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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1909)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEi APTJTL 11. IPOS What is Going on in OLT week in Omaha was marked H If at all by a lark of activity t th theaters. Tfie Boyd hart fine attraction that wna vaiuable chit fly for the purpose of show ing; those who attended that they had not seen the worst; the Krug observed by presenting Ita lat attraction of the season, Ita boards being now Riven over to the uses of the blograph. while at the Burwood the feature was the closing week for Mr.- Grew and Mr. and Mrs. Bacon. The Orpheum continued Its money-losing; business, due to tha fact that the lower floor hasn't about 300 more seats. At leaat that many more could bo sold earn time the house opens Its doors. But the real feature of the week wn the commence ment of final work on the excavation for the new Brandels theater. The graders re now busily at work putting down the hole In the ground needeu .jr the founda tion and the underneath workings, and It la hoped that by the time they have finished the contracts for the superstructure will have been let and the builders will be ready. Messrs. Brandels and Woodward at Burgess are eager to have the house open on January 1 next, and attractions are now being booked In New York for the house. Plana for the theater call for something that is Just a little ahead of anything In the west, not excepting Chicago. Whether the dream of the architect will be fully realiied In steel, marble, mosaic and tap estry is not yet fully determined, but the prospectus Is wonderfully attractive Be ginning on Beventeenth street, the first three stories of the new building will be designed especially for the front of a theater. A port cochere will extend almost the entire length of the front of the build ing, built of iron and glass, with the new est Ideas In light effects. A deep vestibule will give entrance to the lobby of the theater, where the box office will be located, and from the lobby progress will attain the the foyer, which Is to be one of the features of the theater. It is spacious In design, with high vaulted celling and fin ished ! marble and mosaic. On one side will be the ladles' parlor and on the other a smoking room for men. A roomy prome nade Inside runs back of the seats and provides accommodations for visiting be tween acts. Six boxes flank the prosce nium on either side, roomy and elegant in design. The feature of the construclion Inside will be the Immense marble pillars rising at either side of the proscenium from floor to celling. These will be the only columns, as the balcony and gallery, will be aupported on the cantilever princi ple. The walla are to be hung In tapestry and other Interior finishing la In keeping. The mural decorations contemplate an elaborately simple display, which will make the general effect of the auditorium richly beautiful. All the appointments are to be on a similar scale and the whole will make the Brandels the handsomest theater In the west and one of the most beautiful In the country. The final acceptance of the plans awaits the coming of Mr. Bmll Brandels, who Is now In the east, but Is expected home shortly. When the plans re fully determined the work of prepar ing the specifications will be taken up and It Is hoped that blda can be Invited early In May. WOMEN WHO'D PLAY THE MAN Actresses More and More Seek to En act Male Iloles. NEW YORK, April 10. Sarah Bernhardt la certainly the Orand Old Woman of the drama. She Is now well In the 60s, but no less difficult a task than playing the title role In Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergarac" Is to be her next undertpklng. Constant Co quelln, with whom she had played the part of Roxlne so frequently. Is dead, and probably no actor In France Is courageous enough Just now to take up the part. He played Cyrano more than forty times this year during the weeks preceding his sick ness and his triumphs are freshly remem bered In Paris. Sarah Is going to act the role, however, and It Is fairly certain that the public will want to see her. It waa only a short time ago that Mme. Bernhardt wrote to her representative, William C. Connor, who has been her friend and adviser ever since the death of Maurice Orau, that she hoped this season to add another role to her repertoire, MephlBto phelea, in a version of "Faust" that Henri Bataille was writing for her. There waa a delay about hor acquisition of 'his new masculine character because Mme. Bern hardt and the dramatist fell out and she wanted him to get out and let hor finish the play herself. Just how M. Bataille re i celved the suggestion Is not known here; but Mme. Bernhardt has not yet played 1 the devil on the stage, so there are grounds , for bellevtrfg that he may have objected ' to withdrawing at this crucial point. The desire to play Cyrano marks the ex treme of the Frenchwoman's ambition to play men's roles. She acted here as the Ingenuous hero of "15 Passant" as long go as her first visit to New York; but the only other male charactera she has subsequently shown here were Hamlet and the hero of "L'Alglon," the little duke of Relchstadt. Abroad she has played the hero of De Musset's "Lorensaeelo" and began her recent cycle of men's parts In that play. Her tendency to