8 i . i - FASHIONS oooo ftfifti kb . Ai'e Found in The Business World As Well as The Social World .-'jr jit i iiwsi i r.r k v Lty is r 1 1 m r A ; ilntaM.A My ft 1 j niith Premier, N 10 VISIBLB MODEL Leads the Fashion in Typewriters WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., M. O. PLOWMAN, Manager. 1625 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Laws Passed by Nebraska Legislature at Its Late Session Epitomized New Laws Now in Force The Following Bills Were ragged by the - legisla ture With the Emergency. Clause Mid Become Laws ' t Once, fui1 Are Now In Full Effect as Statutes. H. R. 41. by Clark of Richardson ap propriating $39,000 (or Incidental expenses of the legislature; 'emergency. ' '. . H. R. . 42, by Clurk of Richardson Ap propriating $so,000 for the salaries of mem-, per, , officers and employes of the legislature;- emergency. H. R. 9,;by Begole of Gage Appropriat ing $3,U0 to buy W copies of Cobbey's latutea for use of the state; emergency. H. . R. 103,' by nark of Richardson Ap propriating 100 for deficiency governor's offl; emergency. H. H. 118. by Wilson of Polk Judges of the Judlctnl district In which a person cond nmned to die Is tried, may suspend in nc for . an examination to sanity, sum i to be conducted by the superlntend entsfof the asylum at Untoln. Hastings nd Norfolk, who are to serve without pay.; except mileage. The expense to he bornfe by the county In which the trial tooku place.'-. Examinations may be con tinued until sanity Is shown, in which veift execution must proceed. Superln tendfnt to examine Into tiie condition of conflicted women; emergency. J1.I R. 181, by Clark of Rlchardaon Ap propriating $18,000 deficiency for state peni tentiary;' emergency. H.,R. 1. by Leldlgh of Otoe Charters of citing from 6.000 to .000 imputation, es pecially provides that granting of fran chises must be submitted to vote of peo ple; emergency . H. R- 110. by Fries of Howard Precinct officers not Included In the primary elec tion law; emergency. H. R. 132. by Barrett of Buffalo Ap propriating tha cash fund of the Kearney Normal school for the purchase of books for the library; emergency. . H. R. 2UI, by Case of Frontier Appro priates 9i per cent ot the 1-mlll levy for the State university for the years 1909 and 1910 and '$30,000 of the delinquent taxes' for salaries. current expensva and permanent Improvenients; emergency. 8. F. 44. bv Ranaora of Douglas Bonded Indebetednesa o( Omalia may aqual 6 per cent of the actual cah valu of city prop erty. Bonds may be Issued for mainte nance of public utilities and ewr and In tel section bonds may be lamind by the coun cil without vols of the people under statu tory limitation aa ta amount; emergent y. 8. F. 60, by Ransom of ' Douglas HeueaU law providing county comptroller shall be ex -officio comptroller of city of Omaha; emergency. 8. V.- M. by Fuller of Weward County and praclnct assessors may administer oaths; emergency. 8. F. i. by King of Polk Clerk of dis trict court before February I of each year aliall return to the Stale Board ot Health marriage and divorce statistics; penally for failure; emergency. 8. K. 89, by Ransom of Douglas-I,ands of minors may be mortgaged when not tit violation of will for necessary support and eirucatlon of aaid minora. Proceedings un der court order, guardian to give bond to apply money faithfully. Guardian may mortgag property m his own name; emerg ency. 8. F. . by Randall of Madison and King of Polk Lands In villages may be vacated for park purpoaes under condemnation pro eedlngs; emergency. ' - 3. F. . by King of Polk-ouiity judgn IWora February 1 each year shall send la the secretary of tha Btste Board of Health maxriaa statistics g.wthered from mm rlage licenses; penalty for violation; emerg ency. 8. F. 149. by Bartoa of Sallna Vlllaga at taining a 1.0"0 population may upon peti tion of one-fourth of legal voters submit the question of retaining the village gov ernment, vols to be taken at next annual lctln; mrgney. a F. 1, by liowt-ll of DougUav-Omaha charter; emergency. IC R. Us. by Lawrenca of Dodge Amend ing tha military .coda of tha state to con form to the amended Dirk law ot the l'uiU4 Slate. YUa inllHary board shall designate the amount of money to be paid each company for armory rental. The mili tary board ahall consist of the adutant general and such other officers as shall be OetUKnated by the commander-in-chief and shall serve at the pleasure of the commander-in-chief. Pay shall be fixed by tho commander-in-chief instead of a fixed salary and mileage aa undt-r the old law. The adjuatant general ahall audit all hllla of the department and he need not reside in me statu capital as under the old law. The medical corps Is not usslgned to any regiment, but may be detailed to duty aa the commander-in-chief orders; emergency. 