THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 6. 1900. n a POULTRY AND EGGS White T 1 m tn ftwrti tf $ pr 1"D, at Mandy rm. ici. r lorenca ins. (U-M7W A 3D fHAMC ERliAiK . Original perfect dry click fed. I's thin only and imti young chickens. Btewart a Feed ".tore. Bole Agents, n. mn at til) Mmi May r It,VRR' I.ACED Wyandotte cocker', choice stock. rrn1 aiiil iinecored; Pekln ducks. Mr: fi K. McLatughlln, Manning, la. ' (U)-M587 A4 EOOB-lTom two fine twie tf . Barred Rorka of coekerl mating; cockerels scor ing 1 and lilt, $3 per IS. Eggs from' out side pens, 13 per 100. Mra. J. M. Stewart, Ainaworth. .Ia. (11) M2M x PRINTING JAftVK FTH. CO., Job flntlng end ralen dara, fth & tap. Ava. Phone Ind A-SR30. - - - (5)-l REAL ESTATE li WA. . -L'. . REAL ESTATE DEALER". Rr.en abstract co.. tm. m-. prompt service; Bet our prlcea. J710 Farnam Ht. -r' ' ' 1)-1 REAL ESTATE TITT.K-TR18T CO. CHAS.'iw WILLIAMSON, President. - -, . (i9)-ir PAYNE INV. CO., flrat floor N. T. U -. 1)-61 BENJAMIN R E. CO.. 471 Brandels BMg. ... ....... !) ! ' pARUNO ft DA RLTNQ, 441 Brandels Bldg., Tela. D. 8034 or A 132. " ... , (1W-M27J CI TV PROPERTY FOR BALE. Buy Them Now $1750.00' room.' mnflrn, except heat, yellow pine finish, cemented cellar, isot 334x132. On North 3Mh.' ' $2(iao.oo Nice P-rurmV house, modern except heat, located on North 28th Ave. A nice little home. .;,;"$2j5o.o(v Fine new s-ronm' house, all modern, ex cept heat, well finished and In flrat class condition. Lot Zla. Located on Kugglea ' $3000.00 :-" ' ' - ' A dandy S-room nous bn .Biirt St.. Com pletely modern, cement cellar, brick walka, everything" In good condition. . $3150.00 Blx-roont houaa, modern except heat, well located on Templetoh St. A ' nice home. . .' ; $3275.00. An elegant tPtoom cottage' on North 23d fft. Well built and modern except heat. A nice home at a reasonable price, consider ing the location. " -.37$q.Ot , A real np In a nice elx-room modern cottage, well located on North 21st 8t. Be ure to see this ,one. .... , ,:' ..$'-'500.00 : A brand new all-room house nicely located on Pratt St., lot 4"xiai. South front, cement walks. . . ' - $4200.00 - A nice, se.ven-r.xini house, . modem, on . Bpauhllng St. ykcjl. built and In first claaa condition .'. , - . : $4150.QO., . . . A danljy 7-room new house on- Spencer St. A fine modern home. Oak finish. . .,. Keal Homea at Baf gain. Prices The VTorld Investment Co. Doug. ja. 'i j. Ind. A-4363. Wll-4 N. Y I.. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U) M341 T A SNAP -TtU(Br MODERN HOME - -rtaatered-Attlc. , ' Two blocks from 2th 8t, ear. " South front. .t-ol IKhil8. taved atreet 4 -ST) Poppleton Ave. fnillre at "W Poppleton Ave. M239 a beautiful home in forest Hill park addi tion, 9TH AND WILLIAM STREETS i $5f(0o; EASY" TERMS ' v Thla la the cheapeat house offered for aala today,, the alao of the hoiian and ar rangement of rooms, location and finish considered. Hae full basement, cemented, good furnace, laundry aink. First floor haa large reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, large butlera pantry and rear en try. Colonade opening between the parlor and dining room and reception hall and parlor. Open" stairway of oak. There are four fine corner bedrooms on the Second floor, birch finish white enameled, with maiogany itaorawued rak floors In all bedrooms and aubfloorn upstairs, fine attic over entire house, floored- with flooring kiid having four windows. There are nice closets In each room, linen closet in hall, good bath room, modern plumbing. All rooms are decorated with beautiful paper and the house la wired for electric, light and piped for gaa, and haa' fine combination lighting fist urea. Beautiful oak finish In the llvlnir rooms.. The street Is paved and the paving pakl for., IV la clOse. lrr nd yet In a very desirable neighborhood. If you see this you will buy. It, Will be open for Inspection today. ' ' ' . HASTINGS HETDBN. 114 Harney Bt. 1 ' ' :' ' : .. (18) 322-J J,n-HANSCOM PliACE NORTH OF PARK, It-room houae. partly modTrn, full Int. CHRAP. Just the plaoe-for someone wild wHI-apand a-little money and fix vp a good home:' ' A M. J. KENNA-RD CO., y-10 Brown Blk, (19)-M3 ( HKAU ESTATE FOR SALE. Figure yuwr reitt lecelpta. Suppose you had paid that amount on a borne of your own? Ntt too, late yet. lxxik at t0o3 8. 25th Ave,. 4-niom, good 1 1 me and a geod iiiveatroent at SI, 400. iSM N. Jh,7-wm, t-atory barn, ' big trees and out houses. - You can't begin to auplicate-'lt fur fl.MlU. 4-room. chlcktfl house, coal house, etc., iwb iota. 7UUM. on tl.)0. - t-room, modern, paved street, fruit trees, hade trace, lot 40xte. 1.6no. or will give you 10f feet front for S3. fen NOWATA LAND ijOT CO. "' Sufta CVl IS Y. Ufe Uldg. I'hone Red 1. ' itinalia. Neb. Open evenliyra. (li-M33! beautiful home bargains Eight room.