THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: 'APRIL- 4, 1909. B T DON'T DE SO -THIN Waul llttU mrn 11mIi mak( ru msrt itrlia In sttractl? Wimlil 10 or to pounds mnr mak im octtar ,trM with jror partrenal appwranct Wqql1 ymir ona look Setter and (Ihm o and o'hfm mors If iu rs a lltlla aloutai ! If W do you fcflleva anjrnfls uan gt you tftla ddltifnal llaah that trim Saatrs? , I PROVE IT FREE If u trlit m 1o4r I v 1 11 anrt you promptly ufftlnt tr. Whlmay Nr and Firth BiHIder In provs that It will flv you a uprh fltura ub bvautlfst arms, ahapoly rtwk and ahould-ra, f uli round unat, and wall dnvalopcd limbs, not for th. tima Minn, put prmnntlr. Thar will not bo a pannr of rhand for tnia my riotiimr prnraa that I can wall afford Is tab II rfep rl.s In provlnp what thta Treatment will do TM la a puplf TtUhla ooaipsunS and cannot pnuibly d you any hann but la always of irnt bfnafjt to tka ssnarsl hoalth. lit -will pltlvly .nlarz. lha bunt from t to (it'haa and lv a healthy tint to tha cumpleilen; tl Ttm Trial Trnsujiant provaa thl.. Don't dalay. writs today to th C. L. JDNHI ro , HtJ D. frland Bias , Clmlra. N. T. hsrsua if thla fenarnua offsr ovarcrowda ua It will hv to ks withdrawn. Far- ante In Omaha by .ihchnan A Mc Connell Pruc Co., and uw lrug Co. t Vl . ;.. astern B; f. Easier Gills Cv B. Brown Ce. has prepared th fjnoet line of Easter gifts-in all tint's new. Our lines .are excep tionally flnn and of rare; beauty; Women's hand hagit targe kU) SjiJivcr t-ArdVniirs: z-iiirVx Silver and ioltl Mettiand Ba&n -llandy Pine anil Veil Pins - I, (new and exceptionally fine) ' Shirt Walut Rings . - " Waist Heta - 's ' three Minis and ruff Links for Tailored Suita f 'onin in iind Takt a look C. B. Brown Co. 1th & 1'ariiiHii Kl.i. A ' reliable . jnwelry store where goods are sold at reasonable prices QllflCTV Tft KtrD nniYWTFl M'- MIM M. Tabblns JUUU1 t IV 11 L. Li I llUbl MLLS 1 And Minn I Quality n jewelry U worth all it costs, but be sure you get all you pay for. The man gets less who shops nround with only price in his ' mind. Some one ia always ready to sell an inferior ar ticle at an inferior price. This store ives you all that ia in possible in quality at a price that is no more thun such quality is worth. , Albert Edholm Jeweler j. J 6th and Harney. Announcement TO THE PUBLIC The entiro stock of jowelry which was bought by the American Jewelry Co., of M. Carleton, IGO'.H Farnam St., will be closed out in the next 30 days at &0e on the dollar. - - This ftock eonfcUt of Diamonds, Solid Gold and Gld Filled Watches, Ri gs, Bracelets, Chains, Cut Glass Everything will be sold, as we must vacate this store. : K e m e wh e r, every thing must go. - Fixture for 'wile ajso, ,' ' Come in and be 'onviuced. AMERICAN Jcwolry Co. .. Farnam St. Engagement Book. . for Next . Seven Dayi Hare Motvly Blank Paget. XVEN BRIDGE CLUES SUSPEND Post l.r-nfm I alrndnr ut l-Uiitrclnllr rmlalna of Important RvMts. -lliaaaai Irainn to I. Heir I ntll tha C ! . To Itlon 'ft W'rrdi. Utr 's lo wi.lowe of twenty, The srdiiT of our l.ven, For. Imvlnft of weeds a-pli-ntv. Hy puttlns; them i she thrlvti. Mortal Calendar. Tt'KSIJAY Dr. an.l Mrs. Ilrnry lmere. evt nine brldne: Mr. E. B. UmlitTK. Ken alnalnn club; Mrs. K. M. Hlater, hosiery ahower for Miss Mllrov. WKUNKSIIAY-Mrt. I. I.. Ri ynpr. dinner for 'K. K." this; Look-Flnliiyaon. wl-tllna. FRIPAY-Mr. and Mia. Hsrry Pllfrlm, Tha 11 H. C. club. Holy week and th calendar looks It. For the first time since Lent began SO- tioty seema to have tak-n coifnlitanre of tha fact that It Is a panetentlal aeaunn and the coming seven dnys will be more quint than any the fashionable" hnve known sine they sot home from thnir summer's outings laal autumn. No announcement has bfen made of anything; of sice and even soma of tha bridge clubs have culled off their meetings. The poat-Lrnlen calendar as yet sched ules nothing that promises to be con spicuous, though