Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 4, Image 32

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: Flour Mill to Exchange
Up-to-date flour mill, first-ctsss condition,
both steam and water power. Iocs ted at
Tekamah. Neb.; plenty good milling wheat
' raised there; good custom trade; also big
demand for feed atuff ; mill can be kept
running day and night and a very pro-
' fitable business done; thla property will
be exchanged for land, city property or
merchandise; property la clear and a loan
can be obtained If desired.
National Investment Co.,
HI Branded Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
S)-M763 12
Brandela Bid.
(S)-M739 U
OA acres western land, fine aoll, no aand.
Increasing In value dally. Trade for
Omaha home cloar. Price $20 per acre..
Inc., fl.280. Address W 290, care Bee.
(31-M741 11
JTO GET IN or out of bualneaa call on
OANGE6TAD, Room 401, Bee Bid.
FOR BALE Clean general atore In live
town of 700; forty ml lei from Lincoln;
, Invoice about 110,000; doing a caah busi
ness; owner wanta to go to Washington;
exceptionally few ahelf worn gooda;
aprlng llnea bought; all department In
good ahape; no run down trading atock;
' tradea not considered. Addreaa T 838,
care Bee. (4)-M663 12x
FOR SALE Beat equipped meat market
In n. e. Neb.; good bualneaa; Investigate
quick. Addreaa Y 36, care Bee.
GOOD pool hall. Retail, cigar business.
Good location. Address J 282, care of
Bee. (4) M484 llx
FOR BALK A blaoksmlth shop, tools and
stock, with dwelling; have good business.
A. E. Morehead, Adavllle, la.
(4)-M483 16x
A OOOD paying reataurant; easy terma;
cheap for cash. Address T 167, care Bee.
, (4) M482 16x
BAKERY FOR BALE) Only one In town.
No. 1 location; county seat; population
1,600; two railroad. A good proposition.
L. Box 46, Northvllle, B. D. (4) M478 llx
BTORB and lease, pays $75 PER MONTH
BESIDES a good living; 1700 takea It, and
It la on one of the beat streets In Omaha,
If you have the money, come In; If not,
don't bother. Nowata Land and Lot Co.,
Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
'Phone Red 1899. Open evenings.
(4)-M506 U
INFORMATION wanted from Inventor who
has patent for sale which would be money
maker If properly placed upon the mar
ket; wish to hear from Inventor only who
will sell direct to buyer without paying
any commission. Please give lowest spot
' caah price,' or terms on royalty basin. No
agents need answer. Give brief description
snd price, on't send blue prints or draw
lngs. Address I. A. Lesher, 47 Went Mon
roe St, Chicago, III. (4) M576 llx
CIGAR stores, five of them, for sale cheap,
from 1300 to tt.OflO; every one a bargain.
(4)-M761 11
TURNED Illustrated guide book and Hat
of Inventlona wanted, free to any addresa.
Patenta secured by- ua advertlaed free
In World'a Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wilkens A Co.. 638 F St., Wash-
logton. D C. (4)-
FREE Lots worth 8100 each; limited num
ber given away to advertise growing
town and railroad center between Seattle
and Portland. Apply promptly for Illus
trated folder. Write today. Oregon and
. Washington Development Co., Central
Bldg., Seattle, Wash. (4) M674 Ux
IMMENSE opportunity., GOO to 1.000 per
cent profit from the start for $15,000 cash,
absolutely secured. The Commercial Ex
change. Box 287, Pueblo, Colo.
(4)-698 tlx
INVESTORS new hand book on curb and
mining stocks, free on request. Contains
timely and valuable Information. Harold
. L. Bonnet, 26 Broad St., New York.
. 4 600 Ux
' . 8 UCCKflS Almost certain selling mer
chandise by mail; make several thousand
dollars annually, new plan; we furnish
everything; $26 to $100 necessary. J. ft. P.
Lackey, 2232 LaSalla, Chicago.
(4)-403 llx
' Vacant storeroom; natural supply point
for., dense population; money spenders. A man with adequate atock of grooeriea
and family supplies can make good money.
Bee owner, 1101 N. 18th St., 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.
- . (4)-M773 17
" FOR BALE A nice, clean atock of general
merchandise In a good, live county seat
- town; dry goods, millinery, shoes, grocer
'Ics; located In northeastern Nebrasks;
atock and flxturea Invoice for about $10,000.
,, A good opening for a good man. Will rent
building. Will take half cash, the balance
exchange for good land. Addreaa R. A.
. Racely. Pender. Nab. (4)-60 11
GROCERY STORE for aale; I have svn
or sight of them that wl'l be sold cheap;
come and look over my list.
(41 M759 H
WEED KILLER Just out, I to I acres
,' killed per hour; patent rights. Partlcu-.-
lars free for stamped envelope. Jos. F.
Dunn, patentee, BL Joseph, Mo.
(4) 603 111
THE FLATHEAD Indian Reservation,
heretofore withheld, will soon be opened
" - for free settlement by the 1'. 8. govrrn
ment; 1,4116.000 acres. Some claims worth
$6,000 each. Advance Information tree.
' The Honvaeekera" Magailne, ! Kullroad
' Bldg., Denver. Colo. (41608 llx
' HONEY Do you need It? We can furnish
aapltal for any meritorious enterprises.
'.'.' aHook and bond Issues sold cn commission
- basis. Metropolitan investment Co., 131
'' La Ball St., Chicago. (4) -606 llx
tires. A splendid chance for young man.
House furnishing goods, with established
trade (36 years), best store In county seat
of one of the best counties of Illinois.
