Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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THB "ALVATTON ARMY llctfii catoft
clothing. In fact, anything you do not
need. W collect, rapalr and sell at 14
N. 11th St., for cowt of collection to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4in6
nnd i(nn will rail. (18 7
YOL'NG WOMEN coming to Omsh an
ranger ere Invited to vlalt the Young
Women' Tnr1stlan assoclstlnn. 17th and
Howard eta., where they will be directed
to suitable boarding places nr otherwise
Baalsied. - h4 A . deaconess representing tha
association meets trains at tha Union eta
tlon aa travelers' aid. (1R 2S8
PKRT MAHBKLR. For ladles and gentle
menX If tired, languid. laxy, from lack
of . circulation, which cause Indigestion,
constipation, torpid liver, rheumatism and
chronjo troubles., try the Crtental mas
sage.. .Tliorruigh hand work. Facs and
scalp treetmer.t; I years In Omaha at 4"ft
Bee Bldg. Douglas 4M.
.. (181317 Mav4
DTTUMWA Poultry Yards Light Brahma
won-T premium at the atate fair. Stock
for sale, old and young.- H. T. Cameron.
Ottumwa.- la. - (ll)-MNM 81
WHITE HOCKS-Eggs from pen scoring
H4 to 84V ll-W for fifteen eggs. C. W.
Howell. Altoona. la- (U;-M237 Ex
ORPINGTONS, all, varieties; blue rlbhon
winner;- prising Ht free. Itoomgarn
Orpington Yarda. Humbolt, Neb.
- (ll)-Mlfil 8x
S C. BLACK MINORCA eggs for Betting.
II for 18. Tel. Harney 3322. (1D-MS92 M2x
R. C R. I- RED KOOS for sale. Pen eggs,
II 80 per U. 18 per 100; from pens acnrlng
90 to M range II per 15, $6 per W. 3. W.
Abraham, Valley. Neb.. (1D-M243
White teghorn egg $8 per inn, at Mindy
Lee Farm. Tel. Fkrenu 162.
UU-M7M A3)
CHAMBERLAIN 8 Original perfect dry
rl.lck fe,-d. re this only and ave young
rlilckens.- Stewart'a Feed Store, Sola
Agents, 11 N. lflth Bt. (1U-M841 May r
SILVER." LACED Wyandotte rockerels,
choice stock, scored atid unwcored; Teklii
ducks. Mrs.'F. Hi McLaughlin. Manning,
la. (ID M5S7 A4x
K'JCiS-From two fine re-ns of Barrpd
Rocks of cockerel mating; cockerels acor
lng 91 and ', V Ter 15. Ega from out
s'de pens. 13 per 100. Mrs. J. M. Stewart,
Alnawoitn, la. (11)-Mi3 9x
JARVE PTO. ftt. Job printing and calen
dars. lth AY Cap.Av. "Phono Ind. A-2K20.
5 ns
RF.EP. ABSTRACT CO., Eat. 1RM; prompt
service! get our prices. 110 Fsrnam St.
PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N Y. I
BENJAMIN K. E.' CO.. 177 Brandels B!dg.
441 Tirandcls Bldg., Tels. D. (K or A 1K22.
r - j - . (1)-M3
Buy Them Now
. ..-..$1750.00 : . . .
5 room, modern, oxcept beat, yellow pine
finish, cemented cellar. Lot 33HxU3. On
North 39th.
. : ' . $i'ooo.(M) '
Nice 5-room house, inodcrn except heat
LocnleJ 'on North Kth-Ave. A nice little
dome. " if
' .. -$2750.00 - " "' "
Kme' new' 'BTOom hoiiae; all modi-rn. ex
cept heat, - well -finished and In flmt class
-finillt'on. I't 42x12. Located on Kuggles
. $:).ooo.oo
A dandy t-room house on nurt St.. Cnm
lilcte.y nivdnrn. eemwnt cellar, brick walks,
sverythmg In good -condlUun.
'. ' ' $31 50.00
Six-room rmuse, modern except heat, well
located on. Templeton St. A nice home.
: $:W75.oo.'. .. .
Art elegant 5-room cottage on North 23d
Bt. Well built and modern except heat. A
nice home at ' a reasonable price, consider
iif (he location. '
.' $2725.00
A real "snip In." nice nix-room modern
cottage, ' well loca'tvd ' on North 21st St. Be
suiu to See this one.
-, $'2500.00
A brand' n'w six-room hodsx nicely
located on Pratt St., lot 40xlX. South front.
teuient walks.
A nice eeven-room bouse, modern, on
Spa'uldlng Bt' Well built and in (list class
A dandy 7-room new house on Spencer
St. A fine modern home. Oak finish.
Real Homes at Bargain Prices
Thev World Investment Co.
Uouff. 1930. ' ' " Ind. A-42ti3.
:-4 N. Y. 1 Bldg., Omahs, Neb.
' tl)-M.341 7
Adjoining Field Club
Elegant full I-Story square house, on the
northwest corner of Skth Ave. and Pacific:
IMtrlor. dining room, reception hall and
kitchen on first floor; 3 iarge bed cham
oers and bath upstairs; gas and electric
lights: fine light" fixtures; full cemented
cellar; Fox furnace; everything modern
and very attractive: rady for occupancy;
price ottly 14,001); ' 1500 cash and balance
practically as rent would accept va
cant ht or acreage property as part pay
ment. Keys at l'J2 & lxth Ave.
