenched.
Mrs. William Stanley and 9-months-old
child, cut and bruised.
Walter Barker. Internal injuries.
Grover Steams, back bruised.
All the Injured live In Kansas City.
The accident was caused by a switch
falling to work, allowing one car to turn
Into another car on a cross street. Pas
sengers In both cars, numbering 100 were
thrown from their seats and many were
trampled In the rush for the doors. Others
were cut by flying glass and splinters,
many receiving minor Injuries.
President Hears Protest of Chicago
Women and Defense of Man
ufacturers. WASHINGTON. April ll.-Presldent Taft
today heard both sides of the hosiery tar
iff question. A delegation from the League
of Cook County Women's clubs of Chicago
called on him and presented a protest
against the Increased duty on gloves and
hosiery. The delegation Included Mrs.
Nathan B. Iewls, Mrs. E. M. Henderson,
Mrs. Freeman E. Brown and Mrs. Helen
They were Introduced by Representative
The delegation will also present its pro
test to the senste finance committee.
The other side of the qustlon was taken
up with the president by a delegation of
hosiery manufacturers from southeastern
Pennsylvania, whicks declared that the rate
of duty provided-' In the Dingley bill was
Will Retarn Neat Week, gays Hla
Bister, Who Went to
Meet Illm.
Miss Julia Fitch has returned from Chi
cago, where she went several weeks ago
to meet her brother, Edward P. Fitch, who
recently returned from Europe. Mr. Fitch
is still tn Illinois visiting friends and will
not return to Council Bluffs until next
"He has nothing further to say of his
recent visit to Europe," said Miss Fitch,
"than has appeared In hla letter to the
press explaining the causes of his ab
sence. His health Is excellent."
Miss Fitch resides with her mother and
brother and sister In Council Bluffs and la
employed by the McCague Investment
company of Omaha.
Mrs. Isaac IV. Gnlll.
Mrs. Isaac N. Quill died at 2:30 Saturday
afternoon from the buVstlng of a blood
vessel tn the brain. She had been uncon
scious for several hours before death. Mrs.
Gulll was 87 years of age, and was born
and raised In Muscatine. la., where her
father and three married sisters live at
present. She came to Omaha eighteen
years ago, and had been married sixteen
years. In her own circle of friends Mrs.
Gull) was esteemed highly as a kindly
neighbor and a woman of charitable and
self-eaorlfictng disposition. She leaves a
husband who has lived In Omaha about
all his life, and, besides the relatives In
Muscatine, who will arrive Sunday morn
ing, there Is a married sister living In Los
Angeles, Cat
The funeral will be held from the resi
dence, 1815 Chicago, at 2 p. m., Monday.
Interment will be In Forest Lawn.'
Hannams Johnston,
Har.nams JohnsUn, 84 years old and a
resident of Omaha for twenty-three years,
died of old age and heart trouble Friday.
He lived with his son. X W. Johnston, at
112 North Twenty-fourth street, South
Omeha. Farming was his occupation when
he was active. The funeral la to be held
Sunday afternoon at ! o'clock ct the home
of the son, who is the only surviving
relative In this vicinity. Burial will he in
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mrs. Larlnda Hoover.
REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb.. April lu.
(Special.) Mrs. Luclnda Hoover, aged 68,
an old resident of this vicinity, died Thurs
day. Funeral services were held In the
Presbyterian church. Burial was in Cedar
Grove cemetery.
Oldest Telegrapher Dead.
EVANS VlLLE, April W.-Norbone N.
Booth, for many years local manager of
the Western Union Telegraph company,
and, perhaps, the oldest telegrapher In the
United States, died last night, aged 88
Mrs. Jeff Davis.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 10-Mra. Jeff
Davis, wife of United States Senator Davis,
died here early today after a month's Ill
ness from stomach trouble.
Fire la Xerlh Platte tarda.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. April 11. -(Special.)
Several thousand dollars worth of
telegraph poles, bridge timber, etc., was
burned about noon Saturday in the
maUrial yards of the Union Pacific rail
read The origin of the fire la unknown.
When first seen, the fire waa burning
In some dry grass beneath the poles. This
was quickly put out by watrr carried In
buckets from a nearby engine. No sooner
had they done this than It broke out In
the center of the pile of poles and wa
soun beyond control. After about two
hours of bard fighting the flames were
extinguished. The property dsmaged li
owned by the Union Pacific Railroad company.
