9m mi i "I III !) 1 -0- i v l( LZ3 THE RELIABLE STORE Special Easter Sale Offerings of Matchless A WEALTH OF CHARMING EASTER GARMENT BARGAINS arairvs a o THE RELIABLE STORE Hi M - Assortment and value? surpassing any you liave ever known or expected to find in before Master season. Our New York buyer found srvrral prominent manufacturers considerably overstocked on account of the backward sea v"n anl billing to accept any reasonable cash offer for their surplus, the result is: Several Tremendous Purchases of Spring Garments which will be offered Our Customers at Prices Less than Real Value of Fabrics Alone. Handsome Tailor Suits, $20.00 to $30.00 val ues, clever new designs, fine materials, rich new colorings, as shown in window, $12.50 Beautiful Silk Dresses, $20.00 to $35.00 val ues messalines, foulards, satins, taffetas, pongees; choicest colorings, lace applique trimmings, at . . $12.50 Values we do not believe you can dupli cate in the country at these extraordinary low prices. A Magnificent Line of Sample Tailor Suits and Dresses The very choicest of the sea son's colorings, styles and fabrics; on sale at. $30, $35, $40,' $50 to $75 Worth fully one-third more. Exclusive styles, choice fabrics and colorings, perfect tailoring and boundless satisfaction is found in Crown Jewel Tailor Suits . . $25 We show nearly 300 new ones in our Eas ter displa New Spring Coats, best materials and styles, at $5, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18 up to S25 New Spring Skirt Styles .$5 to $15 New Spring Waists Silks, nets, lace, Lingeries, Lawns, linens Largest as sortment for selection at 98c to $20 Extra Size Skirts, in complete assort ment, $3,95 to $15.00. Children's Spring Jackets, new est styles, all colors, regular $6.50 and $7.50 values; on sale in two lots $2.98 and $3.98 Children's Spring Dresses Values to $3.00, in ginghams, chambrays, linens, etc., all col ors newest styles, at. .$1.45 Intensely Interesting Easter Bargains Saturd'y Muslin Lnderwear, Hosiery and Ladies' Furnishings for Kaster. Xo place will you find the assortment and quality surpassed, and the special bargains offered from recent cash purchase are truly marvelous beyond comparison. One big lot of elegant skirts, choicest new designs with deep flounces of rich laces and embroideries; garments that would sell regularly up to $15.00; in five lots Saturday at, each S1.50. $1.98. $2.98. $3.98. $4.98 Ladies' Muslin Underskirts; regular values up to $3.00 choice for only 98c Ladies' Downs, worth to $5; lace and embroidery yokes; on sale at. .08c, $1.50, $1.93 Combination Suits Chemises Regular values to $2.50, 98c FOUR ROUSING HOURS SM.ES SATURDAY Charming Easter Millinery A more gorgeous and truly artistic collection is scarcely possible. Fascinating creations of the master millinery artists both of this country and Europe. Hundreds upon hundreds of winningly original designs from our own workroom. All the newest and most prac tical and clever millinery style ideas, at prices that show an average saving of at least 25 to you. See the magnificent special offerings on sale Saturday at $5, $8.50 and $10 Sweeping Price Reductions on All Pattern Hats. Don't fail to see them. All Hats Marked in Plain Figures. 10 to 11 A. M. La dies' Skirts, regular $2.00 qual ity, at 89c 11 A. M. to 12 M. Q owns that are worth regularly to 75c; choice 29c 1 ""V 8 to 9 A. M. Gowns, worth to $2.00, at 69C 9 to 10 A. M. Corset Covers and Drawers, regular 50c values, at 29c 8 to 9 A. M. Gowns worth to $2.00, at. .69c 11 A. M. to 12 M. Gowns that are worth reg ularly to 75c; choice 29c FOUR, BIG HOSIERY SPECIALS SATURDAY Ladies' 75c Lisle Hose, in plain gauze, silk embroidered and all over lace, all new spring shades sale price . 50c Ladies' gauze lisle and fine Maco Cotton Hose, plain or lace, black and fancy colors; to 50c values at 25c mm Ladies' 50c Quality Hose Silk lisle, lace or embroidered, nil colors and black 35c Three pairs for $1.00 Ladies' 19c quality Maco and silk embroidered Hose; blacks, tans, etc., at, pair 12C Get the Best Pony Hose for the boys. IF IT'S STYLISH, IF IT'S GOOD, YOU WILL FIND IT AT HAYDEN'S. Novelties for EasterEaster Neckwear All the new numbers in Fine Ruchings; New fancy lace and linen Dutch Collars; special at .15c A beautiful line of fancy Lace Jabots; special bargains at 25c New Puff Ties, narrow Windsors and Novelty Stocks; snaps at 15c specially priced at, per yard. . . '. . 