11 N. Y. Life Bldg
tl)-M:M T
Figure your rent receipts. Suppose you
had psld that. amount on. a home of your
own? Not too late yet.
Look at 2602 8. 2uth Ave., 6-room. good
I one and a good Investment at $1,400.
3i N. 26th, 7-room. 2-story barn, big
trees and out houses. You can't begin to
duplicate It for i,nuo.
4-rootn, chicken house, coal house etc
two lots. 79xl'J0, one ll.'Jul.
7-room, modern, yaed street, fruit trees
shade trees, lot 4ftxt2, 2.5no, or will give
you 100 feet front for $1,260.
- Buite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Phone Red 1. .. Omaha, Neb.
open evenings, ,
" '. (t)-M339 8
- :)5 ACHES
S miles west on Center Street road that
can be bought- at a low figure.
J0 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Nli
i -i i - - H9WM396 I
HOMES JN B&NSON-Part cash: balance
same as rent. W. K. Yartun, 228 8. Or
phanage Ave.. Uensom Tel. Benain 61
ii - (i) m;w a jo '
WANT CA8H offer for lots U and 14
blurk- . CrHghlon lit-lglits, northeast
corner 43d and Corby fits Telephone
Harney 44ft ll Mlt4 lux
. n ... i , ,
BOULEVARD HOUFE. 224$ North Utb St.,
room, modern, only $2,500, Thomas
Brsnnai reoaa t Now York Ufa Bldg.
' ' ' . tl-14
'"iR ,8A1-!i Nebraska'a choicest corn and
alfalfa laada, W rite for price Hat of bar
galas. L. J;l Falrbury. Neb.
FOR SALE Han4ame, spacious residence.
In cnuiceat locatlea ieaible. modern, fin
eo4Ut.n; Imiulre-.uf owner. Ad.lross
T'osutfflc Bo U, giation D. Tel. Hirncy
(Continued-) ' 1
Make Us
An Offer
for t hit property. 610 Foppleton Ave.
Vacant lot, 31st and Corby Sta.
Creigh, Sons & Co.,
608 Bee Bldg.
Eight rooms, modern, oak finish, full two
stories, large, commodious rooms, elegant
arrangement and finish; built for a home
two yeara ago; east front, ilanscom park,
park Ave. j nia property musi ne soia
by the 10th Inst., and the prlc will sell
It, ss It Is offered for $1,600 less than Its
actual value. Part cash will handle It.
682 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(19) 2l
City property, farms, ranch lands or mer
chandise to sell or trade, list them with
me. It costs you nothing unless I effect s
sale. W. W. Mitchell, 332 Bd. Td. bldg.
(1J M
ifiOO NET cash will buy a splendid lot on
Manderson. near 27th 8ts.; 10 fruit trees;
concrete walk; owner needs the money,
hence the low price,
THE PUTNAM CO., 504-5 N. Y. Life.
(19) 365
LIST your property with Chris Boyrr, 22d
and Cuming Sts. . (19) 22
I4.7SO Reception hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen large pantry, all finished In oak,
three bedrooms and bath, linen closet
unstulrs. nice lawn, bearing fruit. Haiw-
coni Park district, 20 minutes' walk to
city. Make offer. ,
4!M) Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Nob.
(19) MHZ 7
Kins new 7-room modern house on North
25th, njar Spencer. Built for a home. Large
lot, plenty of room for Another house.
Price, 3.jii0.o0. for quick sale. This Is a
bargain. Let us show you this at once.
8. K. WAIT ft CO.,
617 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1392, A231S.
(19) M3.12 I
REAL ESTATE. IXjaNB and Insurance
List your property with us for sale or
exchange. Walnut and Orchard -Hills
Realty Co., 4010 Hamilton St. Phones
Harney 87;- Ind., B-1S42. U 1M .
CLOSE IN flat location, south and east
front, full lot, only 12 blocks from the
Boaton store, 12,000. 1. CONNER, owner.
Ul Board of Trade Bldg. (19) M469 1
BY OWNER. 9-ronm. modern house, with
bain, llanscom Place, S3.200. Address ii
2H:t, rare H.-e. (19). M26 lOx
Denver-Cireeley district, under Irrigation;
sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming. and
fruit raising; low price, esay paymenta.
National Investment Co., 682 Brandela
Bldg., cmahu. Tel. Douglas 661)1. C 657
Irrigated lumls in tho vicinity cL. Denver
end elsewhere in Colorado. W'ni. A. Hlg
glns. Box 446, Omaha, and the undersigned
pioneerd In the High Lin Line and Antero
reservoir In the Omaha territory last year
and w still have some of the choicest
pieces of land under that system of pio
neer prices. Joseph Powell & Co., 231-J
Coronudo Bldg., Denver, Colo. (20)
Comanche county, Kansas; 8 miles to
good market: all smooth land; 2u0 acres
a little rolling; 400 acres cultivation, 260
acres wheat, some alfalfa, good Improve
ments. Price, $:t2.000. Atktn-Hartronft ft
Co., Lyons, Kan. (3U M8S5 9x
NELSON'S bargain list 14 0 acres i mllea
from Ciyde; nice, level land, all fenced, at
$150. 15100 acre near Agenda, In Ger
man settlement; creek bottom and well
Improved. A bargain at $9,000, with good
terms Also hdve several good farms that
1 can give good trades on. Write for my
complete "it, mentioning thta paper.