gather as many uch roles as possible into her repertoire , waa also shown by her ambition to act Romeo whenever an appropriate Juliet who also spoke French could be found. Mmo. Bernhardt is not an exception. The disposition of women to play musculine roles undoubtedly grows stronger. Maude Adams, who made the fame of "L'Alglon" In this country, has since that time gilne.l I even great vogue for Peter Pan, although I ahe could not do the same for the hero of ; "The Jesters," which Is the latest mascu line figure she added to her repertoire. It Is said that she would appear only in male role If there were plays enough of that . kind to Interest and occupy her. It waa ' the desire of two actresses to get "L'Aig ' Ion" that led to the parting of the ways between Charles F roll man and Julia Mur ' lowe, who waa then under hia management. Mis Marlowe waa so anxious to represent , the young hero that ahe never forgave Mr. i Frohman for handing the play over to I Mia Adams. Her own rights to the- part i she considered proved by the success she ; had mad lu "Chatterton," a one-act play ; that she now rarely perform. Only a short time ago Annie Russell, who had , made her greatest aucceases In gently in genuous roles, decided1 that she wanted to I get Into line and act a masculine role. She lected one that ha always been a in ted to woman, however, und acted Puck In "A Midsummer Night' Dream." There Is of course la this tendency noth ing like a return to those palmy days la which the woman Hamlet was only a little career than tha woman Iago. Old records Of the drama announce as many women Hamlets la ti e e are Xyns toilay. As far back as both Mrs. Banl.y and Mrs. ' Barnes mad successful appearance In the rolo and were taken seriously by large audlencsa. It waa significant of the taste of ths time that sumo year later Char lotte Barnea, who had failed In every other rol in spit of tha talent and popularity at hor parents, was finally aoccpud as Hamlet, which, to Judge from biographer of the day, erms to have been due to the fact that she looked worried and nervous ly nature and thus offered an early ex ample of tho doctrine" of physical suit ability Apposed to art. Mrs. Shaw, Fanny Wallack, Mrs. Broua ham. Susan Denln, who Inter was an ad mired actress of old women parts until a few years ago; Mrs. F. B. Conway and Jullin Seaman were some of the women actressea who took a try at the Prince of Denmark annually. It Is not o surprising that thry had the courage to do It as the fact that the public enjoyed the plays enough to come and see them and even talked seriously about their conception of Two ISCRIMINATINO theatergoers who both enjoy and appreciate light comedy acting of a high order have at present more opportunity to Indulge their this direction thun for some D tasto in time. In fact, the theatrical season Is waning with considerably more dignity than It has exhibited at nny time since It opened last September. In addition now playing In this city with thoe of players of quality the public has an op portunity to compare the result In the case of two, experienced wpmen star now playing in this city with those of more youthful but far less well qualified actresses who have been seized upon and exploited by managers who think that the public prefers youth to brains and beauty to skill, says tlie New York Sun. The two stars who are at present en forcing thl comparison ore Miss Henri etta Crosman and Mis Grace George. Both of these actressea have achieved stardom only after a long period of ap prenticeship and years of hard work and Intelligent study and exercise. They furnish an Instructive contrast to tho hand made stars with which theater goers have become rather more familiar of late than seem necessary. Take the case of Mis Crosman first, since she Is tho elder actress. As a young girl she studied far grand rpera In Pari until Illness obliged her to abandon her ambitions 'In connection with the lyric drama. Then she came back determined to take up work on the stage of her native country. She was some time In getting, a hearing, making her first appearance in "The White Slave" m lH8-whlch, It will be noticed, comes pretty near being twenty year ago, and was eleven yeara before she became a atar. Her next appearance was a brief en gagement in, what was then called "vari ety;" In 1890 she played subordinate parts In Augustin Daly's rompany, then still prosperous; the following year she Joined Daniel Frohman's Lyceum Thea ter Stock company, following that with two years of miscellaneous parts with the role. In later years -the number of these gifted women grows ever smaller. Charlotte Cushman will ever remain the most notable of the American actresses who played seriously the parts of men, for in that category are not to be Included the list that appeared in "The French Spy," "Jack Sheppard" and other plays to which it had become a theatrical convention to assign women. Adele Belgrade used to play Hamlet, and that was not more than a score of years ago. Her mnst successful predecessor by only a few years was Mrs. Daniel Band man n, who played the same character all over England until a comparatively re oent period. Mra. Kmma Waller used to act that role, aa well as Iago to the opposite characters prayed by her husband. Mrs. Waller, who wis a survival of the tragedy queens, lived