15c Full 24-in. Hair Rolls,. : .......... 19c Easter Handkerchiefs Zc, 5c, 7lc, 10c and l5o Worth fully double the price. 20 Per Cent lionunt Hale (Saturday Bible. Prayer Books and All Church Goods for Eaatr. Easter Ribbons 25c Silk Taffeta Rlbboaa 12Hc A big line of extra wide til allk taffeta ribbons, 25c value, yard 12tt Fancy Ribbon -A beautiful line of the latest novelties In fancy ribbons, worth up to 76c yard, at 30 llUWand Bags Saturday98 The greatest line of strictly new, up-to-date Hand Bags and Carriage Bags ever shown in this or any other Omaha store at anything approaching the low prices. No old shop-worn or out-of-date goods, but all new, first class novelties. The Black Seal Bags in this lot are made of the verv finest seal leather every bag warranted perfect or money refunded; and a guarantee with every bag pur chased of us. Old leather goods are dear at any price be sure you get only new, fresh stock. $2.00 Bags at...;.... 95c $2.00 Vanity Bags .... 95c 50c Elastic Belts A big new line to select from, at 25c To Men of Good Taste in Dress We Always Find that the Griffon Brand Shirt Appeals more strongly than others. The quality has a great deal to do with it and the 100 patterns heie for .selection insure pleasing choice. All newest styles in these splendid shirts; prices 98c, $1.50 to $3 We carry them in all sizes from 14 to -0 inches. Neckbands can fit you perfectly. See them. Kvery thiug of the best in Easter Neckwear for men. .Fust look over our line, it will certainly please you. We do the Business In Hardware and Tools Extra heavy, double strength galvanized poultry wire, He per square foot in rolls, cut 3"4 4-tlne spading fork, worth $1 75? 6- tlne spading fork, worth $1.50 98 24-tooth lawn rake, worth 60c 29 75c round point or square ahovels 30d 12-tooth steel rake, Saturday 19 SOc steel hoe, warranted, Saturday 35 7- inch garden hoe, only.. 10 TIBS PA 11.8 BROOM 8 MOPS Large galvanized wash tubs, 65c; medium, 55c; mall 45 10-quart. galvanized water palls, 15c; 12-quart. 19c; 14-quart 25 35c Fancy Veilings 12c They are all Silk Veilings In fancy and plain mesh, both dotted and figured, all staple colors, the regular 5c quality, yd... 1264 New Hose Supporters Special sale Saturday Pad Hose Supporters, pair.. 10? and 10 Easter Shoe Sale Men's, women's, misses and children's fine shoes and ox fords, the largest showing of fine footwear ever shown by Hayden Bros., and at prices that make them within the reach of all. Black and brown Suedes, black and gray cravenettes in all the new models. Women's shoes and oxfords, values up to $3.00; specially priced, $1.98 Men's shoes, in patents, kids and gun metals; extra special $1.98 Misses' and children's shoes, oxfords and ankle ties; very special.. .$1.00 Boys', youths' and little gent's shoes, worth up to $1.75, at $1.19 Queen Quality aud Orover shoes for women; Stetson and Cross ett shoes for men all new models. Hayden's-Home of Pure Food Products 40c parlor broom. 29c; 30c brooms 194 15c mop stick and 25c mop, only 2f $1.25 fancy japanned flour cans, holds 50 lba..75 The Advance Waahing Machine, only The old reliable, square. Western Washer. . The American round shape washer The 10 easy Ak-Sar-Ben washer 150 moth balls, Saturday, only BOYS AXU GIRLS. ATTENTION! Steel wheel, rubber-cushion, roller skates, $1.50 a pair, only 11.25 roller skates 79 13.50 bo)s' wooden coaster wsgons 92.49 Large No. 1 steel wagons, Satur day 98 1.98 2.98 3.39 3.98 10 worth 98 We retail t n thj, rnnanm.. .. . npi.,A that pays you to trade at Hayden . lbs. - best pura Cine Granulated Sugar for i oo 10 bar Diamond C or Beat 'Km All Soap for 6c 7 Iba. beat Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal ,or Sic Iba. choice Japan Rice i;c 4 lb. beat hand picked Navy Beans for i9c 8 Iba. best White or Yellow Cornmeal for j .c Malta Vita Corn Flakes, pkg J0 Pure Honey, pint Mason Jura lie flie beat Soda or Oyster Crackers per lb The beat Crlap Pretzels or (linger tinapa, per lb 0 Pure Tomato Catsup, Worceater Sauce or Pickles, assorted kinds, per bottle sve Cholca California Prunea. per lb... 4c Fancy Seeded Raistna. pkj oc Fancy California Peachea. lb "c Fancy California Dried Grape. It.5c Fancy California Cooking Ratal na. Pr l Uc Battar ant Chaaaa Price. Choice No. 1 Dairy Rutter, lb !0c Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per lb 5s c Fancy No. 1 Country Creajtiery But ter, per lb 2e Fancy Full Cream Brick or Llmbergar Cheese, per lb ij0 "tables and rrutts tot Baatar. Freeh Spinach, per peck..... ;0c Frean Beets, Turnlpa, Carrots or Onions, per bunch 40 Large Cucumbers, each. . .6c and 7 He Large Head Lettuce, head. . ,7Hc-lCc Fancy Hothouse Lettuce, 2 heads.. 