Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: A PHIL 11. 1909. MUSIC FOR A JOIFLL DAY Easter Servicei Are to Be More Elab orate Than Usual. ALL CREEDS PRAISE RISEN LORD Palplt, tfcelr Put fen It Their loin te Savior Who Coe quere Death 8Mb ea HlRh. (Continued from Flrat Page.) Cleaning and Dyeing ..-; rv-i'-- .. ..;.aT'....5.v;.ii' PRICE LIST LADILS' LIST MEN'S LIST GOOD n 1 7j) r iwwbsw www 1 MM E-9 i a be KMX t. 18 tljl II O a Qa. c Plain Walata . , .60 $1.00 Sulta $1.50 $3.00 811k Walst 76 up 1.00 up Coats 76 1.60 Plato Skirts .. . .75 1.60 Vests 50 .75 Plaited Skirts .. 1.00 2.00 Pants 50 1.00 Bkirt and Drop.. 1.25 2.60 Overcoats 1.50 2.50 Jackets (short) 1.00 1.50 Ulsters (heavy) 2.00 3.00 4 length, linpd 2.00 2.50 Gloves 10 .... K length, unl'd 1.50 2.60 Neckties 10 .... Cravenuttes ... 1.50 2.60 We make a specialty of Cleaning Ladies' Fancy Dresses and Gowns. Our employes are the most skilled that money can hire and our plantthe largest and most complete in the state. Wedye lacesand trimmingstomatch your goods. White gloves cleaned like new; short 10 cents, and long 25 cents per pair. Call us on either 'phone and a wagon will come for the work. THE PAIW "GOOD CLEANERS 1513 Jones Streot. N. B. Oar onl-ol-lown business Tourist Soda Crackers Ulways packed and sealed like lhiil , , Distinctly Packed Distinctly Manufactured Every cracker U packed while warm less than on minute after removal from the oven. First sealed with Imported parchment paper not paraflne paper, like other use auil two other wrapping make them air tight this la known as the Patented "Aertite" Process They are made In Omaha and every grocer orders twice weekly, an advantage not given by other manufacturers. ask your grocer for TOURIST SODA CRACKER 10 Cents Por Package CRISP. LIGHT AND FRESH ' F as when they left our ovens. THE ONLY CRACKERS MADE IN OMAHA IterT Biscuit Company. 1 We London shrink every yard of l cloth and canvas I We Leu Jon until it's as firm as a piece of J ef material hy taking out the sag, but it keeps the shaft permanent. re so honestly tailored that we put our label in the coat to have you -remember them. I( they weren't right, we'd want you to forget it. A book about spring fmthum for young men fret if you ". I Kuh, ttathtttt 6 Fischer Co hFf CHICAGO MX AND DYEtfS" 'Both 'Phones receives prompt attention. Insist on this package V leather. Wt lost the congregation la requested to stand In meditation. -Fifth-Chorus (with aolo amd quartet) I Thirst) Sixth Chorale (unaccompanied) It la Finished. Chorue (with aoprano eolo) It l( Fln lahed Seventh Choral (unaccompanied) Father Into Thv VT.nil. Chorua (with quartet) Into Thy Hands Oh Lord Finale The Earthquake Full Choir and Organ. The OffertoryTo he followed by the closing hymn (No. 180), coronation, vere 1 and 4. Benediction Note Quartet In tecond, Miss Ethel Prey, Mrs. Van Wle, Mr. Luclue Pryor, Mr. Loula Lorlng; quartet In third. Miss Ethel Prey, Mrs. Verne Miller. Mr. Walter Pale, Mr. Leslie Dick; quartet In fifth. Mn. Ketly, Mre. Verne Miller, Mr. Walter Dile, Mr. Leslie Dick: soloist In sixth, Mrs. Kelly; quartet tn seventh, Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Verne Miller, Mr. H. C. Jeesen, Mr. A. V. Jessen. Trinity Methodist church, 7:30 p. m.: Prelude J. B. Bneh Alleluia.. The Lord L'veth Harris Mies Hopper and Choir. Invocation and prayer Dr. J. A. Bpyker. Hymn Congregation. Humoreake (violin) Dworak Miss Grace McBrlde The Risen King Schnecker Mian 6a neon and choir. Offertory Legrend Bohm Minn McBrlde. Benediction and response Choir. Postlude Hallelujah Chorua Handel Colonel Coolldge, organist; Miss Evlyn Hopper director. There wilt be special Easter music at both services at