Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Tlw ottBaU Mmfa OfJee ef te
ee,a k la m li itml
Davis,' drug.
Lewis Cutler, fjr.ersl director. 'Phone a.
Woodrtng Undertaking rompny. Tel. S3.
Majestic ranges, , r. C. DeVol Hdwre. Co.
W. W. Dlrkerann. the watchmaker, has
wov4 to 6-2 Went P.rosdwsy.
The best wall paper cleaner, 15e per ran.
W. Nleholaison. 14 S. Main street.
Pictures sod art novelties for Eaater
gifts. C. E. Alexander. 3S2 Broadway.
Undertake! a. Phono 14 N. Main St.
X'wly furnished front room, strictly
modern, with private family. Bell 'phone
A 1W4.
Up-to-date wall paper end wall paper
work at reasonable prices. H Borwk-k.
til South Main afreet.
The ladles' of the Muruhon nf the
"orld will hf Id a special meMIng thla
"afternoon, Instead of In the evening.
Mrs. Frank E. Yost, who rerentlv under
went an operation at the FVI round son Me
morial hospital, haa efficiently recovered
to be able to return horn.
Thomas' S!lrot'., for stealing Hurton
Bmli he overcrat from the Klrlln hotel,
waa aent to the county tail for thirty daya
yesterday by Police Judge Snyder.
The funeral of the late Mra. W.' R.
Klgglts will he held this afternoon At 2
chirk from the residence, 132 South Four
teenth street, and burial will be in Fair
vtew cemetery.
Dominion Mtnaro. a son of sunny Italv.
paid M.W Into the city treaaury yesterday
aa a fine and costs for rarrylng a "cnn
reld weapon" In the shape of a fully
loaded revolver. He waa arrested Tuesday
night by the police.
Building permits were issued yesterday to
J. F. Hughes for a two-story frame reai on Broadway near Twenty-fourth to cost M.two and to F. E. Marlowe
for a two-story frame cottage on Uncoln
syenite to i-ust $3,JO0.
Hie Worrtun's Relief corps will meet In
r-aulav selon Friday aftertvon in Grand
Army hall. Saturday evening the members
ttt !,e tt.rpa and the Grand Army post will
hold .1 social meeting In celebiation of the
nHu-mry of the organization of t hp
o; f s.
Tiy or Warren, aged .15 yesrs, died ves-
tr ri'Hv nfterncim at 11M Sixteenth street. I
Otr.aha. Mix fethT, two brothers and mi"
sifter survive lilm. Tlie body was brought
to WontJrtiiR's unrb rtaking rooms In this
city end tin- tunetal announcement will be
m;nle later.
The 1. nd;s' Aid society r.f fit. John's
English l.utlirrxn church will hold a spe
cial inciting this nfteinonn at the residence
of Mis. W. Snyder, '.'17 South Seventh
street. A fu'l attendance is requested. KS
there Is business of Importance to come
1m fere the meeting.
Leonard Bturkert of McClelland, la., and
Annie Willlnms nf I'nrierwpod. la., r?
mnrr'cd In this city yesterday morning,
the ceremony being performed in the par
h ts of the Neiimayrf hotel. Rv. J. M.
VII'lHnt', pastor of the Brrartwav Metho
ilt il'tncli. officiating. Charles H. Travis
of t'M' son. I i.. tmd Helen Spencer of Nenla,
In., wore ii'Hrrieil yesterday In this city
bv Rev. S. Alexander of the Preshvterian
lunch at his residence. The bride is a
daughter of ijeorge Spencer, a member
of the Hoard of Supervisors of this county.
Veler Chrlstcnaen and Christine Kntrlna
ChrlJtonscn. both of Dea Moines, were
lled yesterday afternoi.n by Rev. D. c.
l.umfnn, pastor of the Free Methodist
church, the ceremony being performed In
Ihe office of Rev. Henry Delving In the
county court bouse. R. K. Mayfleld and
pearl' Kuhney, both t.f Plattamouth, Neb.,
were married In this city yesterday morn
ing, Rev. Henry DcLnng officiating. Rev.
M-. Del ring also officiated at the wedding
of James Fsmber and Levesta Williams,
bo'ii of Omaha.
N. T. numbing Co. Te;. 2W. Night, F-170I
smith (hsriril With Theft.
John mlth, alias John Frultt, ts behind
the bars of the county Jail charged with
the then of o from the Shuttlcworth resi
dence, Oakland, yesterday morning.
