Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Tit. Bowser, over 1SO0 Farnam. Dong. MT4,
toi-M?: Jul
D O. BARNELU Taston Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
for Investor mailed on receipt of r post
age. R. R. and A. B. '.arey, roomi 2911
Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab
lished ISM. f!7 fill
OMAHA Stammerer Ina., IUdm Bids.
HAUVB Bate,, new, !d-hand. 1818 Farnam.
PRIVATE home during confinement;
baMe adopted. The. Qrmi Samaritan San
itarium 740 First Ave., Council Blum.
U. ! M96J
DRft mOBRB, fMrtvate confinement home.
lfH Martha Bt. Tel. Douglas 2an.
(im-MM0 A If
men. If Tou-wint to get rid of your
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and other
chronlo ailments, take the vspor haths and
massage treatment of IT. and Mrs. R. B.
Benda. W also give fare and scalp treat
merits. We '.get reeulta. 230-2J4 Ptori Blk.
Tel. DoiigUs 190. A
t A ccj np treatment and nath. Mm.
JVLAOOAUri BmHh, 122 B. 16th, M floor.
(18) 427
Hf AnVJTTIP Flertrlo vibratory. 130 8.
N.AiHi-HS lth. Room . Fourth
Floor. Old' Ponton Store. (18) M920 All
BTRJNQEB, rubber . goods, by mall; cut
prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers
Dlllon trug Co.. Omaha 18 14
TOirjJO ' WOMEX coming to Omaha as
stranger are Invited to visit the Young
Women'! Christian association, 17th and
Howard Bta., where they will ba directed
to suitable boarding . place or otherwise
aealated. - A deaconess representing the
association meeta tralna at the Union Na
tion as traveler' alJ.. 18)-268
THE SALVATION ARMY solicit raatoff
clothing; m fart,' anything you do not
need. W collect, rapalr and aell at 1.14
N. 11th Bt., for coat of collection to the
worthy roor. - CeU 'phone Douglaa 4136
and wagon will call. (18)-786
PERT MASSEUR. For ladle and gentle
men. If tired, languid, laay, from lack
of circulation -which cause Indigestion,
constipation, torpid liver,1 rheumatism and
chronlo trouble, try the Oriental run
sage. . Thorough hand work. Face and
scalp treatment; 8 year In Omaha at 406
Bee Bldg. Doug tat 4088.
- .,- fl8)-7 May4
HOME for women "during confinement.
We; find, -home for babies where moth
er cannot "caT for them. Babies
boarded.' -Jfrti Martha A. Dee, 403 Ban
croft fit- 'Pbona Douglas 19.'1.
-- " ' (IB) M436 May7x
OTTUMWA Poultry-Yards Light Brahma
wen 7 premium at tne state fair. Stock
for sale, old and young. R. T. Cameron,
Ottutnwa, la. (U) M164 8x
WHITE) ROCKS Egg' from pen scoring
to 94. $1.(0 for fifteen eggs. C. W.
Howell. Akoona, la. (U M37 tx
ORPINGTONS, all varieties, blue ribbon
winner; mating list free. Roomtrarn
Orpington 1'arda, llumbolt. Neb.
. . (1D-M181 8z
t. C BLACK MINORCA eggs for setting.
$1 for ll Tel. Harney 8822. UD-M892 M2x
R. C. R. I. RED EQOB for aale. Pen egg.
$1.60 per 16, $8 per 100; from pen scoring
90 to M range $1 per 15, $6 per 100. J. W.
Abraham, Valley, Neb. (1D-M24S
White Leghorn eggs $t per 100, at Mandy
Lee Farm. Tel. Florence 13.
(1D-M70S AM
CHAMBERLAIN' Original perfect dry
chick feed. I.'ae thla anly and save young
chickens.' Btewart' Feed Store, Sol
Agent. 119 N. lth Bt. (1D-M841 May 1'
SILVER LACED Wyandotte cockerels,
choice stock, aopred and unscored; Pekln
ducks. -Mr. V. R. McLaughlin. Manning,
la. . ' f (ID M687 A4x
EXK1S From two fine pen a of Barred
Rocks of cockerel martin ; cockerels scor
ing 91 and 91 H, $2 per 15. Eggs from out
side pens, $8 per 100. Mil. J. M. Stewart,
Alnsworth, Ia. (1D-M238 9x
JARVE PTO. CO., Job printing and calen
dars,. 14th V Cap. Ave. 'Phone Ind. A-2620.
... &) lft
REED-ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1S56; prompt
service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St.
" - (19)-61S
18) 17
PAYNE INV. CO., flfat floor N. Y. L
' . (191-818
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandela Bldg.
. . - " (19) 619
441 Brandel Bldg., Tela. D. 6034 or A 1122.
Nice s-room cottage, well located In Clif
ton HIU. Sewer, gaa, electric light, storan
ah and screen. Good barn, cement walks,
nice lot of fruit, shade trees. A nice, little
home and dirt , cheap at th price. Will
give terms.
