Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
I TOR OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE; APTUL 11, lflCfl. ' 3 tt-. : ru I Nebraska Nebraska AUDITOR TO ENFORCE LAW Brains Gfneral Iniurtnce Campaign in Nebraika. MAY FIRST FIXED TIME LIMIT After Then t nlru Ortila AKmra of Law Arm Cor reel eit Prw ratloa la rrom laed H l anslaers at 'UarW. (From a 8taff Corre-prmdrnt.) MNCOT.N. April lO.-fRperlal -Stt .Auditor Barton baa started out to make every insurance, company doing business In Nebraska rlther conform to the law and tho requirements of his office or quit husl tics. Tc a number of companies Mr. Barton has written letters calling attention to their weak points and giving Instrurtlon for theae matters to be. corrected or lis will at once proceed to put the companies cut of business. The action of the auditor has stirred tip quite a rumpus among; aeveraj of the com panies and one company wrote) tha auditor a lengthy letter telling what It Intended to do In the way of reform. This was arswered by Mr. Barton with the state ment that promises did not go and that the evils must be corrected by May 1 or proceedings would be Instituted. Between now and July the auditor will Issue his order prohibiting any company from printing on ts policies the statement that the same Is guaranteed by the atate. A bill which was Introduced In the legis lature attempted to prevent this, but Jt failet of passage. The bill gave the com panies until January 1, 1910, to conform to the ne wrule and get rid of their present literature. The auditor will make his rul ing In conformity with that bill, which was killed by the Insurance lobby. Promises to Keep It I p. On several occasions Insurance commis sioners have started out to correct the evils of the Insurance business, but each time the matter had been allowed to drop. Auditor Burton Intends to keep after the companies until every unsafe and unreliable company Is either forced out of business or made safe and reliable. The Insurance business got considerable airing during the late session of the legis lature and so many charges were made against certain of the companies that sev eral com ponies are anxious for an Investi gation, while other, of course, are Just as anxious that there be no Investigation. One Insurance man remarked this morn ing that he believed a grand Jury should be called to Investigate some of the eompanles. The fact that the insurance lobby this winter was more numerous probably than any other lobby has attracted attention to the buidness of Insurance and Is one of the causes for a demand for an Investiga tion. Mr. Barton has hia examiners at work and It Is very likely that before the summer is over Nebraska will be treated to some real live Juicy news regarding Insur ance companies. Railroads Make Money. The railroads of Nebraska have done fairly well this last year, notwithstanding It was election year and everything was going to the dogs. Following Is the showing of some of the roads which have filed their statements with the date Board of Assessment: Northwestern Oross earnings In Ne braska. 16.141.627; net- earnings. J.'.m, 17 1; net earnings per mile. $1,99:!. Rock Island Oross earnings In Ne braska, Si. 414. 456; net earnings, $307,496; net earnings per mile, $1.2.18. Mason City Ac Fost Dodge Deficit, $74,- Northwestern Gross earnings In Ne braska. I1.M7.331; net earnings. $424,111; net earnings per mile. $1,375. Missouri Pacific Oross earnings, $1,178,340; net earnings, $25.2511 l'aclfb: Railway In Nebraska Deficit, $.T,99U. I'nton Pacific System Oross earnings, $44. 999. 928; net earnings. $11,272.47$. This company made no report of Its earn ings In Nebraska. Wbat Is the ex of a fttallloar That Is one of the Important questions which Nebraxka's first democratic legis lature has left for the experts to deter mine. In the West bill providing for the keeping of a record of pedigrees of stal lions at the state farm and to prevent the advertisement of false pedigrees, it Is set out that a record must be kept In a book setting out the age, sex, color, ate., of the stallion. Politicians Oat of Job. Tht only business the platform convention will have to do when called the second Tuesday In July will be to select a state committee. The Donohoe bill which pro vides for the nonpartisan Judiciary and regents of the State university, make