for years after her retirement over In West Thirtieth street and taught the young theatrical Idea to shoot in a direction that there is not the leaat demand for today. Marie Prescott was the last of the women Iagos In this city. She acted the role with her husband when he came here from his Vlrgina farm to give a series of Shakes pearian plays. Several years ago Helene Mora, whii waa popular then as a singer of sentimental mother ditties in the music halls, decided that she wanted to attempt the melancholy one and her music hall public In those daya was large enough to enable her to have her way with the managers. So she acted the closet scene at Hydo & Behman's so acceptably that It was scarcely possible to sit through It. Those who went to sooff remained to yawn. Less than two years -ago Adelaide Kelm tented the loyalty of her slock company clientele In Harlem by appearing there for a week aa Hamlet and escaped violence which may show that her friends had learned to U)ve her or that, like Helene Mora, ahe waa competent. These later efforts It will be aeon, or presenved for the outlying theaters. They never pene trate the heart of the theatrical district. The desire of appearing In a man' role led Miss Barrymore two year ago to at tempt the part of the boy hero of "Car rots," which did no more than add another modest success to her large number. She like other popular acrescea of the day is searching for the play that contains the attractive male character that they are anxious to play. If there arc not more of these impersonations within the next few seawns it will be because tile dramatists have failed to supply the plays that con- I tain them. COMIAG TO THK OMAHA THEATERS Attractions Promised for the Week at ths Local Playhouses. There have been many delineators of ec centric comedy on the stage during the J time minstrelsy has been before tho peo ple, but few, if any of them, have ap proached the position in this line held by. Billy Clark of the Al G. Field Greater Minstrels. Kntlrely original In hia con cept! n and cliaracierliutlon of his part of "The Man From Onlonvlllo, Indian Ter Itry," Billy Clark Jumped at a bound from a comparatively unknown comedian to one of the greatest on the Btage. Clark is what might be called a quiet comedian. His work Is aa smooth us oil. He get laugh without effort and they are hearty laugha. They come from the heart because hi wit is such as to touch the deiper feelings In our nature. Billy Chirk Is seen In ths first part In which he sings his great hlta. "There's Always Something Wrong," which Is a quaint negro plaint, and "I d Bather Be a IJitle Too Soon Than Just a Little Bit Too Late." Minsrrel Ully Clark. "Tha Man Behind the Fun." will be seen here with the Al O. Field Greater Mlnatrels st the Boyd theater during th engagement of two the Stage performance Sunday afternoon and even ing. The success of "The Clansman," which will be seen at the Boyd Thursday, Friday and Saturda with the original New York cominy and $roductlon, continue to be the sensation and surprise of the theatri cal world. The play has been the subject of newspaper comment and public and prl va .snip everywhere. Minister have preached about It; politicians, big and llt le, h 'Ve b en mightily concerned and worked up. In the larger towns the box office scenes have been almost riotous, ao eager Jias the public been to get Its money In aM obtain the first reservations. Au- Real Feminine Stars Charles Frohman's company, during which period she spent much time on the read. A year In stock ensued. Her first striking success In a part of predominance was perhaps In "Glor iana" at the Madison Square theater, but after a few performances she was taken 111 and did not play for a year. For some obscure reason th road claimed her after that until lWO, when sho began her career as a star. Since then she has played with conspicuous success In many productions, the best known being "Mistress Nell," "One of Our Girls," "Nance Oldfield," "The Sword of tho King" and "Madeline." Miss George's career has not been quite so extensive. She Is one of the few stars who are graduates of a dra matic school, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts being her sponsor. She made her debut fifteen year ago In "The Now Boy," a farce popular at that time. She was the Lucy In "The Girl I Left Behind Me," played an Ingenue In "Charley's Aunt," Madeline In "Frederic Lrmaltre," and then went Into vaudeville with Charles Dickson. She returned to the legitimate stage In, a Frensh faroe called "The Turtlp." then appeared In "Mile. Flfl," and was first starred in "The Countess Chiffon." She was scarcely ripe for that honor at tho time, but persevered, her first real success in a star part being achieved In "Her Majeaty." Then followed "Pretty Peggy," "Frou Frou," "The Marriage of William Aahe." "Clothes" "Divorcons" -and now '"A Woman' , Way." It is not pretended here to enumerate every part played by these two ac tresses, but only to name enough of those parts to indicate that these two players have arrived at their present eminence legitimately, in the only way In fact, save in the caae of prodigies, by which such eminence can be Justly .attained and securely maintained. Miss Crosman In "Sham" and Miss George In "A Woman's Way" are now giving exhibitions of 'skillful work In a