Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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.(Continued from Eighth Fsgs
pc-nrntlmi tif fxamlnrs Khun t. fixed hy
railroad 1. and expenses. In ,e r,d en,t
'r,'fi' !" from mm boa-d not give to the u.ucoMith the rlKht to
o7d'Vr u dru"" lh "
, ,.R- ; B"wrnan of Nuckolls-M.ik-t
!L "n,Hful 'ur any employer to threaten
o dla. harge an employe In an effort to
influence hi vote, penalty 110., fine or
dTyg'or'oth h t0UI,t Jai ,or tnlrty
H. R. U2. by McVlcker of Dodge-Any
treasurer of a political committee must be
fore tjleetlon. file with tha county clerk fir.
. .t ?' be're election all campaign
uontiibultloim amounting to 1:5 or over
and also in case a number of smiiller aums
rrom one person amounts to thH sum, they
snail aim bp published; penalty In provided.
8. K. in, -by Ollls of Vallev Stock trains
.)ti branch linos of 126 miles In length ahall
travel fourteen miles an hour. When the
train Is lea than six cara In length, the
railroad may designate three day In a
week ss stock sliltng days. A combina
tion conch, with lollct rooms ahall be fur
nished shippers of stock. Railroad em
ploye must keep shippers Informed how
long; the train atopa at stations, must call
the trains before departure and pilot the
passenger to tlie train, which must not
leave' frorjl a point further than half a
mllfl from the waiting room.
fl. P. ffll. by Wlltse uf Odsr-Haijrnads
muat settle, claims fur loss ar damage to
property In shipment of overcharge fur
freight within atxly days tf ahlpmenl Is
wholly within tha state -Or ninety dava If
shipment la Interstate. If not adjusted
within that tlme. common carrier :tre
liable to 7 per cent Interest-on the claims
and a reasonable attorney'a fee. to be
fixed by the court. If suit la brought and
Judgment rendered doea not exceed the
tender of the railroad company, attorney's
feea cannot be recovered.
H. R. 96, by Hoc-It a of Merrlck-Roadf
that -have been In uae ten years shall b,
declared public highways and shell not
be vacated without consont of a majorHt
of the voter residing- within two mllee of
the road not living In any city or Incorpor
ated town or village and the bill doea not
apply to a. l oad with a bridge or sixty feet
lung. ,
11. P U, by Sunk of Hall-Pulldlpga nf
more. thai) two stories. Including every
hotnL boarding house, store house, tene
ment1 building, public building, public or
private Institution, office or store building,
schoiil house, theater, public hail, place of
asseroblsge or public resort more than two
stories high ana containing above ground
wpce for -the- oocupancy of fifteen persons
or more shall be equipped with fire escape
chute or toboggans, and such shall be
nullified with fire pine at least three
Indies In diameter to fit the appliances or
the rtore department In tho city. Th labor
-"imlssioner shall Inspect the plucus com-'-i
under ,ti act at least once a year, the
. v vnses to come out of the general appro
priation for tlie labor commissioners de
pa rt merit.
If. R. 283. by Eastman of Franklin On
pit. Hon of not less than one-fourth of the
legal A-oters the county board shall submit
at a general or special election a proposi
tion for the levy of an annual tax of not
over 6 mllla on the dollar for the erection
of new court bouses, Jails, or other public J
buildings. The tax ahall not continue for I
more titan five years.
H. R. 0, by Taylor of York The county
board, shall divide the county Into road
dlatricta, except In cities and villages. In
no cae aliall one road district be In two
voting precincts or townnhlps In counties
undca -township organization. If additional
road districts are formed, the county
hoard, ahall appoint road overseers, but the
existing overseers, shall serve until their
terms expire.
H. R. 192, by Weat of HVill Widows and
dependent children of employes of rail
roads dying In tha service, may receive free
transporta-llon from railroads.
II. Ti. M. by McVicker of Dodgo The
town board ahall consist of the .assessor,
the town clerk and the Justice "nf the peace
receiving the highest number of votea at
tha lection If there Is more than one.
H. ti. tnt. by Griffin of Burt-The county
board ahall furnlah supplies for the office,
Including 'vtartfcMteryn-- to - -the - -county., sur
vey jf. .
,onr, not ftiwrr touatn.-ifl.uuiu l JPOf
1H.0U0 tft .H 1.60)1; 30.000 to 2S.0M. I1.7KI;
2fi.0nn to 3&,u"0, ft.unu; 85,i0 to dO.OOft, U.J00;
W.iino' m .inautv Ms( oven wiooa, W.fioo.
H. '.-. by .UiWlgll of Otoe-Clerk of
miprero court gnd trfflc fame placed .on
salary as follows, out of fees: Reporter
and clerk. I2.1U); deputy reporter. 2.M0;
assistant, reporter. Il.ton; secomt aaslstant
reporter.;. deputy clerk, l-'.WO; two
asalMtajit A-lerk,i 1,00 each; deputy
librarian, ,W.0u0; stnogrnBhet;.- clerk
permitted. tf-empUy extra beln to get out
iranatM-ipta - l:nhel Statea aupreme oour.
Must deposit all feea In the .ute treasury.
In addition the. elerk la- allowed Il.tCO un
der the constitution- ' 1 . ,
8. V. 71. by Hanning of Cass Reciprocal
dt-murrage bill. Shipments must go for
ward at the rote of fifty mllaa each twen-ty-ftus
rloifr exrept live stock ahlpmenta.
For falrtire'to meet thla requirement raiK
road companies shall pay to the consign"
jl p. r car per day oft'll carload lrtts. -In
Its than' carload lota raflroads .ahall pay
not mora than 1 cent pr hundred pounds
per d;iy, or fraetlon thereof, with minimum
6 cents; ftahiiigcs, together with all other
dpn.uges "tfiafmny reautt. In computtng
the time of freight In transit, there hall
b- allowed twenty-four houra t eaPh-pclnt
where ' trhnseVrink "from one road to an
othnr Is Involved: at division and Junction
point. w.hj!e tUS car or shipment -Is re.
quired o bj changed to another train; and
an additional twenty-four hours on all
casa weighed. . In. tranalt and carlrad shtp1
menta shall not be oorsld.-red tendered to
the r4ilroals -until loedod. Uullroad com
paniaa must notify cor slghoe twenty four
. Imur aftor' arrival of frulght. giving the
freight oluu-g'" due; when ' requested by
consignee ahull also state tlio weltfht., na
ture of UiS. shipment, point of opgln, name
of consign' r. and when . In rarloivd lotn. the
number im1 lujtiale of car or cars and If
trai.aforred In transit, the . number and
Initials -of the cur -or ctra In which
origrnatlv ahtpped, when suoh Information
Is notert -on-trw billing. . renulty., fl car for
ay'er dehry-flr fraction: thereof, and 1
eeatt per'1' hundred yotimls. -When ahlpplnff
lrstr'u,otldns - noted on tho billing, It
si l bu' auffu lent to a. I ice an ae
eordiWea" wttl skid ' Instruction. Notlca. of
time pf lentry Into the. state must le glvon
on Interstate ahinmcnta Rjllniaile shall
put. Unwind cars In an accessible place for
Pride of Omaha
The" 'future ' of your -boy' and' your
girl depends upon tlw rhllu's dit. It
bread that bulMs manly- boys, but it
lin every-bread that can do It. Bread '
matfs frttin
- " Updike's
pajDS or o
; flour.
