Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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City Engineer Reynolds Desijni One
to Cost $53,000.
Drilinfd o Car for All Waste an
arfaee Water of the Wide
Area la All Directions.
When a remedy has lived for over thirty years, steadily
growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon
thousands of women declare they owe their very lives to it
is it not reasonable to believe that it is an article of great
merit? J- . ' . ' x
We challenge the world to show any other one remedy
for a special class of disease which has attained such an
enormous demand, and maintained it for so many years as
has Lydia E.Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, the famous
woman's remedy for woman's ills. Unless it is a very good
medicine and the claims made for it are honest, such a record
would have been impossible fraud or misrepresentations
would long ago have been detected and the business gone
into oblivion. , Read this unsolicited letter:-
Melbourne Imrai .fl Buffered for many years with female
troubles, inflammation, and bearing-down pains, bo that I was
unable to do my work.
" Lydta E.Plnkhftm Vegetable Compound wan recommended,
and I am no thankful for the great Rood it has done me. I feel
that I am a living advertisement for this medicine as I have
Influenced so many of my friends to use It, so thankful am I
that it restored me to health." Mrs. Clara Watermann, It. D. 1,
Melbourne, Iowa.
When a woman like Mrs. Watermann is generous enough
to write such a letter as the above for publication, she
should at least be given credit for a sincere desire to help
other suffering women. For we assure you there is no
other reason why she should court such publicity.
We sky it in all sincerity and friendship try this medicine.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound 12 been the standard remedy for
female Ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has tbousands.oi cures to its credit.
i -Ma, Mrs. Pinkhara Invlis all sick women
Lr"wr to write ber for advice. She has
guided thousands to health fe of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham. Iynn, Mass.
tn response to a resolution passed by the
mayor and council aoma tlma ago, F. H.
Reynolds, city engtneer of Flotence, Mon
day night submitted to the council a com
prehensive newer plan for the entire city.
The cost rf the complete sewer Is estl
mHted at (6.1,000 and la subdivided Into seo
tlors. Tim north main sewer Is from Fifth and
Jackson street, cast, south, east, south and
east 16.0(10 feet, through the Omaha Water
company'! property, to a point on the Mis
souri river, W feet south of the water
company's Intake; a three-course brick
sewer, six and one-half feet In diameter;
estimated cost 30,SnO.
The south branch of the north main
sewer, from Pacific street south on Fifth
street 1.0M) feet to Calhoun street, a two
roursw brick sewer, five feet In diameter,
$",80; from Calhoun street south on Fifth
street 1.050 feet to Wlllet street, a two
course brick sewer, four feet In diame
ter, $!.4t0; from Wlllet street south 00
Firth street 1,400 feet to Monroe street, a
two-course brick sewer, three feet In dia
meter, 16,"); from Monroe street south on
Fifth street 1,400 feet to Washington street,
a two-course brick sewer, two feet In dia
meter, 14.450; making the total cost of the
south branch of north main sewer $44,900.
The north branch of the north main
sewer Is from Fifth street west on Paclflo
to Main street 3M feet, on Main street
north to Davenport street 700 feet, a two
course brick sewer, four feet In diameter,
16,410; from rxavenport stret north on Main
street 360 feet to Ferry street, a two-oourse
brick sewer, three feet In diameter, 11,820;
making cost of the north branch $7,730.
This sewer Is designed to care for all
sewage and surface water; south branch,
from Washington street north to Paclflo
street, and from Minneapolis & Omaha
railway west to Prospect street; north
branch, all the territory within the city
limits north of Pacific street.
The council took advantage of the new
law enacted by the recent legislature al
lowing small cities to pave streets by as
sessing back the cost and ordered petition!
circulated to pave Main street from the
Cemetery road north to the Calhoun road.
Some time ago It passed an ordinance to
pave Jieven blocks of this street, and the
action Monday simply confirms that and
extends the paving twelve blocks.
Holdrege Sells
His Hanscom
Park Home
Grounds Will Be Divided Into Lots,
on Which Other Residences
Will Go Up,
Protectors Go
Over to Enemy?
Association Under Niune of Reading1
Loan Shark Victims Charged
.with .Betrayal.
: ' " ... '
.... ' '
A so-cailed '"Citizens' Protective associa
tion' said to' have -been organized for the
purpose of aawfoa) debtors-from loan-sharks
and . conducted by . Rottlngbush Bros, of
South Omaha and Lincoln,- I: alleged to
have forgotten Its high mission and to
have gone over to the enemy,' the salary
. Several men and women In police court
Tuesday morning made this declaration
when tho. case, against ,Wi S. Forney, a
fornwr agent or'.Rottlngbush Bros., was
talked over in ths offtc 4f City Prose
cutor Daniel.