- modern, oak finish, full two atoilaa,Marge,.cornuiodloua roouis, eU-gant arrangement and finish: built for a home two rsjgOi east front, Hanacom park. Park -Ave. ,Thla property must be sold by the loth Inst., and ,th price will sell It, aa It Is ottered for less thsn Its actual value. Part cash mill handle It. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY ' U2 Biahdela Bldg.,' Omana, Neb. ' . " . tl-K!l HOMES IN BENSON Part cash: balance same aa rent.. W. E. Yartoa. 228 8. tir pbaitage Ave.. Benson. Tel. Benson tel. . . ' . tl)-MZ A00 BY OWNER. -room. modern house, with barn. Vlsntcotn Place, S3.MJ0. Address U . cars -uee. U) MKO 10 BOl'LEVARO HOL'BE. SMS North lth L rooms, modem, only t2,bua Thoinaa orennaa. room 1 New TTork Life Bldg. 1 (U) M4 FOR BAnS Nebraska 'a choicest corn and alfalfa' lands. Writ fur price list of bar aioj. L. W4, Falrbury, Neb.' iu ssjjb n I ESTATE CITY rildPKRTl rOH balsi V Continued. Modern Country Home RIGHT IN TOWN. Ixits of room. Just what you have longed for. with plenty of bearing fruit, extensive chicken yarfls and large garden tract; seven lots In all, with east front, aeven mom house, fine open plumbing. gaa throughout, splendid sharie. .Vi feet fine Iron fencing and only two bloi'fce of Ames Are car, at 46L'4 N. STth Bt. Don't fall to sea this quick. Price juat reduced to S3.B00. Payne, Bostwick&Go., Main Floor. N. U Life Bldg. (l)-324 t Make Us An Offer for thlg property. 610 Poppleton Ave. Vacant lot, 8 let and Corby St. Creigh, Sons & Co!, 668 Pee-Blrlg. IF YOU HAVE City property, farms, ranch lands or mer chandise to aell.or trade, list them with me. It costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. Mitchell, 332 Bd. Td bldg. l-4 FLORENCE Ten acres. In town limits, high and sightly. A choice building spot selected by owner for that purpose. Overlooking the beautiful valleys. Kor a few dnys can be had for S3,5". , BEMIS Brandels Bldg. (lflr MS46 2 COTTAGES, S and 6 rooms, barn on alley, large lot, near iw h . and UUinlng Bts. Nearly modern, south front, were built by owner; 1 cottage renting for S3 per month. Part cash: terms. HARWOOD & HARWOOD, -Both 'I'hones. 416 Bee Bldg. ' (19)-M340 S LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. 19 622 WANT CASH offer for lots IS and 14, block 1, CrHghton HHjrhts, northeast corner 4.W and Corby Bts. Telephone Harney 3499. (IH)-M1S lOx REAL ESTATE, IOAN8 and Insurance List your property with Us for sale or exchange. Walnut' and Orchard Hills Realty (In., 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney S76S; Ind.. B-1842. USUti CLOSE IN flat location, south and east front, full lot, only 12 blocke from the Boaton Store, $2,000. I. CONNER, owner, SSI Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-M4t 7 GREAT bargain, all modern, nearly new,. bot water neat, ror ii.uuu teas tnan it la worth. 241S Charles. Telephone Web. 13. (!) M290 6X FOR SALE Handsome, spacious residence. In choicest location possible, modern, fine condition; Inquire of owner. Address Postofflce Box 121, Station D. Tel. Harney S434. 1 M720X REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SA LB Cleraale. -. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. . Denver-Greeley district, under irrigation: I augar beets, airaira, general farming and fruit raising; low price, easy payments. National Investment Co., 682 Brandels Bldg.. (Jmaba. Tel. Douglas 6tl. (20) o7 A FIRST CLASS BARQAIN--l,7l acres. Comanche county, Kansaa; 8 miles to good market; all smooth land; 300 acrea a little rolling; 400 acrea cultivation, 2M acrea wheat, aome alfalfa, good Improve ments. Price, S32,0UU. Aikln-Hartronft & Co., Lyons. Kan. (20) M886 9x Hluosri, NELSON'S bargain list 14 SO acres 4 miles from C.yde; nice, level land, all fenced, at $160. 16100 acres near Agenda, lit- Ger man settlement; creek bottom and well Improved. A bargain at $3,000, with good terms. Also hv several good farms that 1 can give good trades On. Write for my complete list, mentioning this paper. Walter Nelson. Clyde. Kan. (20)-Ml3 S grtmksi FOR BA LE 448-acre ranch neer Sidney, 120 acres of hay land, 180 Acres, farm land, . balance pasture, nearly all" fenced; good well, but no buildings. School house near; sidetrack close. Price $1& per acre, part on time. Ws have many other bargains. SO-acre farm, well Improved, near. Grand Island. S.400. For particulars; write Dill Huston, Grand Island, Neb. 1-M2 Sx FARMS $Qrto $lo per acre. Write Tor our long list mailed free. Bemls. Brandels Bldg. (J0I-M3J S OkJekesaa. $80,000 FOR A 81 NO LE OAS ' WELL The Kansas Natural Gaa company paid that amount for a well near Nowata, ltv No wata county; we have land at $19 to $J6 per acre; you might get a gaa well: If you will le ua. we will explain why thla land la so cheap; it's good farm land, .too. Nowata lnd and Lot Co., Suiter 824 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 1999. Open evenings: () M17I t ' ... REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.,- 12iX Farnam St.' . ' (2)-626 WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. 