Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 11. 1900. HI " p"- OTM rOIIBI UKACn A1.I, DBPTS. Ina. A.1MI Proper Gloves Yon will not be properly attired this reason unless you are projiorly gloved. We have always a complete assortment of style and lengths in the popular ami fashionable colors for bpnng. I ?hort (J,ovps in black, white and colors, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 up to $2.25 per pair Long kid Gloves in black, white and colors, at $2.00, $2.50 up to $4.00 per pair. , iSllk (J!oves with now embroidered tops black, white and Easter shade? at $2 00 and $3.00 per pair. - ' Long ilk and Lisle Gloves, in plain black, white and colors, at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and 2 ir Chamois Gloves in all styles. Knit Corset Covers The proper garment to wear between season. Prevents catch In colds. Women's light-weight ribbed corset covers, high neck and long sleeves, and high neck and no sleeves. All sizes, at, each, 50c. Women's Swiss Ribbed, mercer ized vests, low neck and short sleeves. All sizes, each, 65c. PRACTICAL MILLINERY m tvtt Ever since we've opened our millin ery department we have been famous for practical hat styles. We have never shown such beautiful creations as we have this season. Never given such real hat values. The materials and workman ship in Thompson, Belden & Co. millinery are of the best. See our charming and practical millinery Monday. Come Monday New Models of Man-Tailored Skirts to Your opeciai measure. There's a dlutinctlve newness, a dash of novelty in fabric and fash ioning of the strictly tailored skirt that you do not get outside of this department. They have the good lines, the good style and exclusive little finishing touches which a first-class custom tailor would give them. See models at dress goods department. The Latest Handsome petticoats to match your new spring skirt, made to your special measure. 35n 45 c: 4c 59o Special Sale White Goods Monday. French Lawns for Graduation Dresses. IZZ nC A'lDCt Erench I'awnB' Mly Price, yard a p,"cc" bCl 4A"lnch French I'". Monday's sale price yard . . , " - uv.ii lwiiuii, munusri sale price) varn en 10 niece, si oV aV "'I i f "B Monaay e price, yard '....75c IV p eces 11.25. 46-inch French Lawns, Monday'a sale price yard s 10 pieces 11.50. 45-Inch French Lawns, Monday's sale prlcyard .'..'.'.. $1 00 sPccial Sale 25c White Madras Economy Basement N Mondav at 8c Per Vnrrl 8C Lace Curtains (EL Draperies at Popular Prices Beautiful, new Cretonnes at 15c, 20c and 25c per yard incher 7c prTard8 "d "l' New Casement cloth in pretty styles at 16c per yard yard Malr" at'25c 35c' 4c- 75c and $1.00 per per 1ard.XCUrtalD " 3C' 4C 6C' 60c' 75c- 91.09 ' I Ruffled Swiss Curtains 9C i ono o.i ... fles at 98c to $3.00 per pair. " Miriams witnout ruf- Nottingham Lace Curtains at 50c to $5.00 per pair Cable Net Curtains at $1.50 up to $7.00 per pair. Real Cluny Lace Curtains at $2.69 to $9.00 per pair Brussels Net lce Curtains at $3.98 to $15 00 Jer pair Scrim Curtains at $3.00 to $5.00 per pair P , Duchess Lace Curtains at $7.00 to $12.00 per pair. Separate Coats well MntheCmVHh ZTl ar y,ry muCh ,n evence this season as .mil.'Vo'atsTror.e4' tohO,00gth9- Bh0W th 1 ' Silk Messaline Dresses Lingerie Dresses, wash dresses and dainty waists. All new for Monday's sell ing, v , Fine Tailored Suits All our own exclusive models. We. sell - the Finest' Tailored Suits in America. Price, $26.00, $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00. ' nm mm mm mm H ill a; 4 ' Wash Goods Department in Basement i. V". beL8t and mo8t cmplete assortment of wash roods In the fS.5odS. olce,t fabrtC8 and 8ty,e8 10 the she: Ginghams at 10c. 12 Vic, 15c, 20c, 25c per yard per yarnden FlDi8hed SultinS!J. Pn 'ancles at 10c. 15c and 18c Linen Shantungs, rough weave, at 35c and 40c per yard. Himalaya Cloth, rnurh uuv ..i v.v... ' . . at 30c per yard. 1 u,ul mercenzea Mercerized Poplins at 18c. 25c and 35c per yard Piquette," the famous imported, 25c per yard Pure Linen Suitings, plain colors at 30c per'vard Fancy Printed Piques at 18c per yard. Egyptian Tissue, the genuine, 25c per yard Mercerized Pongee a 15c and 18c per yard Dotted Swiss, in new stripes, at 16c per yard. '.T . Redfern Whalebone Corsets This picture has become quite