It unnecessary for n state convention this .year except for the purpose of selecting the state committee. There will be no need ff a platform bcause nvlther party will make a state campaign because the can didates go cm tho tl.rkct this fall without party dcaignation. Under the Kuhl amend cents to the primary law the only business Which the platform convention can transact Is the promulgation of a platform and the selection of a stste committee. There ts no occasion for a party platform this summer. Tar tight la Lincoln. "I am for strict regulation and enforce ment of the law, whatever It Is. If the 6:30 closing rule curries, I am for Its strict en forcement and for shutting off liquor sell ing In drug stores, sporting houses and Saner unauthorised places." DON I,. IXVK. I have always stoi.d for strict regulation. It seems to nm that the present rules are satisfactory, and I favor no change unless tho people vote for It.'' A. H. Hl'TTOV. Nebraska "1 shall stand for sn honest, conservative, business administration." JOHN R. WRIGHT Briefly stated, these are the platforms of the three candidates for mayor. The first two are candidates before the repub llrsn primary, st which It will be deter mined which of them shall be the preferred republican candidate as between the two. The third. Mr. Wright, did not choow to go Into the primary, but has announced his determination to be a candidate at the election. His petition was secured at the city clerk's office this morning and was at onco put In circulation. Q Warraaio Halt Argued. The quo warranto suit brought by the slate on the relation of W. V. Oldham against J. R. Dean was argued In supreme court Saturday morning. The case Is one In which the court must decide whether the Judges appointed by ex-Governor Shel don to the supreme bench under the con stltutlonal amendment enlarging the judi clary will bo allowed to retain their seats or whether those appointed by Governor Shallenbcrger will sit. Judges Root and Fawcett were appointed by both governors and will keep their places In any event. Judges Rose and Dean were appointed by Governor Sheldon and in their places Gov ernor Shallenberger appointed Judges Old nam and Sullivan. Judge Dean was the only democrat appointed by the republican governor, while Governor Sliallenberger appointed two men from each party. The argument of the Hhallenberger sup porters lies along the Una that the act of 1877 is still la force, that all subsequent amendatory acts are void and that rt con sequence the power to canvass votes re maina with the legislature. In opposition to this the attorneys who are supporting the validity of the Sheldon appointments urge that the amendments were carried Immediately when the polls closed on No vember 3, 1908, and that the power to ap point Judges was complete at any time after that. Bllsh to Commercial Clab. The reasons for success and failure In business and the advantages of "stlcktoit- Iveness" were discussed by Frank M. Bllsh of Omaha befote the Commercial club at lis noon meeting Saturday. Mr. Bllsh Is an old resident of Nebraska, hav Ing come to Uncoln twenty-five years ago, and while discussing business principles, he reviewed the development of Llnooln and brought his applications home to those who have lived here and have seen the city grow. The plans that have been launched either to build a new Commercial club building or to uae the upper floor of the new Bankers Life building, have been blocked tempor arily by the failure of the members of the club to answer the questions In regard to their choice of places, that have been sent out, at the request of the board of di rectors. The board will hold a meeting Monday snd decide what will be done In the matter. Death of A. D. Birr. A. D. Burr, deputy clerk of the district court and one of the oldest residents of the city, died at I o'clock this afternoon, after an illness of less than twenty-four hours. His death was due to heart trouble brought on by an attack of acute Indices tlon. He was on duty at the district clerk's office Friday noon and the other clerks In the office did not know hs was seriously ill until a few hours before his death. He wss lm great pain during the forenoon and lost consciousness two Tiours before his death, which came before his children could be summoned to his bedside. Mr. Burr has been a resident of