Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1909, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
Mr. HooROvelt goes to Africa.
So does Buster Brown,
flo along with him in the Sun
day Bee.
Tnr Nebraska Fair and wrmr,
For Tows Fair and wrmr.
For weather report sea Pt M.
t t
Wyoming: Bepresental - ' t Ex
tended Speech in Get C bate
on Tariff Bi.
.- n, ,
-" V '--
Say Ohio Valley Operator! X t
Monopoly of Ontario Mai.
Allerei Taking: Off Duty Would Not
Cheapen Imported Coal.
Tax HIiIm He Sara Ta of Direct
Benefit a FarmerMann
TaJka em Tmlp and Paper
WASHINGTON. March Jl. Without any
preliminaries tha houae today resumed con
sideration of the tariff bill. Mr. Morgan of
Missouri urged protection for tha line In
dustry. .
Claiming- that the great coal operators of
"Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, who, he
said, nci- rnjoy a monopoly on the Ontario
innrkrm, favor the reciprocity arrange
ment with regard to free hituminotia coal
lifiamp If would mean an adddlltlonal
profit of mllllnne of dollar to thrm, Mr.
Momleli of Wyoming apoke In opposition to
the Pane provision for goal.
"From my viewpoint," he said, "tha
bill coi.iilim a number of changes from the
rrcsynt law which are not Justifiable."
Claiming that the duty on wool of the third
clar should be retained as at present and
that there should ba no reduction in the
duty on lop and waste, he held that the
reductions In duties on leather and Its
manufactures did not justify placing hides
on the free list, as hides are one of he
few Items the tariff on which directly ben
efit tha farmer.
"I am opposed to tha free importation,"
he said, "of a large amount of Philippine
tobacco and cigars and 100,000 tons of sugar
annually. The provision ia not in harmony
with the policy of the bill viewed either
from a protectionist or a revenue stand
point." Free Coal Will Not Bedaee Price.
Mr. Mondell declared that tha change of
ralca whereby alack la to pay the same rate
a lump coal will so affect certain large
consumer, notably railroad lines, aa to
reuse them to throw all their influence in
favor of a reciprocity arrangement. He
asid the coal Industry of certain Important
portions needed protection. He contended
that the tariff on coal does not Increase
tha coat to consumers and that free coal
will not reduce tha price.
'I.deny," ha declared, "thit reciprocity
r1 coin would srtvaNew England ehenoer
roal ln the,,kerage vr In tha long run,
Hut if it should reduce tha prlco a few
cents', per, ton. K must be at the expenae
cf having American products driven from
its markets by a foreign product."
Ha asserted that the wages to the Ameri
can laborer would be reduced by free coal.
Continuing;, Mr. Mondell aaid:
"The federal government owea at least
20,OtO.0O0 acres of land in Wyoming, Mon
tana and Idaho containing coal of good
quality, and at least aa much more con
taining roal of lower grades, tha value of
all or which will be directly and seriously
affected by the Canadian coal and. curi
ously enough, the executive departments
are endeavoring to boost the price on
these limits, while a portion of the execu
tive branch propose to make them prac
tically worthlasa by Canadian competition
with their products."
Palp a ad Paper.
Mr. Minn of Illinois discussed the recom
mendation rf tha pulp and paper commit
tee, of which he was chairman, for a re
duction of the duty on wood pulp and
paper, and which recommendation tha ways
and means committee adopted.
Mr. Mann aaid that tha committee In
the face of the impending campaign last
summer, when It might have been claimed
that a report from the committee reducing
the tariff would have been pf Inestimable
benefit to tha republicans, declined to "be
influenced . b ythe newspaper clamor in
favor of reduction of the tariff."
. In Its final report, ha declared also that
the committee declined to be unduly in
fluenced by the demanda of tha manufac
turers. It was -but Just for hlro to say,
he remarked, that not only himaelf, tout
the other members of the committee. In
making their report acted according to
What they believed was right, "uninflu
enced by tha demands of tha newspapers
on tha on hand or by tha demanda of the
manufacturers on tha other." Whether the
report waa right or wrong, ha said, "the
committee did what It promised to do and
that waa to make a report according to
tha light it received, according to its beat
and honest Judgment.'
