0 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRTL 11, 1909. 3 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTT FOR IALB IConUau0 Boulevard Park Addition A beautiful horn addition sightly, yet levee on th main thoroughfare to Salln Sea (Cut-Off lake) and within walking dis tance of boatlnir. fishing and hunting. In a neighborhood that la faat building up with new modern house: an addition with noth ing but modern Improvement!; nothing but cement walk 2.600 feet additional hav ing been laid the la it week; with a half doten or mora houaea under construction at the preeent time and other projected; lota are aura to be picked up by those who are looking, for the beat Inveetment for their money, all t hinge considered, to be found In Omaha today. If you are seek lng a business location, nothing better ran ba found for a double atora for drug busi ness on the corner and grocery store ad joining than the southwest comer of Sher man Ave and Sprague St. Thla lot la pe culiarly located In that all the travel to and from the lake and North Omaha cornea to and departs from thla corner. It la a snap for aome one who la looking for an Al business location. Both Irnes of busl nesa mentioned would pay from the start. Inside residence lota may (till be had for $578 west front on lth St., north of Spragu to $tf7S east front on 19th south of Bprarue. Over half of the lota on the west (Ida of 1ft h between Bprague and Laird are already told. The choice lota that are left will " rapidly with the ap proach of more settled weather and the early comer will have an opportunity to buy a very desirable residence lot If picked up at once. All publla improvement go with the lot. Call at thla offloe and secure a plat and get particular. Lota will b aold on caay tarma ao that anyone can secure a lot and own home of hit own. 8-R00M MODERN New l-room all modern, full lot, full basement, cemented, with alnk for laundry purpose, only on block from 40th Bt. car .line, for immediate sale, $3,300. 3909 NORTH 18TII ST. A new t-roorn modern handsomely pa pered and decorated throughout; laundry convenience In basement; cement walks In front and on th property; rood neighbor hood; combination gaa and electric fix tures; first class furnace; Immediate pos session; no need of paying rent when such a place can b bought on satisfactory terms. Price $3,300. New Hansoom Park Cottage 5-room. new, modern cottage, only S blocks from the park; with full lot; bed room and bath upstairs. Prlc) $J,Jt 5-ROOM COTTAGE A SNAP. South front cottage on a good street only half a block from Sher man Ave. car, modern except furnace; In good repair; owner must sell on account of health. Price $1,900; paj-t caah. Do not healtale about making Inquiries concerning any property we advertise or making your needs known If you are In the market for city or suburban property In any section of Onuth. SIIIMER & CHASE COMPANY Free Sites for Mora Factor! at Ralston. 1609 Farnam Bt Doug. 3867. A 3643. TJ)- Btllt watea run deep; tha barking dog never bites, eta, etc. BUT ANOTHER A HOMO HADE The spread advertiser don't do all th busi ness. ALES DEPT. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST COMPANT Chaa. Q Williamson, Pres. Better Consult Our lists. , (19)- IX VESTMENTS We havo two very good investments that we are showing our clients quietly. If you are in the market for a $9,0Q0 brick stores and flats Invest ment, or a close-in corner, two blocks from 19th and Douglas, with Improve ments, be sure to see us before buying. N. P. DODGE & CO, 1714 Farnam St. (19)- . $600 VACANT CORNER FRONTING HANSCOM PARK Southeast corner Crelghton Ave and 31st Bt. Where can you find a corner lot tor 133 feet that compares with this lot for double th money T SEE t'S AT ONUS IF Hi WANT THIS BARGAIN. Garvin Bros. 1604 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 962. U)- WEST FARNAM HOME FOR SALE 365 ff. fflth St , between Chicago and Caaa BtV. A practically new 4-room house; larg living room, dining room and kitchen on flrat floor; three bed rooms and bath on second floor) full cement basement, with laundry; furnace heat, gaa, combination ti and electric fixtures, city water, sewer, paved street, permanent walks. A first-class home In every respect and lo cated on one of th most beautiful streets In Omaha. If Interested 'phon Harney 1831 and talk with owner. (19) UTJi llx $1,000 Sacrifice A beautiful modern home in one of the most fashionable residence dis tricts of Omaha, will be sold at 11,000 less than it Is worth. If taken at once. On boulevard and fronts on park Price cut to $7,760. . J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Doug. 690. 1005 Farnam St. (19) W. R. HOMAN, S3f Board of Trad Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. Splendid StiiVacre farm, good buildings well Improved; within 10 rods of good rail I road town; prto $31.Yi0; Incumbrance $3,75, Will trade equity for smUr farm, mer chandise or good rental property. FOR BALE. Two new 4-room cottage, partly modern on grade, 2821 and 1924 8. 