It is also slated that the prisoner is wanted
In Nebraska to answer la) the charge of
stealing a team of horses two months ago.
Smith ta arrested vesterday afternoon
as he alighted from a train at Lincoln, on
Information from the authorities here.
Word was sent to the sheriff's office
yesterdiy morning of the theft at the
Shuu;eworth residence, and that the sup
posed thief, carrying a saddle In a sack
on his back was miking his way toward
Council Bluffs. The sheriff s force missed
Smith In the Bluffs, but traced him to
Omaha, where It was foistd he had traded
the saddle for n pair of leather leggings
and tiiat he had takn the train to Lincoln.
Word was vent to Lincoln and Smith waa
arrested as he alighted from the train, by
DetecHve Mtl(ne. who brriiglit him back
to Council Bluffs last evening. Smith will
be taken to. Oakland this rooming for his
preliminary hearing.
"Best" is a
m F
tmlv artrl Viripflv
jclf ing when speaking of
I'll TVtak sirtlAaf TVS oef V
ftui . f uwu fa uiuj.
suitable obtainable
T i ?e miUpfl ftnlw tfiA
ii! is cauea
. Cl ,. tw - v .'v.,'" ;."-::;;. 'i '." .7.i et.-
a urn mam i
Bulte's Best
"The Beat Flour Made"
Then when you buy it and make bread with it you
. have the best bread you can make. Try it
if not the best, you
Dealers in quality
I. Ukt'
ear of v
digestion, fc
(it truant
No Conveyance Handy and Street In
spection Goes Over.
Member From the atith and Other
Coencllmrn Cnt Airff -n
Dividing, Line for rrrclstrls
In the Ward.
The city council 'met yesterdav afternoon
In adjourned regular session as a com
mittee of the whole, but owing to the fact
that one of the patrol wagon horses Is
laid up with distemper the work mapped
out for the afternoon had to be post
poned. It was the intention of the coun
cllmen to make a tour of the streets
which It la proposed to pave this year, with
a view to determining whetrter the abut
ting property could stand the cost of the
suggested Improvement, The councllmen
were opposed to walking, not on the
grounds of the physical exercise involved,
but because they thought It would con
sume loo much of their valuable time.
The patrol wagon, the usual conveyance
for the eounellmanlc body when on a tour
of the city, not being available, owrng
to the Indisposition of one of the horaeis,
It was decided to hire an automobile. Tho
only auto in the city of sufficient ca
pacity to accommodate the members of
the city council happened to be In the
shop for repairs. A liveryman was ap
pealed to for a team, but without re
sult, and then Contractor E. A. Wickham.
ever willing to help the councllmen out
of a hole when ths opportunity would
preaent Itself to him. offered to loan one
of his teama. which was working at the
new bridge on Bryant street. The team
was brought to police headquarters and
everything was ready to hitch It to the
patrol wapon. but the councllmen backed
down when they saw the work horses.
"Why. we might Just as well drive
around the city In Dobson's garbage wag
on." they cried In unison, and on motion
of Councilman Olson, who was presiding
In the absence of Mayor Maloney, It was
decided to adjourn until this afternoon,
by which time City Clerk Cnsady prom
ised to have arrangements made for an
The only business transacted at the city
council session waa the granting of a
saloon permit to Frank Neltner, 3700 West
In committee of the whole the council
men took up Councilman Bellinger's ordi
nance providing for the division of the
First precinct of the Sixth ward Into two
voting precincts. After some discussion
during the absence of the member from
the Sixth ward, who did not arrive until
later In the proceedings, It was decided lo
corn-promise matters by fixing the dividing
lino st Twenty-third street. The ordinance
as submitted by Mr. Bellinger called for
the line of demarcation at Twenty-eighth
street. Mr. Bellinger said he expected to
oppose the line being fixed at Twenty-third
street when the ordinance comes before
the city council next Monday night with
the recommendation of the committee of
the whole.
Some time ago P. F. Petersen, a local
artist, offered to sell to the city an oil
painting of Council Bluffs in the pioneer
days, to he hung In the eounellmanlc
chamber. The committee of ths whole de
cided to recommend that in view of the
depleted condition of the municipal troas-
ury the painting be not purchased.
City Solicitor Kimball stated that during
I the taking of testimony In the suit brought
j by the C. B. Nash company of Omaha
to restrain the city from Issuing the pro
posed VK,000 water works bonds it had
' been claimed by the plaintiff company that
the names of several signers of the peti
tion asking the submission of the proposi
tion to Issue the bonds of a special election
could not be found In the city directory.
