Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha
Wall Paper Clean-Up
Beverat lots to close out Monday, bought at
a price. Going to decorate this spring? Here's
where you save.
10c and 16c kitchen blocks and bedroom patterns,
roll Bo, 6o, 7o and Eo
35c varnished tile for bathroom, etclOo, 80c and BBc
60c and 75c Duplex Paper 8Bo and 36o
Jfc Ingrains, roll ISc
Flittered border to match, yard 10o
600 rnll ndds and end", at 3o
40c Sanltan 30o Plate Rail, up from..l8o
Room mould I UK, per font, up from 'O
We do decorating
A Corset Furore; Maker Says $1.50
(Third floor)
EUmlno and Casement Cloth for Summer Drap
eries and Curtalna. It's 40-lnches wide and
comes In floral and conventional designs In a
variety of colorings. Quite the correct thing
now. Monday special price per 21C
Matting Covered Shirt Walrl Ioih 29x17x13
Inches, substantially built and nicely finished 1M
Brass Cartel aYods Extension Rods, compute with
knobs and bracket, thia week, each lOo
We Say 98c
These are Season's Newest Models. Made for $1,50 Selling Bought 1-1 Under Price
You'll find them on the tables on the second floor Monday morning. The Illustra
tion shows the style precisely. They are batiste models, light In weight, but very
durable, made with new long hip and back and high bust, trimmed with Bonnaz
embroidery and fitted with 2 pairs web hose supporters. This Is an q
Ideal garment for spring and summer wear. Buy yours Monday, fcf
Summer rit)ie Book and any 15c Ladles'
Home journal Pattern
I 1 I V M
I llaM . fcr, .ttJ btWs
11 V
A $5 Silk Petticoat Free
with Suits
$19.50 & up
Dennett's make Gigantic Purchase
Most wonderful suit vent ever held in the west. The bargains are simply
Entire Stock on Sale
. ' Biggest suit purchase ever consummated by a western store.
From Hymen Cohn, New York
At almost unbelievable prices. Every suit is a marvel of beauty and good style. Made
from choicest materials handsome worsteds, in plain and fancy effects actual saving of
$10.00 and $15.00 on each suit. . v
SILK PETTICOAT. . . ..... ...
This; offer for Monday, only Petticoats are the best ' $5.00 values money can buy.
Choice of black or any color to match 'the new spring fabrics.
Two Weeks ago.'our buyer, while In New York, bought from a big eastern mill thousands of yards ot
new suitings, which on account of delayed shipment were cancelled by original purchasers. The loss was
tremendous. We bought these goods In conjunction with Hymen Cohn, a prominent New York manufac
turer ot suits, whose reputation for high class' tailoring is national In its scope and these suits prove It.
' There are no Jobs, no passe styles, no guess fits among these suits. Every one was made in the last
'two weeks after the most approved styles of the day. ' Greatest opportunity ever in Omaha,
Suits Worth $30.00
hundreds $11 tfl.50
J-U On
Including- S-00 811k Fetttooel
Suits Worth $40.00
Including 95.00 mik-Petticoat
ol ah
lira "oi
ii '' '
Fine Silks Tremendously Underpriced
Two great lots in Monday's sale that will be worthy the attention of all women. Our New York
office secured these silks from a prominent commission house at a fraction of their actual value.
Lots divided in two lots for quick selling:
3,000 yards of choice new spring and summer
silks, 50 full pieces, in all the latest shades new
rose, blues, greens, greys, etc. many with hair
line stripe, suitable for one-piece dresses; C.
also large lot plain messallnes and
taffetas and kimono silks; t
values at 85c, for
Lot two comprises a wonderful assortment of excellent
quality silks for all conceivable purposes, values in many
cases about a third real value. There are fine Foulard
dress silks, black silks of all kinds;
24-lnch silk broadcloth i. fancy
checks; pongees in new stripes; white
wash silks, etc., fl, $1.25, $1.50 values.
Genuine Imported Shantung Pongee Fine coal and durable for summer wear,
launders like linen.
Our price
Natural pongee color only. Sells everywhere at $1.00.