Walter Nelson, Clyie. Kan. (JUJ-MK3 I
FOR BALE 46-acre ranch near Sidney, 120
acres of hay land, 100 acres farm land,
balance pasture, nearly all fenced; good
well, but no buildings. School house near;
sidetrack close. Price 116 per acre, part
on time. We have many other bargains.
0-acre farm, well Improved, near Grand
Island, ts,4ou. for particulars, write Dill
ft Huston, Grand Island, Neb.
(Z0-M24$ x
640-Acre Homesteads
In western Nebraska; ISO-acre homesteads
In South Dakota: large and small tracts
of good deeded lands cheap.
937 New York Life, 'Omaha,"
(20)-M378 7x
FARMB-H to $100 per acre. Write for our
long list mailed free. Bern!, Brandela
Bldg. ta-M33 8
Kansas Natural Gas company paid that
amount for a well near Nowata, in No
wata county; we have land at $10 to tS
per acre; you might get a gaa well; If
you will let us, we will explain why this
land is so cheap; it's good farm land, too.
Nowata l-and and Lot Co. Buite 624
N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone
Ited 19P9. Open evening. 12') M176 f
Arcadia la a Kl.OOO-acre tract of the fineat
orchard lands In the northweat, 1, cated
In Spokane, and Stevens counties, Wash
ington. A great IrrlKattun canal has been
built through the tract and the land ta
being planted to apple trees. Arcadia
will be operated as a great commercial
orchard the largest In the world. As
iiKin as the treea come to bearing, the
land will be worth from ll.Wrt to $3.onO an
acre and the fruit yield will be from $3n0
to $l.ouO an acre.
The company Is capitalised on the basis of
Il.ttU per acre. Two-fifths of the stock
is preferred. Issix-d In shares or ll'iO each,
bearing 4 per cent Interest and sharing
with the common stock in all the profits
of the company. The preferred stock
may also be exchanged for land at any
A limited amount of preferred . stock Is
ofleied to the public al $TiO a shire. The
divestment Is based on real estate and Is
absolutely safe: profits based on fruit
yfc-ld made certain by Irrigation.
Iirge Illustrated piotpectus fiee upon ap-
pltcatton. '
Address: '
Room 6M Hyde Block,
Spokane, Hash.. U. 8. A.
(JOI-M377 7x
Mteeellnneen. . -
WELL IMPROVED small farm near c; '
t ago Want house and lot. wild i.iihI
merchandise. Iock Box 171. Nellgh. N -
(S-MI73 III.-
FOR 8AI.B l-si re farm. 8. Minn
sola. Pipestone Co. Would consider tia'-l
mr ii riih grnei Hi inus-j n. r..
I Martinson, Parker, fl. U. UW " '
We have several very attract I ve IrrtgaNe
propositions, suitable for colonisation, csn
be cut Into ten and twenty-acre tracts.
Two are. as follows: Twenty sections
within a few miles of Pecos City, level,
smooth and rich, shallow artesian belt.
Fifteen sections In Peoos river valley. Will
be under largest canal system In west
Texas, soil as fertile aa the valley Nile,
home of fruit and alfalfa. Want you to co
operate with ua. It's a snap. Write for
full particulars. Jas, Ooode Real Estate
Co., Pecos City, Tex. ( MJ83 7x
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., l&X) Faraam St.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
(22) 2
SECOND MORTGAGE losns negotisted.
Apply Room 417-1 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Bell 'phone Douglas Z31I. (22) 2
If you need a reasonable loan on well im
proved Omaha real estate, I can enter
tain your application, at 5 or 6 per cent
Interest, sccordlng to location or grade of
property; no delsy. and privilege Is given
for repayment before maturity.
I. Blbbernsen, 208 Old Boston Store Bldg.
(22) M47 A17
Private money; 1500 to 16,000; low rste.
Wouldn't You Be Glad
If you knew Just where you could lay
your hand on a dollar every time you
needed It T
Borrow Money on Your Furni
ture. "Don't Tie Up Your
We have numerous advantages over other
companies that you ought to know about
If you need money.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
"Reaaonable and Reliable."
119 Board of Trade. 306 8. ldtlu St.
Telophone Douglas 2296. (22) M3S9
poo TO 10,0fO made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. 2S) 28
t loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood.
61 Brandela Bldg. (22) 631
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg.
(22) 627
500 TO $5,000 on homes IrfOmaha. O'Keefe
Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug,
or A-2152. (22)-37
600 to 1300,000, lowest rates, no delay.
Oxrvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (22) 636
Jfino to $300,000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, bt First Nat l Bsnk Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
IF you MUST soil, list with us. We cannot
sell anything unless at squeeze price.
Open evenings.
Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
'Phone Red 1909.
NEW furnaces, hot water and hot air com
bination heating, 2 and 4-hole laundry
hot water heaters, mantle gratca, gaa
atovea repaired, water fronts and flower
vases. Omaha Stove Repair works, 120S
120 Douglaa St. 'Phones Ind. A-8621;
Men, uouglas 9S0. 1149
HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture,
carpels, clothes and shoos. Tel. Doug. 897L
BEST price paid for secondhand furniture,
carpets, atovea, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug.
6401. (261-641
WANTED Male Blenheim spaniel dog.
vv nue witn Drown spots. vrz ro. is
St. 26)-M343 11
The Practical Auctioneer. 843 N. T. Life.
(26) XtO
WANTED to rent. May 1, 6 or 6-room thor
oughly modern house, In good neighbor
hood, will lease for year. No children.