Is" hg most ''nutritious bread In ths
world. Tit. rain for this fhiur t milled
ao Uuit thai tirviiteirl possible- amount of
Uala aait. aiaecle bulUHug matt-risl ir
mins. Not only that, but the firuwt
grain lu t tlw world Is collected a in!
sei tv ou fltllj by tU- managers uf
iur,Uji fltaii)l'S. ..This way tha bt
l-ays cymaxk. to us. No itiier mill luts .
wj .f-ilUt-a. ,
:S1.,65 per, sack
Mall grocers
erpiKE lituuNa company, omaha.
for the People
unloading within twenty-four hours after
strive!, computing from 7 a. m. of the
day fallowing. Penaltv. II per car per
day, V) r car Is partially unloaded and
Immediately rehaded. time- l allowed
Fcrty-elght hours given for tlie disposition
ef coal care and twenty-four hours for all
other cars, twenty-four hours free time al
lowed for reswltr-hlng to minor railroads
or industrial plants, In addition ti regu
lar tlm.- allowed for switching, loading or j
unloading. Cars containing less than WJ.OuOj 8. F. Jlo. by Bsrtos Hotel keepers are
pounds have thirty-six hours for loading ""t responsible for loss of money, bank
and unloading and amy hours for cara of ' notes. Jewelry, etc.. by guests not t e
more than ey.tjiiO. Penalty $1 per day. If ceed two. Guests may make specs' ar
shlpper does not begin to load St that ' rar.gements for keeping of valuables upon
lime, railroads may cenaider ears released ! w hich the Innkeeper shall be ilsbla. l,la
and collect t demurrage. When fitments
imerrere, mif may be a defense In the
suit brought. Sunday la a leial holiday
not counted. Declared to be supplemental
to railway commission act. though It re
peals all acta of the railway commission
that conflicts.
H. R. 172, by Shoemaker f,f Douglas
Joint resolution for a constitutional amend
ment providing that foreigners who fall to
take out their second papers after five,
years Shall, be denied the right of fran
chise. "U. rl.!nt. by McVicker of Dodgs-iunty
boaid Khali determine the cost r-f location
and construction of ditches rr drains and
damages occasioned bv construction. If
cost is greater than levy of single voar
pei mils on lands benefited, they may Issue bonds, not ever per cent In
terrat, not to run longer than fifteen
yeats. Property- owners may pay out full
erbts.ment before tame fulls due. Bonds
hot . to . deed the benefits aaesred.
Refers to county draJnaaa nf iinmn lanrtu
H. H. 136. bv Rowmim of Nmimiiarinra
Of. swine dying of-disease shali burn the
carcaa within forty-eight hours. Penalty
iu line. toaa overseer to file complaint.
H. R. 1S. by Bushee of Kimball Service
may be secured by publication in district
court vacation when proper showing is
H. R. 1118. by Raper of Pawnee-County
ommlssloners upon a petition of five free
noldsrs In a precinct or municipality mark
graves of veterans pf the civil war with
metal markers.
H. R. l:fl, by Pool of Johnson Rtste Bard
of Health shall designate hospitals to cara.
for indignant consumptives who are cur
able. County Judge on hearing shall ap
prove application for admission and county
board ahall send applicant to such hospital
and pay expenses Including board, lodging
unit medical not to exceed flO a week
Treatment must be by modern method of
vaccine therspy.
H. It. 1)47, by HUhtele of Seward Whera
drainage ditch has been laid through land
belonging to other than party whose land
Is drained and has been In constant uae
for ten years, without legal attack the
right of use shall be vested In owner of
land drained.
If. R. i. by Humphrey nf Lancaster
Candidates for the legislative nominations
may Include in the application to have
name go on primary ballot any one of the
following statement, if be does not vdo.
so. his name whs II not be denied a place on
the ballot. Statement No. 1 "I Jiarehy
state to tho people of Nebraska as well as
to the people of my legislative' district
thst during my term of office I will al
ways vote for the candidate - for Ignited.
States senator In congress who has re-,
celved tlie highest number of lie rople'
votea for that position at the gnfevsl'Tlf''
tlon nejft preceding the election of the
senatf-r In congress without regard to my
Individual preference." Statement No. 3
"Purlng my term of office ahall oonalder
tlie vote of the people for I'nlted States
senator In congress as nothing more than
a recommendation which I shall he at
liberty to wholly disregard If the reason
for doing so aeema to -me to be sufficient."
That part of the official primary ballot
containing names of candidates for legis-
1 r
Thrse Bills Were Psrd hjr
Jiot i t Been Af'ted Upon'
"Sign," Vfcftt'UF" ftlMtV TO" Bef
S. F. 100. by Donoboe of Holti-AU
supreme, district and eounty uogea. - re-gante-
ol the unlvaralty state sMpvrniend
ent and county superintendents ahall go
or the ballot al the general election wltn
ot being nominated at the primaries and
without -puny designation by- petition
which, In tha caso rf- the supreme Justice
and' supreme Judgea, shall contain 6,uno
names; district Judges and -other state
-ofrlt-f-rs. l.ftuO naiuHs. In. eacn, in
stance not more thnrn-6i names snan ds
from una county: None of the of f K'ers
mentioned sjvjl) be eligible to run on any
party th-Ket for ny oince during the tnn
for which they have been elected.
S. F.- lt. by Ollls of Vajley-Prlmary
bill. . ,
- U R, 1?S, by Holmes of Douglas Mayor
at Omaha shall . appoint . a fire warden,
upproved. by .the fire and police board, to
bo paid a year. .
. U Ft. ba. bv Humphrey of Lancaater-i.
Legalising the Neljraska Corn lmprpvera'
BMOclatlon and appropriating i,uw ni .me
publioJllon of lis reports.
- H. R. M, by Wilson of Polk Provides for
-the calling of annual grand .Jury unless the
Judge: otnerwlse orjurs .