02)-J6 BRCOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank BMg. Bell phone Dpuglaa 2218.. . (22)-- LOANS WANTED." ' If you need a reasonable loan on' well Im proved Omaha real estate, I can enter tain your application, at S or 6Vc per cent intereat. according to location or grade of property; no delay, and privilege is given for repsvment before meturlty. I. Blbbemsen, 208 Old Boston Btore Bldg. (?2)-M47 Al7 PAYNE. B08TWICK CO. N Y. Ufa. Prlvste monsy; $500 to $6,000; low rate (221-432 $lue TO $10,009 made promptly. F.'D. Wead, v eao. mug., itn sua remain. -.-ii FTVB PER CENT MONEY te loan on Omaha Hualneaa Property. THOMAS B R EN NAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 61$ Brandels Bldg. (22-31 IjOWHST lUTKS-Bemls. Brandels Bldg, (221-47 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty. Conrad Young. 1413 Dodge St. (22)-MOS $V TO SR.OOO on homes In Omaha. 0"Keefe Real Estate Co.. loOl N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21U. , (a)-37 MONEY TO LOAN" -Payne Investment Co. (I2-04 SB09 to tXti.wa, lowest rates, no delay. Grvln Bros.. 1404 Farnam. (32) M MONEY TO RI'ILri' Svm to f current rates. I W. H. THOUA4 L.1 1r.l S.-.I I, DU. ISJ-U REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUT. IF you MtHT aell. list with us. Wa cannot sell anything unleas at equeese prtoee. Open ewnlnga. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., Suite 634, N. Y. lire Bldg Omaha, Neb. 'I'hone Red lr. (2S ISM STOVE REPAIRS Fl'RNACE. steam and hot water repairs; Thermoatata and other heat regulators; new furnaces and hot water combination heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 13fe-12m Douglas St. 'Phones: Ind. A-IW1; Bell. Douglas MO. j WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prlcea for secondhand furniture, carpeta, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 1971. (2) MO BEIST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpeta, stovea, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug. Urtl. 1351-441 Al'CTIONEERINO The noted auctioneer of Iowa., Ill, and Neh , F. D. VanPelt has located In Omaha. Office, MS N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Ind. A SS22. (-614 A17 DO you want to sell your home In a hurryT Then let us help you out. It will cost you nothing unless we get your price. BKMI8, Brandels Blk. () M337 ( WANTED Male Blenheim spaniel dog. wnite witn Drown spots. 224 No. 18 Bt. (0M-M342 U WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent. May 1, f or -room thor oughly modern house. In good neighbor hood, will lease for year. No children ' Referencea given. Address, stating terms, S 266. Bee. () 64 ax : WANTED To rent by May L unfurnished T or S-room house. West Farnam district. Tel. Harney 8233. (26) S12 7 YOUNQ married couple, no children, desire, to rent completely furnished house or apartment; preferably In West Farnam district, for the summer or longer; refer- . ences exchanged. Address O IK, Bee. (2S)-M3M Sx tl NDEB-Marrled couple of refinement desire suite of rooms In Dundee for six months, during construction of their house In Dundee; references exchanged. Phone Webster 2454. (281 M:t30 8 WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION aa atenographer; references. Auuresa o, see cuice, south Omaha. (2)-16 S POSITION WANTED by lady as book- ni"" jiir ; win aiart in at a reasonable aalary, provided there Is chance for advancement; 6 years' experi ence, with beat of references. 'Phone Webster 1818. . (271-191 x RELIABLE colored woman wants day mork. Tel. Douglas 4446. 27-M335 7x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster. Fort Omaha, Nebraska March , 1906. Sealed proposals In tripli cate, subject to the usual conditions will be received at thla office until 11 o'clock a. m., central standard time, April 7, 1909, and then-opened In public for constructing plumbing, heating, electric wiring and elec tric fixtures for the following buildings at Fort Omaha. Nebraaka: One double bar rack, one stable, one stable guard and abop building and one gun ahed. Full Infor mation furnished on application. United Bf,.. reJ,"rv" h "-l-ht to reject any or all bids. Envelopes oontaintng proposala to be marked. "Proposala for constructing etc., buildings at Fort Omaha, Nebraska " and addressed to Captain C. de F. Chand ler, Constructing quartermaster. Fort Omaha. Nebraaka. M. 8-9-10-11 A6-4 PROPOSALS FOR FRESH MBATS-OE-flce of commissary purchasing agent. Panama Railroad company, 24 State Street New York, March 30th. 1909. Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until S p. m.. April 29th. 1909.' for . furnishing refrigerated fresh meata In the estimated minimum quantity of l.fiOO.OOO pounds for IE.".. "tI?1 '?m M,r mi to September 30th. 19C&. Blanks . and fall- Information V? , obtained from the undersigned. Wendell L. Simpson, Major Nineteenth In- .V'8' A ' Commissary Purchasing Agent. 24 State Street. New York. AA-12-V9-22 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Issac L. Beisel and wife to Hattie B. Melronymoua, north 6o feet of south 100 feet of los , Brighton $ 50 Albert A. Lamoreaux et al to Lamor eaux & Peteraon Co., lota 7 to 76 ; First addition to Mid City j Mary Perslnger and husband to Mary Perslnger and husband lots 1 and i. block , Lake View i United Real Estate & Trust Co., "to Evelyn 8. Lucas, lot , block 14, Kountse Place 950 Florence F. Craig and husband to Paul D. Denison, lota 37 and 38, block 6, Lake View 230 Jacob E. Kooaley and wife to Leon A. Scbryver and wife, lot 12, block "H ' Saunters & Hlmebaugh'a ad dition ii841 11. H. Clouso and wife to Iva S. Hooper, lot 1, block 11, Brlggs' Place.. S.200 Wm. C. Norris to Morris W. Kinder. lot 8, block 64. Florence 1,100 Chas. H. Bchnelle to Jas. Nelson, lot 4. block 6. Patrick's addition 2,300 Wm. H. Mallory and wife to Joa D. Jacoby, lot 31, block 2. Patterson's Sub , , ;35 Ethan A.- Cole to Alfred Avers, lot 4, block 45, Florence 350 Trustees, of Congregation Bale Jacob Anshe Sholom to trustees of Hun garlan Society, lot 1 block 8, Cote Brilliants 276 The John A. Crelghton Real Estate & Trust Co., to Michael Kelaer, part SE4 8W 28-16-13 1,609 Frank W. Carmlchael, trustees, to Raamus Hansen, lot 18, block 102, -Dundee Place 700 Mary Murphy and husband to Abra ham Jaffe and wife, N4 lot 11, block 13. E. V. Smith addition 2.000 Frank Dlnuxxo and wi.'e to Mayme Carmean, lot SI, block 3. Sulphur Springe 6,200 United States to Theodore P. F. Jss person, NW4 NEW Sl-16-13 Boulevard Park Improvement Co., to Shinier Chase Co., yot S, block 7, BoulevaTd Park 1 Frank Schrag and wife Carrie Parys, south 20 feet of lot 3, and north 20 feet lot 4. Redtcks 3d 3.350 The National I.and Co., to 11. R. Riley, lot 4. block L Ralph Place .. 1 Milton Rogera Kstste Co.. to John L. Mulflnger, lot 18, Milton Rogers Plane I.RuO W II. Russell and wife to Frank Kotera. lot 10, block 17,' Halcyon Heights 10 Caroline L. Poppleton et al, trustees, to Sameul Gardner, east S feet of lot 8, block S. Poppleton Park 60 Payne Investment Co., to same, west .10 feet of lot 2, block 2, Poppleton Park 2,100 Chas. F. Robertson and wife to Fred Nelson, lot 21, block S, Buunders A lll.'inbaugh's addition to Walnut Hill , 1.5O0 Mary E. Chadwlck and husband to II. L. Lehmer et al. 18.70 acres In NEV S-J4-13 3.563 Solomon J. Firestone and wife to H 8 Carlson, lot 84, Flreatones Sub 190 Anton K Lott and wife to Rruee McCulloch, lot 10. block 1M. South Omaha 4.&I0 Wm. A. Kerlebs and wife to Daniel Buckley, west 37 feet of lot $. and south 64 feet of west 37 feet of lot 7. block 14. E. V. Smiths addition. 2.0O9 Chas. L. Hmlth to Dald H. Harding, part of lot 4. block 12. Bemls Park . 8.250 Edwin C. Stesrns snd wife to Albert . W. Pettis, sub lot 6. tsx lot 10. sec tion 8-14-1S 1.M0 Geo. W. Holdrege to Gate City Land snd Investment Co., lot t and part 5. Windsor Place 40.000 Marv H. Harts to Frank W. Greennian 8, lot 2. block 6. Bowery Hill ... .1.600 Chas W. Sears and wife to L"la E. , E. Clarkson. lot 12. block 4. Spring Lake Park 2760 Total $M. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor te Dr. H- L. RamacaiotU.) vfflH SKeapttaA, Sang Calls Preaptly Answered at All Hoora. MILLERS COME TO TOWN SSJ Jimmy Collins, Old Star, Leads Can tillon's Tribe, FLAT ROURKtS THIS AFTERNOON Minneapolis Team, with Other Big Lesgaers, Will Be In Omaha far Three Days Thla Week. "You should have seen Jimmy Collins when he reported this spring. He was more awkward than any busher you ever saw." 1 Thus Mike Cantlllon spoke of his field manager and captain. For years Collins was recognized as one of the best third basemen In the business. but ha lais slewed down a little and youngsters have arisen to take his position away from him. Its will captain and man age the Minneapolis team this year, Mike Cantlllon having resolved not to go near the players' bench this summer. All the ball players have a hard time to limber out In the spring and Collins had a harder time than ever, as he took a complete rest during the winter. Pa Rourke will try te show the Millers a few kinks about the great national game and expects to win at least two of the three games scheduled for today, Wednes day and Thursday. Long Bath Is recovering from hia India' position and will assist In the defeat of the Millers. The change In climate from Call fornla to Omaha did not agree with him. The warm weather of the last two days has worked wonders In Pa's colls and they have shown remarkable Improvement. . The lineup: Onraha. Position. Minneapolis Clair First Wheeler Bath First King Second Downs Graham rVcond Franc Short ....Oyle Hmitn Miort Pendry : Third Fisher Left Holllns O'Neill Pickering Welch Center Edmunson Vashinder , Right Mortens Belden Rijrht Sumina Right l,e Brand Center Black ("adman..... Center Moore Oondln...' Center Rapp Johns-Sanders Pitch ...Young-Patterson Rlc-Tower Byers-Oberlln Hansem-Rltxman. Pitch Wilson Hlcnbeck-Janroti Pitch ....