THE E: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1909. Want - ads Adsrrtlaeaaewt far taw vvaat ad rolimi will be Itkra aattl 11 ta ftml( edltlea aad aatll 9 aa. for th mariUt aad tir (ash wraaMir all ardera far aat ada aad aa ads-ertlaeaaeal will he accepted far lee taaa 10 eeata far first laeertloa. Ritn apply eltaer The Dally ar Sanda? Bee. Camalaatloa of lalllala or aaaafcera eaaoc a ward. A I war catat alx warda la llac. CAH R4TR9 FOR WAST ADS. REblLJlR CLAMFTCATIOW Oae laarrtlaa, afr llac, 1 eeata. Twa ar more eeaaecattve taeertlaae, aer liar. rrata. Kara, laarrllaa add day, JO rrata aer llari ft.BO per per naata, eireattaaj that riRMIHED ROOM AO, nkra accompanied r caea, the rata will act Ob laaertlea, 4 eeata per line three or six eoaaeeatlr laeer tlaaa, II rent, per llae eaeh laaertlaai Mtfi or aaore eeaaecatlre laarrtlaaa, Z rente per Una each laaertloai BO eeata prr llaa per aaaata. Kail ada for The Be atop he left at any of the followla dra eteree one la oar "corner draa-l"- they are all braara o 111 era for Tha Bee and yoar ad will be laaerted Jaat a promptly and oa the easne rate aa at the mala nice la Th Be Balldla, Seventeenth aad Faraasu atreetei 1lah. XV. C. tti and Farnam. Beinek 8. A., Ut 8. 16th Bt. Becht Pharmacy. 720 S. 16th Bt. Beneon Pharmacy. Benton. BfrfilB Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 2825 ShermsnAv. Conghltn. C. H.. 6th and Vitrcm Bts. Clifton HIU Pharmacy, 2318 Military Ave. Cent. J. 11 . Slat Ave. and P""""""..1 t'ritsey Pharmacy. Mth n4 UM Bla. Cerma, Emil. 1U04-6 B. ISth St. Bhlere. P. II.. 2X03 Lvn worth. Foster Arnoldl. 218 N. 26th Bt. FriyUH, John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co.. F1 rence.Neb. Ooodmnn Pharmacy, 20th and Laa Oreenough, O. A.. 124 B 10th Ft. Uretnough. O. A.. 1xl4 l"th St. Hayden. William C. 29:0 Frnrn . Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 6. -9th Bt. Heist. John. 624 N. 16th Bt. Huff. A. L. 2924 Leavenworth i Ft King. R. 9., 23S Fa rn am 8t Kountee Place Pharmacy. 2601 V 24th St. lthrop. Charles E., L'4 N. I4Lh bU Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. -4th Bt. Peyton. L. E.. 24th v"r. f. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th St. and Am i Ave. fechaefer' Cut Prica Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago Bta. Bcharfer. August, 2031 N. lth St. iehmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming SU. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grac 8t Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton SI. DEATH A D FUSiERAI. KOtlCEi. laaTaTaBpBamaaaaaaai JACOBS J. W., at Council Bluffa, la., Funera'i service Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. from residence, SOS 7th Ave. LODGE NOTICES. 'Faneral otlce. The members of Capitol lodge No. 3. An cent l roe and Accepted Masons, art re iu.Bted to meet at Maaonic hall on Inura ,,y, April , at 2:30 p. m., to attend the lurai of our late brother, Henry Brown Members of sister lodges and "J""1" Aiaatcr Masons are cordially invited. By ""JOSKPH B. FRADENBLRQ. Master. JUiN W AM FORD, Secretary. - IAHU OF THASKIi V wlah to thank our friends and neigh bcie lor tin- Kindness and sympathy ex lauded us uurlng th Illness and loss of our dear tuoitier and wite; also tor tli in.ttfy Otfautuui noral offerings. John HOlin and lamiiy. H1HTHM A.D DEATHS. B;rth-F. C. KfcMi. 22U'J Noith'Nmoteenth treat, boy; Horry laylor,, ."MS narncy street, girl; lvi Jontj. J02 Burdetie ancct, Kim 'Walter Cooper, 2677 Ilerce street, tn; Michael Maislcek, liSJ South Thli uentii street, boy ; Paul Mihellch, al South beventn alreet. boy; Harry IJgnt ner. 616 Houth Thirteenth, atreet, girl; Jo Bciin T. Melious. aJlu Nicholas street, boy; Charles Mares, S10 Woolwortu avenue, girl; Oeoige Hart, bl North Forty-first street. bueath-Oieon E. Blackwood, Fortieth street and I'oppleton avenue, 40; Joaeph Pa'xvierka. Fortieth street and Popplatun avenue, 68; Abraham Goldberg, 21 douth Twelfth atrcet, 64; Baby Marsh, 467 Daven port street, 1; Carl J. ie:aman. 3.06 North Twenty-fourth, street. ; Draper Smith, Kii Park avenue, 67; Isaac N. Walaon, SO. .Sorth Fifteenth atreel, 44. MARH1AUK LICENSES. The following permlta to wed have been issued: '. Auma and Residence. . Age. Haml.n L. Whitney, Omaha . 41 jaarllm fc. Shunuon Jones, Waterloo 34 Fred Harlmau. Winona, Minn 22 nui Duggctt, Ord " viunf South Omaha fe) Gillian Allen, South Omaha 17 ANNOUNCEMENTS We liav an exceptional alsplay of guod things In our lio and Douglas window ml . jba box stationery fur 30c. mh box atatloiiery lor sfce.. bOo box stationery for Hoc. -,6u box tattoneiy for 6oc. See the display of real live Easier chick ens in our Uth St. window. Never shown In Omaha before and you should se to appreciate HALDUFK'o SPECIAL Apricot Marahmallowa for )c ier Soniethlng new and very fine. See our fancy toilet waters and per- ' "Suiter Dyes FLECK'S new combination ,.. riri for be : alao the new Easier Egg Dye, called RAINBOW finest on the ScHAkiFBR-S CUT PRICE DRUG BTORE3 rour xa pii. (1;-M3& 13 Ml'LTlGRAPH DUPLICATING CO., 7$ Biandeia ciia., " w ,jt"iiu letters in multiple quantities. Tel. D. 4KU. (D-M02B A2i BIGN PA1NT1NG-K. H. Cole, 1303 Douglaa U) 647 ru iui Safe and Iron Worka make a aueclalty of fire eacapea. abuttera. doora and aaf- O. Andrnen, Prop.. 103 B. lut.X (1-M DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (D-649 Si III TAFFB PRINTING CO. am .. 