Thousands Attend F.aater Services
of "The Smty of the Lord"
In St. Lonls.
8T. LOUIS, April ll. While thousands of
persons struggled for places of vantuge to
day, eighty of the JS recruits for "The
Navy of the Ixird," a n gro church, were
Immersed In th Icy waters of the Missis
sippi river by the pastor of the congrega
tion, the Rev. J. B. Parker, who Is called
"The Admiral" by his converts.
The negroes after running from the water
changed their garments In a nearby boiler
ahop. Forty-five of the recsrults turned
their backs on joining "The Navy" when
they felt the cold water.
Daughter of Former Governor to Be
come Bride of Arnold Jacob
Jorla Vonderdoes Bye.
ITHACA. N. Y.. April ll.-Announcement
has been made by Mrs. Esther Cornell,
widow of a former governor, Alonxo B.
Cornell, of the engagement of her daughter.
Miss Esther Cornell, to Arnoud Jacob Jorls
Vonderdoes Bye, a son of a Dutch country
gentleman at The Hague, Holland. The
marriage will take place In June. The
groom, who was graduated from Cornell In
IB07. was a member of the Cornell Glee club,
Cosmopolitan club and the foot ball tram,
and was popular with his American class
Captain fJohn of glateenth Infantry
Goes to Superintend Ash
land Range.
Captain J. F. Onhn, quartermaster of the
Sixteenth infantry. Fort Crook, has gone
to Ashland to superintend the construction
of the government rifle range at that point.
Honorable discharges from the regular
army by purchase have been granted First
Sergeant F. O. Latdley, Company F, Elev
enth Infantry, Fort D. A. Russell; Pri
vates L. K. Ketchum, Battery D. Sixth
field artillery. Fort Riley; Private Maurice
F. Conklln, Battery A. Sixth field artil
lery. Fort Riley.
Private William Gilpin signal corps,
Fort Omaha, has been ordered to Fort
Riley for duty.
Private John Winn, Company M. Nine
teenth Infantry, Fort Mackenzie, has been
transferred to the hospital corps upon the
recommendation of the chief surgeon of
the Department of the Mlssoul.
Tricks to Introduce Alsnt Baking;
Powders Which Should Be Exposed.
There has recently been attempted at
some of our grocery stores, and also at
dwelling houses, by agents who are trying
to sell alum baking powders, what the
exhibitors call a baking powder ' tost.
They pretend to show by some boiling
test that , pur .cream of tartar baking
powders contain something which every
woman of Intelligence knows they do not.
It does not need a chemist to expose
this . trick. Cream of tartar, which Is the
chief constituent of the best and most
wholesome baking powder. Is originally a
clear, white crystal. Tills Is ground into
a fine, creamy flour. In which form, mixed
with baking powder. It Is present In the
baking powder. Cream of tartar, when
mixed with water and boiled simply re
turns to Its crystalline form, and that Is
all there la to the so-called test.
The matter of special lnteerat to the
public Is to know what these people offer
in place of cream of tartar powders of
well known purity and established refu
tation against which these slanders are
directed. They are offering a baking
powder which official analyses have re
peatedly shown Is made from alum, a
drug so well recognized by physicians and
scientists as Injurious to health that In
many countriea Its use In bread Is entirely
prohibited! So cheap and Inferior aro
the ingredients of this powder that It
costs to make less than 8 cents a pound.
No prudent housewife will knowingly put
such stuff as this Into her food.
Announcements of the Theaters.
"The Clansman'a" fourth aeason has
been marked by even greater enthusiasm
than It aroused before. Crowded audi
ences have been the rule everywhere and
thousands have been turned away for
lack of room. There Is some remarkable
quality In this play which causes the
public Interest to increase with every
successive presentation. It Is the most
wonderful "repeater" In theatrical his
tory. The only explanation la that "The
Clansman" gets closer to the hearts of
the people than any other offering pre
sented for many years. It Is a distilla
tion of their life, bone of their bone, and
sinew of their sinew. As long as the
deathless deeds or the heroic Ku Klux
Klan are In glorious remembrance, "The
Clansman" will remain the epic of the
American people. This Is the attraction
at Buyd's Thursday, Friday and Saturday
and Saturday matinee.