8. V. Iti3, by Buck of Otoe Cider vinegar shall contain not leas than 1.6 per cent by weight of cider vinegar solids on final evaporation; emergency. 8. F. 316. by Howell of Douglas-Providing system of retirement and pensions for public school teachers ot Omaha. Emer gency. ' H. R. 70. by Case of Frontier To license profeasolnal nurses and providing Qualifi cations, Hoard of health shall appoint three secretaries who shall be graduated nurses to examine nurses, to be paid $5 a day for actual service and 10 cents for each mile traveled, to be paid out of the fees. Board shall hold public examinations twice a year or as often as desirable at Lincoln. Applicants shall pay a lee of o. Nurses graduating prior to January 1. 19U, who have taken a course of instruction of six months or more In some hospltsl or nurse training school and who have hwd twelve months' actual practice In addition thereto may register without examination prior to September 1, 1910. Nuraes that have had two years of actual practice In this state and are recommended by four reputable physicians may register by paying the fee before January 1, 1910, provided they are engiDie. as follows: Twenty-one years old; good moral character: education eaulvalent to that required for admission to the high school; graduated from a training school connected with a general or nrlvate llioa- puai wnere two or tnree years or training la given. Applicants shall be examined In theoretical and practical nursing, physiol ogy and anatomy, materia medica, prac tical and aurgical nursing, In mental and nervous diseases. Nothing In the act shall prevent members of religious societies nurs ing gratuitously. Emergency. 11. R. . by Bushe of Klmball-Countles may be resurveyed when a majority of the legal voters ao decree. Emergency. 8. F. 2t&. by Banning of Cass Persons engaged In tha transportation or manu facture of dairy products. Ice cream or the sale of milk or cream In bottles may have distinguishing marks for t lie containers of the same, a description of which shall be filed with tha secretary of state and which shall be protected by law. it ahall be un lawful for any person other than the right ful owner to ua such containers for any purpose other than that designated by the branding. Penalty of fine of from 15 to fit). The food commisahiner ahall enforce the art. Emergency. II. R. 125. by Hector of Nemaha Appro prlatea the matriculation fee of tho Peru Normal school to tha library fund. Emergency. II. il. 123. by Buxhee, Carr. Chase, Har Ington. Moore and Swan Appropriating I'.aMV for the aid of weak school districts o they may have at least five months of school a year; emergency. H. It. W. by Ktllen of Uage-Provldes for the appointment o," six deputy ol. inspectors by the state oil Inspector, with the consent of the governor. If less than ten barrels be Inspected at one time and place lb cents a barrel; mora than ten and less than fifty, 15 cents a barrel; more than fifty barrels. 10 rents each. Color of oil must be watir wlillei it shall not contain mora than a trace of any sulphur compound: no water or tsr'.lka matter nor more than 4 per rent of residue after being distilled at &T9 degrees; shall not give a flash test below 1U degrees; specific gravity shall not ba less than 46 degrees at a temperature ot (M degrees; any pills of a yellowish or dark, dirty tint may be rejected without a teal; illuminating oils produced in Kansas. Ok lahoma and Colorado when conspicuously labelled may be sold where specific grav ity Is not less than 42 degrees, and the resi due Is not more than 7 per cent by weight on distillation of 570 degrees. Gasoline shall not be tested by the flash test, but by specific gravity; must have a. specific gravity of 62 degrees at a temperature ot W) degrees; emergency. H. R. 57. by Begole of Gage Appropriat ing S7O.0O0 for two buikllnga at the Institute ror Feeble Minded; emergency. H. R. 133, by Armstrong of Buffalo Ap propriates 150.000 for a north wing for the Kearney Normal school; emergency. H. R. 189, by Skeen of NemahaAppro prlating 140,000 for administration building and to complete the library building at. the Peru Normal school: emergency. H. R. 154, by Smith of Cass Vpon peti tion of one-fourth of the legal voters of a school district to the trustees twenty days before annual meeting the question may be submitted whether to levy a tax to create a aneclal fund for tha erection of a school house. The levy shall not exceed 10 mills on the dollar above the 25 mills allowed for general school purposes; emergency. H. R. 391. by Clark of Richardson Board of Educational Lands iwid Funds may In vest tha permanent school fund In United Btates or state aeourltles, registered county and school district bonds, municipal bonds of cities and villages of the state of Ne braska. Emergency. H. R. 369, by Fish and Game Committee Appropriating 12,000 for tha Improvement and maintenance of the Cherry county fish hatcheries; emergency. ' H. - R. 227, by Gates of Sarpy Appropri ating $3,000 for Improvements at tiie South Bend fish hatchery; emergency. H. R. 270, by Blystone of Lancaster Ap propriating $1,000 for the equipment of an office for the Grand Army of the Republic and pay for printing reports, housing relics and records, etc.: emergency. 