Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 4, Image 12

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The Omaiia Sunday Ber
rovymzp ur reward nosi-rtvATEfi
Entered nt Omaiia iwst.-rflr e a srrnml
r.larn matter.
TEitM?! or niPTioN.
raily Pro (witv.iit Runnsvl. one year. . .11 CO
Daily Bw and 8 inrijy, one year "0
Pally Pee (nrliujinr FurxlavK per wer-k I.K.
I'alljr liee (without Kunrlnv), ppr werk.. !0c
Kvmln Br (without Bunrlnvi, per week -w
Kvenlnn Hee (Hh timidity). i r weik.. 1fp
Riindar Hee. on vear i.Ui't
(Saturday B.e. one year. 1-0
Arlrlre all rnmplalnt of lrrn'ilarltl- In
delivery to City 'Irvnlatlntt lcBrtnvnt.
Omaha The B"e HuUdlre.
Bniith Omaha Twenty-fo.irtlt and N.
rrunell Muffs 15 H'-nlt Street,
I.lnroln Ma ,l,tt:e Hinhlina.
hiraao li4 Msrqurtin IliilMlnf.
New York Rnnms 1101-1102 No. .14 Weal
Thirty. third Street,
Washington 7 Fourteenth Street, N. W.
rommunlrallona relatlnii to news andedl.
tnrlal matter should he nridrosiuM : Omaha
We, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, esprewi or postal order,
pynhl to The flee Pnhllhln fomnanv.
Only -rent stamps rerelved In payment of
man account Personal rnerks, except on
Omaha or eastern es hanes, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, s:
Oeora-e B. Tzsrhurk. treasurer of The Ree
Fublixliin rompany. heln duly sworn, siys
thst th aetiial ntimher of full end complete
copies of The Duftr. Morning-. EvenlnK and
Sunday Hee printed during the month of
.marcn, iw, was follows
1 89,530
IT 38,990
,. I . tt.SOO
4 8,980
L S.... 88,030
. 33,710
T 97,008
...... 88,840
, 38,100
,3 0 88,080
ill 38,830
.It..... 88,870
11 38,100
H....; 8T.S00
....... 38,980
It.......... 38,930
19 ?9.000
2(1 39,330
1 7.850
J2. ...... . !. 88,980
2 a 38.970
24 88,830
25 :-8,40
2S. . . 99,060
27 9,380
J 37,400
29 89,038
SO 38,870
tl 43,360
19,... t 88,880
Total 1,307,41)0
Leas unsold and returned copies.. 10,303
Net total 1,197,158
Dally average 38,817
Hubscrlbed In my presence and worn to
before me Ihls 1st day of April,
(Seal) Notary Public.
ftahaerlbers leaving- the city tem
porarily should have The Bee
nailed them. Address t1II be
chanced as often aa requested.
Oklahoma Is first on the list
year with Crary Snake stories.
Spring house cleaning is now in or
der In the state house at Lincoln.
Anyway, it has been pretty well
demonstrated that the Dingley sched
ules are not sacred J .
"What will the, men do about stock
ings?" asks the New York World.
Marry them, as usual.
Now If Mayor ""Jim" had only been
Elected governor, no one would be In
doubt as to what he would do.
No use in trying to take Hoboken off
the map. Mr, Jtoosevelt sailed from
that point on his trip to Africa.
' Every time Ransom and Howell suc
ceed in breaking into the legislature
it takes them ten years to live it down.
"How to Get Rid of Cobwebs", is the
title Of a magazine article. Refuse to
Invest until Oyster Bay furnishes a tes
timonial. President Tatt eata only an apple for
lunch, but you will notice that he is
not writing any testimonials for the
Ben Davis.
Really, the only backward spring
aign is the refusal of Chancellor Day
of Syracuse university to Join the Op
timists' club.
"Minneapolis and St. Paul are to be
consolidated." says the New York
World, which still retains Its keen
sense of humor.
, Mr. Bryan can not lay claim to the
lTaft policies. Think of Mr.. Bryan send
ing a S 2 8-word message, to congress,
or any other subject.
Mr. Harrtman says the railroad bus
ness needs straightening out. Is this a
confession that the railroad business
Us or has been crooked?