Imported Linen Suitings about
Just opened, 50 pieces choice fancy linens for suits;
come in neat checks, atrlpeB and plaids, In large
assortment shades, greens, blues, tans, . pinks and
white grounds, with colored designs. Best 50c qual
ity; 36-inch goods. 9Qf
Special. : Monday, yard
Linen Finished Suiting
If you prefer something less expensive, we -offer a
cotton suiting that is finished like linen; it comes
in the best colors with bordered ' effects also plain
without borders, tan. blue,' green, brown, ".old rose,
Reseda; all yard wide. Q
Special yard ...,...,..... . v
More stirprlHing Monday sales. You rarely see such ex
quisite, wide, showy embroideries so ridiculously low'
AUover Embroideries 3,000 yards for Monday. Beauti
ful new patterns for waists and dresses, values to $1,
for 39
Embroidery Flouncing Magnificent 24 and 27-in. goods,
elaborate in design, quality far above the average, 59c
goods Monday 25
Embroidery Match Sets Beautiful edgings and Inser
tions, all to match, all widths to 16 Inches wide, very
dainty ' patterns on Swiss or NalnBook materials, 500
pieces, Monday 19
25c Embroideries Half Edges, insertions, bands, gal
loons, widths to 18 inches. Don't know of better val
ues ever being offered before. Choice of thousands of
yards for X2 6
Sale of AValst Nets One of our best Monday bargains
consists of fancy waist nets In cream or white, neat pat
terns, regularly sell for 69c, Monday 20
Double Width Nets In cream, ecru and butter color for
waists, yokes, sleeves, etc 38J
$1.00 Trimmings for 48t
50c Trimmings for 19
25c Trimimngs for , 10?
Bright and "early Monday morning;
hundreds of new New York pat
terns replacing the ones Mold In
the Easter rush will be ready.
Most comprehensive assemblage)
of gorgeous fash
ionably correct hata
ever assembled at
poplar prices. In
cluded are many of
our Kaster 1 patterns
and show hats. Spe
ctul prices;
We guarantee you
biggest values. That's
what makes Bennett's
the busiest millinery
house In town.
' v 1
. Fashion's latest fancy. New York
is craiy over bronze kid footwear.
Tanneries are running overtime to sup
ply the demand. See the "Dorothy
Dodd" line we show today. Purple or
gold, gold or purple or both It is
hard to tell, the color Is so rich and
beautiful. It will be hard for us to
replace them. Better buy now.
$5.00 the pair
Stoves, Hardware and Paints v
' Monday Sales are full of promise for thrifty buyers.
CHls Bang specially priced; all styles, 'price up from 89.78 -junior
Oasollae Stoves, best make, 2-hole'.;v.y. : .". ,$a.4-s-
Foultrr Wire. In full rolls.'
square foot He
Blaok Sores a Wire, best qual
ity, square foot So
Specially priced In rolls.
Railroad Wheelbarrows, at
each 81.76
Diston Sand Saws, 26-1 neh.
No. D8, Monday $1.39
Spading Forks, extra good, t
tine, each 76o
and, JO stamps.
Bailey Iron Jack, plain. No. 5
or 6C, each . . $1.TB.
olid Spades,' or Shovels, at'
each .......'....76o
and ' 30 stamps.
Carpet Beaters, 4 sizes, 8 be,
80o, lBo and ........... loo
and 10 stamps.
Oarden Bets, .for children,
for ...... .860, ISo and lOo
and 10 - stamps...
Carter's White Lead, 100 lb. keg, per pound' , '. .70
Ready Mixed Paints, per gallon 81.30
Johnson's Prepared Floor Wax, lb 40o
(Double stamps on Paints and Varnishes, Monduy.)
r ,-Sale Decorated China
Fancy decorated china A sale of 500 beautiful pieces,
consisting of Chocolate Pots, Vases, Jars, Sugars and
.- Creams, Salad Bowls, Celery Trays, Tea Pots, Etc. Best
.'bargains in many a day: Values up to $3.00. m g
On sale Monday. Very special, r C
t at ,
JARDINIERES Soon be time to put flowers out-of-doors.
Need any Jardinieres? Here's a Monday sale of
. y t 6 and 8-lnch glazed jardin-
Jardmeres5 - lV -i
""" dinleres 49
Matt Green Fern Dishes with lining, regular $2.00 article
on sale for 08
Brass Fern Dishes with lining 98
Here's v Economy in Groceries
Bennett's Oolden Coffee, lb. ...
and 70 stamps.