St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church. In the morning the quartet will give an Eftster cantata for fotir solo voices, "The New Life," by James H. Rogers. At the vesper service at 4:20 the children's vested choir, assisted by the quartet, will have charge of the music. The following Is the personnel of the quar tet: Mrs. Harry Jenrison, soprano; Miss Mlnnah Weber, contralto; William W. Orlgor, basso; Frank J. Ileser, tenor and director; Mrs. Frank J. Reser, organist. Easter day services at Bt. John'a African Methodist Episcopal, Eighteenth and Web ster: 11 A. M. Doxology. Hymn African Methodist Episcopal Hymnal 115 Invocation Choir and Congregation. Hymn Scripture lesson Pastor Decalogue Anthem For Us the Christ Gounod Chorale from "Redemption." Announcements. Anthem Alleluia Burdette Solo Miss Minnie Wright Sermon. Offering. Benediction and Doxology. 7:45 P. M. Processional Gloria Patri Hymn Coronation .. Choir and Congregation. Invocation Scripture lesson Pastor Men's Chorus He Is Risen Simper Recitation Maud Campbell Anthem And Behold Simper Recitation H. J. Plntell 8olo The Resurrection Shelley Mrs. Dr, J. H. Hutton. Paper Mrs. Roblnett Anthem See Now the Altar Fnure Dialogue Five Girls Solo There Is a Green Hill Far Away.. Gounod Mrs. J. O. Jewell. Recitation .Gertrude Richardson Anthem Hallelujah Chorus Beethoven Offering. Doxology and benedlctlrn. Recessional. Everybody is cordially Invited to attend these services. At the morning service at Clifton Hill Presbyterian church the music and sermon will be appropriate to the Easter time and there will be a reception of new members and baptism of children. Students from the School of the Deaf will worship here. The following musical selections will be rendered by the choir; Anthem "Dny of Hope" H W. Porter Response "Easter Worship" Lorens Anthem ny v eepesi mour orens Anthem "Hearts and Voices Raise" ira a. vviison EVENING SERVICE. 7:30 O'CLOCK. Anthem "Ride On In Majesty" ira M. Wilson fllrn Bona "Nearer My God to Thee." bv students from the School of the Deaf, led by Mrs. O. W. Rendee. . . . ii,T ii . v . r . Anuiem n.n in? Mrs. Carrie 3. Adams. Anthem "Rejoice, the Lord Is King".. Loreni At the regular hour, 12 o'clock noon, a spclal Easter program will be rendered In the Sunday school, and an offering taken for the work of foreign missions. All the other church appointments will be observed at the regular hours. Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church, For tieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel Mc Glffln, D. D., pastor; Mr. Jo Barton, dlrec tor; Miss Henrietta Reese, organist. Order of services: MORNING WORSHIP, 10:80 Doxology Invocation and Lord's Prayer Anthem O, the Golden, Glowing Morn ing Le June Scripture Lesson, Matthew ri Hymn, No. J37 Lift Your Glad Volcs. Fllby (1S61) pastoral rrayer ana Kesponso Offertory, Cantata From Bepulchre to Throne Sliepard 1. Introduction, piano Miss Henrietta Reese t. Chorus, "At the Cross, Her Station Keeping" 1 Recitative. "In the End of the Sabbath;" AIt, "Fear Not Ye" Mr. Jo Barton. 4. Chorus. "Angels, Roll the Rock Away." 5. Recitative. "Now Is Christ Risen;" ..Air. "Behold, I Show You a Mys tery." Miss Florence Lancaster. 1 Chorus, "Salvation to Our God.".... 7. Quartet, "What are These Which re Arrayed." .'