The Omaha Daily Bee Mr. Roosevelt goes to Africa. So docs Buster Brown. Go along with him in the Sun day Hep. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nchriiska--Fair and rirT, For o- Increasing t .udlicss. For weather repcit er ro llll VOL. XXXVI 11 NO. 249. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1909t-TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CHEEK UPRISING NEAP IY OVER Help! LEGISLATORS ON THE. BLAST DAY Shaw Talks on TARIFF DEBATE IN THE SENATE Discussion on Bacon Resolution Con cerning Methods of Finance Com Tariff Measure Militia Hunting ' Probably Be Day or Snake Will vn in a All Interests Should' Be Guarded, Technically the Session Ended Yes Says Former Secretary of Treasury. terday, but in Reality it is Still On. i mittee Takes Wide Range. 4 ; I 'J. TAKEN None of the Alleged Host. Resisted Arrest, v' .Jans CHIEF IS STILL IN HIDING He Refuses Widely Distributed nvi . tations to Surrender. FOSSES GIVE UP THE HUNT II In Relieved WHr Leader Indiana Wilt C'eme la M'lti the Cirllfdiral Dies Oat. of riERC'B, Ok!., April 1.-(By Courier to Clierotah.) What a' Muskogee, newspaper cajla "The Smoked Feef rebellion," alleging the Kama to be considerable of a Jok 1m all but over. In a day or two the mlllila, it la expected, will he withdrawn. Mcintosh county will feed between eighty and a hundred prisoner, not onp of whom resisted srrest, and Chlttl Harjn. otherwise (.'rosy Snake, will exercise all due caution about appearing In public. Hp waa not captured today, neither did he respond to a widely distributed Invitation to surren der. The picturesque posses quqltted the hunt, leaving the field to the First Regi ment, O. N. Cl. Colonel Hoffman sent squads through the river bottoms and previously unexplored gulches In this vlrln :ty, while .Major Harrett. spreading his .lien, numbering 100. Into extremely open tinier, advanced a comb-line line through 'he Hickory woods. Crazy Snake, how nrr. was elsewhere. Meanwhile ColoneJ Hoffman held an ex tended powwow with the fugitive's sister. Tlw Interview took place at Crazy Snake's f.irtu home, on a awell of prairie which the , Cre.-k leader dldsdalned to cultivate de spite the example of a white neighbor whoso furrowa are already turned and har rowed for the season's cotton crop. The Snake place la a one-room shanty with a rickety porch and a big chimney of south nil negro huts. Tha ground around It ihs never been plowed and lean dogs yelp among the weeds. Snake's sister and the militia met on the porch nerore mentioned, but she convinced ' her questioner that Kin? knew nothing of her brother'a where shouts. "Very well, then," reaponted the colonel "It la up to lilm. He haa twenty-four houra In which to put himself under our protec tion. He should do It. aa the next step un eloubtedly will he the offering of a reward for him dead or alive." Colonel Hoffman admitted that he did -hnw. . whether. Ula ultimatum ' would ever reach lis real objective point. But he had h'a suspicions, a somebody undoubt edly Is taking! food tohe old chief along t..- ... ' - - . . ... . ... . wnn me ik'wh oi ma iay. it is aamtttea that the wily red man haa eluded hie pur suera. nc controls nia own destinies so long as he chooses to remain hidden. The territory in which he may roam la too large for the military to cover thoroughly, which both pursuer and pursued well know. Of course the latter may conclude at the last moment of military occupancy to give himself up, but It la the general belief that the old warrior will do nothing of the kind. It Is regarded aa more likely that he will wait until public excitement, al ready much reduced, has subsided com pletely and tlien emerge from Ills hiding place. Hadley Looks for Low Rate Missouri Governor Believes Agree ment Will Be Reached for Flat Fare of Two and Quarter Cents. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. April l.-That tii differences between tha railroads and the executive department of the state gov ernment have been reduced to a minimum and may yet be wiped out waa the gist of a statement made by Governor Hadley today In anawer to Inquiries respecting his y views on tha action taken by the confer ence or lanroaa orncials In St. Louis yes-, terday. "I believe that a number of roads desire to concede all that I asked, but that they could not get the conaent of other roads." said the governor. "I am disposed to think, however, that after the state resorU to such measures aa It can fairly use that the proposition of an open rate of prac tically centa for all passengers will commend Itself td all the roads." HELEN WHITNEY ELOPEMENT LEADS TO DIVORCE COURT Marriage of Harvard Fallback Fol lows Reaaaalle Escape from Eastern Girls' School. BAN FRANCISCO. April l.