-H- R- 7I. by ouiig M -MaJllsqn AnPT',-
Tirlates Ili.miO for the completion of build
nga triready begun at the Norfolk Jnjiana
sylum.- . ,. .
vH. R. 1M. by Taylor, of gueter-Ttnil
oommlsskiner has authority to appoint
deputy state surveynrs when application is
made to hltn by parties desiring a survey
land. Parties making application pay
ths cost. ' .
j it. R. 350. bv Bates of C;us Governor,
auditor and aeerelary of stats constitute
the slate printing Uiard. Uovernor has
nr,u.-r.r t,-. nnfu.inl Mecret:ir.
If: Tt. -ton. by Oiovhs oi 1ov
ernor appoints board, ef -secretaries of. the.
board of health, consisting of two mem
bers of the regular aeheol, one eclairtlu, one
-homtnpathlc phyak'ian.
1(. r. M. by Connolly of Douglas Hus
band or father-who retuaea to support JU
children and la. convicted thereof, may glva
bond ' for the support of . such , J'l.f and
rhlldron an1 seours hla r'M. , " 1 -
8. K. 4. by HandeJl vt Mllsop-T'i(J
plaintiff in sultg hi district courts, shall
have power to designate. In what newa
papera notlcea bv publication .shall be
printed. Same shall apply to publications In
matters -of kti lenient o estates..
" 8. V. Hi. by - Itaymond-of Ueott'a Bluff
rrovldes for tlto publication of the pfoceeg
lng of Irrigation -district, boards.
S. F. Sta hv MaJors--The state shall puh
llau the pro'edlngs of the encampment of
the tlrand Army of -the-Republic In the
offlelal stata records. They shall be made
a part of the military archives of the
state. . ,
aV F. SSS. by Brown of Uaneaater Inde
tern iiiate sentence - of convicted persona
the governor ahall - animlst - a physician,
a lawyer, who, with the- warden, shall
constitute a prisoiv. hoard. Clerk of the
board of charities and correction ahall
be -the secretary. Attorney and physician
shall be paid 1 a day when actually em
ployed, Board ahall estahllirlw rules -under
which pr'suners may be paroled. No parole
shall be granted until the minimum term
fur" his crime' has been served. All paroles
shall be approved by the governor before
they shll be valid. Third termers cannot
be pa roled. ' '
el. F- 11- by Brown of Lancaster Any
time after complaint lias been Med In
justice or county court-agalnat a huibund
or parent for non-SillJrt of -wife or child,
uefendanl may be eelt-ss! upon giving a
bond for ' tlielr support. Limits the bond
fr mi r.i to .11 ,0f"). . "
B F- by Oammlir of Frotitler Per
mits villages snd cities to issue bonds for
tlie construction pf .electric or gasoline rall
Vonds Emergency. . '
a K. 414. by Jlowsll of Douglas Repeals
he law. which created the office of county
comptroller of Douglas county. Present In
cumbent shall retire January 1, we.
'"SlI-Vajrhv Klein of Gage Cities ot
to io.i"(K population msy Usue bonds not tr
exceed for witSt r works. Eleetkin
called on p-titlori of tiWv Voters. Requires
three-fifth majority te catryY
8. F. a, by Banning uf Casa-Riad over
g. e. s are am housed to mow weeds pn rail
road right-of-way when railroad -neglect
to do It Wages for ipan, 42; team, 41 50;
mower. 42."
H. F. J1. by Ttbbets uf Adams-Provides
furrlgn corporation. exotpt luurnc
beneficiaries end railroads. ! apiioint an
agent and file the name .wttli the seore
t4iy uf atate and wlUl tlie regUter uf
deeds la the county In ahico. the principal
Bills-ia iGpy ernor's Hands
lat'l vV ""nrt'rnfn'S'f m 'Mir -" fcave-' -Wr)te4
tneroon ImmeillsteJy rotlowuig the names
ef those candidates signing statement No.
1, the following words:
"Promises to vote for peoples' choice, for
Vnlted States senator."
Following the names of those signing
statement No. 2, shall be printed the fol
lowing: v
"Will not promise to vote for peoples'
choice for I'nlted Htatee senator."
H. R. It by Taylor of York County
court may at any time after three yeare
from appointment of executor or adminis
trator or before three years have expired,
tf all debts and hrscl.s have been tald.
under direction of legal representatives of
decaeased or interested party order execu
tor or administrator to file his final ac
count and make f.nsl settlement. Fer
mlts continuation of executor under s
bllitv for hi. sense bmlted as follows:
Tiur.k sad contents, llnu; vallss and con
tents. Su; each box bundle or package and
contents, $j0; unless a written consent to
greater liability ha been entered Into.
After relation of guest and Innkeeper has
ceased, propertv Is kept st risk of owner.
Hotel keepers shall have lien on baggage
of gueal, which shall be exempt from other
attachment, snd may sell baggage n ninety
day after advertising earns ten days in
some newspaper; If procesds of sale amount
to more than debt, the over amount shall
be paid to eounty treasurer snd the owner
may reclaim the rame In three years. Any
fierson who shall obtain hoarding or lodg
ng with Intsnt to defraud the hotel keeper,
shall be fined not more than UcO or Im
prisonment In the county Jail for not more
than three months. Evidence of fraud,
display by false or fictitious show of bag
gage, 'refusal or neglect to pay for such
accommodation on demand, giving In pay
ment paper which cannot be negotiated,
absconding without paying or offering t-i
absconding wl
nsv. "hall not annly where there has
Ween an sgreernent In writing for delay In
navment for a period to exceed ten days,
S. F. l'H. by Tanner of Douglss South
Omaha charter.
P. F. 152. by Miller of Lancaster Permit
ting the regenta whenever they may deem
It advisable, to establish a school of cltl
senshlp at the State university.
H. F. M0, by Banning of C.-uia The food
commissioner shall have two drug and food
Inspectors and not to exceed four dairy
Inspeotors who shall receive U day for
their aervicea to carry out the provisions of
the dairy Inspection set. The present
law Is changed to provide for a test of milk
and e renin shipments at the shipping sta
tions. Tssters must take out a permit
from the food commissioner and he In
structed by him to use the Babcock test
for milk used for commercial pruposes.
Six-inch bottles msy be used.
S. F. 137., bv, Buhritian of Howardr
Amends the law rflatjhg to regulation- ot
soldiers' Monies by providing veterans msy
pay a portiop of their board in the homes
If desired sn4 the smohr.t of the pension
they receive shall not be taken Into corn
slrleratlon In the qualifications of a mem.
ber. The law specifies that no rue of the
homes shall deprive any person a mem
ber of any portion . of , their pension
money. . - '-',',;
S. . V. 123. . by. ' Volpp -of Dodge Mutual
benefit 'associations mHy pay policy hold
era at tha age. of sevaiity sa an uld age
benefit otre-tenth- of the sum at. the
tliijo of their death as an annuity for ten
years provided 'the same" Shalt be -taken
from the fao of the policy at death.