. Miss Lancaster, soprano, Mr. Herls'ig, tenor, Mrs. McMullen. contralto, Mr. Barton, Lasso, 1 Chorus, "Filesied Are They Thst Do His Commandments." Offering, Hesponso and Consecration ,. Sermon. "The Triumph of Life." .... The Pastor. Hymn No. 13 Coronation Holden Benediction Chant. OlorW Patrla Beethoven VESPER WORSHIP, 4 O'CLOCK Hymn. No. lUl-LItt l p. Lift L'p Your Voices Now fxlkin Scripture Lesso.i. I Corinthians 15:l-a Baritone Suli, The Reaui rectloa ..Holden Dr. J. H. Wallace Pastoral Prayr Offertory, Cantata From Sepulchre to Throne Shepard iBo program of morning worship.) Offering and Consecration Brief Addresn Tne Mraning of Easter.. The Pastor. Hymn. No. 2W Alleluia Palestrlna Benediction Tha choral Easter music at First Metho- ! diet church on Bunday evening will be LP J h4 taiin...; $375.00 Piano $400.00 Piano $375.00 Piano $500.00 Piano $350.00 Piano $375.00 Piano given by Mr. Kelly and his choir. Tha admission for this service will be by ticket only until 7:35 o'clock. The tickets will not be good after 7:36 o'clock, when the doors will be open to the public. Invita tion has been extended to all so far as the capacity of the church goes. Music at Central United Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and Dodge: MORNING. Prelude Melody In F Rubinstein Anthem A wake Tn My Olory Hnrnby Offcrtrry Songs 1n the NiRht Spinney Solo Consider and Hear Me Wooler Mrs. Larklns. Postlude March Romalne Gounod EVENING. Prelude Largo Handel Anthem Jubilate Deo In B flat major.. Nevln Offertory Meditation Lucas Trio I Will Lay Me Down In Peace.. Brown Miss McBrlde. Messrs Wallace and Mould. Postlude Selected Miss Ruth McBrlde, soprano: Mrs. E. E. Larklns, alto; J. Addison Mollis, bass; Hugh E. Wallace, tenor and director; Mtss Oia Ogle, organist. Music at the Dundee Presbyterian Easter: MORNING. Holy, Holy, Holy Dykes Anthem (bass solo and quartet) Out of the Deep Burette Cantata-It Is Finished Read Choir. (This cantata Is founded cn the seven last words of Christ and consists of re cltntlves, solos, duets nnd ouartets.) Anthem Who Shall Roll L's Away the Htone Torrance Miss Grace Cady, soprano; Miss Edna Bartlett. alto; Mr. I 8. Podds, tenor; Mr. J. J. Dodds, bass; Miss Adah Kiupp, or ganist. EVENING. Day is Dying West Anthem Ooldi'n Trumpets, Sweet and Clear Aehford Anthem If a Man Die Loreni Rev. Andrew J. Keener of Sandusky, O, U1 conduct the morning and evening serv ices. Communion sorvlces will be con ducted In tha morning. Music for Easter, First Presbyterian church, Bellevue. College chorus of forty voices, under the direction of Miss Alice M. Fawcett: organist, Mrs. C. K. Hoyt: Organ Prelude Chorus (Buster carol) Chime, Chime.. .Loud Solo Resurrection Shelley Mr. Hartwell Hamblln. Solo My Redeemer nnd My lrd....Buck Miss Kllene McEaehron. Chorus Hallelujah, from Messiah.. .Handel Organ Postlude Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal: MORNING. I And. em (with solos for soprano and l.arltone, duo and chi rus) Spirit Im mortal, from Attlla Verdi Dr. Jennie Callfas. Mr. Newel!, Mr. Lang and Chorus. P. M.-SPECIAL MCSICAL SKRVICE. Prelude Archer Chorus 1'nfold the Pntals, from Re demption Gounod Choir. Tenor Solo ' Mr. MeMurray. Chorus and Rwltattve (for harltonel Fear Not. from Victory PHire....Mrk Mr. Lang and Choir. Offertory Larghetto Spohr 8 Hosanna Oranler Dr. Jennie Ca'lfas Chorus Death Is Pwallowed l'p, from Vlctntv TlUInu M:rkS Poptlude March Adams Miss Marguirlte Mnrehouse, organist; Hr. Lee G. Krats, choirmaster. The Easter music at North Presbyterian church tomorrow 1U bo as follows: MORNING, 10:30 O'CLOCK. Festival Te Deum In E flat Buck -The King of Love My Hheperd Is". .. Shelly EVENING, 1 O'CLOCK. "Awnke I p My CI ry" Barnhy "p.lng All.tlujah Forth" Buck Choir conslfts of Mis Nettle Williams, aoprano: Mrs. n. F. Williams, contralto; C. J. Oc'nltrue, tonur; E. F. Williams, bass and director; J. W. Impnian, organist. Zlon Baptist. Twenty-second and Grant, Rev J. A. Hincamon, Past'ir Preaching ,.i the r.n-rniiiB by tre pastor on the Resur rection. Special music Ly the chjtr. OrJI- Like Anything Else Costs More Than Poor