Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 16

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Weitern Nebrwk Land Deal InvoWei
More Than Two Million Dollars.
tttm Tract Will B Cat Ff 1st STB
Snail Wmrmm t'advr tk Irrtsa
! DHraea f
Platte Valley.
Ranches In western Nebraska are, paaaln
away and with them la going the land of
extenalva owners, all belnK divided and
aub-dlvtded Into amall farina.
Through active and Intelligent agenelea
In Omaha them landn are. boing actually
aettied, for the Omaha anente have a policy
to which they are adhering with atrlct
fidelity. They do not dcelre to aell to In
'veetore nor apeculatora, but only to legiti
mate aettlera. Borne of the contract which
they have require that the land be aold
to farmer only, and many a tract which
could have been aold aeveral tlmee to larae
land owner, haa remained unsold for weeks
until a farmer came along with a lurg
family and a little money to buy the lnJ.
Tim paaalng of the William A. Paxton
ranch In the North platte valley wan one
of the notable land aalea of recent year.
The S.fifiO acrea waa aold within three
montha and every acre went to a farmer
who will make the land hla home this aea
on. The German Lutheran liked the looks
of the Pajiton ranch and. known as the
"Keyaton" colony, It haa become the home
of hundreda of iturdy farmers who will
develop It to the utmost.
Following the closing out of this land In
such a short time, tho Trl-Slate Land com
pany, headed by K. A. Cudahy of the
Cudahy Packing company, has decided to
ell Its tract in western Nebraska, most
of which Is In Scott's Bluff county. The
Payne Investment company of Omaha Is
to sell this tract also. Thirty thousand
acrea represent the holdings of this com
pany, which some time ago decided to
make It a tract of farming land Instead of
range and spent :',000,000 for an Irrigation
"While real estate dealers all over the
country have been advertising lands in
Texas, Canada, Cuba, Mexico and every
where else, we have believed that there
are no better possibilities fur development
than right here In our own stitc," says O.
II. Payne. "In the new IrrlKiited districts
of western Nebraska the results will prove
that there Is no better opening for an in
vestment In lands."
To show that the company wants to sell
to settlers and colonlxe rather than sim
ply sell, the significant offer Is made by
the owners, who are such men as Mr.
Cudahy, that a discount of 13 per acre
will be made to a buyer who will improve
the same by constructing a house or mak
ing other improvements costing 11.000 or
more, and the company offers to place the
deed in the bank and give the buyer some
time to make the improvements.
While Scott's Bluff county Is rich 'and
developing, the decision of the Trl-State
Land company to sell Its holdings, means
Just about double the amount of land under
cultivation In the county, will be farmed
within a year or two. The agents for the
30,000 acres have Just one year to sell the
land In, which will mean many new farms
added to those of Nebraska within two
"Drake addition," which has been sold
by the Byron Reed company, has become
one of the beauty snots of Omaha within
a little more than.a year. While parts ,of
the addition have been sold for a number
of years, the selling of a strip west of
Thirtieth avenue and, between Capitol ave
mie and Cass streets, has meant the park
ing of a beautiful part of the addition,
while two builders secured some of tho
lots and have erected on them some large
modern residences and otherwise Improved
their property, making the addition one
which would deserve the name of "Drake's
Loomls' second addition at Fortieth and
Ames is an addition being opened by W.
L. Belby, where lots are selling rapidly
and many new residences being erected
From Fortieth street esst to Twenty
fourth on the north side of Ames avenue,
through Collier and Monmouth plires,
Omaha Is receiving an addition which Is
surprising to those who have not visited
the section for some tlnrv Mr. Belby, to
gether Willi Hastings & Heyden and others,
have sold hundreds of lots, and almost
every lot either has a house on It or
one Is being planned.
The fact that brick Is hard to get and
lumber Is high and going higher. Incon
veniences some builders and iloes not check
the operations. Scarcity of brick has made
the cement block Industry thrive. Con
tractors have been buying all the brick
which they can secure from the ysrds at
Bloux City and Sargent's Bluffs, but they
do not begin to supply the demand, and
many brick are being shipped In from
Kansas at a high rate for transportation.