8. V. tf.- bv Ransom of Douglas Cor.
rei-ts .defect in Omaha charter bill" by
which section relating to firemen' salaries
was not Repealed. r .
H. R. 1. by Rushes of Kimball Appro
priating W0 frr an experimental farm
located West of the' l-d meridian. Board
of Regenta to have "supervision
H R. 411. by Brown of Sherman-Au-thorlxlng
the county of Sherman to pay
RVi to W. T. Gibson for building a
bridge- . ,., .
H R tl- bv Brown of Sherman Au
thorising Sherman county to pay V. T.
Gibson for building another bridge.
the Lrf-gi statu it, But Have
by" the tio'vernof, "Who My
erne - Without Slgnatnr
place of business Is located. Service shall
be secured on said agent or the atate audi
tor. Socretary uf state ahall charge a fea
ot 4-Vi ror kneplng record ot auoli agent.
Penalty IJ5 fine. Agents must be appointed
within thirty days. Emergency.
8. F. liU, by Randall of Madison County
dvpoaitories may guaranty county deposits
Willi, fsrm mortgages or other securities
equal to the deposits.
8. F. 117. by Kandgll of Madiaon State
deiKMiitorlea may . deposit seuuritles for
guaranty of stais funds Instead of giving
surety bonds.
H. F.- 3ix. by Miller of Lancsster All
postage or delivery atasnps used "In any
oepartmont of the atate government shall
be perforated with the letters "NfcH." Use
of such stamps for oilier than state, busi
ness shall be punishable by a fine of 44
to $100.
8. F. Va, by Wlltse of Cedar Saloons
shall close on primary day and on every
day of the week In the state of Nebraska
at a o'clock p. m., and remala closed until
V o'clock In the morning.
8. F. 115, by Myers of itock It shall ue
unlawful for any person to drain any
natural lake- where the aame la twenty
aurea In extent at lew stags or whera tha
ruft'lherance of fish culture would result
by not doing so or where ths hunting
would be destroyed In a greater degree
than the benefit to agriculture would re
sult, unless by appllcatlen to ths Btsie
Board of Irrigation, the approval of which
U necessary (without charge). Provision Is
Uiade for an appeal to the courts.
. 8. F. 140. by Randall of MadlswvPlaces
bekerles, confectioneries, canneries,
pucking houses, . slsgghter liquies,
'jHirlea. creameries, cheese factories, res
taurants, hotels, groceries, othsr apart
ments used for the preparation, sale r
distribution of any food under the Jurisdic
tion of the Pure Food commission.
ft. F. 174. by. Raymond of Scott's Bluff
Permits the condemnation of private Teser
volr sites when the sams Is for the pub
lic good for the. purpose of their enlarge
ment. . 8. F. 174. by Raymond af Scott's Bluff
Permits Issuance of refunding bondl tor
Irrigation districts. Emergency.
a. F- Vi. by Howell of Douglas Prevents
fire, fire and marine, tornado, hall, rent,
accident, health, casualty, liability, boiler,
flywheel, profits, credits, elevator, disa
bility, piste glass, burglary, bonding, title,
surety or fidelity Insuranee companies to
place any contract or policy of Insurance
on any property or peraons exceptt hrougii
a legally authorised agent within tha atate;
nrohlblte agent from paying commission,
brokerage or rebate- on business written to
any nonresident of the state or to anyone
not authorised to do business In the state;
preventa them (nm assuming liability by
way of reinsurance.
8. F. Wi- by Itavniond of Brott's Bluff-.
Provides fvr a reoort frorn Irrigation cjlg-r
tiiita to the Stste Board nf Irrigation.
S v. 23s. by Bes of Webster Provided
that Irsigat'on hoards may arrapgs for Hit
extension of at- ral.- and their construction
and rnay exercise their right of eminent
K F- 4WS- by Miller of I-apcaatrr Vtot-k
insurance rnmpanies must deposit with the
iaie et'ditor securities to the value pf
their noltetcs hot to exceed 41A0.IYIA.
9. V. l bv Miller of !nratee Creates
a sxhml for oVMepdent ch'ldrea lii ths
Homo for the Friendless at I,lnoln. Gov
ernor appoints board of control of three
members. ll derendent children of the
state eligible to enter, children are to b
Provided for at the h"me. Sinenses of
transrortntii n are to be paid by the
coonty. Board has au'horitv to rlac
children in homes and adopt them. Board
of control to be antolnttd within thirty
daya. Membf rs receive no p-iy except ex
penses when roeetl'.ig tl're tlo-es s year.
S. F. ' by B'-"k Otoe Provides that
when a deoosit Is r-gils In any bank In the
nereea cf ' or "re persons, the same
mav he paid to Pl'hrr of the Parties or
tbeir survivors.
V.- W. bv Howell of IVujilas-Adding
to fees of coroner for vl-lnc bt dy nf iesr
sons ruruosed la have died ef unlawful
mrjes,. by sc'clde or aecldat. when on in.
euesl Is peded G: and 4 cen's m lesge.
For r""noi-inp hji to nujraiie. 44
8. P. r by OHIs of Vslley-Prr riding
tiiat m-'tiic this, other than street rail
ways, shall provide in the roach a anok.
Ing enspnartnient and toilet room.
ri. F. n. bv. Randall of J.Hn-i;lng
It unlawful fcr any person to drink liguer
on any Irain; duty of ralnmeii ta elect
suck perS'iit ur an Intexlexted lPaon;
(erson aulllv ef sush is puaishskle by s
fins, or a Ji sentspes net to exited ten
dsvf - rsiiwsv r"nrhmlssm 1' enforce' set 1
sjid railrosds to post notices ef the law In
each eo4rh.
G. T. Js4. by tiverty of Baunders-Where
the title to a drainage ditch Is vested In
the eounty the county msy lay out a rd
rlong the ditch, ret. tlon for road must be
filed with the county board by the majority
of prepeity owners along the preposed
highway. .
8 F. at by Fuller of Beward-Provldlng
that tle State Board of Koualiiatlon ran
not Inenrase the aggregate assessment res
turned by the eountv assessors unless, the
hoard gives tho mint;' officlalii s hearing.
F. F. C3n. by Miller of Lancaster-Giving
authority to street railway companies ' to
extnd their llnr ten mll-s outside of the
city limits, providing they rsn secure a
rlght-or-wsy. Street rsllwsys msy pur
chste or lease Interurbans not to exceed
ten mllee to serve the suburbs of a city.
8. F. 1W. by Ransom of Douglas Provid
ing a ivstem of fees for district clerks.
6. F- 13, by Brown of Lancaster Giving
greater power to cities ef the second class
In the mstter of forcing the building cf
permanent wslks.