The ri error of the Payne tariff
bill llos li the fact that its framera
classed aft "luxuries" what every
woman knows as necessities.
"What is the greatest need of charity
work?" aikk a magazine writer. The
greatest need Is a list of persons who
will donate sell congratulation.
Would it bs fair to speak of the
Clock-like regularity with which pro
tests against the stocking schedule are
fceing forwarded to Washington?
No matter what the weather man at
Washington did on inauguration day
he may square himself by furnishing
fine weather for the practice games.
The Turkish sultan's boss astrologer
is dead. In that event the sultan may
decide his future course by drawing
straws or shaking dice with himself.
Speaker Cannon proposea to spend
his summer vacation in the New Hamp
shire hills. Wonder why he does not
spend his vacation in New Mexico or
A socialist candidate for mayor car
ried five wards in tho city election at
Los Angeles. California is apparently
as peculiar in politics as it is in other
In the vicinity of the South pole, 30
iegrees below tero is considered mild
weather. A citizen of tho South puie
vicinity would suffer terribly at Dulutb
or Medicine Hat,
The Late Ltg-iilatnre.
Of the late legislature from which
Nebraska has Just happily escaped
with what was left the least said the
better, hecnusm not much can be said
about it that (s good. ' 1
Coming after the previous republi
can legislature, whose magnificent
work was acclaimed with approval by
fair-minded people of all political
parties and forced encomiums even
from the most partisan opposing or
gans, the late demo-pop legislature
! : lilncs mom brilliantly bv contrast.
Nchraska has had many legislatures
of which it could scarcely be proud,
but we doubt if it has ever had an as
semblage of lawmakers including so
many disreputables as this,, so cut tip
Into cross-working factions, so help
less to solve the problems before them
requiring constructive work, so com
pletely in control of tho corporation
lobby in and outside of tho legislative
Just how much damage has been
done by this aggregation of statute
tinkers and spoils-mongers cannot yet
be estimated, but must wait upon In
ventory of the output of the demo-pop
law foundry which shall finally find a
lodging place In the statute books. In
one thing alone the late legislature
will have something to point to, and
that is the huge quantity of half-baked
laws on which it has put its label.
We feel perfectly nafo In saying ITiat
had the legislature enacted nppropria
tlon hills and gone homo without do
Ing another thing Nebraska would
have been far bettor off and our people
would have had real cause for rejoic
That Easter Bonnet.
Nothing but compassion can be
offered to the mournful male corre
spondent who has written to know
what he shall do to compel his wife
to wear "a decent-looking hat." His
case la hopeless. There is nothing he
can do. He errs, In the first place, In
imagining that he knows what "a decent-looking
hat" would be like. He
has doubtless been going- along In his
batlike way imagining that . with
women, as with men, a hat was pri
marily designed to cover the head and
protect it from the sun, rain, cold or
snow and that the shape Is really of
little consequence. Having accepted
that false premise, he need have no
hope of ever being satisfied with any
hat his wife nitty select for her per
sonal adornment.
. Woman bows to fashion as she
yields to fate. She would be beauti
ful, of course, in any garb, and mere
man Is sometimes convinced that she
la trying to prove that her personal
beauty Is enough to triumph over any
collection of hideous things stacked on
her head. The normal and logical do
not enter into her calculations when
fashion's decree Is under considera
tion. 'If fashion favors large hats,. the
feminine headgear monopolizes all the
available space in the neighborhood.
If the shifting mandate of style calls
for smallncHs the hat becomes smaller
than the bill. Should fashion demand
a zoological exhibit, the world I
scoured for feathers and plumes and
adornments that would make a pea
cock green with envy.
The Easter hat this year, according
to the advance announcements, Is to
rise to great heights above the head
and drop to alarming distances below
the ears of the wearer. It will be
huge, built out with false work and
swelled by puffs. It may look like a
mushroom growing in some dank
morass. It may take the coal scuttle
shape or be fashioned after the peach
basket, with trimmings of wings, veg
etables, ribbons or anything else that
the woman can afford to buy or hap
pens to have around the house. What
ever form It may take, the mere man
may as well decide that he likes it. If
he doesn't he may lump it, for where
fashion dictates woman is adamant as
against all arguments.