Reference given. Address, stating terms,
S 266. Bee. (26) 864 x
WANTED To rent by May 1. unfurnished
7 or t-room house. West Farnam dlstiiot.
Tel. Harney 3233. (26) 312 7
YOUNG married couple, no children, desirs
to rent completely furnished house or
apartment; preferably In West Farnam
district, fpr tha summer or longer; refer
ences exchanged. Address G 156. Bee.
(26) MS06 8x
WANTED To rent large 8-room atrictly
modern house In Hanscom Park or Far
nam district. Phone Harney 3739.
(26) M398
DUNDEE Married couple of refinement
desire suite of rooms In Dundee for six
months,' during construction of their
rouse in Dundee; references exchanged.
JPhone Webster 2454. (26) M330 8
POSITION WANTED by lsdy aa book
keeper and stenographer; will start in at
a reasonable salary, provided there Is
chance for advancement; 6 years' experi
ence, with beet of references. 'Phone
Webster ISIS. 127) 191 6x
REM ABLE colored woman wants day
woia. iei. uougias ). yTl) M335 7x
YOUNG ATTORNEY wanta position with
established law firm. Well educated. C
26. Bee. (27) M385 9x
POSITION by lady stenographer: expert
enced. Ind. "Phone 796X. Council Bluffs.
27 M401 7
niBHter, Fort Leavenworth. Kansss, March
26, 19U9. Sealed proposals In triplicate will
be received here until H a. ni., Central
time, April 9, 19U9, and then opened, for the
construction of a band stand. Full In
formation and blank forms of prupotals fur.
nlshed on application to this office. Plans
and apeciflcatlons may be aeen here, also
In office of chief quartermaster. Omaha,
and Master Builders' exchange, Kansas
City, Mo. United States reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all proposals or
any parte thereof. Envelope to be marked
"Proposals for Band Stand." and ad
dressed to Capt. Wm. D. Davis, Quarter
master. M 38-29-30-J1-A7-I
Call Us
by 'Phone
Whenever yon want
something call 'Phona
Douglas 1)1 tad maka
It kaowa. through a
6m Want Ad.
n. D. Pratt. Jr., to George A. Joslya,
lot S, block L Dooecken's sdd I
Bllajt Robblna and wife to James O.
Jewell, lot a, Arlington
Lydia Rice and husband to Chrus
P. M. Jensen, lot , block l C. E.
Mayne's 1st add
South Omaha Ind company to
James W. Murphy, fractional lota
6 and 16, block 149, and fractional
lots 7 and 13. block 160, South
Elisabeth B. Hitchcock to Erie B.
Brown, lot t, block t. Burton's
John F. Mawhlnney to Lutner El
Hlgley. lot 11. block "U" Lowe's..,
Bdward H. Ratekln to J. Annies, lot
10, block 6, Central Park
Caroline C. Johnson and husband to
May Boyer, north list feet of lot ,
block 111, Dundee Place
Phoebe Wilson to John snd Isaac
Henderson, lot 13, block 127, South
Oeorge N. Brown and wife, et al.. to
K L. K. Stewart, e ne4 section
William F. McFarland and wife to
Onorge W. Smith, e2 feet of lot 7,
block 114, Omahs
United Ststes to William Frodsham,
nwl ne and s'4 ne 2S-1K-11
Don J. Adams and wife to I.Ida L.
Ix-et. nlfiO feet of lot 1 and nl50 feet
of e: feet of lot . block 6, Park
Sarah B. Harris and husband to
Jsmes Conley, lota 1, 2 and 3. block
10. Drew's Hill
Norman L. Trimble and wife to
Thomas J. Coleman, lot 2, block 11.
Myers. Rlchsrds ft Tllden's add
George T. Morton and wife to George
H. Perry, lot 11. block 1. Yates
Hempel's add
Fremont Jeger to John P. CrulU
shank, part sub lot 4 of lot 4, Ra
gan's add
Union Pacific
Ovrland Limited
Colorado Express
Atlsntlc Express .
Oregon Express ...
Leave. Arrive.
...a 1:55 am a S:40 pm
...a 1:60 pm a t oo pm
a 9:20 am
.a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Irfis Angnle Limited. ...al2.55 pm a 8:60 Dm
Fast Mall a 9:20 am a 6:45 pm
China and Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pm a 5:46 pm
North Platte laical a 8:16 am a 4'45 pm
Colo. Chicago Special... al2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice ft Slromsburg
Liocai Diz:40pm b 1:40 pm
Local passengers not carried on tralna
No. 1 and 2.
Chicago, Rock Island at Pactflo
Chicago Limited a 8 00 am all :06 pm
Iowa Local .a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 3.00 am all:05 pm
Dea Moines ft Eastern. .a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local bll OO am b 9:55 nm
Chtcago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer ;. a 6:28 pro a 8:25 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd....all:l( pm a f:M pm
Colo, ft Cal. Express. ...a 1:20 pin a 4:30 pm
Okl. ft Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago, Mllwstaltee A Bt. Paal
Chicago ft Colo. Special. 7:25 am all:&0 pm
Cal. ft Oregon Express. a 6:00 pm a 8:26 pm
Overland Limited a 9:M pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:16 pm bll:25 am
Chicago Great "Western .