(utility) Qtilllln PICK A HI) BEAT THE MONARCH PVkard'a Colts defeated the Monarchs In g fast and well played game of ball at Fifteenth and Valley streets by the score of 7 to 3. The feature of the game was the pitching of Cravens for thej Colts and Hoff man for the Monarchs. both striking out a number of men. Score: COLTS. , MONARCHS. AB.H O A B. AB.H.O.A.R. liny, e 4 111 2tlior. r. 4 t 0 1 1 CrtTens, ... 4 0 11 0Hoffmn, p... 4 113 1 KnulHh. lb... 4 1 14 OPeto, lb '.. 4 0 It 0 Kller. M . .. 4 1 1 1 OUm. si 4 I 1 t 1 Bi-hllmmeis 3b 4 t t 1 IHutto. 2b I 1 9 1 Mihr. tb I 1 1 I OHchnctder. tb. I I II ("arlon, If.. . I 1 4 OHopklnt. If... 3 1 Heni'sen. cf. I I nSmlth. cf .... lists Plcksrd, rf . . I 0 08tevut. . nl. 1 Totals t til 3 Totals. II 7 11 9 4 Earned runs: Colts, 6; ' Monarchs, 2. Struck out: By Cravens, 12; by Hoffman, 11. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Fogerty. Score keper: Kousky. ELEVEN G ATM EH FOR TABOR Weatstaad Anaoaaces Kcbednle for Base Ball Season. TABOR, la., April 6. (Spoclal.)-C. O. Wentslsnd, manager of thtt base ball team at Tabor college, annourtcss his base nan schedule tor this sprintc-wim consid erable pride, as It Includes . eleven hard games. The flrat game was-v played last Saturday and next Saturday comes the University of Nebraska -tram, Following Is the scheduler - April 8 Nebraaka university at Tabor. April 18 Bellevue at Tabor. ' April 22 Missouri State Normal at Maryville. Mo. April 23 Tarklo college at Tarkio, Mo. April 24 Amity college at College Springs, la. May 1 Amity college at Tabor. Mav 13 Peru at Tabor. May I' Tarklo at Tabor. May 28 Bellevue at Bellevue. May. 29 Peru at Peru. GAMES FOR DE9 MOIE COLLEGE Coach Warrlaer of Basket Ball Team Will Train Diamond Artiste. DE8 MOINES, la.. April 5. ((Special.) Manager Hellfenstein of the Dea Moines college base ball team haa issued the schedule for the base' ball team this spring. It Is as follow: April 8 Dfs Moines league team here. April 10 Hlghlutid Park at Highland Park. April 188(111 college here. April 27 Parsons college here. April 80 Iowa Wealeyan university here. May 18 Simpson college at Indianola. May 27 Iowa Wealeyan At Mt. Pleasant. May 28 Parsons college at Fairfield. June 1 Central university at Pells. ' Coach W. A. Warrlner pf the basket ball team will coach the base bail and track teams here this spring, with North, the physical director of the college, as trainer. Bnteh Goes to Be Monkey. Bertleavllle, Ok!., little realises what Is in store for It this summer. It Is doomed to have a circus during the entire play ing season of Its base ball team. Why? Because Butch Freese. the village cut-up. la to be at Bartlesvllle this summer and will not only catch, but will also do his monkeyshlnes along the coaching line. Butch, has been the life of the exhibition games played so far in Omaha. Bartles vllle la one of the new towns taken Into the Western association to replace Wichita John says; "Mr. So and So big banker up street -h mnlr tnv 'f 5M A. SECRET BLEND' c'flar a 5c and en V ovs . What's the use 'blowin' 10c if 5c gives that 'satisfied feelln?' " Central Cigar Store 321 South 16th Strttl OCEAN STEAMSHIPS tforthGermanAloycL FAST KXrKXSB BEKTICa PLYMOlTH-THgKBOUKU gRgMKN 10 A. M. Kraoprim Wst . April it K Wm. U Or'., April 17 llll. April Ml Kaiser Wm. 11 . ..Mar 4 "TinW-BCBZW PASBEWOZX BEBTICJI PLYMOUTH- HKHHOtmi UlRkXT lu A M. Terrs April M.lB April IS Vntlktn4 April lUiOnalasnss April II Ursmea Street. KZDITSmKABAW BBKYIOB UlbKALTAK N AfLKS UICNOA atlltni at u A 11. K. Lutas Apnl 1SI K Albart April M P. Iran April HNarkar Mar 1 Storta Oarmaa XJoya Travelers Obeoka. Oelrtoh Co., Ageata, Broadway, m. Y SE. Clanaacalua St Co 95 Dearbara Bt, OU. ago, IU. SCANBINAVIA&AUEIICA1. LIM 18AM Tea Twia-Screw Passeagw Skeaasrs Direct as . Norway, Swedes aa. Dcanark Oarar II April 1'H.!II Ola Mar II tail States ....April Oarar II Mar IT C P. Tletsen ... Mar Cnllas Statas . June IS All Steamers Bqulppe With Wlrelasa Slrat cabin. US upaurt eevon caMa. pal at. A JOHNSON i ro. 18 8 tUtula St. CsJsaga, lit w ts Local A facie. MS and To neks, and this I the first time It has had a real ball team. The fans will take to Butch like files to sugar. STATE WIMl Bill TKtM "MOOT Mateh Rare Agalast Omaha and Brhroeder f,ea Sweepstakee Schroedpr had the distinction Monday of being low man In the match race of the stale team against Omaha and high gun In the sweepstakes events, making a score of 78 out of a possible 78. The Omaha (am Inst the match race by six targets The shooters left on the 4 o'clock trsin for Uncoln to attend the three days' snoot st tnat ptace. Scores : STATE TEAM. Bray ?4 Schroeder n Thorpe 24 SS- 47 23 44 n 47 Gates 24 n 47 S3- 47 Austin ,. 