Ones The poorest guide you can have in buying a piano is the price; because it doesn't repre sent quality at all, except that you know you can often get good quality for less than it costs. Very cheap pianos are usually much cheaper in what they are than in what you pay for them. We are trying to educate the purchasing public to look FIRST for QUALITY and then for PRICE. The name IIAYDEN BROS, stands for QUALITY in everything, as well as Pianos and we suggest that you investigate our pianos and our method of selling them before you fully decide. Do you know that we insure rour purchases T This is what our new selling plan amounts to. We insure you against buying a cheap inferior make piano or an unsatisfactory selection. We Offer a Good Upright Piano for $lSO This piano is guaranteed for ten years and has every improvement that is found on the Highest Grade Pianos. We will sell you any piano in our stock on small monthly payments. If you want a good standard make second-hand piano for your little girl or boy to begin on you can find it in our EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT when new now $125.00 when new now $90.00 when new now $125.00 when new now $115.00 when new now. . . .$140.00 when new now $160.00 Maydeo IBros FIAIIO STORE Douglas Street Entrance I . ad) nance and baptism at morning service. Sunday school program from 1 to 1:30 p. m. Baptist Young People's Union at 8:30 p. m. Evening service will Include a cantata on the last seven words of Christ by the choir and chorus under the leadership of Mrs. Julia Walker Sanders, known as the Ken tucky nightingale. First Presbyterian, corner Seventeenth and Dodge streets, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. P., Pastor: MORNING, 10:80. Organ The Resurrection (from The Re demption) Gounod Anthem At the Rising of the Sun. Coombs Offertory Spring Song Mendelssohn Solo Hall, Joyous Mora Cadman Mlas Jansen. Duet The Christ Shelley Miss Jansen and Miss Moses. Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus (from Messiah) Handel EVENING, T:0. Organ Spring Time Sketch .... Brewster Anthem As it Began to Dawn. ...Vincent Duet The Christ Shelley Miss Jansen and Miss Moses. Anthem -Awake, Thou That 6leepest.. Stalner Offertory Andantino Lemure Solo Easter Carol Bloom Miss Moses. Anthem Lift Your Glad Voices.. Van Laer Organ Postlude Triumphal March DuBols Choir Miss Lou lee Jansen, soprano and director; Miss Myrtle Moses, eontnalto; Mr. II. C. Jessen, tenor; Mr. 8. Travis, bass. Miss Nancy Cunningham, organist. Easter anthems to be rendered et Ca tellar Presbyterian church: MORNING. Seals Are Shattered C. H. Davis Now la Chrlat illnsti Charles Gabriel Welcome, Happy Morning. .. .13. S. Lorena The King of Glory J. A. Parks EVENING. Wave the Palms Charles Gabriel Lift Up Your Heads Ira B. Wllaon The Risen Glorious King Parks A chorus of twenty-four, under the di rection of Miss Ethel Yost, will render tho selections. Miss Alice Wheeler, organist. Muslc for Easter Bunday at Kountto Memorial Lutheran, Twenty-sixth and Farnara: SUNRISE SERVICE. :. Quartet One Sweetly Solemn Thought. Ambrose Mrs. J. E. Pulver. Miss Grace Shaf fer, R. J. Snoerrl. Dr. J. E. Pulver. Easter Hymn How Calm and Beautiful the Morn Hastings 10:30 A. M. Prelude Offertory A-flat Reed processional O, Mother Dear. Jerusa lem 8. A. Ward Quartet Christ Is Risen Evans Mrs. J. E. Pulver, Misses Lorenren, Shaffer, tills. Easter Carol The Happy Morn Is Com Schneider Full chorus. Anthem-Hark, Hark, My Soul Shelley Mlas Emma Ison-natti, Mrs. J. E. Pulver and choir. Postlude Festal March Calk'n SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC, P. M. Postlude Morning (Peer Gynt) Grieg Quartet Christ Is Risen Evans