After explaining his part 'of the case and
agreeing to settle with one of the com
plainants, Mis.' Mary Harris, a chvim of
$28 which she holds agulrvat the Rottlng
bush firm, Foruey was discharged by
Judge Crawford on recommendation of the
prosecutor, t j
It is understood that the several casoa of
claims which are held against Rottingbush
Bros, will be undertaken by Attorney John
O. Yelser with the Intention of straighten
ing out the matter and securing a satis
factory settlement. 'The South Omaha of
fice of the Um la suid to have been closed
and the man who - conducted It to have
gonej to 'Uncolh with' money they collected
from Qruah, people with the understand
ing that'th loan agents nwsd by the
Omaha' tropin should be paid amounts on
the various loans, Uh interest at the
legal rate. 1
.People past middle life usually have some
kidney of 'blunder 'disorder" that aapa the
vitality, which la naturally lower In old
age. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects
urinary troubles, stimulates the kidneys,
and restores strength and vigor. It cures
uric acid troubles by strengthening the "kid
neys so. the will, strain oui the urlo acid
that aettlea In the muscles and Joints, caus
ing rheumatism. Sold by all druggists.
Cars in Omaha
New System May Be Adopted
the Local Street Railway
Company, .
"Pay-aa-you-enter cars," may be adopted
In Omaha by the Omaha &. Council Bluffs
Street Railway company.' ' (
While the company has not decided defi
nitely to adopt these cars, the directors
are making preparations so they may be
used If a change Is desired.
"Every city which has tried these cars
Is now Increasing the number In use," said
W. A. Smith, general manager . of ' the
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway
company. "They seem to be the coming
car. Kansas City, Dea Moines, Chicago
and many other oities have adopted them
and they are said to give better satisfac
tion all around."
The twenty-five new care which have
been ordered by the company, aome to be
bought and some to be built In Omaha, will
be so constructed that they may be used
as pay-as-you-snter cars by - a alight
Fear Rfir Jadtrlarjr Statate Wtll In
vite 'Too Many Candidates
I Into Field.
""""" mmm
Judges of the district court of Douglas
county are Inclined to think that the new
law providing for a "non-partisan" judic
iary will provoke a big scramble for nomi
nation. No filing fee Is now required, a
petition signed by 1,500 persons being the
requisite. Signatures are, however,- easy
In get to a petition of thia sort and' there
are many members of the bar who would
like the place or the salary or both. No
one can run for the nomination as a re
publican or democrat under the new law,
though in the upshot the political com
plexion of candidates will be apt to count
Rain and Snow
Assure Crops
Plenty of Moisture for Nebraska
and Other States of the
Nebraska and other western states have
been well wet by. snows and rain. The
moisture Is said to be sufficient to assure
good grain crops and put plenty of water
In the irrigation ditvhea, which will further
assure another year's crop for the semi
arid section.
The rain which began falling In the vlcliv
Ity of Omaha Monday night was accom
panied by roaring thunder claps that shook
windows, but no lightning. The rain was
general from about Columbus esst. 8now
from one to three Inches deep Is on the
ground from Columbus to Orand Island.
Half an Inch of rain fell In Kansas Mon
day. More is on the way for Omaha and
At Least. That la What Two Men
Decide W ho Kept .
It doesn't pay foi men to stay out . rate
at night or go home In the morning after
the cars have stopped running. At least
F. I. Epler, a street oar Inspector and
detective, and A. T. McRea, who lives at
4T7 Harney street and Is a watchmaker,
discovered that to be a fact after spending
five hours In jail and then being severely
questioned In police court.
Judge Crawford discharged both men,
but not without warning them that It Is
not wise to be found loitering around the
streets between 3 and 4 o'clock In the morn
Ing and unable to satisfy a policeman as
to their good character and Intentions.
Officer Flemmlng arrested them near the
Kountze Memorial church, Twenty-alxth
and Farnam streets, early Tuesday morn
ing, and said they dodged behind the build
ing when they saw him.
To Die on the Scaffold
Is palnleaa, compared wtlh the weak, lame
back kidney trouble causes. JSleetrle Bit
ters Is the remedy. 60c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
1 1 ms iove mai responds to the touch
of little hands to the thrill of warm.