8. F. U. by Tanner of Douglas Making the city treaaurer of South Omaha deputy county treaaurer. He ahall be known as ex-offieli, deputy county treasurer and shall receive the salary' of $1,200 per annum for services performed under the act; emeraency. 8. F. 271, by Buhrman of Howard Qulet ln the title to certain lots in St. Paul, Neb. Emergency clause. 8. F. 241. by Committee on Drainage Pre8ldont. secretary and treasurer ofjdrain age district may borrow money for not to exceed five years when authorised by the board of directors, interest limited to 7 per cent. There being no debts outstanding, the district may dlaaolve when three-flftha of the members are In favor of dissolution after due notice haa been given. The board of directors of said district after petition for enlargement haa been filed with the county clerk, may prescribe tha conditions rm which additional territory is to be added. Any person may appeal to the dlatrlct court from the Imposing of aaid conditions within thirty days from the completion of canvaas in aaid election. New territory shall be added on majority of vote In old and also In new territory to be added. Board of directors of prior district shall constitute board of enlarged district. Territory may be detached by majority voe of entire district provided the detached portion waa not riven for benefit in which case the benefit must have been paid. If districts overlap, property must pay for benefits In both. By three-fourth vote th board of directors may change tiie meeUng place for holding elections other than those for changing boundaries. Emergency. H. R. 2S. by Talcott of Knox Governor shall appoint a state normal hoard to con sist of five members In addition to the state treaaurer and the stste superintend ent, who are exofflilo members. Th board shall have control of tha state normals and the Junior nvrmale. Bup plunts tha state Board of Education. Ap pointment to ! made within ten day a Board shall not constat of membera of one political party: emeraenrv. H. R- S1-. by Claims Committee of the Hoc so Governor, aui'ltor and attorney gereral ahall investigate rate of aurety and fidelity companlea doing business In the state, and bv June II. 10. fix a maxi mum schedule of premiums, to be charged oi each and all bouds, contracts, recog nisances, stipulations and undertakings. Beard haa authcrity to compel attendanca of wltneaaea. Fees shall be paid out of tha approprlttlon for prt aeoutk na under I JuDkln anti trust act Nw premium shall be In effect July 1, 1909. Penalty for receiving greater premium than fixed flna of not less than $160 ncr more than $300, or Jail sentence of not less than thirty days or not more than three .months, or both. Auditor may revt ke order to transact busi ness for violation, emergency. 8. F. 2K3, by Cain of Richardson-Enables people of Richardson county to correct history of some drainage bonds; emergency. H. R. 264, by Cain of Richardson Amends the drainage law under which drainage Is being done in Nema .a county to meet local conditions; emergency. H. R. 27, by Tsylor of Hltchcock-Pre-venta overbidding In one community to fight competition, where firm or corpora tion is engaged In doing business In other !rts of the state; emergency. B. F. 143, by Bartos of Saline Compels railroads, express and telephone companies to connect by telephone their office build ings and grounds with public exchanges In towns over 200. The rallwsy commission shall enforce the act. Penalty, $100 to $500 fine, or Jail sentence of ten to thirty days. Emergency. 8. F. 164. by Bodlnson of Buffalo Gives the right to the land commissioner to con tract for the removal of sand and gravel from school lands. Emergency. 8. F. 10, by King of Polk All corpora tions doling business in Nebraska shall pay to the state an annual occupation tax based on capital stock as follows: llO.OuO or leas. $5 esch: 110.000 and not to exceed $26,000. $10: $25,000 to loO.nOO. $30; $eO,000 to $100,000. $30; $1000.000 to $-f0.OGO. $50; $260,000 tn $500,000, $75: $500,000 to $1.000,0110, $100; from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, $150; over J2.00O.O00. $200. Tax ahall be paid July 1 of each year to the secretary of state, who shall deposit It. In the state tressury. Tf not paid by Sep tember 1 at 4 o'clock, the same shall be come delinquent and a penalty of $10 Is added. Secretary of state shall report to the governor by September 15. each year, all dellquent corpontlona and tha governor ahall thereupon Issue a proclamation and all delinquent domestic corporations ahall forfait their charter and foreign corpora tions their charter unless payment Is made to the secretary of state by September 10 at 4 p. m. All educational, religious, scien tific and chatltab'e corporations and all coi poratlons not organised for pecuniary piof.t are exempt. Penalty, fine of $100 to $1,00, or Imprisonment of 60 to 600 days, or bcth. Emergency. 