Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Dance art helps win smr
Writes: My vie has been in a very
bad siafe cf health. Nothing seemed
to do her any goo J until the began
Eaiter Music and Services Occupy At
tention of Churches.
Pastor of First Presbyterian Cb area
Will Lecture to Ilia Bible Class
oa Sunday on This
"Terpiichoreau Skill" Cited as Ele
ment in Law Case.
-IT r. ftaellf Win Complicated t.ItU
ration la Dlstrlrt Ceart Before
iliirr Redlck Involvlna;
y i
f ,.
s .
Propertr Rights.
One of the moat complicated canes before
a Judge of the district court In recent yeara
'was ended by Judge Redlck. Saturday
morning, when he ruKttl for T. C. Shelly
and against the Omaha Cattle Ioan com
pany. In the course of his decision "the
t-rpslrhorean skill of Prof. Chambers"
yr came In for some praise.
The suit wa brought to tender available
for execution on a Judgment the residence
: property at Thirty-second street and Wool
worth avenue, owned by Mrs. Bhelly and
the properly of the Chambers Academy
company In which Mrs. Shelly la also In-
When the Shelly-Rogers company failed
a few years ago creditors, Including; the
' Cattle loan company, secured all the assets
of Shelly, but could not touch Mrs. Slielly's
own property. A Judgment against Shelly
secured, fraudulent conveyance wa alleged
. and the suit Just over was brought In the
hope that Mrs. Shelly's property might be
mails subject to the Judgment.
''' The esse occupied three weeks last July
and three week In October, nearly all ot
which was taken with the hearing of evi
dence, although the arguments lasted four
Obligation to Wife.
Judge Redlck held that the Investiture of
the property In Mrs. Shelly was under
taken at a time, 1900, when the Bhelly
P.oger company was In a highly prosperous
condition, and that for a man at auch a
time to set aside property against the
1 hazard of the future was a perfectly proper
" undertaking. Moreover, the court declared
''."that Shelly owed Ills wife a moral. If not
h legal debt, having previously given her
a house, then sold It and invested the
money fu the Shelly-Rogers company.
. ' '' Other money went at a similar time when
Shelly was far from Insolvent into the
Chambers Academy company In hit wife's
name, and "the auccess of the company
,ras depended," said the court, "upon the
terpslchorean skill of Prof. Chambers and
Mr. Shelly's business sagacity."
'r. McCoy 8l Olmstead represented the de
r ff ndant and W. A. Corson the plaintiff and
the latter came In f6r a compliment from
. the court In his presentation of the case
'and manifest willingness to aid the court
. .In coming to a knowledge of the facts In
volved' . What made the case ao complicated was
- that the plaintiff undertook to show that
some of the debts owed by Bhelly at the
rttlme of failure had their origin back be
fore the time whe.i he gave the money to
. - Ws wife.
He Burled Unidentified Maa ruder
' the Impression It Was
HU Boa.
if Zed Bethers of Council Bluffs, father of
Henry Bethers, who waa not burned to
rVath in a car of cindera at Valley, nor
burUU In Council Bluffs, has filed with
' s the county commissioners the claim which
lie announced several days ago he would
, n-ake.
Uellicrs asks the board to reimburse him
for tlm Sitf which he expended on the
funeral of the, man who was killed In the
car arid whore body was buried on the
supposition that it was Henry Bethers.
c' B triers' petition says that he Is a poor
man and that he could not afford the out
lay at the time, but that he thought he
had to do it. At the bottom cf his petition
Mavor Maloney of Council Bluffs says he
. thinks whatever request Bethera may pre-1
fer Is reasonable.
Members of the board say they cannot
,t- see in whnt way Douglas county is liable
.- -or should be held so.
Mrs, Joseph B. riper.
. Mrs. Joseph B. Piper, who. with her
. husband, was a resident ot Omaha for a
... number of yeara before removing to San
Antonio, Tex., died In that city Friday.
.. News of her death was received here
- Saturday, and the body la now on the, way
here for burial. Mr. Piper la accompany
ing it and will arrive Monday afternoon.
- I'ndertaker Jackson will take charge of
the case and the funeral and burial la to
- he conducted by Rev. U O. Batrd of St.
Mary's Avenue Congregational church, to
which the Plpera belonged, and In which
Mr. Piper waa prominent before they left
Omaha. Mrs. Watts of 2114 Chicago street
v is a daughter of the dead woman.