4"a BUSINESS CARD8. QQ BOSTON STORE BLDG. (D M610 All MONEY s TO LOAN LOW RATE, In auma to sun. xio Bee Bldg. 'Phona Iiuue. "tktL VNION LOAN COMPANT. (D-663 I R. STEVENSON CO.. gravel and composition roofing. R, 138 Paxton Blk., lilh and Farnam. Omaha. Tels.: Doug Is STJs; In. A-1793. Rea.. Web. 3M. " tP-M74 A30 THB R-' Cna. W. Bavldg has married 1 167 couple and Is praying to marry I.ouo If you want him to marry you Tel. Web 1444 ov B-14J0. l-4 Alls SHOES repair right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1MH Farnam SU Tal. Douglas 7U). OMAHA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. We are practical. Both 'phona. J. Moriisacy. manager, 2S13 Sherman Ave. X-664 VIaX MORRIS, th Tailor, new location, room U-J Brow Block, after April l. (l)-l AS ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued 1 C. VTW COLLEGE. I train dor and AiXliifj t'i anlmala Tf lntrraid call rrnf. W. O. Franklin, ID Jona "t., or phone Ind. A ?2 U) -M716 AJO lilO HOWARD St., Mo. Filter, It daya' trial. 1)-T7 A7 torn NEXT 11 fha.. ahava, 10c; ahlne. he. Elaaaaer'a. acreaa from N. T. Ilf Bldg. (l)-O-7T0 A7 HOLLAND PKINT1NO CO THE prlntltHt: hv not yourd 110 So. ITth St. rmuitlaa 4J. U Si May AUTOMOBILES M'INTTRE aV Wallace. Oakland autoa. alao lightly uaed autoa 24th, nrar Furmm. (D-M2J1 All AUTOMOCILB painting and carriage repair work: dead atorage. Wm. Pfelffr Car r!ag Co., 26th A. tavnworth. R-d 822. (2)-MlS7 18 RAMBLERS-New. 4 and S-cylindare, JO per cnt diacount. Rambler Auto Co.. an4 Farnam St. 2)-66 AUTO painting. Andrew Murphy Son. (!-61T A17 DERIQHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANT, 1814 Farnam Bt. toddurd Dyton Roadster, 11.100. Reo Touring car, $460. Bulck runabout, almoat new. $800. Btevena Duryea, $360. Dragon Touring car, $1,060. Waerly Electric. $400. All th above guaranteed In good ahape. Stat agent Stoddnrd-Dayton. Ford Modol N, $160. Ford. R, $V. Open and closed car for rent, day or night Tel. Douglaa . (2-46S SMITH 4 HARRINGTON, automobile liv ery; open day and night. Bell 'phone Red 1W0; Ind. phone 1239 Red. 1327-29 West Broadway. Council Blufa. (2) M400 Mtoreycle. TWO motorcycle. Bayadorfer. 1630 Cap. At. J) M790 AJO II Spring Frame "M-rkel.1' Rldea like a Pullman, goea like the fast mail or a anail, reliable aa a horse and durable aa a wagon. U Fletcher. Agent, 1S22 Cap itol Ave. (2)-367 Mayo hV Spring Frame "Merkel." Rldea like a intllman. goea like the fart mall or a anail, reliable aa a horse and durable as n wagon. 1 Flescher. Agent. 122 Cap ilol Ave. . (2 S67 Maya, BARTER AND EXCHANGE 15 NET I what the electric light plant In Nance county Is paying. Owner will exchange his holdings of $20,000 for land. BEMIS Brandeis Bldg. (3)-M$T T NEW stock of stationery and office sup plies, Invoicing about $2,000 for cash or clear property. What have youT Both 'phones. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. w mjk DARLING DARLING. Farma &. City Property. 441 Brandels Bldg. t3) 66i TRADES and exchangee our specialty. H. R. Stringer. 636 Paxton But., umana. 13J-663 REAL ESTATE. LOANS and Insurance- List your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hllla Realty Co., 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney $766; Ind., B 1842. (8)-664 We have for exchange Houses for farms. Bldgs. for land. Farms for lots. Land for income. In fact Anything you want. Come in and see us. BEMIS Brandels Bldg. (8-M260 S REMEMBER the Nebraska Trading Co, of York. Neb. They make fair exchanges of good property. (3) M832 8x BEMIS We handle exchangee for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEIS BLDG. ($)-M470 $20 ACRES In Weld county, Colorado, $2,500; want good touring car as part pay; give price and full description in first letter. Address H 162, oar Bee. (3) MJ72 lOx FOR Immediate sale or trade by owner, two fine Benson building lots; make an offer. Address A 274, care Bee office. (3)-323 8x COTTAGE In Council Bluffs; nicely rented, for automobile; worth $2,000. Must be nearly new. Send full description to No. 16, Strehlow apartments. (3) M328 8 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of business call oi OANGESTAD, Room 408, Be Bldg. (4J-666 FOR BALE on account of alckneae. bakery and restaurant. This Is a bargain. Box 406. Central City. Neb. () M889 8x WANTED Man with $3,600 to $4,000 to take half Interest and active management of paying business, established tan years. Address C 226. care Bee. (4) M778 7x GROCERY I.OCATION. VACANT STOREROOM Natural uppl point for dense population; money-spenders. A live man, with adequate stock of groceries and family supplies can make good money. See owner 1101 No. 18th St., 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. (itMoi 10 STORE and leaae. pays $7i PER MONTH BESIDES a good living: $700 takes It and It la on one of the beat street In Omaha. If you have the money come In; tf not. don't bother. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 24 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 19W. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. 44) 811 7 FOR SALE Merchandise, grocery stock and meat market, aiaugnter house. Ice house. Seventy tons of Ice. Write us at once. 8. C. Duncan, Union Star. Mo. (4I-M334 8x PET A B8TRACT BOOK8. Did $1.3i6 In three montha. Business grow lng rapidly. Price. $2,500; big thing for right party. NOWATA LAND ar LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red Vm. Omaha, Neb. upen evenings. (41-M347 7 CAPITAL FURNI8HED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas snd railway stock and bond issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Grshsm A Co.. Selling Brokers. 43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Canada. (4-M3i" 7x FOR 8ALK The Rlverton Review, onlv newspaper In good Nebraska town. $7.V rash takes It if taken soon. H. H. Holmes. Kloomington. Netv (4t!?71 9 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St., Douglaa 647. 368 Ma$ MAMIE WRIGHT, 105 8. lth. Doug. J038. $0 Mav6 DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. 14 floor Paxton. D. 10S&. (-670 Dr. H. Osantnar, 16th and Howard. D. 206. , -761 A30 DETECTIVES Omaha Del. Agcy, 428 Paton Bik. D 1319. 663-MayU estate than any medium in DRESSMAKERS MISS MALONE, 2 Douglaa St., high-clas dressmaking, i nnni jjougias M85 A10 FIRST-CLASS drees pleating; buttons cov ered, all styles ana sizes. in ineni Pleating company, iiOO Douglas block. Both phones. (Dressm) MJ13 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1S2S Farnam. MISS Fj. F.. CRORBT. 2411 So SOth Ave, dressmaking. Dougiaa 7zi. m m Apis IN FAMILIES M lea Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4220 iz T Tf-T-T- Ladlea' tailor I r h h and workm l-'-L1-''L A teed. 207 Old Ladles' tailoring In best style anahln guaran- Old Brand-In bldg. Take elevator on 16th St. M1B6 Al FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works, 1908 Far nam. beet cleaners ana dyers. Horn phones. 474 Al$ TP",T?RVCollege of Dressmaking. 20th EjL lVl,d Farnam Sts. M275 A27 EDUCATIONAL APRIL 5, SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAT AND NIGHT. Enter then for complete Instruction In the science of bualness. bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, English. Call, write or 'phone for cata logue. H. H. Boyles, Prealdent. Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (Educ.) 671 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SPECIAL DeMars $3 female douche, the most per fect ladles' syringe, this week with "6c box of Mars' antiseptic powder only $2.25. BEATON DRUG CO., 16th and Farnam. -ill LET xis shampoo your hair every month; we use warm air to dry the hair; we use the latest method known to science In our sr&lp and face massage. F. M. Bchadell, 162 Douglas. M17J A13 M. E. NEPINSKY M PEnNB-l0Ck. M641 A20 LADIES' ippirel beautifully dry cleaned. The French Way." 19i Farnam. D. 4173. A-2126. M170 A13 MRS. H. M. ECK. 1760 Leavenworth; we make switches and pomps from combings, alao a new line of hair goods. Doug. 6024. -M561 A18 OMAHA Mirror St Art Glass Co., Mfrs of leaded art glass, beveled plate glass In 1 lead or metal sash. Mirrors of all kinds Resllvering and framing. 1207 Farnam St., M193 May 3 HAMMAND B,athn-( 107 South 14th St. Douglas 3915. open day and night Lady and gent attendant. M910 A22 llCiTl APT First class dressmaking. KJKJ X 1606 Leavenworth. A-3952. -M210 M4 CHINA decorating, realistic; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Firing dally. Leather craft, atalna. leather and deslgna. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandels Bldg., Tel Red. 648. 661 TinSPTP, Pictures and frames, China iivox J- painting Materiala, Pyrography and wood to burn, Victor Talking Machines and Records, Reglna Music. Boxes and Mu sical Goods. 1623 Douglas. M640 A 20 EFFA ELLIS Illustrated music courses. Inquire about SPECIAL day or evening classes for women, personal or mail In struction. 201-4-6 Old Brandels Bldg. 462 A16 SWITCHES, puffs and pompadours made from comhinga. Puns, ido. mms iDdna Brandt. 2124 Eherman Ave. Tel. Web ster 1363. M332 A13 MM El FRYER'S Adellght specialities, sell ing Marietta Stanley Co.'s goods, for sale at Megeath Stationery, 1421 Farnam. Office, 18th and Farnam, flat 6. Doug. S7G7. M16S A13 WEILANDER & SMITH, ladies' exclusive furnishings. 317 S. 16th St. -M270 A13 WE BUT gold and sliver for our busy shop. T. L. Combs & Co., 1630 Douglas. M967 A23 HAIR GOODS. SWITCHES. $1.60 PUFFS 16c each. From combings Mrs. 8. Matthews. R-332 Neville Blk.. cor 16th and Harney. Formerly 2126 Sherman Av. Tel. Douglas 62t3. MS3-May 1 IF YOUR watch doesn't run try Edholm'a repair department, 16th and Harney. -M171 A26 CLEANING and dyeing. ".biggest and best, only one office, 1618 Jones St. THE PANTORIUM. -870 A1S WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney fits. M09A13 WE WILL BELL all of our hair goods at half price until Faster. 