H. R. 2X1, by Chsse of Daaes Appropriat
ing tr.i.OTH) for a state school to be
locsted In the Sixth congressional district.
H. R. J3J. by Baker of York The town
meeting shall be held on ths first Tuesday
In March.
H. R. tTJ, by Hflsjwdsky of Ballne The
state Institution In Omaha shall he known
ss the Nebrr.ska School for ths Deaf.
H. R. 73, by Brown of La neaster Creates
the office of tire commissioner, who shall
be the governor. He shall apprlnt three
deputies for a term of two yean, one of
wl ch shall be the chief and devote his en
tire time te the office. Salary, chief
chief deputy. tf.Mu. and assistants. 41,500 a
year. Tex levied on fire Insurance com
panies to pav the rest, equal to 1 per cent
on gross premiums. The duties shall bs to
Investigate the origin of fltes.
H. R. 1.19. by Fl'ger of Stanton-Appre-prlates
tUO.fOo . to buy - for the stats ths
Nebraska Normal school at Wsjne, con
sisting of eight buildings and a heating
plant, to be need, under the direction of
the State Normal board, for a normal
school. The college campus rrnslsta of ten
H. R. 464. hy Clsrk of Rlchardson-Ap-proprlatlng
499S.640 for the payment of sal
aries to state officials and employes.
H, R. 41, by Committee on Deficiencies
Defraying claims, spproprlatlona for stste.
Including t30,ui)0 for bounties on wild ani'
It. R. 44. by Wilson of Polk Creating
board of three members, one of whom shall
be ths state auditor and two to be ap
pointed by the governor to license state
accountants. Board shall prescribe rules
for examinations and those passing shall
bfl entitled to use the letters C. P. A.
(certified public aecountsnt) sfter their
names. Members pf the Nebraaka State
Association of Public Accountsnts shall be
recognised ss eerHfled public accountsnts.
Penalty fine of 460 to 4S00 or not over slg
months In Jail. Emergency.
If. R 163. by Nettleton of Clav-Attotney
general shall give opinions to ell state offi
eers when the same sre requested. County
attorneys to aid the sttorney general upon
If. R. 5!9. by Snyder of Harlan Miscel
laneous claims bills.
H- R- 44. by Clark of Rlchsrdson Ap
propriating 42,J,914 for currant expenses
of Ihe state government for the blrnnlum.
It. R. 358. by Wilson of Poik-Fstabiishing
nvtjUnuni rates for oil. Applies to residuum
fuel oil snd crude eietroleum In esr lots.
, It. R. 48li. hy Smith of Csss-Requlres the
pet -weight of contents to be si sniped upon
sll food packages put up by a wholesaler
or ' manufacturer eseept meat products,
canned corn, csnned and preserved fruit.
Applies to lsrd, rodollne or enylhlng sold
as a substitute for lard. TermlU bleached
H. R. 4ff. hv Brndrork of Clay-Appropriates
tan.OM for a building for ths
Nebraska Institute for the Deaf at Omaha.
H- R. 23, by Noyes Pf Csss Open sea
son for squirrels, October snd Navember.
Open seaspn for Jack snipes September 14
to Mey 1. Open season on plover July 14
to August 41. On ducks September 15 to
April 1. On prairie chicken snd grouss
October 1 to November 30. No open sea
son on quslV doves, swans, white crane.
Open Season on bass not less than eight
Inches June J to September 14. Trout not
less ths-n eight Inches long April
I to October 1- Cgrp, buffalo,
suckers catfish may be taken during June,
July. August, September snd October, with
seine of two-lpch square mesh only In such
waters as may be designated by the game
H. R- 1- by Krs us Authorizing persons
eerporatlons-agsged In the. business of
storing goods for profit, to Issue ware
house receipts on the goods so stored, to
regulate tha Issuance, negotiation and trans
far' of aueb receipts, ealled the warehouse
recolpts set.
0. F. If75, by Bartos of Sallns Persons
destroying or Injuring tha mfchanlsms of
electric safety signals or stealing brasses
from the Journals of railroad cere Shall be
subject to the penalties of ths train wreck'
Ing get, and If death results from their
deeds they msy he oonvlcted of murder.
8. F. Sot. by Brown of lAncastcr A vil
lage, of 1.500 population shall be ono schonl
district snd ooma under the pri vision of
the law now relating to Incorporated pieces
of the same else, .
8. F. 14A by ' Ollls of Valley Physical
valuation bill. The Railway commission
shall have power, to ascertain the, rhysleal
valuation of eommun carriers, telegraph,
telephone and express companies, and of
ine swiianing aepanrneni
Including the viaducts and pops for unload
ing stock. Ths valuo July 1. 13f. snail be
determined. Including all actual property
of whatever ' description, the eompanlea
own. Final (report of the werk shall be
msd to the governor in the annual report
lb 1810. Trc commission, wim ine cqnseni
of the governor, shall appoint experts who
shall undertake the work. In the current
expenses bill an- appropriation -of 44Q,M
made to carry out the provision fcimerg
ency. .
tVP-'lOtVpy Ollls of Valley Tha pr.
marv ballot shall be on ths open. Plan,
with all tickets on one sheet the voter
to select the party in tne pootn. pui. to
vote only one. The ballot shall be ro
tating by voting precincts, that the nams
shall be arranged In a different order
In each voting . precinct of a county.
The date of the primary Is fixed for tho
third Tueeday in august.
H. R. , hy Taylor of Custer Jf a
school district la not able to maintain
nine months ef school hy levying the
full amount of the school lvy epd with
the aid of the entire atate vclioo) money,
the district shall not be liable for tno
tuition of pupils 1n free high schools of
ths eounty. '
II. R. 414. by Snyder of Harlan Appli
cations for pardons mads to the governor
may not .be made ofirner than opts a
H, B. 4T8. by Bygland of Boone Rc
pesls Isw for bounty on wild animals.
H. H 44, by TsvUr af Custer Damages
for laying out, alteration and v alien of
roads shall be paid out of ths county gen
em! fund.
II. R. 474. by Connolly af Douglaa-Ths
dental secretaries nf tli atsta Board ef
Health msy Issue licenses tq irentites pf
o'i er states having the sams standards as
Nebraska laws Impose.
H. R. 464. by Henry of Holt-It Shsll he
a felony to sell or give away liquor ta
Indians, either of full or mixed blood.
H. R. 171. by Gerdee of Richardson The
auditor mupt Issue licenses to insuranns
gatnts snd shall have authority to rveks
lh samr fop good and sufficient eause.