18th St., Just off V In too at. a bargain at $3,600; must be old; rent for $J0 per month. (1 M74 11 -ROOM modern. cottage, on oar line and within walking distances hot water heat, bath, sleclrtn lights; bargain; will take eh balance monthly paymenta tall Hunday or after p. m. during week. 3S avenport. -phon ougtaa 437. 41sj 11 14a LOOK at 3633 Wirt Bt.. than maks m a each affer. Tsi. Benson tel. C19J-M70 11 REAL ESTATE CITT raortnii roH ALB. (Continued.) COTTAGE BARGAINS $1,860 Very neat five-room cottage In Clif ton Hill, two full luts, well, cistern, barn, cemented basement, one block from car. Owner leaving city this week. 33u0 down. $1.800 S-room cottsge, M North tfith street. rived street; rent wo; lot sixizs. Easy term. 33,000 11-room house, suitable for two fami lies; rent 8J6.50; lot lixizs. baay terms. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $3,800 -room cottage on 17th between. Far nam and Leavenwortn, all modern. Only 31.000 down. 36,600 New house In West Farnam district. rooms, hot w&tnr heat, oak finish first floor, whit ennmel second floor, four bedrooms. Price reduced from 3H.6CI0. This Is the best bargain near 41st and bodge on th market. BUILDING LOTS 31.000-7 lota at 64th and Plerc street In went aide; clear title, abstract and warranty deed. I MO Two lots on 27th just north of Fort street 11,80074 ft. by 240 ft., fronting on 18th and 13th north of Center St. Room lor four houses. Acre Bargains We maks th undisputed claim that w have th exclusive sale of th cheapest acreage around Omaha. 11,260 acres on Orphanage Ave. north of Benson and Krug parki handy to new paved road and th Am Ave. car line; high, sightly grass laud never had a plow on K. 31,300 House and S acre, good 4-room cot tage, with cistern and pump In the kitchen, well and small outbuildings; south front .almost level land, over looking Country club, Benson anil for miles In every direction; 3 more rooms can be finished upstairs. Im mediate possession can be had. If you want a bargain In Improved acreage you cannot equal this. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1714 Farnam SU )- CLOSE IN HOMES 311,260 for a good, close In 10-room aJI modern corner home. Nloe lot a e. corner of 30th and Webster Sts.; this Is a nice place for e boarding nous; small payment down; balance monthly. 34,600 for a good 8-mom all modern house at 17th and California Sts., and large brick barn. Thla Is a snap; small payment la enough. - 33,260 for a large 10-room house divided In two apartments and nice 3-room cottage. at 113 South 38th St.; rented for 340 per month. 33.000 for two good modem 5-room cottages as god aa new, at 25th and Indiana Ave.; rented for 382.60. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block (19)- Bemis Park New 7-room modern house) birch and maul finish 1st floor, hard pine 2d floor: best of plumbing and combination light fixture. A rare chance to get such a good nous in a gooa location lor oniy x3,auo. 19th; St; Boulevard ISM N. 10th St, a fin T-room thoroughly modern house; good location, walking dis tance) Oak finish, good plumbing and com bination light fixtures. Prto reduced for thla week only to 34,000. PETERSON BROS., SOS 8. 17th St. Both 'Phones. , !- OWNER MUST SELL ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS Beautiful home on Lincoln boule vard, Bemls park; 8 rooms, hardwood finish, tiled bath and all modern con veniences. Built in 1907; full lot; all Improvements in. Price, $6,600. Terms can be arranged, if desired. ANY REASONABLE OFFER C O N- f.IDERED. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Dong. 690. 1605 Farnatn St (13)- CLOSE IN Bur from owner and savs commission. 33.800115 N. 28th Ave., just finished; 7 rooms; wren rinisn; elegant home. $S,80O-g787 Capitol Ave., new last fall; 3 rooms; oak finish; built for a home; large corner lot. Inquire 27S7 Capitol Ave., Tel D. 733. (1)-M746 Ux DESIRABLE! new home In Kounta Place clear; will accept good farm In payment; prioe fb.uuo. F. D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM ST. (1)-M804 11 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, GROUND FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING Corporations Issuing bond should see our complete and correct forma. Make your Donas payaoie at our ornce. Make us trustee of your estate. Thus reduce litiga tion and Insure a careful and economical distribution of your property according to your directions. We Invito consultation. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, u- 13.000. HANSCOM PLACE BARGAIN NORTH OF PARK S-room house, partly mod ern, full lot, CHEAP. Just the place for someone who will spend a little money and fix up a good home. M. J. KENNAHD CO.. 3C9-10 Brown Blk. (1S1-M321 13 WE HAVE cash customer for t or 3-room cotlag. 'Phon us Immediately. We aiao want several desirable lots to build on. PH1PPKN EDWARDS. 303H Boston Store Bldg. Phone Doug 3232. (!) MTU 11 ROOMS. 