Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
FT) to th homt Is read by th
women eella goods for advertisers.
For Nobrkii Fair.
Fur loan fun and colder.
For weathir rt-imit rf pes X.
Exciting Debate Over Changes in
Lumber and Hide " "'jdules
Occupies 's' ...
Tornado Kills Two
and Ruins Houses
in Illinois Towns
Shallenberper Completes Law Closing
All Saloons at Eight O'clock
in Evening.
Satisfied it Will Not Injure Business
in Any Town.
Twister Tears Buildings to Pieces
and Wrecks Store Fronts at ,
Marion and Pittsburg.
Large Majority Agai
Duty at Ten Per .
Duty is Left at $1 a Thousand After
Many Attempts to Change It.
This flnnae of I. amber Srhednle U
Dronped Hurley Injfr Conalri
r ration When the Ilonee
WASHINGTON. April .. Wrangling,
i i.rfuHiim, captious objection, pcrsonall
I'im sml language bordering on vltupcra
tlnn. marked the first day's discussion of
the I'Hj-ne tariff bill for amendment In tht
house of representatives today. With prac
tically a full attendance the members were
wrought up lo a high tension and were
prepared to fight to the lnt ditch for
those things which their constituencies
were demanding.
The entire day practically was consumed
In discussing the lumber Bind hides sched
ules. Led by Mr. Tawney (Minn.) the ad
vocates of free lumber In the house went
down to defeat by the narrow margin of
six volts, following the striking out of
the countervailing duty on lumber.
An overwhelming mitjorlty was mustered
ugi'insl an amendment by Mr. Scott (Kan.)
taking hli from the free list and fixing
a duly upon them of 10 per cent ad
The hurley schedule came In for a lively
dim inution and when (he bill was laid aside
for the day there were pending two amend
ments. on raising the rate In the Pa.yne
bill from li cents to 25 cents a bushel, and
the other fixing the rate at 10 per cent ad
The sum total of the day's wot It. with
the exception of the elimination of the
countervail ng duty on lumber, which was
a romnilttie amendment, was to leave the
bill In hhnt cally the condition In which the
co'nmlltej reported It. This grants free taw
hides and a duty of 11 per thousand on
awed lumber.
Parliamentary Tangle at Opening.
When the house opened today a, parlia
mentary snarl was at once encountered as
to whether or not amendments would be
permitted under tho rule adopted yester
day. The point was raised by Mr. Clark
or Missouri, the minority leader. A number
of members were Immediately on their feet
endeavoring to put their construction Upon
the- rule, and lo allay the Impending exclte
inent. The nhotr.ha.4 Uiru4 d fgr In
formation. Messrs. Fltxgerald of New
York, Dalscll of Pennsylvania, both on the
commute on rules, contended that Indivi
dual amendments under the rule could be
The chair ruled that other amendments
could be ofrered, but that the committee
amendment offered by Mr. Fordney had
precedence. The situation again became
clouded by the offering of a substitute
amendment by Mr. Clark, who desired to
sieak on It, but the chair ruled that Mr.
Fordney was entitled to the floor. Mr.
Fordney said lie Introduced tils amendment
with great regret, us the provision It sought
to strike out was a meritorious one.
"1 am offering tile amendment," he de
clared, "and will ole for It, but It causes
inn tn sweat blood hi iljlng so."
Clark and Tawney Offer ttnliatltntes.
Mr. Tawney of Minnesota opened up with
a substitute. Mr. I lurk, who uIho claimed
the lloor. was recognised. The Clark sub
stitute, which was then read, provided for
amending several sections by placing lum
ber on the free list
Mr. Tawney contended that two para
graphs could not be covered In one amend
ment mid offered an entire aubstitute for
the lumber schedule, modifying, but re
taining, tint duty.
The chair ruled that the Kordney amend
ment had precedence.
Ag.ilost tho protects of Mr. Tawney.
tho chair rcogiileJ Mr. De Armond of
Missouri for an amendment as a siibsli
tute to the countervailing proviso, provid
ing tor the free admission from all parts
of the western hemisphere.
Mr. Tawney received another setback
when Hie chair overruled hts point that the
De Armond amendment not In order
brcauso It transferred to the free Hat ui
item on which duty was Imposed.