Llpton's Teas, per pound
and SO stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Pepper, can , . .
and 5 stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Bak. Powder, lb.
and 30 stamps.
Ellen HardlneH, per can
and 10 stamps. -10c
pkg. Velvet Gloss Starch ..
Egi-O-See, 3 packages
and 10 stamps.
Nutlet Peanut Butter, 2 Jura....
and 10 stamps.
Horseradish, bottle
and 10 stamps.
Ruh-No-Mor Washing Powder,
packages for
and 20 stamps.
. .80
Marshall's Preserved Bloaters . .
and 10 stamps.
Schepp's Cocoanut. lb. pkg. ......
and 20 stamps.
Chocolatlne, per can ............
and 10 stamps. '
Bpratt's P.uppy, Cakes, large pkg.
Bennett's Capitol Extracts
and 20 stamps.
Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs., for ....
Bonheur Sardines,' large ""can
and L'O stamps.
xxnrs'B noun
Sweet Mixed, quart'
and 30 stamps. 1 '
Sour Mixed, quart
and 30 stamps.
Stuffed Melons, six for
Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup,
gallon 60c, quart
800 ,
A. $5,000 Purchase Fine Parlor Suites on Sale Tomorrow. A Bargain Opportunity Unequalled
Crass Bed
This Handsome Bed All
brass, twot-inch posts, with
heavy pillars and mounts
like cut 6hown above; won-
derful value, regu
larly $20.00
-TalNtrette or Stool
Solid white, iQuarter
sawed oak, , exactly
like QRn
U cut
This Brass Bed usually sells
at $40.00 to $45.00. It's a
massive affair, heavy posts,
heavy fancy pillars. You'll
find this the biggest value
in town
Other good specials
In brass beds, $28.00,
$26.60 and $21.00.
Taborette, like cut, is
12 Inches high, has
12x1 2-inch top. Pol
ished, golden gg
Hundreds of fine sample parlor suites exhibited in the. Exposition buildinir at 1319 Michigan Ave.. Chiaero. A selection from thousands of samnle suites His.
played by scores of furniture manufacturers who had exhibits in the building. Never have we had such wonderful offerings. No two suits are alike. Every one
trom the least expensive to the higher priced ones is a matchless bargain. Suites in oak, solid mahog
any, imitation mahogany for parlor, living room or library sale prices $11.25 to $130.00
Three .Piece
Parlor Suite
Very handsome
sjed great bar-
rm 111 ( vkwiwu nr&rrry
Parlor Suites, No. B7-11, as illustrated Built on
beautiful lines, in mahogany finish, beautiful up
holstered velour, loose cushions, skilled labor con
struction; absolutely perfect. In a regular way
sells for $55.00. Our price is $40.00 and 25 or
Yi discount makes net cost of this (F f
superb 3-piece suite )aU
$70.00 Parlor
Actual $85 value
in this sale
Three-piece Parlor Suite, built of birch, artistic
design, beautifully finished in mahogany, genuine
leather, tight spring cushions or silk plush, loose
cushions positively worth $35.00 chair, rocker
and divan; complete with brass casters 25
or one-fourth off marked price
makes it
Ret-d-FoldiUK Uu-tarU
Just like Illustration with parasol,
heavy tires fitted with brake;
beautifully up
holstered $12.75
We also have many other kinds and
styles, all of which are speclully
priced :
t'0.00 kinds 818.00
$8.00 kinds 8.00
This Oue-Motion Collapsible
Uo-Cart, SI 2. SO.
A nobby, durable and extremely
comfortable go-cart, made collap
sible with one motion. It Is fitted
with -lnch rubber tires, brass
nickel trimmed; padded spring
seat and back; leatherette dash,
storm apron and hood; tan, blue,
brown, white and green, as per
ct 12.KO
Others at $1.00, 87.60, 88.88
Eaiter erricei Are to Be More Elab
orate Than Usual.
P.lptt, Cfcele VMr
to 8lr Wkt Cos.
,urt Death Stta
IVobably never before have the Raster
mimical programs arranged by the churches
Df Omaha been so elaborate as those pre
pared for the prerent sacred festival.