Charging that tha Payne bill maintained
high duties on food and clothing, Mr.
O'Conoell (Visas.) said that tha meaaure
was a Mow at the American home, the
American breakfast table, the American
woman. Tha American woman has never
yet appealed to her husband, father,
brother or. son for relief, but that her ap
peal haa been quickly heeded, ha declared.
He disoussed at length tha Otrlff on tea.
coffee, cocoa aad other articlv of food
and aaid that the Payne bill should have
reduced the duties on cotton and wool
On the conclusion of Mr. O'Connell's re
marks the houaa at o'clock took a receaa
uutil o'clock.
Char Made' That They . Are et
Keeplasr I'aet With Prealdeat.
WASHINGTON. March ll.-Ths altuation
In which tha leaders of tha house of repre
aentalivea find themselves confronted In
dealing with the Payne tariff bill continuea
to give tha greatest concern at the White
House. It waa aaid today that President
Taft had bean directly appealed ta by
Speaker Cannon and leaders Payne and
lalsell yesterday, when they apent more
titan aa hour and a half with the chief
executive at tha Whtta House. The tao--IV.
of tha Insurgents" are werrylng tlie
leaders to even a greater degree than they
are willing to admit, and It la to bring
these "recalcitrants" into Una that the
president's aid has. been sought
It has been represented to Mt. Taft. ac
cording to publlo reports, that tha tnsur-
(Conttnued oa Third fYri ) ,
Two Men Killed,
Five CarsBurned
on Union Pacific
Baggageman, and Fireman Killed
but All Passengers Reported
Safe at Evaniton.
SALT LAKR C1TT. ttah. March 31.
L'nlon Pacific passenger train No. J, weal
bound, ass wrecked near Castle Hock,
I tali, at 4:30 o'clock this morning. 8. J.
Lowhan, fireman, and C. J. Gordon, bag
gageman, were killed. None of the passen
ger waa Injured.
The wreck was caused by a landslide
which carried a large boulder on the track.
The baggage car. mall car and three ras
acnger touches at once took ftre and were
burned. The rear coaches were uncoupled
and saved. '
Wrecking trains were Bent to the scene
of the wreck from Oerden, Utah, and
Kvanston. Wyo., and the passerigefs were
returned to Kvanston, twenty-one miles
east, .
The contents of the burned cars were
destroyed. The rest of the train, compris
ing three Pullman car three tourist
sleepers and a diner was saved by the
prompt action of the railway aulhorltiea
In Evan st on, who dispatched a freight
engine with Engineer W. H. Bransletler
to the scene. He made the run of twenty
one miles In twenty minutes, and pulled
above mentioned portion of the train away
from the fire a,nd took' It, together with
the passeti(rerB''back to Bvanston. One of
the cara saved hss'one end burned away.
Fireman Iywham wast found burled un
der hla engine, but the body of Baggage
man Gordon haa not been located. It is
supposed to have been Incinerated in the
baggage car.
.The block signal failed to warn the en
gineer of the obstruction owing to the
fact that the slide was not heavy enough
to break the rail connections.
Taft in Favor of
Tariff Bureau to
Furnish Him Data
President Would Have Present Ses
" sion Create Board to Aid in
Applying Payne Bill.
WASHINGTON. March 31. President
Taft today declared himself in favor of a
tariff bureau to ba created at thia aesaion
of congress. He believes that auch a
bureau would be of great assistance to
him In the application of the maximum and
minimum principle of the Payne bill in the
negotiation of foreign trade agreements,
as well as in furnishing detailed Informa
tion to congress and to the White House
on various tariff questions as they arise.
The' president's announcement waa made
to tha executive committee cf the commit
tee of 100 created by tha national tariff
convention recently held in Indianapolis.