26-inch wavy 8-a tern awltchea. W.w. ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR. li)tt Dodg St. Second Floor 622-A17 PC8T CARD, aend 8 centa In atamps for 24 views of Omana. Movcity post card Co. Omaha. Neb. 790 A8 TRY Elite Hair Dressing Parlors. A Heatherton, 607Vt Paxton block. Red-4423. -M271 A 13 HAIRDRESSING. massage, etc. If clean, sanitary methods appeal to you try Mrs. Waterbury, 820 Neville Blk., Douglas 6347. M124 A24 WHEN LOOKING FOR SPRING MILLINERY DON'T FORGET RILEY SISTERS 317 SOUTH 16TH BT. -M599 A19 NOVELTY SHOP TlZ'aT Waists, Fancy Undergarments and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. M&JS Alt BOYS' halrcuttlng a specialty. Bee barber shop, Bee Bldg. M167A13 FOR YOUR SPRING HAT come to F. M. Bchadell. 1622 Douglas. M171 A13 THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR Is a necessity In every home. Write for free book. H K. Hartman, 619 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3472. (365) Alt CARPETS, rugs, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., room 3x), Douglas blk. Both 'phones. MISS A13 THE steps save you 40 per cent. Penne!.! Millinery Co.. 1611 Douglaa. Mi3 A13 O'CONNOR A EMBLEM are ahowlng hand some spring millinery In their new room, $0-21 Continental. Blk., 16th St. entrance. . -678 A18 ART NOVELTY 8HOP China and water colore. 660 Ramge Bldg. 40 A33 LEARN hairdreaslng course, $16. Apply H. J. McCarthy, Brandele Stores. 21J A26 STUTSMAN, at THE BA8SETT STUDIO. 616 8. 16th Bt.. Is the man to make your PHOTOS. Prices right. MlaS A2t) MOVED TO NEW LOCATION. GRAND UNION TEA COMPANY. 600 BLOCK OPPOSITE ROME HOTEL 86-Mal First claaa dreaamaklng and ladies' tailor ing. J. Citron. ISltt N. 24ih Bt. M-191 10 WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention the fact that you aaw th kd la Tc Ue- want-ads sell FINANCIAL, FURNITURE LOANS OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. Doug. 2295. 672 FOR GARDEN AND LAWN FOR QUALITY, quantity, grade, variety and spertnl prices see us first. Benson Omaha Nurserv. Halcyon Ave. and Rlgg St., Benson. Bell 'phone, Benson M4. Md88 May4 CHOICE CURRANT Smith, 8108 Corby St PLANTS B. C. Tel. Webster 2465. (16)-S06 A31X A. HOOGE. FLORIST, 3613 S. !th Av , 'Phone Douglas 4866. Prices right. M96 MJ FOR EVERGREENS and trees that live. See Charles Allen. 34th and Farnam Sts. M339 May 6 SHADE, ornamental trees, small fruits, shrubs. F. P. Martin, 18th and Douglas. Tel. Douglaa 1068. 364 Mayo ORNAMENTAL fruit trees, shrubs and roses. Haiel Dell Nursery, 24 East Plnk nev. Webster 4976. 363 May FLORISTS PPlVni'lC CUT FLOWER. DEPT. UltAiS LTjIO SOUTH SIDE NEW Store. Thousands of EASTER LILIES and other blooming plants to bo sold at the very lowest prices this week. Do not miss thlsgreat bargain. (Flor)-M356 Ap9 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. -673 Iirj UrjLFJi O ..,. Dally from our own hothouses. Douglas 1263, 1519 Far nam St. (Flor) M884 A9 NOW Is the time for planting peonies, ciementles, hydrangea, lilacs, snowDaus, etc. riiORAL DESIGNS We ship every day in tne year to the best or sattsraction; they are made rlerht and Dacked right. CUT FLOWERS are how good and plenti ful at moderate prices. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1501. 865 CHAS. EDERER. 30th and Bristol Bta., anrunrjery. hardy plants, fern Basnets, bedding plants and designs, tresh cut flowers dally. Tel. 1796. (Flor) MS82 A9 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Agents aad Salesladies. ARE TOU satisfied with your' position? Our representatives' work Is high class, healthful, easily learned, with earnings $3 to $10 a day. Positions for all the re liable ladies we can get. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney 8t., Omaha. (7)-M822 8 Clerical and Office. Stenographer, $90. Stenographer, Smith Premier, $40. Bookkeeper and clerk. $46. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Established 7 years. (71-357 6 Housekeepers aad Domestic. WANTED Competent nurae girl. Av. 5 Park (Jl-SOi GIRL to do cooking and laundry work. Mrs. F. A. Nash, 120 8. 33d Bt. (7) M308 7 EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen eral housework. Call 1617 Spencer St. (7) M969 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small - family, good wages. Tel. Harney 24S0. (7)-M896 WANTED Competent cook and second girl; best wages to right parties. Apply 224 Howard St. (7) M719 GIRL for general housework. 1326 S. 30th Ave. H 1-907 A first-class girl for general housework. Good wages. Mrs. Ed. B. Williams, 622 80. 29th St. - (7)-M220 WANTED At once, experienced cook. 3614 Jackson Bt. 17) 315 WANTED Cook. Doug. 720. 2418 Capitol Ave. Tel. (7)-314 7 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. A. L. Doorly. 2819 Wool worth Ave. 'Phone Harney 1297. (7)-313 7 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; small family, highest wages. Call 123 80. 