H- K. 47. by Ransom, on request of tlie
Governor Common carriers snd public
service corporations may Issue stocks,
bonds snd notes payable st a lima mors
than a year distent oq the order of the
Railway comrplsslon when II shall be shown
tho same Is teaacrsblv required. Full
autherty for hearings is given, The law
specifies there shall be nq refunding if
Indebtedness without permisslpn and cor
notations shell not have the right te cl
tallse franchises. The capital In merge'
or fistlldallHii shall not exceed the papltsl
of the cunsplidgtlng con-pan"'!. No cm
tract shall be capitalised and no bepfts
shall be Issued sgalnst any eoptraet far
merger. A penalty of 4.u(i fin is Imposed
and officer pf corppratlons violating the
law are made subject to imprisonment for
from ons to ten years.
Vetoed br tss Gpreraer.
H. H. 41. by Qates af 8arpy-PrnilUng
the establlshmeiit of a saloon wtb)n two
and one-half mle ut a military post. Ve
toed. I Vark Central Files -tlalaa.
BUFFALO! N. V.. Arrll I. A clslm tor
444. ioi has bsen filed sgslnst ths L'nltsd
Mtstss government by ths Ntw Yotk
Csntrsl lines to reimburse ths rot, 4 fur
disinfecting stock cars fit BuffuJu ahd
other places during the istile GUrn'
tine. The railroad contends thai Hs tarf
were found to contain no j'-rnn pf t,
i i m, .
(.Helena Moadase
ta dyspepsia, livrr complain ud kidney
troubles Is needle. fLbjctiie Bitters Is
the guarantee1 teaiedy- 6ue. For sal bv
featun Drug Co. --
Supreme Court Sylkbt ' '
14444 M'aer against Morgan. Apveal
from Webstar. Affirmed. Rose, J.
I. Whrrs s petition to aulet title states
thst defendsnt hss no Interest In tne Isnu.
but . claims an unfounded dower Interest
therein, a reply alleging the claim le Un
founded by resson of nefonCint's nnnrcst
dene does net Introduce a ntw cause of
t. A defendsnt who submits his derensc
ta the court on Issues raised by the reply,
without sttscklng It In any form, wstves
ths objection thst It Introduces s new canao
of action. Oregoiy against Kair, M Nab.
S. On appesl from a decree in a sun
against a widow to quiet plaintiff's title
to lsnd, her homestesd Interest csnnot be
considered on a rucord which fells to dis
close either by plesding or proof that the
land had aver been occupied or clslmcd as
a homestead. , , . .
4. "Where a husbsnd conveys tsnds In this
stats while his wife Is s nonreetdent thereof,
she hss no dower Interest In the lands thus
eonvevea. Atains against aishh,
474, followed. .
4. Proof that a man left his wife In Is
rnnsln, csne to Nebreska In 1470, ,never
lived WltD her afterward, conceaieu n
residence from her for nine years, reprs
ssnted himself to be a single man and con
veyed land ss such, moved In 184 to Kan
Sea. where he died In 100., his wife never
having lived In thle state until after hie
death, held aufflcient te austaln s finding
thst she was a nonresident, within the
meaning of the ststue limiting the dower
tight of a women living out of the state to
landa In which her husband died, seised.
6. A slstute limiting the dower right of
a nonresident widow to lends of which her
husband died, seised snd extending the
dower right of s resident widow to other
lands, held not Inhibited by consti
tutional provisions relsllng to due process
pf law snd to distinctions between resident
aliens and cttsens In tne possession, ea
Joyment or descent of property. -
15441. Shelley against Tuekerman. Appeal,
Lancaster. Affirmed, ltton, J. . .
1. In kn action In eq.ilty hy a landlord
to establish a Hen by contract upon the
nrocseda of the sals by ths tsnant ef cer.
lain eropa In the hands of a grain dealer,
evidence examined, and held to sustain
the llpillng of the trlsl court that the buyer
psid the purchase money te the tenant
without notice of the plaintiff's claim,
16448. Armstrong against Greenwood. Ap
peal, Otoe. Affirmed. Kppereon, C.
After making his final report and secur
ing and order spprovlng the same and dis
charging him from his trust, an executor
filed a petition to permit him to account
for mortgagee, which he held In a truat
capacity under the will, whereupon legatees
objectsd in general terms to his discharge
as executor for the resson thst the charges
made by the executor sre excessive snd
not scconllng to law. Held that such ob
jections were Insufficient to require tno
county oourt to reopen the former pro
ceeding for the purpose of reviewing the
expenditures snd charges contulned In the
final report of the executor.
14441. Laraen agalnat Sanslerl. A pixel
from Douglas. Affirmed. Hoot, J.; raw
cett, J.. not sitting.
In L., by virtue of an executory
contract with P, entered Into possession of
five seres of land) for ten years L. made
payments thereon snd then received a deed
from P. for said five acres only; when L.
took such possession the five acres wen
psrt ef a larger tract, all of which was un
cultivated snd covered witn nrusn; By mis
take le encroached on a strip of P.'s land
sdjoinlng said five-sore treat, clssrsd and
cultivated It and received ths exclusive
benefit therefrom for more than ten years.
U testified thst hs discovered his mistake
within n vear snd held possession adverse
to P. Held. In ejectment by P.'s grantee
agalnat L.'s grantee, that sa the court had
Inatriieieil the lurv that unless L-'s posses
sion was hostile in Us Inception, they should
f nd for defendant, and no exception was
taken thereto, a verdict for defendant was
sustained by the evidence.
1644. Ord Hardware comnsny against
Csse Threshing Machine Company. Ap
pesl from Valley. If remittitur of. all-or
ths Judgmmt rendered In the district court
except 4HW.U& IS rneo ny piainnri wunin
forty days, Judgment sfflrmed: If remitti
tur Is not filed, cause reversed .and re
manded. Barnes, J.; Reese, C. J., not sit
ting. 1. It Is reversible error to Instruct a Jury
on an Issue not sufficiently raised by the
pleadings, snd which Is unsupported by the
evidence, were It is apparent that such In
struction has resulted In an excessive ver
dict. t. Where in an action by an agent
agslnst his principal ta recover .money 1
leged to be due on commissions it clearly
sppesrs that the partlea have adnnted a
fair and reasonable construction of their
contract and have-' acted - thereon for a
ft umber of years, the court will slso adopt
such construction.
4. Where the sdoptlon of such construc
tion results in reducing ths question of the
amount of plaintiff's recovery to a mere
matter of computation, this court may
make such computation and require the
plaintiff to file a remittitur of the excess
of the Judgment rendered In the trial
court over the amount he was entitled to
recover or submit to a reversal of his Judg
ment. 15498. Smith, administrator, against Chi
cago, Burlington At QnJpov Railroad Com
pany. Appeal from . Furnas. Affirmed.
Hoot, J.