Fraacla Gartlnnd.
Francis Qartlsnd, S yeara old, and for
thirty-five yeara a resident of Omaha,
' died Friday afternoon after a two months'
, Illness with pneumonia and bronchitis. He
i lived at 118 South Sixth atreet. Ireland
, .waa his birthplace. A married daughter.
' -who Uvea out ot the city, and several other
, relatives, survive him. The funeral Is to
vbe-held Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock
,, at-the church of St. Mary Magdalene,
V Nineteenth and Dodge streets, and burial
will b in Holy 8epulcher cemetery.
Tkt Yellow Peril.
Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanishes
when Dr. King's New Ufa Pllla are taken.
' Guaranteed. Be. For sale by Beaton Drug
I70- . ,
'Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
lose, Lawn
season right upon us. We isell and are apents for the best
Hose made. Ixwk out for the "GOODRICH" name.
Wire Screen Cloth
Black galvanized Pearl, in light and heavy grades,
and Bronze Cloth. Get our prices.
Iawn Mowers. All the latest up-to-date makes, and our
prices are right.
James Morton & Son Co.
Bull den Hardware and Tools.
Rev. J. G. Dukes; Pastor of the Uni
tarian Church of Pinetown, N. C, writes:
"My wife has been in' a very bad state
of health for several years, and nothing
seemed to do her any good until she be
gan to' use ' Peruna one month ago. Since
then the color has returned -to her face,
and she Is gaining In flesh every day, and
I believe she Is a well woman today.
"My little boy ten years old, waa pale
and had but little life. He began to use
Peruna the day his "mother began. Today
his face Is rosy, and he Is out In the
yard running and Jumping with the rest
of the children."
Stomach Trouble Relieved.
Mrs. T. i. Ballard, Pryor Creek, Indian
Territory writes: "I am happy to tell you
that I keep free from my old stomach
trouble; feel no catarrhal symptoms at all.
I am able to do my work, eat and drink
what I want, and rejoice that I found a
sure cure In your valuable medicines,
which I failed to find in the best of home
"Bishop" Williams
Run Out of Town
Colored Man Who Worked Omaha
and South Omaha is Invited to
Iave Duluth. .
"Bishop" Williams, r a colored man
peddling that, name In Omaha and South
Omaha some .months ago, waa recently
Invited to leave the city of Duluth and he
accepted the Invitation.
He and a negro character In Minnesota
cities named Jim Lee and calling himself
"Rev." J. H.- Iee, were "doing" the town
Just as the "Bish" and a colored woman
"did" Omaha and South Omaha until his
reverence and the police had some mls
understandlng. '
Br'er Williams' stunt ' waa to represent
himself aa the bishop of the Apoatollc
Afrlcsn Methodist church engaged in pro
viding homes for orphans. Such a home he
pretended to establish at South Omaha.
He rented a squalid shack there and posted
a set of rules In the hall. Any man with a
aense of humor In his soul could not read
the rules without falling In a heap on the
floor from laughter. One rule read: "All
gentelmen which enters this house shall
removo his hat from their head and wipe
their feet and not smoke, but be polite to
The "blsh" came here from Kansas City,
where, Investigation proved, he left much
the aame aa he has left Duluth. During
his stay In Omaha, a demand came from
Kansas City that he be taken Into custody
for not supporting his wife.
He assumed the vestments of a clerical
man and "fought a -brave fight to don the
dignity that goes alth the clothes, but when
he opened his mouth and began to talk he
put his foot in It, for the grammer they
taught In his school boy days differed so
radically from that in vogue today.
Five young men went into a shop re
cently to buy a hat each.
Seeing they were in a Joking mood, the
shopman said:
"Are you married?"
They each said "Tea."
"Then I'll give a hat to the one who can
truthfully aay he has not kissed any other
woman but his own wife since he was
'Hand over that hat," said one of tht
party; "I've won It."
"When were you married!"
"Yesterday," was the reply, and the hat
waa handed over.
One ot the othera waa laughing heartily
while telling his wife the poke, but sud
denly pullea up when she said:
"I say, John, how was It you' didn't
bring home one?" Bystander.
Brace's Mother.
The Inspector waa, examining and all
the clasaea had been told beforehand by
their maeier. "Don't anawer unless you
are almost certain your answer . Is cor
rect" History was the subject.
"Now, tell me," said the Inspector, ' who
was the mother of our great Scottish hero,
Robert Bruce?"