31.430. on North tnth street near Mandersnn, all In ood repair, city water, mum and unr nice lot snd shade trees, renting for 313 per monin. i nia is a snap. S. E. WAIT ft CO., (IT Be Bldg. Tel. D. 1393. A-316. (lS)-Mra 11 HAVE three new thoroughly modern 4 and 7 room residence proper-lie In beat mrt of linooln. Neb., resident section, which I will sell at a banrain or exchange for Omaha property. What have youT W. U Kllly, 414 N. T. Life Bid. Omaha. (191-M730 13 HANSCOM PARK. HOME BARGAIN. Eight rooms modern, hut water heat, beautiful (rees and lawn, paved street, east front, built for a home. Addrva Owner, 8 2M. car Bee. U M713 1: REAL ESTATES. IANS and Insurance IJt your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co., 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phonsa Harney 3T68; Ind.. B-1841 C13 1M LIST your property with Chrte Borer. K4 and Cuming Sta. (It) 321 LARGE new mod. 3-r. cottage, cor. lot lOOxlM. two block from car line; Imme diate possession; get a home on easy pay. ments noi the oaruer. Doug. 16S3 or even ing Web, 40V um REAL ESTATE citt rsopRHTr ron f ALB (Continued.) 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE 128 FT. FRONT Bemis Park, $7,000, Easy Terms A beautiful home In the bent pert of the park. Owner has bought a smeller house aa family is reduced in size. Here Is s, chance to get a fine home for much less than it is worth. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Doug. 690. 1605 Farnam St. (13)- Virginia Place Se (his beautiful high-class residence addition. Just south of 11 in scorn park. Permanent walks, paving, water and ewer mains In and all paid for. Beautiful 100-foot parked boulevard, run ning through the- center of the addition. Boulevard to be oiled and cared for by the park board. Building restriction Insures fin neigh borhood. Convenient to business man of Bouth Omaha aa well aa Omaha. Take west side car line and get off at Martha St. Lets from SM0 to J 1.500. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 3303 Cuming. 'Phones Doug. 116; B-101S. (U REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Figure your rent receipts. Suppose you had paid that amount on a home of your own? Not too late yet. Look at 2602 Bo. 20th Ave., 3-room, good borne and a good Investment at .31,400. S226 No. 26th, 7-room 2-story, barn, big trees and outhouses. You can't begin to duplicate It for 31.300. 4-room, chicken house, ooal bouse, etc., two lot. 70x120. only 11,200. 7-room, modern, paved street, fruit trees, shade trees, lot 40x2, 32.6uO, or will give you 100 feet front for 33,260. Well located building lot on Wirt Bt, only 34G0. This Is surely a snap and then w will loan you the money to build. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 199. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. (!) M607 11 $2,400, EASY TERMS NO INTEREST Six-room house and full lot In nnd neighborhood, worth 18,600. A great Dargain. me nouae needs repairs, but can be made a good, comfortable home without much exnenae. Sea ua at once If you want a bargain. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Doug. 690. .1606 Farnam St. (18)- $3,900 Brand new 7-room house, strictly modern, hot. Aater heating plant, combination light ing fixtures, east front, one block to car, in tha north part of the olty. Owner will take vacant lot a part payment. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sot acenta. Mala floor N. T. Life Bldg. 09) BEAUTIFUL HOME BARGAIN Bight room, modern, oak finish, full two stories, large, commodious rooms, elegant arrangement and finish; built for a horn two years ago: eaat front, Haoaoom park, Park Ave. This property must be sold by th 30th Inst., and the price will sell It, as It la offered for $1,600 leas than It aotual value. Part cash will handle It. . NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY 183 Brand! Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (18-21 MAKE US AN OKFER, 90X150 FEET, CORNER 20TH AND HOWARD. MUST BE SOLD, AND HIGH EST BIDDER WILL GET THIS PROP ERTY SOON. TAKE A LOOK AT OREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN THAT LOCALITY AND SEE US QUICKLY. BIO BARGAIN FOR PURCHASER. THB PUTNAM CO., 804 N. Y. LITE BLDO. (1)-MB72 11 ROOM cottage, close to High school; modern except heat. Prica, 32,300. Be quick. P. O. NIELSEN, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both 'Phones. (1 5 ROOMS, modern except heat; could finish two more rooms In second story. Lot 60x133, one block from car line. Brand new. A very desirable home. Terms reasonable. Prlos 32.3&0. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suit 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 'Phone Red IMS. Open Evening. (13) M7tJ 14 FOR SALS Nice, strictly modern 3-room nous in good location In Hansoom park district; hot water heat and In fine re pair. Is. a bargain, but must be sold at once. 1113 a 31st St. 'Phone Harney 2004. (IS) M5D0 l'-'x COTTAGE, five rooms, modern. Good con dition, 24S2 South 17th St., Beet location In Omaha for home or rental at bargain pi-toe, Cash pr tlmi act quick. (1 M123 12X FOR BALE By owner, (-room modern cottage, 6 years old, on paved street, near car line) 32.4U0. Addre 3326 Parker St. Tel. Web. 11V8. (18) M7M llx 8-R. house, city water, 3233 Evans. 11,600. 6-r. cottage, modem. 29Ug N. 20th, 31,600. t-r. cottae. 