field of histrionic endeavor In which American ectresses have of late seldom excelled and In which the English are diences are worked up to-a pitch of fren sled enthusiasm that campaign managers of Taft and Bryan might well envy. Leading all other native plays In point of popularity, It Is eagerly demanded In for eign lands and productions in Japan and Australia are now on the tapis. Another of those big, breexy musical shows from the metropolis of the west comes to Boyd's April W. 19 and 20. Thl Is one of the latest Chicago productions, bearing the title of "A Stubborn Cinder ella." The opening scenes shows the cam- About Music, N A recent number of Every body' Magazine there was an article on books by J. B. Ker foot, and In the course of his ItigWispl remarks the following para ' i " graph appeared: "A great deal of fun has been poked, first and last, at the man who, brought face to face with any form of art expreasion, says, 'I don't know anything about that; I only know what I like and what I don't.' The fun Is legitimate enough. Its legiti macy is made manifest and its essence ex pressed In the famous retort that 'the monkeys In the soo know that.' And yet there Is no man, though he be now critic or connoisseur, who has not, In the begin ning, found himself thus limited in knowl edge. The difference lies In one's attitude toward the discovery and In one's recogni tion of two facts, namely, that the begin nings of understanding as well as its re wards, come from within us, and that the first step from the simian toward the human aeatheticism is the self-propounded question, 'Why do I like this and not that?' " This Is the festival of Easter. Today the thought of resurrection will be empha sised from pulpit and chancel. Immortality and eternal life will be held forth, and the old, old story will be told. In various ways, and Bung by choirs, while the tongues of the organa which wer silent during the last days of "holy week" will peal forth, mighty in iower, and noble In volume. In the days of our childhood we heard, many times, of the necessity of being pre pared for death, but somehow that haa been changed. The thought of eternal life Is more often presented than the thought of death. "Prepare to meet thy God" haa given place to "Prepare for eternal life." Eternal life means eternal progress. The way one ued to think of it, it seemed more like eternal stagnation, or eternal Idleness. It waa like the poor old Irish servant who wanted to go to heaven where "thank God there would be no more dishes to wash.." And so, the paragraph which opened this column today serves perhaps for an Easter tide reflection as well as any other. If the "Kingdom of Heaven" Is "within you, ' then It follows sthat eternal life be gins here; If eternal lire begins here, It begins with a question mark. And that little queatlon, "Why do I like this and not that?" la the beginning of the development of one's eternal powers. "This little question," says Mr. Kerfoot, "Is the pass-key to an unknown world. It opens all doors, even the padlocks of our prejudices and superstitions." If there is anything In tha world that we really need today, it is the opening of the "padlocks of our prejudices and supersti tions." Evermor ths Phsrisees are seeing to It, thl t ths sepuJcher Is being miali! sure, tad that the stuns Is sealed. Evermore the spirit of Ignorance and superstition and prejudice and resistance to a new truth, or to the better presentment of an old truth. Is rvady to crucify the bearer of the good new. Let us Uien grasp. With ths most fervent hops, any aid to roll tha stone from ths World Briefly Told pus of the Columbus university. Here It Is that Mac, the hero, meets for the first time a certain Lady Leslie from Scotland, who has never In all her life spoken to a man. She I entirely unsophisticated, and Mao looks good to her. Lady ta'slle ha come to this country to marry n man she has never seen, having been bcthrothed to him during her childhood. The action of the piece hangs on the love affairs of these young people. Many brilliant song numbers run throughout the piece, some of them being decided hits. One" of the best num bers Is entitled "When You First Kiss the Last Olrl You Love," with other good ones like "Love Me Just Because," "What's the for the most part far our superiors. Miss Crosman, to be sure, has personal limitations, which In the present In stance prevent her from giving a thor ough Impersonation. She scarcely feems the member of an old, aristocratic, fashionable Knickerbocker family. But this weakness In her representation Is more than atoned for by the' deftness and flexibility with which she indicates the various moods that take possession Of the character which she plays. The manner In which she reads a letter In the last act of the comedy Is in Itsolf a liberal education In the art of light comedy acting, and no young actress who has aspirations In the same field ought to miss seeing It. She is mistress of mirth that rise above tears and of tears that Just peep through mirth. Her art Is as strong and flexible as the tirm of a skillful fencer. Miss George's art, while It Is exerted In the same field of light comedy. Is of a less overwhelming character. The lightning of light comedy Is Just yet not for her, but she Is mistress of the sephyrs and the sunshine. She