-Heln Beryl Graydon, daughter of J Parker Whitney, a local capltaliat and wife of Thomaa H. Graydon of Cincinnati, once full back of tha Harvsrd foot ball team, was granted a divorce her yesterday on the ground of non-aupport. Her father testified that he had paid his daughter's expenses for year. The Graydon wedding, which took place in Massachusetts, In 10, followed a roman tic elopement. Miss Whitney climbing over a wall to escape frcm a glrla' school n New York. Graydon made only a nominal defense. GOVERNOR SMITH MAY QUIT Belief Kseeatlr of Philippines Will Reseaa Practice ef I -aw la Iss Francisco. AN ITtANCISCO. April J. It is re ported her that Governor Genarul Smith of the Philippines will reetgn his executive Position and sail for this city. May IS. to 'sum the practice of law. which he abandoned when the Spanish-American war began. Governor General Smith waa a partner of Judge Prank Muraaky when he left for the scene of hostilities In the islands aa colonel of the Flret regiment of the Na tional guard of Callforlna- ABOUT EIGHT PERfc KANSAS CITY. Mo., April l.-"t would like to see the protection Idea adhered to hroughout the tariff bill now before con gress, said Italia M. Shaw, ex-secretary of the treasury, In an Interview last night. It will be a great misfortune If only those Interests which can muster a ma jority shall receive protection while all othar interests are aacrlflced. "Cleveland declared the Wllson-Goi man bill full of 'perfidy and dishonor' simply because It failed to adhere to principle. If a new bill ahall he a repetition. I shall regret that the republican party will have to answer for the calamity that will ensue. "The principle of protection Is right or It Is wrong. If It Is right, then every interest should tie proteclod. If It Is wrong. then we should have tariff for revenue only and no protection for anyone. Tariff and free trade are synonymous terms. God save us from another attempt to mix the principle of protection and a tariff for revenue only according to the local Inter ests of constituency of the different con gressmen and senators." Mr. Shaw, who waa here on private busi ness, departed for Philadelphia, where on April 15 he will tak charge of the First Mortgage Guarantee and Trust company. which la to begin business on that date. American Army Leaves Havana Last Soldiers in Barry's Command Board Transport for New port News. HAVANA, April 1. A final general order issued by Major General Thomas H. Barry today brought an end to the existence of the army of pacification in Cuba, aa such and the transports Sumner and McClonnan, with the last of the American soldiers on board, loft the arsenal docks for Newport Newa. General Barry'a last order simply announced the fact of the disbanding of the army, and the relinquishment pf hla command. General Barry bade a brief farewell to the troops on board the transports. There were no further ceremonies. General Barry, accompanied by hla aid. Captain Davta, drove to the Machlna wharf and boarded the steamer Maacotte for Tampa. The Maacotte followed the two transports to sea. With the exception of one army officer who was present at the wharf to accept the surrender of the quartermaster's docks and office, no Cubans, either civil or military, witnessed the departure. Champ Johnson in Police Court Pugilist Faces Charge in New York Preferred by Seventeen-Year-Old Negro Girl. NEW YORK, April 1. "Jack" Johnaon, tha world'a champion pugilist, appeared In court today to anawer a charge of long standing pre.ferret against him by Amea Douglas, a negro girl of 17 years. Before Johnson's appearance In court Joseph Netherland, a negro porter, waa ai rusted charged with attempting to bribe Miss Douglaa to stay away from court. After a hearing Johnson waa convicted and a fine of 1400 waa Imposed. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Vnmher of' Appointments In Postal ervlce In lotva and Sooth Dakota. (From a Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. April 1. (Special Tele gramsPostmasters appointed: Iowa Blalrsburg, Hamilton county. George A. Walreath, vice Canute F. Holt, resigned; Woden, Hancock county, J. H. Bode, vice W. K. Sage, removed. South Dakota Af tnn, Hyde county, Martin B. oHughton, vice O. P. King, resigned; Clifton. Sully county, W. H. Chamberlain, vice P. M. Chamberlain, deceased. Rural route No. 7 haa been ordered es tabliahrd May 1 at Beatrice, Gage county. Neb., serving fifty-four families. CaptSIn Jamea B. Parker. Fourth cavalry. In addition to hia other duties, will assume charge of construction work at Fort Meade during the absence on leave of Captain louls C. Scherer, Fourth cavalry. Zeppelin Airship Takes Perilous Trip in Storm MI'.N'K'H. April l.