3138 Half Caaa, $1,300; sonv oaah, bal. monthly, J. H. PARROTTE, 326 BOARD TRADE. (1)- The elegant corner, 38th Ave. and Dodge, 9! X110 feet. Just opposite Mt. Joseph Cud ahy's new brick residence, for 34,760. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade. (19)-M842 llx FOR SALE Handsome, spacloua residence. In choicest location possible, modern, fin condition; Inquire of owner. Address n . , -i a ... i T t it ... iat v. t. V IF TOU HAVE City property, farms, ranch lands or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with m. It costs you nothing unless I effect sal. W. W. Mitchell, 333 Bd. Td. bid. (13) Jl NINE rooms, all modern, Dundee; house In perfect repair; near car; easy payments. $2,600. Also lots 13 and 13, block 122, Dundee, $2,000. Leavltt. Tel. Red 613. (l)-6a) llx BOULEVARD HOUSE. 2243 North 1Mb. Bt. ( rooms, modern, only 31600. Thomas Brannan, room 1 Nw York Llf Bldg. (ll DM REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAJSCil I. AH U FOB Si. LB Casmdat. SASKATCHEWAN land made productive, valuable, saleable. I break, leaa and sell farms. Flnst crop pay all expenses. Write for plan. W. B. Manchester, Hsska toon, Canada. (aj 46B llx Col!,. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation; sugar beet, alfalfa, general farming and fruit raising; low prlc. easy paymenta National Investment Co., 682 Brandels Bldg., Cmatia. Tvl. Douglas L (30 467 THE DENVER COUNTRY. Irrigated laads la the vicinity of Drover and eleewher In Colorado. Wm. A. Hig gles, Box 446. Omaha, and th uaderslgned pioneerd In th High LAa Lin and A Otero reservoir In th Omaha territory last year and w (III have aome of th choicest pioces of land under that system of pio neer prices. Joseph Powell A Co., 231-3 Coronado Bid-., Davr, Cole. ) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Aim A.rn land ron salrfarm and ra.nth land for sai.b Mexico The Yaqui River Valley Country The Land of Many Crops 660,000 acres of the rlchcKt land In the world ' 400,000 acres under Irrigation. The Opportunity of a Lifetime for The Farmer, Wage Earner or Investor. Anyone with a small amount of money ran make a fortune. This land was put on the market January 1st, with a free water right for every acre at prices and terms that will amaze you. It offers a greater future than any land ever before offered. The market value of the first year's crop should more than double the entire cost of the land. Six to eight crops of alfalfa are raised yearly. Two crops of wheat and farm products yearly. Good markets at hand. From a producing standpoint one acre of . this land is today worth two acres of any irrigated land in the United States. It surpasses California's famous climate In every respect. The land fronts west on tha Gulf of California where delightful sea breezes always blow. The soil is a rich, slit soli, and will profitably reproduce anything grown any where. Labor Is cheap and plentiful. A transcontinental railroad runs througn the land. Locate in This Wonderful Country where your Industry and labor will, In a couple of years, make you independ ent. This Is a new country and its marvelous resources will cause It to popu late and develop with great rapidity. Next excursion April 20th. Write to us for particulars. Hackett-Stillman Land Co., Agts. 881-322 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Long Distance 'Phone Douglas 3972. Colorado Contlnned. 2,600 acres farm, 16 miles from Denver, Colo., with rallmd running through It; 600 aores Irrigated, good buildings, fully Improved. Bplendld investment' for farm ing or colonising; only 330 per acre; sure to advance rapidly. John Ogden, 1536 Grant Ave., Denver, Colo. (2t 664 llx MOFFAT ROAD OPENING GOVERNMENT LAND FREE IN ROUTT COUNTY COLORADO Act now and you can homestead lflO acres of fertile land on Moffat road (Denver, Northwestern Pacirio Ry.) In Routt County, Colo. A million aires open to set tlers. Good towns, largo crnpe; to buhels oat to acre; wheat, 46; barley, 7a Pure water, fine climate and markets. We aid ettler to locate. Best land will be taken soon. Write for maps and information which tells how to set this land free. Address, W. F. JONBB, General Traffic Managwr, T34 Majestlo Bldg., Denver, Colo. (20)- DKNVEJR SUBURBAN FARM and home and yearly Income of 12,000 to 35,000 for an Investment of a few hundred dollars. We effer 65 Altura farms, 6, 10 and 20 acres each. In suburb of Denver, under HlRh lln ditch and Antero Reservoir, on small payment down and balance so easy that farm will pay for Itself raisins; alfalfa, (Trains, cabbage, onions, beets, potatoes, fruit, poultry and garden truck. Descrip tive book, map and plans sent free. Wm. Blerkamp, Jr., K3 17th St., Denver, Colo. (20)-fl 1U . lowsw -d i i , vi IOWA LANDS, 115 PBR ACRE. 113 per acre buy 480 acres Harrison county, Iowa; 160 acre In crop, balance pasture; n.11 bottom land. Warrantee deed, perfect title, 320 per acre will buy 347 acres In Fremont county, Iowa; all upland; 80 acres In crop; house, orchard, splendid water, soma fine timber and pasture. 317.60 per aore for 240 acres rich bottom land, S miles of postofflce. Council Bluffs; 75 acre in meadow and corn land, balanc pasture. 