Question of Policies Ip at Mormon
Conference at Lamoal.
LAMON1. Ia., April 11. (Special.) The
special order for Saturday in the confer
ence of the Reorganised Church of letter
Day Saints waa the consideration of the
report of the board of auditors. The spe
cial features of the report were taken up
separately and discussed, but the debate
was so general that only two clauses were
disposed of at the time for adjourniiitrnt
for the day.
The questions In issue are mostly those
of methods In bookkeeping and in the hand
ling of certain transactions by Bishop E.
I. Kelley, and the actions of the body are
mainly a justification of the bishop. No
charge of mismanagement or Incorrectness
Is made by the auditors, the matter being
of Importance to the members of the
church because the policies of the financial
agent are at stake. Hcnttment seems to be
about eqially divided and the result of
the next two sessions will be watched with
much interest.
Last night Elder J. W. Wight of the
Twelve Apostles was the speaker. This
morning Pres'dent Joseph Smith preached
and a large crowd was In attendance. Vis
itors flocked to I-amonl for Sunday In large
number. The weather Is uniformly good,
though slightly cool, snd the sslnts ex
pert to hsve a good time at their meetings
and In their associations. At night Elder
Oomer Griffiths of the Twelve preached.
Overflow meetings have been arranged for
at all gatherings.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Services Over
Body of Novelist
Funeral of F. Marion Crawford Will
Be Held Monday and Will
Be Prirate.
SORRENTO. April H.-The funeral of
F. Marlon Crawford, the Amerlcun novel
ist, who died here Saturday, will not be
held until Monday for the rrason that the
church does not permit the celebration of
the fuiraral mass during holy week. The
services which will be private and very
simple, will be held In the Capuchin church
to which Mr. Crawford made generous con
tributions. Mr. Crawford, who was deeply
religious received all the comforts of reli
gion during his last day. The body rill
he placed temporarily In the chapel t the
little cemetery of Sant-Angello until the
will haa been examined and It Is learned
whether Mr. Crawf, rd expressed In It any
wlshea regarding his last resting place.
Mr. Crawford s physician said todny that
his patient had died of sudden cardiac
paralysis, following extreme weakness re
sulting from pleurisy. He suffered greatly
from ssthma. but seemed to find relief
tn oxygen. Up to the last moment Mr.
Crawford wanted to put his paper. In order,
and almost his Inst act was to read the
manuscript of an unfinished romance, "The
White Sister" to a member cf his fsmlly
Hs leaves forty completed works and he
had gathered material for his masterpiece,
an exhaustive account of Medieval Com
munes of Italy, four volumes of which
have been completed.
Will Exploit Dry Farming;.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April ll.-(Speclal)
The Federal Ljind A Securities company
Is preparing to move Its headquarters from
Dos Moines, la., to Cheyenne and to ex
pend IfiO.OOO In advertising Its dry farming
lands In this vicinity. This Is the company
that first realised the possibilities of dry
farming In this county and which has sold
100.000 acres of land to more than l.nno
farmers from eastern states. The company
has an additional 100.000 aces for nalc and
propose to colonlre this also.
The United Smelters, Railway snd Min
ing company, which recently purchased the
holdings of the Penh-Wyoming company
for $10,000,000, Is enlarging Its offices here.
First Lodge of Pythian Slaters.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 1t.-)peclal.
At a meeting to be held Monday evening
In the lodge rorms of the Sioux Falls
Knights of Pythlaa the first lodge of
Pythian Sisters to bo organlxed In South
Dakota will be instituted. The work of
Instituting the new lodge will be under the
direction of Miss Josle Nelson of Union
City, Ind., mistress cf records and corre
spondence of the national Pythian Sis
ters, who made the trip to Sioux Falls
for the purpose. As there are a large
number eif women In Sioux Falls who are
eligible to membership In the new lodge
It is expected the new lodge will start nut
with a good charter membership.
Meeene;er Falls From Train.
HURON. 8. D.. April II.. (Special.) Fri
day afternoon, aa the south-bound train
on the Chicago & Northwestern line was
a short distance out from Ludden, E. W.
Sanderson, express meesenger, fell from
the baggage car dewn a high embankment.