8. F. 134, by King of Polk A judgt, on the conviction of any person of a fflony, shall determine whether It Is the Jefen dant'a first offenae and also the extent of moral turpitude. If It Is the frst of fense of the nature of a felony and the court Is convinced the defendant will re frain from similar acts, he may suspend sentence and parol him, but the parole shall not be less than for the maximum time he might be sentenced. If the per son's conduct remains good when the pa role expiree, he mav dismiss the case standing against him, but If his conduct Is not good, he may be recalled and sentence Imposed. Emergency. 8. F. 255. by Randall of Madison Giving power to Stste Rsllway commission to com pel railroads to provide transfer switches at points where there are two rsllroads. where it Is practicable; penalty $500 fine ti $1,000. Emergency. S. F. 24. bv Brown of Iincaster Per mits the county attorney of Incsster 'ountv to employ a detective to search for evidence at a cost not to exceed $500 annually: emergency. S. F. 156. by Bartoa of Saline Provides 'or the Incorporation of Bohemian fra nal societies In like manner to their 'o.igen; emergency. S. F. 51. by Bartos of Saline Providing -i salary of $4,000 a year to the county at orr.ev of Douglas county. Emergency. II. R. 2S7. bv Smith of Cass Permit" the sale In season of sturgeon, catfish, buffalo, carp, suckers and garfish. Emergency. Laws Effective July 1, 1909 These Bills Were Passed by the legislature Wit li on t the Emergency Clause, and W'll Become Opera tive July 1, Under the Constitutional Ninety. day lrovlsion. t H. R. 79. by Skeen of Nemaha Joint resolution memoraltxtng congress to in stall a clock In the tower of the federal building at IJncoln. H. R. 90. by Carr of Keya Paha Every firm of corporation aelling farm, dairy, orchard or garden produce or warea on consignment for commission aliall be a commission merchant and ahall secure a license (fee $10) of the food, dairy and drug commission and furnish a $2.C00 bond. Penalty from $lfX to $1,000 fine. H. R. '80, by Dolesal of Saunders After January 1. 1910. It shall be unlawful to sell toy revolver shooting blank cartridges or ahy blank cartridges for toy revolvers or Ore crackers over five Inches long or more than three-quarters of sn inch in diameter. Dynsmtte caps may be used In mining or for the purpose of danger signals or other neresssry uses only. Penalty not over $loJ fine or Imprisonment not over thirty daye. 11. R. 2. by Griffin of Burl Provided for the appointment of Judges and clerks of election fifteen days prior to the primary election. H. R. 49. by Thomas of Douglaa Create police relief and penaion fund for Omaha. H. R. 7$, by Taylor of Custer Moderator of school dlatrlct may administer oath to director and treaaurer. H. R. 76. by Kotouc of Rlrhtrdson Creates a teachers' college In the state university. H. R. 9, by Hadsell of . Saunders-Every ball of binding twine must be labelled with the name of tha manufacturer, the number of feet per pound, per cent of oil contained, material made from, tensile strength, and date of manufacture. 8. F. 62. by Miller of Lancaster Make constitutional th blackmailing law. H. R. Ja, by Henry of Holt Appropriate $'.'0,000 for Lincoln monument en the capltol grounds, provided a donation of 110.(0 is added. Mouuisent wiU be erected under the governor, the Board of Public Lands and Buildings and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial association. 8. F. 15. by Tanner of Douglas Governor shall designate Hie papers ill which pro posed constitutional amendments shall be published. One paper in each countv. B. F. Ul, by Howell of Douglas-Joint resolution inemoraiising congress to Issue t.Oo.tofl.OOO bonds to carry on the work ap proved by the army engineers and the roil- ?reasional rlvera and harbors committee or river improvements and waterways and reservoir. S. F. 159, by Miller of Lancaster Members of secret fratenritlea shall be denrlved of rights of high schools and elementary schools. A nilsdemesnnr punishable by a due of $2 to $10 to solicit membership on school grounds. S. F. 1. by Miller of iJincaster Appli cant for divorce for cause of action arising In the stste must have lived in the slat one year unless marrlet in the state and havlr.g I ved here unto the time of applica tion. For cans- of action arising outside "I state two years' residence is necessnry. Three months' search for defendant after filing petition is necessary before notice by publication Is permitted. A decree shall be final after six months without action hy the court where no further proceeding la had. 8. F. 13. by Tibials of Adams- In a--know.etlgements taken outside the stste there must be a seal of record, and in raae of Justice of the pesce statement of court of record of Justice Jurisdiction. 