gives, moreover, a more genuine impersona tion than does MIrb Crosman. She la nearer being the woman that the play wright drew. She makes her character In "A Woman's Way" a very real and humanly delightful person, and In her serener manner she la quite as flexible as the older actress. She has, more over, the assistance of that extraordi narily facllo light comedian Frank Worthing, who Is probably today the best male exemplar of that style of act ing on the American Btage. Students of the art of acting, If there are any, will find food for reflection in the careera and success of these two actresses. It may be that the managers who pin their faith on youth, aa against experience and skill are right. It may be that the public will pay mora dollars to look at a pretty girl making motions that a stage manager has taught her than to see a skillful actress doing things Intelligently and uttering lines beautifully, but If so it's a pity, and one prefers to believe that It's a condi tion that will not endure. Use," "Adlos, Senortta," and "Don't Be Anybody'a Moon but Mine.", The c:'st la headed by Homer B. Mason, who previous to his engagement with "A Stubborn Cin derella" was a headllner In vaudeville on the Orpheum circuit. Miss Grace Edmund has the party of Lady Leslie, and besides her many other charms has a beautiful so prano voice. Which she uses effectively In a number of songs. "Shenandoah" will te given at the Bur wood theater for the week starting this afternoon. This truly great play by the Musicians and Musical Events . sepulcher that entombs the good, or to J break the seal which bears the Impress of ignorance In high places, and let us seize the key which will unlock tho "padlocks of our prejudices and superstitions." What a little key it is! In the realm of music we are so often confronted wtlh that very statement: "I don't know anything about that; I only know what I like and what I don't." Or, to be more accurate, In musical matters we more often hear the latter part only: "I know what I like and what I don't." In the realm of art we don't even hear the frank admission, "I don't know anything about that" But, no matter. That will come. Is It not a remarkably encouraging thing, however, to think that even those who know best and most about a subject, have, at seme time or other, stopid to think "Why?" The aforesaid monkeys In the too are rot to be blamed for their limited knowl edge. They know nothing perhaps about anything! Perhaps! Did you ever notice that peculiarly quizzical expression an old ape will wear. In looking at the human beings outside the cage? But the simian tribe knows what It likes und what It doesn't. The first step upward la the question "Why?" 1 If, In the matter of music, we could get our fellow men and fellow women to ask themselves why they like ' one kind of music and not another, we would have stalled a thought process which would bear fruit. One of the most prevah nt excuses which we hear, for a gross mistake or for a cruel deed, is, "It's too bad, but he didn't mean to do It; he Just didn't think." It la a great question whether the fact of "not thinking" ia not the gravest if all evils. "Evil ia wfought from want of thought as well as want of heart." Thus salth the Poet. But that is not Bald in, for, or palliation of, the lack of thought. What has sent many -a great soul through Gethsemane, but the superstitious prejudice of people who would not stop to ask them selves the question, "Why?" When you read the life of Richard Wagner and real ise what he passed through It makes your heart sick because some of those old musi cal pharlsees, who should have welcomed truth, would not ask tl.emtielves, "Why dj we not like his music? Why do we like this that we have, and not that which he presents to us?" Read the lives of most of the great com posers and you will find that they wire the lctim of padlicked prejudices and iron-bound superstltiDn. Those who would not li.len to their message were the chief pi:evJ ar.J lie pharlsces who sat in the musical seats of authority and aet a guard to see that ths atone waa sealed at the door of the sepulchre In which the Spirit of Music was entombed. When the student"' begins to ask this all-Important little question he has begun to study th eternal things. "The beginning lati Bronson Howard has been the stand ard of Its kind for over twenty years. It first having been produced In New York City at the Star theater on Broadway on Sep tember . H9. Viola Allen and Henry Mil ler sharing honors In the leading roles. The play has not been seen In Omaha since early In the theatrical season of 1!. when It was given at the Burwood theater. In addition to the big cast needed to present the drama, that crack organisation, the Omaha Guards, will participate In the hlg battle scene. Additional Interest Is given this production because of the Initial ap pearance of three new members of the Bur wood company Thaddeus Gray, leading man; Hugh Gibson, comedian, and I,ea He monde, character woman. It is believed that all three will Immediately Jump Into popular favor. There will be matinees to. day, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. To follow the big revival of "Shenan doah," the Burwood theater will offer "The Cowboy and the Lady," the title roles In which will be played, respectively, by the new leading