-The Zeppelin eiislilp made an atteirpt to fly from Friedrlcli sl afen to this city and back. It encoun tered a storm and was dnven far out f its original course, and after eleven hours In the air landed safely at Dtngolfing, sixty-five miles northeast of Munich. Psrt of the Journey was made under clr eumatances of p?ril; one of the motors re fused to work, and it was impossible for the airship to make headway against the wind, which increased steadily in violence. Helpless and drifting rapidly to leeward, the airship traveled for four houra while Count Zeppelin and his men awaited an op portunity to make a safe and successful landing. They were followed over l.e country by soldiers in aaift automobiles and by three squadrons of heavy cavalry, sent out to render assistance hen a descent was attempted. The airship, how ever, outdistanced them snd thev were not in at the finish. The airship left Frlerfrichahaf en early this morning and five hours later appeared In the air over the outskirts of Munich. A distance of 111 miles was covered In five houra The count left Friedrichshafen with th Intention of trying to sail from there to Munich and back. It waa hia Intention to lsnd here In the presence of the prime regent and the entire garrison of Munich, but owing to a squally and increasing wind th maneuver waa Impnaaoble. The attempt waa made over the parade grounds outside the city, but aa soon as It was seen to be Impossible the ship lifted attain. ALDRICH DEFENDS HIS ACTIONS Procedure of Republicans Along Lines of Precedents of Fifty Year. WILSON BILL BUILT SAME WAY Gorman Substitute Was Drawn by Democratic Members. RESOLUTION FINALLY REFERRED Mr. Hale's Resolution Limiting RniN neaa of Special Session to Tariff and Census Bills Is Adopted. WASHINGTON. April 1. What turned out to be a general debate on tariff was a feature of the senate proceedings today on Senator Bacon's resolution favoring the consideration of tariff legislation, by the full committee on finance Instead of by the republican members of that committee only. Senator Aldrich Insisted that the pro cedure adopted in this case was similar to that which had been the practice of the senate for fifty years In dealing with tariff measures and he added that the same method was adopted In handling the Wilson tariff bill for which he said a substitute was framed by a subcommittee composed of democrats. The democrats made strenuous contention for representation at hearings by the com mittee and argued that the republican members sitting aa such had no right to authorize the expenditure of the public funds in furtherance of an ex-parte con sideration of the bill In committee. The resolution was finally referred to the com mittee en finance. Senator Hale's resolution declaring tn favor of a restriction of the business of the present extra session tn the passage of the tariff bill and a bill for the taking of the census was adopted. Aldrich Opens Debate. The senate today began consideration of Senator Bacon's resolution declaring that the democratic aide of the chamber should be represented in all the hearings held by the committee on finance. Senator Aldrich, chairman of the committee, con tended that as the republican party would be held responsible for tariff legislation it waa the province of the republican mem bers of the committee to shape the bill for the senate. In addition, to Innumerable communica tions, he said, he rcoelved fully 100 people dally to discuss the tariff. If an effort was made by the minority to cross-exemihe all these people .an their statements It wo4d require three years to pass a tariff bill. He could not possibly read all the communi cations on the subject. If he gave his time to that effort. All their records, he said, would be made accessible to all the minor ity members of the committee If they de sired to scrutinize them. When Senator Bacon called attention to a statement made by Senator Hale last Monday that he had just come from the committee room where there were "thirty or forty disaffected or dissatisfied Penn