Mr. Kimball suggested that the councilmen
who had been active In circulating these
petitions assist him In locating these per
sons, so that they might i 3iibpoenaed to
testify on behalf of the city. It was ar
ranged that the councllmen who circulated
i these petitions meet with Mr. Kimball In
I his office and check over the list of sign-
wii.ii not ilf iuf:niiiia any disputed
names. 1
I I ire in Raarlea' Club Rooms.
Considerable excitement was caused on
Pearl street yesterday afternoon about 3
word time-worn and
Trrcce n moan-
Bulte's Best Flour.
Viar-e a m Ant
jv iu 1UUS1
for milling. And when
hscf T,art ri th wheat
get your money back. '
goods sell it.
O'clock, when smoke was sn pouring out
Of ths windows of the second floor of the
Clark building. In which ths club rooms
and lodge hall of the Eagles are located.
Tho firemen, who wers quickly on tht
sifne, were hampered In their efforts to
locate the seat of the blae by the dense
smoke which filled the rooms. It was
fou id, however, to have originated under
neath the cigar case In the club room
among some paper and Is supposed to havs
hern caused by mice and matches.
Aside from that caused by the smoke
there wae little damuge. although the cigar
rae and stock of Havanas were practically
dstrnyed. One of the curtains caught fire
and was burned and the wall paper whs
mors or less badly smoked. It Is thought
that 3no will cover the damage.
Arrested Misdemeanor Charge and
Maehlae Attached.
The trials, tribulations and misfortunes
of George W. Moore, the Omaha auto
moblllst charged with reckless driving on
lower Broadway at an early hour on the
morning of March 21. wnen he ran his
machine Into tho wagon of J. P. Bsrnett,
who waji coming from Omaha with his
load nf morning paper, piled up with a
fearsome rapidity yesterday morning.
Moore's hearing was set for the morn
ing session of police rourt and he drove
over from Omaha In Ms automobile. In
cidentally. It may he noted that he re
turned aoross the river In a street par.
His machine, which was attached In con
nection with a damage suit Instituted by
Barnett In the superior court, remained
In the custody of the pity marshal.
On his way along Broadway toward the
police court Moore met with more trou
ble and whole big chunks nf It. He not
only ran against snd knocked down a
conductor of a street car. but only es
caped having his machine ground to pieces
under the wheels of a Northwestern pas
senger train by a few Indies. As It wss.
the pilot of the locomotive struck the
rear wheel of the auto ajid nearly tilted
the machine over. The train, fortunately,
was only Just pulling out of the depot
and the engineer reversed the lever and
was able to bring the train to a stand
still before arty serious damage was done.
It is said that Moore dashed under the
crossing gate gs It was being lowered to
permit the train to pass. He saJd the auto
mobile got beyond his control. Conductor
George Kuhn, who wis on the roadwar
at the side nf his car. waiting to go ahead
and flag it at the crosnlng, wax struck by
the automobile and hurled to the ground.
His Injuries, while not serious, necessitated
his quitting work for the day. The auto
mobile passed over his foot, bruising It,
and his back was wrencjhed.
By the time Moore reached police head
quarters he found other trouble awaiting
him. He was served with paper In a suit
brought by J. D. Barnett for $415 damages
for the Injury to his wagon, the result of
the collision on March 21. and for the as
sault alleged to have been committed on
him by Moore. The officer of the court
also served attachment papers on Moore's
automobile and the 1100 cash bond he put
up when arrested Monday night.
" This formality had barely been gone
through, when Charles Barnett, roadmaster
of the street railway company, appeared
on the scene and filed two new Informa
tions against Moore, one on the charge of
fast and reckless driving on Broadway and
the other on the charge of assaulting Con
ductor Kuhn by knocking him down with
the automobile at the Northwestern rail rued
With all these fresh troubles to shoulder,
Moore, after consulting with his attorney,
decided he was not prepared to go Into
court right then and there, and his hearing
on the various charges was postponed until
this morning. ,
1-a.ter In the day an Omaha firm filed
notice that It held a first mortgage of 1700
on the automobile.
Moore formerly conducted the saloon at
Broadway and Thirty-seventh street, but
lately has been engaged In the automobile
livery business between Omaha and this
city. It Is understood that J. D. Barnett
will file today an Information against
Moore charging assault and. battery.