32d Are. (7) M332 7x HOTEL housekeeper. 2 hotel chockers, pastrv cooks. $36 and $60; 4 cooks (west), $10 to $; 3 Institution cooks. $30 to $60; 14 chamber maids, $15 to $30; 7 kitchen girls, $15 to $35; 8 cleaners, $10 and $35; 4 house keepers for farms. $16 to $26; 6 laun dresses, $25 and $30; 4 colored women cooks, restaurant cashier, 4 silver and pantry girls. Martin & Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. (7) 361 6x WANTED Cook. 3116 Dewey Av. (7)-353 GIRL for general housework. 8409 Call- fornla. 'Phone Harney lioo. (") 362 8x Miscellaneous. ERRAND girl and sewing girls. 217 8. 20th. Room 21. (7) M346 8x WANTED Woman or girl to help care for children. 3335 Woolworth Ave. Tel Har ney 3192. (7) 354 HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicitor aad Salessnea. SIDE LINE Best; .no samples; plenty money. Giv permanent addreaa. Box 663, Omaha. (9) 574 WANTED General hardware traveling salesman. State salary and experience, (live references. Address Y 331. care of Omaha Bee. (9)-834 7x $11 THOUSAND for distributing circulars and santpiea. oenu ior sample ana con tract. W. A. Loring Mfg. Co.. 01K23 Ash St., Spokane, Wash. i9 675 COMPETENT SALESMAN WANTED FOR ESTABLISH FD LINE OK LEATHER ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. We need a salesman to represent ua in tbia mate who is thoroughly competent to handle a popular and well-established line of leather advertising roveltlos. These goods are well known, and as "buel nesa getters" their merit is appreciated by merchant, manufacturer, etc., al most everywhere. The opportunity offered Is unusually favor able to an energetic man with ability to make good as a salesman. Additional particulars will be furnished upon request. EM1L WE1SSHROD & SONS. INC.. Greenfield, Masa. 'it MJS1 7x WANTED Men who have been auccessful selling rlgara, groceries or soma spe cialty, wanting to make a change. Can Show )(iu proposiima iw 10 uw per month. -.All correspondence treated strictly confidential. 0-2. care Bee. (9)-4 WANTED Eastern manufacturing concern wants two reliable representatives, one each Nebraska and Iowa. Men preferred who have been auccesuful handling im plements, groceries or cigar line. An swering, give full particulars. P-271, car Bee. 19) 4S8 NEW FIELD 201) per cent profit; exciting busineas: sell at every home. Mr. Bleck tier made $161 In two das; never falls below IM a day. No deposit required. Write for county territory. Fire Ap pliance Sale Co., Toledo, O (9-M4 7x 1 more real Nebraska HELP WANTED MALE Areata aad Saleamea Coattaaed. AGENTS Men and women In every town to sell the wonderful Triplex Handbag for women; by a mere twist of the wrist It becomes a purse or a music pnrtfollo; a satchel or a shopping hag; four aep arate bags for four separate purposes all In one; you enlarge the bag tn meet your needs', large profits. 8. A. Dlsmnnd & Brother, 35 West Jlst St., New York. (91-M784 Tx WANTED Traveling aa'eeman. experienced specialty man preferred; must be ca pable railing on wholesale; good salary snd expenses to right parties. Cspltol Mfg. Co., 1715 Leavenworth. (9)--MS 7x Clerical aad Office. Bookkeeper. $ Stenographer. J0. City salesman. $76. Bank clerk, $60. Call or write for complete Hat. WESTERN REF. BOND APS N , INC. "22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Established 7 years. (9) m TRAVELING salesman. $inn. Bookkeeper, young man. $. WESTERN REF. ROND AS8N. tllto.). 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Eat. 7 vearsi. ( 31 7 Boy. BOYS WANTED Just as an advertise ment, three or four Omaha boys. 8 to 14 years oin. win he sent to r n"arby boys camp this summer, entirely without cost to them. Camp opens after school close". If you would like to go. apply to Mr. Eric Nelson, 1618 Capitol Ave. (9)-M5S0 7x BOY about 16 to learn drug business, w. A. Ple.l. (9)-319 7x BOY at once. Good chance for rluht hov, Bemls Omsha Bsg Co. (9) M343 7 Factory aad Trade. WANTED To let snisU J,-b of grading In Central part of city; dirt to be mowd 8 blocks. Mail application to E. Wakcley, 803 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9j-131 THE great Union Paclflo R. R. guarantees you a telographlc position after training. Practice on railroad wire. Address for particulars H. B. Boyles, Omaha. (9)-760 FIRST CLASS barber wanted. Drinking men need not apply. Address G. W. Courtrlght. Grant, Neb. (9J-M374 7x CARPET cutter that can also lay linoleum and carpets. None but experienced men need apply. Hardy Furniture Co.. Lin coln, Neb. (91 M372 8 Mlacellaacoaa. FREE Employment Dept., Buslnesa Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 635 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-617 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Will equip and piece you in your own bop or in good position in few weeks. Don't overlook this chance. Investigate. Moler Barber College, 110 Bo. 14th St. (9)-M8S6 8x WANTED Railway mall clerks; salary. $800 to $1,400; no "layoffs;" examination In Omaha May 15: common education sufficient; candidates prepared free. Write