sylvanlana" It was explained by both Mr. Hale and Mr. Aldrich that the number had been overstated, that all there were not i-rnnayivamans, ana mat tnose who were there had been Invited to give their views ss experts on the iron and steel schedule It seemed, Mr. Aldrich said, that all the people coming before the republican mem bers of the committee, have been experts whose assistance has been necessary for a proper understanding of the qeustlon being considered. Mr. Aldrich said the experts are not sub poenaed nor paid any witness fees and he declared that their statements were not public hearings at all. Rayner Attacks Committee. An Impassioned address by Senator Rayner waa directed against the method of the majority in the framing of a tariff bill. "Tills is the worst practice." he said "that has ever arisen before a legislative body. "When you are dividing this plunder at least be fair to each other. On behalf of the senator from West Virginia. I at least beg of you to give him back hia raw material. He haa stood with you on the field of battle and when the h"ur of submission -omea, the senator from West Virginia will be here and his protesting (Continued on Second Page.) The count then tried to return to Munich, '"it by thla tint the wind was so strong lie could make no headmsy and It waa noticed that the airship was being driven suiewise down tha wind. When the serious ness pf the situation was realized tha troops were ordered out to follow the airship and be prepared to render any asstsldnca possible. The count endesvered to overcome the rtsistance of the wind by rising to a greater altitude, hut this maneuver apparently waa not suooessfjl, for th balloon was driven rapklly from the sight of the people of Munich In a northeasterly direction. The airship waa manned by Count Zep pelin, Major Sperling, severel officers of the engineer corps snd a crew of soldiers from the balloon battalion of the German army. When the airship waa sighted sho.tly before o'clock approaching Munich the church bells of the city rang out In peals of welcome and cannon fired a salute. A the ship drew nearer the whirr of the motor could be heard on th strests of the city. The vessel mads its wsy to a point over th exposition ground. and descended to within 100 ft. Thousands of people had gathered on tba ground and the maneuver waa greeted with in outburst of cheering. Th prince regent of Bavaria was present and saluted Count Zeppelin who stood on th bridge. A bsnd plsyed the national anthem. The airship then moved off In th direc tion of th palare, her It waa greeted from the tower by th princess of th I royal family SB JK From the New York Evening Mall. DOUBLE MURDER IN TOLEDO Bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Kmeger Found Buried in Cellar. ROBBERY PROBABLY MOTIVE Mr. Krueger Had Been Paid 2,OOQ for a Farm Few - Days A no laers Met Fir tn the Honse. TOr.EpO.,rt.. April .vTn'fr nndiiik' of the bodies of lidwlg Kfueger, aged 66. and hla wife, aged 63, buried In the cellar tit tholr home, which waa destroyed by fire early tcilay, thw Toledo pollae aw con fronted by a puzzling murder mystery. At S o'clock this morning the Krueger residence, one mile west of Toledo was discovered ablaze and there was no trace of the Kruegers. When the ashes had cooled a search of the debris was made, but there waa no evidence of the aged couple having been burned to death. Later two boys were digging in the cellar and noticed that the brick floor had been tampered with. One of them raised a brick and thie face of the dead woman was revealed. More of the floor was taken up and the body of Mr. Grueger waa found, buried with his head at the feet of his wife. Both had been stabbed to death, presumably with a butcher knife. It ia not known Just when the murder occurred, as the Kruegers were laat seen alive on Tuesday evening by M. Soboloskl, a tailor, who laat Saturday paid Mr. Krueger 12,000 as part payment for the purchase of the farm. It la believed that robbery was the motive., and that the slayer, sfter burying the. bodies and replacing the brick floor ing In the cellar set the house on fire to cover up the murder. Burglars Caught With the Swag Jewelry Stores at Onawa Entered by Plate Glass Smashers from Sioux City. ONAWA, la.. April 1 (Special Telegram.) Two Sioux City cracksmen broke in'o' the Jewelry stores of John Douglass and William Kberle last night, making a big haul In each store. In each case entrance was gained by smashing a plate glass window. The