Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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Zeal Shown In th Offer to Oire Ing
.. land a Dreadn aught.
Patriotism that Will Coat flO a. Ilea
for Every Man, Wtkili aa
Ckll la the Coaatrr. hat
Coloay taa It.
The acceptance by Oreat Britain of the
otter of New Zealand to build a Dread
nought of the largest type aa a help to the
mother country In the race ta surpass
Germany' naval program meana an ex
pen to New Zealand of about 110 for
every man. woman and child of that
country. The total population of New
Zealand la almost exactly 1.000.000. The
original Dreadnought coat about $9,000,000.
An Improved ona will probably coat
11,000,00 more.
To any ordinary country of a million In
habitants an expenditure of 110 each for
eom special object, all to be paid within
two years for It will take that time to
build a Dread nought would be a grievous
burden. New Zealand can stand It prob
ably better than any other country In the
world, for It Je the richest country In
average wealth.'
The average wealth of New Zealand,
counting every one, even the babies and
Maoris, of whom there sr BO.Ono, la nearly
tl.tno. The average wealth of the United
Ptstes Is estimated at a- good deal leas
than tl.OOO an Inhabitant. That -of New
Zealand In said to be the highest In the
The New Zealand creed In respect to
wealth was laid down by the lata Premier
Mr. Beddon, regarded as next to the great
est man. Sir George Grey, who ever ruled
In that domain. Mr. Beddon said:
Gospel la New Zealand.
"I believe that the cardinal aim of gov
ernment ia to provide conditions which will
reduce want and permit the very largest
possible number of Us people to be healthy.
happy human beings. The life, the health,
th Intelligence and the morals of a nation
count for more than riches, and I would
rather have the country free from want
and squalor and th unemployed than the
home of multimillionaires. The extremes
of poverty and wealth crush the self-
respect of the poor and produce the arrog
ance of the Idle rich."
That doctrine may or may not have
produced the money whereby New Zealand
Is able to fork up $10,000,000 In a hurry to
build a great battleship and give It away.
The publto debt of the dominion, local and
national, Is about 3SO,fO0,0OO. The value of
the rubllc property Is put at about $326,
COO.000 leaving the net debt at about $.
000,000 only.
The Dominion has a surplus of revenue
each year of about $4,000,000, so that It
will have to mortgage, so to speak. Its
surplus revenue for the next two years
and a half to build Its Dreadnought. That
will mean that the expenditure for the
great ship will lust about exhaust the sur
plus revenue during th time the ship Is
building, if two years and a half are re
quired In build it the little Dominion will
not have to run In debt a cent tor the
Such a showing Is one that few nations,
If any, could make and probably no other
colony of any country could present.
It Illustrates vividly what the New Zealond
Idea of prosperity Is, and probably the
: New Zealandera regard their veatur' as
j a. pre tfy good adyertlsemsnt of (lying con.-
dltiona per. , - ' .. '
i - Arsswd y American Fleet.
A matter of Interest to Americana In the
construction of this ship for Oreat Britain
Is the fact that the offer to the mother
country la probably the direct result of the
great furore made In New Zealand last
August over the visit of the United States
Atlantic fleet. It has been predicted right
along that one result of the cruise would
be a tremendous advance In naval activity
the world over, especially In shipbuilding.
It was thought that In time Australia
would take up the subject of building a
navy of her own. but It was not expected
by American naval experts that New Zea
land would be the first to get Into the
limelight In this respect. Her wealth and
her patriotism account for It
While New Zealand Is In the geographical
limits of what Is known as Australasia It
Is a separate crown colony and really has
nothing to do with Australia so far aa
government administration Is concerned. It
Is a distinct dominion of Itself.
Its people chuckled secretly over the
fact that It received a visit from the
American fleet before Australia had that
distinction. The fleet really was sent
down to th Antipodes to visit Australia.
New Zealand at once set up what In the
parlance rf the day Is known aa a holler.
She wanted the fleet also. Fate was with
her. It waa necessary for the fleet to stop
somewhere on th way to Australia to
coal, and New Zealand drew the prli.
Americans Were Entranced.
Her people showed the Americans th
most novel entertainment of the entire
trip, a visit to the wonderful geyserland
of tbe dominion and a prise performance1
by th Maoris, th only savage race that
Great Britain waa never able to conquer.