A Century of America.
"The First Census of the United
States" is the title of a volume Just
Issued by the federal government,
which contains many highly Interest
ing features upon which to base a com
parison with the America of today and
the nation of 1790, the date of the
first official census. The volume also
contains a summary of some of the
early colonial census reports, thirty-
eight in number.
The most striking feature of the
early census report, from a compara
tive standpoint, is the constant decline
In the size of the American white fam
ily. In 1790 the number of children
under 16 years of age and the number
of adults was practically equal. In
1900 there were 23.846.S10 children
and 43,049.595 adults. The propor
tion of children to adults had sunk
from 4 9 per cent in 1790 to 34 In
1900. In 1,790 families composed of
six or more persons nearly one-half
the total; in 1900 they represented
scarcely one-fourth the population.
The number of children to each white
family decreased from 2.8 in 1790 to
1.5 in 1900, a decline of nearly 50 per
cent. Had the number of the children
to the family maintained the ratio that
held in 1790 the number of children
In the 1900 census would have been
about 20,000 larger than It was. On
this point, the cenBus report says:
Th, people of the I'ulted Btat.-s have
concluded that they are only lout half as
well aide to rear children, at any rate
without prmonal sacrifice, under the con
ditions Willi h )rrvalW'd In I'H . aa their
prcdecesMii s provid themselves to be under
c n ll'lcim prevailing In 1"i.
The first census was printed after
the manner of a city directory, the sur
names of all families being given.
This was soon abandoned as useless,
but the report shows some rather curi
ous facts. In a population of 3.172.
244 there were only 27,340 surname.
Of these the Smith family lead, with a
total of 33.245, with the Brown fam
ily kecond. with 1 9,376. The Davis
family of 14.300 lead the Jones tribe
by about 2,000 and the Johnson, Wll
llsms. Miller and Wilson families tame
In the order named, the English fur
nishing 83 per cent of the while stock
of the nation at that time. In 1900
the white population was about evenly
divided between the descendants of
persons enumerated in 17P0 and of
later arrivals.
King Edward and Hot Milk,
Some weeks ago, when the prince
of Wales presided at the dinner of the
Ravage club, itj was noticed thst he
drank largo quantities of hot milk. He
explained that King Edward, whose
ill-health had been the cause of much
concern and worry for some time, had
recently taken to the drinking of hot
milk as a regular beverage and had
grown robustly strong and w-as now
In his old form. Thereupon all Ion
don developed a hot milk craze and It
Is reported that the hotel bars rannot
keep up with the demand. The liquor
nightcap has been discarded and the
lacteal one substituted.
The English have never cured them
selves of the fad of following the ex
ample of royalty in every possible way
and the hot milk craze threatens to be
the most pronounced of any of the fads
that has taken hold of the Britons for
a long time. They have all the proof
needed of the efficacy of the treatment.
It Is now no secret that King Edward
has been In. a very bad way, from a
health Standpoint, for some months.
Of course, the public policy of po
litely lying about the king's health has
been followed, but all England knows
that the king's condition was at one
time so grave that his court advisers
did everything but rehearse the coro
nation ceremonies for his successor,
but hot milk has triumphed and the
king promises to equal the record of
some of his predecessors In the matter
of longevity.
England's kings have been a long-
lived lot, a hard heart and good diges
tion having been the equipment of
most of them. The first George lived
to be 67, the second 77 and the third
died at 82. George IV lived to be 68,
William IV was 72 when he died and
Queen Victoria was near to completing
her 82d year. At the age of 68 King
Edward, in spite of the somewhat rapid
pace he traveled In Mb younger days,
is now reported to be a good life In
surance risk, due largely, It is asserted,
to his fondness for scalding hot milk.
The hot milk diet haa been spasmod
ically popular In this country and it
may, gain new recruits after this kingly
testimonial to its excellence.
A Word for Dr. Wiley.