robberies took place between ID and U o'clock. The night watch tracked th men In the snow to the railroad crossing north of town and found them walling for the mid night passenger train. He arrested them and brought them tn Jail. Kuril had t' worth of swag in his possession. One of them gave tiie name Allen Brown. Do you want to pay for your spring bon net without asking your husband or father for the money? In Tery household there 1 fur niture, stoves, clothea, carpets, books, gas fixtures, tools, raxora, dogs, desks, clocka heaven only knows what all that you no longer seed, but that soma would buy at a price. SMI it what is the use of ieeping it T A Bee war.t ad will sell it Turn it into money. No time like the present to do things. a&Utaifcjr, " Last Spike in New Coast Line Milwaukee Extension Completed and Breaks Record of Speed in Construction. CHICAGO, April 1. It was announced today from the offices of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad In this city that without any golden spike, without the presence of any of the principal of ficers of the company, the laat rail on the Pacific coast extension of the Chicago, Mllwaukae & St. Paul railway, now known aa the Chicago, St. Paul & Puget Sound railway, has been laid at a point two miles west of Missoula. Thpre waa no cele bration of any kind and the completion of the sixth transcontinental railroad was i-lmply a part of the day's work. Tho length of the extension Just com pleted from the Missouri river to Seattle and Tacoma la a trifle over 1,400 miles. The completion of the new transcontinental line creates a world's record for rapidity rf railway construction. The first shovel full of earth on the new line was turned April 16. 190. 8ince then 60.000,000 cubic yards of material haa been excavated, IkiO.ono yards of tunnel driven, twenty miles of bridges erected and 200,000 tons of eighty five pounds, rails laid at a total cost of S85.O0O.00O. The ballasting of the new transconti nental line will be completed about June 1. 1901), and regular freight and local pas senger service will be rstabllscd thereafter. LIMIT ON RISKS HELD GOOD Court Snstatas Law Prescribing; Amount of Ruslurss Insurance Company tan Do. NEW YORK. April 1. That section of the new Insurance law of this state which limits to $150,000,000 the amount of busi ness an lnaurance company may write In one year was declared constitutional by Justice O'Gorman In the New York state supreme court today. MOSES MINISTER TO GREECE President Sends Name of r Hamp shire Man to the Senate for t onflrma lion. WASHINGTON. April 1 President Taft today will send to tha senate the nomina tion of George II. Mosea of New Hampshire to be minister to Greece and Montenegro, snd of I-arend Hand of New York to be I'nlted States district Judge for the south ern district of New York. Caldwell & Drake Will Build the Court House Caldwill & Drake of Columbua, Uid., will build the new Douglaa county court house, having been formerly awarded the con tract Thursday afternoon. What had been expected to be a matter of form only developed Into a good-sited argument at the last minute. Commissioner Kcnnard arrayed himself against the other four members of tha board. Kennird, who voted 'tin'' a gainst tho resolution awarding the contract, previously offered one of hla own for re-advertlslng for bids on the ground that "home contractu might do better" and that the enst of material may be less after the tariff ia revised. Previous to this there had been snother hitch. Kennard discovered that the five separation bids of Caldwell & Drake total ll.OiA less than their bid "A," whloh Is for t lie undivided work of construction and is K2f The board has been proceeding on the expectancy that the bid "A" only wss in consideration and that th bid would b swarded and th contract let on this. The contract has been gon over by County Attorney Engllah with this In mind. George Caldwell rf tha firm claimed Thursday morning when th point was raised that h had filled out th separation, hlda only to conform t tit schedule provided by Ui commuMiuner aud HARRIMAN ENDS LONG TRIP Special Train of Union Pacific Mag , nate Reaches New York. SAYS SENTIMENT IS CHANGING If Needed flail roads Are Bnllt He la of the Opinion that Repressive "late l.awa Mnst Be Readjasted. SE W YORK. April L Bfonted by hia weeks of sojourn imder southern skies snd brimming over with vitality. K. H. Harrl man reached here late today to all appear ances a reinvigorated man, fater his long combination vacation and huslness trip over the network of Hnrriman railroads In the west, the southwest and In Mexico. "It's something to travel 10.000 miles and gain, but is what I have done. 1 may weigh four or five pounds less thsn the HI I waa credited with In the accounts from out west, but I'm satisfied with what the scalea really said." Mr. Harrlman's special train which came In over the New Y'ork Central road, halted at Yonkera to take aboard a party of newspaper men. 