B. A. Wilcox has sold his residence In
Boulevard terrace on Thirty-fifth avenue,
between Woolworth and Poppleton avenues,
to O. T. Wright for W.OOO. This is In the
popular Field club neighborhood, where
many new residences are being erected,
among them a new home for J. M. Oulld,
commissioner of the Commercial club. An
other residence sale of the week was when
Axtel Meyers sold his residence at Thirty
third and Webster streets to R. A. Temple
ton, sr.. for 16.750. N. Merrlam also sold
his residence at Eighteenth and Blnney
streeits to Mrs. Eva McCormlck of Council
Bluffs for i,0rx.
U. S. Contracts Let
ZmproTementa at Fort Omaha to
Begin Boon and Be Pushed Vigor
ously Soma Local Building- Botea.
The award of contracts for the Improve
ments which tho government contemplates
at Fort Omaha was made last week to
George J. B. Collins and Peter Sodcrberg
of this city.
The contract Is for the construction of a
double barrack, a stable for 183 horses, a
gun shed, a stable guard and shop. There
were eight bidders on the general contract,
of which four were Omaha men. The low
est bidder on the whole of the construction
was George J. S. Collins, whose bid waa
1-10,676. The next lowest for total construc
tion was Parsons & Klene, who bid 181,196.
Teter Soderberg came third with a bid of
1S-'.8S7. The fourth was R. P. & E. O.
Hamilton. Parsons & Klene stipulated
that they would take the whole of the
building or none. This provision eliminated
them from any of the work.
Hnd Mr. Collins made a similar stipula
tion he would In all probability have re
ceived the award for the entire contract.
As It is, Soderberg will receive part of It.
The burrocks will be completed before
winter, and the rest of the work will be
finished next year.
The government has made and Is con
templating extensive construction at Fort
Last year George J. 8. Collins built the
hydrogen gas house, the wireless tele
graph tower and the hydrogen gas tank
at Fort Omaha. Mr. Welse of South
Omaha erected the balloon house. This
gives the fort practically a complete outfit
for balloon service and wireless telegraphy,
and is perhaps the only fort so equipped
in the United States.
It is understood that the government in
tends to begin experimenting along this
line soon, and it is not at all unlikely that
Omaha may see balloons flying through
the air this summer.
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion building, which waa formally opened
last week. Is provided with the best grade
of wire screening and brass rails through
out. The Champion Fence company In
stalled most of the brass railing.
Large Iron gates have been put up at
Holy Sepulcher cemetery by the Champion
Fence company.
The demand upon Omaha wire fence deal
era begins with spring and they have about
all that they can do to supply It until fall.
Sturdy oaks from little acorns grow
advertising In The Bee will 'do wonders for
your business.
We have recently added to our
already large list the Agencies of
some of the finest Press Face and
Enameled Brick iri the country.
Out i show room has been moved to
the ground floor where it will be
more convienient for inspection by
Architects, Contractors, intending
Builders and others. We are now
better equipped than any firm West
of Chicago in this line, and our
facilities for furnishing these brick
are unexcelled. We feel, therefore,
no hesitancy in soliciting a gener
ous share of your brick business, and
invite an early inspection.
1805 Farnam Street. Omaha.
Both Phones.
Beautify Your Lawns With Cur Wire and Iron Fences and Gates
Trtllhes far Y1ns. Tre GnarriV
, - - - -
A ft i Lawn Vases.
Factory 16th k Jackson 617 So. 16t St.
Ill tcti l"uts. Window Ciunrds,
Clothes Posts, Chicken Fence.
Band for Catalogue.
MTU Timin.U!Vi
rind tatm very day
by watching th an
nouDoemeiiU In THE
BEE'S Want Ad Col-
"Asbestos Century" Shingles
The Modern Roofing Blatee
uet Our 1009 Catalogue
If tr made of
WeTe got n.