34.13 per acre, In Loup county Nebraska; 480 acres nice lying-, rich, unimproved prai rie land, six miles of town. J. H. ADKIN8, First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Council Bluff. Ia. (20) M840 11 A FINE RANCH PROPOSITION. 6,000 acres, whole or part, on the French man river; plenty of water, Chase county, Nebraska, seventeen miles of Imperial, in a hog- and corn oountry; good crops; 4,000 acre good level arm land, balance rolling grazing land; 250 acres cultivated, 30 acres In alfalfa last year, 10 acre grove, 16 acres hog tight; 3,440 acres fenced In sev eral pasturt, 40 acre spring water lake, stocked with fish; 6-room house in good condition, large new barn, hog house, cow shed, chicken house; price for quick sale 330 per acre, one-third cash, balance easy terms; will take Nebraska pr Iowa farm a part payment. Write L. W. Tulleys A Son, 102 Main St., Second Floor, Council Bluffs. Ia. 20)-M839 12 ATTENTION LAND SEEKERS! 480 aores, a real snap; 300 acres alfalfa land, subject to Irrigation no expense for sure water; black loam soil; 3 miles of Champion and nln miles of Imperial, Chase county. Nebraska, In a corn and hog coun try; 120 acres cultivated; good well, wind mill and tank, Inexhaustible supply of fresh water at 10 to 20 feet; new buildings; 4-room house, barn for ten horses. Price 335 per acre, a bargain worth more money; reasonable terms. Write or see L. W. Tul leys A Son, 102 Main St., Scond Floor, Council Bluffs, la. (20)-M838 12 Kansas. THREE FINE IMPROVED FARMS, near good towns, 240. 80, 180 acres. 3W to 350 per acre. P. J. Pearce, Jamestown. Kin. (20)-tt&8 llx HlHOarl. fYYtTW 1ANT)S Write for state map. LUltJN LiAiN UQ booklet and weather report. Sent free. BAZEL J. MEEK, CHILLICOTHE. MO. (201- Montana. WE HAVE the finest orchard land In the famous Bitter Rott valley, Montana, with plenty of water snd arc now selling It rapidly. In five and ten-acre tracts; would like to form an eastern connection, with the Idea of enlarging business, as we hsve option on other fln orchard lunrts. Reliable parties, with money, mHi but Investigate to be convinced of excellent business opportunity. References ex changed. Address Y 34, tare Bee. (.) J61 11 Nebraska. CHEYETfNE COUNTY RANCH KNAP FOR 20 DAYS. 2S0 acres valley land. Improved, fenced, all alfalfa land: 26 acres fine alfalfa. 25 acres more ready to seed, bslanco hay and pssture; creek, springs, good black s ll; near Sidney; a bargain; to close partnerhlp deal; would divide land; possession soon; good terms. Writ owner for photc graph and description. Advertisement won't appear again. Box 247, Sidney, Neb. (20)-6 11X CEDAR RIVER VALLEY SNAP. 160 acres of fine land located about 7 miles from Spalding, Neb., In Boone county; 110 acres In cultivation, 40 acres In alfalfa and timothy; house of 7 rooms, good barn, sheds and outbuildings; 6 acres bearing orchard; good black soil, fine water. Price, $60; terms. 160 acres, well located; W acres under cul tivation, 25 acres In alfalfa. Price, $00 per acre. 400 acres fine land; 200 acres nnd -r cultiva tion. 36 acres seeded to alfalfa; fair Im provements. Price, 352.60 per acre. If you want some real farm snsps In the corn belt snd In a fine alfalfa country, go see these. THE WORLD INVESTMENT CO., 6j1-4 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (- CUSTER COUNTY SNAP. Oregon owner of this 640-acre Improved farm must sell, 86 per cent tillable, good soil. Prtoe, $10,000. Terms. Call or writ ua about this fin section. KELLFY INVKSTMrNT CO., 220-4 Neville Bldg. (Xr-TVl U (20) 853 11 Nebraska Continued. Bargains in Western Lands 640 acres deeded land, 4 miles from town, 33,500. 640-acre relinquishment, 21,500. 800 acres good farm land, 32.000. See description Cheyenne county on page 3 of Illustrated section. AMERICAN LAND CO., Sidney, Neb. (20)-M702 llx BIO BARQAIN. 640 acres In Cheyenne county, Neb.; nearly half fine, level, tillable land; good soli. Can Offer this week for 34,76 an acre; 31,400 cash, balance 1 to 6 years. Hicks Real Estate Co., Omaha. (20) MR43 llx Nvr Mexico. 996-ACRE Improved ranch; 1B0 acres Irriga ted; cuts 160 tons hay; some alfalfa; 2d cattle; telephone; 8 miles from town. Box 36, Kolsom, New Mexico. (20) 655 llx Okltkasu). TUESDAY, APRIL 20 A very low round trip and one-way rate to Nowata. We want 18 for special car. Land 310 to 3.16 per acre; 4.600 oil wells In Nowata county. No better lnveptment on the face of the earth. Ask Missouri Paclflo Railroad agent for rates. Nowata Land and Lot Co., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 19US. Open evenings. (20) M506 11 800 CHOICE farms for sale located In the very best portions of eastern Oklahoma; low prices and easy terms. Common wealth Trust Co., Muskogee, Okl. (20)-662 llx Sonth Dakota. 