'I have been made to say that we were constructing a line down the west const of Mexico," he said. "What should have been said waa that we already have constructed it. Tho line la now completed from Nogales, Arix., on the Mexican line to Mazatlan. Mex., and In reality a new country haa been dis covered by this railroad construction. In one tract opened UP by irrigation, 600.000 acres of th beat of land are made available for cultivation and opened to a market. "American help needed in the develop ment? Yes, In a directive way, there Is plenty of labor, but American initiative and executive ability will count here as elsewhere." Mr. Harriman aald he found in the west and southwest a vastly changed rentl- ment toward the railroads. With such a sentiment there would be encouragement for the railroads to go ahead witli de velopment work he thought. ''Repeal of repressive state laws ix iin peratlve If the railroad lines the people need and that the railroads want to build are constructed! The truth Is that the states In adopting these laws oniy fol lowed the example of the national gov ernment. Now the national government should set the reverse example and In augurate Jhe modification. I should say not repeal, but readjustment of the laws regulating the corporation ia the necea sary process," that his total for this was Intended to ba the same aa for the bid "A". "A clerical error" ia his explanation of the differcnoe. The hoard finally decided to award the contract on the general bid. The contract to Caldwell A Drake pro vldea that the building shall be built for 1M2!,S71. The firm's bid was DC4.M6. but there is a deduction of $2,275 for a change in plaater and sand, the board taking ad vantage of thla. When i lie question of bid A and the He pa rat ion bids came up ttre was general discussion by th members of the board and "hy County Attorney Kngliah and Architect I.atenser, all but Kennard favor ing the letting of the contract as It was later done. This argument was good natured, hut Kennard himself ahowed eome heat later when he urged read vertlslng. He Insinuated that it was a lack of cour tesy not to have Invited back to hear the retort of the Utile Rock committee, the newspaper men who had suggested the trip of Inquiry. Commissioners Plrkard and Tralnor denied this alth great vigor. The signing of the contract proceeded after tha debate had ended. The county Is protected In the event the work is not don within the specified twenty months by a rlaus which provide compensation from the bond company tor actual datuass suffered. MUCH WORK IS YET TO BE DONE No Telling Just When the Actual Adjournment Will Occur. RAILROADS GET ALL THEY WANT King of Polk Administers Rebuke to the Members. CLOSE CALL FOR GOVERNOR'S BILL Senator Ransom Haa It In Hla Porket and Kays -Nothing When Motion Mas Made Which Wools Kill U. (From a Slnff Correspondents LINCOLN. April 1 (Special.) Today in teclinlcHlly the bist day of the session, but Just when the final motion to adjourn will be madu Is a problem. The engrossing of a large number or bills and their signing by the presiding officers In the presence of the two houses will require considerable time and though the record will show ad oiirnmrnt was taken on April 1 It may be the .Id before the legislators really get away. Pa m pie of Legislative Work. As an indication of the nonsensical acts of this legislature reference may be made to the passage of S. K. 2S, by Fuller of Howard. This bill provides that the Statt Board of Kouallzation ahall not ralae tin assessment of any county without fital having notified aald county nrid given it officials an opportunity to appear and pro test. That is a rule that has been followed by the State Hoard of Equalisation sine there was such a board. Every year nescsbois are brought in as wltneasea and property owners and county officials have always been given a hearing whenever It waa con templated to make a raise. The legislature passed that bill for one, and oniy one, reason. Th democratic party pledged the people to