Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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THK OMAHA SUNDAY I1KK: Willi. 11, 1!in).
of Very Fine New
Dress oods
Bought at Less Than k Price From
A. GLUCK; 326 Church St.. N. Y.
Four cases of 54 to 60-inch
finest all wool tailor suitings,
54-inch French serge and
panamas, 54-inch chiffon
weight Rajah weaves, fancy
stripes and herringbone suit
ings, 54-inch novelty suitings
specially ar
ranged on bargain
square in one lot
no reserve at,
Actually Worth $1.50 to $2.50 a Yard
S1.00 Quality All Silk Fancy
Special purchase at 35c on the dollar from
I'aterson, New Jersey, silk manufacturer's
surplus stock 24 inches wide, in two styles;
fancy patterns, also plain weaves. Navy,
reseda, catawba, new brown, natural cham
pagne, Holland blue and black positively
worth $1.00 a yard. Just when
Rajahs and such weaves are so
much in vogue, at, yard
Monday Is Pongee Silk Day
Pongee and Rajah Weave Silks
Wonderful display of new colorings at Brandeis.
All our $1.35 27 Inch Rajah weave Bilks, yard $1
All our fl satin Rajah weave Bilks, at. yard. . . 69
$1.35 Imported Natural Pongee, OA
33 Inch OuC
The genuine, our own Importation, at yard ... -80
36-lnch Shantungs, Worth $1.50, at $1
For coatings, 2-piece suits, automobile coats and tail
ored suits.
$1.65 Black Silks at 95c Yard
Yard wide all silk, deep black Peau de Sole and spe
cial Lyons black dress taffetas, at yard 95 C
We limit 15 yards to a customer and fill mall orders.
Special Lyons black perspiration proof and spot proof
ilabutal dress silks, worth 75c yard, at, yard 30
fancy grey mohair suitings, also fancy stripes
and plain colors, including black,
at, yard.,.
The scarcest fabrics in the market today.
4 0 Inch all wool cream serges, yard 6f)?
4 8 Inch all wool cream serges, yard 89
54 Inch very finest quality cream serges, yard 81.39
Scarlet Broadcloth and Twill Suitings $1.75 Yd.
On our main floor silk and mercerized novelties,
fancy linens, silk dots, silk r ZCfc
organdies at, yard DmjjQ
Buy an Easter Lily Today
Hundeds of beautiful Easter Lilies on sale all
lay in our south lobby. Llllles in pots at per plant,
40c and up. also lilliea sold by the bloom for 15c a
Specials In Linens Monday
Linen Sheetings for Suits
$1.75 quality 90
inch all linen
sheeting very
good for suits, at,
yard 1.25
$1.50 quality 90-
lnch sheeting,
pure linen and
heavy weight, at,
yard OHc
Table Damask
36-lnch waistlng
linen, our regu
lar 50c linen, at.
yard 39c
Purs Irinh and drmn Unen Table Damask, full Z yds.
Wide worth $1. at, yard, 68c.
tide quality cream tnhle damask, fine quality, full "2 in
chtii wide, at, yard, 33c.
100 all pure linen pattern tabH cloths, bleached and sliver
blenched 1 to 3 ynrd lengths; worth to $4, at, each, 11.98.
(4 0 hemstitched nets, 'JS yard table cloths and one dos.
out rut corners, at each, 1 H.
15.00 Satin Marseilles Bed Spieads, fringed with or with
out cut corners, at. each. 2 98.
M-!nrh 3-row ilrawnwork lunch cloths $1.50 values, at,
each. 9c.
Fancy Linens
If Rennaissance lace i & Rennaisanre lar
scarfs 20-1.4 linen Centura, H''irt vr f,n,, MUslity,
, -h I hamldrawn centers, at.
at. each, Sc eaul) $2 5l)
Women's Low Shoes
"Ve show every style that is new
and up-to-date new blacks,
suedes, all shades of brown and
tan, ot. ankle strap pumps,
oxfords and ties built for
style and comfort, too; a pair,
ut.$3.00. $3.50 and $4.00
iigf mwmmmA mm
An Early Showing of the Correct Styles in
Women's Suits na Skirts Dresses Coats
4t There never was a showing of (he delightful
frocks for summer that was so comflete and so beau
tiful as this. Brandeis is always first to show the
neiv styles.