6c Fancy Hothouse Radishes, S bunches tor ec Fancy Ripe Tomatoea, per lb....7VsO New Cabbage, per lb 4o Fancy W or Green Beans, lb.... 20c Quart boxes fancy Ripe Strawberries fr ....20c Large Crape Fruit, each 6c 0c size Highland Navel Oranges, per dOKen 40c 50c else Highland Navel Oranges, ier dozen J0c 4('c aixe Highland Navel Oranges, per doxen J6c 30c Hise Highland Navel Orangea, per doxen 20c New Honey, rack laAfce Saatar Llllaa for Baatsr, reguiar prlo at all florlals 2oc bloom; our prii-e only ISo Buy your Rose Rushes and Shrub bery Saturday. This will the last Phone Oiug. 2600 Try H AYDEPTS First Gloves For Easter Any glove wish you may hava can be readily supplied from our immense spring glove stock. There's satisfaction In the quality; there's saving In our price. SPECIAL SATURDAY BARGAIN OFFERINGS Ladles' Ifing Kid Gloves, all colors and sizes, regu lar values to $3.50, 8aturday.9i.98 and $2.98 Ladles' Silk Gloves, long Or short; all newest shades, upeclal bargain. SO 75a 98 $1.50 Selling agents for the Famous Fownes and Kayaor Silk and Fabric Glove. Every pair guaranteed. Get Ready to Paper Big Sale now on in our new Wall Pa per, Paint and Decorating Dept., 4th floor. You'll find here, without doubt, the largest and mo8t complete stock in the city. 1,000 Sample Enamelet, the new wood finish, given away free Saturday. Get one. See the free demonstration, showing how to paint chairs, tables, floors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Fboni 1131 RG CORSETS The new spring models of R. & G. corsets will delight every woman who seeks both style and comfort In a per fect fitting corset. While Insuring the fashionable new figure, this plia bility aft or da the greatest ease and freedom of movement. The fashionable flat hip style shown here has a me dium bust, long skirt and extra long back, giv ing a faultless figure, graceful In the extreme. Priced In Coutil (A-4 4) or Ba tiste (A-45), at $1.00 'Every pair guaranteed. I i asaaHBP i - APPOMATTOX. ALTAROF PEACE Old Soldier Telia How Federals En tertained Confederates. HAD THEM AS GUESTS AT FEAST taerldaa, tommaadlna Blath Cavalry, tttc-ndr raiMpllaaeated Ho, or th Kite my mm ihrlr Bravery. "Nfaily every jihase from nearly every loint of vli w relative to thrt monn iilous ttli and lot li i'f April, when General Lee surrendered iu General Urant at Ap pomattox, has been written and rewritten," ;ld a veteran of the HI nth Vnli.'d States avalr.v (which rcKtmenl was then the hi adiiiarteia guard and rsiurt fur General l'hll Sheridan) and now a resident of tmalia, "but there were a few Incidents lakh g place the night of April 10 that have not yet graeed I he imtf.n of history. "It had been the forlune of the Sixth fulled Slates cavalry to b frequently pitted agaliiKt the Sixth Virginia cavalry if th confederate army during the aev- nil campaigns In Virginia, notably at fliantilly, Antletaiu. Warvi'nloii. South Mountain. Gettysburg, the .Wilderness, Ce llar Creek, Klul.er s Hill and at the last t Apuomatlox. v"The two regiments cam to know each oiher well. The only hostility existing be tween them waa that of the atern disci pline of battle, but when an armistice was granted men' of both commands frequently met on the battlefield to bury their re-KM-ctlve dead, and became fast friends. . Take Dlaner Together. "When the surrender at Appomattox waa concluded we learned that the Sixth Vir ginia cavalry was encamped near our com mand and some of us obtained permission from General Sheridan to go aver to their camp to invite the Sixth Virginia boys over to our camp and tske supper with us. j Gonersl Sheridan promised to come down j 10 the camp and join us in the feast. "It wasn't much of a feaat, but there was plenty of fried bacon, soft bread, good coffee, boiled potatoes and canned toma toea. "We could gather up only about fifty or xlxly of the Virginia boys. They were a little diffident about coming at first, but we convinced them that our welcome was sincere. The