NTOgESPJ 'w&SW bodies-that Guards the wtlhK
of the children. That love is
MmXA rcsPns,b, r the
existence of
1 J ftv m aaaaW '
1 1 AT .;
. .'' s.x-:-.'--.iv
For this is the
Flour made nf mafprtalc 1 "
v V a ar Itnajavi wmm w . .
M tW Hnntlnr(lAnAr4 nimUn nnl iiiIiaL.a.
vi umjuwuuiicu puiiiy anu wiiuitMJIilc"
nt. InC rlniir Frnm Ahirh DJicilvr.JlrtftfToJ
w-ss-w . - - - - -w- ti viii iiihvii lhsi VV V4 ''"'
iuuu i uiaucuic iuuu lur yuur cniiareru
O. W. Holdregs, general manager of the
Burlington Hallway company west of the
Missouri river, hss sold his home on
Thirty-second avenue to a corporation
headed by Thomas Matters of Brecken
rldge, Green A Matters, attorneys, and
the tract on which the home stands will
be divided and a number of residences
erected there.
The corporation which will handle the
property Is known as the Oate City Land
and Investment company. The price paid
for the property is given at S40.000. The
deal was made after a number of promi
nent real estate dealers had made an ap
praisement of the property and estimated
what it would probably bring If divided
Into resident lots.
The plans of Mr. Matters' Oate City
Ind and Investment company are not
definitely known, as Mr. Ma It hers la out
of the olty. but In the transaction he made
It known that he would build a number of
home, some of them quite costly.
Tti Holdrsga residence and the sur
rounding grounds Is one of fhe beauty
spots In Omaha. Tt overlooks Hanscom
park, which Is directly east of the prop
erty. Besides the home a lodge Is main
tained with extensive lawns and grounds.
Mr. Mstters has acquired considerable
property In Omaha within the last year or
two. buying the Judge D. M. Vlnsonhaler
residence for a home on Thirty-ninth be
tween Farnam and Dodge streets, and also
buying the Strickler row on Thirty-eighth
Organized Farmers
Next in Unions
This is the Prediction of F. J. Baker,
Head of the Leather
The "organised farmers" Is the next
thing In the line of unions F. J. Baker of
Kansas City, general president of the
Brotherhood of leather Workers, says. He
Is tn Omaha to look after the affairs of
his union, which he says are prosperous.
Mr. Baker thinks unions are on safer
ground today than ever.
"The injunctions Which have been issued
from time to time against officials and
unions have served a different purpose
than was expected," says Mr. Biker.
"Take, for Instance, the Oompers-Mltchell-Morrlson
case. This has done more to
awaken the worklngmen to the fact that If
they wish to protect themselves against un
just actions they must organise, and that
they realise this Is evident by the Increase
tn membership in every International
union. .
"The most Important factor In the labor
movement of the future will be the organ
ised farmers. They realise - where they
have been taken advantage of tn the past
and see the remedy in organisation. With
the farmers organised and demanding the
union label on all the goods they buy, and
organised labor demanding -lhe farmer's
label on all produce they buy, there Is no
doubt that unfair employers wilt, find thelv
goods In smstl demand." "
Girl Asks for
Detention Home
Walks in Rain from Southern Fart
of South Omaha to Juve
nile Court.
"May I speak to you, please, jidge?"
Judge Eatelle looked up and then peered
down over his spectacles. He saw before
him a forlorn, bedraggled figure. It was
that of a girl of 11 years of age, slight of
build, anaemic, obviously tired and weak.
Streams of water trickled from the hem of
ber skirt.
"Why, what Is It, Ella?" asked the Judge
in a kindly voice.
"I want you to send me to Miss Magea,
please," said the girl, Blla Lesra by name.
"I can't stand it at home any longer."
Judge Estelle looked again at the streams
of wster dripping from the girl's garments.
"Didn't you have an umbrella?" he asked.
"No," said the girl, "and It's a long walk."
"I should think it Is," affirmed the Judge.
The girl had walked In through the rain
all the way from the further border of
South Omaha Tuesday morning. In trouble
at borne, resolute to live there no longer,
she had come to the Juvenile court room
by the only means she had.
Judge Estelle made out the order desired,
loaned her his umbrella and giving her car
fare sent the child on her way to the De
tention Home, of which she Is the first vol
untary entrant on record.