Immediately for full particulars. Franklin institute, Rochester. N. Y. (9)-M32K Msv6x DRUG stores & Jobs, Kniest, N. Y. L. Bid. (91-M800 HAS YOUR hoy been wanting an air rifle, watch, catcher's mlt or camera? If so have him write us for 20 packs our hand some art postals to sell at 10c pack. When sold return our $2.00 and receive premium. No cost, to trv. Mid-West Specialty Co., 3a b Patterson Blk., Omaha. (9)-M395 8 WANTED Grocery buyer, one who Is capable to buy and manage. Must be thoroughly competent and have high grade department store experience. Posi tion In city of 400,000 Inhabitants, Apply Y 54, care of The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. (9 1 M370 7 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and chicles. PAINTING and repairing. A. Murphy & Son. U)-61S A17 Fine Pe: cheron Stallion I will offer for isle to the highest bidder, on Thursday, the 8th. one fine 6-year-old Perrheron stallion. Weight 1.875. lilchly recommended from the localltv ,Fiere formerly owned. Don't miss seeing this horse. E. W. ANSPACH. Horse and Mule Market. Stock Yards, South Omaha. OU-M391 7 RUBBER tiring and repairing done by Johnson A Darforth, 10th and Jones Sts. (1D-M433 Alt FOR SALE Cheap, one-station wagon, good condition; one set brass harness, single; one set light harness, single. Sta ble. 122 80. 29th St. (1D-154 FOUR good work horsea, I good alngle drivers, city broke. 3152 Ames Ave. Ol ) -709 FOR SALE CHEAP Rubber tired aurrey and silver mounted harness. Tel. H. 1uS6 after 6 p. m. OD-M3S1 8x E. W. ANSPACH. South Omaha horse market, will sell 250 horses at his regular weekly auction st the stock yards. Sojth Omaha, Thursday and Friday, April 8 and 9, Big special sale of 300 finlehed draft horses and rhunks next week, Tnursday and Friday, April 15 and 16. (ll)-356 7 FOR SALE ID-horsepower Waltham de livery wagon cheap. Nebraska Cycle (Jo., corner 15th and Harney Sts. (11)-31 8 LOST AND FOUND LOST Young water spaniel dog; all black; name Gyp; leather collar; blank" name plate; seen Saturday eve. near 19th and Lake. Notify 2821 N. 30th. Tel. Webster 4883. (12i 325 7x MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day ur night. (18) 123 BEST nerve brace for men. Gray's Nerv Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Bhsrman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (!$$;$ "GLAD you will be." Iet me know your chronic disease. I,. H. Rogera, Station M. Los Angeles. Cal. il2j M296 A3Ux MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. $)ltX$ YOIT WANT MONHY '$tt8S DON T PAY HIGH RATES MSI $$U SEE US FIRST UtU $$ We loan you any amount on $1 It furniture, pianos, etc.; or. if you It IS have steady employment, on your M $8 plain not at the cheapest ratea In $S $$ the city. Payments weekly or $S $1 monthly to ault your convenience. $4 $$ Open until 6.30 p. m. 'Phone Doug- $1 t$ laa 2036. o IS OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 14 UUi Room 601 Brown Block, $U$ IMtttt Opposite Brandels' $itt4 $Mmt 14 h bt. Entrance. $Uum$ fI4)-6a0 MONEY loaned salaried reopla and others witnout security; eaay payments. Offices In s principal cities. Tolman, Room U, New Turk Life Bldg (14) 681 I MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattels teat laeed. MONEY to loan on furniture, piano, ware house receipt, or anything of value, or on your r'aln note. If you are ateadlly employed, lowest ratea, beat term. RRL1ABLK CREDIT CO.. J07-8 Paxton Blk., 3d Tloor, lth and Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 1411, Auto. A-1411. (14)-M7M MOVING AND STORING EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., offlr 214 N. 16th Bt. Warehouae 2207-9 Hard St. (16) 5M OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa- aad Rooaaa. THE BACHELORS. fc'TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. (lb) 6 DEWEY European Hotel, ISth and Farnam. U&)-56 1818 CAPITOL AVENUE; beautiful, well furnlahed rooms, with excellent boerd; stesm heat and strictly first class; rea sonable. (15)-M80$ J Faralaaed Room. DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman; select neighborhood, near Farnam ear. 181 N. 31st Ave. (IS) 887 DESIRABLE ROOM, tit N. 19th. (15) M857 A20x ONE or two nlrely furnlahed rooms, rea sonable and walking distance. Phone Douglas 63S7. (15) M 827 tx FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of th rltr. If you are looking for room do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON CO.. RENTAL AOT9. 703 N. T. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 2204 tlo) 6i8 TWO splendid newly furnished rooms, strictly modern, everv convenience, walk ing distance. Call 2308 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglaa 6401. (15)-M307 U FRONT room, modern, private family, 2403 Harney. (15) M836 8 4-ROOMS modern except heat. Reference. 3867 Douglas St. (I51-M337 8x DESIRABLE front room In new, modern flat; all convenlencea; walking distance. 2405 Harney. (15) M 402 13 FRONT PARLOR, suitable for two gen tlemen. 2427 Dodge. 