THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31. 1903. V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MAMET Wheat Ttkei Another Sprint Tuesday j Morning. IIE.ENGTH IN OUTSIDE MARKETS Cora Btraag Higher Irmn1 taaa4 from Kaatera Receiver if DmiM la . Aasonals fesalag la la Market. OMAHA. March jo, . T wheat market took another spurt shortly after the. opening, advancing quickly tn the trsngth shown In outside market. Tha further option are ahowlnf the bt etrrtgih, aa tha bull ldei it extend Inf thHr operations Into tha new crop fu tures, th ami new from th growing field having bKDm mora definite. Corn wa strong and higher, with an im proved demand from tha et and a de er In tha receipt. Thia brought out a good demand for caah offerings. Whtt atarted aleady and advanced quickly along with Outatde market. Prea aura by tha bear taction on all bulgea re ulted In a lower cloae, but little or no change tn the altuatlnn. :h wheat lo cally la bringing fancy prlcea at the top notert for tha crop year. May wheat opened at 11.12V and cloaed at fill. Corn ll aleady but feature!, show ing soma strength early with wheat, hut eaaaa etf latar, closing ateady. Caah corn waa lo good demand And higher receipt brought eiit good bids for the apare offer ings .May corn opened at t2f and rloeej at .. Prloiiry wheat receipts were 4K.)0 hu. and shipment were HI," bu. .against re ceipts Uet year of 378,000 bj. arxJ ahip menla of 311.000 hai. Com receipt a were 463,000 bu. and ship mmts were 4(0,000 bu., againat receipts lt gear of TT3,000 bu. and shipments of 817,080 Clearances were 217,000 bu. of corn. 8.CO0 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to Tr, bu. Liverpool cloaed & higher on wheat and unchanged an corn. Looal range at options: Article. Opa. High. Low. Close.) Tes'y. Wheat. May.. July.. Corn Mar.. Oats May..J 1 14 I 1 v-43w..; IV 1 12 1 on 1 nj 1 ii'J - W 61'! tl MH Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard, Ulllll; No. I hard, tLOBtJn.lOH; Mo. 4 hard, ll.Og0H O?: No. t spring, 11.0l.l. . CORN-No. 3, :Xff. t. mjj450,o ; No. t yellow. l"4e: No. t ydsiow. BlS,eac. OATS No. s mixed. '48iV ; No. J yel low. oH4)60c; No. t wnite, i08lc; stand ard. Slo. - RIE-rUo. 3. 74e; No. I, ttfry73c, Carlet ftaeerpta. ' Chicago t .;., Minneapolis Duluth .., Omaha. - Wheat, ....... i.,,-..3'. Corn. M 6 Oat. i i CHICAGO GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS restarel al lit Traaisjg aad 1 losing; Prices oarl of Trade. CHICAGO. March Heavy liquidation by prominent holder caused a weak finish In tha wheat market here today, closing quotations showing net losses (or the day of " to le. Corn and oats closed easy and provisions weak. A vaat amount of bullish news was In jected Into tha attuatlon In tha wheat pit today, consisting chiefly of crop, damage reports, but despite these advices the mar ket at times was 'decidedly heavy, owing to liberal realisation by lending longs. One or tha train supports of the previous ses sion, namely a brisk demand for tha cash grsln, was almost entirely absent and this, together with tha profit-taking, ac counted for the1 Intermittent weakneas. Tha market waa heavy at the start, be cause of tha comparative weakness of the Liverpool market compared with tha dull ness, but soon rallied on buying Inspired to soma extent by a iwnort of a local crop expert.