8. F. l.d. by Miller of Lancaster-Vesting In the city of Uncoln title to block 29 in return for site for historical building. H. R. 159. by Kurd of Cedar Amendment to the primary election law. State, con gresslonsl. Judicial and legislative commit tees of the various political parties shall be chosen In such manner a may be deter mined by the state committee of each party. County committee aiiail be elcoted by countv convention. The various political parties shall hold a delegate stale conven tion on the last Tuesday In July of each year. This convention shall formulate u state platform and elect a state cen.ral committee. County conventions shall be held prior to the tate convention at which delegate to the tate convention and mem ber of the county central committee shall be selected. No provision is made for call ing the county convention. H. R. 149. by Carr of Keya Paha Provid ing that on January 2, 1910, any territory which Is not then part of any school dis trict shall by the county superintendent of the county In which such territory lies either be organised into new districts or attacheu to one or more adjoining district. H. R. 214, by Skeen of Nemaha Provide for the election of precinct aasessors and makes the election law for supreme Judge conform to the new constitutional amend ment. In 1909 and every lx year there sfter there shall be elected three Judges of the supreme court who shall hold office for six years; in 1911 and every six years thereafter three Judges of the supreme court who shall hold office for six yeara; and In 1918 and every six year thereafter, there shall be elected a chief Justice of the supreme court to hold office for six years. In 1909. In all counties under township or ganization one township assessor shall be elected and every second year thereafter for each townhlp. In 1909 and every two year thereafter there hall be elected In each city and each village having 1,000 In habitant or over one city assessor and In cities having a population of .000 one addltionsl district assessor for each 4.000 Inhabitants or major fracton thereof. Dis trict assessors shall be elected from the district In which they reside by the electors of their respective districts. II. R. 216, by Skeen of Neman Amend the revenue act by prescribing the duties of precinct assessors Instead or deputy as sessor. The precinct assessor hsll not hold office two terms in ucceslon. The county board at Its first meeting after the lew goes Into effect (hall dlvld all dtle hav ing a population of more than 4.000 Into suitable assessment districts as nearly as possible 4,000 population to the assessor. H R. 22. by Griffin of Burt Punishes with a fine of not less than $10 or more than $60 any person who hall deposit In any rosd ditch along a public highway which led to any drain or ditch any brush, trees, hsy, straw, manure or any other debris. In addition the offender is labia to damages to party Injured. II. R. 423, by Joint Committee of House Mid Senste Guarsnty bsnklng Mil. R. R. 170. by Moore of Red Willow Pro 'Ulng bushel of spelts shall weigh forty lounds, alfalfa sixty pounds to bushel, srern apples forty-eight pounds per bushel, sorghum seed, fifty pounds. H. R. 10. by Tsylor of York Changing fees of county Judges and adding new feea as follows: Each additional name In a subpoena, 5 rents; recording petitions over 200 words, 1 cent for each word; recording report of commissioners, appraiser or the proceeding and Judgment of the district court on appeal from the decision of the commissioners, 60 cents; over 200 words, 1 cent for every ten words thereafter; first entry on any probate matter on the "Gen eral Index to Probate Records" 26 cents; each Index thereafter 6 oenta, provided not more than $1 ahall be charged for indexing any probate matter; for temporary re straining order or Injunction In sbsenoe of district Judge, $2: appointment of apprsls ers In condemnstlon proceedings, $2; cer tifying report of appraisers to county clerk snd msking transcript of same to district court, under lu words, 60 cents, for each additional 10 words, 1 cent; for filing and proving and recording official bonds of abstracter. $1. v H. R. 11.' by Tylor of York In addition to other record I he probate Judge hll keep a "General Index to