All denominations and creeda have vied
In making the day one which will be r
nnmbered at least until another East.-r
rolls around. Ml forms of music are rep-
naented in the png ruma soloa. quartets,
tanlataa. and, in several of the churchea.
that greatest of all. the wonderful Halle
lujah chorus.
The addresses and sermons by the pas
tors of the city all have for their central
theme the resurrection and the thoughte
which are associated with It, and It Easter
weather Is at all what It should be there
probably will be a church attendance which
will mark a high-water mark In tbe re
ligious life of the city.
The choir of the Immanual Baptist,
Twenty-fourth and Plnknwy. will render
the following music Easier Sunday, morn
ing and evening:
Processional Hall to the Brightness of
Zlon s Ulad Morning Maaon
Anthem Awake, for the Golden Glories
lireak Kirk pat rick
Response Holy, Holy, Holy (Emmelar)
Barn by
Anthnm The Resurrection Hughes
Anthem Christ, the Lord. Is Risen To
day Iwls
Response Now the Pay la Over (Era
( mt'lar) Barnby
The special feature of Raster at the
Pint Congregational on Earner day will
be the story of the Passion play, in word
and song, at the 4 SO vesper service. Rev.
W. T. Young, who visited Oborammergau,
will render the story, Interspersed with
njuklc by choir and organ.
The beautiful Easter cantata "Death and
Life." by Harry Rowe Shelley, to be given
at the North Side Christian church Sunday
evening la one of this American composer's
most effective cantatas, representing the
crucifixion, burial and resurrection of
Christ. The strong choruses of the Jews
mocking Jesus, of the lamentations of the
multitude and the final rejoicing over the
resurrection, are connected by the solo re
counting Christ's giving up the ghost "the
world In sorrow weeping" and the visit of
Mary, with the bass solo slngtng the words
of Jesus. The chorus will be supported by
piano, violin and organ, and will be given
under the direction of Mrs. II. J. Klrsch
steln. First Baptist, Twanty-nlnth Avenue and
Harney Special Baater music under direc
tion of Margaret Boulter, organist, and
choir of sixteen tralnod singers, Including
the following soloists: Mrs. Lester T. Sun
derland, soprana; lira. L. E. Harter, con
tralto; George 8. Johnston, tenor; L. L
Greenfield, baas; W. Y. Nixon, base.
MORNING 10:30.
Organ prelude ..' Patrelll
Anthem Blessed Is He That Comotli....
Choral response Black mer
Organ offertory Granler
TVnor Solo Hosanna
Mr. George 8. Johnston.
"Olivet to Calvary," a sacred cantata by
J. H. Maunder.
Organ Prelude Lai go Handel
Introductory remarks Dr Con ley
Chorus When Oer the Steep of Olivet..
Air (tenor) Like a Fair Vision
Recitation and Air (baritone) O! Jeru
salem Bolo (soprano) and Quartet Another Tem
ple Awaits Thee, Lord LHvlne
Recitation (tenor and baritone And
Jesus Entered Into the Temple of Upd..
Air (tenor)-Not of TlUs World the King
dom of Our Lord
Chorus 'Twas Nigrht O'er Lonely Olivet..
Solo (tinor) He Was Despised
Solo (baritone) and Churus Come Unto
Hymn, Congregation Standing Just as I
Prayer by Pastor
Response Blackmer
Organ offertory Chopin
Solo (contralto) A New Commandment..
Chorus (unaccompanied) O Tlaiu Whose
Sweet Compassion ....I
Recitation And When They Had Sung a
Chorus And While He Yet Spake
Solo Ye Who Sin and Ye Who Borrow..
Chorus with Solo (baritone) Crucify 11 lm.
Choral March The Saviour King Goes
Forth To Die
Recitation (baritone) And When They
Came to the Place
Chorus Droop, Sacred Head
Hymn, (congregation standing) Rock of
Postlude Halleluia Chorus. .Handel-Dubola
Calvary Baptist. Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton. Rev. E. R. Curry. pasU rr Easter
Easter Hymn (One verse) Wesley
Anthem Welcome Happy Morning
Scripture Reading
Tenor Solo Kustir Bona Ifcnnee
W. H. Wilbur.
Anthem Triumphant Strains Arise
Responsive Reading
Soprano Sulo Hall Joyous Morn....Cadman
Miss Mabel Fulton.