I Cash or exchange good farm or hotel. If
you want to get a good established bust
.. ness here's the opportunity. Address E,
; B. ' Comings, 401 Bcarrltt Bldg.. Kansas
w. Ill W 11X
. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil.
gaa and railway stock and bond Issues
sold direct to Investors; commission
' basis. Samuel Graham ft Co.. Belling
i. rirokers, 3 Bacrament street. Montreal,
i , c-anaaa. ( ajy.s m
OOOD. clean atock of dry goods, notions,
ladles' and gents' furnishings In Omaha:
Invoicing $7,000; owner wlshea to retire:
a genuine money-maker, doing a caah
bualneaa, wouia tans aome city property,
balance cash. Address A 291. care Bee,
(4)-M742 11
MINES The Mohican mine pffsra splen
with -owner. Give price and full desert p-
- lion. au ureas 1 u., BOX HM tl, Roches
tor. N. Y. 4,
WANTED Reliable man with $1,000 to rpen
and manage branch office of our bualneaa
in eacn my or www population or over
. mutt he able to appoint and me mute .oh.
agenta; only firat-class party, capable of
earning a salary or ilbo per month and
e penes, and $3,000 to $5,000 per year In
commissions cn business dons thromh
his agenta, need apply. We are reliable
'manufacturere, making a line of rt
selling staple goods. Don't answer unless
you mink you can qualify. J. F. Law
rence, secretary, 3u2 W. Lake Bt . Chicago.
jAROE PROFITS easily made trading In
wheat If you know how. I teach you how;
by tue. Pay no money until you are satis
fied. Write Lock Box 6. Chicago.
(t)-M6 lis
, IAVE you anything to advertise? Tell
your story to over 1000,000 readers for tie.
We will piaesi a 24-Word clasalfled adver.
,., ttsemant one time In 24 of the leading
newspapers of the country. Ws provs
insertion. Our 19U reus book of adver
tising for 10c Dearborn Advertising
euoy til Dear bora 8l Chicago.
IV-Mafl 11.
WANTED Information regarding good
business for sale; not particular about
charscter. also or location: prefer to deal
did Investment opportunities; small In
vestors should acquire atock In thla mine;
descriptive prospectus :ind letter on re
quest. Write C. M. Oliver. Vancouver,
B. C. (4)-607 llx
WANTED Manuscripts (1,500 words up.
for publishing new author's meritorious
works, prominently featured. Unexcelled
publicity opportunity. Aberdeen Publish
ing Co., Z5 6th Ave., New York.
i 4) M828 llx
A NEW LAW In Delaware; charters 10c a
$1,000; return mall; our fee email; every
thing furnished: stock guaranteed with
government bonds collateral and sold on
commission; beware pf Imltstors with no
testlmonisls. Lawyers' Title and Trust
Co., Wilmington, Del. (4)
WANTED Informst Ion regarding a good
patent which would be a money maker.
Only Inventor who wlshea to aell outright
or on royalty haaia. need answer. Give
price and brief description. 8. M., Box
64 E. Rochester, N. Y. (4)
WOULD like to hear of stock for sale In
any enterprise where an Investment of
several thousand dollars would be safe.
L Derbyshire, Box 1810, Rochester. N. Y.
Beventeen-room house snd two hits, good
repair, permanent walks, one block from
rourt house, three blocks from depots;
suitable for boarding house or hotel; live
town; good trade. F. M. Flllik. Albion.
Neb. 4)-M75 llx
ADVERTISING placed In leading dally.
Sunday and weekly papers st lowest
rates. Lists, estimates and advice free.
Mre A Co., Advertising Agents. Phila
delphia. Pa. (4)-M686 llx
OLD established real estate, rental, inaur
ance and building business, with cheap
Inase of good ground floor office, office
fixtures and business complete, $500; good
paying business for active man. Selling
on account of dissolution cf partnership.
Addresa O 287, care Bee. (4) M680 llx
GET THE spring business. Now Is the
time. Exceptional ipportunlty for you
to open and operate shoe sales parlors or
be agnt for the most sttractlve and com
fortable men and women's' shoe. Those
shoes are so satisfactory that your cus
tomers will buy of you again and again.
We have hundreds of letters from people
who will wear no other shoe. Our agents
are making good money; so can you.
Write todny. Kushlon Khmfort Shoe
Company, 11 N, South St., Boston, Mass.
(4) M747 llx
FOR SALE Grocery store and fixtures for
$3,000; up-to-date stock and complete line
fixtures in best location in York. Estab
lished twenty years. Rent $50 month,
owner has other Interests and will give
Immediate possession. No trades, strictly
cash deal. Address Lock Box 74, York,
Neb. (4) M761 llx
Cobalt. Descriptive booklet and maps
free. Fairplay Mining Company, Toronto,
Canada. (4-99 llx
FOR SALE Patent, lust allowed, burglar
proof ventilating sash lock. Instantly ap
plied, quick seller, 500 per cent profit. Ad
dress .Bash Lock Box 532, Tiffin, O.
(4) 01 1
raise capital for business projects with
out recourse to bankers; copy free. Busi
ness Finance Company, U Nassau St.,
New York. (41-696 Ux
WOULD like to hear from anyone who haa
a good Investment proposition to offer
where a few thousand dollars could be
profitably Invested In mining enterprises
or Industrial proposition; no saloons con
sidered; give brief details and price of
sny good stock. Wish to hear from parties
who will sell only to buyer, where no
agent's commission Is added to the price
of stock. Address I. A.- Lesher, 49 West
Monroe St.. Chicago. 111. (4)-93 llx
REAL ESTATE MAN wanted to locate In
new Colorado town; dry and Irrigated
land; town lots; business chances; Insur
ance to handle. The Logan County De
velopment Co., Proctor, Colo. (4) 611 11
I HAVE on my list about ten good room
ing houses for sale, ranging in price from
$300 to $1,500: would like to show you
some of them.
(4) M760 Ux
FOR SALE Business established three
years net profits last year 4,w; marcn,
$426; easily managed; most progressive
clta In south. Hector, 1434 Clark St.. Jack
sonville, Fla. (4)-606 llx
FOR SALE Newspaper doing gqod busi
ness In Nebraska town; Dargain. Anoress
Y-S54. care Bee. (4)-M70 llx
Grain elevators, mills, lumber yard, plan
ing mill, hardware, shoes, furniture, rur
nphlng and general merchandise stocks;
also hotels, rooming houses, livery barn,
blacksmith shop, printing, drug, bakery,
pool hall, moving picture and other good
business propositions which are bargains.