St. Paul-Minneapolis..., 8:30 pm T:30 am
St. Psul-Minnespoll.... 7:80 sm 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Expreas 7:30 am 11:36 pm
Chicago Express 1:80 pm 8:30 pm
Missouri Pacific
K. C. ft St. L. Express.. a 9:"0 am a 6:45 am
K. c ft Bt. u Express.. ail. 1 pm a 6:60 pm
St. Louis Express a 1:30 pm a 9:26 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Biuffs) a $ 00 am aU:16 pm
Stanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm b 10:16 am
Uliaola entral . . -
Chtcago Express a 7:16 am a 3:45 pm
Chicago Limited v:0pm a 8:30 am
Minn. -St. Paul Express. b 7:16 am
Mlnn.-Bt. Paul Limited. a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am
Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 6:16 pm aU:80 am
Chicago A Northwester
Chicago Daylight a 7:26 am all:48 pm
Twin City Express. .a 7:40 am AJU);20 pm
Chicago Local all :30 ftra -a 3:28 pm
Sioux City Ixcal a 3:45 pm all 80 am
Chicago Local a 4:30 pm a 8:36 pm
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am
Minnesota-Dakota Ex. .a 6:46 pm a 9:30 am
Fast Mall a 3:35 pm
Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8:00 am
Los Angeles Limited a 9:00 pm al2:35 pm
Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 8:23 am
Nebraska and Wyoming Division
Norfolk-Ronesteel a 7:40 am a 6:80 pm
Lincoln-Long Pin a 7:40 am a!0:35 am
Dead wood-Lincoln a 8:00 pm a 5:20 pm
( aper-L,ander a 3:00 pm a 5:20 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:20 pm b 1:66 pm
Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm b 5:20 pm
Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express al2:16 am
Nebraska points a 8:45 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm
Nebraska Express a 9:16 am
Lincoln Local
Lincoln I-oeal
Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 8:06 pm
Plattsmouth-Iowa b 9:18 am
Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..ol2:A6 pm
Denver Umtted a 4:14 pm
Chicago Special a 7:25 am
Chicago Expreas a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flysr a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a 9:16 am
St. Louis Express a 4:40 pm
Kansas City ft St. Joe..al0:45 pm
Kansas City ft at. Joe. a 9:15 am
Kansas City ft St. Joe.. a 4:40 pm
a 3:46 pm
a 8:45 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:08 am
a 6:10 pm
al2:ll pm
a 6:10 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7:50 pm
bl0:20 am
b 1 :06 pm
c 1:40 pm
a 7:05 am
all:4R pm
a 8:55 pm
a 8:30 am
all:30 am
all .30 am
a 6:30 am
a 6:10 pm
Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis ft
Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger... b 2:00 pm bll .65 am
Sioux City local c 8:46 am c 6:20 pm
Emerson Local b 6:56 pm b 9:10 am
Mlaeonrl Pacific
Auburn Local '. b 8:66 pm bll:26 am
Naw York to Parts In 6 Daya
Safety, Speed, Comfort
via Havra I Paris, tha City Beautiful,
Fast Trains to All Continental Points.
Compagnie Generate
- Gigsotlc twin screw siprsss steamers sad
every Thursday, 10 A. M. Tbey are modern won
ders, with all convsnlences and luxuries of most
palatial hotels, on even grander scale. Passen
ger elevators, roof cafes, orchestras, famous
culslns, grmnssiutn, dally newspaper, elegant
suites, provide greatest comfort. Nsvslomcers,
msa-o'-wsr discipline, wireless telegraphy, sub
marine bell signal system afford every provisloa
lor absolute safety.
Ls PraTescs ... April UiL Larrslns Maf
Ls SitoI April ia L Pratuct sUy II
La Touritns April W.Ls Ssvols Mr 20
ist Owe ! Casta arvU (tl clu
4 0 te SSS . , slieraM SAlucdajrt, s Urf l-ia
re w as4 e urcM tteanan.
Vor-BarMvs aendM (aas claw csMal
I, 4 aa SCO.
H. K. Mooras
L Kaaaa
W. g. Bock
. 101 rarnaia afreet.
. lat National Bank
1624 Varna m gtrMC
ubs txaj. room bays at a a a.
Weekly SalUng Bstweea atoatreal. Que bee
aa4 Liverpool,
Two days on the beautiful Bt. Lawrence
river and the shortest ocean rout to Su-
rohtng batter on th Atlantic than our
r.tnnta,M-i? Wlrelnaa on all itnm,,.
First elaaa, Ml aeooad, Boo, SM
v. , slam
enein, eo.
Ask your t'ckst agent, or writ for sail,
lugs, rates and booklet.
O. B. BMJAJelaT. . A
Russian Amerloan Line
TO mOTTBBDAlf, g ft"
a. rrjin 1ST class, IM a ipu4i
wo auH tD CIASS. 17 M
Naw Twin S-rrw lS.Sn Tan S III SUA. sailing
trum Nm York April u. J una I ana July 17.
Wlralsaa Talasraa.
A. a. JOU.NSOM a CO., r Brasses. M. T.
Paring Will Begin, Following- De
cision by Judge Beddick.
Hamane Death DeeldeS r
Aatlaeritle - Man frees file lis
Decoyed Acres River tor
In the session of the rlty council
Monday, occupied largely with monthly
report and routine, the most Important
Interest attached to the reading of a
decision by Judge Reddick In the caae
of Theodora Te Toel against the City of
South Omaha In which the Judg declined
to Issue an Injunction to prevent th
paving of Q street from Twentieth to
Twenty- fourth. . H denied th validity
of the objection of T Poel on all points,
and gave a lengthy explanation of hi
reasons for th same. This leaves th
city free to proceed. Acting on this pro-
mission, tha bond ordinance which ha
been hung up for many month was
passed last night and the mayor an
nounced that he would sign tne contract
with the National Construction company
today. Th contractor on thlr part agree
to begin th paving at one. Thl t
ties another long fought controversy be
gun during the Hoctor reign.