Th Americans found the dominion th
most beautiful country they had ever vis
ited. New Zealand worked Itself up into a
mighty fevor of admiration for naval
things, and It la no surprise to those who
Frlde of Omaha
Your children's future depends en
tirely upon the food you buy. Be
particular about the flour you use
In your home. Get the flour that
wins prizes for its excellent nu
tritive qualities wherever entered
in contest with other brands.
frlli ol Omaha
Is of such high quality because
such extreme attention la given to
Its manufacture, from the time the
raw material is accepted as the beat
afforded in the territory of each
of our 103 elevators to the time it
is delivered to your home by the
No other mill has such facilities
for obtaining the highest grade of
wheat and no other mill produces
auch wholesome and nutritious a
S1.7S per Sack
At AH Grocers
understand how things are going down In
that neck of the woods that It has got
Into the game of warship building and
thereby will put the mpther country under
peculiar obligations t It. Perhaps Eng
land will pay more attention hereafter to
that cry of keeping all Its Mg te-rltory
down that way a white man's country.
That naval observers and men of diplom
acy regard as the milk In th cocoanut of
this offer.
So daft did New Zealand go over the
visit to Auckland that the newspapers even j
caricatured the church In order t make a
point of the seal of the welcome. The
fleet got into Auckland at 10 o'clock one
Sunday morning. The leading newspaper
of the city had a caricature of a clergyman
of the English church preaching to abso
lutely empty benches with a smile on his
Hps and a spyglass In his hand through
which he looked out of the window at the
Incoming ships.
What New Zealand has In mind in
building the Dread naught was probably
best expressed by Lord Plunkctt, the gov
ernor, when he said In a formal speech at
a great dinner to the Americans:
"It Is true that for th safety of our em
pire, no matter the sacrifice, our navy
must always be equal to a possible com
bination of two other great powers, but let
me remind you that though we have a full
appreciation of the vast potential resources
of America she has never been reckoned
as one of such possible combination.
"But even that two powered standard
would not be enough If w had to sup
port all that we have taken upon our
shoulders In the past. For centuries the
British ravy, almost apart from Its coun
try's defenae, has borne almost alone the
burden of policing the sens, capturing the
slaver, charting the oceans, overawing the
tyrant, championing th oppressed."
Patriotism Is Practical.
It Is to help England to do ull these
things that New Zealand wishes a big
navy, and when she heard that Germany
was about to lead In the race of building
all big gun ships the present ones are to
be obselete In a few years If this Idea con
tinues to prevail she wanted to bear her
part In trying to help Great Britain to
construct a naval establishment that should
always be equal to a possible combination
of two other great powers.
Even this gift of New Zealand, accord
ing to the latest accounts, will not ac
complish this result, but It will help. New
Zealand feels that It Is doing Ha part.
Canada Is talking of Joining In. It Is a
moot question how much the world gird
ling trip of the Atlantic fleet has con
tributed to this end or has Inspired It
New Zealand and Australia pay each
year to Great Britain a lump sum for naval
protection. New Zealand pays $200,000
year. Australia pays $1,000,000. For these
sums Great Britain agrees to keep a squad
ron of warships on the Australian station
which Includes New Zealand. This squad
ron must consist of one armored, cruiser,
first-class; two second-class cruisers, four
third-class cruisers and four sloop of war.
Keep a Naval Reserve.
Australia and New Zealand maintain
what Is known as the royal naval reserve,
consisting of twenty-five officers and 700
men. One of the warships Is held In re
serve and three of them are named in part
by the royal naval reserve. The remainder
are In full commission with British crews,
The largest warship England has down
there now Is the great cruiser Powerful,
Vice Admiral Sir Richard Poore Is in com.
mand of the squadron! 'Australians, It Is
said', hod neveY seen, a modern battleship
In their water before the Atlantic fleet's
Visit. :
When the fleet was In Australia proper
mention was made, in- editorial artioles and
In numerous speeches by the big guns that
It was time for Australia to build a navy
of her own. There was no Intimation that
some day it might be needed In caae Aus
tralia should become a nation of Itself.
xnai country has never had war and
knows that war Is scarcely within the
range of possibilities so long as she flies
England's flag.
The suggestion of an Australian navy
came from a desire to help the mother
country and to be prepared for national
emergencies. In case by any untoward
event these should arise. Always there
were the dark hints about a white man's
country, but no one took It to mean that
Australia wanted a navy to use against
England in case she did not take heed of
the commonwealth's aspirations In that
Debt Problem Is Not Easy,
Australia Is having a hard time in as
suming and adjusting the debts which the
commonwealth is required to take over
from the various states. That problem is
still one of the hard ones to crack, and
probably the commonwealth would not be
uble to make such an offer to the home
country as New Zealand has done.