This committee, consisted of H. B. Miles,
chairman; Henry R. Towns of New Tork
and D. A- Tompklna of Charlotte, N. 'C,
called at the White Houae today to lay
before the president the views of the
tariff convention and to recommend a per
manent tariff committee.
Tha members of the executive committee
agree with the president that It Is neces
sary for congress to provide a commission
or bureau for the aid of the executive and
legislative departmenta of the government
and they will use their Influence aa far as
possible to secure legislation on the subject
at this session of congress.
Mrs. Boyle Bound
Over to Grand Jury
Woman in Kidnaping Case Enters
Flea of Not Guilty to
MERCER, Pa., March Sl.-Mr. Helen
Boyle, wife of James H. Boyle, kldnsper
of Willie Whitla, was arraigned before
Justice of tha Peace Thomas McClaln at
thia place today, charged with kidnaping.
He entered a plea of "not guilty," and
was held for the action of the grand Jury
in the sum of $36,000 ball. Her husband
waived a hearing at Sharon Monday and Is
held In the jail here on a similar bond.
PHILADELPHIA, March Sl.-On their
way to Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Jamea
P. Whitla of Sharon, Pa., with little Willie,
who was kidnaped, and their daughter
Sellna, stopped off in Philadelphia for more
than an hour.
Former President to Be Honor Gaeat
at Social Affair la
ROME, March SI. Lloyd C. Grlacom, the
American ambassador to Italy, has sent a
message of greeting by wireless telegraph
to Theodore Roosevelt on board the steamer
Hamburg, due at Gibraltar tomorrow.
NAPLES, March SI. The local newa
papera announce that the duke of Aoata
will give a dinner the night of April 4 here
in honor of Theodore Roosevelt.
Money Attacks
the Fourteenth Amendment
WASHINGTON, March JV. While there
U little probability of the adoption by con
grsr of Senator Mor.ey'a Joint resriution
directing the supnraa court of the I'nlted
Statea to investigate the validity of the
mdhod of amending the frurteenth amend
ment to the constitution, tha meeaure la at
tracting considerable attention and it is
understood Mr. Morry may make It the
aubject of a speech in the senate.
The resolution is interded to counteract
in public opinion the billa which from time
to time are Introduced for the purpose of
limiting the congressional representation
from the aouth because of the curtailment
there of the franchtae privileges of the
nogroea It Is claimed congress has the
right to make such curtailment under tha
provisloa la oueaUoa and Mr. Money's pro
pqsltlon Is intended to ahow that the
amendment Itself came Into existence by
Not Content With His Efforts in
Creating the Present Water Board
of Omaha.
Open Primary Bill Passes and Now
Goes to the Governor.
Senate Inserts Provision in Bill Sent
From House.
Senate Agrees to the Hdim BUI for
the Parchase of the Wayne
Normal School for Vae
of the State.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, March 31. (Special.) It 1s
evident that Robert Beecher Howell ac
tually bellevea that some day the Water
board tif Omaha will take over the water
plant there for the city or he haa an idea
In hla head that Omaha will some day own
its own water works plant. This is based
on the fact that the former senator is
anxious for the passage of 8. F. S93, by
Donohoe of Holt, which has passed the
senate and which is now :n the hands of
the sifting committee.'
The bill provides that every city or vil
lage which owns its own water plant may
levy a tax against every lot in front of
which water mains have been laid. This
tsx Is to be known as the frontage water
tax, and it cannot be more than 2tt cents
per front foot.
Before the tax la levied the dry council
or other board having charge of the matter
shall make the fact public and give the
property owner an opportunity to pro
test. The tax shall be a lien, on the prop
erty. The bill was sent to Senator Donohoe by
Harvey Newbranch of the World-Herald,
and given him. as was said at the time,
because he had not any hope the aenatora
from Douglas county coulo get it through
for htm.
Open Primary BUI Pasaea.