- which showed that the fall sown crop o4 awheat. he Improved during, the winter In the 'Ohio liver valley. but de preciated materially in Missouri and Texas, and to a less extant In Kansas and Okla homa. - Sentiment again became bearish during tha cloalng hour and the close was almost At tha bottom. During tha day May aold batween l.l&tpl.l4. while July ranged betwaen tl.OMt and 1.ot4J1.07. Final quota ttona on 'May wera V.18H&1.18, and on July. 1.6kH.0bV Claims of an Improved eastern demand for tha .-sh grain caused . considerable firmness In tha corn market early - In the session, but later a weaker tone developed. At tha close prtcea wera a shade higher to M'fPt.o lower, compared with the pre vious close, flnsl quotations on May being at CV and July. ti6?c. Trade. In oata waa not aa aotive aa that in the wheat or com pits, but the volume of business, nevertheless, waa not Insignifi cant. Tha market waa rather weak the greater' part of tha session and cloaed at net loaaaa of 9e, with May at 64Ao nd July at 470. Provisions were weak all day. At tha close prions were THo and MigttOo lower, compared with yesterday's close. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: top. dfcreapd l.?nroft B.; ton Amrlcn end F.nrorn supply decreased i w ok pi. forn f'nued Pistes snd Canada. In 1 1 ..' jT.foa hu. Oata pttei Stales and Canada, In c!Pnrrt "iiVivw) rni. The lea. ling f1ocrii and Increases t-P'rt-d tills week follow: re. reeMaiiltoba. MS non hu.; Mlnn P"1I privet elevator. 7B.oio hu.; Rixhri t"r. TOif" h'r Inc iea--Rt. John, IV.Oiin bu. MiW IflRK I.KMCRM, MARKET taotatl.n of (he Pay nn ariose t'ammoalltles. NBW YORK Marrli jn flrR-ne-relpt. 23,l hhls. ; exports. .' bhla.-. market mIi. hut eieartv: Minneeota rotenie n.svri.o.; Minnesota hekera. i.P4.,: wlmer etraighta. e.lbirj.ISo; "Inter xtia. 4nhil: winter pa nt. f. wvas nd; winter low grades, t3 ff 56; Kanva. siraiglitr. $S.ffi1i3 45. Kve flour, firm: fair to good. ItaiaiJO; fancy snd hoi. . M .Vn4.75. Buckwheat flour, quiet, l-'orvsi.s prr ko lh. t.X)HNMMUFirmi fine while and yel low. 1 Mil-: wtarse. tl.:)$l 56; kiln dried. RVK-Dull; No. 2 western. Tc, f. n. h. New Vork. HARI.KY-Rteadv; malting. 787o, c. I. f. New Tork; feeding, 74p75c, c. I. f. New York. WHKAT-Rerelpta. to.V) bushels. Btot msrket eaev: No. 2 red. II 36fi'l.2', ele vstor. and $1.57 t. o. b.. afioati No. l north ern Diiliiili, i.. f. n h.. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $l.;'4. f. o. b.. afloat. On an opening decline of v due to poor cahles, there wa active hull support, which quickly rallied the wheat market. It con tinued firm up to the laat hour, when realizing iaued a art barif and left final prices .c helnw laat night. Mav. II 20". I. nT. clused 11. a; July, 1.1311.I4. closed II. 1HV "ORNR eipts. S4 (loo huehela: tuportS, 14.417.- Bpot marked Meaily; No. 2. Tbr. ele vator snd "lIV f- o- b.. afloat; No. 2 white, nominal, and No. 1 yellow, 78c f. o. b., afloat. Option wore without t ransctlons. dosing ' net, lower. Mny closed. 7'c; July rloeort. 73'4c; Heplmber closed. 720. OATS Receipt. 69.475 buahela; exports. 3.05 bushels. Kpot market steady; mixed oaie. W(i::2 pounds, M'y667c: natural white, :f,l32 pound. 57'iiiCc; clipped white, Z&TtO nounds, 6;il.". RRAN-Stendy; spring. 127.60; middling, IT7.50: city, ?7.TB. HAY yulet; No. 3. WiBTOc; good to choice. 8"RSo. llIDF8null; Bogota. 