The announcement from Washing
ton that Dr. Harvey W. Wiley Is to be
r?talned at the head of the bureau of
chemistry of the Department of Agri
culture and given full charge of the
enforcernert of the national pure food
Ihw will be welcomed by that "large
tdiare of the public that has become
familiar with Dr. Wiley's work and
i he urrelentlng warfare waged against
him since the pure food law was
adopted about three years ago.
Dr. Wiley is something of a crank,
in his way, and has made some orders
and rulings that have brought him
Into ridicule and criticism, but it is
generally admitted, except by manu
facturers who have insisted in using
improper methods, that he haa been
one of the stancbest friends of the
American stomach. Late In Mr. Roose
velt's administration the opponents of
Dr. Wiley became bo determined and
brought bo much Influence to bear
that for a time it looked as though
he might be forced out of his position.
President Taft, however, has accepted
the opinion of Secretary Wilson that
Dr. Wiley's errors have been made ot
the safe side by taking no chances and
that he should be retained to continue
the food reform work which he was so
active in getting started.
When the first disclosures were
made by Dr. Wiley some years ago
that the people were eating preserves
made of rotten fruits, honey made of
glucose, vegetables preserved by dan
gerous poisons and that nearly every
thing In the canned goods lines bad
been doctored, the popular Indignation
was great and any demand for his re
moval at that time would have been
met by an overwhelming storm of pro
test. But while Dr. Wiley has gone
along, steadily camping on the trail of
the dishonest manufacturers, his ene
mies have been working for his undo
ing. That they have failed will be
cause for general congratulation. The
American consumer may now buy food
to eat with the chances largely In fa
vor of getting pure and unadulterated
products, and the lion's sharge of the
credit for this must go to Dr. Wiley.
Catchinsr the Navy Fever.
Canada has caught the Dreadnought
microbe and as a result has made a
proposition to Great Britain that is at
least suggestive of future plans which
the Canadian authorities may have up
their sleeves. Canada oJfers the home
country a couple of battleships equal
to the best In Britain's navy. It is
conditioned that Canada build the
fighting vessels, man and maintain
them and keep them in Canadian
waters unless they should be called
elsewhere by Imperial need In time of
war. In that event they would be re
turned to Canadian waters after the
trouble had blown over. In plain
terms. Canada asks Eugland's permis
sion to build and maintain a powerful
Canadian navy, on condition that Eng
land can borrow it once in a while.
This may mean a spirit of loyalty to
the mother country and it may mean
the manifestatlon of a spirit of Canad
ian independence, which, has been
growing somewhat rapidly In recent
The unfortunate feature of the sit
uation is that Canada cannot afford to
encourage a case of the Dreadnought
'ever. Canada Is but 42 years old and
Is In debt head over heels. The de
velopment of the vast area of country
has gone on more rapidly than the
growth of population. The Dominion,
with a population of less than 7,000,
900. has a debt of about $500.00h.000.
and the direct taxes are already bur
densome upon the people. Tho addi
tion of a navy building tax would be a
high price to pay for a patriotic im
Pensions for Ex-Presidents.
Each congress apparently has a few
members who feel It their duty to offer
measures for the relief of the former
presidents of the United States. At
the present session one bill already of
fered makes ex-presidents honorary
members of the senate for life, at a
salary of $2r.000. Another provides
that rx-preIdents shall have a seat in
tho house with the pay and privileges
of members, but shall not be allowed to
vote. Still another proposes for an ex-
president a flat pension of 125,000 per
On general principles none of these
propositions reflect any great wisdom
on the part of those offering them nor
do they appeal to the people. The
record shows that former presidents
of the United States get along tolerably
well without help from the govern
ment. They are at liberty to do liter
ary or lecture work, engage in any of
the professions or follow any vocation
to their liking. Should they desire to
re-enter public life seats in either
house of congress are open to them, if
they can get the support of the voters
of their states. If they cannot get this
Bupport It would be difficult to under
stand how they could have any par
ticular value to the government In
those positions.
No convincing argument has been
urged in favor of making the former
president a member of either the sen
ate or the house, unless he comes bear
ing the credentials of a specific con
stituency. From the financial stand
point, no president has ever left the
White House lacking money for legiti
mate needs. General Grant's financial
embarrassment grew out of a business
venture he should never have made.