lower the val uation of property. When tha bill m first Introduced It provided that the stale board could not increase the aggregate valeu of tho property above the aggregate of that returned by the county assessors. There was such a frow raised by tha people of the stato over that bill that it was amended to provide aa above. Railroads tiet What They Want. The railroads have got all they -want from thla legislature," said Senator King in discussing a report of the committee on railroads on the oil Tale bill. "The railroad committee haa not Injured them any ami has dona nothing that will affoct thorn." The measure was reported from tha com mittee with a number of amendment the framers of the bill, but not the Introducer, Wllsen of Polk, considered destructive of the real Intent of tho easure. The bill waa intended to permit tho shipment of kero sene no matter whether In carlots from the southern status at such a freight rate that the oil could be brought Into competition here with the Standard OH company prod ucts. But 'the bill waa amended to pro vide that only crude oil and residuum oil for fuel purposes could be brought to Ne braska under the rates provided and then in carlots, the rates on these classes alone being lowered to the point of competition. The Standard Oil company controls all the tank cars and the greater part of the out put of the class of oil on which the freight waa lowered, according to the atatement of tho sponsors of the bill and while the bill originally provided for competition, the bill will not actually permit any change in conditions as they now exist. When Senator King registered his objec tion. Senator OUIs, chairman of the rail road committee, matin a formal protoet, but made no attempt to argue the question, merely declaring the comltteo had done what it wanted to do. The duucratlc mem bers were herded behind the recommenda tions of t he railroad committee recommend ing the bill to. pass as amended. The bill came up fur third reading late thla afternoon and then It was found that a mistake had been made in engrossing It and the amendments of the committee on railroads were not attached to the bill at all and It waa necessary to deter action, until a later date Governor "tarns Bills. Governor Shallenbeigcr xtgned the fol lowing bills today: S. K. -h.l. by Cain Correcting history of Richardson county drainage district bonds. H. K. '.'61. by Cain of Richardson Amending the Nemaha county drainage district law. H. K. Jan. by Tali oil For a new Nor nial Hehool board. H. It. Hilt, by Hushes of KKimhall No tice by publication may he inadw in va cation of district - court on application to the district judge. H. R. b)J. Iiy Committee on Claims Attorney geneial. auditor and governor may fix the maximum rat for premiums on guaranty bonds and undertaklnga. II. It. 317. by Scheele of Reward T4i years' uhc of drainage outlet of Ihik.j across other persona' property vents right to use the kame. It. R. i2. by MrVlcker Permits the issuance of bonds by counties for Uiain agH of swamp lands. 11 It. ). by l.eimgh or Otoe Places clerk or the aupreme court and hla office force on a kuIkiv, the chief securing $4 OtiO a year and his deputy $2. BOO. II. R 13, by Ruper Authorizing county 'bourds to provide metal markers fur gravea of soldiers. II. II. 322, by Pool of Johnson County hoard to pay coat of treatment of cur able and indigent consumptives. H It. 13ti. by Bowman of Nuckolla Requiring road overseers to enforce til law requiring the burning of carcassns of hoas dying of disease. H. R. 172, by Shoemaker of DougUa KKoreigii-lmrn rilUens muat take out Heceind papers In five years or forfeit til tight to vote. No Heer lasuretor. Senator Howell today rtporUtd from th committee on municipal affairs th bill for a state beer Inapm tor to have It postponed. He said that at this late day there aa no time to give t lie measure adequate consider ation and wlille ho regretted to do it lie waa perforce compelled to turn down a good proposition by way of remedial legis lation. The senate concurred. Hansom's Trick Falls. The democrats were forced by Senator Brown, a republican, to pull Governor Shall) nbei ger a bill to prohibit watering corporation stoik from the pocket of Sen ator Ransom today and place It where It was luter orders to third reading on motion of Senator Dicrs of York. The bill had Ikoii considered by the Judiciary committer In connection with tho bill of Tavlor or Custer grant In municipal suffrage to women ownlug property and