Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Omaha Dee
a rl'tn, reliable newgpaper that la
admitted to pacta and every home.
For Nt-brassa-Fair. i .
Fur Inwii Kulr and rnolcr. '
For weather report see page S-
Fortunes Await
Omaha Buyers
of Coal Lands
Fire Destroys Several Business Blocks
and Number of Residences at
Lenox, Mass.
It Will Probably Be Known as tha
Payne-Aldrich Measure Because
of Numerous Amendments.
Intimated Effects o'
e Amend
ments to Payn tn
1 ReTenue -i -
If Government Gas Engine Succeeds
Lignite Beds of North Dakota
Will Make Plutocrats.
V j
Eight-Cent Duty on Tea 1 "V i to
Produce Eight Milli
Committee Must Make Arrangement!
to Offset These Losses.
Ptrlalna; Oat Thru C'laaae on trade
nil nd l.imkrr Mean Loss of
Another Twenty Million
In Productiveness.
V. AHIUNUTON, April ll.-The estimate
of the revenue which the Payne tariff bill'
will produce for the. goveinment have been
reduced nearly I'.UOttMVO through the
amendments made to the measure tvfora
It was pawed by the house, and the senate
finance committee will have to provide
liioRitn for making up this difference If
the original estimates arc to bo met. The
Bulking out of several countervailing duty
clause on which no rtlmatea were made
probably will lessen the bill's productlvc
ns another IL'0.000,000.
The amendment taking oft the 8-ccnt duty
on a aubtracted I7.0nu.000 from the esti
mated revenues. The striking out of the
countervailing duty on coffee and the maxi
mum duty provision for a rate of 20 per
cent ad vvlnrem on coffee coming from
countries which do not give the United
Ktates the benefit of their moet favored
nation clause, disposes of what probably
would be $18,000,00 In duties.
Taking out tho countervailing proviso for
lumber and for petroleum, two amendments
made by the house, means a lost oppor
tunity to Increase the revenues by several
million dollars, It Is estimated. By repeal
ing the manufacturers' license tax for
formers desiring to sell the leaf tobacco
which they raise, the house has withdrawn
conlsderable revenue under the Internal
revenue law. A slight Increase In revenue
may be provided by the Increased tax on
Turkish filler tobacco, pineapples and barley
and barely malt.
Klflr Amtsanesti Made.
The senate finance committee materially
reduced many of the schedules of the Ding
ley bill as It passed the house, but In order
to Increase the revenue producing power
of the Payne bill the oommlttee will have
to take different action with regard to the
latter measure. The fifty or more amend
ments, all of which were offered by the
ways and means committee, have added a
few more changes to the Payne bill aa
compared, l9.thj. present tariff law.
In If? the senate Committee placed a duty
' of 14 cents per pound on hides, which was
later changed to It per cent ad valorem,
a rt now stands. The Payne bill, aa it
passed the house, like the Dlngley bill when
II went to the senate, places hides on the
free list. Under the Dingley law. hides
have produced a revenue exceeding V,,000,000
Maximum and Mlnlmam Feature.
Throughout Its various provisions, In
fi'irn. phraseology and rates of duty, there
are many change In the Payne bill as It
stands today from the provisions of the
Dlngley law. Its maximum and minimum
retaliatory feature, the additional method
of valuation for the purpose of preventing
iimler-valuatlons, and Its provision for the
f iflno,ftoo Issuance of Panama bonds and a
SioO.tKO.ON) Issue of treasury certificates, are
new. It extends the drawback so that do
mestic raw material may be used In lieu
of other material fur the purpose of col
lecting a drawback, provided an equal
amount of Identical Imported raw material
Is manufactured Into the same product upon
which the drawback Is collected. An In
heritance tax, by which It Is hoped that
iL-O.imn.flOO will be collected, is provided for.
The internal revenue law Is expected to
produce tl.Sw.OOO additional revnue because
of the increase In the tax on cigarettes.
The I wo Increases over the Dlngley rates
that aland out most prominently In the
Payne bill a-e those In the rates on wom
en's and children's gloves and hosiery.