The others have either retired from
the White House to a quiet life or have
engaged In more or less lucrative pur
suits In private life.
Should an ex-president meet with
some physical affliction or, for any
reason, be found in need ot financial
assistance, a generous republic may be
relied upon to go to his relief, but as
general . proposition ex-presldents
may be depended upon to take care of
A Blow at Vaccination.
The supreme court of Illinois has
taken a backward step by deciding
that boards of health have no right. or
power to make vaccination a condition
precedent to admitting a child to the
public schools. The decision is based
on the proposition children and their
parents are "free" and must be pror
tected in their individual personal
The question Is not a new one, but
the Illinois case Is, we believe, the first
In which the courts have ruled against
the police power of the health authori
ties. While Individuals and organiza
tions may oppose vaccination for any
reason, if there is anything in the his
tory of medicine which can be set
down as a demonstrable fact it is that
the discovery of Jenner has annihilated
the danger from smallpox. It Is also
an established fact of public policy
that the way offered for any commu
nity to become immune from the once
dreaded disease, by the use of vaccina
tion, cannot be blocked by the refusal
of Ignorant or prejudiced parents to
submit to rules prescribed for the pro
tection of the general health.
Persia's Minister Quits.
A change that Is marked with some
elements of pathos is about to take
place in the diplomatic corps at Wash
ington. General Mortezo Kahn, the
Persian minister, is selling out his
Washington residence with the Inten
tion of returning to Persia to make a
living In some other manner. He has
had a lot of difficulty for several years
of securing any direct communication
with his country and, according to re
ports, his pay check has always been
lost in the malls. At least he has
never received one, so he has decided
to abandon his post, thereby ending in
failure Persia's third attempt to main
tain a diplomatic representative in the
United States.
General Kahn has made a desperate
effort to keep his government's place
in the diplomatlc( corps. Among a
people to whom he is an alien In
speech, customs and Ideals he has
reaped little but heartaches out of his
five years in Washington.
His recog-
nition has been only at the State de
partment, where diplomatic formality
Is a part of the regular order of the
day. He has had no real business
with this government and. but little to
do except to wear his gold lace, bought
at his own expense, and maintain the
dignity of a monarch who has ap
parently forgotton his existence. That
sort of a thing naturally palls on even
the stanchest patriot and so the gen
eral is going home to give his nere
a rest.
. .... I. l, .. ... .,.:.(,(,... !
SO lar as iun iiuumu; pi iiubhiuu
is concerned, Theodore Roosevelt Jr.,
has quit making carpets In order to
make hay, while his father Is In the
African, Jungles. .
That woman in the Whit la kidnap
ing case attempted to Jump from a
train that was going forty nillrs an
hour. Nothing startling about that, aa
the evidence shows that she had grown
accustomed to traveling at a swift pace.
The proposition to dock sbseutecs
from congress will not work the hard
ships that It would In the days when
the Benntngs races were on and passes
between Washington and New York
were to be had for the asking.
The London Times refers to Presi
dent Eliot as "an American who has
been active in educational affairs of
that nation." Simply astonishing how
quickly those London newspapers get
on to the facts.
Congressman Sheppard of Texas pro
poses a tax of $2 each on all dirks,
revolvers, brass knucks and other
lethal weapons. The significance of the
proposition Is that It comes from a
Texas man.
President Taft recently referred to
"the great state of Delaware." The
president must have seen the state
when the tide was out and all three of
its counties, were showing above the
Governor Haskell says that Crasy
Snake does not amount to much. It Is
generally understood, speaking In the
presence of the governor, that Crazy
Snake is not the worst Indian In Okla
The oft proved rule, "Never write
a man's obituary until be Is dead," has
been again exemplified by the Ne
braska legislature, which has Just
sung Its swan son,g.
Rats have eaten a large share of the
free seeds stored in Washington for
distribution by congressmen. Still, a
lot of folks will insist upon the exter- j
mlnation of rats.
Good Indian In the Working-.
Baltimore American. '
If those bad Indiana keep up thalr
pranks them sr liable to bn some addi
tions to th list of good one before long.
A nisnlfled Friend.