160 SOUTH DAKOTA FARM BARGAINS, Write Chaa. B. Wilson, Mondamln, Ia. (20) M6o7 12x SOUTH DAKOTA FARM Near Pierre, three miles from good railroad town; 160 acre, fine soil, all level, In the artesian district. Lot near Central park, Omaha, three blocks to car; very cheap. Address M 302, Bee (30) M784 11 Texan. ALL ABOUT TEXAS The Texan Realty Journal gives reliable Information on en tire -tn 1 (i rf unAm rn, ..., marvelous developments of Texas and of mc nuiiuniui ui(vnuniir9 ror amuuious and energetic men; 3 months' subscrip tion, 25c, Texas Realty Journal, Houston, Tex. . (20) TEXAS! TP3XAS! TEXA8! TEXAS! MAKE MONEY OKOWINO ORANGES, FIGS AND TRUCK in th coast Country of Texas. Fine climate. Warm winters. Cool summers. Five-acre tracts fine land near South Houston, 3375 to 3500. Terms: 310 caah and 310 monthly. No Interest, no taxes until conttrart Is paid out. Larger tracts If desired. Finest market for prod ucts. Best railroad service. Interurban electric Una assured. South Houston grow ing rapidly. Schools, fine college and fac tor!.'. Don't take your family Into a wilderness, far from cities and railroads. They will be homesick. You won't suc ceed. Come her and they will be happy. Only twenty minutes' ride from the heart of Hnufiton. Write for literature and maps. The Western Land Corporation, HoiiHton, Texas. (20) REAL ESTATE MEN. W have several very attractive irrigable propositions, suitable for colonization, can be cut into ten and twent v-ncr ini.ii Tko are a follows; Twentv sec: Ions wunin a lew miles or Pecos City, level, smooth and rich, shallow artesian belt. Fifteen sections In Pecos river vull.v win be under largest canal system In wegf iro, nuii as rertiie as tne valley Nile home of fruit and alfalfa. Want vou to co operate with .us. It's a snap. Write for uii imriiiuutr. J as. uooua Heal Kstate Co.. Pecos City, Tex. (20 060 llx BIO PROFITS. 7,000 acres, 3 miles from county seat, town Of 2,000 population, two-thirds nralrle. hl. ance timber along creek. Level, but well drained. Sandy soil, easily cultivated; line orange, lemon, rig, truck pr cotton land. 40 inches rainfall. Land companies are selling land no bet ter than this In five and ten acres tracts at 340 to 3i0 per acre. I will take 115 per acre for entire tract; terms, half cash by November 1, 1903. No options. W want to hear from responslblo parties only. BOX 708. HOUSTON, TEXAS. (201649 11 TEXAS STATE LANDS Thousands of acres of school lards coming on the market. New list will soon be out. One fortieth rash. 4u years' time on balance at 2 ir cent. Golden opportunity to secure cheap IwndH. Send 6ic for book of instructions and map. Reference. Ameri can Nstlinal bank. The Texas Land company, Box 31, Austin, Texas. (20) Washington. FORTUNES IN FRUIT LANDS. Arcadia is a lo.ofO-ucre tract of th" finest orchard lands In the northwest. Incstei In Siokune and Stevens counties. Wash ington. A grout iriigatijn canal has bcn built through the tract and the land is being planted to apple trees. Arcadia wl!l be opeiated as a great commercial orchard the largest In the world. As soon as the trees come t bearing the land will be worth from SI.OijO to 33.0)0 an acre and the fruit yield will be from $iii0 to $l.uO an acre. The company .a capitalized on the basis of $1.0(0 ir acre. Two-fifths of the stock Is preferred. Issued In shares of 8100 each, bearing 4 per cent interest nnd sharing with the common stock In all th profits of the company. The preferred stock may a so bo exchanged for land at any time. A limited amount of preferred stock U offered to the public at $i0 a share. The Investment Is based on real estate and Is absolutely safe: profits based on Irult yield male certain by Irrigation. Large Illustrated prospectus free upon ap plication. Address ARCADIA OU HARDS COMPANY. Room 6 Hyde Block. Spokane, Wash., U. S. A. (20)-Cl llg at I ll.ie, GOVERNMENT FARMS FREE Our 118 page book, "Vacaat Government Land," describes every aore In every county In IT. 8. How sea u red tree; li diagrams nd tables; all about free Irrigated farms. Price 26c. postpsld. Webb Pub. Co., Iept. 163. St. Paul, Minn REAL ESTATE FARM AND R A.N til LAND FOR SAI.R I I e 1 1 a e 1 1 INFORMATION wanted regarding good farm for sale in any locality. Unliable for t'alry purposes or aener.U farming. Not particular about location or slic Wish to hear from owner only who twill sell direct to buyer without paying Vny commission. Please send brief descrip tion and price. No agents need answer. Addrtss I. A. Lcshrr, 46 West Montoe Ht.. Chlcsgo, III. (iO)-M&iU llx WELL IMTROVED small farm near Chi cago. Want house and lot, wild land or merchandise. Lock Box 174, Neligh, Neb. (20) M.I72 13x ANNOUNCEMENTS W have an exceptional tilxplay of uod things in our lilh end Douglas window this week. 360 box stationery for 30c. 40c box stationery for 2bo. 600 box stationery for 30o, ito bus stationery for (tic. See the display of real live Easter chick ens In our lulh Si. window. Never shown In Omaha before and you should see to appreciate UALDLi "s 81'LCiAL Apricot Marshmallows lor 30c per pound. Something new and very fins. See our fancy toilet waters and pur fumes. fciaater Dyes FLLCK 8 new combination loo colors for c; also the new Uastur Egg Dye, called RAINBOW finest on th BcHABFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORES Four Big Stores. (D-M386 13 MULT1GRAPH DUPLICATING CO.. 673 Hrsndels Bldg., makers of typewrltieu letters In multiple quantities. Tel. D. 4DU. (D-M123 A24 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard 8hos Repair Co., U04 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 7&o7. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escspes. shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth. (D-643 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (D-648 rrn business cards. rn Si Ml YAFFH PRINTING CO., MUr 'V'V BOSTON STORE BLDG. y S (1) M010 jUi MONEY TO LOAN - LOW KATli, In sums to suit. 810 Bee Bid. 'Phone I Wii i c goiu UNION LOAN COMPANY. l-663 1310 HOWARD St., Mo. Filter, 15 days trial. (D-M477 Mays HOLLAND PRINTING CO THE prlntlryr; why not yours, no So. 17th St. Douglas 6438. (1) 862 May6 J. R. STEVENSON CO., gravel and composition roofing, R. 638 Paxton Blk 16th snd Farnam, Omaha. Tela.: Doug las 2175; Ind. A-1731 Res., Web. 294. (D-M744 A30 THE Rev. Chas. W. Ssvldge has married 1,781 couples and ia praying to marry 2,000. If you want him to marry you Tel. Web 8444 or B-1430. ) 44 Allx ' SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. (D-647 OMAHA . PLUMnrNO AND HEATING CO. We are practical. Both 'phones. J. Morrissey, manager, 2C12 Sherman Ave. G)-664 MAX MORRIS, the Tnllor, new location; rooma 301-2 Brown Block, after April 1. (l)-$22 A22 HANTNT! COLLEGE. I train dogs and Vyiviiij animgj.. prof. w.o. Frank lin, 1316 Jones St., or Ind. A 2202. (1) M716 AS0 109 Spring Frame "Merkel." Rides like a Pullman, goes like the fart mall or a snail, reliable as a home and durable as a wagon. L. Flescher, Agent, 16i3 Cap. Ave. (2)-387 May5 HULSE & R1KPBN. funeral directors, sue cessors to Harry D. Davis, 709 H. With St 0)-658 YOU'RE NEXT. 12 chs.; shnve. 10c; shine, Be. Eisaseer's, across from N. Y. Life B'dg. (D M679 MaylO CONCESSION and show men attention! Alma fair, Sept. 7 to 11, Paul Everson. Sec. Franklin fair, Sept. 14 to 18, C. E. Cross, Secretary, Bladen fair, Sept. 21 to 28, A. E. Cox, Sec. Mlnden fair, Sept. 28 to Oct. 2. E. B. Trough, Secretary. (1) M5M 11 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES. ALL STANDARD MAKES. WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE. We can sell you a high grade used car, thoroughly rebuilt and guaranteed, for less than a cheap new car costs. We have the best selection of cars and a reputation earned by 10 years of square dealing. Send for our free catalogue. NYBERG AUTO WORKS, 2427 Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. )-M574 11x Used Automobiles GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA' Stevens-Dtiryea Model U, S-pnssenger car, 6 cylinders, 35-horsepower, In good condi tion, has top and speedometer. This Is un exceptional bargain, originally cost (3.&0 without the accessories. Price 82.250. Stevens-Duryea Model U, 6-passenger car, 6 cylinders, 35-horsepower. thoroughly over hauled and painted ; has glass front, top. Beach magneto, Jones' speedometer, extra ensing, cover and tire Irons. Original cost t.. without the nccessorles; tires good. Price 3:',750. Stevens-Duryea Mcdel V, 5-passengcr, 6 cylinder, 86-hersepnwer, thoroughly over hau'ed and pulnted: has glass front, tup, double tire irons nnd Btewart speedometer. Original cost 33, Hull without accessories. Price $2,500. Corbln 8sortauout, 4-pasRf-nger. 4 cylinder. 30-horaepower, med only as a demonstrator and never sold. A racy model in fine shape; orlginu.1 price 12.00. Stevens-Duryea .Model R, 6-passenger car, 4 cylinder. So-horsepower; newly painted; has top, glass front. Jones' spe-dometer and tiro Irons. Car In very good condition. Original price 8-."0 without accesseties. Prhe $1.0. Stevens-Duryea M(.d.'"l R, 5-passenger car, 4 cylinder. ifn-horsepow-r: lias tup, Flak demountable rims and the engine Is In good shape; original price $J,600 without the top, Price $1,151. jjtfvcns-Duryea Model R, 6-pasKengi r ear, 4 cylinder, io-horsepower; litis top. Jones spe dumeter and tire Irons. h'iK'liig an extra cubing and c ver; engine in good I condition. Oillnul cost $2,tiuu without the acceesories. Price 1,1C0. R. R. KIMBALL 202(5 Farnam Street, Omaha. M'INTYRE A Wallace, Oakland autos, also slightly used aulos. 24th, near Krnam. (3) Mai A13 AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair work; dead storage. Wm. Pfelt'f-r Car riage Co., 2Uh & Leavenworth. Red 69J2. (2)-Ml57 li RAMBLERS New, 4 and 2-cyllnders, SO per rent discount. Rambler Auto Co., 2044 Farnam St. V AMERICAN 1903 model, 40-H. P.. fine con dition, for sale cheap. Addrfs P 3M. Be. (2) 61318 13 AUTO painting. Andrew Murphy ft Son. (J)-617 Al" SMITH A HARRINGTON, automobile liv ery; open day and night. Bell 'phone R1 16uo; Ind. phone 1239 Hd. 1317 29 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. C MI'jO I HAVE 16i) acres good western Nebrska land to Irado for touring cr; aui jiu W..19 must be In first clsse condition. I have a bargain for right kind of machine. Title to land clear. Address P. O. Drawer 88. North Platte. Neb. (2) M677 llx AUTOGENOUS welding. All kinds of broken cylinder, crank esses and castings promptly retired; all w.ick guaranteed. K. ('. Brsslng works. 