Cocoa, which Is now Imported free of duty,
has been made dutiable at the rate of 3
iints a pound. I'nmanufactured mica has
been reduced 1 cent per pound and the man
ufactures of mica have a duty levied upon
them t cents per pound less than the Dlng
ley rates. The duty on manufactured ha
lites has been doubled.
loatala Many Reduction.
The Payne bill contains many reductions
from the Dlngley rates of duty. The duties
on lead ore and pig lend are materially
reduced, while the lumber schedule Is cut
In half. The differential on refined stigsr
Is reduwd S cents per luo pounds, Cot
tonseed oil and tallow are placed on tho
f fo1 list, aa well as licorice paste, fence
posts and kindling wood. Provisions for
the free entry, under certain conditions, of
bituminous coal, wood pulp and agricul
tural machinery have been Incorporated.
The duty on print paper, upon the recom
mendation of the house Investigating com
mittee, was considerably reduced. The
most Important changes made In the wool
schedule was the reduction of 5 cents In
the duties on shoddy and top-waste, and
change from an ad valorem to a specltlc
duty on tope, the general effect heitig a
slight reduction. A concession to those
who urged that works of are be placed on
the free list mas made by permitting the
free entry of objects of art at least twenty
years old.
Iroa and Steel Redared.
The Iron and steal schedules are distin
guished through a general cutting In the
duties. Iron ere Is placed on tho free list
and material reductions are made In the
rates on pig Iron, scrap Inn and steel bar
Iron, round Iron, blooms, structural iron
forging, anchors, cotton ties, steel rails,
tin plates, wire and numerous other arti
cle. One of tli meet Important provis
ions of the bill Is the Philippine free tr-tae
provlaton, which permits the free entry of
very product of the Islands, except rice,
and exempts from duty any articles Im
ported from tha t'nlted StaUs into those
Islands. The amount of sugar whl h may
be Imported la limited to ,0i tons an
nuslly, and the free Importation of to
bacco is restricted to SW 000 pounds of
wrapper, J.OW.Ouo pounda of tilier tobacco
and U.uuO.uuu clr.
Many Omahans believe they have for
tunes In sight because of Investments In
North Dakota lands, should the govern
ment popularize the Internal combustion
motors with which It has been experiment
ing and now declares will succeed the steam
engine as a means of generating power.
The Omahans bought the land, most of
which Is In the Little Missouri country,
because It will grow wheat, and now they
have found the lignite coal with which the
prairies are undcrlayed. Is to be used for
making gas. and their holdings may be
wanted shortly for conl mines.
Among the Omahans who have Invested
arc J. W. Thomas, Dr. J. B. Whittseker,
George F. Gilmore, Charlotte F. Fraisher,
Mrs. H. M. Heller, C. J. Green, John Nich
olson, Thomas Matters. Ralph W. Brecken
rfdge, H. H. Baldrlge, Dr. A. N. Anderson
and W. A. DeBord.
Most of tho Omaha land owners, who
may become coal miners, own a section of
the land, some of them more. In the vicin
ity of these lands is the largest seam of
lignite in the northwest, being forty-five
feet In thickness. The government declares
that In the Internal combustion motors a
ton of North Dakota lignite will produce
the same number of horse-power for the
same number of hours as a ton of the
best bituminous coal In the world will pro
duce with an ordinary steam boiler and
At 6 or 10 cents per ton the lignite on
some of the farms owned by Omahans
makes the land worth J150 to J 200 per acre.
Lignite sells In North Dakota for $1 to 1.30
per ton, though almost every rancher In
the Little Missouri river country has a
coal mine or his own and the farmers who
use steam plows, plow up the coal with
which to fire the engines. The government
says there sre 500,000,000,000 tons of the llg
nltc coal In North Dakota, much of which
Is along the Missouri river. The electric
light plants and pumping stations In the
largest towns of North Dakota are fired
with lignite and the 800 line has fired loco
motives with It.
Special Train
tor Minstrels
Al G. Field Shot Into Omaha at Rate
of Mile a Minute
The Overland Limited on the Union Pa
cific and all other trains on that road, run
ning between Grand Island and Omaha,
were sidetracked Sunday morning to give
a clear track for 146 miles to the Al O.