Indianapolis News.
prosperity is undoubtedly returning, ac
cording to the Treasury Department
figures, but In a more dignified way than
formerly characterised its movements.
There are no leaps and bounds.
Taking; lrsr Contract.
Detroit Free Press.
A Chicago minister announces that be Is
going to devote the rest of his life to
saving- the souls of millionaires. He can
at least finish with the sol f -satisfaction of
having "done his durndest."
Method in His "Madness.
Washington Herald.
The average family In the United State
has decreased some 30 per cent In slsa
since th first census was taken. Here
la another pointer for those people who
persist In seeing no method In some of
Mr. Roosevelt's madness.
Eaclnalve Arrar C'lnka.
Washington Post.
The officers who make up the member
ship of the "exclusive" army clubs will
probably feel as grieved at the order ot the
secretary of wwr prohibiting the uae of
government quarters to those clubs which
to aot extend to all army officers the
rights of full membership. But - if they
consider the order apart from Its effect
upon themselves as individuals Its wis
dom and Justice will appeal to them.
A million dollar fire In Havana looks
quite Amarlcanesque.
A test of the gas meters of New Turk
shows that the fast ones outnumber the
slow one three, to one. President Cortelyou
s not saying a word, but h enjoys a Joke
Just the same.
The question, "What Is whisky?" having
been corralled In the federal supreme court.
the rival pacer, "What Is a democrat?"
kicked over the traces and Is running wild
in Washington.
Members of the Ananias club are coming
out of the woods. Bailey, Miles, Btorer,
Schley and others are timidly knocking at
the door of the White House and viewing
the adjacent acenery. Whitney and
Chandler are overdue.
A St. Louis alarmist, having studied the
year's directory, announces that the Smith
family is growing at an amaslng rate, and
will eventually wipe all other names off
he slate. The Smiths are not saying a
word but attending strictly to the business
In hand.
The Cleveland clergyman who failed for
over aj minion dollars remarks with
familiar pathos that "lack of funds" pre.
vented the success of his schemes, i Every
squeesed promoter from Colonel Sellers
down reproached a niggardly public In
similar terms.
A judge at Sterling, 111., Informed the
parents of two disobedient girls that
parental slippers properly applied leave a
more lasting impression on tender minds
than a fine. The oourt turned Its face to
the wall while the parent got busy and
saved the money.
Yod cannot conquer any weakness by
coddling it.
The only pleasures
enjoyed are those
that are earned.
Love la enternal because It never wor.
ries about dying.
They are moat harmed by flattery whs
are most hungry for it.
Measure the appreciation you bestow by
that which you desire.
Taking a by-path to avoid duty we are
IUre to meet our deserts.
The mark or a rree man la that ne binds
himself to some high duty.
No man comes to himself until he knows
that -he belongs to his world.
It Is better to be wrecked through over
seal than to rot from overrautlon.
Tlie power to comfort others does not
come from consoling yourself.
The leaden heart easily learns how to
praise the golden rule In silvery tones.
Hypocrisy Is simply failure to credit
other people with ordinary discernment.
Citisenahip in heaven will not exempt
you from either taxes or servli-e here.
You never know how much good there Is
In men until some dark day falls on us all.
Yu may know how heaven regards
inunt-y whin yoa ste the people whj
have it.
Some seem to think the best evidence of
being the salt of the esrth Is ability to
make folks smart.
The man who gets out his ear trumpet
when bis neighbors are bring roasted puts
It In his pocket when the collection for
Uia becdjr is anuouneed. Chicago Tribune.
To Own a
Is Juat Like Having Money in Your Hands at all Time.
The most fitting gift you can make during the month ot
April Is a diamond We fully guarantee every one wo
sell. We only carry genuine stones and stand behind
everyone we sell large assortment of beautiful set
tings to choose from In Rings, Pins and Brooches.
. "r. muse irom tne
"BS'iK?'d ,il,Pd- Ppn facp th'n model watches: 20 year case:
Mgln or Waltham movement. Our regular ltn.00 jtn n
W atch special this week, only I D
Oeorce Do you believe the wotnnn ever
lived who could truly any to her lover Hint
he was the first man she had ever klsMrd?
Mad ire Yea; Eve. Life.