115)-M399 13 A part meats aad Flat. 6r. flat', 3d floor 1811 Farnam: suitable for physicians, artists, dressmakers, etc. $ and 8 r flats. Scargo Bldg., 616V, N. 24th, S. Omaha. Hall, 483 Ramge, Both 'Phones. (16)-264 UNEQUALED. central, modern 4 or 8-room flat. 220 No. 23d. (15)-M262 LIVE IN COMFORT. Six-room, modern, steam heated flat, thick walls, cool In summer, warm In winter. Hardwood finish, hot water, close In. Summer price $24. Reference required. BEMIS. Brandels Bldg. (16) M257 10 8-ROOM modern steam heated apartment In Dunsany, 10th and Pierce Sts. $35 and $26. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St. (15) 320 Hsasekeeplag Rooaaa. TWO excellent, furnished, modern roome for houaekeeplng. 'Phona In house. 2674 Harney St. (15) 779 FOR ' RENT Four furnished rooms for housekeeping at 4916 Capitol Ave. (15)-M106 11 x TJafaralahad Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms, desirable loca tion, modern except heat. Hanscom Park district. 3014 Mason Bt. Tel. Harney 2196. (16)-M590 TWO nice large rooms, suitable for studio; fist 1. Davldge Bldg. (15) M228 lOx TWO room and alcove. 2418 Cass Bt. (lo)-352 May5 Farnlaaed House. FURNISHED house near Har.scom Park during summer to right party. 'Phone Harney 398. (15l M336 8x Hoasea aad Cot tu gee. OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1130-24 N. lib, bffic 2600 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (15) 691 6-ROOM, modern house, except hca:, 3309 Maple St., $18. 6-room. 2d floor, 1106 No. 20th St.. $15. 10-room house, modern, except heat. $30 and water rent, 2uth and Indiana Ave. 2706 Lake, 5-rooms, modern, ex Sept heat. $15 4-room house, city water and toilet, 403 William St.. in rear. $10. CHRIS BOYER, V 22d and Cuming Sts. Tel. Doug, and B-3019. (15) 649 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, new furnace. 2011 Willis Ave., $25.00. 4 nice rooms, city water, toilet 1st floor. 1623 N. 18th St., $12.60. 4 rooma, basement, city water, toilet, big ysrd. 1523 N. ISth. $8 00. 4-room apartment. IS17 Clark St., $9.(0. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. (15) 348 HARNEY LINE. 1619 N 1 I . M. 33d, 8 rooma, 1 Equare, nearly nw-eJ. Close In, 112 8. 2th Ave., near Dodge, i room cottage $16. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO , 1001 N. Y. IJfe. Douglas or A 216!. ' (151-360 7 3- r. cottage. 3K22 Hamilton, $;o. 5-r. flat, 3S3 Hamilton $16. 4- r. flat. 2527 Charles. $15. To adult tenants. Tel. D-673. 15-M9SJ 2067 PACIFIC St., S-room. thoroughly mod ern house, c.ak finish, $40. A. G. Ellick. 62 Bee Bldg. (15) 917 FINE 12-room residence on southwest cor ner 27ih and Jackson; elegsntly furnished, si! modern; hardwood finish; rent. 160. Bemls. Krandeis Bldg. (15) :'44 6 SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heal. Inqulren914 Farnam. Tel. Doug. NS4. (15)-M305 llx 6-ROOM brick house, modern. 1'.4 Maple. (15)-M152 AJix H( iTTCP'l In all parla of the city. UUUOfjO crelgh Bona tc Co., Bee Bldg. (15)-37 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rate; moving end storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 391. (16)-59s 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 81$ 8. 2d. (16)-M153 A26x ELEGANT ten-room brick residence, 32n0 tiarney tit.: steam neat; large yard. $6j. Mada A. Hanaen, 1324 Farnam St. , (16)-M2b7 FOR RENT 6-room house, with large re rrptlcn hall and bath, all modern, 7412 Burt SL, $30. II. B. Boyles. Boylea Col lege. Both 'phones. (15) 210 FOR RENT 4 nice rooma In apartment basement, city water; toilet and gas. $8. C. M. BACHMANN. 456 Paxton Blk. (15)-260 3116 CHICAGO, rooma. modern, $30. $3 N. 40th., $ rooma, tin dern. CO. 3644 Webster, rooms, barn, RINGWALT BROS.. NW 8. loth 8t (16)-M901 6-ROOM. modern house, 833 Main St., Ben son, $18. Turkington, Bee Bldg. (U)-569 MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO., Tel D. 14U6. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. U 9i HOUSES Peter Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. 16l-iC HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16)-64 HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (16)-6J APRIL 10, tn right party, (-room, modern house, with barn. Hanscom Pla-e, $rv). Addreaa H 24, car Be. UW MJM iO OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaea aad Cottage CeatlaaeaV. FOR RENT-. room house, all modern, $. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. (16)-3 CENTRA! modem, no equal, 4 or I rooms each. with bath. 230 No. 23d. (16-M262 $ ROOM Modern; 201J Elm t.; $: Tel (I6)-M343 10 Hall aad Lodg Rooma- OSTHOFF HALL.TirNorlh Hth 0)-M9S7 A Waahington hall and lodge room. 410 8. 18th. (16) M174 A 26 Office. DESK ROOM for renMn an efflr. W.i.rf on the busv corner ol " H?t JIa ?m 2 South Omaha, c," Jt bJJ offiVV'n branch. 24th and N s'.s. "n.w"'.. ' (16)-M67? ON ACCOUNT of change. n offlc, " rangement w. will sell ,ha emintera now Installed In The Bee office S H",tn7, Heyden s office. These ,re handsomer carved and decorated oak counter. Thav. lng a marhle base 10 Inches hfg' The counters stand SH feet high and 7"! top and there la total of ahSut feet In length. These will be sold either III. urV."y Sr "r'ther. Arply Bei T Pug. Ilshlng Co., 17th and Farnam Sts li)-r74 r2S.RENT-I'' orne room In Croune Blk., on Ifith St., opposite postnfflce; 110 rer month. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge 16)-974 8TF.NOG RAPHER; not much stenographic week t0 rt " r'v, crtary; $15 per Stenographer who ran handle correnotM tLIT'.. rt ." nr'vt" aecretary-$R-$w. Two stenographers $.V) NATIONAL RFF. TNT. CO . 674 Brandels Bldg. C) 359 6 torea. FOR nENT-3-stery mjlldlng at 140 Fn--nam St.. now occupied by H J. penfold Co.. best retail location In Omaha. For particular apply Palace Clothing rc. Hth and Douglas. (1a)-MS?S ' OFFERED FOR SALE Sewing Machine. THE DOMESTIC Sewing machine, light running, never known to balk, always ready to do vour work satisfactorily. See it before buvlrig A machine, special prices this week, ernnrt. hsnd machines $5 tip, machines rented supplies and repairs for ail machines. Of fice northeast corner 1th and Capitol Ave Hotel Loyal Bldg. 'Phones: Bell Douglas 1674: Ind. A-3662. GL'STAFSON AND HENRICKSON. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS All makes, all prices, for sale, for rent; rent applied. Beth 'phones B. F. Swanson Co., 417 B. 15th Ft.. Omaha (l)-ftn Mlscellaacoa. SEND us your mall orders for drugs: freight paid In $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (!) 608 FOR SALE New and Jd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world. In cheap bar flxturea; eaay payments. Rrunswtck Balke Collender. 407 8. 10th St. O6)-601 DRUGS at cut prices; freight psld on al! $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (l)-0 THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid 60 dav' free trial. Write the Old Trualv Incu bator Co., Clay Center, Neb. U6) 640 FOR BALE Some four and five-ton stake drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 436, Sioux City, la. (16) MeW TENTS AND AWNINGS. ORDER NOW BEFORE THE RUBH BE GINS. 'PHONE US FOR ESTIMATES NO - CHARGE. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. HTH AND HARNEY 8TS. DOUGLAS 883. (19 M387 May RESURRECTION PLANTS for sala In any quantity. Prlcea on replication. Native Plant Co., Marathon, Tex. (16) M888 8x FOR SALE Caah register. 'National," with tap attachment. Addreaa A 240, Bee. (l)-M280Apr27 WE HAVE on hand a number of ln' barrel which we will ell at 6O0 each They ire fine for rain water or ashes Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co (1 61-277 FOR BALE One Am. Hoist and Derrick Co.. contractors hoisting engine. 616 Res Bldg. (ll)-06. SODA fountains, new and secondhand; monthly payment!. Derlght. 1X18 Fsrnam. (191-604 ELECTRIC PIANOS. $160. Bavsdorfer, 1620 Capitol Ave. (16)-M789 A20 USED bicycles from $6 up. 30 per renf discount on new wheels during April. 11 per cent discount on 24j horse power "Light" motorcycles during April. Re pairing a specialty. L. i'lescher. 1622 Cspltol Ave. nl)-3)fi May FOR SALE About 100 cords mixed wood. Will only sell from ten cords up. Must be called for at my fsrm. seven miles from Omaha. Inquire A. D. Brandels. (16) M 390 $ FOR 8ALR Detroit Jewel gas range, oven above, used 4 months, sanitary cot, hed. 3416 Lafayette. 'Phone Harnev 541. (16)-M389 9x RKMIN'OTON typewriter No. 6 flrat clasn. $M. People'a Ixian Co., 1S2S Farnam Bt. (! M;n OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS.. 41$ N. Y. L. Tl. D. 1664. (5)-606 Dr. Katheryn Nlckila. 608 N. T. L. Bldg (6)-4 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Farnam. Doug. MTO . ($) M9S AJ3 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, (17)-10 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investora mailed on receipt of 6c pos1. age. R. S. and A. B. Icey. rooma 29-31 Pacific Kldg., Washington, D. C. Eaiab- l i shed 1 K Ll?-61 1 PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., llamge Bldg. (is 6).' HALL'S aafea. new, ?d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) 613 ROCK WOOD'S ANTI - TUBERCULOSIS UNDERWEAR for men and women, made uf pure unadulterated wool, in bright, airy rooma, under the supcrvlali n of Dr. Pratt, $:'.60 per garment. Manu factured by George Rockwood Co.. Bennington, Vl. (18)-M579 7g PRIVATE home during confinement; liable adopted. The Onod Kamarllan San itarium, 740 Flral Ave.. Council Bluffa. la. (18)-M33 RS. EGGER3, private confinement home 1516 Martha St. Tel. Douglaa iat. (18-M560 AVX VAPOR BATHS men. If ou want to get rid of your rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and other chronic a'lments. lake the vair batha anl maasagc treatments of Dr. and Mra. R. B. Benda. We also gle face and ecelp treat ments. We get reeulte. 280-234 Paxton B,k. Tl. Douglaa 1. llii-tit A l 4, cCJ 4 ' I.' treat-nrnt and bth. V JMAbbAUfj Smlth. iJib. Iklh. 8d f loor. (i r; XI ACVVTII ' Electric vibratory. VM , JUAUiSlilJl; is,),, Hoom o$. Fojnu Floor. Old Boston Store. (13)-M9 All SYRINGES, rubber good a. by mall: cut 1,rli es. Send for free catalogue. Myrs AUvn Drug Co., Omaha- U.i-l4