THK XKAV COLOKKD WASH DKKSSIOS In prclty cambrics, lawns, mulls, percales,
chambrays and French ginghams and madras cloths. $3.08, $3, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15
LING ERIK DRKSSKS Beautiful sheer mull witli lace and embroidery insertlngs and
trimmings, in white or colors $5, $0.08, $10, $15, 25 and up to $85
THK DAINTY MOW I-INKX DltKKKKS In white or colored French or German lin
ens, embroidery, braid and lace trimmings, at, $12.50, $15, $10, $25 and lip to $10
SMART MNKN 811TS KOK 10o Two and threeplcce linen suits in white and colors,
plain tailored and braid trimmed, some with lace and embroidery insertlngs
at $10, $15.00, $10, $25 and up to $75
White Serge Suits
A'euj prtttti ailortd whits
serge suits, with all the
pretty models of tJie season,
at $25, $29, $32.50, $35, $39
White Serge Skirts
Tlust pr omise to be tlie more
popular tkirts for the com
ing season, all new fea
tures, at $5, $6.98. $8.98,
$10, $12.50 and $15.
Irish Crochet and
Real Lace Waists
These eome in all 0u good
real lace, such as Irish,
I'rincers, French-Irish,
etc., at tlO, $12.50, $15,
$19, $25, and up to $49.
M The Famous King
Tailored Waists
Every discrivUnating m .
man in Omaha will o)
preriate these,- at $1.98.
$2.50, $2.98, $3.50, $5.93
and $5.00.
Later tl
Fashionseal" Suits for Women
The new styles in these matchless ready-to-voar suits are even
more attractive than those earlier in the season. The light
weight fabrics are prominent. Chic style y C
features that are new P
-0jy-- .V- w A w - .V- w w ,V- .fr--. ,V- w .V - . yt, -A A, "A
The New Styles
Tht late tpring sty Us art difftrtnt.
During the few days preceeding Eas
ter, the demand for Easter Millinery
was so tremendous that we sold prac
tically every hat in stock. The millin
ery we bring forward tomorrow is all
shown for the first time.
Charming Trimmed Hats
Every woman in Omaha knows that
Brandeis is the only store whore $5
hats are strictly up-to-date and made
(with high class imported trimmings.
Brandeis $5 hats compare favorably
with other hats at $ll!.50 and $15.00.
The styles we show Mon- tN
day are all fresh and new. hP!
Never such a variety, at . .
in Later Spring Millinery
Hats are more graceful, more artistic and vastly more becoming.
Very Smart Street Hats
The practical hats are in every correct
shade of straw, simply, but very ef
fectively trimmed with fruits, flow
ers, aigrettes, etc., specials at
S10, S12.50 and S15
New Showing of Misses' Hats
This in a separate section with tin ami is equlpv1 per
fectly to supply the ripnianri for ctter and nior pp.
proprlate hats for Juveniles llaiiv rIvIpm ttint aro
tf."'v.!.T'.,..I,nd:,."T. $1.50 to $7.50
Imported Millinery
Strictly new styles, including the larger and
more graceful roll rim sailors and the new
medium and large hats with slight mush
room effect, the favorite trimmings are nov
elty aigrettes, French flowers
and foliage, many elaborate..
Heady to trim hats, in all the shapes that are
strictly new and suitable for late
spring and early summer, at ....
-8 that are
Monday's Great Bargains in Our Basement
Wash fabrics that are up to Brandeis higher standard of quality. Prices are considorablv lower than elsewhere.
2 yard wide un
bleached sheet
Kvryone expects
to buy the beauti
ful striped and
checked Egyptian
tissues at 26c yard,
you will find every
pattern here at yd
Yard wide dress
percale, good
lengths for house
dresses, regular
10c values, at.
Ing at the muslin
counter Monday,
at, yard
Daintiest designs in clear,
beautiful color printings,
rosebuds, sprays, dots, fig
ures, spots, stripes; good val
ue for 15c a yard, off the
bolt Monday qu bargain
square, hundreds of
patterns, at yard. . . . IUC
42 and 15 Inch
wide bleached
pillow casing
good value at
12'4c yard, at.
Monday 36 inch
wide bleached
muslin in long
lengths equal to
Fruit of the
Loom or Lons
dale, at yard
Full standard
di-ess prints, all
the new bordered
patterns, Monday
In dress lengths,
at, yard
New Arrivals in Drapery Goods and
Lace Curtains for Spring
Scrim Curtains trimmed with filet or cluny lace vei v now,
per pair $2.98 to $4.50
Cluny Curtains We are showing a large assortment at,
a pair, from. ".92.98 up to $7.50
Brussels Net Curtains Double net, plain and figured cen
tersspecial for Monday at, pair $2.98 and $3.98
Mission and Colonial Net Curtain i ItoMer Holla, made of light wool
These are the latest for living I with opening for pillows cov
rooms, at, pair, $1.98 to $4.50. I cred in pink or blue cambric
K-n-L- iv-.itin., complete, each, $1.9 S.
plete assortment in Oiuaha, at,
pair, 9Sc up to $3.50.
Filet .Net -In Arab color, 50 In.
wide over 25 patterns worth
76c yard, for Monday, yard, 59c.