New Zealand has a territory about one
seventh smaller than that of Great Britain
end Ireland combined. It sells to foreign
ers about $100,000,000 worth of goods a year
and buys from other countries only about
$65,000,000. leaving a neat balance of trad.
It was the first country to establish uni
versal penny postage and old age pensions,
to assist settlers In buying farms, to estab
lish compulsory arbitration, to adopt the
policy of confiscating large estates and de
veloping them for small holders, the first
British country to adopt woman suffrage,
to establish life, accident and fire Insur
ance by the government, the first to operate
government coal mines, to provide govern
ment owned dwellings for workmen, and
the first In a lot of other Ideas In govern
ment, some of them chimerical and some
of them not.
In offering to pay for a Dreadnought for
the home country New Zealand adds an
other distinction to her career a a colony.
Of course she has no shipyards where the
vessel will be constructed. It will be built
in England. New Zealand will pay for It
and even aays that she will then be willing
to pay for another.
New Zealand prides herself upon being
Great Britain's prise colony. Her gift to
tbe mother country hooks up this pride.
Pointed Paragraphs.
A bee hasn't much to say, but he usually
carries his point.
Mirrors, unlike some people, never force
their reflections upon us.
If ycu look for pineapples on a pine tree
your search will be fruitless.
The sun sets only In the went, but an old
hen U willing to set anywhere.
A worthless man always seems to have
more friends than a worthless woman
A woman never Knows what a man thinks
of her, although she thinks she does.
Some peopU- are noted for their ability to
recollect things that never happened.
For a practical Illustration of economy
watch a small boy when he has occasion
to use soap.
The family with a 16-year-old boy In the
house has no earthly use for a thlrtv-slx
volume encyclopaedia.
If some people were to marry for brain
instead ef for money they would probably
get left Just the same. Chicago News.
Bla; Lobster from Mala Coast.
There Is on exhibition In a window la
Baco the largest lobster thst has be-sj
landed In those parts for years, if not
ever. The lobster measures thirty inches
In total length and his body proper Is
twenty Indies long. Before boiling he
weighed nine and one-quarter pounds, and
boiled weighs svven pounds.
Ths lobster was caught by John E.
Iwls, Jr.. off Btratons Island. In Eaco bay.
In one of his traps last week. The big
fellow waa th nnlu ....... .. a . .. .
and none of the lobsters In the other traps
"J u' remr man average sis
Knunebec Journal,
5 ; K CtsHSI lifjirji $55,000 Purchase of Drooped Patterns and 1 f
I Slightly Mlswovcn Carpets anil Runs From I 11
tTlff! SANFORD & SONS, Amsterdam, N. Y.
S. Sanford & Sons of Amsterdam, N. Y., are the largest manufacturers in
the world of high grade carpets and rugs. The above picture gives a fair idea
of the magnitude of their mills. The name "Sanford" in carpets is as "Ster
ling" to silver their goods being world famed for superiority of designs, col
ors and wearing qualities. Every piece of goods they ship must be absolutely
perfect. But is so happens, however, that a loom will occasionally "miss a
A. .Partial List of tlie Money-Saving Opportunities
stitch" or a pattern match somewhat irregularly. They are practically as good
as the perfect and the defects are almost imperceptible. We bought the sea
son's accumulation of such goods together with a large stock of their "dropped
patterns." These are all new, fresh spring goods and will be placed on sale
tomorrow at half price. The equal of this sale has never been held in Omaha
and shrewd housewives cannot afford to ignore the economies it presents.