An amendment by Mr. Hardy of Texas,
designed to meet the objections to the De
Armond amendment was voted down. The
veto then recurring to the De ArmonJ
amendment It was likewise lost, 131 to 17.
thirty democrats voting with the republl
The Fordney amendment waa overwhelm
ingly adopted by a viva voce vote.
Mr. Tawney at once reoffered his amend
Hunt, which he aald would lake the duty
off of all lumber Included tn paragraph 1!)
of the bill except finished lumber, the
duty en which would be materially reduced.
He would later, ha said, offer an amend
ment placing rough lumber on the free
The Tawney amendment was lost on
division, l&l to 173, party alignments being
badly broken. A vote by tellers on Ids
demand also resulted In being lost, 170 to
A motion by Mr. Clark of Missouri to
strike out alt of paragraph 197 of the hi in
her schedule was also defeat ed, LS to 157
Further amendmenta by Mr. Tawney add
ing to the tree list the lumber described
In paragraph 196 were likewise lost.
Previsions of Fordney Amendment
The amendment to the lumber schedulo
t the Payne tariff bill, which was offered
by Mr. Fordney and adopted by the house
strikes out the proviso In paragraph ID
of ihe Payne bill- The paragraph fixes the
duty on saard lumber at SI per thousand
-el and also fixes the duty on other clssses
cf lumber. Tha proviso required that the
maximum rate provided for in section J
and 4 of the b lls ahall be Imposed ucon
lumber coming from any country which
fixes an export duty on lumber shipped to
the 'idled States, or which In any other
way dlw rhntuatea against or restricts the
exportation of lumber cr other forest
products to this country.
Tha paragraph was direct-! eevlall
jj'uuUiiud oa oecvnd Pa.)
MARION, III., April l.-Tw per wins were
killed, many others were hurt and consid
erable property was damaged by a tornado
which struck this city and Ita vicinity
early today. The deaths occurred In Pitts
burg, a village six miles northeast of here,
the victims being crushed In the collapse
of their homes. Bo far as can be learned
these were the only fatalities.
The storm came from the southwest and
waa preceded and followed by heavy rains.
It was 6:30 o'clock when the "twister"
struck here and few persons were on the J
streets. In the business section, several
store buildings were partly demolished and
In the residence section many of the small
homes occupied by miners and their fami
lies were unroofed.
As the storm passed across the country
It ripped open barns and other farm
buildings and then apparently spent Us
force on Pittsburg. Flying debris wrecked
stora fronts there and uprooted trees,
crashed upon dwelling, one of which
collapsed and caused the two deaths.
The monentary loss occasioned by the
term Is estimated at $160,000.
In Marlon the Kd wards mill waa un
roofed, the ice plant damaged and the A.
F. White Business college, Marlon State
and Trust bank, Holllday grocery building
and a number of offices were partly blown
down. The African Methodist church and
hall were wrecked and the Methodist
church. South, Copeland greenhouse, A. H.
Joseph Clothing company and W. It
Buny's drug store, were badly damaged.
At Pittsburg the Methodist church was
blown down.
May Be Slayer
of Petrosini
Palermo Police Believe They Have
Man Who Killed New York
PALEIiMO, April 6. The police of tills
city believe they have In custody the real
murderer of Joseph Petrosini, the chler of
the Italian bureau of the New York police
force, who was killed in this city the night
of March 12. The man Is Carlo Constantino
and he comes from Partlnlce, a town four
teen miles from here. Antonio Passanante
of the same town, and Victor Caseloferro of
Blsacqutno are regarded as accomplices.
Constantino and Passanante returned to
Blclly from Brooklyn, February 26. The
former Immigrated to America, two years
ago. He Is an Illiterate man, but he re
turned well off and deposited $,0U in the
Bank rt Sicily. In an examination at the
hands of the, bonce' he" contradicted him
self frequently. After the murder of Pe
trosini he sent cipher cablegrams to Amer
ica, but lie refuses to explain what they
NEW YORK, April 6. Lieutenant Gloua-
ter. In charge of the Italian detective bu
reau here, said that Carlo Constantino, un
der arrest at Palermo for murdering Lieu
tenant Petrosini. kept a store In Beventy
flrst street. In February Constantino with
drew tti.OUO from a bank and departed for
Italy. Constantino had been under sur
veillance as a Black Hand suspect.