Lincoln since 1869. He has been In the office of the clerk of the district court for forty years. He was appointed to fill out a fraction of a term In lhat office In 1878. He and his brothers, L.. C. and C. C. Burr, acquired a large amount of Lincoln, real estate in early days and later It became very val uable. They were the builders of the Sec retary Mutual building at Twelfth and O streets, which Is still better known by their name of the Burr block. He has three children. Mrs. Maude Atkinson of Chicago, Harold Burr of Norfolk and aMr- shall D. Burr of Sedalia, Mo. Wiley Mr. Carter Gets Free Before Sheriff Arrives Kansas City Authorities Hold Him Twenty-four Houri and Then Open Jail. BEATRICE. Neb., April 10. (Special Tel egram.) County Attorney McGlrr and Sheriff Trude, who went to Kansas City a few days ago after Joseph Carter, wanted here on a charge of fraudulently obtaining $9,200 from Tamme Zimmerman of this city on a land deal, arrived toiilght without their man. Carter was held twenty hours at Kansas City by the authorities while the Gage county officials went to Uncoln for requisition papers, but he was released be fore their return. So far they have failed to find any clue to the wily Carter. 06 cr in 99 Humphrey' Seventy-Seven breaks up Grip and (SO LPS The sunshine and warmth of ap proaching Spring, are responsible for many Colds. The temptation is to ear lighter clothiug; a sudden change In the weather and "Seventy Seven" U In deuiaiid. It's quick use, restores the checked circulation, Mart3 the blood courelng through the veins and break up the Cold. 2 5c, or mailed. Humphreys' Momto. Medicine Co.. Cor. William and Aim tftnets. New York. Makes Gasoline Traction Enalae. HERMAN. Neb.. April 10. (Special.) P. N. Peterson of this place has rigged himself a gasoline engine with traction attachments. Mr. Peterson bought a nrw stationary gasoline engine and then pur chased a pair of old steam engine ttac tion trucks and has sucreded In mounting the gasoline engine on these trucks, mak ing a cheap traction gasoline engine. He will use the outfit in making cement bridges and for hauling sand for cement purposes. He has already Invented a ce ment mixer and used it last year. Wolnarh Dry Klrat Time. WOLBACH. Neb.. April 1. (Special.) For the first time in its history Wol bach. Greeley county, has gone dry by a mejorlty of fifteen votes. This is the first time the question was ever put to the voters. Nebraska .Mews Notes. GORDON Settlers are pouring Into this region. Two cars of household goods a day have been unloaded here since April 1. WYMORB-The art exhibit given under the auspices of the schools opened down town today and is being well patronised. Pl.ATTSMOUTH-Wllllam J Bryan will deliver the graduating addresa to the graduates of the 1'lsttsmouth High school. BEATRICE The Junior team of the high school won from the annlor team vester dHy in the beet ball game of the season by the score of to t. KEARNEY The county Judge Issued a marriage license Friday afternoon to Aus tin Miller of Callaway and Miss Amanda C. Johnson of Stromaburg. BEATRJlB-I.eonard Day. the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Weeley Day. U Ing three miles east of Pickrell. died veoterday aa a result of poisoning from the grip. BEATRICE The Icral aerie of Eagles held a banquet Thursday night, which was largely attended. A number of Eas'es from this state and Iowa were In attend ance. rLATTSMOl'TH-ajisa Lucille Bates a daughter of Colonel M. A. Batea and w'lte In this city, has been appointed by the governor to a position with a H.uoO a lear alary. .NEBRASKA CITY-Martin Bettor has been appointed a meat Inspector and as signed t- duty In Rrooklvn. N. T. Ha left for that place la evening to take up his work. PLATTSMOCTH-Mlss Mary H. Hansen, aged 23 years. after a few hours illness passed away with heart failure. Rev. Ed ward Clutter conducted the funeral ser vice Saturday. rLATTSMOUTH The assessed value tlon of railroad property in Cass county, as reported to the state board follows: Bur llnglon, $11!i,872: Missouri Pacific, Kl.SKl; Rork Island, $3.N3. GRKSHAM-MI filegfreed Emellx Kallff end Leslie F. White were married at the residence of the bride's parents near York. Miss Kallff was formerly a teacher In the Gresham High school. BEATRICE Mrs. Alex Graham, wife of Ex-Senator Alex Graham, accompanied by her family, left yesterday for Alliance. Neb., near which place they will make ttM-ir home on a ranch. BRADHHAW The Burlington depot has been wired for the new system of tele phone dispatching. The Burlington offi cials expert to wire all their stations and will use the telephone. NEBRASKA CITY The funeral of Miss Lucy O. Rehse took place yesterday aft ernoon. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Ilehee and wss 39 years of age. The funeral was private. M'COOL JVNCTIOV-The condition of winter wheat Is e good as that of a year ago, excepting where the wheat was drilled In lata and good seed was not used. A few fields are reported aa damaged. BBATR1CB Edward Hyde with four teen mem yesterday began the work of con structing a new long distance copper cir cuit line for tho Nebraska Telephone com pany between Beatrice and Lincoln. TORK-Two of the rural mall carriers out of York are using a small automobile and motorcycle. When the roads are good they give their patrons much better serv ice and make the trip in a great deal less time. BEATRICE The Crabtree Forensic club met last evening and elected these offloers: Ashton Love, president; Harold Mat toon, vice president; Warren Burgess, secretary; Robert Orrlll. treasurer; Alfred Wright, press correspondent. PLATTSMOI'TH Mrs. Joseph Krolek was born in Bohemia In 1830 snd died In her home In this city yesterdsy. She is survived by six children. Rev. J. H. Bals bjry preached the funeral sermon and in. terment was in Oak Hill cemetery. YORK Farmers are busy sowing oats and many are seeding farms to alfalfa, clover, timothy and other grasses. The weather has been rather backward and farmers are not as far nhead with thtlr work at this time of year aa formerly. BEATRICE The home of Mrs. 8nra Burroughs In the south part of the city waa damaged to the extent of $800 by fire early yesterday morning. The fire Is sup posed to have been caused by a defective flue. NEBRASKA CITY The residence of County Treasurer F. M. Cook waa entered on Thursday night by burglars and a lot of silverware taken. The robbers even stripped the dining table of the silver ware. PLATTSMOUTH The Plattsmouth ntm. rods now cross the Missouri river into Iowa and bag a few large Mallard ducks and return home and have a feast, but are yery careful not to dispose of any of the birds to the dealers. B EATRICB Some of the members o the Beatrice Civic league called upon Mayor elect Rutherford yesterdsy and pledged their support In suppressing gambling, bootlegging and all kinds of vice within the city limits of Beatrice. BEATRICE B. W. Starlln and William Hagerman. two farmers living near Fllley. yesterday killed elevrn wolves. The mother wolf waa shot aa she emerged from her den, and ten young wolves were later found In the nest and killed. BEATRICE The I. F.'a held their annual meeting last evening and elected the fol lowing officers: Frank Kruee, president; Walte Morrison, vice president; Boyd Raynor, secretary: Harold Stout, treasurer; Horace Cook, press correapondsnt. PIATTSMOUTH The members of the local lodge of Eagles gave a feast last evening properly to celebrate the election of the city democratlo ticket. Twelve roasted chickens and an abundance of liquid and other refreshments and a merry good time was enjoyed until a late hoar. YORK The many friends of Marvin Hockenberry, the York ball player and pitcher for the York Business colleae. were pleased to learn of the good showing re rently made by Hockenberry against the Chicago league team. His many friends here have predicted that "Hock would make good. EDGAR Fire was dlaoovered vesterdav afternoon about 2 o'clock in the residence of F. W. Carlson. Much damage was done to the front part of the house. The fire resulted from SDontaneoua combus tion of a pile of fine coal In the base ment. The damage Is estimated at nearly uu; insurea. M'COOL JUNCTION-Dr. J. E. Preat has moved back to Comstock. Neb., where he win again engage iqthe practice of modi cine. Dr. Prest was offered a fine position with a large mining corporation in Mexico but after a short stay decided that Ne- oraaka waa good enough for him and will never again move away. NEBRASKA CITY The body of Henry Brown, who died the fore part of the week in umana. was Drought to this city yes terday afternoon and Interred with full Masonic honors. The body wss met at the depot by the