Indications are that the season will he reasonably gay until the last. People seem to have learned how to enjoy themselves In a modest way of late with tha rtsult of no end of small clubs and small Informal gatherings. However, the last winter has been one of the gayest Omaha has known and will be remem bered: as such. For much of the variation and many of the most attractive affairs society la Indebted to the army set. The opening of the Country club on May 1 was one of the welcome announcements of last week. The other two clubs will also open In the near future and with this aeccmpllHhed the winter teuton Is at an end. Bocluty Js Impatient to get out ol dixit s. as It'has already shown, and every pleasant riny sees tile gaiters and the motorists out In numbers. . , TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ob Dollar a Vein. Pleasure Past.-, ; , ' Mrs. 8. gkllllng cnterta!ned tho'jv. K.K. club at her homo yVednesdiiy , afternoon. . Mr", and Mrs. Charles T. Kouhtsa enter tained .at dinner Friday . evening; In 'honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge B. Trlni. A pleasant surpriMe party was given for Mr. 1. W. Reynolds". Jr., Friday evening. Tho gueslH were entertained .with games and inttHic. About twenty younj people were present. . . ' ' The Junior Bridge club was entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Ocnrse Itedlck. The guests of the club worn s. Airs. Will ttedlck, Miss Wlrabeth Morttfirad ,apd Miss Lucy, Ppdiko. . ''. . '. .. ". : . Mr, and , Mrs. W. T. Heyderi an original entertainment on Friday evening. The guests were requested to come In cos tume and plsy bridge. The entertainment was called "a funny party." Mrs. Arthur Allen gave an Orpheum box party Fr'Jay evening for her daughter. Mabel Allen. The eunsts were: Misses, Margaret Weaver, Beatrice, Oowling, Mabel Allen, Mrs, Fey Porter, Jik Bliertnan and Rawson White. Major and Mrs. laughter gave a dinner at the Rome Tuesday evening. The guput pf tionor was Colonel Stevens of Fort Moado, wlin will be on duty here for two or three weeks. Thoao present were: Colonel anil Mrn, Evans, Captain snd Mrs. Ilarrix, Major and Mrs. Erwln, Mr. W. J. Summers, Mrs. Gilmore. A new pleasure club, to be cairVd the Billikln club, was organized Thursday. The Clmrter members are Miss Ella Bridges, president; Miss Florence Hoys, ..treasurer;. Miss Mamie Muufeon, secretary; Miss KHa KlebHrth, Miss Minnie Coufal, Miss l-uura Itann. 'l"he next meeting will be Ht tho home of Miss Coufal April 16. The New Bridge lub was entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lye Kennard. The members present were M. snd Mrs. Belwyne Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Collet, Mr. and Mrs. George West. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Kennard. The Foppleton Avenue Card club m- . Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. 1 Penfold at their home In the Harpllt ::i apartment. Those present were Mr, ami I Mrs. J. B. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs. J;hn R. Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Biy son, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vlerllng, Mrs. II. L. Korty, Mrs. C. B. Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Pnnfuld. Mrs. C. Loftnisn gave a Jolly'April Fool's party Thursday afternoon. The rooms were prettily decorated wlih American beauties and tarnations. Those present were Mes damea A. J. Sinclair, II. J. Mclenilhon. John Larson, A. J. Biervall. J. R. Caldwell. El narlght. C fHustroni. M. J. Ford, J. Norberg, F- Nelson, J, Wahlgren. K. Ed nulst, A. Ohman, E. Slmddock, Q. W. Ieken und Miss Helen Ohmnn. Mrs. Charles F. Davie entertained at luncheon Saturday at liar home In com pliment tn Miss Mary Hall of Chicago, who Is her guest. The table had a deooratlon of American Beauty roses and covers were laid for: Miss Hall, Mrs. Q. O. Msrtln of Grand Islnnd, Mrs, C. J. Bturdevant, Mrs. Joe Wright, Mrs. George Paddock, Mrs. W A. Gordon, Mrs. Julia Thompson, Mrs. Frank Anderson and the hostess. Mrs. I R. Hush entertained it children's party Saturday afternoon In celebration of her small daughter Augnllne's birthday. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. A: cen terpiece of lavender and whlt sweet peas, tl'iy tvuikcts of candy, unci wee, small chickens marking the plseea, carried out !...i feiinUr ld-a. During the iiftnrn.)on tha cii'.'.lreti played aameji. Those present were Khrne Glss. Virginia Pixler, Alics Klmberley, Corlee Brown, Llla. Miller, Father Westerfleld. Jcnnatte Jaeger. Ara bella Jaeger, Dorothy Belt, Helen Molan and Anarrllne Rush. Mrs. Reynolds entertained informally Fri day afternrion. Km h. guest was given a skeluton story to fill the blanks with the name of norm flower. The first prise was on by Mrs. It- W. Raft and the eon solalU-n by Mil. V. Wli. Lum'beon was served lu'e in the afternoon. Roaes snd Jotuiuils curriod out the floater contest Idea. Thosr present were Meadames C. WinquUt. W. H. Karl. J. M. Ilelilch, W lft ft, S Fnilth. William Kuff- n James ttuait. .1. W. Rapp. W. W'lzs, B. M. Wo.k1s, .wsm!S Ivelley, R. W. Powers, J. W. Hitch, i. Ayrts and II. W. Reynolds. ," hndny evening a surprise lwrty wss sf tne residence or sir. nj Mrs. Htirrster i fiouth Twenty-eighth Street, in relebralkm of Mr. Harpsler s fiirl -iitnth blrlliday. The ritonu er de.- oraird with rarnstions snd ferns, and the evening us spent with mulo and games, Those eaent were Mrs. snd Mrs. kslteier Mr. and Mrs. Felrnnan. Mr. and Mrs. Nel son, Mr. and Mrs I.kner. Mr. and Mrs 1'r I'lifl.u. Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Austin. Mrs Gwyniif, .Mr, ('. Harpster, Mr. J Funk. Mr. fc MiUci, Mr. luj JUristei. mM B. ss F. Harpster. The mem hers ff the Han fcVwiele club were pleasantly entertained Friday erenVng at thn home of Hw Htelrs SHoni' Card was the game of the evening, at which Miss Bertha Plxton and Miss Charlotte Iter son won hlgti scores and Miss R. Anrlrce sen the consolation. The hostess was given a hHnd-palnted plate. Those present were: Misses" Km ma Tyler, Ruth Coolldge. "Whel Corey. Maude Wilcox, Jennie Nelson. Ber tha Plxton, June Corey, Flora. Rtetnm, Stella Olson, Jessie Corey. Chenotts Peter son and R. Antlrresen. , The club will be entertained Monday evening. April 12, by ; Misses Bertha Pixlon and Flora Stemm at '. the home of, the latter. I Largest among Saturday's social affairs snd a pretty closing of s quiet week wss the tea given between 4 snd B o'clock by Mrs. Warren 8wltslr at her home on St. Mary's avenue In compliment to Iter guest. Mrs. rjianhsm of Columbia. Me. Spring flowers were used In profusion through the moms' In the reception room.' where Mrs. Swltsler and her guest ajiri Miss Bwltsler received Jonquils, carried out an effective color scheme of yellow.; Sweet peas were used In the library snd popples In-the dining room. Mrs. Swltsler 'wss ss. slsfed through the rooms by Mrs. W. H, Guiley, Mrs W. D. McHugh. Mrs. W. T. Robinson, Mrs. Judson Chapman. Mrs. Claire Balrd. Mrs. Charles Both well. Mrs. Fred Ryner, Mrs. Samuel E. Howell and, Mrs. F. K. Townsend. About guests called during the afternoon. Miss lrma Springer entertained at cards "vVednesday evening. The rooms were dejenr ated with Faster lilies and pink tarnations. Gilded t uts tied with pina ribbons were attractively hung from the chandeliers and ware used as plsce cards for the game. Prises were won by Mlsees Irene Tet ard, Bestrlce Cole and . Caroline .Curtis snd Metsra. George Rasmussen. 8. Robertson and Carl Koenmesser. The oolor scheme of pink was also carried out In the refresh ments and table decorations. Those pres ent mere Mr. snd Mrs. W. II. Tndoe, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Frig, Mr. snd Mrs. Paul Sprlnirer, Mrs. C. Rasmussen. Misses Caro lina Curtis, Inns Bloom. Irene Tetard, Helga Rasmusaen, Beatrice Cole, Aurora Kort lang. Mamie Munson, Trma Springer. Messrs. 