Auto Driver Held
for Manslaughter
Lawton WycoS of Sioux City Arrested
Following Death of Six-Year-Old
SIOUX CITY, la., April .-(Speelal Tele
gram.) On the allegation that ha was driv
ing his automobile at an unlawful rate of
speed when he struck and fatally Injured
Joseph O'Leary, the (-year-old son of Mrs.
Ellen O'Leary. Lawton Wyckoff, eon of
Charles M. Wyckoff, an auto dealer, was
arrested at noon today on a charge of
The Information was signed by Chief of
Police John Dtneen and was drawn by
County Attorney U. Q. Whitney.
The young man waa released on a, $6,000
Kew Judge Mentenera Two Mrs
to the Penitentiary for
Forgery. ,
YANKTON. B. D.. April . (Special Tele
gram.) In special term of court Judge R.
H. Tripp, today sentenced John Martin and
Roy Dunlap to eighteen months in the
state penitentiary frr forgery. This was
Judge Tripp's first court since he succeeded
K. G. Smith, who was elected to the
supreme bench. Judge Tripp held regular
court ot Vermillion.
Not So Sleepy
an Easy
Aslule old Bleepy.
Hewitt was fined SS and costs by Judgu
Leslie In county court Tueaday moinlng
for fishing with a seine. "Sleepy" there
upon filed, througli his attorney, a cati
appeal bond to the district court tuid went
out to earn the money to pay the fine
when the appeal will be pulled down. A
friend haa provided the wherewithal for
tha bond and meantime no cruel Jull ia
detaining the sleepy one.
Sleepy has slipped up once or twice and
ome landed behind the bars of the peni
tentiary, but on the whole he keeps 'em
gutsslng. Meantime he has another cliarge
to face In district court, having been bound
over by Judge Altstadt Monday night on a
charge of threatening to kill.
Hewitt waa up for trial before Judge
Leslie on the charge of Ueputy Game War
den J. J. Boehier of Lincoln. Frank Brown
who with Boehier arrested Healtt for a
few minutes the niKht of March 25, waa
the first witness for the slue. Deputy
C'oiMity Attorney Maguey prosecuting and
j. M Macfarland defending. Brown tod
of the turu-Ubl effect ' which "tlUepy"
Large Department Stores Accused of
Instituting Opposition to Pro
posed Tax.
Big Firms Are Interested in Stocking
and Glove Factories Abroad.
Its Tax on Men's Gloves Increases
Production at Home,
Before Ita Pannage Orer Ninety Per
Cent of Men's Ulovea Were Ira
' ported, Against Ten Per
('at at Present.
WASHINGTON. April .-Accusing the
large department stores of having Insti
tuted the opposition of many women and
"hysterical men" against the Increased
duties provided by the Payne tariff bill,
on women's gloves and hosiery, Represen
tative Sereno K. Payne, chairman of the
house ways and means committee, today.
In a statement which will be printed In
the congressional record, asserted that the
Importers who oppose the duty were In
terested In firms abroad which . make
gloves and hosiery. He presented various
figures in an effort - to Justify the In
creased rates from the republican stand
point of protection, contending that the
difference In cost of labor In the L'nlted
States and abroad was not covered by the
duties levied by the Dlngley law.
Claiming that the new tariff Increases
the duty from 1 cents per pair to 2Vi
cents per raJr, Mr. Payne declared that
there waa no truth tn the assertion that
the price of hosiery to the consumer would
be Increased 26 cents per pair to the con
sumer. He ridiculed the suggestion that
the increased duties will result In the
formation of a hosiery trust, a claim which
had been advanced by the Importers.
Methods of Big: Firms.
Mr. Payne quoted from a statement, the
name of the author which he did not give,
In which It was asserted that Marshall
Field & Co., Chicago; Brown, Durnell &
Co., Boston: Lord ft Taylor, New York;
Henry Bchlff ft Co., New York; Weenen
donck, Lorens ft Co., New York; Arnold,
Constable ft Co., 'New York: Rubens ft
Meyer. New York; C arson, Ptrie. Scott ft
Co., Chicago; F. Victor Acheils, New
York, and other American concerns, main
tain large establishments tn Chemnlts,
Germany, with a full force of help to buy
and obtain foreign hosiery at the least
possible cost.