All modem. 6-room house, built two y
ago. and occupied by owner. I eomulets
in every way and In fine repair. Hot water
heat with all pipe covered with asbestos;
screen and storm saah fur all windows,
also -hew shade art all windows. Nicely
papered, full cemented cellar with laundry,
water meter, cement walks. Some fruit,
cherries,' strawberries, raspberries. Well
located, hasf block from car. Look this up
at onoe, U ia a bargain. Reasonable terms.
Phone Douglas 173.
642 Pax ton Dock.
(19) til 9
West Farnam Lots
fTfexU ft . east front, on 32d St., H-block
north ef Dodge, one of the choicest lot
left on th market for sale. What will
you give for It.
We have- an elegant Id on Davenport St.
near 0th, for $.'.850. This Is the best buy
for 'the money In this rapidly developing
district; south front, with paving paid in
fun. :,. . '
1Mb and Far oam St,
4. Board of Trad.
(!!) 414 8
- 35 ACRES
I mile west on Center Street road, that
can be bought at a low figure.
490 Brandel Bldg., Omaha, Neh.
(19 MJ4 9
TWO lota, with building on. In a small
town pear Omaha, for ale or trade for
automobile; have steady renter. Ad
dress Lock Bo 246, Newman Grove. Neb.
(19-MWH Hi
l-STORY 8-room houae. t lots, on car line
$J Buo. 'Ptin owner Doug. S:l davs. or
..rjr JilD evening. (19) M44S 10
... oi.ioun-Mn caan: balance
."-hi. v. n Xarton. 38 8. Or
Ave., Berson. Tl Benson inl.
.-T . ti)-ki;w aju
city rnopK.nTV for bam
(Continued. 1
Every Day is
Bargain Day
$02 Manderaon. new, 8-room cottage, al
most modern, good lawn with shade and
fruit trees, house well btillt with double
cellar nnd all the convenience; only half
block to the car. This Is bargain, eure.
IBIS Military Ave.. In the new bungalow
district, new, -room cottage, with bOi and
good reception hall, permanent walka and
all paving paid fur. Property. In this lo
rallty la rising In value, aort this is an In
vestment worth looking Into.
Douglaa 15fi. 70 N. Y. Ufe Bldg.
(18)-4 8
Three 7-room brick flats.' all modern and
a bargain, beet location, facing east, rent
for Si, tan per year; owner a nonresident and
must sell; price, $8,800.
$300 DOWN '
8-room houae. partly modern, lot 50x1 to
and alley, cemented cellar, mantle and
grate, 1V blocks to car, rents for $18 pr
month; price, $1,9U0, balance like rent.
Birkett & Tebbens,
428 Re Bldg.
Phones, Doug. fiiA. A-lT&i,
' till 410 7
For 10 Days
Buya a beautiful 8-room entirely modern
residence In the Clifton Hill district, with
two large east front corner lota. 100x140;
adjolna the new Crelghton addition cm the
The Byron Reed Co.,
'Phone Douglaa 297.
212 B. 14th Bt
416 8
A GOOD l-atory brick building; ,28 room;
only 2H blocks to court house; room on
lot for a double brick. Real $1,680.
Price $lfi,000.
The N. W. cor. 19th and Webster St.
Four good buildings. Will rent for-about
$l,i0 per year. Price $14,500. ,
Four good cottage on corner, only two
blocks to car. Rent $R48 per year. Price
$5,000, and maybe a little less.
16th and Farnaxn.
436 B. of T. Rldg.
(19)-M441 9
Make Us
An Offer
for thig property. 510 Poppletcra. Aye.
Vacant lot, 31at and Corby Sts.
Greigh, Sons & Co.,
-. .': :
B08 Bee Bldg.
09)-924 9
$5 -
Ia all It takes to make your first payment
on one of those large lota we are selling
then to a month, without Interest or taxes.
A good way to start to sve your money
and the chance of selling your, lot At a
good profit. None of these lots are over
three blocks from car line. Price $16
each. Florence rronerty can't help, but
make a big advance thjs summer. Better
get In early.
New Location. 1614 Harney St.
(19) 417 9
In Dundee at 61st and Underwocd. 100x
136 feet, south front, permanent walks, on
rarllne and close to school and club. Worth
$1,600. We want a cash offer.-
Ftrt Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
Telephone Doug. 1781. Ind. A1188.
(19) 413 8
Eight rooms, modern, oak finish, full two
stories, large, commodious room, elegant
arrangement and flnian; oullt (or a home
two years ago; eaat front, Uanacom park.
Park Ave. Thla property must be sold
by th 10th Inst., and the price will sell
It. as It Is offered for $1,600 less than Ha
actual value. Part cash will handle It.
682 Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
1J C21
Figure your rent receipts. Suppose you
had paid that amount on a home of your
own? Not too late yet.
Look at 1602 8. 20th Ave., 6-room. good
1 rme and a good Investment at $1,400.
$.26 N. KHh. 7-room, 2-story barn, big
trees and out houes. You can't begin to
duplicate It for $l,S0O.
4-roin, rhlrkcn house, -coal house, etc.,
two lots, 7xlJ0, one $1,2U0:
7-room, modern, paved street, fruit trees,
hade trees, lot mi2, $2,600, jot will give
you 100 feet front for $3,2iu
Suite 634 N. Y. Life bldg.