National Reference Investment Co.,
574-6 Brandeta Bldg.
(4)-M701 11
WHY work for a pittance. The American
raior honing and aafety blade sharpening
machine eama 12 an hour; w starts you
In business. Illinois Cutlery Co.. Chicago.
(4)-04 llx
WANTED Information regarding good
business for sale In prosperous commun
ity; wish to hear from owner, who wilt
sell dlect to buver without paying any
commission; not nartlcular about loca
tion. Please briefly describe any good
business which you wish to sell at an
honest price. No agents need answer.
Address I. A. Lesher, 48 West Monroe
St., Chicago, 111. (4)-6B2 llx
PROCTOR. Colorado, offers special in
ducements to rammes. we can nein you
get a home In a new town. The Logan
County Development Co., Proctor. Colo.
4 i2 n
WANT building contractor or other good
man to Join me In Investment of $30,000
(hair and half) to nulla ana sen small
homes, edge of Omaha. $10,000 cash and
references required. Can show SO to 76
per cent clear gain inside sixteen months
Answers received In strict confidence.
Address C 2S3. Bee. (41 M2S 11
DR. ROY, 1505 Famim St., Douglas 647.
S68 May6
MAMIE WRIGHT, 106H B. 16th. Doug. 203S.
MS) Mays
BAILEY ft MACK. $d floor Paxton. D. 1065.
(6) 670
Dr. IL Qsantner. 16th and Howard. D. 2906.
roi aw
DR. FICKE8, Farnam St. at lth.
Ilea a good dentist"
(61-421 May6
TAFT'B Dental rooms. 1517 Douglas St.
M424 May T
MI83 M ALONE. 2306 Douglas St., high-class
drsssnutaing. -uuu uwiih .
MS6 A 16
riiirga r.lontins: buttons covered, all alzea
and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 2u0
Douglas Ja. oum iun. ji
McDowell Dressmaking school, 1621 Farnam,
MISS B. E. CROSBY. 1411 Bo. :0th Ave.,
dressmaking. Douglas 7237. M-fe4 ApU
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4JJ
mtPTJTJVCollege of Dressmaking. 20th
IWilvlmii Farnam bts. -M.-75 Ait
FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 1901 Far
nam. best i leaner! and dyera Both
phonra. 474 Alt
REDUCED ratea. 2011 North th; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Tel. Webster 2H4.
-462 May
T Ladles' tailoring In best style
I . I IV H p and workmanship guaran
-'x' teed. a7 Old Brandos bldg.
Tsks elevator on 16th Bt,
um ajj
FASHIONABLE dresamaklng. fancy and
plain aulls. dressrs, waists, skirts; re
pairing reasonalile. 207 Bouln 24th.
-M706 Ux
DESIGNING gowns for stout women a
specialty; two sketches for $1; no two
like sent to same city. Madam D'M&ttos,
W5 W. 84th St.. New Tork City.
bright, energetic, Industrious young people
have been enrolling for the Spring Term at
with the utmost confidence In themselves
as well as In our ability to prepare them
for and secure for them a splendid posi
tion In the business world this fall.
to come with us during the next few days
If you possibly can. It will pay you to
make almost sny sacrifice in order to
get In with this choice class of young
folks and make an enthusiastic success
of your life.
you do not know lust exactly what you
want to become Expert Telegrapher,
Stenographer or Bookkeeper you had beat
call at the College Office or write for
full particulars about each ' course we
Whatever you do, do quickly for hours are
precious these day.
Official Telegrapher Training School for
union Pacific Railroad.
Omaha Det. Agcy, 428 Paxton Blk. D 131 ft.
sbj Mayix
Would You
Improve your complexion?
"Sempre Oiovlne" will aid
you. You no doubt have
heard much of thla wonderful
skin beautlfler, but have YOU
tried It?
It la a pure face toilet, con
Ulna nothing that will In any
way Injure the most delicate
skin. Send 60c for a full size
You Love
The beautiful hair of your
youth, why not keep it so?
Mme. Frayer's Adelight Hair
Food is the most wonderful and
scientific preparation for the
strengthening and beautifying
of the hair.
GRAY HAIR1. Remember, it
Is not a dye. .
LADIES For Information
and samples of the largest and
btot line of hair and skin
preparations shown In . Omaha,
call on or write
15th and Farnam
Doug. 234. Ind. A-2234.
Switches from combings (three stem),
Switches from combings (one stem), fl.00.
Puffs from combings, made all together,
each, 16c.
Puffs from combings, large and separate,
each 25c.
Pompadours from combings, 11.50.
We carry a nice, complete line of hair
Special attention given to mail orders.
332 Neville Block.
N. E. Cor. 16th and Harney.
Tel. Doug. 6X3.
Formerly 2136 Sherman Ave.
M687 11
DeMars $3 female douche, the most per
fect ladles' syringe, this week with 76c buz
of Mars' antiseptic powder only 12.23.
ltn and Faxnuin.
BOYS' halrcuttlng a specialty. Bee barber
shop, Bee Bldg. M167A13
LET us shampoo your hair every month;
we use warm air to dry the hair; we use
the latest method known to science In our
sculp and face massage. F. M. Schadell,
1ZJ2 Douglas. M173 All
iU. Hi. AjX. -U.01Yi- jag pat0n Block.
-Moil A20
LADIES' apparel beautifully dry cleaned.
"The French Way." 14 tar nam. D. 4172.
A-21US. M170 All
MRS. H. M. ECK, 1760 Leavenworth; we
make switches and pomps from combings,
also a nsw line of hair goods. Doug. buM.
-M&jI a in
OMAHA Mirror & Art Glass Co., Mfrs.
of leaded art glass, beveled plate glass In
lead or metal sai.h. Mirrors of all kinds.
Reailverlng and framing. lAil Farnam St.,
MliM May2
TTATVfXf AVI! Baths. 107 Soutn 14t&
1 li-i.l Allii Lf gt Douglas SK15. open
day and night. Litdy and gent uttendant.
MANICURING Room 10, Davldge Bldg.