He pointed to the top boy, then round the
class. There wss no answer. Then at last
the heart of the teacher of that cla leaped
with Joy. The boy who was standing at
the very foot had held up his hand.
"Well, my boy," said the Inspector, en
couragingly, "who was she?"
"Please, sir, Mrs. Bruce." Philadelphia
1511-1513 Dodge St,
At All h'alnls' church. Palm Sunday, at
S o'clock the choir will render the beau
tiful Lenten cantata, "The Measage From
the Cross." by Will C. MacFarland, or
ganist of St. Thomas' church, New fork.
The cantata la for aolo voices, chorus snd
organ, and will he under the direction ot
J. H. Simms. The soloists will be: Miss
Grace Barri soprano; Fred O. Baker, tenor,
and Charles S. Haverstock, baritone. The
full program Is aa follows:
introduction Organ
Soprano Solo and Chorus Now, My
Soul, Thy Voice Upraising
Chorus Oh, Came and Mtfurn ,
Baritone Solo and Chorus And They ,
That Passed By Reviled Him '
Chorus Have We ' No Tears to Shed '
for Him?
..(The First Word.)
Baritone Solo Father. Forgive Them,
for They Know Not What They
Soprano Solo Jesus, In Thy Dying '
W oea
tThe .Second Word.)
Baritone Solo Todav Shalt Thou Be '
With Me in Pararita .
Chorus Now Is the Day of Salvation. .
t rue Third Word.)
Baritone Solo Woman. Behold Thy
Knnl I . . , 1 .1 TV... U,I...
Tenor-Solo and Chorus At the' Cross ,
Her Station Keeping
Hymn When I Survey the Wondrous
(Th Fourth WnrA
Bsrltone Solo My Uod! My Qod! Why
nam i nou rorsaiten ftier
(Tim Fifth WnrA 1
Baritone Solo t Thirst....! :
Baritone Holo and Trio Come, Ye ,
DictsBca or my r ainer .
iThl Slvth Wnrrf k
Baritone Solo It la rini.h.rt.
Chorii Calvary's Mournful Mountain -
Tha Kavanlh WnwA
Baritone Solo Father. Into Thv
Hands 1 Pnmmnn1 M. D.uu
Trio As Christ Upon the Cross!!!!.'!
., . c onclusion.)
Thh ' nd Cnorus My Spirit on
Soprsnp Holo and Chorua'--Slng,' My
uie Diviouri 2attie...
At the Kountae MetnnrUI t.iilli..
Sunday morning a large claaa of young
men and women who have been under the
special instruction of the rjastor for flva
months will be received into the member
ship of the church by the rite of con
firmation. The class la one of th lumi
In the history of the church and the serv
ice promises to be one of great Interest.
ine choir will sing -The Palms." At the
evening aervlce the Palm Sunday event in
the Life of Christ will be commemorated.
First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenka, D. D.,
Duet-Stabat Mater Doloroaa from The
Story of the Cross Buck
, , Miss Jansen, Miss Moees.
Solo The Palms Faure
Mr. Jessen.
Anthem-The King of Love My Shep
herd Is . Shallev
Solo-The Palms .V. .."'.'. Fau'e
Mr. Jessen.
Choir: Miss Louise Janxen, soprano and
director; Mies Myrtle Moses, contralto;
Mr. H. C. Jessen, tenor. Miss Nancy Cun
ningham, organist.
The Rt. Rev. Arthur L. Williams. D. D.,
bishop of Nebraska, will administer the
sacrament of confirmation at the Church
of St.' Philip the Deacon Sunday afternoon
The following music will be given at the
North Side Christian church:
Processional Ride on In Majesty
Invocation ;
Response Gloria Patrl !!!!!!'!
Solo The Palms .' ' Fau re
Mr. James Knight.
Processional Ride on In Majesty
Prayer Response Now the Day 'la Over
Male quartet.
Offertory All Things Come of Thee. O
Lore? ,
Anthem Jerusalem Parker
Tenor solo and chorus. '
Recessional Dismiss Us with Thy Bless
ing, Lord
Mrs. H. J. Kirschsteln, organist and choir,
Easter Sunday evening the chorus choir
ot the North Side Christian church, Twenty
aecond and Locust streets, will render
Harry Rowe Shelley'a Easter cantata,
"Death and Life." At the morning aervlce
the choir will sing "Fling Wide the Gatea '
from Stalner's "Cruclfiilon."