The train was stopped and Mr. Sanderson
picked up In an unconscious condition and
brought to this city. Investigation Indi
cated that when the accident occurred Mr.'
Sanderson was moving, a box containing
a corpse, the handle pulling loose from
the box and causing him to fall from the
car door. His condition Is regarded criti
cal. rtobbera Loot During; Fire.
HURON, S. D., April II. (special.)
While the wood and coal sheds of D. M.
Suits was burning Friday night thieves
entered the hardware store of J. M. Btlver
and carried away sevral hundred dollars'
worth of property, Including guns and re
volvers. Some of these were sold to par
ties In the railway yards and Indications
are that the two men who committed the
robbery are responsible for the fire at
Mr. Suits' place and efforts to locate them
are being made. Mr. Suits' loss Is about
$1,200 and that of Mr. Btlver Is estimated
at $000 or $0n0.
Shoots Through Car Window.
HURON, 8. D., April ll.-(Bpeclal..r-An
unknown person Friday evening fired a
gunshot through a car window on the
train froin the south as It was crossing
the Jim river bridge. The shot entered
the window a few Inches In front of an
elderly couple who had just been peering
through the glass at the river, but fortu
nately they escaped Injury. The matter Is
being thoroughly investigated.
If you have backache and urinary troub
les you should taks Foley'a Kidney Rem
edy to strengthen and build up the kid
neys so they will act properly, as a serious
kidney trouble may develop. Bold by all
Mrs. Fred Batster has returned home
from a visit In Emerson, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Waters have moved
from Benson to North Dakota
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Butler returned lat
Saturday from a visit In Kansas.
Mrs. W. N. J. Moran left last week for
Iowa, where she will visit relatives.
Miss Ina Hlns went to Blair to spend a
week visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gift were called to Omaha
on Saturday by the death of a relative.
Miss Emma Christiansen returned to Peru
last Monday after a short stay in Benaon.
Mrs. A. Gardner left for her home In
Kearney, Neb., after a visit at the Cooper
Mrs. William McKeown went to Mis
souri Valley to visit with relatives tor a
Mrs. J. J. Uleason will entertain the B.
L. 8. dub at her home next Thursday aft
ernoon. Miss Ina Warner has returned from
Alma. Neb., where she went to visit her
Mr, and Mrs. Rowley and Miss Dupout
were guests at dinner last Sunday at the
Hansen home.
Mrs. E. U. Buckley of Chicago Is visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mrs.
Mrs. E. Thrush.
Mrs. A. Kelly of Omaha is spending a
month at the home of her daughter, .mi.
W. D. Moran, sr.
Henry Kroger of Bens.m and Miss Ern
estine Lineman of Bollevue were m'irrled
on last Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Corbalay will enter
tain a' a family reunion today In honor of
the Simpson family.
The Presbyterian I. idles' Aid society
met at the churcii last Thursday afternoon.
A lunch was served.
P. J. Barr returned on Thursday from
a trip to Chicago.
D. L. Johnson Is nut' in the western part
of the state on business.
Reed Peters and' Frank oelby teturned
ittirlnv t ha week ta Amhertft collas-e.
Randall Curtis is at home from the Lin-
coin university for his Easter vacation.
Miss Wink, who has just returned from
abroad, is the guest of Mrs. Ramsdrll.
Mrs. R. C. Peters is making a visit of a
fortnight with relatives st Montlrello, 111.
Mr. snd Mrs. Alfred EUtck. Mr. and
Mra. Royal D. Miller and Mr. and w
Frank Brown went to Fremont on Tuea.
dav to attend the wedding of Miss Irma
Charles K Scrlpp of Chicago. Who Wi
the guest last week of J. HL 1'arrotte. has
returned home.
Miss Mrirle Benson rrturnert esrly In
the week to her school work at St. Mary's,
In Knotvllle. 111.
The ladles' Aid society of the I'mndoe
Presbyterian church will meet on Friday
with Mra. Henry Simpson.
Paul Johnson, who spent his spring va
cation at home, returned during the week
to his studies at Bcllevue.
The Men's club mrt last evening with
W. 8. Curtis R. v. Peters read a paer
on "The Civic Improvement of Dundee."
The funernl of John K. Moore was held
last Sunday from the famllv residence,
4916 Case street. Interment was at Mount
Sterling, O.