'Phone Red VX. Omaha,' Neb.
Open evenings.
. (19)-M339 $
City property, farms, ranch lands or mer
chandise to soil wr trade, lixt them with
me. It costs you nothing unless I effect a
sale. W. W. Mitchell. 331 BJ. Td. bldg.
LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d
and Cuming Sts. (19) 63
Fine new 7-room modern house on North
26lh, near Spencer. Built for a home. Large
lot, plenty of room for another house.
I'rlce. $3,300.00. for quick sale. This 1 a
bargain. Let us (how you thia at once.
617 Bee Bldg. Tel. . D. 1392, A2816
(19)-M391 I
REAL ESTATE, IiOANB and insurance
List jour property wtth us for sal or
exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hill
Realty . 4010 Hamilton Bt. ' 'Phone
Harney $;t; Ind.. B-1842. lis-lbs
FOR BALE Handeome. spacious residence.
In choicest location possible, modem, fine
condition; Imiulre of owner. Ad.lress
Postofflce Box 121. Station D. Tel. Harney
$434. (IS) M73UX
WANT CASH offer for lots 13 and u
block 1. CrelBhton Heights, norttieaat
corner 4.V and Corby felts. Tleplions
Harney S4i- (H)-Mlae io
FOR SALE-Nehraska s choicest corn and
alfalfa lands. Writs for price Hat of bar.
gain. 1.. Nider. Kairbury, Neb.
(lb-MSS 9x
BOULEVARD HOUSE. 2341 North 19th Bt.
rooms, modern, only $lno. Thomag
Brennao, room 1 New York Life Bldg.
U9J-4U4 '
BY OWNER, l-rwim, modern bona, with
barn, Hansrom Place, $3,200. Address tl
M, care Be. (19) M2N6 log
NEW t-room cottage; south and east
frrnt; corner lot; threw blocks from car.
27th and Maple. $i.Snn. V. H. Gates, 817
N. Y. LJfe. Phone Douglas 13W.
f1S M447 1 0
Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation;
sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and
fruit raising; low price, easy payments.
National Investment Co., Mil Brandels
Bldg., Imaha. Tel. Douglaa 61. (20) i7
A FIRST CUAS3 BA ROAIN-1,791 acrea.
Comanche county, Kansas; $ miles to
good market: all smooth land; 2 acrea
a little rolling; 0 acres cultivation, 280
acres wheat, aome alfalfa, good Improve
ment. Price, S32.0U0. Alktn-Hartronft tt
Co.. Lyona. Kan. )-MS8S x
NELSON'S bargain Itart 14 So aeres 4 mile
from Clyde; nice, level land, all fenced, at
$IW. 1811 acre near Agenda. In Ger
man aettlement; creek bottom and well
Improved. A bargain at $9,000, with good
terms. Also have several good farms that
1 can give good trades on. Write for my
. complete "it, mentioning this paper.
Walter Nelaon, Clyde. Kan. (2u) MISS $
POR 8 A LE 48-acre ranch near Sidney, 120
acre of hay land. 100 acres farm land.
kalance pasture, nearly all fenced; good
well, but no buildings. School house near;
sidetrack close. Price $16 per acre, part
on time. We have many other bargains.
0-acr farm, well Improved, near Grand
tij . i . . .....
aiibiiu. v,iw. fur particulars, write UUl
A Huaten, Grand Island. Neb.
(XOJ-M242 9x
FARMS 86 to $100 per acre. Write for our
long Hat mailed free. Bemls, Brandel
Bldg. 20)-M34)
Kansas Natural Gaa company paid that
amount for a well near Nowata, in No
wata county; we have land at $10 to $;S
per acre; you might get gu well; If
you will let us, we will explain why thla
land Is so cheap; It' good farm land, ton.
Nowata Itnd and Lot Co., Suite 624
N. Y. lAt Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone
Red 19W. Open evening. (20) M178 t
WELL IMPROVED small farm near Chi
cago. Want house and lot. wild land or
merchandise. Lock Box 174. Neligh, Neb.
(30)-M373 13x
FOR 8ALB-160-acre farm, 8. W. Minne
sota, Pipestone Co. Would consider trade
for small stock general mdse. H. a
Martinson. Parker, S. D. CO) M376 9x
WANTED City loana and warrunts. W.
Farnam Smith A Co., 10 Farnam Bt.
WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co.
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
Bell 'phone Douglaa 2318. (22) 4U9
If you need a reasonable loan on well Im
proved Omaha real eatate, I can enter
tain your application, at 6 or CH per rent
Interest, according to location or grade of
property;, no delay, and privilege la given
for repayment before maturity.
I. Blbbernsen, 206 Old Boston Store Bldg.
(22) M478 A17
Private money; $500 to $6,000; low rate.
(!) 632
$100 TO $10,000 msde promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (22) 628
t loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood.
616 Brandels Bldg.. (22) 631
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg.
$600 TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug,
or A-2162. (22)-637
$500 to $200,000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS. (01 First Nat l Bank Rldg.