"By the employment of a larger organi
zation and maintaining much enpjlat and
credtr In Gitrsnary they at (una ableo.
obtain foreign hosiery at prlcea consider
ably lower than It Is possible for a concern
of less magnitude and rapllal to obtain
them," continue the statement. The pos
sibility of borrowing nvonry more cheaply
abroad and the encouragement given by
the German goven ment to exporatton of
merchandise are also cited as an advantage
under which these concerns work.
Means Real Protection.
Mr. Payne asserted II. at scores of peti
tions have been received by the commit
tee asking that the Increased duties might
be retained In order that the working
people of the country may make the slock
Irgs used In tht- United States. Mr. Payne
argued I that tho Increased duties on
women's gloves were made Justifiable for
the purposes of protection and revenues.
Ho cited the conditions resulting from the
protection afforded the manufacturers of
men's gloves by he Dlngley Mil.
"Prior to ISM they were making 5 or 10
per cent of the men's gloves," he said,
"but he said that the duty wsa so low that
they were being driven out of business, and
statistics seemed to back up their as
sertions. Today they demonstrate to us
that they are making over 90 per cent of
the men's gloves worn In this country, hav
ing amply redeemed their promise and that
the cost to the consumer Is much less than
It was prior to 1897. They came before the
committee early In the hearing and proved
to us that It cost no more and required
no more skill to make a woman's glove
than a man's and claimed that If the same
rate of duty was given them, In time they
would make the same percentage of
women's gloves and that this Industry
would employ at least Ew.OOO people."
Birmingham Dedicates New Strac
tare with Monater Parade
and Meeting.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., April . Birming
ham's S2.ono.OiO terminal station waa dedi
cated today. A monster parade was held
shortly after 3 o'clock and addresses were
made In the watting room of the station,
which accommodated several thousand peo
ple. The business men of Birmingham will
tender a banquet to the visiting railroad
men tonight.
as to Be
Catch is Hewitt
pulled off that memorable night on the
"Sleepy went to get his coat, I supposed,
but instead he picked up a shotgun. 'You
move and you're a dead man,' said he.
" 'You won't see me moving,' suld I In
return. The he toU! Boehier to unchain
the other two men."
Boehier was also a witness and the state
rested. The defense Introduced no wit
nesses and Judge Leslie pronounced sen
tence. The cases against Sleapy'a pala were
Sasueaar Chicago Broker Lands la
the Baakrnntey ( eart la
Men York.
NEW YORK. April t-An Involuntary
petition In bankruptcy was filed todsy
against John Dickinson, the broker, the
failure of whose firm. John Dickinson ft
Co., waa announced here and in Chicago
en fcalurday, last. Edward IL Thompson
was appointed receiver.
From the Washington Evening Star.
Steamer Admiral Leaves Naples for
nip la Dne In Mombasa April 2 1
Ovation Tendered Ex-Presldeat
by the Population ol
Aspic .
MT0SSINA, Italy. April . King Emanuel
and Theodore Roosevelt met this afternoon
on board tha Italian batikvhlp Re Uraberto
In Measina harho,-. ,. 2Y ' .... . .
The Re Umberto came down to the strait
of Messina with the king and the queen of
Italy on board. It left Anslo yesterday
and arrived here this morning.
Mr. Roosevelt came from Naples on
board the steamer Admiral. The Admiral
arrived at Messina at
NAPLES, April 6. After spending yester
day afternoon and evening ashore In
Naples, where he was given an enthus
iastic welcome by the people of the city,
Theodore Roosevelt began the second stage
of his Journey to the East African pro
tectorate and Uganda ahortly after mid
night last night on board the steamer Ad
miral. He Is due at Mombasa April 21.
Before going on board the Admiral last
night. Mr. Roosevelt thanked the head of
the Neapolitan police. Chevalier Calabresl,
for the excellent protection afforded him
during his stay on shore. Mr. Roosevelt
waa accompanied everywhere by the chief.