Here is a partial list of the money-saving opportunities this sale affords:
Tnis Sale Afford
Sanford Rugs
Sanford Brussels Rugs Size 9x12 feet, appropri
ate for halls or small bed rooms, worth C "7 C
$10.00; during this sale VUilU
Sanford Royal Brussels Rugs Size 8 feet, 3 inches
by 10 feet 6 inches, slightly miswoven P 1 1 50
worth $18.00; during this sale OH
Sanford Imperial Brussels Rugs Size 12x9 feet,
closely woven, floral and oriental de- Q 1 Q75
signs worth $21.00; during this sale. . . .M I
Sanford Velvet Rugs Size 12x9 feet, rich floral
and oriental designs, slightly imperfect "795
worth $29.00; during this sale M If
Floor Coverings From Our
Mattings Heavy quality, worth 20c per yard,
China Mattings Heavy quality, worth 20c per yard, during this
Ba,e -12
Jap Mattings, closely woven, worth 30c, during this sale 18
Oil Cloth, suitable for kitchen and bath rooms, worth 40c, during
this sale 25
Linoleums, heavy quality, Inlaid effects, worth 65c, during this
sale 45
Ingrain Art Square, size 12x9 feet, reversible, you can use either side
good quality, worth 6.50, during this sale $3.98
Sanford Rugs
Sanford Tiger Brussels Rugs Size 12x9 feet, suitable
for parlor, bed room or dining room, a very satisfac
tory quality worth $25.00; during this Q 1 C
sale ' 013
Sanford Empress Brussels Rugs Size 12x9 feet, the
best Brussels that Sanford 's mill produce, slightly
imperfect worth $30.00; during this sale,
Sanford Axminster Rugs Size 12x9 feet, the very
best grade of goods Sandfords produce, your choice
of 11 designs, "some slightly mismatched" CQQ5Q
worth $40.00; during this sale VtCu
Frlce Reductions Equal to Sanlords
Ingrain Carpets, strong and durable, bright colors, worth 40c, dur
ing this sale , 254?
Ingrain Carpets, extra heavy qualities, brussel effect, worth 76c,
during this sale 40
EXTRA SPECIAL Axmlnster Rugs, extra heavy quality, very close
ly woven, bright, rich. Oriental colorings, sise
Sanford Hrussol Carpets, colorings and designs suitable for
bedroom, dining rooms, halls and stairs,
closely woven fabrics, regular 85c value,
during this sale
Sanford Brunei Carpets, extra clonely woven, floral and
oriental effects, with borders to match,
the usual $1.15 quality, during this
Sanford Velvet Carpets, deep, rich colorings, high pile fab
ric, world famed for wearing qualities, suitable
for parlors and libraries, regular $1.50 quality,
during this sale
Sanford AxnilnMer Carpets, representing the perfection of
caroet weaving, artistic colorings, which no other mill can
duplicate, guaranteed to give years of satis
factory service, regular $1.50 quality, dur
ing this sale
Regular Stock tit
Misfit Carpets All sizes, from the
cheapest Ingrain to the finest Axmin
ster, at less than HALF PRICE.
Whenever possible we would suggest
you bring the measurements with you.
only .
p , . , --mc. IKsvi
For This Useful
Bed Davenport
Our Terms:
On a bill of 923, $2.50 cash,
60c weekly.
On a bill of 950, $3.00 cash,
$4.00 monthly.
On a bill of $75, $7.50 cash,
$6.00 monthly.
On a bill of $100, $10.00
cash, $8.00 monthly.
inches, worth $2.00, during this sale,
All Goods Marked
Plain Fljnires.
or No
r 1 I I I fvi'.M ft
Buys a Guaranteed
1.00 Oasn, BOO WWy.
Terms, $2.00 Cash, BOo Wakly.
Kxactly like Illustration and posi
tively the most remarkable value
In the city.
These gas ranges are guaranteed In every
renpeot, and they positively reduce your gas
bill fully one-third. They are equipped with
a convenient broiler and have all the latent
and moat scientific features. At the above
low price they are positively a jnost remark
able value.
(Tbe Peoples rnrniture and Oarpst Co Est. 1887.
For This Elegant
Terms $1.50 cash; 50c weekly.
Exactly like cut and a most
unusual value.
TERMS, $0.3O CuhI),
$3.00 Monthly.
ion r"'"sw if
595 For this Collapsible Go-Cart,
Complete With Hood.
TERMS. SOo Weekly.
A most rcm:ii kable value In these most
popular go-curts. They have an all-steel
conntructlon iinrt are almost Indestruclble.
The plrics, front and adjustable back ami
hood are upholstered In genuine fabrlcold
lent lu r.
Secure Patents on Steel Platforms
for Passenger Cars.
Devices That Will Heslst the Impact
of Collisions and Prevent Tel
eacopiBSSterl Makers Bid
for l'atents.