DeOrew & Fuller, the fastest panto
mimlcal comedy acrobats In the profes
sion, in which they Introduce acrobatic
feats and ground tumbling, at the Diamond
theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March 31, by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Cnuncil Bluffs:
J. K. Trush and wife to Chris Peter
son, south HO feet of lots 7, 8, 9. 10
and 11, block 11', Underwood, Q. c. d.. 1
Peter Sciiwensohn ami wife to J. H.
C. Stuhr. lot 3. block 4. Great West
ern aid.. Mlnden, w d SO
1j. C. J nmes and wife to Michael
Biennen. lots 12. 13, 14, 15 and 15,
blx k 6. Central sub.. Council Bluffs,
w d
A. I., tiretzcr and wife to Anna B.
Halm, lot ii. bloc k 3S, Central sub..
Council Bluffs, w d
Theodore Helmers and wife to Walter
F. Petersen, lots 1 and ?. block 1,
Babbitt add.. Council Bluffs, w d..
J. K Thrush and wife to Chris Peter
son, north It- feet of lots 7, f, .
IH. 11. block 12. Underwood 775
A. P. Blown, widower, ti Levi and
Ann Ulldebrand, part sw se' 12-75-4,
w d l.'JM
W. A. Johnsin and wife lo Flora K.
Colon, s'i of lot 8. block 17, Kajliss
Palmer's add.. Council Bluffs,
w d 1.300
Charles E. Olsen and wife to C. M.
Axtell. w4 se'4 9-77-43. w d 7.I0
Samuel Chrlstensen and wife to Peter
Hondo, ne'i ne" S-7S-43, anil se'4
nw' 2-7C-43. w d
Total, ten transfers UO.tKil
Aelo Men Fall to Respond.
Only four nie'mbers responded to the call
of Presulint Macrae for a' meeting of i lie
Council Uluffs Automobile iluh at the Com
mercial club looms last evening. An effort
will be made to aecute a representative
attendance at an adjourned meeting to ba
held next Tuesd.iy evening at the same
place. A circular letter announcing this
meeting will be mailed in the Interim
to every owner, as far as is known, nf an
automobile in ihe city ami Immediate vi
cinity. The Council Bluffs club has been invited
to assi:t In forming a state organization
and Dr. T. B. I.acey was selected last night
as the club's representative to attend the
meeting to be held in Marshalltown on
April '20. to organise such a state associa
tion, letters from D. H. Denmead. secre
tary of the Marshalltown Auto club and
from Frt-d H. F.lliott of New Tork. secre
tary of the American Automobile associa
tion with reference to the organization of
the Iowa State association were read by
President Macrae.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to d were Issued yesterday lo
the following:
Name and Residence. Ag.
R. K. Mayfleld. Plalisniouih. Neb 21
Pearl Kuhney. Flattsmouth. Neb It
James Bamber, Omaha TS
Lnvaota Williams, Omaha S
Ionard tuckert. McClelland. la 41
Annie Williams. Underwood, la 41
Charles H. Travis. Carson, la :t
Helen fcpem;r. Neola. Ia a
Trier Chrislensen. IVs Moines J7
ChriFtine Kstrlna Chrlstensen. It-
ilcliu J
Iowa Senate by Majority of Five De
clinei to Consider It.
Adjournment for Iag Taken Pen die at
Motion to Direct Committee
to Report Within Two
DRS MOINES. April 1. -Constitutional
prohibition for the slate of Iowa was
probably postponed, if not defeated perma
nently, for two years by the action of
the state senate this afternoon in voting
down a motion to take up the question.
The vote stood twenty-six against to twenty-one
for. The prohibitionists admit
their defeat and declare there Is no hope
of reviving the matter during the ten re
maining days of the session of the Iowa
legislature. Today's action followed that
of thn committee on constitutional amend
ments In unanimously tabling the resolu
tion and thua refusing to report It to
the senate.
Senator Proudfoot ef Warren county,
leader of the prohibitionists In the senate,
presented the motion for taking It from
the hands of the committee and delivered
a speech of two hours' length today upon
the issues Involved. He contended that
the opposition of constitutional prohibi
tion In basing Its claims that the people
could vote for a constitutions! conven
tion under the laws of the state at the
next annual election and thus secure con
stitutional prohibition waa merely a sub
terfuge The action of the senate, how.
ever, was due largely to the fact that
under the constitution of Iowa the nu.s.
tlon of revision of the constitution must
I) submitted to the people once In ten
years. The question of revision will be
placed upon the ballot in November. 1M1,
and It was constantly argued that the peo
ple would have eventually a rhane tn
elect delegates to the constitutional con
vention favorable to prohibition If they
decided to revise the constitution.