Keasbey & Mattison Co.
A. A. Avery, algrH Omaha, Branch.
Uarney biros.
t ;
?.... " "T--- , ""'"TO'H""n tmrn,,"' " Ji' i
1 I v ..Vlii iiwByin--r--'A-rA-,r--tiK'rmf'r-.)i
I I R. OO-N. .
y 3 x. s
Something About Cement Construction
Arthur O. Clanaso, Arehltsot,
There are two things in which home
builders are Interested in today more than
anything else. One of them is tho design
ing of bungalows and the other Is the
dlferent ways in which a home can be
constructed of cement.
The difference in cost between a frame
home and cement constructed home has
not come to the point where It is advisa
ble to build a home entirely of cement,
although there is no doubt but what that
will be the eventual solution of the prob
lem. While lumber dealers have been
placing their prices really higher than has
been necessary, they are not entirely un
warranted, for our lumber supply is cer
tainly growing less every year. Brick is
always a favorite form of construction
and probably will always remain so, but
the labor of laying each brick separately
is considerable. The price, therefore, for
masonry walls Is in favor of concrete and
there is not tho slightest doubt about the
equivalent in strength, In fact, a concrete
wall properly made Is the strongest wall
that can be used. You will note I stated
"properly made," for here, unfortunately,
is the one great drawback to cement and
concrete construction. There Is such an
open opportunity which Is too often taken
advantage of for a builder to put In con
crete work in anything but the proper
manner. In a brick wall, however, the
owner can pick up the bricks and examine
them, passing his Judgment on thpm Just
as well as an experienced builder or archi
tect. Unless he Is a practical builder,
however, he cannot tell what Is going
Into the concrete wall. Even If the proper
proportions are being used In the mixture
of its aggregates, he is no Judge of the
quality of cement used. The cheapest, best
and most practical foundation wall Is a
solid concrete wall varying from twelve
to eighteen inches In thickness, according
to the size of the building. The concrete
should be of proper proportions, as speci
fied by the architect, well tamped to the
forms, using as much water In the mixing
as possible. It is the water which brings
about the chemical action of the cement,
and the more of it that is used up to a
reasonable quantity, the more thoroughly
Through a special arrangement with
Mr. Clausen The Omaha Bee is able
to offer Its readers the complete
plans, details and specifications of
the home illustrated on this page with
out chtinge for $10. Mr. Clausen Is
the author of a well Illustrated book,
46 Chapters 000 niustrstlom.
A beautiful and practical book con
taining complete information on the
planning mtkI designing of every kind
of hwne. It contains extensive articles
on that popular style of home, The
American Uungalow, also the Two
Story Bungalow. BUNGALOWS
BUILT FOR TWO. Homes of Dis
tinctive Character, Planning the Cot
tage, the Country Home, the Farm
Home, Homes for Special Places, The
Duplex House, etc. There are ex
tensive illustrated articles on en
trances, windows, stairways, fire
places, porches, kitchens, pantries,
cement construction, articles on what
not to do In building a home, the Let
ting of Contracts, the Practical Side
of Home Kulldlng, the Sentiment of
T? K""Hnv. rtc . etc. Price, post
paid to readers of The Bee, II. Send
u.i nidi r lo Arthur C. Clausen,
architect. Studio, 1013 Lumber Ex
change, Minneapolis, Minn.
the aggregates in the concrete work are
bonded together, the same as in making
bread, enough water must be used to bring
about the chemical action of the yeast.
When the walls of the first and second
story are made of cement, there should
always be an open space on the inside
between the wall and the lath and plaster.
This can be done by placing a course of
hollow brick on the Inside or by the using
of thin wood strips, known as furring.