Field Minstrels' oars, running a special be
tween those two points In order to reach
Omaha In time for a matinee at Boyd's
The show cars were to have been hooked
Into No. 4. le&VIng Kearney at !:47 thla
morning, but were not, through some mis
take In orders, and special orders were
Issued from headquarters to "make good."
The cars were hooked to No. 14, leaving
Kearney at :47, and a fast run made to
Grand Island, where one of the road's
powerful engines, with steam up, was wait
ing. The show oars were attached and the
long run commenced.
The first seventy-fivs miles was reeled
off at the rate of a mile a minute and
the rest of the distance at a slower pace,
the entire run of 14S miles being made In a
fraction less than 170 minutes, or two hours
and fifty minutes. It was a record run
for a minstrel show on this section of the
I'nlon Pacific. Conductor Candish was In
charge of the special.
General Manager Beck Make Brief
Visit to Local House to
Inspect Plan.
Martin Beck, general manager of the
Orpheum, made a brief visit to the local
house Saturday, spending most of the
time conferring with architects for the
extensive Improvements to he made at
the close of the present season.
The theater will be entirely redecorated
and, fitted out with new opera chairs, the
arrangement of the boxes will be changed
and the seating capacity Increased. The
total Improvements will foot up to more
than (20,000. Mr. Beck expressed him
self as much pleased witli conditions
here. He la enroute for Ran Francisco,
where he goes to attend the opening of
the new Orpheum house, which is aald to
be the finest and most ornate theater in
Pearly Chandler, W how Cognomen la
Kept Quiet, Will Co to
Bad House.
"Pearly" Chandler, first and real name
otherwise unknown, bids fair to spend a
good deal of his young life in state peni
tentiaries. Chandler is now 22. Before
coming here he did three years and one
half at the California atate penitentiary
at San Quentln, and Saturday morning he
got five years more from Judge Sears for
breaking and entering a railroad car.
Chandler appears to have had just two
months of freedom.
Ruling Against Form of
Rebating Used by Packers
WASHINGTON, April ll.-The practice
of overvaluing dreaued beef transported
and of using such overvaluation as a basis
for claims agalnat railroad companies when
the beef is injured or destroyed In transit
must be stopped at once, according to a de
rision reached by Attorney General Wicket-sham
as the result of an Investigation
made because of complaints against on
of the large bef pacing companies of Chi
cago. There complaints alleged that tha
company had pUced a fictitious value on
dressed beef claimed to have been injured
or destroyed In transit.
The attorney general haa informed the
company that It must atop this practice
and has suggested to the Interstate Com
merce commission that It issue an order
Six Are Burned to Death and Number
Are Badly Injured.
Jumps From Building With Hair
and Clothes Ablaze.
Poor Large Warehouse Containing;
Three Hundred Thoaaand Poaada
of Tobacco Destroyed by In
cendiary Blase.
LENOX, Mass.. April 11. Six persons lost
their lives, three others were badly burned
and a property loss of between S200.000 and
ISno.Ono was caused by the fire which
started in the heart of the business sec
tion of Lenox early today.
Four business blocks, two dwellings and
two other structures were destroyed In
section bounded by Franklin, Main,
Ifousatonlc and Church streets.
The fire Is believed to have started from
spontaneous combustion. -.
The dead:
EDWARD C. VENTHF.S. electrician.
M18S LESLIE VENTRES, aavd 12 yeare.
M1B8 ALICE FRESCH. bookkeeper.
MISS ISABEL COOK, bookkeeper.
MISS MARY SPARKS, schoolteacher.
Mrs. Catherine Root and her two sons,
Georgo and Arthur, severely burned.
A fortunate shift of wind saved tho pub
lic library and the fashionable Curtis ho
tel. In the hotel there were several eastern
parties from New York and Boston. The
loss of life occurred In the Clifford build
ing, where the blaxe started, and resulted
primarily from a series of explosions
among the turpentine, paints, oils and
dynamite stored in the cellar.