Mrs. Olllet So there Is n tablet In vour
transept to her memory. Did she do any
thing to bring people Into tho church?
Mrs. Perry Weill, I guena. Alio wore a
new hat every Sunday for three years.
Harper's Basar.
'I'll never offer to be a sister to an
other man."
"Why not?"
"Tho last one, under tho aiilse of broth
erly advice, told me some very unpulatHhlv
truths.' iHiltrvllla Courier-Journal.
"Mr. Jones. I wish to marry vour datish-
ter "
"Does she want to marsy you?"
"Bhe says she does."
"Pshawf Is that all you know almnt
women?" Baltimore American.
nurse maid."
"Why's that?"
fi K.n (k. .1.1 ,.. .....
. nn, uni, iiio
Dolloeman ah un hnv 1 1. . nth.. i. -
children." Life.
..Bit, V 14 1 1 ' 1 i Willi b W 1 1 1' 1 1 II -
bora much longer. I'm going to llvo In a
better locality.
Tun. m irnn T ..... . V. I
Smith Ho am I. .
Jones What, are you aolnir to mnv
ftmlth Mo. T'm vmlna. in . - ,r t,.
Cleveland Leader.
He If Td known how aareaatlc von were
I never should have married you.
arte i ou nsa a cnance to notice It.
H. D. Neely, Manager Equitable Life,
404 Merchants National
Dear Sir:
I received your draft for
policy on the life of my brother the late John L. Carey.
I beg to thank you for your
ment and to say that I can
than it received as it was paid at the first possible moment
after the proofs had been presented. Again thanking you,
I remain. Respectfully, yours.
H. D. NEELY, Manager
Merchants National Dank Building, Omaha
The music is played in
use a short or long music roll. ,
It re-rolls by clock spring. motor.
It pedals easy a child can work it.
Kronlcli & Bach FIanoss
Tha Beautiful brauda In Mahogany the Artibtic Upright Jn Butt
Walnut and Mahogany Veneer ar tha envy of the trade, price $400
Bush-Lane, Kimball, Krakauer, Hal let-Da via. King. Whitney. Victor,
Cable-Nelson. Cramer Pianos at price ranging f 135, 9145, f 15, f 173,
$230 and up to S lOOO.
nunareas down p
Hldn't I say, "This l so sudden."
you proposed tn me iifler four yum'
com t-
miip.' tviHtoii Transcript.
AiiRlere, Parent Just lit nie caleh v
flirting with thHt yonim- llrkulnmr onc'o.
lUKhter-AII rlRht, mamma;
will If I -Rii. C'IiIchko Trlhunr. '
1WIIS r kiiiio
round Hum ye wad sic us.
And nmnle the tlmnkn In y..n:
But ah, lher ure I'nnln In tile warl, laddie.
That ken not the h.-iirt that's tnn
And then, there are the reformer. Ipddin,
Reformer who iln not reform -ToKHlu
r they net like a li on, In Idle,
And, alas, they huvo turned yo doun.
The glide folk fought for It Ion, laddie.
They foiiKht for It irurle unci etroiiii.
But slack, it a Hud tutu, luddln,
l'"6r now they huve turned yo doun.
If ye wad le nie n draft, Lidifl
Pnyahle en sicht.
Tim' my hand should treinlile. laddi",
I'd clutch it kuiIh and terht.
1 wad rush cTf to the hnnk. laddie.
Before the sun hid nark,
Ah. 1 wadmt turn ye doun, .ludille,
I wadna turn ye doun.
If ye wad Kla me a check, laddie,
I'd follow my lucky star. .
And hie me to the city, laddie,
To buy me a bright new car.
It's glide money a'rixht laddie.
As gude money as ever was soen,
And ah, for a wee bit, laddie.
To buy ms an auto machine.
Ijovlngly," KATHREBN.
The Equitable Life
Assurance Society
Bank Building-, Omaha.
$8,372.50 in payment for the
prompt and courteous treat
conceive of no better treatment
The Apollo
Player Piano
A Wonderful Piano lor
Tonejonch and Quality
A marvelous Player Piano
for automatic perform-.
ancts. '
five different lcevs. You cau