The agitation for a prohibitory amend
ment started with the opening of the ses
sion of the legislature and the resolution
railing for the same passed the 'house by
a lsrge majority.
During the debate In the legislature upon
the resolution representatives of the Ni.
floral Prohibition-league, the civic bodies
In the state and from the various church
organisations have been heard nn n.
of the question or the other. Prohibitionists
made the threat frequently that they would
carry the subject to the voters before the
polls In the next camoeign and Indications
point that Iowa will soon have an active
promotion issue ror the electors to decide.
Later In the day the matter was re.
opened by a motion by Clarkson. demo
crat. asKttig tne committee to make a re
port In two days on this resolution. The
senate adjourned wtlh this motion pending.
Deserted Woman Returns With Pa
rents to Falrbary, eb.
CEDAR FALLS, la., April 1. (Special.)
-There has been much excitement during
the past few daya in this city because of
the disappearance of Clinton Munger, who
sold his barber shop 'about a week ago
and went, as ha announced, to Oelwetn
on account of the serious Illness of his
father. A few days later s letter came
to Mrs. Munger from her husband, en
closing a check for lino and saying that
he never wanted to see her again.
In the meantime her mother had come
from Fairburk. Neb., to be with her
daughter, and last night left here with
Mrs. Munger and the 1-year-old baby,
taking their household effects, and the
deserted wife will live for the present
with her parents in the Nebraska home.
The cause of thla estrangement ts as
signed to several reasons, one being that
the barber became infatuated with a pretty
girl last summer during the absence of his
family on a visit to her parents. The
whole matter Is the sensation of the city,
and much sympathy la felt for Mrs. Mun
ger. Beaten for Office After Fifty Years.
CEDAR FALLS, la., April 1. (Special.)
Lanfear Knapp. who for half a century
has been Justice of the peace In this city
and for over forty years city assessor, was
yesterday defeated by the democratic nom
inee, Hans Crone, who Is a crippled man
needing the financial aid the position
brings. Mr. Knapp has been a trusted
city official and feels his defeat, which
is attributed by many to his appointing
for his deputy a man of considerable
means. H. J. Pfeiffer was elected mayor
on the republican ticket, and all the re
publican nominees won excepting the as
sessor and ona councilman.
Macbeth Trial Ntarted.
IOWA CITT, la.. April 1. -(Special. )
Today the Jury was drawh In the trial
of Macbeth and tomorrow afternoon the
opening statements will be made by Judson
Piper of Mt. Pleasant and Charles K.
llerrick of Ex Ira. and the University of
Iowa moot trial of the Suakcspt arian
character will have been commenced.
The Jury was drawn from the freshmen
rlass. The attorneys for both sides have)
arranged their evidence and Instructed
their witnesses. It Is Iio,k'U to have a
verdict on Macbcth's fate by Tuef-oay of
next week.
loirs e oiri.
CKDAB. RAPIDS Frank Kulsek. acoJ
73, a mired farmer living at Kly. com
mitted suicide today by shooting hiins I.'
with a shotgun.
ESTHKRVILLK-K. R. I.lttel! jesleiday
sold Ills general store lo Earl C. Bryant,
proprietor of the Bryant Department store.
Mr. Brant took possession today.
N p:VTON Charirs A. Gubford. upon il
luming from lies Moines last night, wliere
lie had spent the day. nnallnutcl tlie cm
tents of a bottle of ililoi ufnrm. Ill Is still
in a precarious condition.
FORT DuDUrcA Rowena circle of the
Brotherhood of American Voemen lodge
has Just been organized In the city, with
Miss Jennie BiucU ua president; Airs.
Martha llause. secretary; Mrs. Addle Ack
erson. treasurer.
GRIN NfcILI The C.riunell Buiness Men s
association has not only secuted the
promise from the authorities Ht Ames of u
short course here next car. hut will hava
Prof. Holden and Mrs. Charlton from the
8late college here for addresses to the
Lellerl's1 Lenses
Greatest Cestfert Haewa is Western sf GtetMf
jjSf Raw mh b,mm
i mil s imu ssrr
sewnen, auerra, m
Will have a aalca ground on Avsnus
"A" and Ibth street, next to the car
line, from April 1st to May 1st, lto.
where can bs obtained all klnda of
fruit, slit- le and ornamental trees,
shrubs, rojes, etc. Home grown. Coma
and get your stock snd save half your
money. Yours truly,
mi sw I
a sur UNg
farmers In the afternoon of Tuesday next
and also in the evening after a J o'clock
CEDAR FALlS-J. V. Jamagln. editor
of the Cedar Kails Record was yesterday
appointed postmaster In this city to suc
ceed B. A. Snyder, who has held the posi
tion for eight years and was for forty yearj
a newspaper man In this city.