The death of Miss French was one of the
pitiful tragedies of' the" fire. While the
blaxe in the Clifford block was at its height
a woman was seen to climb out of a flame
filled room onto a veranda on the second
story with her night clothing and her hair
ablaxe. Staggering to the railing the woman
leaped to the sidewalk beneath, landing in
a heap within five or six feet of the blazing
walls. Some of the horrified onlookers at
tempted to rush In to drsg her out, but
the Intense heat drove them back and not
until the flames had practically died out
was the body recovered.
While none of the beautiful summer resi
dences which have made this Berkshire
town famous tho country over were threat
ened, many .prominent New York and Bos
ton society people were at the Curtis hotel,
which wa at one time threatened.
MAYFIELD, Ky.. April 11. Fire of In
cendiary origin destroyed four large to
bacco warehouses here today. The ware
houses were owned by Lewis & Gordon,
Richard Wallrop, Sherrll A. Bearnett and
the American Snuff company, respectively.
These firms are Independent and have been
buying a great deal of loose tobacco. The
loss will reach about S2,O0O,00O. There was
about 300,010 pounds of tobacco lost.
Three Girls Are
Killed by Train
Three Daughters of Fred Foldorf
Ru" Down by Dl'nois Cental
. Flyer Near Dubuque-
DUBUQUF3. la., April ll.-The Illinois
Central "Flyer" struck and instantly
killed Anna, Mabel and Ruby, aged 7, 8
and 14 years, respectively, daughter of
Fred Foldoxf. four miles west of here to
day. The girls were walking on the track
toward the approaching train, but on ac
count of a high wind they had their heads
down and did not see the train. When
the englner rallied that the girl duT not
hear the train It was too late to slop.
Mewrll'a Term I Reduced.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April 11 (Special.)
Twenty-seveu years of Thomas L. Sewell's
term in the penitentiary for the murder of
Paul Morse hss been rut off by the State
Board of Pardons, which Issued a full par
don to the convict. Bewail, who was a
prominent ranchman, aa waa also the man
he killed, was sent up from Uinta county
In 19n6 to serve a thirty-year term. Now he
Is pardoned on the ground that there waa
evidence that the killing of Morse waa not
unjustifiable. Morse and Be well quarreled
over a horse herd and Sewell, when ar
rested for killing Morse, asserted that the
latter firat attacked him. There was no
witness to the killing, which occurred at
a lonely ranch In the Jackaon Hole country.
James Sears, sent up from Cheyenne In
1903 to serve ten years for burglary, and
Joel W. Long, sent up from Converse
county in 190 to serve six years for rust
ling, have also been granted full pardons
aid are at liberty.
Long and Charles Hanson, paroled while
serving a term for stealing sheep, passed
through Cheyenne today, enroute home
from the penitentiary.
prescribing the Investigation to be made
by railroads of all claims for damage or
loss of property during transportation.
The attorney general says that the com
plaints and investigation show that the
calculated cost price of injured or de
stoyed dressed beef 'Is In excess of the
actual cost price, because no allowance la
mad for the large profits realised from
the sale of the hides and other bi-products
and the facts diseloaed by th Investigation
ahow that the dressed beef, even when
marketed without any damage, rarely, if
ever, brings the amount fixed by your
company as its cost pries."
The attorney general a disposition of this
case la th result of a recent visit ta Chi
cago by hla assistant, Wad R. iUli.
From the Washington Sunday Star.
Several Hasten to Reanure Governor
of Their Loyalty.
Admirer Write Governor He Would
Look Beautiful Wearing; Srrord
Byrne and Berry man
Write Also.
(from a..$taff.tVriaiopiuU!nt.)
LINCOLN, Apnf litSpeoial.) The war
of the colonels Is on In dead earnest.
While Colonel Fanning deserted and re
signed in the face of danger and other col
onel have threatened to reulgn and quit and
leave the commander-in-chief to fight his
own battles In hla own way, other colonels
are standing pat.
Colonel Marshall who has been referred
to as a "long, hungry rooster," Colonel
Berryman, who has Just been spanked by
Mayor Dahlman In a political fight In
Omaha and Colonel Byrne, who smelled
powder when a member of Governor Shel
don' staff, have come to the front for
their chief. Each has bared his good, right
arm. drawn forth the trusty sword and
stepped Into the arena to do battle with
Colonel Fanning, or any other who dares
to claim the governor broke his word to
his brewer friends.