It is now 'up to Governor Bhallcnbergsr
to say whether he Is willing for the polit
ical parties of Nebraska to be disrupted
or at the mercy of persona who refuse to
make known their political affiliations.
The Ollis primary bill which provides that
any voters may participate In a primary
and be permitted to vote for the ticket he
desires regardless of his own party affilia
tions passed the house this morning. It
had already passed the senate.
Had the bill now up to the governor been
In effect last year It might have been
Mayor Dahlman instead of Governor Bhal
lenberger ln the executive chair,-for, the
mayor might have been able to secure a
big republican vote In Omaha which would
have offset the populist and democratic
votes Bhallenberger received out In the
state. As Governor Sheldon had no oppo
sition It was not necessary for many re
publicans to vole for him to make the nom
ination. Ncttleton of Clay, who two yeare ago ad
vocated the open primary, announced on
the floor of the house that he realised he
had made a mistake two yeara ago on that
proposition and he warned the democrats
they would regret It If the bill became a
law. It was pointed out that where there
waa only one candidate for an office. It
would be an easy matter for members of
a different political party to go In end
nominate for the opponents a weak man.
But this had no effect.
et Wetaht oa Par Vases.
The aenate disagreed wtih the house over
net weights and amended the bill by Smith
of Cass which the house sent over so
worded as to conform to the branding sec
tion of the national pure food law. Sen
ator King made a hard fight to secure the
amendment and on the final roll call, on a
motion by Tanner to leave the bill as the
house fixed It up. the proposition to com
pel net weisjht branding carried. 21 to II.
The amended bill provldea goods are mis
branded if aold for use in Nebraska in
package form, if every such package as
provided and named below does not bear
a correct statement clearly printed on the
outside of the main label of tha contenta
and also of the net weight or measure of
the contents, exclusive of the container,
viz: all dairy products, meat and meal
products, wheat products, ost products snd
corn products, and mixtures, prepared or
unprepared, sugar, syrup and molasses, tea,
coffee, canned, dried and preserved fruit.
Provided, however, that the provision shall
not appiy to packagea put up by tha re-
taller nor to packagea on hand by a retailor
at the time of taking effect of thia act."
The amendment waa opposed by Sena
tors Ttbbetta. Ranaora and Howell, who
showed that the proposed requirements
went further than even Joe Johnson had
gone In hla edicts as to fopd commissioner.
The section of the bill permitting bleaohed
flour was unchanged.
When the house committee gave a
hearing to the food manufacturers,
and gave expression to a sentiment hs wss
In favor of the bill as the committee
agreed to present It and as. In fact, tha
(Continued on Second Page.)
Validity of
unconstitutional methods.
In his preamble ha assert that the
Journals of the senate and house a tha
Thirty-ninth and FortUth congresses show
that there waa neither a two-thirds vote
of the two houses for adoption, nor
three-fourths vota of the status in rariflca-
tion of the congressional action
as ra
quired by the constitution. This defect, if
such It proves to be. waa of course due to
the fact that the southern states were not.
on account of the rebellion, at that time
acting as a part of the union, and if the
question should go to the court Its adjudi
cation would Involve the detartnwatioa of
the point whether the absence of tha rep
resentative of soma of the states from
congress a account of the sacassioa of the
states had tha effect of abrogating tha re
quirement of tha constitution and the same
point would aria la determinliig Us ques
tion of ratification.
ttt. Tiin. ,,7 . fc.XTt
From the Pioneer Press.
Greater Navy Is
Demanded at Big
London Meeting
Sentiment of Assemblage Is That Eng.
land Can Maintain Peace Only
With Better Defense.
LONDON, March St. A, crowded meeting,
typical of those being held everywhere in
England now, for a greater navy, assem
bled at the Guild hall this afternoon under
tha auspices of the London Chamber of
Commerce. The lord mayor tf London
acted as chairman, and be was supported
by several hundred men womlnent in fi
nancial, coraercial and "iff fslative circles.