The special musical program at the North
Presbyterian church on Sunday evening will
be as follows:
Organ Prelude
Hymn No. M
Bass Solo The Palma Faure
Scripture Reading
yuartet The Prologue, from "The Story
of the Cross" Dudley Buck
Response Now the Day Is Over Barnby
Soprano and Alto Duet..Stabat Mater
Dolorosa Dudley Buck
Remarka by Mr. Hlgbee
guartet Epilogue. ,7The Story ia Told"
Dudley Buck
The choir conaists of Mies Nettle Wil
liams, soprano; Mrs. E. F. Williams, con
tralto; C. J. Ochiltree, tenor; E. F. Wil
liams, basso and director; J. W. Lampman,
Special music for Sunday at the First
Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Har
ney streets, Is aa follows:
Anthem Thy Way, Not Mine Rrlggs
With Solo by Miss Sarah Shearer.
Anthem Savior, When Night Involves
the Skies :. Shelley
With Solo by Mr. J. O. Burger.
Male Chorua Nearer, My Ood. to Thee
Mra Louise Shadduck-Zabrlskle. organist;
Walter B. Graham, director of mualo.
A special mualcal aervlce will be given
at the North Presbyterian church Sunday
evening by the regular choir, at which time
a portion of Dudley Buck's beautiful can
tata. "The Story of the Cross," will be
At the Kountse Memorial I Ait hers n
cbureh. Twenty-sixth and Fa mam streets,
music for Sunday:
Berceuse Spinney
The palma, full chorus.
March of ths Priests. "Athalla"
Prelude in F Nicode
yuartet Come Unto Me Johnson
Varch Militalre Clarke
E. A. Van Fleet, director; Charles L.
Cooke, Jr., organist.
"Philanthropy" will be the lecture of Dr.
K. If. Jenks to his Bible class at the First
Presbyterian church Sunday from 13 to 13 to.
On Palm Sunday afternoon at 4:tt the
choir of the Flrat Congregational church
wtll render "The Seven last Words of
Christ," by Dubois. The soloists will be
Miss Martha Grym. soprano; Mr. I L.
Haven, tenor; Mr. Fred Ellis, baritone and
director; Mr. Martin W. Bush, organist.
Holy week will be observed by the con
gregate n of the Castellar Street Presby
tenan church with o'clock services ea4.i1
evening. Sunday evening. "A Day of Tri
nmph;" Monday, "A Day of Authority;"
Tuesday, "A Day of Controversy;" Wednes
day, "A Day of Retirement;" Thursday, "A
Day of Fellowship;" Frldsy, "A Day of
Suffering;" Sunday, "The Day of Resurrec
tion." This evening the regular Saturday night
aervlce at the Union Gospel Mission, 1J21
Douglas atreet, will begin at : o'olock
and will continue until midnight. The pro
gram for the evening will conaiat of short
talks, testimonies and singing.
Friends' meeting for worship at the
residence of H. C. Madden, 1439 Templeton
avenue, Sunday, 7:80 p. m.
V. W. C. A. Notes.
Miss McHugh's literature class' wtll meet
for the first time In lis o.w quarter Fri
day evening. j
The German class. In charge of Miss
Sussn Paason, will meet Friday evening at
the usual hour.
The millinery class will meet Tuesday
evening at 7:18. Members are requested to
bring their working material with them.
. The new circulating library has not yet
been catalogued, but aa aoon aa It Is ready
for use announcement will be mad to the
The first regular class In domestic science
will meet at 6 o'clock Monday. Call at ihe
office for schedule of other classes In this
detartment and in domestic arts.
Beginning of clubs and Bible classes in
the new building as follows: Tuesday,
Business Girls' club; Friday, Fellowship
club; Tuesday. Mrs. flyers' morning Bible
The biblical library In the covenant room
on the third floor la now ready for use by
sny women who desire to consult reference
rr.sps and books in preparation for any
meetings they may have to lead.
Mra. Km ma F. Byers, general secretary,
will speak In the auditorium Sunday after
noi n at 4: on "Rest." Special musio has
been planned and a aocial hour will follow
at 6 30. Every woman who possibly can be
present will be cordially welcomed.
The new building will be open to women
Sunday afternoons from 3 to 7 o'clock. All
women are welcome to the reading and rest
rooms afternoona and are especially Invited
to the gospel meetings each Sunday after
noon at 4:30 In the uudltotium. Tiie build
ing will never be open for public Inspection
in Sunday.