During an audience yesterday with the
mayor of Naples this official conveyed to
Mr. Roosevelt a special vote of the munic
ipal council thanking the former president
and the American people for the succor
sent from the United States to the earth
quake suffferers. Mr. Roosevelt ex
pressed his gratitude for this communica
tion. He satd there should be no question
of gratitude. The earthquake gave the
American people an opportunity to show
their aympathy In this unparalleled dis
aster which had niade Italy at once the
creditor of the whole world.
Kteamer l.eavea Port.
Mr. Roosevelt hoarded the Admiral at
10 o'clock last night. He spent some time
In the smoking room conversing with hts
fellow passengers. The departure of the
Admiral was delayed by waiting for the
arrival of the German mails for South
Aifrlca. The train arrived at midnight.
the malls were hurried on board the Ad
miral and the steamer left port at onre,
Mr. Rooaevelt will leave the Admiral for
a short visit to the ruins of Messina. He
found on board the steamer Slgnor Tulnch
eri, the perfect of Measina, who by order
of Premier Glolottl, came up to Nsplea to
(Continued on Second Page.)
Spring is almost
here. How about
new gowns? Is your
Now is the time to
be looking for a
You can find the one you
want most easily by looking
over their ads on the want ad
page under the head of Dress
makers." Tbey each tU tha kind of work
they do. To tie are tha one wfc
want your work, and people who
how they want yxxor trad are tha
one who will take car of It after
they get It. These ara tha ones who
ar euterprtslng and up to date.
They are bullae people. That'a
th kind who will satisfy yeo.
Have yu re4 tfe wait ads rat
io da 1
Sheep Herders
Are Murdered
Near Basin
Masked Raiders Attack Camp at
Mouth of Spring; Creek and
Kill Three Men.
BASIN. Wyo., April a Three sheep herd
rrs, Joe Emge, Allcmande Emge and Joe
Lazier, were murdered and the bodies of
the two latter cremated by a band of fif
teen masked raiders wlilch attacked a
camp at the mouth of Spring Creek In the
Tensleep ipountry en tho night of April 2.
After tht murder tno raiders. Cutr the
telegraph wires to prevent news of the
crime from being spread. The news of the
shoartlng was brought here by sheep herd
ers who escaped. Deputy Sheriffs who have
visited the scene of the crlmo confirm the
License Carries
in Huron, S. D.
Over Two Hundred Majority for
Proposition in City Election
in that City.
HURON, 8. D., April . (Special Tele
gram.) Llcenne carrlod by over 2"0 ma
jority In today's city election. C. A. Kel
ley was elected mayor; Martin Schoenert,
clerk: George L. Anderson, treasurer; J.
T. Ohlwelne, assessor; J. C. Hatfield, Jus
tice; aldermen. James McWeeney, First
ward; A. G White, Second ward; R. D.
Whorton, Third ward; John Madsou and
George W. Robinson, Fourth ward. Only
an average vote was polled.
Omaha galeaman Stark for Twenty
Five Uollnrs on Complaint of
Mayor of Alma.
ALMA. Neb., April 6. (Special.) Fines
amounting to JX snd costs In the neigh
borhood of 110 were assessed here as the
result of a crap game pulled off Sunday
afternoon in the city park. The grand
stand in which the game was played was
crowded with men and boys when Mayor
Hardin filed a complaint against the prin
cipals. Harry Cheese, a saleaman of the Mar
shall Paper company of Omaha wss ar
rested, pleaded guilty and was fined $26
and coats amounting to Jfi.flo. Later I.ew
Gasklll was fined tno. It being his second
offense; Charles Artln, Jr., . 17-years-old.
was fined t1S and Joe Rnwle J25.
8. T. Hutchinson, Jess Beechler and
Klmer need, n!so named In the complaint,
have left town and Sheriff Carroll Is mak
li.g an effort to find them.
Castro Will Not Be Allowed
to Disembark at Trinidad
PORT OF SPAIN, Trmidad, April S.-At
the urgent request of the State department
at Washington, communicated to the lxm
d"ii Foreign office, the British government
has decided iot to permit Ciprlano CaMro,
former president of Vencxucla, to land at
Clpriano Castro is returning to the West
Indies from Europe with the avowed pur
pose of recovering the presidency of
Venezuela. He left France March 3lh on
board the steamer Ouadeloupe. Where he
proposes to land In the West Indlea ia not
definitely known. His original Intention
naa to leave the steamer at Ia CKialra,
the port of Caracas, but the Venexulean
government at first refused Its permission.