Expert; thorough work guaranteed, 'phono
Douglas S446. MS1J llx
1 TlllVI? TT -Art in Ladles' Tailoring.
ljlt)jliAll(l3 Karbach Blk. Phone:
Doug. 1144. A2&S. iAim M10
f'iflTIf AR11 First class dressmaking.
JKJ limil JJ06 Leaveuwoi th. A-Stt.
-M310 Ml
CHINA decorating, realistic; ordet work a
specialty. Less mi Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturoay. Firing dally. Leather craft,
stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C
Ilungate, M Bracdeia Uldx. Tel Red.
He4. W.i
1 IIIVJPP Plcfires and frames. China
1-J Painting Materials. Pyrograiiby
and wood to burn, victor Talking Machines
and Records. Kegtna Muaio poxss and Uu
steal Goods. 13 Douglas. Mmo AJU
EFFA ELLIS Illustrated music courses.
Inquire about SPECIAL day or evening
classes lor women, personal or mail la
strucUon. 2u-4- Old Brandels Bldg.
4U All
W KIN LAUDER A SMITH, ladles' exclusive
furnlsuioga. 317 B. llb BU v-M.10 AH
MME. FRAYER'S Adelight specialties, sell
ing Marietta Stanley Co.'s goods, for sale
at Megesth Stationery, 14a Farnam.
Office, 18th and Farnam. flat 6. Doug. 3707.
-MIX A13
WE BUY gold and silver for our busy
shops. T. L. Combs at Co., 1620 Dnuglss.
-M9G7 A23
11.60 PUFFS 15a esch. From combings.
Mrs. fl. Matthews, R-332 Neville Blk.. cor.
16th and Harney. Formerly 21 28 Sherman
Ave. Tel. Douglas U.3. MR28 May 1
IF YOUR watch doesn't run try Edhotm'g
repair department, 16th and Harney.
-M171 A25
CLEANING snd dyeing, biggest and best,
only one office, 1513 Jones 8L
-70 All
WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts
for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle
Co., 16tb and Harney Bts. M70 A13
WE WILL BELL all of our hair goods at
half price until Easter. 26-lnch wavy
I-stem switches, 33.50.
1611 Vi Dodge Bt. Second Floor.
522 A17
PCBT CARD, send 8 cents In stamps for 24
views of Omaha. Novelty Post Card Co.,
Omaha. Neb. 720 AS
TRY Elite Hair Dressing Parlors. A.
Heatherton, 607Vi Paxtcn block. Red-4423.
M271 A13
HAIRDRESSING. massage, etc. If clesn,
sanitary methods appeal to you try Mrs.
Waterbury, 320 Neville Blk., Douglas 6347.
M134 A24
-MM0 All
Schadell. 1622 Douglas. M171 A 13
,11 ISA Am'W&r n.if..v..j ,AL,..A,V
Is a necessity In every home. Write for
free book. II K. UarUnan, 619 Bee Bldg.
Tel. ijoug. tin.
CARPETS, rugs, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air
Cleaning Co., room 200, Douglas blk. Both
phonea. M165 A18
THE steps save you 40 per cent. Pennell
Millinery Co., 1511 Douglas. MISS A13
O'CONNOR A EMBLEM are showing hand
some aprlng millinery in their new room,
20-21 Continental Blk.. 15th St. entrance.
-678 A18
ART NOVELTY SHOP China and water
colors. 650 Ramge Bldg. 990 A23
LEARN halrdressing course, $16. Apply H.
J. McCarthy, Brandels Stores. 212 A26
616 S. 16th St., Is the man to make your
PHOTOS. Prices right. M788 A20
SHADE trees, small fruits, shrubs. F. R.
Martin, 18th and Douglas, lei. D. 1068
- 364 May6
Smith. 8108 Corby 8L Tel. Webster 2463.
(16) 806 A31X
J. R. RICE, nurseryman, Council Bluffs, la.
-463 May7
A. HCOGE, FLORIST. 8513 8. 20th AV.
'Phone Douglas 4866. Prices right.
-MS29 Ml
FOR EVERGREENS and trees that live.
See Charles Allen, 84th and Farnam' Stsr
M3.19 May 6
FOR QUALITY, quanttty, grade, variety
and special prices see us first. Benson-
- Omaha Nursery, Halcyon Ave. and Rlgg
Bt, Benson. Bell 'phone, Benson 634.
plete line of nursery stock, home grown;
grounds, 16th and Harney. Red 6760. 418
TREES, shrubs, roses. Hazel Dell Nur
sery, 24th and Flnkney. 'Phone Webster
4975. 363 M5
Store. Thousands of EASTER LILIES
and other blooming plants to be sold at
the very lowest prices this week. Do not
miss this great bargain.
(Flnr)-M546 May
HENDERSON'S-For the freshest cut
flowers. Daily from our own hothouses.
Telephone Douglas 12581619 Farnam
street M556 M9
J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Tel. Dpug. 8000.
NOW is the time for planting peonies,
clementles, hydranges, lilacs, snowballs,
FLORAL DESIGNS We ship every day
In the year to the best of satisfaction;
they are made right and packed right.
CUT FLOWERS are now good and plenti
ful at moderate prices.
1416 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 150L
CHAS. EDERER. 80th and Bristol Sta.,
ehrubbory, hardy plants, fern boskets,
bedding planta and deslms, fresh cut
flowers dally. Tel. 1795.
(Flor) M54R May
Clerical and Office.
PRIVATE secretary and stenographer,
Stenographer to act as private secretary;
not much stenographic work, $60-375.
Girl for dentist's office.
Bookkeeper; some stenographic work, $8.
Two bill clerks, $50.
Saleslady, out of town, $40-$60.
National Reference and Investment Co.,
674 Brandels Bldg.
(7)-M9 11
Stenographer and bookkeeper, dry goods,
Stenographer (Smith Premier) $60.
Stenographer, good at figures, $50.
Stenographer and bookkeeper. $8.
Cashier and stenographer. $10.
Stenographer (Underwood). 340.
Stenographer and bookkeeper (implements)
Millinery aalesladiea. good salary.
676-77 Brandels Bldg.