The ordinance to prevent th public
ervlce corporation from locating meter
boxes, stop boxes, water plugs or other
adjuncts to their various systems, In
sidewalk was recommended for paa
sage. The ordinance to compel the Rock
Island railroad to locate a watchman
on It crossings at Twenty-fifth and U
streets was also recommended.
Drowning; Fate of Dogs.
J. J. Breen presented the city eounell
with a new poundmaster's ordinance.
This repeals all th other ordinances and
contains thirty-four sections concern
ing chiefly the management of the city
dog. Dogs will be tsxed 12 and female
86. The pound master will be paid by
fee amounting to 81 for each dog killed
and 11 for each redemption from pound,
to be paid by owner. Dog must be ex
ecuted by drowning In the presence of
the chief of police on certsln stated dsy
during the season. Tsgs for dog must be
secured before April 18. The new or
dinance Is counted pretty rough on th
dog tribe, and probably will not b greatly
relished by the chief of police.
The routine of the session consisted
largely of reports of the appointed officer
of the city. The city treasurer reported
collections to the amount of 817.409.48 and
disbursements 827,836.87. Thl leaves a net
balance April 1 of $383,006.22 In the treaaury.
Tha building inspector reported thirty
permits In March with a combined value
of 843.276.
Th grade of Twenty-first street and J
street was changed. Ordinance war In
troduced to change the grade of G afreet,
also Twenty-sixth. Ordinance wer
ordered to change the grade of F street and
Forty-fourth. In each case the Inter
section of the streets named I the center
of the proposed change, extending a block
or two In each direction.
The residents of Fortieth street petitioned
for an extension of the water main to that
llannon & Craig were ordered to proceed
at once with the N street Gulch, sewer
under the Intersection of Twentieth and N
J. L. Duff. J. H. Kopists, B. R. Letgh
wero appointed appraisers to adjust the
damage by reason of the change of grad
of G street.
Election of Principal.
The Important matter before the session
of the Board of Education Monday wa
the election of a new principal to fill thu
vacancy made by the resignation of Miss
Ruth Turner, who waa recently married
to Thomas Medland of Redlands, Cal. Mli
Emma I. Hermon will have the Hawthorn
school. Miss Mary R. Grelat will have th
Madison school and Miss Pauline Winters,
a grade teacher of eleven year' experience
In the city, was the newly elected prin
cipal, who begins at Washington school
She Is a graduate of th Wesleyan unlver-
ctty. Miss Hermon has been In th city
schools for twelve year.
Miss May Byerly resigned her position as
grade teacher to become the bride of Frank
Dempke, which wedding is announced to
take place April 14.
The contract was approved for the private
branch exchange for the city schools last
evening. The principal reason for Install
lng the exchange had not been emphasised,
but It I for the purpose of cutting off the
thousand and one dally calls to the various
schools by parents and other who want
to speak to their children on unimportant
matters. It is a fact that the principal
business of the several principals of th
schools ha been, during th present year,
to answer telephone calls. This I not at
all to their liking, but necessary on account
of th thoughtlessness of parent and
others. When the new exchange Is esttb
llshed the patron will have to call tho
superintendent's office and state the nature
of the call before getting connection 'with
the school wanted. Only calls of vital Im
port an ce will be allowed to pass the oenaor.
The board did not think It advisable to
put In the new system before the opening
of the school at the fall term.
Cora E. Cllne, Eunice Noe, Josephine
Tynon. Ethel M. Breen and Miss Margaret
jncBweeiiey were appoiniea to the un
assigned list of teachers.
Decoyed Across River.
Captain J. C. Trouton arrested Pat Le-
velle yesterday afternoon to be held for
the authorities of Oreeley, Neb. He Is
wanted there on the charge of wife de
sertion. He hss been making his home
in Council Bluffs .for nearly two year
and was decoyed across the river so that
me eximumun inigni De avoiaea. He wa
very Indignant at tha arrest and said there
would be another Irishman to deal with as
soon as he got out of Jail.
Trouton is much put out to learn that
two men he recently arrested In another
case were wanted In Utah for desertion
from tne regular army and that a standing
reward of $oO each wa within his reach
The men were released from lack of evl
denee nearly a week ago. Yesterday th
army bulletin arrived with the proper de
scription to have held the men. They
were suspected as deserters at the time,
but no report or tne case waa out. Th
men wer John Korst and Peter Korbett,
alias Frank Manning. They left for Kan
sas City at once on being released.
One of the largest St. Louis Drapery
houses will show their complete line In our
store, April $ and I.
This will give th ladle of South Omaha
a rare opportunity to select draperies of
11 kind at actual wholesale price. Only
a very small per cent will be added by u
to cover freight and dllvry. W would
be pleased to have you call at our store
and look over thl stock.
V. M. C. A. Nat.
A very interesting men's meeting waa
held at th Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon
whan Dr. John Baptist addred th men.
His subject waa "The American Flag and
Ita Power With Christ" He spoks of his
life in bondage ta contrast to hi experi
ence under the American flag. Th audi
ence waa enthusiastic and declared him
most Interesting speaker. Mr. Smith's
role wa In good form and his singing
waa well received.