During the opening of the building a
number of workera from other cities have
been present, ann ng them Mrs. F. M.
Hall, atate president, of IJncoln; Miss Myra
Withers, stste secretary; Mrs. H. J. Hall,
president of the Uncoln association: Miss
Eva Bcevers, gereral secretary. lea Moines;
Miss Nettie E. Trimble, general secretary.
Kansas City; Mlsa Etta B. Agee, general
secretary, Lincoln.
M. C.
Tom Mackey, a Chicago evangelist, who
has been conducting services for the Volun
teers of America, will address the men's
meeting Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock on
"A Man Wanted."
The student council of the educational
department la making arrangements fur
the rendering of a cantata by Mr. Kratt
and his choir of the Hanscom Park Metho
dist church in the association assembly hall
on April 15.
The Association Debating club Is prepar
ing to meet the Council Bluffs club in a
test of debating merits upon the question.
"Resolved. That the government should
have exclusive control of all corporations
dolng"lnlertate business."
The Monday night class led by Mr. Deni
son In the study of youth and the ado
lsecent boy will discuss "Physical Chanaes
Attendant Upon Adolescence" and "Instruc
tion Regarding Bex, the discu.aicn ocgin
nlng promptly at o'clock.
The boya' department Bible atudy rioted
last week. Mftnv of the boys are planning
to tske the international Bible ataily ex
amination. All doing ajillsfactory work will
receive a Bible study certificate presented
by the International committee.
The two Sunday afternoon classes, Attor
ney William Uaird's Bible class and the
Life Problem club, led by Dr. W. O. Henry,
meet for an hour preceding the afternoon
meeting, from S to 4 o clock. Men are
Invited to otlei.d. "The Family" ia the
topic for dlscusson by the Ufe Problem
club Sunday.
At a apeclal meeting of the board of direc
tors three commltttes upon arrangements
of th association sthletlc park were ap
pointed. The committee upon supervision
will attend to the purchasing of all equip
ment, such aa boats, tents snd athletic
paraphernalia. Tho grounds committee will
direct the laying out of the athletic fifld
and tennis courts, running traik and base
ball diamonds. The building committee will
direct the plotting of all altea for the
bulicilngs, bungalows and cottages and the
erection of tents.
MUrellaaeeas Aanoaaremeata.
Bethany Branch First Baptist, 3S3 Ieav
enworth. Sunday achool at S.
Calvary Baptist Brsnrli, Tliirt y-foiurth
and Beward Sunday, ::, Bible avhuoi
The Omaha General Hospital Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock a gospel service will
be held In the hospital psrlors, to which
evervone Is Invited.
Clifton HUI Presbyterian. Thomas B.
Greenlee. Pastor The sacrament of the
lAird's supper will be celebrated at the
morning service. 10. Co; evrnlci hour la T.St;
We Announce fop This Week
A SpeciaJ Easter Showing
US Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists
You may rest assured that nothing has been over
looked in our special Easter display that would be of in
terest from a style standpoint.
Being a great specialty house whose sole purpose is
the selling and fitting of the highest grade of apparel pro
duced, we are able to concentrate all our forces on one
object, that of correct dressing, and if we say it with par
donable pride, in this line we stand pre-eminent.
ENTIRELY NEW Two and Three Piece Tailored
Suits, at $25.00, $29.75, $35.00. $45.00 to $110.00
EXCLUSIVE EW Messaline, Foulard and Lingerie
Dresses, at $19.50, $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 to $85.00
STYL'ISH NEW Strictly Tailored and Trimmed
Walking Skirts, at $7.50, $10. $12.50. $15 to $27.50
PRETTY NEW Silk Lace and Lingerie Shirt Waists
at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $19.50
junior Christian Endeavor at 3:30; senior
society, 6:30; Sabbath school, noon; prayer
meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine
teenth and Farnam, Lyric Theater Sun
day achool at 9:40; service, 11: subject of
lesson sermon, "Unreality."
St. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty
eighth and Parker, E. T. Otto, Pastor
Service at 10; Lenten services at 7:46 on
Sunday, Thursday and Good Frldny.
Kountse Memorial Lutheran Mission,
Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. John E.