Madras We import our madras
direct and our stock is now com
plete, yard, 39c up to Sic
Wool Hug Fringe All colors, at.
yard, lihic
lull Size Curtain Ktrct-li
Most stores ask f'i for these
our price, each, $1.25.
rrtlere Many new styles in
portieres, at pair, $3.25 up to
Window Kliatle a-6 complete
ach, 25c.
Curtain IIimIs Regular 15c Mud,
at. rat h, 10c.
Best Stock In Omaha to Select From
All the Newest Spring Patterns
Our famous English Wilton Hugs 'Jxlli size and seamless
rich new patterns, in soft Persians and orientals i
lie price is
Famous Arundel Body Brussels Rugs
These elegant rugs are iu all sizes self tones and small
allover patterns. The !xl2 size is $27.50; the 8-;J.10-(
size is $25.00; the 5.!) size is $16.50. All other sizes
in proportion.
Sanford Axminster Rugs
Best moderate priced rugs in America. They rival the
real orientals size is $25.00; 8-.'5xl(i-fi size is
$22.50; lx!) size is $15.00.
Special $25 Rugs at $11.98
(Ireat lots of vugs in Velvets, Axniinsters ami
Brussels !xl2 size, worth to $J.").lM), ait.
Fine Hand Loom Embroidered
Ulaisf Fronting
A new shipment French batiste waist front
ings choice designs, in Madeira, hexagon,
crochet and (irecian effects white and del
icate colors; on great bargain f f)
square Monday worth up HllO
to $L0) h yard; at, yard UUU
18-in.. 22-in., 27-ln. Wide
Fine Swiss and nainsook embroidered flounc
ings, skirtings choice new designs Ma
deira, crochet and Japanese ef
fects; also dainty baby patterns
worth up to 7.k a yard, at. . . .
25c Flouncings at 10c and 15c
18-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings
and corset eover widths, also insertions.
headings, galloons and medium and wide
edgings, worth up to 2oc
a yard, at, yard
10c Val. Laces 5c Yard
Fine French and German Val. laces and in
sertions, also French torchon and cluny laces
many to match worth up to 10c, C
a yard. at. vard
Two radium clasps. Correct shades for Fas
ter bluet, mustard, apricot, green, blue,
grey, catawba, tan, brown, also black and
white finest selected grenoble kid. Fitted
to the hand per pair $4 50 $Q
at and"
Short Kid Glove, two clasp, all colors, also English
tans, worth $1, on bargain square, pair GO
Jjong Silk Gloves, double tipped, Mllanoso nnrl trlcoi
weave, ton, grey, white and black, all sizes, $l.2."
values, pair 60c
Throughout This Entire Week
Special Demonstration
and Sale
A special repre
sentation and ex
pert corsetlere
from the Gossard
Co., will be in at
tendance. There are so many
points of superior
ity about thlrt
front lace corset
thst every woman
who taken any
pride in keeping
her figure slum hi
know ahoui thorn.
Stout can
attain the correct
new figure easily
and comfortably
by choosing Uih
right Goshard.
Every woman will find that this superior corset
induces and fixes permanently the shapely habit hack.
The hips disappear and the figure takes on graceful
Woruen, who a few years ago were contented with
some one dollar corset and a poor figure, have rarni
that the best corset is none too'good to bring out the
best lines in every figure.
Novelties in Jewelry
Scores of the mo6t attractive new arrivals from
our Paris office the Jewelry that will be most popu
lar this summer. Buy the fads now Oille ihey me
genuinely new." The prices are quite moderate. ,
Drug Specials
10c Liquozone Soap. . .5c
Ivory Soap, per cake. 4c
10c Jap Hose, special. 7c
25c Lavender Camphor
at ..12o
3 Be Dusters, special. . 1 Be
10c SbinoU Cc
25c Sanltol .Tooth Pow
der 11c
25c Dr. Graves' Twirli
Powder j ,:
25c Williams' Tali-uni
Powder ijc
Eagle Castile, 7 nlen
for -,c
50c Milkweed Ciemn.;i7c
25c Bonner's .Shami.oo
I i'i Mmi.
I.le Ilia, I .
mill. 'i lul
I'M kill n, v
TJI - at the drug dpt. from 10 a m. .,
a ree "" ,r,ai itu or Abi.uu p.i..-
Itemedy. I'rove to yourself 1 1 .-
Curative Potvna of this In valuable ilMi'inn
tiouulr, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, selutie hu1 all etli.-r
forms of rheumatism. In perfectly tiiirml' hh ha cured
thousands why not you? That none but rlM'ii'matic iuf
frrera shall obtain a free bottle, a ileponlt ol lfle will be
required. The full amount, 10c. will be returned by the
manufacturers when the free bottle In empty, and you
writ them regardtiiK results obtained
We sell tha big- 91.00 Bottla of Abbott Bros. Bbaumstlo
Kerned jr for 80o