The bath rooms of the association have
been put Into good shape, having been
brightened by light oalnt and the window
apac Increased. All th shower heads
have been repaired and the water heating
system Improved. Th locker and bath
room present a more attractive appear
aoc. Tha co-operation and volunteer
service of H. L. Ctaomb and Ralph
Gramlloh. th decorators, ar greatly ap
The last number of th lecture course
will be given at the high school hall April
18. Th) will be th magician. Single ad
mission tickets will b on sale within a
few daya.
Haste City Goasln.
Call Glynn Transfer for moving Tel. 34.
Great line of golf and outing shoes Just
received. CYessey.
William Rsewlrkl I expeoted home from
Eiirepo about April 9 or 10.
No Question about It. Our Un of men'
hoes and oxfords, from $180 to $4.00 pair,
ar the greatest values shown, Creaeey.
Th new nest of" South Omaha Owls
Initiated officers last evening at Eagle
300 yards of dirt for the tiaullng. 1108 N.
th. J. D. Courtney. 'Phone 1094.
Mrs. C. M. Rich will entertain the
lAdles' Aid society of th Preetyttian
church Wednesday afternoon.
New onea Just received, two beautiful
two-button pump oxfords for ladles In
wine and patent, fine fitters. Oressey.
Charlee Flnnlgsn of Chicago Is the guest
of P. C. Csldwell. He la en rout to west
ern Nebraska to look at land.
Free, a paint brush with every gallon of
permanent house paint, guaranteed for five
years, at Kout sky's Paint and Wall Paper
A. Osterlink, 4nr Q street reports the
birth of a dsughter. A daughter was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Culek, Seventeenth and
N street.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered lo any
par: of th city. Telephone No. 8.
It la reported thst Msx Foote Is appointed
local manager of tha South Omaha Tele
phone exchange for the Nebraska Tele
phone company.
Extra special, men's 60c suspenders, 25c;
extraordinary values In men's suits at $10.on
and 81800, that will cost you at least $5
more elsewhere. Store open Wednesday
evening until II o'clock. Nebraska Shoe and
Clothing House, corner 86th and N Bts.,
South Omaha.
Kato Hunt wa arrested on a complaint
worn out before Judge Levy's court charg
ing him with a statutory offense against
a 16-year-old girl.
Those boy want the nsw strles like dsd.
See the many new ones In our big spring
line. Tans, ox blood and patents. Cressey.
The rumor was out vesterday that J. J.
Ryan of South Omahs would succeed W. C.
Lambert as democratic member of th
Board of Fir and Police commissioners.
Ist Saturdav our store was crowded
from early morn until late at night. The
public Is bound to go where they cn get
the . best. We hsve never shown ettch
variety of styles In all kinds of footwear.
Cressey, the Shoeman.
Bingham to Be
City Chairman
of Republicans
All Candidates Agree on Him When
Mr. Breen Freients His
W. W. Bingham will be chairman of
the republican city committee in the
spring campaign.
Thla name was presented by Jno. Paul
Breen, republican candidate for mayor, to
the other party nominees at a meeting In
the Central Republican club rooms Mon
day afternoon and the selection met with
the entire approval of all. At a previous
meeting of th nominees Mr. Breen was
given tha power to appoint the chairman
and also th member of the executive
committee, all appointment, however, tot
be subject to the approval of a majority
of the candidates.
Mr. Breen also presented the names of
seven men to compose the executive com
mittee and all were acoepted. These men
are M. I Learned, E. F. Bralley, Victor
Rosewater. A. W. Johnson, V. Buresh,
H. F. Shurlg, Thomas McVlttee, Thomas
W. Blackburn end Cadet Taylor.
An organisation committee composed of
one member from each ward and three at
large was agreed upon, the following party
men being chosen: First ward, Robert
Paxton; Second ward, . David Shanahsn;
Third ward. Ai C. Taylor; Fourth ward.
Martin Sugsrman; Fifth ward. Frank EL
Stone; Sixth wsrd. Willis Crosby; Seventh
ward. Fred ,8chamel; Eighth ward, W. F.
Wapolch; Ninth ward, Harry B. Byrne;
Tenth ward, Edward Strelts; Eleventh
ward, John Lewis; Twelfth ward, Burt
Miner; at large. Dsnlel Whitney, H. J.
Pinkett and Samuel Mancuso.
The candldstes for the council will ap
point the members of tits advisory commit
tee, on from each ward, but the appoint
ment and ratification of these was post
poned until this afternoon.
Nothing has been done toward the formu
lation of a platform.
Over 800 messsllne snd silk foulard dresses
made to sell at $20. $22.60 and 126. on sale
Wednesdsy at $12.60. See page 8 for our
advertisement. ORKIN BROS..
1610 Douglas Bt.
Annonnrements of the Theaters.
The engagement of the company present
ing "The Trsltor" at the Boyd theater
closes on this ever lng, s mfttfnee being
plsycd this sfternoon. This melodrama has
been attracting much Attention because of
its dealing with conditions In the south
dutlng the later days rf the reconstruction
period, sfter the Ku-Klux Klan had been
disbanded. - The members of the company
are Individually atrong. and are presenting
vividly some conception of ths struggles of
the whites sgalnst the blacks In the south
dutlng Its darkest days.