J. A ra'lwsy company . In constructing Its
rosq filled In a ravine and substituted an
other way for flood waters that would
otherwise have passed down said water
course. Subsequent to such construction
It became apparent that the artificial wa
ter eoqrse did not have the sams capacity
as ths nstursl one. Held thst the railway
wsa pound to know that excessive rains
might occur at any time snd company
damage result as a consequence of the In
adequate provisions msds by it ss afore
said. ' - '
.. Thst a lessee of "the original owner
and builder ef said rosd s slso eharged
" Jaw with notlcs of said conditions snd
liable for damages resulting from Its fsil
ur to exercise reasonable diligence to
protect adjacent land owners from the
oonaaquences ef Its neglect.
I. A new trial will not bs granted be
cause instructions ars somswhst confus
ing snd contradictory, where they are fa
vorsbls to the defested litigant, and vl
dfntiv d'd not mislead the Jury.
WTTJ. Stats against Dudgeon. Error from
littlnV ' I'1,on J,; Fawoett. J., not
I. The police Judge of Mi cttv of Lincoln
nss Jurisdiction In esses of .vio'stlons f
the rules of the excise bosrd of that city.
Til 4i,rlaln,lAH . .
ui a police juor" unonr
section 14, article vl of the constitution.
I.'!i,,.n of ,n' "rtmlnl code and section
1,443 Annotated Statutes. j07, In relation to
misdemeanors, Is concurrent with that pf a
justice of the pea re and where the puolh
rijsnt may be a fine af over 4ltt lie can only
sit as sn examining maglstrats.
. Ineofar aa rule 27 of the excise hord
or the city of Lincoln authorises s fine of
over t2n for s violation of the excise rules,
it s beyond the power conferred bv the
legislsture and ia veld, but te that extent
the Penalty mav ha itari
i. Rules of ths rxsite board wlthlq Its
Buthorlty, duly adopted snd Published, are
ef like force and effect as ordinances of the
cny aoomeo Dy the ally council.
1640. Smullin against Wharton. Appeal
from Douglas. Reversed snd remanded.
Reess. O, J.; Latton, J., and Root. J., dis
senting. As construed upon final sdjudliatiop,
IPs will of G. B. beouesthed an rievleeH
portion of his estate to a tsustae, the In
come Snd. tf nn'iunrv m uwiIam . l,A
body of ths trust ertgtc to be applied to
the maintenance and support of l. B., bis
-ue. m surplus er ine inoem to be di
vided between ',iia eoiiatersl hlrs. and noon
ths death Of I. B. the whole of lha irust
estate to pass to and be divided between
such heirs. There waa naming In the will
Using the amount whlh . B. might reeslvs
'iq retain annusuy for her maintenance.
In gp action seeking a decree fixing such
sum a aha might retain and for an ac
counting, ths diatriot eeutt by its decree
fixed h gmuunt at 46, 4ft) per annum. laid,
thst ths legal effect of the decree was
the same a though that sum had been
written In the will and alio uld take effeet
frosfl the data of ths dsstli er lha testator
hut subject to the dedqotlon of ail sum
rerelved from the trust estate by sl1 I. B
.And for the purpose of ascertaining -(lie
amount 4"f. If anything, an accounting
should be hat and dore tendered In favor
of I. B., r against her, aa the balance
might appear; but thst in renderelng such
sneount neither party should be eiillllsj
to Interest upon annusl balances.
t Where there was a contest of surh, will,
the rontestsnts seeking to prevent the pro
bete thereof and woivh soiurst caused leng
and expensive litlgatl"ii. ie wlil being
finally admitted to probate, the reasonable
and unnecessary attorneys' fees and ex
penses in defending agajnat s u li cnnte'
she.ilg be charged to tli estate dei ls-d and
tieqqrathed hy the M1. a id the fuct tlil
other prepertv. named and specified In the
will, was devised and bequeathed to I. H .
but which was. after the making of the
will and before (he death of tlie testator
Mtnvryed snd transferred to her personally
would not sffect her rlsht. sc. the title t"
sut h' property wgs net Involved in the ton.
test of tha will.
. I On the trial of an action against I. t
snd the fruitee for an seeuntlig snd srh'c
Easter .,I96yelties'
vl SweclUniDfnclli Arcade
Kaster Nests nnd Baskets,
with chicks nnd rabbits-
handsomely decorated -r-hundreds
to choose from
pach ., ....... ,5c
BJggost Stock In tHb City
CafhoUc Goods
We've a department of our. Book Action espcClAlly devoted, to
Catholic goods. Including a larga tssortrgiit of prnr books..
Below enumaratg but few of th varioug rl.Iflrg.carrlod.
but thay will gervg to show the varlely of the gtoek unA the bargains
which prevail.
Irayrr Book- "Key
of Heaven". a
small book with
Isrte type, con
tains Epistles and
Gospels. flexible
leather binding,
geld edges. A
great bargain, 4 8c.
"Vest rocket" Pray
er Book, contain
ing all the neces
sary prayers, epist
les and gospels;
large type, gold
edges, flejclbl.i
leather binding,
Other prayer books
up to ,15.
Holy rtftqrcs at
15e. livJ6c," 35r,
, '49c a,nd up,.
8tatoes made ' of
, bisque, at 35c, 35c, t
'49c and up. v '..
Crurlfliea Black
' polished cross -white
f I gurus tit.
38c, 4c and Mc.
. Afso with brass flf v
tires, at l(c and
, 1 9c . .
Holy Water Font 4
Splendid line at .
-4lc, -
"Others at 15c ul to
I?. : . , A;
ioy.wek Books and Works on
Books for first Communion ,nd
up to 11.98. ' ' ' .
C 1 I I-4 --4L a
We have our nm
attention to the needs of Invalids.
140 S'srnam Bt.
Monday! g
trial necessarily resulted In th nWr. fi
Ing th amount to srhlch I. B. was entitled
to retsln. annually, from th. trust fund In
ner nan ns tor ner maintenance anq support,
under the provisions of the will as con
strued, there blrig no other method of
ascertaining and fining surh amount, tli
same not hiving been previously asrer
talned, the taxable cost should he rharavd
to the estate and not agalnat I. B. person
ally. Th language of lrtion. J.. quoted In
the opinion had no reference to the accumu
lation of costs In subsequent proceedings.
1&.4W, Taylor sgainst Austin. Al
from Cas county. Affirmed. Duffle, C;
Hoot. J , n it sitting. I'ommlssloner's de
partment. 1. A public highway regularly established
by the eounty suihnriile under ths law
of 1W7 must be regarded as taking In land
te the full width required by the statute
defining the width nf public hlghwevs. and
the frt that the prtltlou fpr the highway
and the order establishing the earn d"s
not mention the width of the road le lm
ntstertal. I. Ons. svhv pttiilons for th establish,
men I of g hlghwsy, as wHI slso ss his
grantees, csnpnl rninflaln thst th notice
rrovlde) hy s'slute ef th tlm when lh
nstltlon will he pressnted ta the noupty
pna,rd was not given.