In the gruesome reports of train disas
ters In this country the reader Invariably
la informed that "the mall car waa reduced
to kindling wood" or "the baggage car
was telescoped." Sometimes the smoker
Is "crushed like an egg shell" or driven
through the car ahead. Such descriptions
are so common as to be worn threadbare,
yet most accurately fit the ruins of head
on collisions, and trains wrecked by ob
structions or misplaced switches. The
present makeup of passenger trains renders
inevitable the crushing of the lightly-constructed
cars placed between nlnety-toi:
locomotives and the solid, heavy coaches In
the rear.
Public criticism has npurred efforts to
remedy this fruitful source of railroad
mortality. Railroad nuuiagt-rs turned to
steel construction aa a means of relief.
But many obstacles are encountered. The
Increased weight of steel cars and the
greater coat makes a double draft on run
ning expenses, causing prudent managers
to bear the ills they have rather than swell
the rolling stock percentage of expense.
Two Omaha Inventions.
Two Inventions perfected by Omaha men, '
for which patents were granted March 9,
l'JOA, give promise of supplying the long
felt want. The inventions are the Joint
product of Bartholomew Jullen, master car
builder of the I'nion Pacific shops, and
his assistant, William Point. The main
device Is a huge steel casting for car-end
construction of passenger cars, taking the
place of wood, and designed to resist the
Impart of a collision and prevent the de
struction of the car frame. It provides a
rigid, light and strong end-construction,
"of such compact form aa not to Interfere
with the moat efficient disposal of draft
gear and other accessories, and of such
character as to act as a unit In resisting
severe stress." This platform Is for use
on all classes of passenger cars.
The second device Is practically a steel
frame for mall and baggage cars, embrac
ing the steel-end construction, connectf-d
alth a rigid floor frame, roof and sld
braces so arranged aa to take up acd
distribute the force of the blow of a
collision. Mr. Jullen claims that the steel
platform, at la center, will resist a blow
of 75O.0CO pounds, equal to the Impact of
the collision of two trains, head-on, Tun
ing thirty miles an hour. Telescoping Is
considered Impossible, and the crashing of
a car so constructed Is very remote.
Rivalry Anion steel Men.
The Importance and practical value of
the inventions Is shown In tho rivalry of
steel makers to secure the right to manu
facture. Three different companies have
made tenders to ths Inventors, after their
mechanical engineers hnd examined and
approved the models. The Ilarriman lines
will use this form of car construction In
the future, particularly In dining, mail and
baggage cars. The first batch of seven
cars are now being fitted out in the Omaha
Among the tenders for the right to manu
facture under patents, the oifer of .the
Commonwealth Steel company of St. Louis,
Is moat likely to be acceptel. Clarence
Howard, president of the company, came
to Omaha last week to close the deal. His
company offers to organise a separate com
pany with a capital of $250,010, to manu
facture and market the devices, give the
patentees a handsome bunch of guaranteed
stock and a royalty on each device turned
cut. With the Ilarriman lines as a ready
market for the product, Omaha's latest in
ventors will not require a guide to point
out Easy street.
A ran men of Western Journalist for
Larger Kr premutation In
Church's Senate.
An argument fer the appointment of a
greater number of American cardinals Is
found in an article contributed to the April
Issue of the North American Review by
Humphrey J. Desmond, a well known law
yer, author and Journalist of Wisconsin.
He suggests that "the recent papal decreo.
of date June 19, 19u8, remodeling the Romin
congregations, taking the I'nited States
out of the category of missionary coun
tries and placing it In a co-Ollnate place
with Italy, France and Spain In tho family
of Christian nations, may presage other
changes also, and he adds that "America
may entertain tome hope that the very In
adequate representation of the western
hemisphere In the College of Cardinals is
now at last to be remedied.
"Ever since Pope Clxtus V In 15.6, or
dained that the number ef cardinals should
never exced seventy, Italy has enjoyed
almost a two-thirds preponderance In thu
college. The Catholic population now undr
the American flag may he safely estimated
tt 24.000,0(10, or marly one-tenlh of tho en
tire Catholic population of the world.