The speeches all aero of one tenor. The
sentiments of tho meeting were accurately
voiced by Sir James Fortesque-Flannery
in this sentence:
"Great Britain can only walk in peace
with Germany provided our preparations
for naval defense are absolutely beyond
suspicion superior to Its."
A. J. Balfour made a stirring appeal for
the Immediate laying down of four addi
tional Dreadnoughts In which he fore
shadowed that the naval program for 1910
would have to be for eight ahlps Irrespect
ive of the four conditional vessels. In which
case Great Britain, unless the government
yielded to the popular demand, faced the
necessity of building a round dosen Dread
noughts during the coming yesr. Mr.- Hal-
four dwelt with emphaats upon the fact
that both tha United States snd Germany
were expending more then Great Britain
thia year on naval construction. Resolu
tions pledging the government all the fi
nancial support necessary to provide Im
mediately four extra Dreadnoughts were
passed by acclamation.
Early Date for
Vote on Tariff
Indications Are Strong that April 10
Will Be Agreed On by
WASHINGTON. March SI. -'Indications
today are atrong that a rule will be brought
Into the houae next Monday fixing April
10 as the day for voting on the Payne
tariff bill.
Govermor Vvssey Fixes First Day of
Month for Oraaalaatloa of
Now Caiaaty.
PIERRE, 8. D., March 31 (Special Tele
gramsGovernor Vessey today lsaued a
proclamation fixing June 1 aa the data of
the election for the organisation of Tripp
county. .
Thinking of mov
ing this spring? The
time to look for a
house is before
everybody gets busy
doing the same
Under the heading "For
Rent, Houses," on the want ad
page you will find practically
a complete directory of the
houses that are offered for
rent. This gives you a chance
to select a list of the houses
that might interest you and
then investigate.
Yon will find reading the
want ads is a good habit.
vast ads rt
Hat you reU tb
Vrfat jf.
fiv , sirxv
The Forerunner of Spring Fever
Report of Csnptite of Wiley Chief is
of Caipt;
Coloael Hoffman's Detachment Sleeps
la Blankets and' Reaasnea Search
Thia Morning Semlaole
Freedmeu Fear I prising.
KANSAS CITY, March Sl.-Up to 1:15
o'clock this afternoon no positive news had
been received from Oklahoma, confirming
the reported capture of Crasy Snake. It
is possible and even likely that the chief
may. have been caught at some outlying
point by an independent squad and is being
taken secretly to the federal prison at
Muskogee to allay excitement, but this can
not be slated to be a fact.
HENRY ETTA, Okl.. March 81 -The re
port that Crazy Snake haa been captured
or surrendered Is not confirmed this morn
ing. Colonel Hoffman telephoned from
Pierce todsy thst the rumor wss ground
less. The Associated Press obtained sim
ilar reports over the long' distance tele
phones from Checotah, Muskogee and
Deputy sheriffs traveling In posses and
ths militia under Colonel Hoffman today
resumed the search for the Creek leader
at dawn. Colonel Hoffman's detachment
apent the night In their blankets in the
open four miles from Stidham. The
weather waa damp and chilly and huge fog
fires were insufficient to protect them from
the cold. Colonel Hoffman, when Informed
of the report thst the Indian leader has
been captured expressed great surprise.
The old chief might be spprehehded in
some out-of t-he-way apot by some stray
posse without his knowing it, the colonel
said, but It certainly had not occurred
within the district occupied by the troops.
G. T. rtotledge of Webster City Dropa
on Street aad la la Serloas
WEBSTER CITY, la., March Sl.-(8pe-clal
Telegram.) While standing In front of
the First National bank thia morning, G.
T. Rutlerlge, a pioneer resident of this city,
fell to the walk, stricken by paralysis. It
is feared he will not recover. He la 75
yeara of age. He lies In a state of coma.
Winners In the
For Mayor.