Miss Ada Klopp and Miss Edna Bennett
went to Waterloo as delegates from the
Dundee Presbyterian church to the Young
People's Society if Christian Endeavor con
vention. Mrs. J. J. Lnmpe. Mrs. D. L. Johnson,
Mrs. P. J. Barr and Mrs. A. C. ossmn
attended the meeting of the Woman's
Presbyterl! society at Waterloo during
the week.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Imere enter
tained at bridge Tuesday evening In cele
bration of their second wedding anniver
sary. The rooms were decorated with a
profusion of spring flowers.
The funeral of Miss Anna Marsh, who
diet! after but a few days' lllneea. was held
from the home of her parenta, 4908 Web
ster street, last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hum
mon of Kountxn Memorial church of
ficiating. Interment was at Forest ljiwn
Mii.i.i-.rts WIS FROM siorv
Visitors Are l.uekr Making; Hits
With Men on Rases.
SIOUX CITY, la., April 11 (Special
With the temperature hovering around tlin
freeslng point, Ml!incalla defeated Slmix
City in a elugglng game here today. Tlio
game was characterised hy long distamo
hitting, nine home runs being made. Bloux
City batters are credited with five. thr"
of them being driven over the fence by
Hunter. The Millers were fortunate in
having men on the bases when homers
were made. The pltch.-ra on both team
did not extend themselves. Oyler's work
at short field was the feature of the de
fensive play. Score: . .
Bloux City 1 2 0 t 0 0 1 0 S-7
Minneapolis 1 1 0 0 0 8 ?! 0-9
, , , V
Wrestling; Mntrh at Aurora.
AURORA, Neb . April 11. (Special. Tele
gram.) The wrestling match In Union hull
last night between George Glon. of Aurora
nnd Tom Conner resulted In a victory for
Olon In straight falle of 19 and IS min
utes. West Ambler.
Mrs. J. II. Gantx has been til the last
week with a very lame arm.
William O'Connor's family, who have
been III. are recovered now and able to be
about again. '
Mr. Stewart has removed his family Into
the eld G. Ambler homestead in Eckerman,
the last week.
Arrived. Sailed.
.Nurd Amerlka. Amerlka.
Batavia Caronia.
.Bt. Paul Celtic.
K. Lulsc.
La Uascogne.
.P. F. Wllhclm.. i
..,... r urnannitt.
United States,
...G. Kurfurst.
....La Savoie.
New York.
A CigarYou'll
Be Proud
to Smoke
Next time you smoke,
smoke a ten cent,
Havana filled, Su
matra wrapped
You'll be proud to
moke it. You'll
moke it (lowly to
prolong the joy of it.
You'll be sorry when
it's finished. You'll
buy more.
Ask your cigar man.
Chas. Donovan. Cigar Co.
0aaha,Nct., Sleax dry, lew a,
Larger sizes t5c.
FflflTi Ffiff Wea and nerveue mea
I UUU iun who find their power to
NFRVFC ork and youthful vigor
gone as a result of over
work or mental exertion should taka
make you eat and sleep and be a las a
$1 Zio a mm by naU,
BOBBMAjr as iaccojrnni.1. oaoe oo,
Oor. loth and Dodge mreeta,
Oor. 10th and Harney Sts- Ojaaka, Sfeh.
When you huy Gold Medial Flour
bo sure It Is Washburn-Crooby'a Oold
Medal Flour. This ta Important.
Phones: Uoug. lo; Ind.. A-U0
tbs Comedy Drams
r. aad Mrs. Bacon aad Mr.
Q raw's farewell Week
anday The saw leading man, Thadasaa
The Omaha Ouaeds la tfca Big Battle Scene
Daily f atlnes 8:16. Svery Might 8:1B
James Thornton, Kll.slicth M Murray,
Julie Ring. "When Oaiiar "s Her." The
Ulsters Uaach The VlnUobonas. "Mack"
"Mnrcus" and Klnodrom. Prices lo, 2ac,
and SOc.
tr the
C1JX CM'H, TucnUy, April lath,
Many rash and other prizes. Maska .
for sale at the hall.
"when you any Cold MedaTVloar
ho euro tt Is Wsikksra-Orethy1 Gold
Medal Flour. This ta InLaortanC