noted as a Redfern Model noted for Its sim plicity of style and beauty of line. It was made by Stuart Travis, an artist, whose work is not only truly beau tiful but truly faithful, since he always draws from life, A Redfern corset was the figure foundation from which he worked. We have a complete stock of these corsets from which we can fit any size woman, giving her the long, straight lines sometimes called the curveless form. We must mention the gar ters, which are the Security Rubber Button, the most sat isfactory supporter there is. A Redfern Model may be had all the way from $3.50 to $15.00 per pair. fmm Miss Adelaide McCauley The expert New York Corset iere is with us for a few days for the express purpose of ex ploiting the merits and adapta bility of Redfern shapes to this season's fashions. Her services are without charge. Come Mon day and enjoy a free fitting at the hands of Miss McCauley. Waak Olatkm. loo down TuiKUh Wash C'lnUia lc each &toa day. Watch windows for Wednesday Cindy Special. The laxest in em broidered g-loTKa to be en in our Uth street windows. B-4-11-S. Inaue-U May 1, and the secretary of the fire and police board of South Omaha nays that while Hume are holdina- back, he expect about the same number to bo la dled thla year. Benton lite ilx aaloona, Florence has four, Valley uaed to hava one saloon, but la now a, dry town. Waterloo la wet, witli one aaloon. Through the Dnufrlus county commis sioners ten licenses have been Issued, pretty well scattered over the neighborhoods Im mediately adjacent to Omaha. Three are In East Omaha, two at Cut-Off lake and ons at Florence lake; one la at Ruacr'a park, one at Ralston, two on the Dodge street road, one at Forty-sixth and (J. on at Firty-foiwth and Uncoln and one at Ftfty-elgUh and Center. Large Town Wrthoat Saloons. Of the larger Interior towns of Nebraska. atrice, Kearney and York ar the most conspicuous examples In the dry column Others are Ashland, Aurora. Broken Bow, David City, Holdrege. Tecumaeh, Te kamah and Wymore. Alliance waa dry lat year, but thla apring- voted to Issue license, and Falls City voted the same way. ' , It Is expected that the arrtl-aaloon or ganliatlon will force the fight In Lincoln this spring- to cut out the saloons alto gether. When the seven to seven rule was made In the capital city by the excise board lant year, with only twenty-five licensea. It was conceded ta be the only move that would have prevented the vot ing out of the saloons. Ilavelock, a few mllea from Uncoln, haa saloons, and they profited quite substantially by the early closing In Lincoln. Should the latter city go dry this spring, the Ilavelock saloons will undoubtedly reap a harvest. Fifteen counties In the state have - no saloons at all, mostly In the sparsely set tled sections. Fojrteen counties have only one saloon In their borders, a few have only two saloons, widely separated, and from that the number ranges upward by threes, fours and so on, to the large group in Omaha. HASKELL BILLS ARE VOID (Continued from First Page.) bein- brought to the state from Ohio. Michigan and other eastern states. The Indictments charged alleged conspiracy to defraud the federal government and the Creek Indian nation in connection with the scheduling of Muskogee town lots In 1802. Following the returning of the Indictments all of the men Involved promptly gave bonds and were released. Today's decision follows the filing at plenty of "Girlish Style" ! i i o B B B B to these reefers and 3-4 lengths those especially striking and Ut plaid tliree-fourtli length coat for girl. to 14 year of age, are here. Then, too, there are plenty of those aolld reds, navya, tans, Copenhagen and novel stripes. Xcw, aenUfitted effects, with fancy strapping unique, almost Invisible pock et et Into the trimming, and a UvUh display of button a a means of setting off a new kprlng garment. See these surely, at $5, $6.50, $7.50 and $10 Per Garment some of the brightest apparel idea have found expression in this season's girls' reefers, as shown In our modern dep't. box reefers or somi.fHteu kinds some ' prettily touched off with a bit of Kllk or velvet at the collar uomo In red, navy or tan other in lively mixtures. Never during any previous season has there been so much "da-sh" put Into gar ment