It Is no palace which she has left. Her
father and mother and thirteen other chil
dren live, move and have their being In
two small rooms Into which a tumble
down, rickety shack has been divided. '
Child Saving; Institute Workers Ask
All to Help on Bnildlag
A pledge of SoO was received Mondsy by
the Child Ssvlng Institute building com
mittee to apply on the building fund from
the P. E. O. Sisterhood of Omaha. The
secretary of the sisterhood has also written
a persons! letter to sll the Elks societies
of Nebraska, appealing to them for sub
scriptions. One of the fraternal organisa
tions of South Omaha has written that a
subscription would be made at the next
meeting. Considerable more than half of
the needed 176,000 is now raised.
Additional subscriptions Monday were:
Previously acknowledged, including
I.-S.0U) gift of Qeorge A. Joslyn. .. .$40,450. J6
Allen Bros sami
W. C. Bullard lon.oo
Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood 60 la)
Cash a.U)
Arm and Peterson Fi.W
Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge A. Wilcox.... io.00
Mrs. Wlllism C. L. le :sxn
J M. Baldrlge 2d (0
Ed Meyers lo.Ori
Cssh lo.Oi
Elisabeth F. Ferguson b.on
R. R. Over i M
A friend 5. no
Theodore Stuben f, nil
Emily I. Inkster t.o
Henry F. Hamann i.(v
Mrs. A. I Dootley ;.i
Viva Anne Craven l.utt
R. A. Shults i.oo
Fred Hamann 1 (0
Charlea O. Crawford 1 on
Joe Mli hah 1 00
Mrs. J. Clauson .26
Total ,
Balance to raise, 133.738 .
Limit of t me. May 1, Ito.
Pennsylvania. Lines Itspersn.
On flrat-claaa tickets reading over Penn
sylvania Unas ten-day stopovers will be al
lowed upon request at either Plttaburg,
Washington, Baltimore er Philadelphia.
The Reason We
Sell More Clothing
than any other house in Omaha
No doubt, is due partly to the makes we handle
"Kuppenheimer," "Stein Bloch," Hirch Wickwire,
"Adler," Society" and "Schloss Bros." These are
the makers of the clothes we sell you. The kind of
clothes that withstand the most searching criticism
and include such an unusual variety of patterns and
designs, and number of sizes. No matter what the
taste may bo, there is not one tone of coloring you
could possibly ask for, or imagine, that this great ami
superior assortment does not afford. Beautiful shades
of modes, olives, grays and greens that are just fcug
gestions of these handsome spring colors and for
those who desire and are mostly affected by the smart
young dressers, we have the very pronounced colors
and a dashing swagger to the garments that the young
fellow appreciates.
And the man we sell clothes to is a satisfied man
every time. And he carries with him our binding agree
ment that it's satisfaction or his money, back.
So come for your new suit, young or old. You
will find nothing but the best. Examine, compare,
question, change your mind as much as you like.
Young Men's Suite ... $7.50, $10,
Men's Suits ... $10, $12, $15, $18,
- Ml mfi tt
a I it 9
$12, $15, $18, $20
$20, $22, $25, $30
The. Home of Kupponheimer Clothes J. B. Stetson Hats'
Manhattan Shirts Carhart Work Clothes
Ever wear Hosiery for Men and Women
Functus Officio
Nothing, Jim
Says Board's Alive
Mayor and Bprnam Both Auert Po
lice Commission ii Not
According' to Msyor Dahlman's opinion
and City Attorney Burnam's Interpretation
of the law, the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners Is not "functus officio," as
Attorney L. D. Holmes says It Is.
"There Is no need In looking up the law;
I know that the board haa as much power
now as It ever had, despite the governor's
failure to appoint or reappoint," said the
niitvor with sn emphatic Jerk of his head
In advising against bothering the city at
torney with the matter. The city attorney
when asked About It agreed with the mayor.
"The genera! law holds In this instance
as In all cases," said Mr. Burnam, "and
that law ststes explicitly that all elective
or appointive officers shall hold over until
their successors shall have been elected or
appointed and been cot.flrmed and
"There la no doubt that the excise board
la vested with full power as It now stands
and the governor's failure to appoint, as
specified In the charter bill which he up
proved, makes no difference. Mr, Holmes
Is mlstsken and the board Is not 'functus
officio.' "
there Is considerable ground for the mod
ern Greeks' claim, that they descend from
the old heroes.
As for the Italians represented In the
new company by A. D. Rissuto, none would
dispute their claim to be a Latin race.