Hummon, Pastor Sunday achool at 1;
classes for all ages; Instruction all in Eng
lish. People's, Char lea W. Ravldgo, Pastor
Morning, "The Gift God Expects of Every
Man"; evening, "Samaon'a Last Grand Ef
fort." Prof. Mertea haa charge of the
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Twenty
fifth and Farnam. Chambers Building
Sunday school at t:45; Sunday aervlces at
11 and 8. Subject of lesson sermon, "Un
reality." Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh
snd Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, Pastor Services
at 10:30 and 8. Sabbath school at noon.
Jui lor Endeavor at 8:30. Young People's
scclety at 7.
First Presbyterian, Dodge and Seven
teenth, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks. D. D.,
Pastor Morning service, 10:30; evening, 7:30;
Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor
meeting, 8:1S.
North Side Christian, Twenty-aecond and
Locust, Rev. H. J. KJrchstein, Minister At
10:30, "Our Lord's Triumphal Entry." Bible
school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 6:15.
At 7:30, "To Seek and to Save."
Westmlnater Presbyterian. Twenty-ninth
and Mason The pastor. Rev. W. 8. Ful
ton. D.D., will preach at 10:30 and at 7:30.
Sabbath achool and Bible claesea at li.
Izard Street Mission school at 8. Young
People'a aoclety at 8:30.
First Baptist. Twenty-ninth snd Harney,
Rev. J. W. Conley, Pastor Services at
10:30 and 7:30. Morning sermon, "Unrecog
nised Opportunity;" evening, "The Christ
of Calvary." Sunday achool at noon.
Young People's meeting at 8:30.
Church of St. Philip the Deacon. Twenty
first near Paul. Rev. John Albert William's,
Pastor Palm Sunday, benediction of palms
and holy eucharlst. 7:80; matins, 10:30; holy
eucharist snd sermon, 11; Sunday achool
12:30; confirmation by Btahop Williams, 5.
First United Brethren, Nineteenth and
I)throp, M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor Sun
day school, 10; preaching. 11 and 8; morning
theme. "Memorial;" evening," Temple
Cleansing;" Christian Endeavor class meet
ing, noon; workers' meeting. Wednesday, 8.
Central United Preabyterlan. Twentv
fourth and Dodge, R. B. A. McBrlde, D
I. Minister Morning worship. 10:30; ser
mon, subject. "The Meaning of the Death
of Jesus Christ;" evening worship, 8, ser
mon subject, "Christ Entering Jerusalem;"
services each evening during the week at' 8
oclock. except Saturday evening, with the
obaervance of the sacrament of the supper
on next Sabbath.
The Norwegian and Danish Methodist.
North Twenty-fifth and Decatur-Servlces
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Preaching by the
pastor, R. p. Petersen. Young people's
meeting 7 p. m.
Hillside Congregational. Ohio and Thir
tiethRegular services 10:30 and 8 o'clock,
at which Rev. Barnutt of Mlnneanta will
preach. Sunday school at noon. Christian
Kndeavor at 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer
meeting Wednesday evening ut 8.
Grace Lutheran, South Twentv-elxth and
Poppleton Avenue, Rev. M. L. Melick. Pas.
tor Confirmation services at 10:30 snd
Palm Sunday services st 7:30, Sunday school
at 12:15 and Luther league at 6:80. Services
every night of holy week except Saturday
Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal,
Twenty-ninth and Woolworth, R. Scott
Hyde, Pastor-Preaching by the pastor at
10:30 and 7:30; special music at both ser
vices. Iee G. Kratx. choir msster; Sunday
school at noon, Bert Wilcox, superintend
ent. First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Harney.
J. M. Kersey. Pastor The usual .rvlrr-
at Christian church. Preaching at 10:30
and 7:30. Bible achool at 12. Young Peo
ple's meeting st 6:30. Bible clsss Tuesday
evening from 8 to . You ars cordlslly
Invited to these services.
St. Mark'a English Lutheran. Twentieth
and Btirdette. !.. Groh. Pastor Services,
Palm and Easter. Palm Sunday, 10:30,
"What Say You?" Confirmation. 7:80.
'Inheritance of the Meek." Sunday school
at 12. Young People's at 6:46. Holy week,
aervlce every evening at 8.
Immanuel Baptist. Twentv-fnurth and
Plnkney. Phlletus H. McDowell. Pastor
10:30. "By the Gentiles Sought, but by the
Jews Rejected;" 7:). "The Unfolding of the
Future;'1 Bible school at noon; Baptist
Young People's union at 6:tt; special Gospel
services every evening at 8.
Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor. B. F.