Knights Templar and members of the Blue lodge and escorted to us last resting place WYMORE The entertainment s-iven bv the pupils of the publlo schools In the opera house last evenln was a deoarture from the usual procedure In that 11 takes me place of the exhibition of work usually made at the end of the school year. The nan was pacaea wtin people and the pro gram proved highly entertaining. NEBRASKA CITY A lara-e delegation oi mas went rrom nere to Shenandoah la., last evening to assist In outtlna- on me secret worK at tnat place and the mem- oers or tnat lodge have Dmmlaed to re turn the compliment In a short time. A oanquet was given the visitors by the uiks or that place while they were there. I f.vimsfcH-During an electrical storm the large barn of William Wallers wear of inia city, was struck bv lhrhtnlnr and ourned to the ground. The granary and nog nouse adjoining the barn were alao de siroyeo. nix neao or work horses, a num ber of calves, harness, etc., were burned In the barn. Mr. Walters had but $8U0 In surance. KEARM5Y One thousand trees have been planted alone the T'nlon Pacific truck between this city and the cotton mill west of town. Elm and bull nine are the varie ties used, for the reaaon that ihev mrm better adapted to the soil than any other tree, i ne trees are planted two rods apart. alternating ine variety and make a very erasing appearance. I'tMTBAU CITY Armed with a search warrant. County Attorney Ross and Sheriff tier went to t. larks yesterday and searched a restaurant there In quest of Intoxicating uuuora. i neir trm was rrult ema. for thev searched In vein snd were unable to find ny ot me forbidden beveraae within the territory covered by their search warrant KEARNFJT The Keamev vnlnntMr flr aepartment met Ttiursday evening at the city hall for the purpose of voting on can- nioaviea to oe recommended to the new mayor, who appoints the chief and assist. nt cnier. w. k. Ay res hss been ohlef for some time, out nis name was not men tinned this time. The department recom mended K. S. Carson, the former auluinl chief. WYMOREJ At a regular meetin nf th fire department laat night, officers of the companies were elected as fallows: Hose company No. 1, foreman, W. P. Blddle: secretary. Henry 8huttee; hose company o. i, foreman. lui lnes; assistant fore man. Frank Crate: secretary. fftihralin Graham; hook and ladder company, fore man, Martin Shlmbla; assistant foreman Charles Shoop; secretary. Harry Williams. EDGAR The school board at it. . ular mealing last evening elected the following teachers for the ensulmr v,-- Superintendent. Prof. Albert Snare: Drln- Ipal. Miss Marv Johnston- ..,, principal. Misa Ella Tompkins: eighth grade. Miss Mary Hill: sixth and seventh grades. Miss Dora Curriker: fnunli fifth gradea. Miss Geneva Th QTnuinn - econd and third grades, Mrs. Alys Col le; primary. Mlas Louie Cook. NORTH PLATTE Tha Mnoerr tore on East Sixth street waa hroV. laat night and about $10 in dime mnA .1,1, is taken from the cash rerlar p a vi Oerr. the proprietor, had taken out several uuurru uouara aooui nosing time laat lght. The robber effected hia hrough a window In the rear part of the tore. In some wav hm man .. fasten the latch and raised the .im.. loaing it afier him as he made his exit. WYMORE The I'nton r.l, i. hound local freight was m A ,,,n rURNIMir.RS OT HOTr.U, CLUBS AND Rr.XTAVR ANTS A. WRLL AS PRIVATr. HOMF.S. R tning when the engine jumped the track '- " at v nrw s'w IP CSMB.RO & WILHELM qiq-ICvlS South Sixteenth Street. Oriental Rug Sale Tomorrow, the beginning of the second week of this, our most successful sale of Oriental Rugs. This lot consists of a most extensive showing of choice art pieces, all of which were selected by our Oriental rug buyer from a $300,000.00 collection. This is one of the best opportunities we have ever offered Oriental rug purchasers. Never was a more mag nificent assortment offered you for selection, in fact it is an assembly of master, pieces of Oriental Art. There is no bet ter time than now to purchase Oriental Rugs. In this $50, 000 stock is an unusual lot of excellent values: If at all interested, whether to look or to purchase, you are welcome. One bale of Bclouchistans, an elegant line of patterns and sizes; sell regularly at $25.00 and $28.00; choice, 21.00 One bale of Sarouk Rugs, the finest line we have ever dis played; sell regularly for $65.00 and $70.00; your choice, each 45.00 aiid $50.00 Fancy Nets Tor Curtains Special attention has been given to the selection of our nets. We arc showing the new est from the best manufacturers of both Amer ica and. Europe. 