man, Mr. Gray, and Miss Leone. James Thornton will be at the Orpheum this week. His songs, "When You Were Sweet Sixteen" and "My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon," long ago attained great populurlty. Mr. Thornton has been appear Ing with conspicuous success in a mono logue. Another musical number Is the engagement of Elizabeth M. Murray, whose reputation as a singer of Irish and negro character songs Is second to none. Julie Ring, supported by a little troupe of far ceurs, will present " The Wrong Room, a piece said to abound In comical situations, from the pen of Herbert Hall Wlnslow. "When Caesar C's Her" Is a travesty of "Caesar and Cleopatra," by George Bern ard Shaw, and will be presented by James and Sadie LeonaTd and Richard Anderson The 81sters Gasch are European gymnasts but have appeared In this country for short tours, having been featured at the Victoria Roof Garden and other prominent music halls. A third musical number, but one in which music Is combined with comedy of the most grotesque type. Is contributed by the Vlndobonns. A light an humorous number will be that of "Mack" and "Ma rlus," both former newspaper cartoonists, who have Joined forces and are presenting a little skit entitled "Evolution," In which they give free play to their talent and fancy. LATE GOSSIP FROM STAGELAM) Interesting; lilts of Personal Chat About Theater Folks. David Belasco was In his boat mood at a dinner at the St. Hegis preceding his vacation his first vacation in twenty long, hard years. Mr. Belasco, In the course of a learned review of barefoot dancing, problem plays and such-like outcroppings of stage his tory, smiled and said: "It may be true, as some have claimed, that Immoral plays are due to the Immoral taste of woman. Yes, that may be true; but, gentlemen, did you ever watch at the theater an elderly, staid, perhaps somewhat unprepossessing wife, brooding over a hus band a little younger than herself? These wives, surely, are no supporters of the Im moral stage spectacle). "Such a wife sat in one of my theaters during the production of a drama. The heroine, a beautiful girl, said at a dramatic moment: " 'Merciful heavens, I am undone!' "Tho wife rose hurriedly. " 'Come, Clarence,' she murmured sternly, 'we've had enough of this. I'm not going to have you. drinkln' In any Salome dance or dlsrobln' act!' " Word from Miss Florence Gerald is to the effect thut she has Just closed her season and will him nil Kaster at her home, 254 West Forty-sixth street, New York. Mrs. Manning of the team Carl and Manning has returned to her home In Omaha after a seven months' season on the Keith & Proctor circuit. Mrs. Manning will of understanding," says our friend, "must como from within." When one awakens with that thought, when the soul, timid and i doubtful, asks that resurrection question. there is going to be an answer. And the answer will depend on the very honesty of tho asking. When the question Is asked In sincerity and truth, and thut, connecting with the sources of development without, will de velop one's mind and enlaige one's being, so that life will be "more abundant" and tho "rules" of man will bo forsaken for tho "laws" of art. The man-made rules are temporal and arc changing every day and In every place; one has a pet exercise for tills and another for that; one has a notion and another has a nostrum. But the "laws" of art are eternal. They are laws, not made by man, but some of them have been discovered by him, and others are yet to be discovered. In the matter of ordinary wickedness Is It not this quebtion, "Why do I like this and not that?'' which must be asked, be fore one awakens to a sense of wrong-doing? And therein lies the beginning of understanding, the entrance Into eternal life, the dawn of the rcsurrectl' n morning. When the Ignorant and untutored youth, under the spell of some other youth who bus "turned his face from the clod," stops and asks himself the question, "Why do I like this and not that?" his resurrection has begun, and his 1b beginning; to under stand the meaning of the word Easter. When the music student who has been addicted to the popular aong habit, who has heard nothing but the vaudevlllo ! shouter, begins to ask, "Why do I like this, and not the music of the masters?" the dawn of a new life has begun, "the pass key to a new world," as Mr. Kerfool puts it. has been found, and who shall say that thla new world Is not the eternal "new earth" which constitutes a part, at leaat, of the "Kingdom of Heaven?" Thla is the Easter morn. This, the Day of Resurrection. This Is the day to ask the, "Why do I not?" "Glory about thee, without thee, and thou lulfillesl thy doom, Making him broken gleams, and a stifled i-plendor and gloom. Speak to Him thou, for He hears, and Spirit with Spirit can meet C'losei is Me t!inn bn-Hthlng, and nearer than hands and feet." "I hold it truth, with him whu Kings To one clear harp In divers tonei. That men muy rise on stepping -siiines Of their dead selves to luxlier things." The Resurrection bpult is in the air. The hopta are singing Hallelujah! The Keaat of the Church Is proclaimed. The Joy of Nature Is so exuberant that tiie very buds and blades burst forth in sheer delight. The t-pilhg uf Souls is here! Hallelujah! THOMAS J. KELLY. MaslcalVotes. Mr. Max Landow wld give a piano recital at the