(7)-M780 11
WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers, of
fice clerks and cashiers.
THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldg.
Factory aua 1 rages.
25TH BT., SOUTH OMAHA. (7)-6tl 11
WANTED Mangle girla, Monday 7 a. m.;
good, nil round girls at 8 a. m. City
Steam Laundry, 211 Buuth Uth St.
(7)-M720 11
Hotel and Keataarant.
13 WAITRESSES. $7 to $9 a week; 2
waitresses. Sioux Falls. S. D. ; 7 wait
retses. west, free fares; house girl, Hot
Biirlngs. B. D.. $. and fare; silver girl,
$7 a week: silver girl. iA; 4 laundry
girls, $15 to $u"; 2 couples, farms. It) to
$44; 6 cooks, $35 to $'; 3 pnstry helpers,
tJ to $&; 2 pastry cooks, $40 to $Ti; 7
housekeepers, farms, and widowers; 11
chambermaids. $1.'. to $.; S kitchen
women, $10 ti 336; 13 house girls. $16 to
L0. Martin it Co.. 1611 CapUVI Ave.
(7)-M77D 11
WANTED Dining room girl. 2002 Farnam.
Tel. Doug. 4682. (7) M7S7 12x
Hsssckecsen auafl Dosaatlea.
WANTED Competent nurse glrL Park
Av. (7-
EXPERIENCED girl for gsneral house
work, small family, good wages. TeL
Harney 2400. 14 8. 23d BU (7)-MWJ
Beaaekeepera mmi nesaestlca t'oat'A.
WANTED Competent cook and second
girl; best wages to right parties. Apply
S-'4 Howard Bt (7 M.I
GIRL for general housework. 13? S. 80th
Ave. vi) evi
WANTED At once, experienced cook, Mrs.
N. B. Updike. 3til4 Jackson Bt. (7) 81&
WANTED Cook. 341 Dewey Ave. Harney
1727. (7h-a&8
GIRL to assist with housework, good
wages. 24mS Casa St. (7)
A CAK.BLE, for first work In family of
two. Mrs. J. G. Martin, 8. H. cor. 23d
and F Sta., 80. Omaha. (7) 404 9x
WANTED Olrl for general housework;
must be good cook and have good refer
ences. Small family, no washing and good
wages. Apply at 3360 Harney St.
(7) M567 12x
WANTED Girl for general housewoTk;
small family; no washing. Mrs. E. Rose
water, 103 New Hamilton, 24th and Far
nam. (7)-M434
GIRL for housework; no waahlng, no
cooking. 1329 So. 31st St (7) 452 llx
GIRL for general housework; no washing;
four in family; good wages. Som Mason
St. Tel. Harney 2136. (7) M476 Ux
WANTED Girl for general housework.
3126 Chicago. Phone 2176. (7) 569 12
WANTED Girl desiring good home for
general housework; family of thre; sat
isfactory wages. Mrs. C. O. Talmage,
'phone Harney 2918. (7) M709 12x
FTRST-CLASS alteration help; steady
wora. nuiirr , w a, noma notei.
(7) M500 11
WANTED Woman or girl to help care for
children. 3335 Woolworth Ave. Tel Har
ney 3192. (7)-3M
MAN 26 to 36 years old to have charge of
coal and building material yard In south
part of city; prefer man who speaks
Bohemian and German; some experience
In clerical work and handling men neces
sary. Name references In application. Ad
dress H 281, care Bee. () 465 11
WANTED Girls for stitching room. Apply
In person at 1101 Harney St. (7) 617 11
WANTED Young girl to assist with care
a A . i t . a 1
ix viiiMiiru, inirreiicci requireu.
Mrs. Clark, Millard hotel. (7) 616 11
GENTLEMAN wants lady partner for
comto dramatic sketch. Address K 283,
Bee. C7)-M601 llx
ANY Intelligent person, may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary. Send for particu
lars. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y.
LADIES, make blba In spare time, 87 to 114
weekly; material and Instructions sent.
Addressed envelope brings particulars.
Lamb. Mgr., 46 North 12th St.. Phila
delphia. (7) M683 llx
WANTED A middle aged woman to help
an elderly lady, living alone, with the
housework and act as companion; good
home to right party. For further Infor
mation call Douglas 6256 between 8:30 and
11:30 Sunday a. m. (7) M755 llx
Ageats, Solicitors svnd Saleasaeau
WANTED Eastern manufacturing concern
wants two reliable representatives, one
each Nebraska and Iowa. Men preferred
. who have been sucoessful handling Ira-
plenisnts, groceries or cigar line. An
swerlug, give full particulars. P-271, care
Bee. () 489
WANTED A dry goods, clothing and shoe
salesman for a general store; must bo a
good salesman and stock keeper. Good
salary to right party. Give full par
ticulars in first letter, also state na
tionality. Address Y 607, care of Omnha
Bee. (9) M548 llx
JUST patented. Young's wonderful button
hole gauge knife. One agent sold 107 In
one day, made $13.37; 16 other rapid sellers.
A. M. Young, 428 Young's Bldg., Chicago.
(9)-M5S9 llx
WANTED Men to write hall and cyclone
Insurance in Minnesota; good for $10 to
$30 day. Cash commission. Snap for tree
men. F. R. Bohmoach, State Agt., Man
kato, Minn. () M5S0 Ux
811 THOUSAND for distributing circulars
and samples. Send for sample and oon
tract. W. A. Lorlng Mfg. Co., 01823 Ash
St., Spokane, Wash. (8) 676
SALESMEN To sell our bank check pro
tector; sells to every store and office; a
remarkable novelty; sample 25c; circu
lars free. Terry Mfg. Co., 117 Michigan
St., Toledo. O. (8)
WANTED Men who have been successful
selling cigars, groceries or some spe
cialty, wanting to make a change. Can
show you proposition $100 to $160 per
month. All correspondence treated strictly
confidential. 0-2. care Bee. (9) 490
STOP peddling and make some quick
money; try the mall order business; ws
will start you; write for details. National
Supply Co., Hennessey, Okl.