A. G. Field's great minstrel oranintlnn
ls coming to the Boyd theater en Sunday.
This company Is the oldest of Its kind In
existence snd Mr. Field has kept It up to
Its original standard of excellence. It has
sixty members this set, sen. Including some
of the most noted comedians, sweetest
singers and nimblest dancers in minstrelsy.
Uly Lena Is delighting all at the Orpheu n
this week- Graciously simple, simply
grscious, sne presents a picture or rare
charm. In marked contrast to the
grotesque fooling of Vesta Victoria, the
work, or rather art of Miss Iena is
stamped with refinement and everything
she does Is marked with that dainty touch
which denotes the true artist. . It Is not
for nothing that Ashton Steven, the wrll
known New York critic, referring to her
first appearance, aald: "She Is magnetic
as a battery. British without being
brutal." The rest of the Oipheum bill Is
In every way quite the equal of the splen
did onss which are the rule of the house
and those who fall to attend this week will
deprive themselves of a rare pleasure.
Anrtlea. astilss, Anclloa.
one billiard and one pool table and lot
or cnairs, an in gooa repair, will be sold
at auction Wednesdsy. April T, at $ p. rq.
at 107 South Fourteenth street, upstair.
How we
serve you
Each garment we make bring
into play every known device of
modern tailoring art. Our expert
cutter studies you and plans the
clothes which will make. you ap
pear at your best.
Careful skilled handUilorlnK,
and tested trimming make thla
style part of the very fabric.
Tho shape simply must last un
til the cloth wears out.
-You ran sea here the re wont
colorings In a multitude of nov
elty effert--all of them cor
rect and bound to ulre wear.
Halt $25 to $50.
Let us
serve you
1515 TnvutuSt.OmjaxA
Warehouses Are Proposed by Growers
in Western Nebraska.
Crop Is Increasing Each, Year la
the State and Farmer Waat '
to Send the Price Up
a Well. -
Potato warehouses will' be erected In
Omaha if the demand of western farmer
continue. They ar In communication with
th Commercial club and ay th growers
In western Nebraska ar not securing what
they should for potatoes because they can
not store them In houses where they will
be safe from freexlng or spoiling.
Charles E. Bangs of Gordon write to
tha Commercial club that he baa mads- an
Investigation of the subject and finds there
Is a demand among th grower for a
special warehouse In Omaha which may be
used for potato storage.
Ths slse of the warehouse aald to 1 be
needed will hold 1,000 carload of spuds.
Most of the potatoes grown In western
Nebraska are aold either on or through
the Omaha market The grower want
some arrangement aa has been made on
storing wool In Omaha. They wsnt to
ship them here, store them, then tend '
them on If the demand la pot good In the
Omahd market.
Local demand In the western part - of
Nebraska is nominal. Each, year as mora
land is brought under the Irrigation ditches
the crop Increases. Thsre will be mora
potstoe In western Nebraska In a tew
year than ' several state ' can Oonaum.
ay the growers. Thl means lower prices."
They ar looking to Omaha for relief, sj
the price will surely be lower If produo-
tion increases at tne present rat.
Some of the counties . which were for
merly considered arid are producing tha
most potatoes. Hers are som of th yield
and th average per acre:
peratre, lr
County. bushel. oron.
Boone ,....,104 . 118.000
Box Butte g 442.000
Brown 100 108.000
Cheyenne J04 171,W0
Grant ISO 18.tf0
Greeley 106 88.000
Knox .....' 116 162.000
Keya Paha 160 78.00U
McPherson 150
Scott's Bluff 10 488.000
Sherman 1U 101.000
Mra. Herbert Gates Cabinet Member
National Society Daagh
ters 1813.
Mrs. Herbert Ellsworth Gate, president
of th Nebraska Stat society of United
States Daughter of ' VOX has been ap
pointed an officer of th national cabinet.
Mr. Gates Is the nsw secretary ef referees
to solve any and all of th knotty, pusrl-
Ing historical questions, which tha national
society cannot solve for itself. These ar
referred to Mr. Gate rwho answer Is
final. ' .
The executive, ' and ' Judicial
work I In th bands of th executive
board, but that board la at liberty to confer
with tha chairman of referees it It so
Foley' Honey and Tar I a safeguard
against serious results from spring cold,
which Inflame th lungs and develop Into
pneumonia. Avoid counterfeita by Insisting
upon having the genuine Foley's Honay
and Tar, which contain no harmful drug.
Sold by all druggists. .
Toothache Gum
Tbs en! rssnety thai stops tneUaehs
Tbn)y toothaek gam ths elaees
tbs cavity atf prsvsats dsoar.
Inttatloss do sot go tbs work. See laat
Ton Baal's Taaabaaka anas. Al ail
arasiists, u osuis, o by ssaU.
Dent's Corn Gam JElE1
C. I. DENT S CO.. DtrH. Mica.
rnnTi FOlt wa and nsrvous men
IUUU IWR who find their power te
NFR VFS "rk nd youthful vigor
-.V . gon, a, , ru4t of ever,
work or mental exertion should take
msksyou sal and sleep and b a nsaa
again. -
SI Box a boss 93.64 by malL .
smsamAN a htcooim axo, basa Co.
Cor. 10th sod DoAf Streets.
Cor. 10th as A Mara Sta. Oaaahsv Fsh,
When yon nay Gala Mnl Flenr
he sere It Is Waiaksrs-rrsskr'i Qelsl
Medal Floar. ThU Is I aspartame