Probate Records" and an "Index to Wilis Deposited." H. R. 47. by Yminil of Madison- Follre Judge In cities outside of county set i given jurisdiction In truancy cases. . R. 127, by Wwt of Hall Trovldes a penalty for advertising false poJigre ot SU11 Ion. H. R. 140, by Klllen ef Gage Require label on paint package formula of con tents. Goes luto effect January 1, 1910. H. R. 12. by Taylor at York Coat due decedent shall go to th estate. H. R. U, by Taylor of York Extension of time to be granted tor the payment of debts against eetatea, H. R. M. by Sink of Ifall Hotel must air mattresaea at least one in three months; top bed sheet must be ninety-nlnt Inches' in length; Individual towel munf be furnished rues La; in town where then, re water work and sewers, must be con nected with hotel: labor commissioner em powered to Inspect hotels, H. R. 22, by Talcott of KnoxProvides for the commitment of the criminally in sane to asylum. H. R. 137, by Chase of Dawes County commissioners shall appoint Inspectors to Inspect horses and cattle shipped out of county. For the preventing of selling stolen cattle and horses. II. R. 367, by Hospodsky of Saline Ap propriates $10,000 for barn, horses and equipment for Kearney Industrial school. Emergency. 1L R. 39, by Kelley of Faunas Appro priates $3,000 to reimburse member of soldiers' homes from whom the state ha taken pension money. H. R. 114, by Carr of Keya Paha Appro priates $15,000 for sn experimental station In northwest Nebraska. Located by board of regents and maintained under direction of regent. Out of temporary university fund. H. IR- 168. by Buahee of Kimball Giving bond holder In irrigation district author ity to bring suit to test validity of bonds. H. R. 235, by Clark of Richardson In creasing the salaries of the deputy secre tary of stste and deputy state superintend ent to $1,800. H R. 297. bv Taylor of Hitchcock Ap propriating $525 to re-establish the fifth guide meridian In Dundy county under su pervision of state surveyor and draftsman. H- H. 160, by Thomas of Douglas In crease the aJary of bailiff of district court in Dougla county to $1,909 annually. II R. 236. by Miller of Cttster County superintendent hall fumlh each district in the county a course of study prepared by the state superintendent. To forward to teachers printed questions of review, furnish blanks for annual report of school officers, same to be paid for out ef county general fund. H. R.' 633, by Wilson of Polk .Provides for th reorganisation of dissolved national banks as state banks and provides fof the participation by national banks In the assets snd benefit of the depositor' guaranty fund whenever congress or a federel court decision or a departmental oonstruotlen of the national banking law permit them to dl"R 4. by Evn of Hamilton Railroads " hall receive and transport . grain In bulk Jithln a reasonable time and load without lacrtmlnatlon between shippers. Railway commission to enforce the act. H. R. 1$, by Bushee of Kimball Appro priates $15.0H0 for an experimental substa tion to be established west of the Wid meridian under control and management of the Board of Regents of the university. If. R. 144. by Taylor of Hitchcock Dor mant Judgments cannot be revived after ten years. II. R. 179. by Bushee of Kimball Provides secretary of State Board of Irrigation may appoint superintendent of canal or Irriga tion ditch upon failure of director to do so. H. R. 24(. by Connolly of Douglas Pen slon fund for Omaha firemen. H R. 874, by Clark of Richardson Mall or express train of more thn five cars carrying passengers must be manned by a crew of five persona; passenger trains of flsv cars or less, crew f four persons; freight trsln crew of ftve persons; main line local freight, ..earning 100 mile or mote, and carrying passengers, shall have a crew of six persons. Penalty, a fine of from $100 to fl.ftrt. Utblllty for damages. Railway commission to er force act. H. R. 19. by Stoecker of Douglas Roar4 of Education of Omaha shall be elected one from each ward. H. R. 112. by Fries of Howard Board of County Commissioners or supervisors may levy not to exceed on mill on th value tlon of said county to he known as "Rvj. clsl Emergency Bridge Levy." to be used for the repair or construction of brtdgas. 8. F. 18. by Ransom of Douglas Governor to appoint five examiners from a list of ter or more nsmes submitted by the Neg brstks Osteopathic association.- who, with the governor shall be known as the ataUs Board of Osteopathy. Governor appoints a secretary and treaaurer. Examiners hall meet In Lincoln in July, and at such time and place a a majority of examiners may designate. Any person not llwrtead In Ivl state previous to th taking efraot of this act shall epphr for . a certificate to practice accompanied by a $26 fa. Cor Cbctiaued aa jttata VagaJt