First Baptist church Thursday even ing. April lri. Mr. Unduw will play Fan tasie in F minor, op. 4i, nocturne. Etude, and Barcarole op. tiu by Chopin, and the following numbers by Usui: Harmonies do Holr. S.Miette de Petrarca, Second Bal lade, Deux Legxndes, 'antique d Amour and Polonaise. E minor. AMI F.MR.T8. BOYD'S THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT AKXBICA'M rAYOBITB UDOOB HOW AIL. G. FIELD BIXTT KIUT BOYD'S TB2RS'" GEORGE H. BRENNAN, PRESENTS THOMAS DIXON, JR.'S WONDERFUL PLAY THE 1 4th K5SSE! I CLANSMAN COMrAXY OP 75 TKOI'LE CAKIA1AIM OF HCKNKHY AM) KI.ECTKIC.Wi EFFECTS, AX1 TKOOI'S OK CAVAMIV HOUSES. Sunday, Monday. Tuesday Tuesday Matinee April 19, 2flT FKIltCXBS AMUSE MX ITT COMPAKT OFFKB Tb Quality Musical Show A STUBBORN CINDERELLA By Rough, Adams and Howord. HOMI1 MASON AMD COMPANY Or SXTEITTT-XTTS. ssMWsWBsTJMBMMi 11 iii iiiMsssiiiiMissswMSsyii v-sMga pho ts - Ben. P! rol Introducing ths thrss new members of ths company Ttiaddeusi Cray, Ulldb Gibson, Lea Hrmonde. SHERIDAN'S RIDE THE OMAHA MATS. TODAY, TUES., THURS.. SAT.j" iday the leading part In the I. O. Mourer Jrainj.Uc company next season. Bin Teal, tho famous stage director, and Cnarits t roiiman nave parteu company.' 1'neir couirjcl nas expueu ana Wul iiui oe renewed, for years ltai itua the general sluise uuecior 01 me Fronmau productions, in a louniKUt he win o uohuu to as sume cnuitiB of a new production, una wul return to mis country in me We are told that an American woman twitted J. Al. Barrie recently on tne thritty way in which he Uses JoKts anu episouis over and over again, exploding in 'W'liat Kvery Woman Knows," lur instance, mu same witticism that lias nguieu aneaoy In "The Admirable L'rlchlon," in "My Uiuy Nicotine" and in "Sentimental Tommy." Mr. Barrie replied, with a laugh, tliat his nationality was to blame. "I am a Scot," he said, "and we Scots abhor waste. tid you never hear ot trie aged Saunders Cariyle, who always riranK otl his whisky to the last drop tne instant it was poured out for him? " 'Why do you- drink down your liquor in that iiulck, greedy way ?', u strunger said to Saundets an a reprotiihfql turner " 'I once had one Knocked OVei,' tjie old man explained." Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Klliuit will tour this country next beason in Jerome K. Jerome's '"the Passing of the Third Floor Back" a play which has some Hlmilarlty to "The Servant in tho House," They will start with an euia icnicnt at Sister Maxlne's New York theater. Mrs. Carter-Payne is considering seri ously the advisability of casting In her tortiines with the Shuberts. Kassa, the romantic drama by John Luther l.oni?, In which she appeared lately, haa been shelved for the prest-nt, but may be seen on tour In a few weeks. For the summer the ac tress will head a St. Ixiuls slock company In revivals of bur own successes "i lie Heart of Maryland," "Zaza," "Du Barry" and J-t Tosca." Eueene Walter is writing: an antithesis to "The Easiest Way," which he will call 'Another Way. The play will probably bo used as a vehicle (or his wife. Miss I Charlotte Walker, lie has Just completed a melodrama of the bulky, undisguised kind, which will hp called "The Iast Mus ter, and which Will probably be produced late In the spring or early la the 'fall. According to reports from Pittsburg james rv. nacaeii nas rounu a piny ru murkahly well suited to him in "A Son of the South," by C. T. Dnscy. A trial per formance was given during the Pittsburg .. .1 .iwImA (T...,n,l I. . . ngagemi'M nno maraeo lavor grei ica ip IIITIIIK AVI I . Hill ni'll will in, I juirn.-iii iii,. la., i.nln Ihla Hoaunn hllf U'lll linlit It 111 play again mis nrnooii, iui m iixiti in toy aSai ....o.-.., ..... - I aa I, la ..n.linn, ,t..vt .II reserve and use it as bis medium next fall. Sarah Bernhardt has returned to Paris ftpr a five months' tour which included ul.. u rwi tit lJ..l.i'u;,iirir In tliu 1 1 1 ,1.. ni r v and is now playing "L'Alglon." She is 111 la now Jia,uiK i4 niti'ii. nun id ntemphitlng a production of "Cyrano de .r.-. ...... " In nl.l..l cho mill tim, ...... - - ie Gascon. Nothing seems to be beyond lis amazing artist. 'Do you rec'gnize the perfesslon?" an old darky asked at the box office window of the New Amsterdam theater on the night (If Mr. Mantell s "lar. wny, wnai orancn or me profession no you belong to, uncle?" the afflahle ticket nelli r uiiki d. "Ise on Mr. Frank McKee's fo'?ea, sah." mild uncle. "I got full charge o' chimin' nut his offices." He got by. John Galsworthy's new three-act play, "Strife," which deals with the InterniiiiulKu problem of labor and capital, nod which lias Just been produced with marked suc cess In Ixndon. la to be given an American hearing next season. Porter Emerson Urowne lakes the prise In the "Playwrights' Opening Night Speech" contest. Ills entry wan liled the otner evening when his nt-w play, "A Fool Tlieru Was ' brought iililiaid forward as a star actor at the Liberty theater, New York. Mr. Jirownu's remarks were brief and pointed and his example might he fol lowed with profit by other members of his profession. His speech follows In full: "Playwrlglua snould be seen and not heard." Hear! Hear! One of the first announcements of new plays for next seam. a conic iroiu tne of Lleber at to. It seeinx that Henry iil.issom, llio king of luu present-day librettists, has found his kln dom tramped and has sought ..ew w or Ins to conquer. In short, lie has written a four act play, entitled "Miss I'nllura." tfceue are sit in New England, but the author's promise that It will not be ex cessively rural removes -ail cause for ap prehension from thut source. it is tvtn hinted that the i-lay mil take a place In the ever-Increasing number of pi ys of big tlienitH und t.inely liti-as. The jnesiiii Indication are that Miss t'hryslal Heine, who has scored so heavily aa Walker Whllesidoa leading lady In "The M.