VILIJSCA A new gloe factory, is a
rltlien s enterprise at Vlllisca, giving em
ploy men to fifteen or twent. Only cotton
gloves and mittens will ! ininufactured. (
A. Atkinson, an experienced gk e-maker j
Is to have charge of the factory. !
ATI, ANTIC-The mirriage of Mi.s Rer
tha Rich nnd hsr'es Templemnn both of
near loran. was solemnited In this city,
yesterday. Botli tl.ese young people corn"
from well known families ajid are well
known tnd highly respectec; themselves.
GRIN NELL The annus! meeting of the
Ornnell associadon of the Congregational
church Is In h held here on April 14 snd
In rrnrertion with the gathering there is
to be held a rally of the missionary fotees
of the denomination's churches In central
OH IN NELL George Turner of Turner
won from Pardello of Dea Moines In Ihe
brst two on I of three falls In a csteh-iis-catch-can
wrestling match St Colonial
theater last night. Turner won the first
fall In twenty-two and the second in elgh
een minutes.
FORT DODGE Thomas Hughes of For
est City was arraigned before Commis
sioner Johnston today and held to the
June term of district court to appear he
fore the grand Jury charged with sndlng
eeurrtlntis postcards through the mails. His
bond was placed at IW.
ATLANTIC Miss Myrtle Wert and Joe
H. Franks were married here by the Rev
Oeorge last Friday evening and will leave
In a short time for Seattle. Wash., where
the groom Is In business. Both the bride
and groom were at one time employed
here In the postofflce and have been old
CHDAR FAIJJt-Mrs, Harry Mathes suf
fered a distressing accident this morning.
Her sleeve caught fire over the gas range.
It waa several moments before she reached
a neighbor's home. A blanket was thrown
over her snd thi blaze extinguished after
deep and painful hums had been sustained
In her arm near the shoulder.
M I "PC A TINE The mvstcry surrounding
the drnth of Joseph Plessv. whose body
was found on a farm west of the city Sat
urday night, was solved today at the In
quest held by the coroner, ft was prac
tically established that the man had sul-fer-d
an attack of epilepsy, to which he
wss subjected, and had pitched forward
Into a pool of water.
GRINNF.Lli The members of t. Haul'.
Episcopal church of Orlnnell have recently
bought a lot In the very heart of the city
on Fifth avenue and within a block of the
Congregational. Methodist. Baptist and
United Presbyterian churches, upon which
they plan to build a new church and dis
pose of the small wooden structure in the
south part of the city.
MUSCATINE With the narenls eonseien.
tiously opposed to the summoning of a
physician, with one girl dead, her sister
all hut dead and four other children crit
ically sick of diphtheria. E. c. Miller
sought an order from Judge Jackson and
put the family of Isaac Walton under the
care of the sheriff. The members of the
family feared all physicians and would not
allow one to enter the house.
KNOX V1LLE Two hundred pounds of
fine honey has been discovered inside the
walls of an old, unoccupied house in East
Knoxville. owned by Crouch Sc Workmen.
While the siding was being repaired re
cently. It was discovered bees had taken
possession nf a section between the
weatherboerdlng. and the lath and the In
terstices were literally filled with clear,
white honey comb.
GRINNELL The report of the committee
of business men that recently visited sev
eral Iowa cities to Investigate the question
of paving was made to the Business Men's
association last evening to the effect that
there need be no delay In entering upon
the work and It Is confidently predicted
that a very material start will have been
made In the business section before the I
coming summer Is past.
CEDAR RAPIDRv-Prairie chickens at 130
apiece, with a few court costs until the
total reached e3, Is what It has cost J. D
Carson of Gillett Grove. The birds were
seised In Marlon by State Game Warden
Lincoln while In transit. They were la
beled fancy poultry and there proved to
be forty of them. Carson was arraigned
and tried before a Jury and found guilty
He was fined JXOti and the costs. It is
likely that the case will be appealed.
ESTHERVILLE Henry C. Coon was
elected mayor of Estherville at yesterday's
election, by a majority of 53 votes over
A. C. Brown. There was a light vote, only
about 560 votes being cast. H. B. Ander
son of the Third ward, and M. H. Schole.
man of the Second ward were elected
eouncilmen-at-large. Alex Johnson. J. E.