Solo On tho Cross Bragdon Master Russell Tetard. Quartet Sweet Sabbath Eve Parks Messrs. Spocrrl, Brown. Klmmel, Pulver. Solo The Resurrection Lillian Taltt Sheldon Miss Emma Lorensmi, violin obllgato Theodore Krueger. Easter Carol Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today Worgan Solo A Crown of Glory Tours R. J. Spoerrl. BjIo Hear Ye, O Israel (from Elijah) Mendelssohn Mrs. Dr. J. E. Pulver. Anthem Hark. Hark, My Soul. ...Shelley Postlude Alleluia Loret E. A. Van Fleet, director, Charles L. Cocke, Jr., organist. Grae Lutheran Church, Twenty-slxlh and Poppleton, Rev. M. L. Mellck. Pastor At 8.3U a special meeting of all the younger members of the church. At 10:10 Easter services: Processional The Happy Morn Has Come The full morning service: Scripture I Corinthians v:- and Mark xvl.l-t Hymn Yes, The Redeemer Rose Baptism of Children Easter Anthem Christ is Risen Oahrlel Sermon Teat I Am Ha That LIveth snd Was Dead Offertory The Hurrlflces of God Are I a Broken fcplril .Solo The Rtsurrectloo, dhelljr $385.00 Piano when new now $360.00 Piano when new now $450.00 Piano when new now. $390.00 Piano when new now. $250.00 Piano when new now. $340.00 Piano when new now. Miss Roeder. Communion Service Anthem Christ Is King Gabriel Sunday school at 12:15 "Christ Risen a Pledge of Our Resurrection." Luther league at 6:30 "The Light of Hope." At 7:30 "The Broken Seal." A delight ful Easter service will be rendered by the church choir and the Sunday school. The chorus choir of St. Mark's Lutheran church, Twentieth and Burdetle streets, will sing "Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today," by George Williams Warren, and "Christ, Our Passover," by Harrison Millard, at tho morning service. In the evening the choir will repeat these two anthems and also sing the opening chorus, "He Is Risen," and the "Finale" from Charles Fonteyne Manney'a "The Resurrection." The choir will be supported by organ and violin. The following Easter program will be rendered at All Saints' church: MORNING. Processional We March, We March.. Bartiby Easter Carols Ye Happy Bells of Easter Day. The Bells Are Ringing Joyfully Christ Our Passover Mirtln Te Deum In B minor Hu 'k Jubilate Chant Jubilate Chant Credo In E flat Eyre Easter Hymn Anthem (a capella) At Dawn When They Found Him Sleep ing (fourteenth century) Offertory Anthem This Is the Day... Harwood Recessional Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart EVENING. Processional We March, We March... Uarnby Easter Carols Ye Happy Bells of Easter Day. The Bells Are Ring ing Joyfully Deus Mlsereatur In A flat Buck Credo In B flat Eyie Soprano Solo Hosanna Granler Miss Grace Barr. Anthem Blossod Be the God ind Father Wesley Recessional Rejoice, Ye Pure lu Heart J. H. Slmms, organist and choirmaster. Plymouth Congregational church, cor ner Twentieth and Spencer, Rev. John P. Clyde, minister. MORNING WORSHIP 10:10. Organ Voluntary loxoogy Invocation Responsive Reading Psalm 84 Hymn Christ the Lord Is Risen To- day 100 (erlpture lenxon Anthem Unfold, Ye Portals Gounod rayer ). exponas Solo And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears Sullivan Miss Susan De Graff Offertory Quartet Christ 1 Risen Chappie Hymn Lift Up Your Voices Now 102 Sermon The Law of Resurrection..., Hymn The Day of Resurrection 104. Benediction riunday school 12. Christian Endesvor :30. EVENING WORSHIP 7:80. Organ voluntary Hymn Oh, Jesus I Have Promised 162 Anthem Christ Is Risen Schubert Responsive Reading 23 Solo Victory of the Cross Schnecker Miss Mabel Hosworth. Scripture lessen Quartet Benedlc A ma Buck prayer Response Offertory Hymn O Mother, Dear Jerusalem 366.. Sermon Anthem Unfold, Ye Portals Gounod Hymn For All