Has 8' lo Come See the Place Where
Jesus Lay Parker
Wlllard Chambers.
Sermon The Resurrection of the Body
Rev. Dr. Curry.
Anthem Crown Him With Many Crowns
Quartet choir Is composed of Miss Mabel
Fulton, soprano; Miss Delia Snellbacher,
contralto; Wlllard Chambers, bans; VV. H.
Wilbur, tenor and director.
Processional, "The Message of Gladness,"
Junior department.
Invocation by the pastor.
Responulve Binle reading, "Chords of
Trio, "Sleeping In the Oarden Tomb."
Elmer Edman, Arthur Snruiii. Chuilea
Recitation. "With Morning Light." Elea
nor Carpenter.
Solo. :'Wakes the Ranter Morn," Miss
Snell; chorus ty children.
Bong, "Merrily Swing," Junior depart
ment. Kx. rt'Ue, "At the Voice of the Lord," all
of Carpenter's class.
Sing, "The 10 it.) in' Message," Martha
Nolile. Gladys Barlow, Notialee Veasey,
Winifred Lattirop and Grace Hull. y.
Recitation, "Tl.e Glad Awaking,' Gladys
Bong. "In a Beautiful Song." Juniors.
Exercise, "The Wonderful Easier Light,"
Mrs. Noble's class.
Chorus, "The Prince of Life la Risen,"
Organ Offertory. "Chorus of Angels,"
Miss Curry.
Responsive Bible Reading, "Chords ot
txjim. "Tbe Stone la Rolled Away," school.
"Arise In Us," Madeline
Hymn, "Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today,"
Recitation. "Chorda of Jov." Mnhln uv..
Song, "Strains of Victory." Juniors.
HecltAtlon. "O ninrlnnu XI,-.....
Tulp. 1 ,i,n
Song. "Garlands of Gladness," school
Recitation. "Hark! Creations Lofty
8irain." Ellen Erickson. 7
Closing Chorus, "Hallelujah Chorda "
Ordinance of baptism.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Twen
tieth and Duvenport. Order of morning ob
servance, 10:30:
Prelude-Processional of Knights of the
Holy urall Parifal) Wagner
Opjnlng Hymn (No. la-Come Ye
Faithful. RaiHe the Strain Sullivan
Recital The Apostles' Creed Choral Amen
moral lnvocatlon-By Thy Triumph
Over the Grave Redhead
The Prayer-By the pastor, choral three
fold Amen
Ancient Hymn-The Strife Is Over' (from
Sung by the Choir unuccompanled.
The Psalter-Raster Responsive lesson,
page So
Gloria Patri Choral Response iiarnby
The Soripture The Twenty-Eighth
Chapter of Mathews' Gospel
Hymnal (No. Iii6) Welcome Happy
Morning Colkln
The Choir-Choral Setting of the Nlcene
. t' Woodward
The Sermon The Message of Immor
tality "
Dr. Loveland.
The Offering During which Mrs. Kelly
will sing the offertory solo. "I Know
MMy . Rdenr Llveth" (from
the Messiah) Handol
Baptlsm-The Beautiful Rervtce'or Con-
-craNrn for Children
FlnaleThe Hallelujah (from the Mes-
alah) Handel
Benedlction-By the Pastor-Choral Amen
i ostiufie
Evening choral observance at 7:46, Mr,
Thomas J. Kelly, choirmaster:
Opening Hymn (No. 152)-Oh Come and
Mourn, Versus 1 and 3 Dr. Dykea
Prayer - By the Pastor - Choral
threefold Amen
The Passion The seven worda of our
Saviour on the cross, set to muslo by
Haydn. Produced as instrumental muslo
In l.fco A. D. Presented In present form
with text In 17W A. D., thus being 1U
yuars old.
Introduction Organ
Chorale (unuccompanled) Father For
give Them
Chorus Lamb of God '
Chorale (unaccompanied) Verily I
Kay Unto Thee
Chorus (with quartet) Lord Have
Chorale (unaccompanied) Woman Be
hold Thy Bon
Chorus (with quartet) Daughters
Weep Not
Chorals (unaccompanied) Ell-Ell-Lama
Chorus O My God Look Upon Me....
Intermexxo- Largo-Organ During which
(CooUauttd ea Beventa Pag.)