16th and Walnut, Kaneaa City, Mj. Home , 'phone Main 3-"Jl i2j AUTOMOBILES (Continued.! MOLINE lf model, flve-psssenger tduiing car, f7M. Address O 3"3, Bee. (2)-MSl7 13 SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGMT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farram St. (r-3 RAMBLER touring car for Sale cheap. Ad dress A 3U7. Bee. (3 MM3 18 REPAIRING of auto a specialty. Machine Shop. 8. Ulh St. tl M7 11 Mtoreycle. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS These wheels have all bean overhaul) and put In thorough condition and are bar gnins for the money. 1 Reading-Standard, 1908 Model, 3V h. p. engine, 8125. 1 Reading-Standard Trl-Car, ti h. p. an gina, large box on delivery car, 8190. 1 Excctslor. 1908 Model, belt drive, 4V4 h. p. engine. In perfect condition, looks Ilk new, 3150. I light, 1908 Model, I h. p., tlSO. 1 Indian, 1908 Model, 2 h. p. engine, wheel In perfect condition, has uen used very little. 3126. 1 Racycle, 24 h. p. Thor engine, wheel In good condition, 3100. 1 Thor. 1 h. p. engine, has been used very little, 3110. 1 M. & M., '' h. p. engine, now tire. $100, 1 M. & M., 3V4 h. p. engine, 175. 1 M. A M.. 1008 Modol, fitted With Bosch magneto, 1176. 1 M at M.. Twin cylinder. 7 h. p., wheel has been ridden very little, 3200. 1 Flescher Special, $75. . , 1 Armac, 350. 1 Merkel, 1908 Model, In good condition, 3125. We carry a full line of parts for tha Thor engine and a complete Una of tires. Nebraska Cycle Co. 15th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. (D-M&SS 11 TWO motorcyclea Baysdorfar, 162ft Cap. At. !) M790 AJ0 BARTER AND EXCHANGE NEW stock of stationery and office sup piles. Invoicing about $3,000 for oaah or clear property. What hay you Both 'phones. Globe Land and Investment On., Omaha, Neb. (3) M853 DARLING A DARLING. Farms & City Property. 441 Brandels Bldg. 0)-6tU TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. R. Stringer. 636 Paxton Blk., Omaha. (3)-663 REAL ESTATE, LOANS and Insurance List your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co., 4010 Hamilton Bt, 'Phones Harney 8765: Ind., B 1842. (3)-664 WHAT have you to trade for th past one half northwest one-fourth of section 25-69-28. Ringgold county, Iowa. Im- J roved. Subject to mortgage 32,000. amea W. Davis, Newton, la. (3 M548 18 BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEI8 BLDO. (3)-M470 FOR BANK STOCK A good Iowa farm. 335,000. Address A 7. The Arlo, Lincoln, Neb. (8) M486 llx SEWING machine for painting. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney Sts. (8) 663 12 FOR EXCHANGE OR BALE, Nebraska farm, 160 acres, 2 miles front McCook: rich, level land; under cultiva tion. Will consider property In Chicago or vicinity. Valuable farm for omort able to give It personal attention. A. H. Fowler, 10638 Prospect, Chicago. III. (3) M6M 11 Mollne Runabout. 4 cylinder, 80-horr-power; just painted; ha top and curtain and extra wldo 3-passenger seat. The car Is In good shape, aa It has been over hauled. Original cost $1,760. Prlc $700. Maxwell Touring car, 1 cylinder model; has glass front; cost when new $1,460 Prlcj $700. Stevens-Duryea Model L, 2 or 4-passenger car, 2 cylinders, 14-horsepower, newly palrUd. Original cost $1,350. Prlc $35c. Stevens-Duryea Model L, two or four-pas.-enger car, two cylinder, 14 H. P., newly painted. Cost when new $1,360. Price $300. Stevens-Duryea Model R. f lve-paengr. four-cylinder, 20 H. P. This car has been lined but very little and has not been sold. It Is In excellent condition, originally cost , 52 601. Price $1,70. I Stanley Steamer, Model E2, two or four passenger car; Is newly painted, ha new rear tires, lamps; generator and tool boxes; l engine in good condition. Original cost $', without equipment. Price 87du Stanley Steamer, Model EX, two or four puns nger car, equipped with lamps and Kcnerrftnr. Is in go d condition, originally e. st I SKA', price $050. I Babcoek Electric Roadster, used only In demonstrations and never sold; battery In I l'lnest condition; car has top and able cur I tains. Originan cost $1,600. Price $ n0. I Columbus Electrio Victoria Phaeton, I n ver sold, but used aa a demonstrator; I nen battery; has top and curtsjns. Cost inew $1.mju. Price $900. i linker Electric, Inclosed body. Prlos $2u0. COOD 17-room hotel, Nebraska town, doing good business, for 6-passenger automo bile. Will give good trads; get busy. Good Improved Missouri farm of 160 crs; well located and good land, for Omaha resldonce or Income property. Well improved east central Texas farm of 2'M acres In Alberta peach bolt, for Ne bmvka farm land. Above property all priced at actual value. W. W. MITCHELL, 332 Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (J)-9 tl WE HAVE for exchange stocks of genX mdse., hardware, druns and clothing In Iowa, Nebraska and Dikntas, ranging In price from $-.',ono to $25,000. Want land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite ?4 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. 'Phone Red 14). Open Kvenlng. 0)-M,1J 1 WHAT HAVE YOU? I have a fine Pen-heron stallion f years old, weight I.S75, well recommended and guaranteed. Price, $1,600. Want land or town property. 8. E. WAIT at CO.. 17 B fcld- Omaha. UJ-M7H U