24 OMAHA TEAM. ''' 21 21- 42 Parker 21 21 42 Landy jr. 24 49 Townsend H 2? 44 Aylesworth 26 22 47 224 16-88 Barber 16 11 Thorpe 14 14 Bray n 12 Ooitletb 11 12 Gates 13 n 13 14 13 13 11 13 14 16 16 16 16 14 14 12 14 14 13 15 16 1.1 13 15 12 14 14 12 12 li 13 13 1fv-9 13-0 1 1 14- 87 15- 73 Schroeder 14 14 Lewis 14 1 15 9 12-S 1 ownsend Maxwell Austin .., 18 12 14 15 14 14 16-71 Fox 13 13 13-63 12-6 (rlucomlnl Pirt Wlllhims 12 14 12 IS 14-67 11 12 . 14- Aylesworth 14 Adams 14 13 14-67 DIETS! CLIB TO L1V11 Of LAKE Park and Building. Diets club la the name of s new organ isation of young men formed Sunday after noon with fifty charter members. The new club Is formed largely of the old members of the Diets Athletic associa tion which went out of existence a week ago. The Dleta club will secure grounds on the west side of. Bnllna Sea and has al ready bought the plrt club house of the Diets Athletic association from the C. N. Diets Lumber company and will move It to the new grounds and erect additional buildings. A base ball dlamor-1 and grandstand will be built and tennis courts will be provided for the use of the members. The grounds will have a frontage on the lake where the members may enlov boating and swim ming. The financial end of the new club Is already taken care of and the success of the club assured. Officers of the Diets club, elected Sun day are J. J. McMahon. nresldent: Dr. Hayes Osantner, secretary, and E. E. Eis erthart, treasurer. The directors are F. E. Blind. O. W. Johnson, Charles O'Neill. Frank Harrison and A. .Anderson. KING MAV CHALLENGE FOR (IP American Yachtsmen Woald Wel come Sach Event. NEW YORK. April 5 Commodore Ar thur Curtis James of the New York Yacht club, and another well known yacht man. read with Intense Intereat today a report cabled from Ivindon that inquiries had been made here on behalf of the prince of Wales aa to how a challenge from him for the American cup would be received. None of those seen, however, knew to whom the reported Inquiry waa made. we certainly wish the nrlnce would challenge," said Commodore James. "It would he the greatest thing for yachting that could happen. You can say positively that every member of the New York Yacht club, and the members of every American yacht club, would heartily wel come such a challenge. It would still fur ther cement the. friendship between the Americans and British. 'I do not know to whom the inoulrles mentioned were directed, but whoever It was who received such a communication would return but one answer that such a challenge would arouse us all to Joy." PORT OMAHA SOLDIERS START Play First Game with Americans and Lose It 5 to O. The Fort Omaha .soldiers went down In defeat before the Americana In their first game of baae ball of the season, piayed Sunday afternoon, the score being & to 0. 1 he soldiers tried three pitchers, while Young pitched the entire nine-Inning game for the Americana, striking out nine men ami allowing but three hits and no passea. The Americans will play the Benson Eagles next Sunday, tjcere: Americans 0 S 0 0 0 2 1 0 06 Soldiers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Earned runs: Americans. 3. Three-base hita: Collins. Williams. Sacrifice hits: Smith, Burke. Stolen bases: Dygert, Denny, Fox, Kupp, Bherer. Double plav: Guthrie to Stmcox. Bases on balls: Oft Wells, 1; off Brewer, 2; off Cass, 1. Struck out: By Young, 9; by Wells, 6; by Brewer, 1; by Cass, 2. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Denny and Baker. SURVEY OF GL1DDEN ROUTE Line of Travel from Omaha to Den ver Drawn Next Week. A survey of the route for the Gliddnn tourists to take between Omaha and Den ver will be made next week by H. E. Fredrlckaon and Mr. Field, representing the American Automobile association. Mr. Fredrlckson received a telegram Monday from Frank B. Hower, chairman of the committee In charge of the Glldden tour, stating that Mr. Lewis would reach Omaha next Sunday. It ia planned that Mr. field and Mr. Fredrickson will leave Omaha In an automobile early Monday morning, rain or shine, for the trip to Denver. A detailed map of the route showing every turn In the road between here and Denver will be made and arrangements for stopping places for the tourists will also be completed. Floor pluns of the leading hotels of Omaha have been sent to the committee In charge of the race. I.VTHKK BASE BALL SCHEDULE Uecorab College . Will Play Both Nebraska and Iowa. D ECO RAH. Ia., April 6. ( Special.) Manager Jesaen haa practioally completed the schedule of the Luther college base ball team for this spring. It Is as fol lows: April 29 University of Iowa here. May 1 South Dakota university here. May 8 Nebraska here. May 10 Minnesota at Minneapolis. May 11 Open. May 17 St. Olaf college at Decorah. May 24 Upper Iowa here. May 27 St. Joseph's college at Dubuque. May 28 and Upper Iowa at Fayette. June 4 Wisconsin here. WHITNEY HORSE TAKES RACE American Wlna In Two-Year-Old ( lass at Xottlanhnm. NOTTINGHAM, England, April .