Sixth L'nlted States cavalry hoys acted as waiters to their visitors. Tha Virginian were surprised to aee that we had real wheat bread. Soma of those men had not tasted a piece of genuine wheat biead for several months and fuw of them had eaten a piece of genuine bacon for a similar period. As for fanned tomatoea, they had tasted none during the entire war. fchrrldaa Comes Over. "After supper General Sheridan came over to our camp and greeted the Vir ginians with the utmost cordiality, shak ing hands with each of them and bidding them God apeed. He complimented them en their bravery and knew that they would make aa good eitlxena in peace as they had been soldiers In war. "The Incident of Appomattox cemented the friendly feeling between the two com mands more Jtrongly than ever and there is a fellowship of feeling even to this day among the veteran survivors of those two regiments that will continue until the old vetcrana shall all have Joined their com radca on the other shore." """ Stop it! Why cough.' atop it! Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing prepares the throat and lungs tor more trouble. Stop it ! There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it I Ayes Cherry Li inuiai 15 d medicine lur iuui;us anu vuiua, a i sijuiai uiaiu, cine. I ise it ! Ask your doctor if this is not gootfadvlcf . f ,.Af1rr.' NAMES IN THE CORNERSTONE Tfcat Will Be Owe Reward af Chit- area oatrtkatlaa; to Child tin laatltat. Sunday school children whn are giving 10 cents each to the Child Saving Institute fund will nave their philanthropy memor ialised to the extent that tha name of each child will go Into the cornerstone of the new home t be built. Gifts by Sunday school children have been like the widow's mite in some caeca and a small mission school near the South Omaha stock yards gave Ifi.ffi last Sunday. The list of gifts to date Is as follows: Previously acknowledged H2.T07.7S Catherine B. Nash l,Vt 06 V. Swanaon loo.M Mrs. O. D. Klplinger raj.rtfl Mrs. J. II. Lower), la-lgh 2S.(rt K. W. Gunt her 3.00 first Methodist Episcopal Sunday School, South Omaha 14. M Kdward M. Boyd, Auburn Iimjo C. A. Sherwood 10 00 Bethel Baptlat Miasion Sunday School. South Omaha Cash aent by letter without signa ture, postmarked Missouri Valley. S 00 3. K. Rough. Nehawka s.oo t'leland A. 1.S Beau 2m Charles Richards, Trumbull JfjO Total Balance to raise Umil ot time. May 1, lDut. Boat Line from Decatur to Soo City to Be Launched Rirer Transportation Will Be Estab lished for a Distance of Sixteen Miles. T - .i asT.-is . ll.04o.OS Sixteen miles from TeWamali and con nected only by a road which U described by the farmers and business men In the section as "bum." tha merchants of De catur, assisted by the farmers, are to start a boat line from Decatur to Sioux City. This announcement was recelvud by the Commercial club Friday from a patron ot the Omaha market, who wants the Omaha business men to get a bost and run it up trie river to Decatur, Blair, Onawa and Sloan, so the business men can "buy In Omaha where tlicy have always bought goods and not have to go to Sioux City." Captain J. Ixach of Springfield, 8. D, Is io run the boat and lK will carry SJ6 tona or more. The farmera near Decatur have given Captain Icach their assurance that they wilt send their grain and live stock to market on the boat, while the mer chants are to ship all merchandise on the river. The reason for running tha boat to Sioux City Is given as being entirely the fault of the river, which, steamboat men ssy. Is bettor and aafer above Decatur than from that town to Omaha. Decatur is an old steamboat landing'and appreciates the value of the boat business. Take Haralag- Don t let stomach, liver nor kidney trouble down you. when you ran quickly down them with Fleetrlc Hitlers 60c. For sale by iieaitn Drug Co. - . - Bsjliaias I'eraalta. George 11. Thummi',, Thirty-eighth ae nue and liarn-y streets, brick veneer dwel ling, lli.000; C. P. Traver, Thirtieth street and Kowler aenue. frame dwa.ling, I. il, I ft II. l.:itnle;iMi. TiUrilrth stie-t and i Dewey ateuue, fraui Oaellotg, l.'.io, K j J. Larson, 1 North Thirty-fifth street, frame dwelling. I'-.WO: J. H. Bexton, Twenty-ninth avenue and Karnam street, frame dwelling. tNOOu; E. K. Shlvely. Twenty-fifth avenue and Spencer street, frame dwelling. J2.tU0; Gust Thorin. Thlrty-firth and Dav enport streets, frame dwelling. 