34-inch Bungalow Net, dark ecru color, yd. 32c 42-inch Mission Net, dark ecru color, yd. 45c 48-inch Filet Net, square design, per yard, 79c 48-inch imported Fancy Net, white 'ivory and Arabian color, per yard $1.15 WINDOW SHADES The best will always be found in our stock we call special atteution to our Cambric Shades. One baJe of Bokhara Kugs, a particularly fine lot; sell reg ularly at $50.00; your choice $40.00 One bale of Genji Rugs, choice patterns and excellent values at from $18.00 to $20.00; choice, each $15.75 Cretonne Over Curtains ifjiFor bed room made like cut, with valance, com plete, for any size window, from any colored cretonne or taffeta, to order $4.90 Without valance, to order $3.75 Portieres Plain colored Door Curtains, with Vs-ineh tap estry band, per pair $3.75 New Chenille Portieres, new colors they wear better than any other curtain made at the price, per pair $19.50 Three Days' Special Sale of this, Our Most Popular Bed Room Suit For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we offer this elegant dresser, chiffonier and dressing table at a decided saving. T viS'au1 "ueuiji iy 05 i - i tVrf TLlke BBXBSEK ( Uke cut) Made of elect quarter sawed white oak. golden finish. Haa rounded ed. Is trimmed with wood knobs, has dust proof lining be tween the drawers. Top la II Inches deep by 43 Inches lona". Has French bevel mirror. H0xJ4 Inches. Perfect Blldtntr drawers never sold for less than $38 00. Special three day's sellinK .$33 CHOTOIfZES cut) to match dren er. Top Is 20 Inches deep by 30 Inches lonn. Has oval French bevel mirror. 20x16 Inches, four lare drawers and three small ones, fitted with wood knobs. Rcr ular rrlce :!8. special for 3 days' selling $30 Dressing Table (like cut), top Is 20 inches deep by 36 Inches long. Has three drawers fit ted with wood knobs, large French bevel mirror, 26x18 inches. Regular price $26. Spe cial three days' selling, 821.75 We can also furnish this suite with square mirrors instead of round at same special prices. BRASH KKI MPKCIALi Heavy 2-Inch posts, all brass bed, rich design, heavy fill ing, bright or satin finish. Special, at S&13.75 Other excellent Brass Bed bargains, at S1G.OO nd $1075 A full continuous 2-inch post brass bed iu satin finish, $30.00 value, special top $21.50 Hllwin Collapsible Go-Cart We are Om aha agentk for this celebrated Go-cart and carry a most complete new spring line of English Go carts and perambulators. Collapsible Folding Uo-cart like cut com plete with hood; has heavy rubber tire wheels, frame is black enamel, finished with nickel trimmings; special, each $6.50 Collapsible Folding Go-cart, entire frame is nickel finish, y2-inch rubber tire wheels leatherette upholstered in light gray; com plete with hood; special $10.00 Ostermoor Mattresses We are sole state agents for this celebrated patent elastic felt mattress, in art twill tick $15.00 Our special felt mattress, 45 pounds, in fancy stripe ticking, roll stitched edge; regular $12.50 values; special $8.50 Have you visited our Stove and Kitchen Ware Department in the Basement Nebraska at tha Q. H. Davis stone cruaher east ot town about noon. The englnt) was on a sidlntr when the rails spread. An engine was brought from Beatrice and removed the freight train trom the main truck to a siding at Blue Spring to allow the north bound pasHenger through. Tht freight en gine waa got back to the track about ti o'clock. TKCLM8KH The claim agent of the Bur lington Railroad company visited Tecum seh and niacin a settlement of the doctor and surgeon's bill incurred bv the Inlnrv ex-Mayor L.. S. t'hlttemlen suffered on Feb ruary Mr. Chittenden whs walklnc on the company s track In a rainstorm and was run Into by a locomotive and knocked from the track and painfully Injurtd. Me wss obliged to leave his work for a month so. He blamed no one but himself fur his accident and made no overtures to the railroad company. However. It scni its claim agent to Tecumseh and he paid the cms aDove mentioned. NEBRASKA. CITY Orover Ijine took a young imaii home to the northern part of the city a few evenings Hgo and on his rsturn to town he chilms to have iien knocked down and robb-d of tSl fri In cash and other ankles which he hud on lls person. Me doesn't kimw how It was done, save that someone sllnnerl un beliiml him The money belonged to the Woodmen if the World drill team and was monev which rams from their last dance. Mr. l.ane Ih the young man who waa si baitlv burned in a gasoline explosion at TrullliiB-er's cleaning establishment six months bko and has not fully recovered from Injuries re ceived at that time. WIFE MURDERER SHOOTS SELF WHEN POSSE RUNS HIM DOWN LHaai Kmhaasled la non, Herbert Aattaae Blows Oat Brains as Parsaera Approarb. BINGHAM. Ma.. Apiil H'.