$600 to $200,000, lowest rates, no delay.
uirrm jDrvs., jm rtmtm. tMi-M
MONEY TO LOAN Payn Investment Co.
IP you MUST sell, list with us. W -cannot
sell anything unless at aqueas prices.
Open evenings.
Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
'Phone Red 1909.
NEW furnaces, hot. water and hot air com
bination, heating, I and 4-nole laundry
hot water heater, mantle grate, ga
tore repaired, water front and flower
vase. Omaha Stove Repair work. 120
1 Douglaa Bt. 'pfconw Ind. A-3U1;
bell, Douglas W0. Ztt
HIGHEST prlcea for secondhand furniture,
carpets, clothe and shoe. Tel. Doug. 8971,
(26) 40
BEST price paid for secondhand furniture,
carpets, stoves, clothing. hoea. Tel. Doug.
6401. - (25) 641
WANTED Male Blenheim panlel dog.
Whit with brown spots. izi No. 18
Bt. (2()-M343 11
The Practical Auctioneer. 841 N. Y. Life.
(26) 360
WANTED To buy 100 second-hand
bicycles. Nebraaka Cycle Co., 16tli and
. Harney. (2S) M428 10
HORSE and buggy, quick, muat be priced
right. No skate. G 280, care Bee.
() M439 8
WANTED to rent May 1, i or 6-room thor
oughly modern house. In good neighbor
hood, will leaae for year. No children.
References given. Address, stating terms.
B 165. Bes. (M)Z6 x
WANTED Te rent by May 1. unfurnished
i or s-room nouse, west Farnam district.
Tel. Harney 1233. (161 811 7
YOUNG married couple, no children deir
to rent completely furnished house or
apartment; prereraDly in Weet Farnam
district, tor the summer or longer; refer
ence cxcjiangea. Address a 16. Re.
(26)-M30t 8x
WANTED To rent large 8-room strictly
modern house In Hanscom Park or Far
nam aistrict. rnone ttamey 1789
DUNDEE Married couple of refinement
" r " sujiv oi rooms in uunae for six
month, during construction ef their
house In Dundee; references exchenged.
- 'Phone Webster 1464. (M Maso 8
YOUNG ATTORNEY wanta position with
entabllshed law firm. Well educated. C
tf. n)-M3 9x
MAN and wif desire situation, man a
cook, wif helper, chambermaid or
waitress; sober, steady and reliable peo
ple, have good rers. city or country. Ad
dress D 877. tar Bee. (Ii) 406 kx
at the office of J. C. Simpson, secre
tary, Des Moines. Intra, for the erection
of a steel construction fireproof grand
stand, to be constructed on the Iowa
Btate Fair Ground. Bid will be received
on the entire work complete, and also
separately on the steel work, mason work,
grading and plumbing. All, bids are to he
In on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 20th
of April. ISc. and shall be accompanied
with a certified check of I per cent of the
amount of the hid, as a guarantee that
the bidder will enter into contract, If re
quired to do ao. and give a good surety
bond of 40 per cent of the amount of hi
contract, for the faithful performance of
the same. Approximate estimate of
quantttlen; Grading. Mm0 yard; brick
work. 800 M; cut stone. 1.140 cubic feet;
reinforced concrete floors. cubic
feet; cement wslks and curb, 80.0f0 feet;
steel work. 977 tons. All work to bo com
plete on or before the 14th of August,
1. Plans tr.ay be seen at the office of
Secretary Simpson, or at the office of
oi'ver O. Smith, architect, son Youngerman
Bldg.. on and after April loth.
mster. Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, March
26. 1909. Sealed proposala In triplicate will
be received here until 11 a. m.. Central
time, April 9, 199, and then opened, for the
construction of a band stand. Full In
formation and blank fbrms of proposals fur
nished on application to this office. Plan
and specifications may be seen here, also
In office of chief quartermaster. Omaha.
and Master Builders' exchange, Kansas
City. Mo. United Statea reserves the right
to aereol or reject any or all proposals or
snv i ' thereof. Envelope to be marked
"Proposals for Rand Btand." and ad
dreHcd to Capt. Wm. D. Davla, Quarter
master. '
Ualoa Pacific
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8:66 am a 9:40 pm
Colorado Express a 8:60 pm a 6.00 pro
Atlantic Express a 9: HO am
Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Is A tipples Limited.... a!2:56 pm a 8:M pm
Fast Mall a 9:20 am a 6:46 pm
China and Japan Mail. .a 4:00 pm a 6:45 pm
North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4'45 pm
Colo. Chicago Special. . al2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice A Stromsburg
ljocat ou:w pm D 1:40 pm
Local passenger not carried on train
No. 1 and 2.