12.400: p. c. Heimlngsen, Thirty-third an I Taylor stre.-ti. frame dwelling, ll.SnO; C. P. Traver. 2717 t'apltol avenue, frame dwelling. 2,in0; t;. P. Traver, Korty-thfrd and Saratoga streets, frame dwelling. $1,000. a(BBBSaBBSBSBBBMBMBBBBBasaBBBBBMSBMaaBBB Excavation tor Brandeis Theater Work Begins and Will Be Pushed with All Possible En ergy. Excavation for the new theater to be erected by J. L Brandeis A. Bona at tha corner of Seventeenth and Douglas streets began Friday and the west half of tha big lot will be cut down to a lowel level than the basement of ' tha building on tha coiner. Work on the lots where the theater will ba located waited on the architects who were In consultation with special theater architects and the excavation could not be started until the plana were complete. The building will now be pushed with all posaible energy. F.mll Brandeis. who baa active charge of tha firm's building opera tions, will return from Egypt In two or three weeks and contracts will be let for the stone and concrete work at once. The excavation for the building at Nine teenth and Douglaa streets, where J. L. Kennedy of the Brandeis banking ho us Is to erect a building Is completed and contracts will be let shortly for tha work of erecting the building. Mrs. Isrsisvk fr Pawtaaasfer. NASHVIl-LE. Term., April -An effort Is lietng made lo have Mr Carmack, whIhw of the late Senator K. V. Carml?k, appointed postmaster In Columbia, Tenn. Committee for State Hospital Local Physicians Appointed with State Representatives to Look After Orthopedic Hospital, Drs. Jonas. Gifford. Bridges and Flndlay have been decided on aa an Omaha commit tee to look after the establishment of tha branch of'the orthopedic hoapital In this city. That waa the result of a conference In Omaha Friday cf these physicians and D;an Ward of the medical department of the University of Nebraska and others Inlsr tsted .n the enterprise. President Allen of the' Board of Regents of the university. Chancellor Avery and Dr. Ward constitute a committee for the tuile to work with the local dommitter. Gordon W. Wattles having volunteered to give $50,000 toward this Institution It will be the duty of the local commute, now u COUNTY GAINS IN FAMILIES Gels Fire Mere tor the Week Afte, t r.lls) Marriage. mm4 VI. re-B Asked. Five families Is tha net gain to Douglaa. county for the week ending Friday. While twenty-fiv couples secured mar. riage licenses and were wed, fifteen dl varca suits were Inltisted within the sarin lime, and if all of them result In a disso lution of the marital tie. this would lesvt a balance of ten In favor or the dorneatU altar, but five of the newly married couplet will live outside Douglaa county. Tin balance, therefore, Is five. The flgurea do not accurately represen the proportion of new marriages to di vorces, for the number of , petitions fo: divorce the laat week la above tha average, a number of people rushing to get advan tage of the old ' low, whlrh provide six months' residents here only. NO MORE STOMACH MISERY OR DYSPEPSIA Prompt Belief From Indigestion and Distress is Waiting for Yon Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach If you will take Dlapepaln after your meal. This powerful digestive and antacid, though as harmless and pleas ant as candy will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you ran eat. Eat what your stamarh craves, without tha slightest fear of Indigestion or that you will ba bothered with sour risings. Belching. Gas on Stomach. Heartburn. Headache from Stomach, Nauaea, Bid Breath, Water Brash or a feeling Ilka you had swallowed a lump of lead or other dlsagraeavble miseries. If you will fet from oir pharmacist a 50-crnt case of Papa's Dlapepsin you ceuld always go to tha labia with a hearty ap petite, and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no Indigestion or Sleepless nights or Head ache or Stomach misery all the next day; and. bealdea. you would not need laxatlvea or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean anrj fresh. Pa pes Dlspcpsln can be obtained from your druggist, and contains mora than enough triangulea to thoroughly cure tiia woist dyspeptic. There Is nothing better for Oss on the Stomsch or sour odors from the stomach or to cttra a riloirtacb Headache. You couldn't keep a handler sr gaore usa ful article in the house. 7