-Lylng ex hausted on the snow covered ground after flight of twelve miles through the woods. Herbert Nottage, who last night shot and fatally wounded his wife. l.u inda, dis charged his revolver Into his mouth when confronted by a posse early today and In flicted a wound which caused his death within an hour. Cottage quarreled with his wife bight at the house where she waj ployed and shot her five times. Immediately after the shooting, Nottage fled, but was overtaken exhausted twelve miles aay. Mrs. Nottage died during the da. The woman hail been twice married. being divorced from her flr.t husband. Jealousy Is said to Lave caused Itul night's trouble. Tariff Bill is in the Senate Measure it Transmitted to Upper House Immediately After Chaplain's Prayer. WASHINGTON. April 10,-The Payno tariff hill was transmitted to the senate today by Chief Clerk Browning of the house, who was In the senate chamber when the senate was called to order. As soon as the chaplain had concluded the opening prayer he was announced and without delay delivered the house bill which had passed that body. Mr. Aldrlch, chair man of the committee on finance, was In stantly on his feet and moved the refer ence of the measure to his committee. The motion prevailed and there was no further comment An additional print of the bill of 2.(100 copies was ordered for tba use of the senate. It Is believed that the receipt of the bill at th's time will insure Its report from the committee on finance not later than next Tuesday. Very soon after the bill had been received In the senate the republican mem bers of the committee resumed their sitting with the Intention of continuing In session not only through the day. but late Into the night. f -in " 1 in ijsjtk fa.Jtiiiiwua.'L.'Mi.j , OCEAN STEAMSHIPS last ein- Nw York to Paris In 6 Days FRENCH LINE Safety, Speed. Comfort vis Havre to Paris, th City Seeutiful, Fast Train to AU Coauaentai Points. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique Gtg-aotic twin screw express steamers sail very Thursday. 10 A. U. They are modern won ders, with all conveniences and luxuries of most palatial hotels, on even grander scale. Passes ger elevators, roof cates. orchestra, famous cuisine, gymnasium, daily newspaper, elegant suites, provide greatest comfort. Naval orhcers, man-o'-war discipline, wireless telegraphy, sub marine bail signal system aSord every provtslos for absolute saletv. t Pretence ....April lSl t Lerrsln Ms. t L fsrai. April lL Prercsc kl.r 1 La 'loursine April V I Kvol. kl.r N WX'iS ONE YEAR AGO TV TODAY. APRIL 11. A - 'V Klng-Swanson Co. waa organi r and laat night ended Zi weeks nf 1 HALF-MINUTE STORE-TALK ITlie Me-too argument Is awfully popular In Omaha t days. Every claim of superiority b- t hi. T.tore nw ,n Jvy .dtty" "everal "Me-too7 ads WVII-iiV eh wouldn't be noticed if they didn't nfeHt atte ttoT EASTER GREETING! Owe .. C.B4M aereSee til lu 9e tm MS-, ""m SMtdsy., we w Isrsa twia Me. ud ' l"MI .IMm.rf New Tirt IwIhu Serviea leae claM cabas) aaJ S4 m4 So. H. I L. N ft W. aV Moores we Umc. , . Ifl rrnam Street. . 1st Nsllonsl B.ak li rtraess Street. ed UP. uve ciomes selling. If you chanced to bo in the vlclnty of this store yes terday you must have reallz-d that a goodly majority of men hereabouts appreciate, by liberal patronage, a store that specialises quality to the exclusion of everything else. We thank you If you are a patron of ours. We thank you for reading this ad" If you are not a patron. It .-Ives us an opportunity to Invite you to participate In the many advantages offered by Omaha's only modern clothes store. SPRING SUITS OF SURPASSING ELEGANCE $10 to $35 THE NEW STOR E AAV THE HOME Or QUALITY Chortles Ms fll Boo Want Ads Bring tho Returns