After the wood forms are taken off the
wall, It does not present a very sightly
apiearance. For this reason there should
be always a finishing coat of cement put
on after the wall Is finished. There can
be either what Is known as a carpet float
finish or a cement dash. When a dash is
used, there Is always either small gravel
or finely crushed lime stone used In the
mixture to give a rough appearance. When
this is properly done, It looks very well,
but Is a class of work which should only
be entrusted to a mason who has hod con
siderable experience along this line. The
averaje mason will make a very uneven
surface, that Is he will have the clash much
thicker in some places than In others,
which never looks well. The water table
or sill course, If of cement, should have
a smooth surface. Sills are often made of
cement, even for brick buildings, contain
ing reinforcing rods to guard against
cracking. A cement porch floor should
never be placed on a sanded surface, no
matter how thoroughly it Is tamped and
worked down with water. It will In the
course of a year settle some, causing un
sightly cracks to appear In the floor. For
this reason a cement porch floor or a tile
floor with a cement foundation should
always be reinforced with Iron rods, as
directed by the architect. In this way a
perfectly secure and permanent floor Is
obtained. Another favorite form of cement
construction Is to have cement plastered
on metal lath for the exterior. This should
always be two coat work. It Is best to
always place the last cot of any cement
work, whether It be a dash or a carpet
float finish, nil on the building In one day,
mixing the ingredients by actual measure
ment and using only one kind of cement.
Precautions of this kind will prevent the
wall from having a motley appearance. A
wall should always be thoroughly wet be
fore applying the last coat. In order to
assure a perfect cohesion. A cloudy day
Is always the best for this kind of work,
since the cement will not then dry out too
fast, forming map cracks on the exterior
surface. Cement houses should be plain,
preferably planned rectangular in form,
with as few turns and corners as possible.
Concrete In a plain surface Is very reason
nble, but as soon as one goes Into round
ways, towers, fancy ornaments, etc., it
becomes a very expensive material.
I in '.HI HWWPHWI ' pi"H I lmfi W
mi - -
we enow iou varieties of artistic face brick laid up In
panels. An Interesting exhibit loq and very helpful to those
ao aesire to select Drick for exterior wall or for fireplaces
The Right Brick Is Joy Forever
Build of brick and avoid the annual
cost of painting. No wall more beautiful than the
Might Brick Wall. Look at the many new brick residences,
and ten to one those that please you best are built of Sun
derland's Artistic Brick.
IJWWuwismi in..if
in mi ii ' ' ' iimum mini ll mm 1 1 Uim.J
Expanded hiatal Go.
MVinBuren St., Chicago
Manufacturers of
the Standard Material for
in floors, roofs, bridges, pave
ments, sewers, etc. Write for pam
phlets containing full information.
1S03 Farnam Straat Omaha, Nebraaka
Spring Announcement
E WISH to announce to our friends
and clients that we appreciate their
encouragement and support, and
also that we have moved to 322 Bee
Building, where we have the best Engineers
ing Office in the state. Therefore we will
give better service and the assurance of better
results. Our location adjoining the City Hall
and Court House keeps us in close touch with
the public records. Our organization is well
developed and we are in a position to meet
and supply the demand for quick ("at the
drop of the hat") and efficient service, with'
out needless delays.
Call and inspect our new office.
Civil Engineer
Towl Engineering Co.
Towl Blue Print Co.
(Moved from 422 Bee Building.)
Tried and Time Tested
A durable light weight roofing for flat or
steep surface on Store Buildings, Ware
houses, Factories, Barns, Sheds, Farm
Buildings, etc. Applied with a liberal
guarantee by a responsible concern.
Sunderland Roofing and Supply Co.
1006-8 10 Dourlas Street Phones: Dou?. 871; A 1225
Homes, Hotels, Restaurants, Apartment Houses
4O7-4O0 South lOtl fctreet.
Electric Power
No matter what you manufacture, or in what quanti
ties you manufacture it, the "electric motor" is especially
Suited to your needs. Planing mills machine shops black
smith shops printing offices repair shops are u few of
those using motors to drive their machinery low cost.
Omaha Electric LigW & Power Co.
Contract Department.
Both Pho&es.