for girls of 6 to 14 years of age. $3.95, $5.00 and to $6.50 Per Garment Muskogee on March 14 of a motion to quash all the Indictments. The petition wa sensational in character, alleging mis conduct upon the part of Sylvester Rush of Omaha. It alleged that government Becret service operatives gave hearsay tes timony before the grand Jury; that Impor tant testimony was suppressed; that the government denied the Jury1 request for certain testimony, and that witnesses were coerced, being told by Attorney Bush that Indictment should be returned for the reason that the government wanted It done. Mr. Rush appeared personally at Tulsa In the present hearing and denied these alle gations. Today Mr. Rush declared that Judge Marshall opinion, overturning the Indictments, was purely decision on technical point, and that It did not affect the standing of the governments allega tions. These charges, ha declared, would be pushed unrelentingly and without delay. Attorneys for the accused assert that the statute of limitation will Intervene to pre vent new Indictments being returned It Is stated that the last overt act charged against the defendants was committed In April. 1908, and that the statute of limita tion In case of this nature runs for but three years. SENATE TARIFF BILL HEADY (Continued from First Page.) 1 New Spring Catalog Sent Free WSBL TBI Y0UN0 PE0PIT3 OWN STOKC to be reported. According to the present plans the bureau will consist of a consoli dation of the bureau of manufactures and the bureau of statistics, which are under the Bureau of Commerce and Labor, the Bureau of Trade Relations, unrl.r h n,ai department, and the customs divisions of i.e jreasury department. It is Intended that this consolidation shall be placed un der the head of the Treasury department and that It shall act In an advisory ca- F.imy io ma president in the event of the adoption of Senator Aldrlchs maximum nd minimum provision for the application of fh Ifl.lff 1 . . a. .kt. , . I - .mw. nm una provision gives ..,unuic discretion to the president the senate committee deems it wise to formu late a bureau which would at all times be competent to set In an advisory capacity with him In the matter of carrying out the operation of the tariff law. IMS. A 1 - . lakjss 4sA aft a uw-ui uousiaa wucci urnan Nb. Send For New Spring Catalog Hlldrr-JttMoa. CENTRA... CITY. Neb.. April Kl.-iflpe-cial.)-Mlas Margaret Johnson and Ernest Wilder were married Wednesday evening at the home of (Woige Ferris In Midland township. Rev. R. J. McKensI. past'r of the, Methodist church of this city, perform ing tu ceremony. OIL CASE RECORD BREAKER Transcript of Evidence Contains Eleven Million Words. TRIAL WELL COST FIVE MILLION Government Attorney Keltoss Br. a-ln float a a Argument After Five Solid Day of Talk to Coart. ST. LOUIS. April lO.-After a continuous srgument of five day, one of the longest ever granted by a fedorsl court In this countiy, special t'nitrd States Attorney Oeneral Frank B. Kellogg this morning commenced his closing address to the court In behalf of th government In the letter's suit to have the Standard Oil company of New Jersey dissolved sa a violator of the Sherman anti-trust act. The case has a record for bigness, the evidence being larger by half than that ever before taken In - a single case, the record containing In all ll.OM.OflO words. Not alone does It concern one of ths largest corporations In the t'nlted States, but Its trial had employed the attention of t. score or more of ths most prominent corporation attorneys for almost two years. also a record. The case has also cost Into the millions, and It Is estimated that by the time the court of last resort will have passed upon the Issue that the trial will represent aa expenditure of close to S6.000.000. Mr. Kellogg this morning, after paying his respects to the defense, after the fashion of lawyers, commenced his argu ment by discussing the contention of Lawyer David T. Watson of Pittsburg anent the Northern Securities derision. Mr Watson, who argued that the case for the government. In the present suit. Insisted that the conditions between the defendant and the facts of the "securities" esse were not analogous and, therefore, not applica ble as a conttollng authority. Original Companies