Chicago, Rock Islaaal at Pacific
Chicago Limited ft 1:00 sm all:A6 pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:10 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 8:00 am all :06 pm
Des Moines A Eastern.. 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:00 am b 9:66 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:28 pm a 8:26 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd....all:16 pm a 2:60 pm
Colo. A Cal. Express. ...a 1:20 cm a 4:S0 r.m
Okl. A Texas Express, .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago, Hllwsskes A Bt. Panl
Chicago A Colo. Special. a 7:25 am all 60 Dm
Cal. A Oregon Express. a 6:00 pm a 1:26 pm
Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:16 pm bll:25 am
Chicago Great Wntera
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm 7:80 am
St. Paul-Mlnneapolla.... 7:30 am 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Expreas 7:30 am 11:85 pm
Chicago Express .-. 1:80 pm 1:30 pm
Missouri Pacific
K. C. & St. L Express.. 9:00 am a 6:43 am
K. C. A St. L. Express, .all :1 pm a 6 60 pm
St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 9
St. Louis Ixwal (from
;25 am
:1S pm
:1S am
:4S pm
:30 am
:30 am
:30 am
:48 pm
:20 pm
:28 pm
:30 am
35 pm
:23 am
:30 am
:36 pm
:00 am
85 pm
:23 am
SO pm
:S6 am
:20 pm
:20 pm
:66 pm
:20 pm
Council Bluffs) a (:00 am all
Stanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm blO
Illinois eatral
Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 1
Chicago Limited a, tkOO pm a 8
Minn. -St. Paul Express. b 7:16 am
Minn. -St. Paul Limited. a 4:00 pm a 8
Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:16 pm all
Chicago A North westerw
Chicago Daylight ,.:..T am
Twin City Express 7:46 am
a 9
a 1
a 8
a 9
a 1
a 1
Chicago Local all .30 am
Sioux city Local al: pm
Chicago Local ...... 4 SO nm
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm
Minnesota-Dakota .Ex.. a 6:46 pm
Faat Mall .
Twin City Limited...... a 9:00 pm
I -os Angelea Limited. ...a 9:'.0 pin
Overland Limited alO-08 pm
a 8
Nebraska and Wyoming Division
Norfolk-Boneateet a 7nM am a 6
Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:40 am
a 6
a 6
b 6
Deadwood-Llnooln a 840 pm
Casper-Lander a 1:00 pm
Fremont-Albion b 5:20 pm
Hastings-Superior ......b 10 pm
Lea ve.
Denver A California.... 4:10 pm
Northwest Special a 4:10 pm
Black Hill a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express al2:16 am
Nebraaka points a S 4f am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm
Nebraska Express a 9:16 am
Uncoln Local
Lincoln Jxica!
a 8:46 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:08 am
a 6:10 pm
a 12:11 pre
a 6:10 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7:50 pm
bl0:20 am
b 1:06 pm
c 2:40 pm
a 7:06 am
all :46 pm
a 8:66 pm
a 8:30 am
all :80 am
all .30 am
a 6:30 am
a 6:10 pin
Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 1:06 pm
Plattsmotith-Iowa b 9:18 am
Bellevue-Plattsmouth ,.c12:36 pm
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago Special a 7:26 am
Chicago Express a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local ..a 9:16 am
St. Louis Express a 4:40 pm
Kansas City A St. Jo..al0:45 pm
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:16 am
Kansas City A Bt. Jo . a 4:40 pm
Chlcag-o, St
Paal. Mlaneapoll A
Leave. Arrive,
n City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:20 pm
muui vuy r-asenger...o .uu pm uil j) hiu
Sioux City Local e 8:45 am o 6:20 pm
Emerson Local b 6:56 pm b 9:10 am
Hlnssrl Paelfln
Auburn Local b 8:60 pm bit: 28 am
a jjany. u x'auy escepi nunosy. a oun
day only, d Dally except Saturday.
forth Cerman&loyd.
Kronprlns Wm ..April it K. Wm. Ofs.. April 87
L-scllls AKil MIKalHr Wat. II ... Mar 4
TWin-ioiiw PABBXirosm Bimrics
Tonk April lMla April II
Wlttaklas April 10OiMlMnu April tl
Bremen dlrKt.
galling st it A. M.
K. April telK. AltMrt ........April 84
P. Iran April 17Nrkar Mar 1
Brerth Oerm aa Lloyd Traveler Obecka
Oslriobs A Co Areata, S Broadway, M. Y
K. Clansseaiag A Ca SB Dearbera Bt Cat.
oego. 1U.
Information concerning the ad
vantages, rate, extent of cur
riculum and other data about the
beat school and collage can be
obtained from th
School ind College Inlormatloi
Bureau ol the Oniaka Bee
All Information absolutely free
and Impartial. Catalogue of any
particular school cheerfully fur
nlabed upon request
to Dr. H. L Ramaeelortl)
ateepitaJ. Ml
Call Promptly Answered at All Hewra.
Bee. Soatflaa tags.
One Year of Democracy Enough for
Omaha Suburb.
Democratic Rangllac af Cemeat Bide
walk Ordlaanre Oae Caase
Civic Lose Oat Katlrely
at Beats,
On er of democratic rule was all the
people of Florence could tsnd and In the
election Tuesday they chose republlcsns by
overwhelming majorities. Not a democrat
managed to get In under the wire and some
of the republican candidates were elected
by a vote of more thn two to one.