1. A parly cannot acquire preacrlptlv
title to a nubile Miitnav hy nnssassl'-r)
-nd us-e of the grnun1 lno'uded tlierd",
hcerver birr cptinunl.
184ST. Klrkpatrlck sgslnst Klrknstrlck.
ppal from rn.-r. Rsffirmd lh lesv.
to rfrffndsnt to apply for mqdiflnallon.
Duffle, C: Dean. J.. not alttlng. Commls
- r' ner's department.
1. Krronenus rulings of ths eurt which
work h" prejudice to the complaining psrtv
do rt cal for s reverse) nf le Juiir'nrnl,
f. Where th transcript of lle reenrd con
tsins only ths pleadinas sn-1 reeerd nf the
entry of Judgment which latur '-nforms
to ths nleartlngs end In which n ermr sp-pc-ire,
th Judgment will b sfflrmed.
KMX sVitilh Omaha Nsllonnl Bak
sgatpst McfUllin. Appeal lrpl Tias. Af
firmed. Cilkins. C.
1. Where successive chsttel mortgages
on a specified number ef estlls ut of a
greater iiumhrr are given to the sam-
mortssgee. such mortgagee acquires a right
of selection, and where the mortaage as
signs ttie prior morigages. it only retains
'he rights of sclertiqn, subject to tli rlg'it
of tho first asslanee. If lie afterwarda a
gns the secprid mortgage, the second es
slgnee takes the mime subject to the rtrtit
-t ip firs' gsslene". Pnuth Omaha Na
tional Hank Sgainst MeOillln. TT N.h..
It is irnmaUrtal that the second mort
gasa were renewal of prior mnrtgaa
-atufied of reu.ird. or that there was ar
ral agreement between the molgagur snd
the mortgagee that the releases placed upn
r J sl.ould not take eff'-ct according te
their teims.
1 V-,7. lallard fl t'oine" pf'
' Reversed u d remi-Uoi Cio,. ('
Dnp-rtmcnt Ni. I.
1. Village warrants drawn In excess '
'-5 per eentgm nf the ,'urrsHt Isvv for I1'
"iirnose for which they are drawn unle
'irre shall br aufflcient money In the vi
iase treasury at the rredit of the nrnp
'und for their payment sre void, snd t
-syment mill bs enjoined st the suit r,f
" dent taxpsyer. .
Plush RaVbits. each . , 10c
I'npcr Maelie !lbit.i,5c ad 10c
Cotton I?bbit5, each;. : ,'lc and 3f
Natural Ducks nnd Chick's 'each 10t
rnorama Kgg. ach. . ,5c knd.lOo
Fancy Tajier Kggspretty I'lasU'r'Suh-
joH-u, : fach, 5r. 10c, 15c and 35c
Chocolate Bitter Sweet Kgit;'. chopped
nut centers, each 5c
Extra Special Kaster Offer
Bird nest . filled with
candy bird ogg, ajfo chick
.'4or,raUbil, wiupirtter . I0c
Jelly QitA Egg, Ib.'.'. -lOc
( Boarea ' pparl
, ppgda at. 19c,' 2 it,
, i35c and up. Black
- 'beads, steel chains
1 JQC tp . 4f, ; Col-
ored .brdB', ' lflc
.and ,35c- a
Boaarlett Cold
' plated,'- micclaHv
attractive fcr'rJs.
V with ' 'aiiiolhyst.
garhet. ; emerald.
'- gavPhlre. tltc.,-
; beads. Pot .up In,
; fancy boxes, 11.4 8.
- Ofbera sit. J l.9,
. C'afhili -, Huron
. ' (1.2u to. a. 4 S.
Catholic Doctrino. Whllo Pra??
Confiruiatlon, 'SSo.SC tic fl.;.
faetorv - nt aiv enevlal.
Imported Ilaliai UIvc:
For Table le
aTatlse Te Oar Olive Cll Oui tamers -'
We have Just re el veil a Ireali iDipona
tTon of five I arrtls nf mir .eil hmiwi-"
brand of Olive Oil. NntwIihstaniHiisr-th,
great advam-e-ln Olive tl we srjp imt
going to ralSe enf prlea for the nrereut.
pi. Italian our, oil 30e
x. nausn PUT OH . , , eon
t. Italian Olive Oil '$1.00 "
arti. Italian OUn Oil
1 rs4- ttaUaa Olive Oil S3.8S
SHNspiss iarasna to UwirssUd parties.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
ISth and Tarnam St.
Oasaba, stsb.
TtaH Mr thlt wa lmpcwlr-
H H4 MM o uBsw-taa;
ftfotta, sin U4aa4 art
KiaXfhift KifDiff or orv
yjsMntiet A MSltl
I Npl$V M bMs Ml U
JOsUlbiff g-sjM tHf. st it ktua nswf f H 1
M t. trtlii. tM eWlnsat mU. 1'PlS.
U wbj tmitf In gtMr mliif o h 9 A
tm. Ci An m m iMiay jr trWfe'v 3 i
rtt far a I sanssat. It IsOLsi shauf art . sT" C. f" 1
ITCthnd. Ml I aVaaa'l sasat fesilk BN4sg
chktfs tnfm tt oiikf-r OrtatUs) nMsiin-a
4-atIOt WniSfsJttcHMilaVa r-of M to (gs HMtit$ rf m
trMlnwnl. rV WHIN OHIO. imt kr 7
tra,tMa I gartsl rj am-ves (! (Mtlirclr Mturi44
lht4 1 fcr slviaf m M"- TimI canr-ig,i to Hu -tm4
ysir ' 4 th bsxtl pno4 hi tt we14 $kt mj Utas4ssasj(
Dr. L I, Titty. m UW.. Onahi. Keb.
Healinj: Bxtraordinary
If you wgpt to ha qulekly ruled at your
own home, without drugs of all phyelcal
or menisl afflictions; a xoqnd s If yuu
nver had sn aliment, deposit fu lce In benk
pavable ta me wtieq you ai cured. Super
ior to all n(ntifii- dlverles, H'jiiiI lel
ler by express, prepaid. - -
Wmt America B. Cooper
111. . au St. Omaha, Hsb.
kalrlr-aie.i , ar
the SHMlr. Tk tul,
Bllwury kawa. Lars aitl gl.sai
! IS. 4avrU)ftrrM. - .
Madame Josephine Le Fcvre. -
r , . tava tkMiasi at., aitaa .
Sol4 kr Mrsrs-nilUs Itmt Co., Btlun i'eui CS 1
Th Bell Uruc ( a., Halnai Drug 1'e... vwh,
fjf Cm., Cttuoclt Bliill
eapessigiasiiiii s.j. ,
11 -T