Competitive. Mr. Kellogg argued that the twenty com- panles signing the original Standard trust agreement were Just as competitive, If sny thing, more so, thsn the railways sub scribing to the sgreement In the Northern Securities case. The government attorney carefully re viewed the facts as well as the law, and claimed that the two cases were Identical and that by no stretch of the Imagination or sophistry could Mr. Wstson's argument be legally or technically logical. After passing that point. Mr. Kellogg took up the points raised by John O. Mil- burn of New York, who narrated the facts of the case from the defendant's view point; John Q. Johnson, who discussed cer tain phases of the law and, lastly, Morlts Rosenthal of Chicago, who confined his address to a discussion of the alleged un fair competition and discriminatory rail way rates. Mr. Kellogg also took sharp issue with the defendant's maps, showing that the price of crude and refined oil had fol lowed the general Increases and declines of prices of household commodities, even to being lower as a rule. The federal at torney Insisted that the price of both crude and refined oil had been higher than the proportionate Increase of general sup plies, offering a new set of tables, prepared by Dr. A. Dana Durand of the United States bureau of corporations In support of his contention. Rosenthal Friday's Feature. The feature of yesterday's hearing was the argument of Lawyer Morlts Rosenthal of Chicago, who confined his address to a compilation of fact upon fact. More than score of women were In th court room today. After hearing the arguments of the lawyers, the court will take the esse under advisement, but It Is not expected in view of the size of the case and the evidence to consider, that the opinion will be handed down before fall. Morlts Rosenthal followed Mr. Watson for the defense. "I maintain that In all this great record there Is no proof that these defendants ever received discriminatory railway rates secret or otherwise, over their competi tors," was his challenge. After describing the conditions In rail way circles, prior to the passage of the Elkias act In 1883, Mr. Rosenthal Insisted that there was no proof In the record that the defendants had accepted any conces sion from any lawfully established rate. Mr. Rosenthal then took the alleged dis criminatory rates and discussed them one by one, showing that the discrimination existed principally on paper. The oil rates were about the same throughout the country. Mr. Rosenthal said, as those upon other commodities. In taking up the alleged price-cutting, Mr. Rosenthal denied that the cutting had driven any one from the oil business. There was no evidence of that kind, and In only two or three Instances did the evidence show that reports of competitors' shipments cams from railway employes, as charged. Now my clients sre not to be con demned," concluded Mr. Rosenthal, "even If thla method of obtaining competitive re ports Is Improper, nor are they to be con demned because in one or two instances some one of our 66,0u0 men hsva given a gallon or two of oil, to find out what our competitors are doing." Johnson Closes Argomeat. John G. Johnson of Philadelphia spoke briefly on the law points, making the con cluding argument. "You may In the future get legislation," said he, "based upon the seml-soolallstlc tendencies that prevail, and then we must look to courts like this for our protection. Heaven forbid that because of bigness or any other cause a thing should be con demned, or ws should reach that atsgs of affairs when every mole hill Is a mountain and every bush a forest tree." The lawyer declared that monopoly really meant Illegal exclusion, a thing the Stand ard had never been guilty of, he said. "And," he concluded, "If our congressmen do not understand what a monopoly really is let them take a dictionary and find out." Mr. Johnson Insisted his client had not been guilty of monopolisation as al leged in the complaint. Joker Some Day May Turn Up in Oil Bill Denied Eastern Newpapert Profe&i Free Oil Is Myth, Bat Others Declare This Error. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April 10.