F. B. Tucker, pioneer resident and the
nominee of the republican party, wa
elected mayor of the thriving suburb over
W. E. Rogero, hi democratic opponent, by
a vote of 161 to 108. Mr. Roger, who Is
employed In South Omha, w chosen
mayor of the city In the election one year
The heaviest vote polled waa for the can
dldates for city clerk, the vote of this of
fice being jr,4. Charlea M. Cottrell wa the
republican nominee and h aecured 165
vote, while hi democratic opponent, A.
F. Close, aecured but 99 votes.
For city treasurer William H. Thomaa
was elected by 171 vote, to 71 for C. A.
Orlggs. the democratic nominee, being an
even 100 vote ahead. F. H. Reynold, re
publican nominee for city engineer, re
ceived 168 votes, and J. K. Lowrey, repub
lican nominee for police Judge, recelvod 171
votes, both being elected.
Both the republican councllmanle nomi
nee received more than a two to one vote.
John Price will be th new councilman
from the North ward and Charles Allen
from the South ward. They received 83
and 86 vote, respectively, to 88 for F. M.
King, democrat, in the North ward, and 39
for George Sorenson, democrat, in the
South ward.
J. J. Fox. the socialist nominee for
mayor, secured a total of 18 votes.
The democrat made a lot of noise In the
pre-election campaign and tried to throw
dust In the voters' eyes by claiming to
have maintained an economic administra
tion during the last year. Its bungling of
the cement sidewalk ordinances, which re
sulted In leaving the street In a plowed
up condition all winter, and It refusal to
submit to a vote of the people a franchise
for an Interurban lino proved the party'
own undoing.
Clvlca Lose Dot In PJenana.
The result of Tuesday' election at Ben
son was a victory for the "wet" and a
practically even break for the democrat
ar1 republicans, while the ticket of the
Civic federation did not get so much aa a
The newly elected administration is will
ing to grant a liquor license to Krug park,
but on account of the daylight saloon law
which was signed yesterday by the gov
ernor It la thought likely that the park will
not apply for a license.
The successful candidates yesterday are:
Mayor, Charles 11. Tracy, democrat; City
clerk, Ed A Stlger, republican; treasurer,
Fred A. Wulff, republican; city engineer,
Ben Morton, democrat; councllmen. First
ward, Ed Sorensen, republican, and Wil
liam D. Moran, sr., democrat; Second ward,
Thomas S. Degan, democrat; police Judge,
Charlea Q. Keller, republican.
Henry Baker and E. W. Norris, both
democrats, were elected members of th
chool board. . .
Dasdec of One Mlael.
. Forty-six votes were caat in Dundee.
The balloting was to elect three members
of the village board. Every vote was cast
for all three member. The three who
were thus unanimously elected to serve on
the board were E. II. Weaterfield, W. E.
Shafer and L. L. Johnson.
Two member of the board hold over and
at the first meeting a chairman will be
Wealthy Man
Kills Himself
Body of Charles E. Ellis, Philadelphia
Traction Magnate, Found
in Park.
PHILADELPHIA, April 7.-Charle E
Ellis, president of the Citizens' Passenger
Hallway company, a subsidiary company
of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit com
pany, and one of the wealthiest men In
Philadelphia, shot and killed himself to
day at his home in thin city.
Mr. Ellis waa 74 year old and for some
time had been a sufferer from neuralgia
and rheumatism. He also waa troubled
with tubercular gland beneath hi arm.
The latter affliction caused him consid
erable worry and he underwent an opera
tion about two month ago In an effort
to effect a cure. Th operation wa unsuc
cessful. In aplte of hla poor health, mem
ber of his family say he never threat
ened suicide. They believe the shooting was
accident il.
Mr. Ellis wa reputed to be worth about
Dry Mayor Runs
"Blind Tiger"
Official of Prohibition Town in Ohio
i Accused of Selling
LAKEVIEW. O.. April 7.-Mayor Charles
Miller and four other cltlsens were arrested
here today on the charge of conducting
"blind tigers." The mayor wa elected on
a "dry" platform. Mayor Miller Is agent
for the Ohio Electric Traction company.
He la accused of selling the llouor from a
back door of the traction station.
Among othera arrested were C. x. Carr
and A. L. Byers. By or conduit a livery
table and I accused of dispensing liquor
from Ms hay mow. Carr la the town under
taker and he 1 aid to have kept Whisky
for aale In hi place of business.
License Carries
in Huron, S. D.
Over Two Hundred Majority for
Proposition in City Election
in that City.
HLTtON. 8. D.. April 7.-Bpclel Tele
gram.) License carried by over 100 ma
jority In Tuesday city election. C. A. Kel
ley was elected mayor; Martin Bchoenert
clerk; George L. Anderson, treasurer; J
T. Ohlwetne, asaeasor; J. C. Hatfield, Jus
tic; aldermen, James McWeeney, Ktrt
wrd; A. C. Whit. Second ward; R. D.
Whurton, Third ward; John Madaon and
George W. Robinson, Fourth ward. Only
aa average vote waa polled.