18'llc; Central Amerli-a. IPHc. I.IT.ATHKR Quiet ; acid. 320-390. PC V1810N-Heef. s'eaily; family, lS.OO 15.50; men. $10 wViTl 1.00; beef hams, 124.00 JTJ4.00; packet. H4.00rM.ot); city extra India mee liJ.W&'3JI.. - Cut meats, ateady, pickled bellies, tlu.00: pickled hams. 110.26$' in.W). lrrt. easy; western 10 4O105O; re fined atesdy; rnniineni, lio.ftt; Himh Amer ica. $11.60; pomnound, W.lIUWl.K. - Pork. steady; family. $19.50; short clears, $19,004 21.60: mens. $M.5oiffl9.00. , . TALI0W lsi.j; lly '$ per pkg), 6A,c: country (pkss. freet. 5WrTV. RICK 1f ady; domestic, fair to extra, f4fiM"; Japtn. nominal. - - Bl'TTER Steady at tne decline; receipts. 14,043 pkgs.; creamery apeclal. Jo5JOt4jC. cf flcial price. c; extras. JVc; third to firsts. ZlfttiiHjc. - CHEWIE-Flrrn and unchanged; receipts, I. son pkgs. . receipts, 24.M7 rses; state, and nearby, brown snd 21 tJJ'Aic r brown and mixed. J0W621C: western firsts, 20 19Vc;- southern firsts. 20c; NEWIORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculatiye Advance in tha Market Cornea to a Panie. PROFIT TAKING NOT PUSHED Krle anal . Paal Rise Reraase of ' ftpeclal News Caanerted with Roads Advance la steel IS at Eaalalaed. prices, but tne market ahsorb the NEW YORK, March ao.-The speculative advance rare to a pause in the stock msr ket today. The profit-taking sale wre not pushed at the expense of were constantly renewed when strength became sufficient to sailing. Some Influential stock waa picked nut for a demonstration of strength with a view to lha sentimental effect on the tone of the market. Krle was the first choli e for this purpose, snd the strong statement of the rosd s earnings for February was pointed to as justification for the rapid rise in that atock. Tne large gain In the net earnings for the month corroborated the claims that the road waa definitely safe from danger of a receivership, whatever the fate or the financial p'an under lis conditional ap proval by the Public Bervice commission. Tha movement in Erie had the additional advantage Of conforming to I he expected early return to Wall street of K. H. Marrl man. as he Is Credited with a special In terest In the fate of Erie. Bt. raul was the next favorite of the supportere of the mar ket, lis rise following sssertlons thst the Psclflc Coaat extension is prsctlcally com pleted and capable of early earning power commensurate with the outlay of capital which has been made In the building. The profeaalonal followers of the market found themselves leas able to find explana tion for th rlae In l ulled States Steel, which came next in order, although the fact that tha chairman of the dlrevtors. together with other Influential ateel men. were reportod to have appeared yesterday before the senate committee on finance In Washington in connection with the Iron and teel schedules of the tariff bill, which wss pointed to as a coincidence that might ex plain. Other Iron and steel stock were effected to some extent In sympathy with the movement In the United States Steel stocks. The price of copper was marked up again on the Stock exchange in that metal In New York, but the copper and Smelting stocks were heavy. ' The esti mated condition of the winter wheat crop coming from a private expert gave a per centage disappointingly low, but the reser vstlons accompanying . the estimate left confidence unimpaired In the Improving condition of that crop. Stocks at the close of the day were ahowlng leas response to the support than at any other time. Bonds were steady. 8ales. par value. $3.