Commercial Clab Issnea General !
vltntlon In Response to IVnmer
ons Inqalrtee Itecelvea.
Apparently all the taximeter companies
in the United States have ' applied to the
Commercial club of Omaha for Information
about the city and each wishes to be the
line to come to Omaha at once.
As a result Commissioner J. M. Guild
hss issued a general Invitation in the hope
of getting the cab lines to cut rates, which
Is only possible with plenty of competition.
One "taxi" line asys Its Tales are SO cents
for the first mile and 10 cents for each suc
ceeding quarter of a mile.
If this rate is maintained It la doubtful
whether the taxicabs will put the owl cars
out of business In Omaha, according to the
The taxlcab companies offer to sell rides
tn most sny kind of a toasla. however, snd
this may help. Some have timepieces in
the carriages snd money Is deposited ever
time the clock strikes or the cuckoo coos.
This enables those who want to ride In
lover's lane, "where a proper horse goes
slow,", to pay by the hour Inatead of by the
mile and let the company out with divi
dends. From all the applicants It Is certain, ac
cording to the Commercial club, that one
or more -taxlcab lines will atart In OmatiH.'
lllrniAAll UPA.ien a .
HmcmuMN TtUMtN MttT
Brotherhood Transacts Routine Bnsl
nrii and Will Have So
cial Kraal on.
The Brotherhood of- American Veomer,
assembled In state convention at Ancient
Order of I'nlled Workman's Temple, Four
teenth and Dodge streets Rt 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning, with Slate Chairman
Gordon Roth of Omaha prcaidlng.
The morning session was devoted to th
preliminary work of the convent Ion, ap
pointment of committees 'on - credentials,
resolutions snd permanent organization,
The proceedings were opened with prayer
by Rev, R. II. Ilousoman of Castellar Pres.
byterian church.
Iast evening a union meeting of all ttu
homesteads nf Omaha sinA Rmith Omnl,a
was held at the hall of Fraternity home
stead. South om.-iha. The drill team nf th
Omaha homestead put on the worn
for the benefit of the vlalting delegation,
at which' time a large class was Initiated. .
' M KTSB. , .
on draught and in bottles on , and after
April 8. Ask for it. Order a case sent to
your home.
"The I.atln Company" Incorporated
by . J. Mandannle and Otkera
to AM Descendants of Heroee.
The newest Incorporation is also one of
the most novel. N. J. Mandannls, - B.
Cokus and A. U. iRlssuto have Incorporated
what Is to be known as "The Iatln com
pany," and Its general object Is the amelio
ration of the Iatin races In snd about
It would seem since Mandannls Is a
Greek that the local Hellenes are to be con
sidered a Latin race, which la a new thing
ethnologlcally apeaklng.
Tne company la to hve a capital stock
of SJ.VO and Is to "secure homes and em
ployment for reople of the Latin races,
to aid .'-d encourage their education and
social relations, to spread useful Intelli
gence snd Information among such people
and In other ways promote their welfare."
Just what blood does flow In the veins
of the modern Greek is a matter of aome
dlvpule among ethnologists, but It would
not be well to say ao In the preence of a
modern Greek. The most unpopular man
in the Hellenic dominion Is a German pro
fessor, who said that the old blood had
been so diluted by later Invaders that the
modern Greek could not be considered a
deacendant of the heroes of Thermopylae,
Marathon and Salamla. The best ethnolo
gists, however, incline to the view that
On Easter Sunday
time honored custom demends that you
appear In Immaculate attire, and this
day above all others, when resurectlon
musie rtminda you of the awakening
of nature. Is the day to don iDrini
clothing that la mads freeh and spot
leas by the French Dry Cleaning pro-
rou are men aura to pasa the In
spection of the moat fastidious.
French Dry Cleaslng Worka
s-nonosi ou. T1J A-sllg
Us Supply
'Footwear, Madam
Do you know that right in our store you
can obtain the identical shoe styles that are
being worn by women of fashion in New
and other metropolitan centres? Do
you know that we can fit your foot as perfectly
, as if you had your shoes made to order
J 1 1st
we can do Una be
cause we tell
The new Reaal stvlea for wmwn
exact reproductions of exclusive custom
models, and tkv nnkJif astf tPA-f
f. L- I . 'r. , ' , J v.
lasnion-ieature. KegaJ Shoes insure
you an ttad fit, because they are
made in oiiarlrr.wnr miA
this perfect nt means abso
lute comfort and pcrroi
nent shape-retention.
" 7