Former Senator
Marion Butler
Guilty of Libel
WINSTON SAI.LM, N. C. A pi 11 7 -For-mer
United States Senator Marlon Butler,
and hla brother Irater Butler, were con
victed In Oullford superior court to.lny of
criminally libelling republican state Chair
man H. B. Adams, by the publication In
the Caucasian, a weekly newspaper owned
nd operated by the Butler rf serious
allegation against Adams' Integrity and
Adams' acts aa rhlef Justice of the Indian
court In Oklahoma In lr5. were severely
condemned by th paper In Ita fight agnlnst
Adam' re-election as chairman of the re
publican state executive committee. The
trial lasted six days, was hard fought and
created widespread Interest.
Judge Long Imposed a fine of 8S00 upon
Marlon Butler and 1250 upon lister Butler.
A motion for a new trial was uverruled
and notice of appeal to th supreme court
wa given, the defendants being released
on bond In the sum of 11.000 each.
New Decision
by Land Office
Ruling: Defines Rights of Heirs of
Homesteaders to Complete
WASHINGTON, April 7.-In a decision
of the general land office today It was held
that In order to enable the heir of a home
stead entryman to submit committatloi
proof of hi entry they must show bnti
residence on and cultivation of th land for
fourteen months by the entrytnnn or the
heirs or by both. The same rule. It was
said, applies In a case where commutation
proof la aubmltted by the widow of the
The decision I of Interest, because hereto
fore It has only been necessary for an
entryman or an heir to show either resi
dence on o. cultivation of- the land for
fourteen months. In another decision It
wa held that when an entryman sells Ills
Improvements on the land and relinquishes
his entry In connection therewith, he I
not entitled to make a eecond homestead
entry under the act of congress of Febru
ary 8, 1908.
Boy Sentenced
to Enlist in Navy
DES MOINES. April 7.-Johnnv .Floort 18
years old. Indicted on two counts charging
fprgery, must enlist in the navv tomorrow
or be sentenced to the reformatory. He
leave tomorrow for Omaha In ch urn of
probation officer. Recruiting officer may
reject mm because of the objection made
to a elmilar order laat year, which wa
considered as an Insult to the navy.
Bnslaesa Session Held to l.aad Nest
1 ear's National Conven.
There was a well attended meeting of
the Trl-City union of the Baraca Tuesday
in the assembly room of Ihu Young Men'
Christian association building.
The occasion was a business meeting of
the union and various reports were heard
and approved, but the subject of most
Interest was the discussion of the possl.
blllty of landing next year' national con
vention for Omaha.
The convention this year will be held at
Asbevllle. N. C, In June and will probably
oo attended by more than 2,000 delegate.
It is thought It will be entirely practicable
to bring the next meeting to this city and
President Marshall A. Hudrnn of Syra
cuse. N. Y., haa expressed himself favor
ably. It is rcalixed. however, that the lo
cal union must mak a good showing at
Asheville to make good tlielr claim that
Onr aha Is the place for the meeting of
1910. It Is yet too early to ay how many
representatives from here will go to Ashe
ville, but It haa been decided that a de
termined effort will be made to have aa
large a delegation aa possible and it Is ex
pected that much interest will be developed
between now and the time of the con
vention. The Commercial club has beconle Inter
ested In landing the convention for Omaha
and will assist In financial and other way.
Prairie Klre .Near Pierre.
PIERRE, 8. D., April 7. (Special. )-The
first prairie fire of the spring In this part
of the state burned Saturday evening about
twenty miles southwest of Fort Pierre,
covering a strip of country about two miles
wide, and ten mile long before It wa got
ten under control, starting near Ller post-
office, and burning -almost to Bad river.
The fire was driven by a strong gale and
wa only about an hour In making the ten
miles. It started from a burning building
on the farm of Guy Blandy, the building
having caught from spsrk frpm a stove
pipe and the house and contents were lost.
Beside the loss at the Blandy home, the
building were burned on the lands of
Frank Justus. John Dlckman, James Bradl-
gan, Alva Fink, Joe Berby. Mlas Annls and
othera whoae names have not been learned.
While most of these buildings were prairie
shanties, several of them were substantial
buildings, and with them went much other
Two Holiday Fixed.
PIERRE. 8. D., April 7.-(8pec!al.)-
Governor Vessey today issued his procla
mation fixing the date of Arbor Day, April
Another proclamation which was Issued
by the governor today fixes the dale for
the observance of Mother a Day in the
late to be the second Sunday in May. -
A ".hooting Mr rape
with both parties wounded, demand Buck-
ten' Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, . sore,
ourns or injuries. 2Sc. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Quick Action tor lour Money You get
that by uaing The Bee advertising columns.
pain or maternity; this hour, dreaded as woman s severest trial, is not
only made less painful, but danger is avoided by its use. those who '
use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy ; nervousness,
nausea and other distressino-
w . - wa.w
event. "It is worth its wHht V H
in gold," says many who have iV,i'
Used it flW per boui at drag store, fl
aether nailed free.
Attaa. r-
49 '
Upon Every Doftlo
And Wrapper of th Cmuta
Dr. BelPt Plne-Tar-Honty
Is printed the above tlestga and the
number S04. The design is aw trade
mark, and S9t Is ear gwrnnrntr sir,
Th medicine eonUlnoA la nob, beetle
will cor Oough. Colds and all Bronchial
troubles more quickly ud eVeotaalljr
ttaaa any othsr remedy.'