Each has written to the governor a let
ter pledging him undying devotion, prom
ising to stand forever by him. and to up
hold his good right arm whenever It needs
the help of friends. In addition nomina
tions for colonels to fill the vacant and
prospective vacant places are coming into
the governor, so that the enlistment of
colonels may be kept up to the full quota.
An Apollo Belvldere,
One tax payer and defender of the faith
ha proposed the name of C. E. Spens.
the handsome general freight agent of the
Burlington. The nominating letter reads
as follows:
Dear Governor Shallenberger: Tn these
daya of piping peace, when the gold lace
and epaulette are cast Into the furnace,
not out of umbrage at the architect thereof,
and swords are violently thrust Into their
scabbards, or are bunt broken or de
stroyed, by wsy of adding sparkle to ana
thema; when cursings instead of blessings
fill the air. my thoughts turn to you.
If you want to find tolerance for error,
even though it should be your error: If
you want a friendship that will not for
sake you or deny you thrice, or at all.
before or after the cock crows: If you want
a loyalty that Is unwavering and not
tempted by greed, whose sword will sup
port and defesid you with, as well as with
out, gold-embroidered habilment or rsn
sacled shako; If you want courage, someone
to do the right for the right's sake; if
you want the dlvlnest of A polios, whose
heartbeats keep time with truth and pro
gress, and whose promptings will be to
follow you. right or wrong; if you want
Integrity, friendship, manhood. Intelligence,
discipline, courage and a well-ordered mien
to comport therewith, on your staff, I re
spectfully suggest the name of Mr. Con-
(Continued on Second Page.)
"I'm delighted
with your new wo
man's column on
the want ad page,"
said one of our wo
men readers:
"My hairdresser wag sick and
looking over the 'Everything tor
Woman' column I found there waa
one near my huabtknd'a office oa
the aame floor, whom I knew noth
ing about."
For the eonuanJeare of our wo
men reader, many am all ad a are
run together under thla bead. It
make It easy to find what you
Have you read the want ads,
yet, today I
Creek Indians
Make Complaint
Oklahoma Militia Accused of Arrest
ing Full Bloods not Connected
With Crazy Snake's Band.
WASHINGTON, April ll.-Word was re
ceived by Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Lcupp yesterday from Eufaulla Harjo,
head man of the Four Nations council,
saying that tho state .militia,., in its at
tempt . to capture members of . the Crazy
Snake band who participated In the recent
outbreaks, are arresting fullblood Indiana
in no way connected with the Snakes or
their troubles and asking that the federal
government prevent the further arrest of
Innocent Creeka and demand th releaso of
those already In custody. Instructions
have been Issued directing Agent Kelsey
In Oklahoma to protect Innocent Indians.
Centennial of
Miami University
Oldest College in Ohio Will Cele
brate Its Hundredth Anni
versary in June.
HAMILTON, O., April 11. Miami unl
versoty, the oldest Ohio college, will cele
brate Its centennial at Oxford, June 12-18.
President Taft, who Is expected, is par
ticularly Interested In Miami university be
cause his father-in-law, John W. Hen on
of Cincinnati, since 1880 has been presi
dent of the board of that institution.
Whltelaw Reld, ambassador to Great
Britain, of the class of 1856, haa also prom
ised to be present.
The colleges of the south will be repre
sented by President F. W. Hlnltt of the
Central University of Kontucky, and of the
west, by President Albert Hill of the Uni
versity of Missouri.
Indicted for Enthralling I.aad Panda.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. April n.-(8pectal.)
The United State grand Jury, now In
aesalon here, has returned a number of
additional indictments. Among tha Indict
ments returned was one against Anson
Wagar, formerly United States commis
sioner at Dallas, Gregory county, who was
removed from office laat fall by Judge
Carland of the federal court for failure
to turn over to the United States land
offloe at Mitchell trust funds which had
been placed In his handa by homesteaders
In the Rosebud country, with which to
make payments on the purchase price of
their lands. The amounts which tho In
dictment charges him with having em
bexxled aggregate in the neighborhood of
$2,600. From two homesteaders he Is
charged with having taken the sum of
S48S.SD each, thla being the largest amount
taken from any one homesteader.