()-M497 12x
SIDE LINE Best; no camples; plenty
money. Give permanent address. Box 653,
Omaha. (9) 674
WANTED Agents for the most rapid sell-
Ing household specialty on earth; profits
enormous. Write todsy. Carter Sales Co.,
171 Broadway, New York. (9)
A large Omaha Corporation wishes at
once the services pf two A-No 1 specialty
salesmen for excellent territories. If you
are now employed, can produce results and
are capable pf earning a good salary, and
expenses, you are the man we are look
ing for. None others need apply. Address
with full particulars and references. L-2&4
care Bee. (9)-18 11
NEW household Invention Just Introduced
from Germany; poor agenta earning $4
per day; hustlers coining money; 747
other fast sellers; free sample. A. C. Ed
gren Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (9)
WANTED Wide awake man who can de
vote half or all hia time to a house-to-house
proposition which pays from $100
to $150 per month; no experience neces
sary. 8. P. Dal ton, 1127 Pine St., Bt. Louis.
(9) M676 llx
WANTED Agents, legitimate subtltute for
slot machlnea, patented, sells on sight for
$1. Particulars, Glsha Co., Anderson Ind.
(9) M682 llx
SALESMEN to represent us in northern,
western, southern and middle states; $:
a month and expenses; staple line, sells to
general stores. Address Wholesaler, 703
Houser Bldg., 8L Louis, Mo.
(9)-M681 UV
EA LESM EN, experienced, to handle, on
commission, staple, easy selling line. "Na
tional," Iowa City, la. (9) 636 llx
STOP, women and men! Hurry! Seven
new, useful fast sellers; SO others to se
lect from; big profits. Write for $2 FREE
offer and particulars. Fair Mfg. Co . Box
676. Racine. Wis. (9) 37 llx
CIGAR salesman; good proposition. State
experience; must f"mlsh references. La
Moro Cigar Co., Cincinnati, O.
(91-664 Ux
BALF3MEN We want salesmen of good
address ability, lntrirrltv and neraerver-
! ante, who are capalle of reureventlna a
large Chicago house. In Omaha, en n't
use men who are looking for something
asv; want only those who can producs
hiiFlness under favorable conditions. Write
J. Fred I arson. Her Grund hotel. Omut'a.
Don't call or phone. 9 M751 12
SALESMEN make 600 per cent profit aell.
Ing "Novelty Bign Cards"; merchants
buy 10 to 100 on sight; suO varieties; cata
logue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van
Buren Bt., Chicago. 111. (9) 631 llx
WANTED Cigar traveling salesman In
your territory; $100 a month and ex
penses; experience not necessary. North
era Cigar Co., Detroit, Mich.
(3)-6J Ux
A greats sua avleasaeav Cetle.
SOLICITORS wanted to handle hlh
rlsas, guaranteed stock; liberal commis
sion paid. Write Johnston Co., Newport.
R, I. ()-!7 llx
We need si salesman to represent us in
this state who is thoroughly competent
to handle a popular and well-estsbllshed
line of leather advertising novelties.
These goods are well known, and as "busi
ness getters" their merit Is appreciated
by merchants, manufacturers, etc., al
most everywhere.
The opportunity offered Is unusually favor
able to an energetic man with ability to
make good as a salesman. Additional
particulars will be furnished upon re
Greenfield, Masa.
(9 42 llx
MAKE Home Vacuum Cleaners and sell
them at big profits. For $0 we furnish
drawings, plans, specifications and full In
structions for making a perfect Vacuum
Cleaner. All neceasarv material bought
cheaply anywhere. Easy to make. Bell
at big profit for 815 or less. Every house
wife has read of the Vacuum duslless
and sanitary carpet and house cleaning
process. Our plan brings the price within
reach of all. This is a gold mine for en
terprising agents. Can either sell the
plans or complete, machine. Write todsy
for full particulars. Home Vacuum
Cleaner Co., General Offices. St. Louis,
Mo. (9)-63 llx
WANTED Salesmen living outside of
Omaha to sell a general line of high
grade grooeriea to hotels, farmers, stock
men and other large consumers; our
goods are guaranteed to comply with the
national as well as all state pure food
laws: no Investment; commissions ad
vanced; experience unnecessary; liberal
Income assured honest energetic men;
the banner season Is now at hand; write
today for particulars. John Sexton A
Co., Wholesale Grocers, Lake and Frank
lin Sts., Chicago. (9) M703 Ux
JUST OUT Low-priced S-lh. mop; turn
crank to wring; no soiled hands; women
all buy; 160 per cent profit; exclusive
territory; catalogue free. U. S. Mop Co.,
606 Main St.. Lelpelc, O. (91 M6P6 llx
AGENTS Men's and women's handker
chiefs from the factory to the consumer,
through you; 76 cents brings you pre
paid nine samples handkerchiefs of pure
linen and fine lawn (wholesale price), and
full working particulars. Not a fortune
over night, but a real opportunity. Money
returned lf unsatisfactory. Republic'.
Mfg. Co.. 2059 Greene St.. New York.
References, Dun's or Bradstreets.
(9)-24 llx
TRAVELINO salesmen can make 313 daily
In spare time; pocket samples free; sells
at sight to merchants In all lines; give
referencees, territory and permanent ad
dress. Kawln Sales Agency, Chicago.
(9)-21 llx
AGENTS wanted to handle new article of
highest merit; big profit; commission
basis. Write for terms and particulars.
Castello & Co., 16 Broad St. New York.
(9)-C3 llx
AGENTS Make 86 per day; stocking darn
ers; weaves toe or heel in 3 minutes;
sample 10c; particulars free. Erlckson
Co., 134 Monroe St., Chicago.
(9) M585 llx
AGENTS Wonderful new Invention; tre
mendous seller; 310 a day sure; every
housewife buys; territory going faat; be
first; act quick, llllker, 871 Grand Ave.,
Chicago. (91 M580 Ux
WANTED Salesmen of ability to sell high
grade side line; convenient to. carry; lib
eral commission; prompt remittance; give
references. Address Sales Manager, Box
616 St. - Paul, Minn. (9) 616 llx
WANTED Salesmen for the most com
plete line of post cards and novelties.