Subsequently this refusal was withdrawn
and it was intimated that Castro could
land on Venezuelan soli, but at hla own
peril. It vas then said that Castro would
leave the Guadeloupe at Trinidad to await
developments and watch hla opportunity
from that port. It waa also said that he
j might continue on tu Colon for Ilia aame
License Issue Occupies Attention of
Voters in Many Cities.
Haatlnga Probably Wet, bat Pender
la Dry Blair Remalna Dry
Albion Taken by the
Wast Joint,
Krman, ' ItC
Banner (t,
David Clt,
Wood Blvar,
Towns with have changed from vole
of last year.
WAYNE. Neb., April 6-Spcclal Tele
gram.) As there wss but one ticket,
namely, the citizens, placed on nomination
for the city election, Henry Ivy waa re
elected mayor. Martin Ringer, city clerk;
11. 8. Ringland, treasurer; police Judge,
James Brltton; councllmen. First ward, W.
W. Kingsbury; Second ward, F. L. Neely;
Thrld ward, A. M. Jacobs. Members of
school board, D. C. Main and F. L. Neely.
The question of license or no license was
toted upon In the form of voting to orn ot
to repeal the present license ordinance, the
vote resulting In a majority of twenty-six
for high license.
OIBHON. Neb., April 6.-(8neclal Tele
gram.) Not only the saloons, but by vole
of the people the billiard, pool and card
tables are banished from Gibbon by a
vote of almost two to one. On tho saloon
question 103 voted dry and 61 wet. while on
the question of pool, card and billiard
tables t7 voted for the amusements and SJ
against. D. A. Lynch and Charles L. Wal
lace are the members of the board elected.
Rlalr Remains Dry.
MjAIR, Nnb., April (Special Telegram.)
This city remains dry, the experiment of
running the town without saloons proving
satisfactory. V. R. Williams, editor of
the Tribune, was elected mayor ovct Ir.
G It. Mead by votes. Just four years
sgo Williams' twin brother. L. A. Wil
liams, was mayor of Blair, and the town
was wet. The councllmen elected are: Dr.
O. D. Wilson, First wsrd; 8. H. Chambers.
Second ward; Crr-orge Von I.ankln, Third
ward, and C A. Hoff. Fourth ward. It
Is a dry council. Will K. Strone waa re
elected city clerk snd G A. Schmidt,
treasurer. Joseph S. Cook and F. W. Kenny
were fleeted members of the Board of Kd
ucatlon. Wet at Waterloo.
WATKR1XJO. Neb., April . (Special Tel
egram.) The question of saloon or no
(Continued on Second Page.)
purpose. The Guadeloupe Is due at Trini
dad April 10 and at Colon April 16.
The latest advices from Caracas Inti
mated that Juan Vicente Unmci. the presi
dent of Venezuela contemplated resigning
in favor of one of the vice presidents of
the republic.
Chicago Man Maereeda Robert Mather
aa Prealdent of the Rail
road. NEW YORK. April 6.-R. A. Jackson of
Chkago was today elected president of the
Hock Island company to succeed Robert
Mather, who resigned to become chuir
man of the board of directors of the Wesl
Inghouae Electric company.
CHICAUO. April l-Mr. Jackson became
connected with the Rock Island system of
I'm, when tie was appointed aeneral i
tortiey. After holding this pusiiiun for
thro years he was elected flrel vice preal-
dtnt and general ce unset
Dahlman Asserts "He Has Killed the
Democratic Party."
Mnrh Disappointment at the Aetton,
bat Temperance People Will Cele
brate at the Andltorlnm
Soon aa Poaelble.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
' LINCOLN. April . (Special.) Govei nor
Shallenbergor has signed the S o'clock clon
ing hill and on and after July'l It will be
unlawful for any person to keep a saloon
open between the hours of S o'clock tn th
evening and 7 o'clock In the morning, or
to sell liquor between these hours. Be
catise the bill did not carry the emergency
clause It does not become effective until
three months after the adjournment of the
legislature, which will be July 1.