John P. Breen
For City Clerk
Sam K. Greenleaf
For Comptroller
John S. Helgren
For City Attorney
Nelson C. Pratt
For Uuildlng Inspector
F. C. Gardiner
Jamea C.
Dan B. Butler
C. O. Lobeck
Harry H.
Charles H.
For Council man First Ward
Louia Berka R. F. Wllliama
For Councilman Second Ward
E. Holovtchlner Lee Bridges
For Councilman Third Ward
Louia Burmeetcr Jamea O'Hara
Fur Councilman Fourth Ward
Edward Leeder L. B. Johnson
For Councilman Fifth Ward
David H. Chrlatle Good ley F. Brucker
For Councilman -HUth Ward
Henry E. Oatroni w. S. Sheldon
For Councilman Seventh Ward
Fred Schroeder Alma Jackaon
For Councilman Eighth Ward
Joseph B. Hummel Dr. J. C. Davla
For Councilman -Ninth Ward
Ceorge D. Rice Tbomaa MeGovern
For Councilman . Tenth Ward
A. O. Kugel ' ' p. E. Elaaaaer ,
For Councilman Eleventh Ward
George Marshall M. F. Fnnkhouser
For Councilman TuelfUi Ward '
Charlea M. Davla M. L. Eodres
Fifty Millions
for New Smelter
International Organization Formed
in New York to Take Over
Raritan Works.
NEW YORK, March Sl.-Organlxailon of
the new International Smelting and Refin
ing company wa effected today by tho
election as directors of t.'rban H. McCough
ton, Charles V. Broolmr of Anaonla, Conn..
Thomas F. Cole, John D. Ryan. Adolph
Lewlsohn. E. C. Converse, Thomas Morri
son of rittsburg, C. A. Ctmgdon of Duluth.
Charles H. Eobln, Dennis Sheedy of Denver,
William D. Thornton and Charles F. King.
It was announced that of the SoO.OCO.OOO
capital stock of the rompany only SrO.O'IO.Ol'0
will be issued at present. It is understood
the new company has acquired control of
the Raritan Refining company.
Two-Cent Fare
In New Guise
Roads May Make That Net Rate
for 2,000 Miles a
FT. LOITIS. March 81. Of ficlals of all
railroads entering Missouri conferred here
today regarding the raise In passenger
rates, previously announced for April 10.
It Is reported, seemingly with authority,
that a net rate of 2 cents will be provided
for passenger who travel 2,000 miles in a
yesr. y
Jadce Hsrsikr of San Francisco Or
drrs Attaches of District Attor
ney's Office Into Conrt.
Muraaky today granted the application of
tho attorneys of tho United railroads for
a citation directing officials of the district
attorney's office and police department to
appear next Monday and show cause why
they should not be punished for contempt
of court In refusing to obey an order re
straining them from proceeding with a
search of the corporation's offfces.
City Primary
C. C. Vaughan
William Weetman
J. X. Carter
Frank A. Barnett
Harry C. Pettingill
Daniel Lents
Charles Rubenateln
Harvey G. Brown
Harry O. Davla
C. W. Lunbeck
E. J. Morrow
N. P. Sarkett
Jesse B. Martell
Peter Mebrena
Albert ft. Freeman
Samuel Gdouaky
E. D. Snyder
Breen Will Head the Republican
Hosts Against Mayor "Jim" at
the PolU in May.
Greenleaf Beats Two Competitors in
Race for City Clerk.
Gardiner Takes the Race for Build
ing Inspector.
Whole Jacksonian Bunch is Routed
Horse and Foot.
Some Surprises Are Sprang; by the
Later Fissures When the Foot
laas Come to Urn
tnncAmT rom
raw Bint
B'ggs. Frost. xnv. nan.
14 1
Totals. .3,133 Sa ITS 1,580 S,0
1'hiru ....
Berry. xaai-
. 13S
, . i4
, . 73
.. 1JM
.. 1M
, . 107
i. B03
, . iaa
.. 143
.. 177
Totals 1,731 3.40T
it will be Breen against Dahlman In tha
city election.