Fellman. Pastor 10:45. morning service; 7,
young people's meeting; 7:30 to 8. stereop
ticon views illustrating "Pilgrim's Prog
ress;" 8. evening service; Sunday achool
No. 1, Tenth and Arbor, noon; Sunday
school No. 2, Fourth and Cedar, 3:30.
Trinity Cathedral. Capitol Avenue and
Eighteenth, Very Rev. George A. Beecher,
Desn Holy communion at 8; Sunday school
and Bible class , 1:46; confirmation and ser
mon by the right reverend bishop ot Ne
braska and holy communion at 11; evening
prayer and sermon by Uie dean at 7:30.
Trinity Melhodlat, Twenty-first and Bln
ney. Rev. J. A. Sp)kr. Pastor Morning
services at 10.30. evening services at 7:60.
There will be an exposition of the Twen
ty-third psalm In the morning, and Judge
Lee Esteile of the Juvenile court will speak
In the evening on "Our Boys and Girls."
!,owe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffin, D. D..
Paator Morning worship at 10.30. Com
munion and reception of members, keen
ing worship at 7:30. Sermon subject, "The
Cross of Jesus." Men's Bible clsss, con
ducted by the paator, at 12 to 12:26 o'clock.
A welcome to ail.
McCabe Methodist Episcopal. Farnam and
Fortieth. Rev. J. Narver Gortner, Pastor
Preaching at 11 a. m. and It. m. A aeries
of evangelistic services will begin with the
morning service. The pastor will be as
sisted by Rev. T. C. Webster. D. D. There
will be a service each evening during the
week. Dr. Webster wtll preach at each
Castellar Presbyterian, Sixteenth and
Castellar. Ralph H. Houseman, Minister
At 10:30. anniversary sermon, "I Am
Ready; the attitude of True Consecra
tion." At noon, Bible school. At 7, Chris
tian Endeavor. At 8, svenlng worship, "A
Day of Triumphs." Holy week service
every evening at S.
First German Free Evangelical, Twelfth
and Dorcaa Streeta Public worship and
Sabbath observance by this congregation
will be held at 10:30 and 7:80, with addresses
by Rev. H. W. Bruchert, Paator Bible
achool at 2:30 Friday, Memorial and pre
paratory services for observing Easter will
be held at 7:30; everybody Invited.
Union Gospel Mission, 1321 Doug-las On
Sunday morning at t. L. D. Holmes will
speak at the gospel meeting. At 3 P. 3.
Glrardet will conduct the Bible atudy; the
usual goapel aervlce will be held at 7:46;
Charlee F. Robel will speak; Miss Frances
McGlffert will sing; noonday prayer meet
ing will be held eevry day during the week.
Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Forty
flrst.and Charles, E. K. Hosman, Pastor
Publio services. 10:30 and 7:30; morning
theme, "Ways In Which Prayer May Be
Answered;" evening theme, "Failure In the
Christian Life Its Cause;" noon, Sunday
achool, George T. Ludley, superintendent;
6:30, Ep worth league, E. C. Kennedy,
Flrat Congregational. Nineteenth and
Davenport. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, Paa
tor Services appropriate to Palm Sunday;
morning worship. 10:30: subject. "Following
Jesus all the Way." At 4:30 the choir will J
render a sacred cantata by Dubois, "The
Seven Last Words of Jesus." This vesper
service will take the place of the evening
Saratoga Congregational, Twenty-fifth
and Amea Avenue Preaching at 10:30. Sun
day schcol at 11:30. Young People's society
i-t 7. Evening service at 8. Special music
at evening aervlce. Prayer meeting Thura
day evening at 7:30, folic wed by choir prac
tice. Ladles' Aid society will meet with
Miss Avery, 2736 Decatur street, Wednesday
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. Hlgbee, Paator Morning worship at
lu:30, communion; 8a.bbath school at noon;
school at 13u6 North Twenty-fourth, noon;
Young People's society of Christian En
deavor at 6:30; evening, special goapc.
praise meeting at 7:30, congregational meet
ing at 8; Wednesday evening, annual elec
tion of officers.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, St.
Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh, Rev.
Lucius O. Balrd, Pastor Morning worship
at 10:80; sermon by the paator; subject,
"Judas' Adverse Report on Valuations.''
Sunday school at 12. Vesper worship at
4:30; subject, "The Measure of a Man."
Junior Endeavor and children's hour at
4:30. Young People Society of Christian
Endeavor at 8:46.