Liberal commission and prompt pay.
Largest house In west. Arthur Capper,
Topeka, Kan. - (9)
AGENTS 876 monthly; comblnatloo irelllng
pin, 9 arUcles combined; lightning-seller;
sample free. Forshee Mfg. Co.; Box 619,
Dayton, O. (9) 636 llx
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staVle line; high commissions, with
3100 monthly advance; permanent position
to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Mich. (9)-634 llx
AGENTS Gaa generating burners for kero
sene lamps, with mantles, and without;
quality beet, prices lowest; also self
generating Actylene table lamps, estab
lished, reliable. Eastern Gaslight Co.,
280 Broadway, New York. (9) M13 Ux
AGENTS wanted for our new 25c Darning
Machine, Just out; weaves new heel or
toe In sock In five minutes. One agent
old 288 In one day. Bend 15c for sample,
or $1.26 for dox. It. W. Hutton Co.. Wal
nut St., Phlla.. Pa. (9)-30 Ux
AGENTS Invention; never before sold by
agents; quick-shift, anti-rattler; vehicle
owners wild over it; sample free. Na
tional Mfg. Co., 81st St., Dayton. O.
(9)-628 llx
SALESMEN (specialty), at once, to aell
new. high grade, legitimate proportion to
retail merchants; we pay high commis
sion and advance expenses weekly; good
territory open; state age, experience and
references. Address Y 35, care Bee.
(9)-626 Ux
AGENTS coin money with our new way of
selling post cards; new scheme; big
money; no experience or talking required.
Write us for our big proposition. J. Oers
ters' Supply House, Rochester, N. Y.
NEW FIELD 200 per cent profit; exciting
business: sell at every home. Mr. Bleck
ner made $161 In two days; never falls
below $20 a day. N.o deposit required.
Write for county, territory. Fire Appli
ance Bales Co., Toledo, Ohio.
(9)-640 llx
AGENTS Men and women, useful house
hold articles. Sell In every home; big
profits. Agents making $60 weekly. Write
today. Household Service Co., t30
Minerva Ave., Chicago. (9) M592 llx
AGENTS Elevating clothes rick. Wonder
ful seller. CoBt 40c. Bells for $1. Particu
lars free. Write today. A. C. D. Co.,
Lelpslc, O. (9)-M588 llx
CORN cure guaranteed. We pay $10 each
rase we fall to cure;31 by mall. Agents
wanted. Star Medicine Co., Buffalo, N.
T. (9)-M587 llx
AGENTS WANTED for the most wonder
ful money maker aold today for agenta,
street men. distributing agencies, etc.;
biggest success on record: when operated
people stop, look, listen, become fascin
ated, buy; demand world wide; agents
making $10 to $50 a day; get "next"
quickly. Write Handy Things Co., Lud
ingtun. Mich. i.9 M573 llx
WANTED Specialty salesmen for Ne
braska and Wyoming; attractive, new
advertising proposition 3 producer worth
$6,000 or better to high grade men. Ad
dress Y 33. care The Bee. (9) M618 12x
SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to
sell general trade In Nebraska. An ex
cellent proposition. Commlsalona with
336 weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O.
(91622 Ux
WE WANT reliable man to open office
in this city to handle Fnrmacone, the
formaldehyde dlalnfector; 75,00m sold lost
two years. Uaed by V. S. government.
Referencea required; exclusive territory;
permanent bualnese. Investigate; we will
convince you. Don't overlook this. For
macone Co., 48 Church Bt., New ork.
(91620 llx
Invisible coating for polished
metals. Prevents tarnishing. Sample ten
cents. Prairie Chemical Company, Chi
cago. 9 MOM llx
AGENTS Wanted To aell the Original Na
tive Herha; $1 box 250 tablets; J0 per
cent profit. Write P. Melruae. t'llumhua,
O. (9) M579 llx
WANTED A gen 1 ; men and women can
earn from $10 to $-'i weekly celling our
groceries to the fml':' trade in com
munities of Irom 1 (jo0 to 10.0JO popula
tion ipermanent employment; cash com
mission psld; free sample case furnished.
Bodenheimer Cuffee and Tea Co., Si.
Louis. Mo., (9)-644 llx
AGENTS WANTED Would you like to
earn $10.00 to $15.00 per week and be your
own buss? If so, send 10c for particulars
and sample of gooda Best seller on the
market. Writs at once. c. N. Whlttam,
Bec'y, American Chewing Gum Co., Saint
Louis, Mo. 0)-6il U
Agreata aaa galeasaea CoatlaaeeL
MAKE MONET EASY Quick, sure, meg,
women; experience unrw-oesesry ; spare or
all time. Bee what others are doing. C
O. Grrctt. uhlo, showed 7 families, acid
. profit $18. A. H. Verrett, La., sold 8
One day, profit. $'.'4. N. Boucher orders la
more, says: "Every body wants one. best
bualneaa I ever had." Mrs. J. Brown,
Pa., sold 10. made 8.m first three days.
Only two sales per day means 83 per
wo k profit. Free samples to active
agents. Famous Easy Way Clothes
Washer 'cleans family wash In 30 to 60
minutes, while you rest; no work; only
move knob occasionally. Not a washing
machine. Nothing else like It. No chemi
cals, no rubbing: no washboard or
boiler. EVery family wants one. Easy to
sell. Low price, $. We create demand
Write today. 8poclfy terrltcry. Act '
quickly. This won't appear again. Har-
rison Mfg. Co., 90 Harrison Bldg.. Cin
cinnati, Ohio. (9) M574 llx
cinnati, Ohio, want traveling men for
advertising fans as side line; .quick
money; $4 to $M per week; exclusive de
signs; sellng season ow on. Apply Fan
Department 9)-39 llx
AGENTS WANTED Expenses paid; no
experience required; portraits, bromides,
photo pillow tops, 30c; frames at factory
prices. Credit given. Catalogue and sam
ples free. Department 78, Daniel H. Kil
ler Co., 819 West Buren. Chicago, 111.