Stockdalo and John Montgomery were
elected for the first. 8erml and Third
wards, respectively. W. W. Walker was
elected treasurer and George A. Case as
sessor. MARSHALLTOWN-J. C. Kroenr. form
erly of Melbourne, but now of Dos Moines,
was arrested In that city today on a rhnrge
of perjury filed by T. F. Bradford, a law
yer of thia city, ft Is alleged that Kroener
committed perjury when he swore to cer
tain allegations contained In the petition
of a salt which he and his sister. Mrs. Hen
rietta Thompson, brought against their
father. Christian Kroener. by which they
sought to have a deed for a 240-acre farm
near Melbourne set aside, claiming that It
was a forgery.
FORT DODGE A strange woman, giving
her name as Mrs. Smith nf Humboldt,
went to the hospital 111 with pneumonia
Monday and her death alnre then, reveals
the fact that she is a well known Hum
boldt woman. Mrs. I. N. Koontz and has
been conducting a millinery Btore In Clar
ion. J. II. Reed of South Dakota, Is her
father, and has arrived to take charge
of the body. Her husband and son are
said to have died years ago. nnd Fort
Dodgo penple are said to remember her as
a comparatively young woman of very pre
possessing appearance.
FORT DODGE A special sent out from
Iowa City, Implying that Fort Dodge is
employing und rhandeil methods in the ef
fort lo win tlie final In the Iowa High
school debating contest, by getting former
debaters, now students of the university,
to take notes on the Iowa argument at
the low:i city-Tabor debate recently, has
aroused great Indignation here anil esne
eiallv among the hlfrlt school faculty. Prin
cipal T mmas wss interviewed today and
stated that, "If It is tlie purpose of Prin
cipal Albright of Iowa City to do this, the
Imputation Is ss d'shonorahle in Ihe mn
who makes It as the act with which the
bovs are charped."
CHARLES CITV-City election results
here yesterday were the election nf John
f. Legal mayor over II. C. Baldwin, who
has bee. i mayor for twenty-five years. Wll
"ain Freil olts ar.d N. Frudde were elected
councllmen at large over W, H. Fairbanks
and Owen I.lndanian. Ward aldermen were
chosen as follows: First, Dr. J. L. Me-
I .end over H. Wood May; Hecond. T. C.
Kelley over Dea:; W. F. Finke of the col
lege; Third. Kmll Fasnn. no opnositlon;
Fourth, James Barnett over J. J. Fass
hliidtr. ,1. C. Campbell was elected city at
torney ard C. C. Fail assessor. The suc
cessful candidate had the support of th
temperance people, although he Is a high
Ho n.-e man ami favors Sunday ba.-M ball.
Mr. F. G. Frltts, OneonU. N. Y.. writes'
"My little girl was gTfatly benefited by
taking Foley's Orlno Laxative, nnd I think
it H the best remedy for constipation nnd
liver trouble." Foley's Otino Laxative Is
best for women and children, as It is mild. I
pleasant and effective, and Is a splciidiJ
spring medicine, as it cleanses the system
and clears the complexion. 8old by all
Saloonkeeper Osre Enjoined Cannot
Resume Business Without Con.
sent of Voters.
DAVENPORT, Is., March 31. -A saloon
keeper who has once bee-n enjoined from
doing business In lows, cannot re-enter
the saloon business without ths written
consent of a major. ty of the voters In tho
city, according to a decision handed down
by the district court today. A teat case
was brought by the Civic Federation of
Davenport and the decision will put seven-
A Fsnssat Tesaa. .
El W. Goodloe, allas. Texas, found a
sure cure for malaria and biliousness In
Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Joe. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Quick Action for Your Money You get
thai by using The Bes advertising columns.