The governor announced hit decision on
the bill at 1:45 o'clock,' immediately after
lie signed It. With the exception of his
office force and two newspaper reporters
no one was at the office at the time, the
general Impression prevailing that he would
do nothing until after the funeral of Gov
ernor Poynter. The news spread1 over town
rapidly and numerous Inquiries were tele
phoned to the office of the executive for
a verification of the reports.
Immediately after signing the bill the
governor dictated a statement to hH
stenographer and then when that had been
written he, with Private Secretary Furse,
wont at once to the Poynter funerrtl.
Governor Shnllcnbergnr's statement was
as follows:
Cites History of Resralatlon.
"Senate File No. 2S3 Is a regulatory
amendment to tho present Blocumb law.
which has stood for twenty-five years upon
our statute bonks aa an example of reason
able liquor legislation for tho state. The
Hlorumh law was passed at a tlmo when
public opinion was excited upon the liquor
question much as at present, and because
of the fact that It was a decided step In
advance of anything before enacted, It has
remained Intact through the years past as
a model pf regulatory legislation.
The tide of further limitation and re
striction of the liquor traffic lias racently
rlsen so high, that a great many states
have lately taken action upon it, some
enacting coiinty and others state wide, pro
hibition. Nebraska through this amend
ment has elected to apply further reetrlc
tlnn lo the liquor traffic by limiting the
time that liquor may be sold to those
hours universally admitted to me the least
objectionable of the twenty-four.
The plan proposed In this amendment for
the entire state has been tried In the rapl
tal city of Lincoln, and both "wets" and
"drys" alike ctimmcnd Us effect. Business
thrives In this city and the hotels and
places of amusement claimed most to be
effected are being continually Improved
and constantly crowded with patrons. It
Is admitted upon all aides that In this
city It has had tho effect of eliminating
much of public rancor from the liquor
HlaT fit lee Will et Benefit.
"This amendment has much ppposltlon In
the two Omahas, because business men are
fearful that It will affect trade and com
merce adversely, and for the further rea
son that It limits to a certain extent the
policy of "home rule" upon this matter.
I believe, however, that experience will
Justify the law, and that our large cities
will find that their prosperity doea not
depend in any way upon two or three ex
tra hours for the snlo of liquor.
"If the law Is as wholesome in Its ef
fect as I believe It will be, It will give solid
standing ground for those who believe In
strict regulation as the beet way to handle
this question."
Iiurlng tho irlnrning several parties ailed
upon the governor to discuss the merits of
the bill. Mayor Brown spent some time
with the governor snd told him of the op
eration of the T o'clock closing law in Lin
coln. Br ause the Isw was conslnederd sat
isfactory lu re, though, ho said, was no In
dlcstion of how It would work In Omaha.
The two cities sre hot In the same class,
and (lie mayor refused to express an opin
ion of what effect Ihe law would have In
Omahana Do Not Nee Executive.
W. J. funnel! and Will Herdman wera
In the reception room of the governor's
office, but neither got an word with the
chief executive. Both denied that they had
any Intention of discussing any bills or
talking about legislation, hut had merely
called to pay their resiects while attend
ing supreme court. Both left without eas
ing tho executive.
At no time this morning was there a
crowd In the state house and only a very
limited number called about the hilt.
The action of the governor in approving
the measure haa sorely split tha demo
cratic party and several prominent dem
ocrats predict that the governor will be
defeated for a ri nomination by Mayor Dahl
man of Omaha.
"Dahlman said Shallenhergcr was a four
fluslier." remarked a prominent democrat,
"and Dahlman is right. Th governor
should have gone up or down with his
friends. He should have stayed with the
people who elected him. No man can lioltl
his stmcgtli who throws his friends."
olblng for I s to Da bnl Obey th
Law. They gay.
Hi-veral of the prominent hotel men made
brief statements on the governor s action.
Il re are some of them:
Home Miller of the Rome Hotel We put
up the best fight we could to induce the
governor to veto the bill, but we have lost.
At a good cltliiMi of Omaha I propose to
obey the law rcgardlcsx of Its effects on
my bustneKS.
Ralph Kitchen of the Pax ton We hsv
no other lecotirae than to obey the law,
and shall do so. We hsd hoped that It
would not be tttgned until Wednesday and
believed that It would not be until wa
could La heard again. W be!4 a brief