-l.lag Pot" all season, will be featured In the title role. "The Battle," Cleveland Moffett'a re markable play on brains, business and the tenement queailon In which Wilton I.ackay is now slurring at the Sivoy theater. New Yolk, has been accorded the d!t!i!(". nn c.-f being made an International attrition. Dr. Mersbach. the famous German inipr- .iKarlo. has arranged to pro duce t ie pluv in Merlin next cin. Ii ii his opinion that the problems Mr., deals with are of particular interest to G-rnyans today, and he also states thm tile play ia more like the character, sttcally Oerman play In structure and method than most of our American plays. Walker Whiteside. Ho Is only 3.'. lt was a atar at 17. Ills first role was that of Hamlet. Ho scored buavily as th "Boy Hamlet." , AMimrMRNTf. MnriTBEI, ICE IT. Doug. I50r, :ind. A-I5 TODAY and all week A PLAY FOR RED BLOODED AMERICAN Bronson Howard's BigMUU tary Bpsctaol. n "SHEW AW DO AH" GUARDS IN THE EIG BATTLE SCENE 15, 25, 35 & 50c-fi, EXT WEEK) The Cswboy Ibt Usjr' CKEIOHTOX I r Vf WJU n rw. PHONES VWU UVDOUfi. INOAMM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Dally Mat. 9:15. Every Kifht 8:1B Wssk Starting- Matins Today. James Thornton Favorite Author of "When You Were Sweet Sixteen," etc.. in "Bong- and Bayirujrs.'' Elizabeth M. Murray In Her Inimitable Irish and Nsrro Cbaraotsr Songs. Julie Ring And Her Company, playing "Ths Wrong- Boom" A Comedy by Herbert Jiall Wlnalow. James and Sadie Leonard and Richard Anderson In Their Great Travesty "When Caasar C's Bsr" A Satire on Bernard Shaw's " Vasar and Cleopatra." The Sisters Gasch World's Premier Lady Gymnasts. These Eccentric European Musicians The Vindobonas Mad Melody and Harmonious Humor. "Mack" and "Marcus" Cartoonists. In nn Entertaining Pic torial Cieation, "Evolution." KINODROME Always ths newest In motion pioturss FE.ICTS 10c, 8So and 60o. MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL May ltth and J uth Hoyd Theator Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Mr. Emll Oberhoffer, conductor Oratorio Society of iinmlia Mr. Ira It. Pennlman, director SOLOISTS Mis Ise Ormxby, New York, Soprano. Miss Lather May Plumb, Chicago, Contralto Mr. Arthur Mnlitleioii. Chicago, Basso Mr. Carlo FUcher. Minneapolis. Cellist Mr. Ertni Anton Korb, Minneapolis, Vio linist Tenor to he announced later Prices Season Tickets r,.nu and $3.00 Single Admission 7f.c to $2.00 Address May Muslo FsstlTaL 67.' Brandels Hldj. Chicago Film Exchange America's Foremost Film Renters Omaha Office 14th and Douglas fit. .l!r Ky'l:'ve 1'llin Service can be aeen at the KiU G TheHt..r every afternoon and evening, dally change of program, two llmuHand feet of flluiH each day. first at .VicVickcrs theater, Chicago In lssil, ainl Lnt n m iiio L moil iviuurti Uicaler, ISKW UIK in iXiX 11. s Arw iur night hotiae amounted to lisb than iw, ins Hint week closed Willi u li.ouo nuase. .m i ruiKic, lilt! oest know II critic of mat uay, uesifc.mtta luiu UluU as In o actor or tne lutuie. Lam in i.vji i,e aiaiU'd a barnstorming Caicei oi iilteen y, am duration, during widen he was never been in one ot Ino larger cil.eH. i p. aim "Hamlet." "OthelU.," "King'.' "lnc M reliant of Venice, 'iUcuald lil ami 1 tleili lieu. ' ' And when ciasHic reiierturle fulled to draw he produced romalic drama with siicn lilies as "Cousin or tne King,'' "The Man ,n J, In. k," -J in. Hed Co. k ule, 'lluart (inn Sworn ' and "Wt uru Kiiik,' most of ho wrote himself. lurlng Ihene Ultee., year he was his own manager as well us his own staae director. " Two eara iikii, Iih d to sign a con tract with Messrs. l.lcher & Co., the uianugi rs of En un ir liolunii, Viola. Allen and a i.oKt of m.ii.-i. and lo desert the little, towns of the middle west for the regions lluaiilial reputations are made. His flrsi play un.ler tho new regime was called, "Tin, Maitl dy" by Unrdon Keane, generally suspected to ba an actor himself, and rui.iinhed Mr. Whiteside, with the first inoil.-iii rule he had ever un-deriak-n. laist summer he wen: to England to visit Israel angl!, and liie latter' s greatest Wnik, "The McUliig I'.il" was evolved. On Oi t' i. i! 4. "i -e Melting Pot" was produced In U .siilngt.m, and President IXouit u : fl;-i't:l lii m tils box, "It's a gnat, greit piav." Ami J:. l .' if. Oscar Straus and n , rei of .it .. r i I d -smrda of plains nd when they ri ached Chhago It was so suc cessful that It rin much lunger than any seilinis play I a.l ever run In that city. Hut th.i wor.l of praise lavished on the I lay have been rn more enthusiastic (ban those, used ! (l.wcillm the act of Whiteside, now a hnii(lriltolit mure mature and fine than Ihat which drew New Vork and Chicago's attertlnn to a youthful Hamlet. Walker Whiteside has taken a place In the very foremost rank of modern players.