8. Robertson. Alvln Bloom, (Carl Kocnmesser, H. Fadden, A. H. Rasmussen, Rnlnnd Springer, Waller Samuelson anil George RHsmuss'n. Personal Gossip. Mrs. Selma B. Meikle is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Reed. Mrs. Kdward Porter reck will leave for the south Sunday morning. Miss Marjorle Benson returns todsy to St. .Mary's school, Knoxvllle, 111. ' The I'nlvcrslty of Nrbrsska will close for Faster vacation on Wednesday. Messrs. Reed Peters ' Frank 8elby nnd Ctiit l return to Amherst today. Miss Miriam Patterson left Saturday for a six weeks' visit in Philadelphia and tha east. VlfS Joe Sanford will be ' the guest of MIfs Bessie Gould during the Easter noli 6ey e. Mr. Warren M. Rogers Is the guest of Judge and. Mrs. Rrdlek for the coming week. ' 'Mr. Robert SHtslfr will arrive Wednes day to spend the Faster holldays-wlth his partnts. Miss Elisabeth Mahoney " lesves Omsha next Monday for the south to spend a short vacation. Miss Ileleh Best has returned from a ifk's vacation spent with friends In Js'e !igh. Neb. - . . . , : ' -V ' Mrs. Kdward Crane of. Kansas City Is the guest of her parents, 'Sir, and Mrs. A. C. Waheley. .Mt , serluili valescllig. .:..' Mrs. William Gunlock of Detroit, Mich.,' Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy. Mrs, Frederick Lake,' who has been dangerously ill at her home for some time. Is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Victor . Caldwell returned Thursday morning from a month's visit in -southern California. - ".. -.-- Mr. and Mrs.. I ..J. Haicy have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Black burn of Edmonton, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne, who have been abroad for the last few months, are enpe'ted home about the middle of April. Mrs. Frances Ferns of Chleago ia the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Bprague, at the hums of the latter, near the Country club. Miss Helen Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mr?. I.. S. Harper of Des Molnee, formerly of On-.Hha, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Currie. Mr. Richard Ware Hall, who is a student at Yale, arrived Friday to spnnd the Easter !i!'!l')nys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.. 8. Hall. Mr. Frank M. Zanner leaves this evening fur Chicago, where he takes a position with the American Telephone and Telegraph company. Miss Ieta Holdrrge, who Is in school at Wilton, Masx, rut In part of her vacation vlsiiliig some student friends st Bryn Mwr college. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Emerson have given tip their apartment at tha Hamilton and have taken a house on Georgia avenue rear Poppleton avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lrhnier will occupy Mrs. Monnull's home st 3530 Harney street durirur the letter's stay In Europe. She will leave about May 1. Mrs. Harlsy O. Moorhead and small son. Harley a. Moorhead. Jr.. have gone to Grand Rapids, Mich., to visit Mrs. Moor head mothor. Mrs. Wallln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black, who have been In California tho last two months, left there last week. Mr- Slack arrived In rVwia-or Nik - CWrta,- v 54Mn. kmc a $19.50 VsssaavstaSsjSsaAasstaasaJsa iSlT FAISNAM ST. Attrartlve, net? Walking .Skirt, $10.00 i.. John . , DrmDslar. who1, has boenJ siy Hp ' ftr. evti a Viejts, . is eon-rf COSTUMES AND SUITS Monday and all the week this exclusive Women's Ready-toAVear Store presents all that is new and fashionable in the realm of style! 1 Beautiful Suits at S45 to $95 w WAJ . II 11 It .. 