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Eastern newspapers have found a Joker In ths Payne tariff bill with relation to the oil schedule. It doe not appear In the bill Itself. The Fsyne bill provides for free oil snd Its product. Snd sny other in terpretstlon plsced upon It. so far as read ing goes, with any other schedule, accord ing to Mr. Payne tonight, is s figment of Imagination. Judge Norrls wrote Into the bill a 1 per cent ad valorem duty, which was changed to a Tree duty In view of protests coming from people from all over the t'nlted States demanding that oil go to the exempted list. Now a number of correspondents ar find ing a Joken In the bill which came from the house under an agricultural schedule providing that certain products of oil c-.rry 20 per cent ad valorem duty. "This Is wholly a wrong InterrrMation," ssld L. W. Busby, speaker's se retary, to night. "Mr. Payne, In moving that oil be plsced on ths free, list, Includelng Its product, tated that th amendment meant Just ex actly what It said, and so far aa there be. Ink ny 'Joker' In the bill as it came from the house, I cannot see It. nor can any body else who reads the schedule." New Towns Are Many on New Line Spring Up Over Night Like Mnh rooms on Union Pacific Extension. NORTH PLATTE, April IO.-8pecll.)-New towns along ths North Piatt ar springing up Ilk mushroom Along the new Union Pacific extension to Northport. The Union Pacific has resumed track try ing along this routs and the rail will soon be down a far a Northport. Oshkosli, IJseo, Keystrne and other new town ara having a remarkable growth. Th heavy rains and snow hsve Insured a splendid crop In this section aud th new sat tiers are most hopeful. Hitchcock's Body Taken to St. Louis Funeral Services for Former Secre tary of the Interior to Be Held Monday. WASHINGTON. April lft-The body of Ethan Allen Hltchcx-k, former secretary of th Interior and American ambasssdor to Russia, who died her yesterday, left here today pver the Pennsylvania railroad for St. Louis. Mo. Thsr on Monday next funeral services will be held at !: p. m., from th second Presbyterian church, fol lowing which th body will be Interred In Bellefontalne cemetery In that eitv Mr Hitchcock. Lieutenant Ccmmander and M s. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Shepley, Miss Margaret Hitchcock and George C. Hitch cock of St. Louis, accompanied the body to St. Louis. Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Shepley, Miss Hitchcock and George Hitchcock are child ren of. the former cabinet officer. Poet Swinburne Dies in London Death Due to Attack of Influenza, Which Developed Into Pneumonia. LONDON, April W.-tlgernon Charles Swinburne, the poet and essayist, died this morning. He had been suffering with In fluensa, which developed Into Dneumonla- Algernon Charles Swinburne was born In Ixndon, April S. 1S37. his father being Ad miral Swinburne and his mother Lady Henrietta, daughter of the third earl of Ashburnham. He was educated In France and England, and as a poet he was especi ally well known for hi facile metlcal In vention. He was a bachelor and lived at The Pines, Putney. Talks on Teeth BY DR. E. R.L. MURPHY , Pyorrhea Permanently Cured- Pyorrhes desssse of the gum (loosening of the teeth, sore snd bleed ing gums), In uhlrh dentists are so path rtlcally helpless. In the course of the IS yer 1 spent de eloping my system of dentistry I also found snmrthlng tluil will stop pu forming in the gums, tluil will prevent the gums front receding., and tlms either protruding the teeth or forr Ing them out altogether I tan (Ve the gums practically new life, mnke thein rud dy snd healthful and 'iiHttiral. 1 nav never know this system to fall in -nv diseased condition of the gjiins. i ii,f,,n this unequivocally. My methods of replacing teeth without plates or brhlKcwnrk arc as sound, sic vlceble and bountiful as natural teeth. No plates to cumber up the mouth. You will find that my method fixes each tooth so replaced firmly In Its own socket. These teeth are simply perfect In prrnn and s. in a a ro -k. No pain, no surgery connected with the work Anything that changes the old order of things, particularly If the change is for the benefit and comfort of humanity and Is so attractive to humanity that they will pay money for the benefit and com fort, then th imitators fairly swarm sbout, each claiming he has something "rqual to" or "Just th same h original Invention. This method or iginated In Chicago some five vnr This Is th only and nrtsrlnni known of replacing teeth without plates and bridge work. W are prepared and eaulDDed in r office to treat every form of dental trouble, from the simple toothache up. We use patent appliance. Vte will gladly send vou our hjnriimmn book, "Dr. Murphy' Method," which goes into aeians h you are too far awav to call. It Is free. Writ for a conv. Imn'i put It off. Do it now. DR. E.R.L. MURPHY 610 N. V. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA. Formerly consulting and examining dentist with O. Gordon Martin, Inc. Lincon Man is Under Arrest J. H. McCarthy Held at Freeport on Charge of Embezzling Funds. FREEPORT, 111., April 10.-(Special Tele gram.) J. H. McCarthy, formerly of Free port, was arrested here yesterday on a charge of having embessled a large sum of money at Lincoln, Neb., several months sgo. The chief of police here received a telegram from Lincoln several weeks ago saklng that he watch for McCarthy, who Is s theatrical man. OLIVE OIL We are offer! nir a anorlal I m . .. .j. jwi i a - tlon nf MpEtalno nnA rti - - w vim wi auu guar, ante It to be absolutely pure. The "ltlo1i aemana ror this oil tells th storv. 6 oz. Bottles Beaton's Olive Oil. ,2r luicvinujr imporieia. ) 16 os. full pints Beaton's Olive Oil. t 60s (Specially Imported.) ' 32 oz. full quarts Beaton's Olive Oil. at oil ( (Specially Imported.) 6 os. Maltese Cross Olive Oil. . . .3;k 12 oz. Maltese Cross Olive Oll..n 24 oz. Maltese Cross Olive Oil.. 1 8 os. Galllard's Marseille Oil...2.?i 8 oz. Wright's Olive Oil 59! BEATON DKUG CO. 15th and Farnam St. line will leave Fort I3e France tomorrow Castro" " " Po-'WHty Castro will be sent from the l.i . vessel , case he ,. wei. enough! Z btte. has approached Denmark ln th. matter of permitting Clpr.ino C astro o :,nI::h;1D,n,,h of St. Thomas In case the former president of Venesuela should proceed there from moTrlr A dCf'n,te " Castro Ordered to Leave Island FORT DQ FRANCES. Martinique. April 18. Clprtano Castro, the former president of Venesuela, was Informed officially today of th decision of th French government to expel him from Martinique. He at one declared to th chief of police- or Fort D Franc that th state of hi health was such as to mak It Impossible for him to lesv his bed. Th government thereupon called In Dr. Bouvler who will mak a report on the condition of Castro. PARIS, April 10. Precis instructions hav been forwarded to Mr. Foureau, th governor of Martlnlau. In th matter of th government' Intention towusda CIp rlano Castro. A steamer of th French The Weather Temperature at Omaha yesterday: iiour. Deg. 0 a. m a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m , 9 a. m 10 a. m , 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m i p. ni 5 p. m 4 p. in 6 p. m p. m 7 p. ni 3l 32 UK 4' I 44 4K 6-! 57 HI t:i s M W h.1 .00 Loral Rrcersl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BCREM' OMAHA, April I0.-Offlcla record o ' ten, I peratui and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the laRt thre years: iva iv iruvi .n. i, , .pin. inuiinum temperature.... 66 m 49 minimum temperature 3u 40 Mean lAmiwritiir. .11 ri nn 7 7 p p.) .ij. Vrenlnlt atin ,w . UU ,Hf IVmnfrtlllr. CanH Jt . r . v v. .linn urpanurra from the normal at Omaha since March 1, " vumyareu wun me last two years: Normal temperature 44 Deficiency for the day 0 Total deficiency sine March 1 ,.. Ui Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency for the day Winch Total rainfall since Mareli 1 M Inch Deficiency since March 1 l.XDInche Deficiency for ror. period, IlKH.... I. S3 Inches Deficloncy for cor. period, 19u7.... 1.73 Inched L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. tars and . n Stripes A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoissieur. Have a case delivered to your home. Willow Springs Brewing Co. breen Trading Stamps . Sl.sO la Stamps (II) 81 ven with sach two oxen caas of small bottles, d it OC livrd In l 3 checlty for. . 3.00 In Stamps (It) Slvsn with sacb tws oxen cas of lax bottle, d- on nr livwed In th city for.."" Out of town cus tomer add 1.2 tut (ms and bottles. orrio, ior xa.r rbaa Dnf. isoa. Brewery, ad aac Klokary. raa Boa, laas. 1 I