Pine -Tar-Honey:
Is sold by all drarte ftc and HAS
per bottle. Maanfaetared enly by .'
f4ucah, Keatvcka,
"Csararets sre certainly Bne. I gave friend
-me when the doctor wax treating him for cancer
l the stomach. The neat morning he peMfd
our piece ef a tape wmm. He tken got a boa
and in three davs he pk"1 b tasw-wnrm 4 f4
Ions. I' was Mr. Matt I'reek, of Mlllrnibmg,
Daupbia Co.. Pa. 1 am quite a worker (or Cair.
ret I ase them mvatlfaad Rod theni beneficial
for moat any diseaK caused by Impure bleod."
Cbaa. B. Coadoo, L,wtstoa. Fa., (Mifflin Ce.) .
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. '
Do Good Never 8lcken.Vakea or ripe,
0c. 2Sc, 50c. Never sold la bulk. Th genu
ine tablet stamped C C C, Uaaraateed to
cure or your money back. 921
Every Woman Will be Interested
It roa will send year nm od addrtm w will
l you KRKB a padr of alotbar Oraj't
AfSTHALI AN-LKAK. a certain. pleaaant Br
cur tor Wnmcn'a Ilia, It Hi a reliable renlau
and neTrfalltns. ' )f you nav pain In th bark. '
Urinary. Bladdar or Kidney troubla. aaa . this
pleaaant union of aromatlo kartn; root and laarca.
All Drussiat Mil It, to mnta, or addrna, th
Mothar Gray Co., L Roy, N. T.
New , Automatic nifle Approved by
Ordnance Brnnch of the '
, The new automatic, rlfj wbr.h h ord
nance department of the United State
army want congrc,to provide for with
an appropriation of 300,000, and which
would in that case be manufactured at the
Springfield armory. Is regarded by ord-.
nance of flcera and other who "have oh .
served It In operation aa a weapon of re
markable efficiency because ef Ita light
ness, which permits of a soldier' carrying:
It anywhere; ita smoothness of operation,
which eliminates the;' danger of Jamming
and otherwise getting out of order, and Its
rapidity of fire. ' Its particular value Ilea
In the first two points'.. In '.'rapidity1 of fire
It is like other automatic weapons, but nn
other weapon has been brought to , the at
tention of fie ordnance department that
combines mobility and efficiency In such '
high degree. Imagine a giln not very dif
ferent In slxe from the Springfield rifle of
the latest model, though -with various at
tachments that add weight, which will rain
a veritable shower of biilli'ta; with deadly,
accuracy at the longest range attainable
by a military rifle, and yet ao light that a
soldier could carry It on his shoulder any
where. That Is the automatic rifle. Armed
with It and with a helper to feed It the
ammunition that it devours so greedily, a
soldier could fire as many bullets as half -a
company, without offering much of
target himself, and when he found his po- '
sltton too warm he could shoulder his' gun. '
and make off. . . ... 'v :-
There are automatic and'Semi-auntoniattn '
pistols, rifles and machine guns alniost '
without number. Many of them, along
with oddities of all sorts In the way of
weapons, have been tested ' from time to
time at the Springfield armory. The au
tomatic rifle that the ordnance department
haa approved wa tried. out here - last .
spring and at that time Impressed those.'
who saw It with its combination of effi
ciency and mobility, which places It In jidr.
vance of all othera. This weapon I of fl-,
clally known aa the Hotcliktas portable
machine gun and It I manufactured by
the Hotchkl company trr Pari, but It is
more familiarly called the Benet-Merelpr :
automatic rifle, from Its French inventor.
It operate on the fahVllar principle that .
I found In the other automatic. f he
exploaion of the cartridge projects the bul
let and operate a mechanism at the
breech that ejects the empty shell; re
loads the chamber and fires the fresh cart
ridge. The operator pulls trie trigger anif
the gaa does the rest, firing nine or ten
bullet a second. The- ammunition used
is th regular service cartridge for the
Springfield rifle, which gtves great -muxtle
velocity and a lower trajectory than any
other military rifle. The cartridge are
placed In long brawa clips which, ' run
serosa a ateel hnx or receiver at the breed
of the gun. being ejected on tin left-hand
side when empty.
The rifle la meant to be fired frflm the
shoulder, but vjt in 'to usual way. Or
dinarlly It Is meint to be uaei with the
marksman prone, the butt rittlng his shoul
der a he He supported, on his elbows.
Near the muzzle a support is provided by a
plr of spreading steel legs and the rear
end of the stock rest on a tout steeTrod
that terminates In two solid feet that giv
support frbm the ground. A -pistol grip
Is provided for the right hand that control,
the firing apparatus and the rear auppurt,
which la graKped by the left hand, la pro
vided with a screw ho that hy turning It
the elevation can be raised or lowered.
Springfield Republican. . ' ' .- ; .'
Bee Want Ada Are business Booster.
Becoming a moth snould be
a source of joy, but the suffer
ing incident to the ordeal
Q Q makes its anticipation one of
3 S dread. Mother's Friend i
the only remedy which re
lirVC lr.m f t mnrri rP -. a
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iWl lf .