'J 09K no T!L" li Rl J. h I psj..w. liMIs .1. !' mm. mm We present for your inspection beautiful two and three-piece suits, representing the highest standard of tailoring and workmanship, molded of the finest mater ials procurable. These suits are cut after the very lat est dictates of Dame Fashion all of them fresh and crisp from Fifth Avenue tailors; moderately priced at $45.00 to $05.00. Tailored Suits at $25 and $35 For days we have scoured the New York market, gathering and choosing a collection of tailored suits and all the time having but one aim in view, that of showing the finest tailored suits in Oxnaha at $25.00 and $35.00. Every suit is a garment cut and tailored by exports and made of. mannish worsteds, French serges, eoleil cloth and other beautiful soft clinging materials shown in many greys, different tones of blue, green, tan, rose and all the prevailing spring shades. These suits have no equals at $25.00 and Crisp New Waists! 45. $1.95. $2.50. $3.50. $5 r,ip We show an , especially large assortment of tailored linens; French lingeries, madras and V ,X .-' " - ' " . . 'ft1 . ?'. . pongee waists; an specially A priced, ' " snr'" I fv4' if Oil I ::: P l)'-;';;':':': ' i ' Jjji ' I givru j. K. (Continued r-n Third Page.) Don't you like to deal with people who want your trade? Particularly dressmakers? It is certainly exasperating to have anything to do with people who act as if they don't care whether you have them make your clothes or not. There are quite a few up-to-date dress makers who want your patronage and tell you so on the want ad page, under head of "Dress Makers." They waut you to copje to tbani tli ay will ba glad, to you and will take good care to picas you if thsy go to tha aipaasa of adver tising to Bt jour first order. That sounds sensible, doesn't it? Have pu rad tba want ad yt to- Wm. R. Matthews Invitation Cards and Announcements for EASTER WEDDINGS This Is a reminder to bring the order In to us soon so that we can give U the careful attention it deserves Wm. R. MATTHEWS 7 assayjassasas esea jeeet 121 So. 19th Streat Phoat Douglas 1144 Socks Darned Free Think of it you men and women with holes in your hose, absolutely free. Do Ordinary Mending. We Sew on Buttons. The first and only laundry in the west to make this unusual offer. The daintiest lingerie or the classiest cus tom made shirt laundried beautifully. "The Laundry of Quality" Doualaa 1813 ' -4 ; Never Before Today was there any such demand as now obtaius for variously colored Gowns for women are so extraordinarily 'vnr ied in tint and texture that the fashionably clad requires that rightly colored shoes shall lw sup plied to match a score or more of costumes which for daintiness have never been surpassed. Staple styles $3.50 and $4.00 as always. Custom made, to match gowns, $5.00 and upwards. Sorosis Shoe Store Frank Wilcox. 203 South lSlb St. The NEW DOMESTIC nrs onr swuro uAQvm ro rwa ion Tbere are three things that tho Nw Domestic will do which no other one sewtng wachlna in tho world can do, tad tha "cheap" machine can do hod of then. 1 Tte Chain and Lock Stitch two machine la on and you can change from one to tb other without run or trouble. 2 A Vibrating Preaser, 10 useful lo sewing cheer and gauzy tuffa. for darning, braiding and embroidery work, Alao an advantage In paaatng thick seam a and sewing thick goods. 3 A fine-Stitch Ruffler which gives a plait at every fifth stitch, also gathering, puffing, rucbtng, pcallop plaiting, erf pa trimming, aa well as plain ruffling. U aura ta see th Domestic before buying. 4 Gusteifson (Si Hondrtckson Corasr ltta an OaplWl Avaane, 8 Vhoasi Ponglas IS74 a4. A-3SSSV aTatol Xrfys4 9aUdU, .1 Bee Want lids Boost Your Business J. J A WITZ Announce tht arrival of French model for spring and aummr Each gown is an art of it$elf. W will copy them at moderate price Inspection, invited. . ' J. Jawitz High Cass Ladies' Tailor jStk and yirtsama iftree't M'eciii liuildinq aV7T6TS T B As Diamond SaleS it Bna His buTfalns In all tlis iliu.nunils and diamond Jwlr- left to us for secorlty ara alauced Oil ssU fur HIT TIS DAYS. Ws will savs 'oij abuut 4u uf nsulr H Ina piles. Brodkey's Jewelry snd Loan Co, vemsaitsi tae Jfwassr, 1401 OoagU Strssl itwelry. Co,