the Saints 3"0 The music at Trinity cathedral for Raster Sunday Includes standard works by Tours, Stalner, Barnby, Chadwick. Foote, Stewart, Gounod and Shulley. The Tours communion service will b sung both at the 6 and 10:30 services. Full choir, sixty voices. Quartet, Mrs. Ben Stanley, soprano; Miss Daisy Hlggins, contralto; Mr. Walter Wllklns. tenor; Mr. George J. 8. Collins, bass. Ben Stanley, organist and choirmaster. The regular Bunday afternoon meeting at the Young Men'a Christian as sociation will be addressed by W. K. Adams of Si Joseph, Mo. His address Is $135.00 $130.00 .$150.00 .$170.00 .$120.00 .$125.00 entitled "Our Risen High Priest." Bneclal Easter music will be rendered by the Han scom Park Methodist Eplsoopal choir. Music at First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Harney, for Easter: PART I. From Gounod's Redemption. THE DARKNESS. Baritone Narrative From the Sixth Hour. THE DEATH. (a) Organ Solo Crucifixion Theme Mrs. Zabrlskle. (b) Baritone Nurrailve About tho Ninth Hour Mr. Graham. THE DAWN. Tenor Narratives Now When the Sabbath Was Past Mr. R. 8. Cutler. Trio The Holy Women at the Tomb Mrs. Z. E. Vv'atBon, Mrs. t E. '1 nomas Mls Alice Uldcun. PART II. Anthem Christ Has Won the Victory.... Wlegand Solos by Miss Maud Rock and Miss Glonna L. Bid. Anthem Alleluia Bruckett Solo by Miss Sarah Shearer R. T. Kersey will sing tile offertory solo at the evening service. Mrs. Loulae Shad-duck-Zabrlsklc, Walter B. Graham, mu sical director. Church of the Good Shepherd, Twen tieth and Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collar, Rector Choir director. Juliet McCune; crginlbt. Dr. Percy Harrison. The following fro irinni will be rendered: Processional Come Ye Faithful (St. . Kevin) A. R. Sullivan lntroit Christ Our Passover Kyrle p. b. Whitney Hymn Angels, Roll the Rock Away.. C. F. Roper Sermon Te Deum In E flat : .Dudley Buck Incidental solo by Ross Bsrstow. Offertory Solo I Know That My Re deemer Lives Ha.idel Mrs. Myron Learned. Sursum Corda Oiwer fanctus s. B. Whitney Benedlctus a. B. Whitney Communion Hymn (Bonum Del) Bread of the World Vincent Gloria in Excelsls (Sower Choral Amen Gower Nunc Dlmittts Gower Recesnlnnal Jerusalem the Golden (Urbus Beata) ...G. F. Le Jenna Church of 8t. Philip the Deacom. JI a. m.J Processional At the Umb'i High Feast We Sing Elvey Anthem Christ Our Passover Is Sacri ficed for Us Le Jeune Gloria Patrl I Jeun Te Deum Laudamus b. Tours Benedlctus Aldrlch lntroit Ths Strife Is O'er Palestrlna Gradual-Now Thank We All Our Ood.. Cruger Kyrle, Gloria Tlbl, Gratias Dorey Creed Nlcene Plain Song Hymn Jesus, Our Risen King (Jlardlnl Sursum Corda, Sanctus, Bcdlctus Qui Venlt and Agnus Del Dorey Gloria In Excelsls Old f'hant Recessional-Alleluia. R'ng to Jesus. .Elliott North Side Cbrlstlsn church, twenty-sec. ond and Locust. MORNING. Processional Welcome Hnppy Morning . Calklni invocation Hymn Mary to the Saviour's Tomb..'.'. Scripture Hymn All Hall the Power cf Jesus" Name Anthem Fling Wide the Gates (from the the "Crucifixion") Stalner EVENING. Processional Christ the Ixrd is Risen Today Invocation , Glrrla Tntrl Hymn The Golden Gates Are Lifted 'P Pradburr Rc:-!nture Prayer Hymn Rise, Glorious Leader. Rise.... Italian Hymn Sermnnette, Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln. Anthem Fling Wide the Gates from "Crucifixion" Stalner Offering Easter Cantata Death and Life Harry Rows Shelley RecesslonsI Coronation Benediction Pianist. Miss Jessie Cady; violinist, Mr. Joe Woolery; organist and choirmaster, Mrs. II. J. Klrschsteln. Rev. Dr. E. H. Jenks lectures to his Bible class at the First PresbyterUn church Sunday noon on "An Esster Study: Man, Ills Nature, Development and Destiny."