Souvenirs From Mmc. Yale for Our
Lady Patrons
Th lecture tlren by MatUnja Taja this wek at Boyd" theater
wm orUlnljr remarkable performance i,y thla exceediniy remark
able woman. The presa have proclaimed Madame Yale at the most
brilliant aad gucceeBful woman In her work today. She haa lectured In
all parte of the globe. Her well known product are iold by the lead
In. merchants throughout the breadth of the land. Bufh house as Mar
shall Field sV Co., of Chicago, who are known at the merchant prince
of the world, and In fact the moat prominent houe in each large
olty. repreaent Madame Yale as her agents for their territory, and we
ar eiceedngly pleased to say that we have the agency for this city
for the celebrated Yale line of Toilet and Health Preparations. As
It Is always our aim to give the public the very bett of everything the
world produces, so it Is with these preparations that have been on the
market for years and years. We make the Yale line a prominent and
permanent feature of our Toilet (foods department. We have the en
tire line here, gome 65 different Hems. In this connection we wish to
direct special attention to this special souvenir sale on these products,
and to make the event even more Interesting, and as Madame Yale is
anxious to have all women use theee wonderful preparations, she has
sent us for distribution a supply of Bouvenlr Jars of the Yale Skin Food
J holding one dollar's worth). The Yale Skin Food sells regularly at
1.60 and $3.00 per Jar.
Yale Skin Food Free
We will present one of those Fouvenir Jsrs of Yale Skin Food free
during this. special sale to each purchaser of any of the Yale dollar
articles which we will sell at the special price of 89c.
We desire' to suggest that purchase be made early, as the supply
of Souvenir Jars Is limited. The sale will continue all week. We men
tion below a few of the Yale prepartlons:
Btadaan Tale's Hair Tonio
HAIR TONIC one of her greatest
achievements. It Is praised In the
highest terms by those who use It,
and there are quantities of it sold.
Price, er bottle,
So, 4So and S9o.
Tale's stealth Bemadiea.
strengthening tonic for women, a
cure for certain organic ailments Ths
wonderful cure effected by It testi
fy to Its great merit. Price tie
LETS cure constipation and ventilate
a clogged system Two alxea. Prloe
4 So and 890
LETS make new. rich blood. They
enrich the skin with healthy eolor
lngs. Two sizes. 46o and 8o.
ses the ltver, blood and kidneys Price
LETS sld digestion and cure Indiges
tion. Prices. 48o and ISO.
most valuable household article, and
must be used to be appreciated For
cleansing the mouth and gums In the
morning, gargling the throat for aora
thrust, dressing sores, wounds, or
brcAns. It Is unequalled. Trice 830
an A 89a.
newoomer and said to have mantel Ike
Influence in curing muscular affec
tions, such aa rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains, etc Price 4So.
Madame Yale's Demonstrator
Here All This Week
Mme Tale's New York demonstrator will remain here all this week In
the Yale Section of our Toilet Goods Department, main floor, where she will
explain to the ladles all about ths preparations made by Mme. Yale fifty
five different articles ao that the ladlea can find among the list just what
they need. Ladlea may consult with Mme. Yale's assistant without chargs, and
the young lady will assist you In the proper selection of the remedies needed.
Call or write for ocipy of Mme. Yale's -paga book of beauty given free.
DRUG DEPT. South Side. New Store.
Tourist Soda Crackers
Always packed and seated 23S9c
l'.ei cracker is packed while warm less than one minute after removal
from the oven.
First sealed with impoiteil parchment paper not parafine pfr like others
use and two other wrappings make tlieni air tight this la kii"" a" ,n
Patented "Aretite" Process
snd they aould keep for months, but
They are made In (imalia and every grocer orders twice wwklf. an advantage
not given by other inanufactuit rs.
ask your grocer for
10 Cents Por Packag
and ou vkill receive them as .
as when they left our ovens.
The only Crackers made In Omaha.
Iten Biscuit Company. Omaha. Neb.
Bee Want Ms Boost Your Business
Madam Yale Is Certainly
a Wonderful Woman
Souvenir Sale
Of thar
Yale Toilcl
and Health
Madame Tate's Beaatlfyin Bemedlea
nourishing the sktn and obliterating
wrinkles. Two sites, $1,115 and 88.60.
COMPLEXION CREAM for cleansing,
healing, enhancing and preserving
beauty: nothing like It. Price, 45o
and 8flc
BLEACH for cleansing the skin of
blemishes. Prire 91.75
TY for protecting the skin from sun
burn and the inclemency of the
weather It makes the skin naturally
white, gives the complexion brilliancy.
Prleo 89o
for softening the expression It tones
the facial nerves, gives pliancy to the
muscles and elasticity to the skin.
Price ta.SO
Price B9e
Is one of the greatest known toilet
luxuries, delicately fragrant aa a bou
quet of choice flowers Price. . 91.88
SOAP. Price fiOo
POWDER. Price 40o
not suffer another day with corns.
Mme. Yale's Corn Curs makes quick
work of them. Use It snd enjoy the
comfort of scAnd feet 81c
Insist on
this package-
Packed ixivd