Burlington Woman Hunts
for Mysterious Relative
BURLINGTON. Ia., April n.-(Speclal)
A dispatch from St. Louis tells of the
visit there of Mrs. Minnie A. Shepherd of
Burlington to discover if possible the place
of residence of Mrs. Mary Kink, her aunt,
from whom she deaires to secure some In
formation concerning her birth so as t-j
enable her to-establish her l.lrntltly and
right to certain estates left by a relative.
Investigation here has discovered Mrs.
8hepherd. who live with her family
oul. tly on a rural rout a few mllea west
of Bunlngton. The odd thing about Mrs.
Shepherd's uuest for the relative tn Bt.
Iouis Is that th latter. litis writing to
her, refuses to make known her location,
and thus completely baffles her niece In
searching for her. In on letter Mrs. King
said she would com and see Mrs. Shep
Government Can Get no Special Con
tract for Seattle Exhibits.
He Talk Enthusiastically of Pros
pects of Western OH Field
and Benefit of Irriga
tion Project.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 11. (Special. -For
some time tho government has been cast
ing about for a railroad which would give
It the best rates on seventy car loads of
exhibits from Washington to the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc
exposition at Seattle. Not
less than thut number of freight cars will
be required to transport the national capi
tal end of the government's display and It
means a whole lot of money for freight.
Being more or less canny Uncle Sam de
cided to ask the railroads to offer special
rates on the whole outfit, but he very
soon found that he was up against one of
his own laws and that anything less than
the publlsl ' tariffs would land hltn
among the ' rehaters" and other undesir
ables. Wherefore, Uncle Sam will be com
pelled to pay the regular rnte and no more
ask for special privileges.
The first rain load of exhibits Is now
being made up and will soon be on its way
to the Pacific coast. Thirty days will be
required for the transportation. The gov
ernment buildings at the exposition are now
completed and ready for the Installation
of the exhibits as soon as they arrive. In
the history of our expositions the govern
ment has never yet failed to be ready with
Its buildings and exhibits on the opening
day. '
The Philippine exhibit, which will be
exhaustive. Is now on Its way from Manila
In two government, transports. The Ha
waiian exhibit, which was assembled by
the government and augumented by the
Honolulu business Interests, will be ready
to ship next week. The Alaska exhibit has
been dribbling Into Seattle for six months
past and now( is being moved out on the
exposition grounds. Much of the Alaskan
display from Interior points haa been
brought out over the winter trails by dog
teams and other northern conveyance.
Notable among the exhibits thus trans
ported was JS.ftno.flnn In gold dust from
Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome and the Susltna
Aside from the regular exhibit furnished
from Washington to expositions, the Seat
tle fair will have some unusual interesting
attractions. The national museum has ar
ranged articles and material of an histori
cal nature aa will Impart a knowledge of
our national history, more especially of
Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippines, and
that part of the country west of the Rocky
mountains. The Treasury department will
make one of the liveliest exhibits it has
ever undertaken, having besides the inter
esting life savers, a complete mint and
assay office which will take the crude ore
(Continued on Second Page.)
herd, but later wrote that she was ill. and
If she died Mra. Shepherd would be told
where she had been living.
Mrs. Shepherd has engaged legal assist
ance and will prosecute her search In
earnest for her mysterious relative. She
was lert parentless at an early see und
her childhood ia uncertain. If ane can
meet th mysterious aunt and secure from
her the information desired it Is possible
she will be able to claim a large portion
of a considerable estate. The reason of
Mrs. King for rfrfuSmg to nial.e her where
abouts known cannot be conji-etureil. and
her action In the matter Is very strange.
She evidently does not wish publicity, as
ah haa written on or two aeoldlng letters
to Mrs. Shepherd for putting her name In
the papera In an effort to learn th where
abouts of Mra. King
Democratic Members Will Be Called
Into Session Today.
Measure Will Probably Be Ready for
Conference in Thirty Days.