The long list of candidates, tha rotated
ballot snd jlls opcD until S o'clock st
night made the results of tha Omaha city
primal late' In coining In, - and kept' the
winners of tho close contests in suspense
until the last moment.
In a few cases the outcome may yet re
quire the official .count and possibly a re
It'was a big Vote, considering the num
ber of hours the polls wsru open, the bal
lots coming in thick and fast In tha clos
ing hours.
On the republican side nearly 7,500 votes
were polled and on the democratic aids
more than 4,600, making a total of ap
proximately 12.000, equal to 60 per cent of
the registered vote.
For mayor on the republican aide John
P. Breen haa won out. but by a com
paratively, small margin. Hla chief com
petitor, Harry B. Zlmman, having run
strong everywhere, but having fallen be
cause of the light vote In the downtown
The surprise of the primary Is tha num
ber of votes polled by Palmer, who waa
not even present In the city to conduct
his own canvass, ha running third with
over 1,500 votes to his eredit.
On the democratic aide, Mayor "Jim"
had practically a walk-away, snowing un
der Barryman and the Jacksonian mav
ericks by nearly 1 to 1.
Below the heed of the ticket, th repub
licans have sprung some surprises while
the democrats hsve renominated almost to
a man the entire present city hall roster.
Tha vote below is complete for whole
For Mayor Complete.
John V. preen
Arthur H. Brlggs
Harry Frost
Htnry E. Palmer
Hany B. Zlmman
Breen'e plurality. 8?7.
1 sao
. :,ot
For City Clerk.
Frank Iww.jr , j
Sam K. Oreenleaf a in
Beecher Iflgby
Greenleaf s plurality. 61
For Comptroller.
John 8. Helgran.. ..,
John N. Westherg
Helgren'a majority, m
Fo City Attorney.
Benjamin 8. Baker ,
Nelson C. Pratf "
Pratt's majority. J.
For Balldlasj Inspector.
F C. Gardiner
Samuel MacLrod
M. T. Murphy '
George Richardson
Gardiner plurality, M.
t Ml
For toaacllmaa rirst Ward.
Peter M. Back
Hugh Bartaon
Louia 'Berks
But Caramello
L. N. Oondon
Berka'a plurality, 1,267.
... 1.4M
... 913
... .7l
... in
... L3ia
For Coaarllmaa Second Ward.
K. H. Davie mi
ueorge r . irane gut
William N.
Helnbuch ,
K. llolovtchiner
Ammett Muugo jjj
J. P. Jackson
F. B. Kingsbury
Michael 1 Wi
Fred Maystrick 'jg,
Holovtchlner s plurality, 483.
For Coaarllasaa Third Ward.
Louis Burmeeter xm
A. R. Harvey iVti
Morris Milder j 407
C. T. Wlliiams j g
Burmester's plurality, (71.
For Cos ae II aaa a Foarta Ward.
A. H. Comatock
John A. Dempster
Harry A. Foater
K. P. Hanlon
Kdward Ieeder
1 an 1. Moore ,
Oecar Peterson
J. A. Tuthill
Leader's plurality, 46T.
.. ht
.. MS
.. 1 fr
.. 4M
.. 1.0M
.. 1.047
Ward. Breen.
rira tia ia i th
ascond .... HQ HQ It 1
'I'hlrd Sb ia II
fourth ... Bo 14 .10 ll
I-lfth 3M ! sa ita
auxtn ao jut ii iu
Seventh ... U3S la 10 !
liigntb .... axa t la
Miutn 4oo ai la co4
Tenth Ill i 87 SJ
Siieventh .. bus SJ 10 ltd
Twelfth .. 4ol at . SI last
For ttssdlnsa Fifth Ward.
Harry Alier 4A4
lav!d H Christie
Henry Cobura JV
Cornollua Kurrell VM
lxuls V. Ouye , II
YA Lepage 437
Victor O. Lindgrtn j8