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton, Rev. K. H. Curry. Paator iervlcea
at 10:30 and Y:80, conducted by the pastor.
Morning subject. "The Price;" evening.,
"The Sin of Cowardice." The Lord s sup
per will be observed at the close of the
morning service. A male chorus will lesd
the song service In the evening. lasalon
week services every evening during the
week, excepting Saturday, st 8. Bible
school at 12. Young People'a service at
Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth and
Spencer, John P. Clyde, Mlniaier Morning
worship, 10:80; Palm Sunday aermon; Sun
day achool at noon; Christ tsn Endeavor
socletv, 6:30; evening worship, 7:80. Dr.
John Baptist of Constantinople, formerly a
member ot the court or the sultan, will
speak on "The American Flag and Its
Power for Christ." Speelal music at each
nervire. Passion week will be observed by
a meeting each night at 8, at which there
will be apeclal music and a short address.
First Methodist Episcopal Morning aerv
lce at 10:80; Palm Sunday sermon by the
pastor. Rev. Frank U Loveland. D. D. ;
subject, "The Noble but Fleeting Impulse
of the Pslm Bundsy Populace." The even
ing service will be devoted to the tenth
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THE ONE REMEDY for woman' peculiar ailments food enouffc
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anniversary memorial In honor of the mem
ory of Dr. John McQuold and Bishop John
P. Newman. Commemmoratlve music will
be furnished by the vented choir. The t.ld
tlme friends of Dr. McQuold and Bishop
Newman are especially Invited to these
Kountse Memorial Lutheran, Twenty -sixth
and Farnam, Rev. John E. Hummon,
Pastor Palm Sunday, 10:30. aermon, "The
Weeping King;" the reception of forty-one
new members into the fellowship of the
church; 8unday achool at noon. O. P. Good
man superintendent; large class of boyr
will be promoted from the primary depart
ment Into the Intermediate; 7, Christian
Endeavor, Dr. W. R. Shepherd leads; even
ing service at 8; aermon subject, "The
March of Triumph," Palm Sunday sermon
and special music.
Madera Improvement Make a Qet
avway Almost lm
oeslble. Wlrelesa telegraphy continues to add to
it laurels. It has Just been used to Inter
cept the flight of a young man accused of
a felony in New York atate. The man
whom the law seeks was aboard a United
States war vessel far out on the Atlantio
when the message was flashed across the
waves to arrest him. He was placed In
custody and will be met on the return of
the hlp and given an opportunity to be
heard before a jury in Ms own defense.
Except for the growing tendency to sus
pend tho death penalty of the capital crime.
It is accurate te say that each year It be
come more difficult for criminal to
escape the consequence of hla crime. It
was formerly an easy matter for forger or
swindler to get out of the country and into
a foreign land where the law' arm could
not reach him. Extradition treaties, now
becoming nearly universal, have robbed the
criminal of this source of Immunity. Just
the other day a treaty with Honduras
closed one of the laat resort to the fleeing
offender of the United States. Enlistment
in the navy was once a cemmon method
of escaping unpleasant circumstance at
home. Under an assumed nam, and In
some distant part of the country a young
man could swear himself into the service
and, condition being favorable, might hope
to escape the consequences of - hi indis
cretion. Now the wireless step in snd link the
broad seas to the relentless law' Jurisdic
tion. Wbat chance has a fleeing criminal
to escape the clutches of the law If every
wireless etatlon along the shore I an agent
actively denouncing hi crime and If every
steamer on the great ocean ia an answering
sentinel ready to snatch him by the collar
and put him In irons? Clearly the offender
against the- law haa fallen on hard, un
feeling time. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Most Woaderfal Hea.Ha;,
After suffering many year with a sore,
Amo King, Port Byron. N. Y., wa cured
by BuckU'li's Arnica Salve. 26c. For sal
by Beaton Drug Co.
Ia Aarlea Hays.
It waa at the great battle of Actlum.
"I'ndone!" gasped Cleopatra, from her po
ltlon at the bow of the ahip. "Undone:"
"Great Caexar!" signaled the startled An
tony. "Has an enemy betrayed uaT"
"Worse than that. Marck. There are two
buttons off my waist ,Jn the back. I have
juat aeen them In my hand mirror and I
could never think of going through th
battle In such a condition. Ho, slaves,
back to Egypt!"
This Is the real reason why the ship of
Cleopatra waa aeen to withdraw from ac
tion and retreat under full sail Chicago
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