-The Little John plute of aw sovereigns, for distance four furlongs, was won today by II. P. Whitney's Oversight, ridden hy J. H. Martin, Salve waa second and Dove Cot third. Twenty-five horses started. Oversight's victory was the first success this season of American horses. The Klvaaten castle selling plate of 108 sovereigns for all agea, tive furlongs, waa won by Hlllllng Fleet, Salut D'Amour was aecond and 1'ieclude third. Eight horses ran. among them Mr. Whitney's Queen of Hearts. FRENCH MOTOR BOtT WINS German Entry at Monte Carlo Races Sinks, bat Crew Is Reamed. MONTE CARI.O. April 6. The motor boat race held here today for boats of the cruiser type waa won by. a French entry. No Americans competed. The German boat, the Prins Helnrich, sank. The crew was rescued. The $2,000 prise for racing boats waa captured thla afternoon by Wellesley-Siddeley, owned by the duke of Westminster. Dixie II., one of the Amer ican boats, was third. The distance waa 31.06 miles, and It waa covered by the inner In 49 minutes and secoi.ds. Schmidt Joins Delrolts. DETROIT, Mich.. April 6 Charles Schmidt, the last "hold-out" of the Ie trolt American league champions, tale graphed today from hia home In Coal Hill, Ark., that he had settled his differences with the club and will join tha team In St. Louis Thursday. Dirk Dwrer, Old-Tlmrr. Dick Dwyer. old-time ball player of Omaha, member of the old Union Pacific I tetuu from 1882 to VM, ia la Omaii vlslUug I IN HATS Gc I ' ' s T r evH 'STANDARD Sold Everywhere with hia friends. Ho played In Omaha wnen the grounds were located at t:ight eenth and St. Mary's avenue, right In the heart of the city, and when John Drexel was manager of the team and Frank Ban die catcher. Mr. Dwyer is now in business In Chicago. HOLLY S WIN FROM MERCHANTS Game at Benson, Nreond of Benson, Resnlta 4 to a. Four to two was the score of a same played Sunday at Benson between the Hollys and the Merchants. In favor of the Hollys. It was the second game won this season by the Hollys, but aa a double header waa played on the park In the aft ernoon, It was limited to five Innings. The fielding of Captain Gllham. the Holly sec ond baseman, waa the feature of the game. Score: Hollys 1 0 3 104 Merchants 2 0 0 0 02 Pedestrian Weston Reanmea Trip. YOUNGSTOWN, O., April 6.-Aftfr a rest of over thlrty-slx hours, Edward Payson Weston, the veteran pedestrian, resumed his journey to the Pacific coast at 12:06 thla morning. He was In good condition and expects to reach Canton tonight.. Vanderbllt's Horse at Bt. Cload. ST. CLOUD. France. April 6. W. K. Vanderbllt's Prestissimo II won the third race here today. Silver Streak, also one of X 1' A V.U,'. V. . -. 1 .. i . Ml.. T O l.l.C L... , 1IVI BCB, JCM.3 III IIIC last race. Vandrrbllt Geta Prises. PARIS. April 6. A. G. Vanderbilt was successful In the French horse show to day, winning the first prize for a coach and four. BREAK WITH NICARAGUA REPUBLIC IS IN SIGHT United States Tires of Delays In Dealing; with Emery Claim- WASHINGTON, April 6. Indications are that diplomatic relations between thla coun try and Nicaragua are nearlng a crisis, resulting from the failure of President Zelaya to adjust the Emery claim. In diplomatic circles It would occasion no surprise If Senor Esplnosa, Nlcaraguan minister to the United States, should shortly be told by the State department that the present difficulty has gone beyond the range of diplomatic discussion. In which event his request for pasnports would logically follow. The reticence of the State department In regard to the case Indicates that the situa tion Is more or less grave and that there Is little probability of any settlement of the difficulty on the basis proposed by Secretary Knox. What Is regarded as significant In con nection with the present state of affairs Is the fact that J. H. Gregory, the Ameri can charge d'affaires, who recently reached here from Nicaragua, is not expected to return to the Central American republic. One of the next moves by the State depart ment will be the transmission of the data bearing on the caae to congress. MInlstsr Esplnosa declines to discuss the situation until further developments. ADMIRAL CERVERA AT REST Ceremony -Is Simple, According to the Expressed Wish of Deceased. MADRID, April B.