Numerically, America should be entitled to
m lATf
This Institution is the only one
in tbe central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
amule grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it possible to
classify cases. Tbe one building
being fitted tor and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other, Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
at least six cardinals. For more than ton
years past the American press has. at reg
ular Intervals, alluded to the probable p
polntment of 'a second Americnn cardinal,'
and rumors as to the Identity of the pre
late selected for this honor have found
ready publication. That nothing has thus
far resulted Is due to many circumstances,
not the least of which may be that Amer
ica (and In this it is unlike Itxclf) in being
too m'dest, In discounting its fair clnlms,
has had to make way for more Insistent
Mr. Desmond recognises thst the ec
clesiastical constitution has no necessary
rel-itlon to taxation, numbers or geographi
cal area, but he thinks that the fncts that
the I'nited States Is second In the amount
of Its contrlbutlrns to the Society for the
Propagation of the Fnlth, nnd that it ex
cels all other countries but one In Its con
tributions to the Peter's pence, giving four
times as much as Italy and Spain combine!,
are entitled to some regard. Ho says that
distinction In churchmanshlp Is usually the
pathway to the dignity of the rardinalate.
but that requisite distinction Is fur mrre
easily earned n Italy than elsewhere. He
points out that:
"At present there are 55 cardinals, of
whom M are Italian. Of the 21 rnrdlnalr
graciously allotted to the rst of th Cath
olic world, B are Spanish or Portuguese and
4 French, so that the Latin countries
Italy, Spain. Portugal and France have 43
of the 65 cardinals.
"Latin preponderance In the government
of the church Is not divinely prescribed;
yet It has come about tn the nature of
things. We would not see It rudely as
sailed, In a snlrlt either of schlfm or na
tionalism. But, with all respect for things
as at present constituted, we do not over
look the facts of human nature. It mtcht
be felt as a guarantee of wiser policies If
the welfare of the church were not so
overwhelmingly In the keeping of Latin
prelates; If the counsels of the rest of the
Catholic world were reasonably valued and
more adequately sought, so that the senate
of the church should resemble, In Its fair
ness and fullness of representation, a great
council of the church."
After summoning up the duties and func
tions of the cardinals, Mr. Desmond con
tends that the reasons for Italian predom
inance in the college no longer exist. He
says that the pope has ceased de facto to
be a temporal sovereign, and the condi
tions of travel have so rhanged that Balti
more Is now nearer to Rome than Venice
was a century ago. And he goes on te
remark that:
"A legislative or administrative body,
composed almost wholly of men similar In
race and environment, trained and edu
cated under the political, social and eco
nomic conditions of the Latin countries,
must, humanly speaking, have a different
outlook frm that of a body of men com
posed of Latins, Germans, English and
Americans. And, If the affairs to be dis
cussed and settled are world affairs rather
than Italian affairs, the body that ia
cosmopolitan in its formation is apt to be
wiser and safer."
In conclusion. Mr. Desmond voices some
criticisms cf Latin leadership and ex
presses the opinion that "In the church of
today it would do no harm to call in. tlx
counsel and aid of the missionary captains
Wfiere to eai
Easfer al Hanson's.
With Lent Just past and spring at hand nature, the
birds and the air seem free.
Relieve your wife and family of restraint on this gladsome J
date by taking them to Hanson's for a 1909 Spring Lamb
Special Table D'Hote 75c
Table d'Hote 50c
Easter Sunday
April 11, 1909
Oyster Cocktail
Chicken al Ketner
Queen Olives
Commone Du Barr
Delaware (jhsd Grille Maitro D'Hotel
Potatoes Victoria
Grenadin of Veal Aux Chainpalgnons
Roast Philadelphia Capon, Glblet Sauce
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus
New Potatoes In Cream
Mashed potatoes Htringless IJca.ia
Chesapeake Saloo
Nesslero.le Mausse Assorted Cu!e
Tea Coffee Milk
Sunday. Table d'Role 50c
1909 Spring Lamb
at the
For the Money
The Best Meal
1514 Farnam St.
Fine Candits
Easfer Novelties
Ice Cream
out on the frontiers, or even to partlbur
infldellum those who know the modern
world where It Is most' modern, and those
who lead In the spread of religion, some
what as the apostles led whin they went
forth "t'j conquer the world.' "
Msht Rider Given One Year.
PADt'CAH. Ky., April Io.-John Jackson,
who was charged with participating In a
Night Rider raid when an aged negro and
a negro baby were shot to deith and five
other negroea were wounded, has been aen
tonced to oi.e year lit the penitentiary by
a Jury In the circuit court at Kenton.
Jackson Is the second man aentonc.i i.
From 12 M. to 2 P, M.
From b P. M. to S P. M.
$1.00 Pr Plat
Tablet may bm reserved.
Opposite th PosUffle.
t thai cojnty for tbe raid.