(-M589 Ux
AGENTS inako 34 a day, absolutely sure;
we guarantee It; brand new staple ar
ticles; every housekeeper buys. Klink
Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa. (9) M586 llx
GUARANTEED portraits, 26c. plllowg 30c,
samples iree; investigate neneiiLB ana
service of our mutual artists association.
Oakley Artists, Sla. D., Chicago.
(9-419 llx
AGENTS Idmbert's Vest-Pocket Secretary
sells Itself; greatest pocket pad ever in
vented; contains pen, pencil, knife, nail
file, marking point, "T square, fact rule,
compass, etc; sample 26c. Lambert Nov
elty company, Dept. X, 39 State St., Chi
cago. (91-618 Ux
UNION mantle kerosene burner, guaran
teed smokeless, 80 candle power light,
saves 60 per cent oil, attachable any lamp,
lowest prices. Union Light. 29 Green
wich Ave., N. Y. () M826 llx
FROM 85 TO $50 PER WEEKT For full
particulars concerning liberal cash com
mission, etc, offered subscription seekers,
address Desk 146, Serlbner's Magaalne,
155 Fifth 'avenue. New York City.
(9) 617 llx
Boys. -
BOYS wanted In every town; big money.
Address Corhit, Dept. J, Buchanan Bldg.,
Portlnnd. Ore. (9)
WANTED An elevator boy over 18, it
perlenced, to run an electric erevator. In
quire Fleming, People's Store.
(91-8(5 1
Clerical and Office.
TRAVELING salesmen: candies, $100;
paints, 3100; dry goods, $120; real estate,
commission; Jewelry store, $K0; drug
store, $75-$l(lO.
Stenogruphers and Bookkeepers: Inaur
ance, out of town, 340; bank, nut of town,
$50; hardware, out of town, $60.
MlHcellaneons: Physician, for advertising
office, $Hi0; draftsman, 880; collector,
salary end commission; furniture and
carpet salesman.ltio; general merchandise
clerk, $60.
Call or r.-ite fof complete Hat of vacan-
722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Bstab, 7 Years.)
(9) M697 11
YOU MUST act quickly If you want to
consider any of the following vacancies:
Bookkeeper, experienced, $99.
Stenographer, commission firm, $80.
Tea and coffee; clerk, 850.
Stenographer, R. R. exp., 860.
Shipping clerk, exp., 350.
Bookkeeper, soma steno work, 350..
Retail clerk (shoes), $o0-H), , .
Stenographer, exp. In abstract work, $50-$t& ,
Insurance solicitor. 312 and com.
Experienced drug cjork, $05-$85,
Asst. bookkeeper (young man) $40.
Chef, out of city, $100.
Piano salesman. $75 and expenses. .
Hotel clerk, $46, board and room.
Salesmen, soaps, meats, oils, leather goods,
real estate. Insurance, etc.
675-77 Brandels Bldg.
(9) M781 11
WE want the following: Manager lumber
business, $125; yard man, coal and build
ing supplies, Bohemian and German
speaking; three stenographers; real es
tate salesman; two railway clerka; book
keeper and cashier; salesman in meats,
implements, cotton gloves and mlscelane
oua lines for Immediate attention.
National Reference and Investment Co.,
574 Brandels Bldg.
()-M7W) 11
THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldg.
WANTED Young man of experience for
office work and bookkeeping; referencea
and bond required. Alamito Sanitary
Dairy Co.. 1812 Farnam St. 19) M815 13
Factor? aad Tradea.
WANTED To let small Job of gradtng In
Central part of city; dirt to be moved
3 blocks. Mall application to E. Wakeley,
808 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 131
THE great Union Pacific ft. R. guarantees
you a telegraphic position after training.
Practice on railroad wire. Address for
particulars 11. B. Boyles, Omaha.
(9)-760 .
SIX good, first-class painters; steady work
year round, 46c per hour. Don't apply
unless first-class. Munger Realty and
Investment Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
(9)-M486 IS
WANTED Competent drug clerk; good
wages to a man who really knows the
drug bualneaa and can furniah references aa
to honesty and sobriety. Sherman A Mr-.
Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge,
Omaha. () M667 llx
WANTED A Gordon- press feeder at C. C.
Howe Printing Co., 601 North 24th St.,
South Omaha. (9) M728 11
WANTED A flret-elasa carriage painter
at once; steady Job for right man. Ad
dress or call at 819 South Uth St., Lin
coln, Neb. 8. E. Morehead.
(9)-M710 11
Hotel aad Keetanraat.
PASTRY cook. $); hotel engineer, $'Z and
board; rlso one at $50, Board and room
and $40 and board; 3 couples, farms, $.'
to $46; buker's helper; 3 bar purlers, $ f
to $45; cook. we,st,.$40 and room; page
hoy. man and wife cook, etc., $40 to $o0;
Vi farm hands, $36 to ltd; hotel butcher,
$.X5. Martin At Co.. 1511 Capitol Ave.
(9)-M77S 11
FREE Employment Dpt., Business Men'g
A n; no foes. Call 62u N. Y. Life Bldg.
(. C17
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Thoroughly practical training by free
clinic and careful Instructions. Life schol
arship, tools given, board provided. Moler
graduates command lilgheHt wages. Our
diplomas recognised everywhere. Bhop ex
perience and wages before completing.
Catalogue free. Call or write. Moler Bar
ber Coile, 110 S. Hlh St. (9) Mi40 15 X
WANTED Railway m.ll clerks; salary.
$u) to 81.1U): no "layoffs;" examination
In Omaha May 13; common education
sufficient; candidates prepared free.
Write Immediately for fiill particulars.
Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y.
(9t--M3 Msy8g
DRUG stores A Jobs. Knicit. N. T. L. Pld.
(9) M
9 403 Ma
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecesary. Bend for particu
lars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y.
I MADE $60.0(10 In five years In the mall
order bualneaa; began with $6; anyone can
start a mall order bualneaa at borne; send
for free booklet tlls bow. Heacock,
769, Lockport, U. Y. 0-