-Vlce Admiral Cervera who died yesterday, was buried this after noon. The body waa placed In a simple black coffin and borne on the shoulders of soldiers and bluejackets to the grave, where a sslute of twentyone volleys was fired. It was In accordance with the ad miral's request there were no flowers. The newspapers. In commenting on the death of Admiral Cervera recall the warm praise bestowed upon him by the Ameri cana at Santiago. The cium of all akin dlseaaea can ba traced to aoma humor or acid la . tha blood; tha cuticle Is always healthy where the circulation la free from (mniirl frtnu Whan that fa infantgA m 4 H at - MU .-, 1 V .44.. U 1 a -- tv lsawu in uiiob vwu wf iui s4i. ia ui u uiiv oiiiiij y uuivvvi l y cannot perform its natural work of nourishing tha skin, regulating Its tem perature and preserving Its normal softness, pliability and- healthfulneaa. : Instead it Irritates and inflames the delicate fibres and tissues around tha -pores and glands and produces some of the many forms of skin disease. The itching and stinging so often accompanying skin affections are produoed by the deposit from the blood of the acrid humors with which it ia filled. Into the sensitive membranous flesh lying just beneath the outer covering, and surrounding' the countless nerves, pores and glands. This erplalns why scratching the outer skin affords no relief from the itching aud burning. 8. 8. 8. cures Skin Diseases of every character by purifying the blood.. It goes down Into the circulation snd remove the humors or acids which are causing the trouble, builds up the weak, acrid blood, and permanently cures every variety of, skin affection. Local applications can only soothe; they never cure because they do not reach the blood. 8. 8. 8. goes right Into the circulation, reaches the trouble and cures It Ly removing the cause. Book on Ekla Diseases and any medical advice free to all who write. : - - v ' TBS SWIFT SPECIFIC C0.t ATLAXTTA, GA. TIIE BEST-TIIATS fLTL: OF MT VALUE BOY IS CAUGHT II UBRARY evaiaeewaewaaew . " . j Yovrfgster Credited with More Lore for Adventure Than Evil- LOADS UP WITH SOME CURIOS Trapped in Balldlng aWd ArresOd, bnt aa He Has Good Record Proaerntlon Probably Will '' sc wsirrs, "I ain't been readln' ncrthln' scornfully declared Charllo Welch of 418 South Twen-tv-fourth avenue Mondav mornlnr. when it was intimaieo mat pernais mma novels had caused him to attempt to rob tha public library of a lot of old Indian relics and a small arsenal of old-time weapons Sunday night. The lad says he had Intended to sell the' hi i.jr.. mealing mem. Aiinougn ne says he Is only 14 years of1 age. he look several years older.. According to the. po lice and the boy s family, he haa never been In trouble before and It la thought that he had merely become solxed, with a desire to have some excitement of ' tha rugged, western sort, and so had chosen curios of the days when tha plains of Nebraska were the scenes of lively hap penings between Indian and pioneer. Crouching under a table In tha children' room of the publlo library, with a revolver in his hand and with a large collection of relics ready to be removed from the build lpg the boy was caught about S o'clock last night by Detecttvea Dunn and Pattulto and Emergency Officers Morgan .and Lea hey. , Welch waa evidently concealed In tha building when It was closed Sunday after--noone As soon as It became dark he re moved his shoes and put on a pair of moc casins, taken from a collection of Indian relics. He had already provided himself with some candles and two sacks. 'and he commenced to gather up plunder of all About the same time the night watchman heard someone In the building and called the station for help-. Emergency Officer t Morgan went to the library on hia ihotorVf cycle and the patrol wagon followed 'with the other officers. The watchman waa so ii9iunica mat. no .ipfew nis .gun On Mor- ot,n a ti .1 I, wo. .III. Ai,M-.:i..i -1 . . . .' b.. - "in. u..i.uu.iy insi ns was. made to understand that It was not another burglar he waa talking to. After tha man was captured the watchman requested" that a policeman bs left tlurre with him during the night, and ah officer was detailed t remain there. ' ' ' OBJECT LESSON OF DRY. TOWN ; Saloon Men In Kentacky Class I'g Pending 'Election 'on License. CINCINNATI, O., April 6.-TO Imprest upon the voters -the dryness of a "dry" town, all saloon, keepers and llquer dealers of Ashland. Kv.. several rieva o .-I a.l up their saloons and turned the keys aver to Mayor Mathewson, who Is to keep them until after the local option election to he held In Boyd county tomorrow. Irr addition to this, they also deposited. $200," Which ht to be forfeited In caae any one should be aeen entering any saloon or liquor store mt Ashland until after the flection. Died of Paeamoala" , ' , Is never written of those who curt eoughi and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery'. Guaranteed. 60c and 11.00.'. For aala b Beaton Drug Co. CURES o SICEI DISEASES