Few Set Speeches Will Be Made and
Democrat Will Probably
tontine Their Kfforta
to Amendments.
WASHINGTON. April ll.-The senate
will begin Its consideration of the Payne
tariff hill early this week, and because
of the large number of changes which
have bon made in It by the senate com
mittee on flnsnce. It probably will hence
forth be known as the Payne-Aldrlch bill.
It Is cxrwtert the measure will be re
ported tn the senate on Tuesday, but the
day cannot be definitely fixed until after
a. meeting of the full committee on finance
tomorrow. The bill, aa originally Intro
duced in the house by Mr. Piiyne. lias been
under consideration at the hands of hMh
tho majority and the minority members
of the finance committee ever since tha
day It was presented, but so far there has
not ben Joint meeting to consider It.
As is usually the case in (he preparation
of tariff bills, the republican majority haa
assumed the right to Indicate the senate's
attitude toward the bill, so that whatever
amendments may be suggested when It Is
returned to the senate will be the result
of their labors.
The calling nf the democrats Is largely in
formality so far as the schedules are con
cerned. They will, however, be asked to
go over the work of the majority mem
bers, and If for any reason they should
ask delay a day or two It probably would
bo granted. In all probability, however,
they will make little or no objection to
the reporting of the bill by tha repub
licans. '
Kew Set "perches.
It Is not rxpected a great many set
speeches will bo made In the senate, while
not accepting the protective principle, the
democratic members realise the measure
will be passed, and they are not disposed
to cause unnecessary dolav. Consequently
mi st of the discussion by tha democrats
wUI be ' upon the merit of amendments
which will be offered. Borne of them will,
however, demand considerable time. "The
general policy of republican member will
be to do little talking. Tha prevailing
opinion is that no less than a month will
be required for consideration of tha bill
by the senate.
The house will have a period of leisure
and while the senat Is wrestling with the
tariff bill the lower body will meet only
on Mondays and Thursdays. When tho
census bill, as passed ay the senate, will
receive attention, but little or no other
business will be undertaken. Speaker
Cannon will begin to prepare for the ap
pointment of the house standing commit
tee, ' which probably will be announced
prior to the final adjournment of tho ex
tra session.
President Taft
Attends Church
Executive and Wife Worship at St.
John's Protestant Episcopal
WASHINGTON, April 11. President Taft
attended Kaster services at St. John's
Kplscopal church, of which Mrs. Taft is
a member, today. Afterwards he was com
pelled to hold an informal reception on the
steps of the church. A large crrwd waa
waiting outside to get a, glimpse of him.
The president made ids exit from the
church In adv.ince of Mrs. Taft and It
was while waiting for her that a large
number of persons passed by and saluted
Mm. When Mrs. Tsft came forth the Im
promptu reception was abruptly halted.
Two Killed and Mne Injured When
F. st bound Flyer Loaves
TACOMA. Wash., April 11. -Two peop!
were killed and nine others were Injured
in the wreck of Burlington train No, 14.
which left Tacoma yesterday afternoon on
the Northern Pacific. The train waa de
railed one mile west of Bristol, between
Clllum and Kllensburg. last night. Engi
neer Franklin J. Hammond of Tacoma
and Fireman Johnson were killed. The
cause of tin! accident in unknown.
Striking a shurp curve roar Bristol st
high sped, th etrain 1ft the track and ran
nearly its own length on the ties before
coming to a stop. The engine turned com
pletely over and the mail car slid d.n
the track to the edge of the river. 11.
Hewitt, yuincy, III., was among tha in
Southern titles Bealn Orgaalsed
tanipalga Aaainst These Meaaces
to Health.
XKW ORLKANa. April II -The ent're
south hss notified the mosquito and th
house fly that they are undirabl clti
xens. The health authorities are opening
an early campaign against these dissemina
tors of diMrily diseases. The mosquito Is
not tho enly disiuise spreader. The house
fly distributes malaria, typhoid fever and
other di-ceases.
I'nder tiie direction of Dr. J. 8. White,
tho murine hospital surgeon who fought
the yellow fever In iTmG. a regular act of
laws and regulations have been davlaed for
southern cilia.