$.oo. ' United State bonds were un changed on call. and leading quotations ill H4 M its tat IP U 4 m n Sis' Intursnr Cowrtnr. Snutb Omsk m.r 44s IfM.. Slate Ssvinft ntnk Stock. Butte Swift a (ii. (t Si.i... .... therits Coat M '.ill v. "i CH? Work YsMt '4 Tn Dux land On. pf4. Mta. sanui). Vatoa Sioh Tsrtls Co. Stork. Omiia fsloa Cenuraetioa C . Kansti City. ew Tark Hfeaey Market. NEW TORK. March 30-MONEY-On call. eay at IVB2 per cent: ruling rat. 2 per rent; clcslng bid. lw per rent; offered st 1H per rent. Time loan, quiet snd stesdy; sixty day. 2's per cent; ninety ds. IVtfJS per cent; six months, IStf $ per rnt. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3'tft per cent. UTERI. IMi BXCHANGK sdy. with actual business In bankers' bills st t4 MldQ 4 for sixtv-dsv bills and at $4 77t for den and; commercial bills. $4 SS'iffi.Wi. P1LVER Er. 60V; Mexlcsn dollars, 44c , BOND1 Government, steady; railrtad, steady. Closing quotation on bonds ss fol lows : ..lOtlll. M M. 4".. . .i4iHjaa 4a . .101 n 4H ..101V do M aertea.... 1 K. C. tat V f. rtf. h. 4o coupon. t. . It nl 4o roupou V. 8. is rf 4o .ouaon Allia-Chal lat : ., Am. Arli-ultural 5a. Am. T. T. rr. 4a Am. Tobacco 4a do 4a Atrhivon n. 4a... o.i S t, lat la .. 4o f r. 4a 40 FT bS 4tlantle C. U 4a.. Hal. A Oslo 4a. ito IHa 4 . W. ma ... Brh. Tr. 4a Pan. So. 1st a. .' . . rantrsl of it, bt.. ('antral leatbar 5a.. c. of N. J. c 5a., Chaa A Ohio 4'(a . Chiracs A A. r.. A Q. J. 4a C. at. A .. C R. I. P. a. 4o t-ol. fta.... . rfg 4f KOOS Firm: Pennsyivsnla mixed, fancy, fair to olmlce. 2t4c; second, serond. lSHc. POULTRY Alive, easy; western chick en, broilers. 2573o: fowl. I717c. Dressed, firm: western chickens, 12Hc; fowls, l5-BlVc. WEtTHER IN THR GRAIV BKI.T larreasinar Cloadlness, va-lth Possibly Rala or Inon Wednesday. OMAHA. March 30. lv. An area of high preasjra extends from the western Canadian , provinces south over the Missouri valley to the west gulf slates, with Us crest over the extreme upper val ley. A depression overlies the lower moun tsln district snd southwest, with Its center over New Mexico, and is followed by an area of high pressure on th Pacific coast. This unequal distribution of pressure over the west Is causing unsettled weather west Of th Missouri river, and rains and snows re general in the mountains, and light snows are scattered over the uppor Mis souri vaJley. C mdltlons ate favorable for Increasing cloudiness, with possibly rain or snow In this vicinity "tonight or Wednes day, with no tmportsnt change In tempera ture. The low pressure over th eastern states Is moving off the upper Atlantic coast, and Is followed by snow flurries In tha Ohio valley and generally cloudy wea ther over the eaatern states. Reoord of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 10. 1W 1907 19it Minimum temperature.... :E IB M Precipitation .37 .06 .nO Normal temperature for today, 43 de gree. Ueficisnry in precipitation since March .13 inch. Deficiency .96 Inch. Deficiency 1.12 Inches. Artlcle. Open. HIgh. Low. I Cloa. Yea'y. Wheat May July Sept. Dec. Corn May July slept. Dee. Oata- May -j July -Sept. Pork -May.-July T Sept, trd May July ) ept. , Ribs May July 1 Sept. ' i fm 97 ' 47WI 394 I 1 18', l 0'4 1 oo 1 01 it,j v 4 M I 68 64 H ' 39H n v it no IT KVfcj IT T2VI werw 10 Jo 10 36 47WI lavfl l ii 1 06 I 6?V M 47, IT 86 it n W 19 10 10 I arm IT TO IT TfVU IT 7iS 10 SO a r 40 a 66 1 lft4 1 06V 5Sl 6711., 471 391 I IT Tttj 17 K 1 1H 1 06'4 1 00H ftS (A 47H 2S 17 O iU 17 t It 721 17 72m 10 OTtal 10 07V,, 10 20 10 ITVbJ 1 I'H! 3" 10 30 27Vi $42V4 I 66 10 42H 43V t 66 a 76 No Cash quotation wara as follows: FIXUR Firm; winter patents, $6.3f)4 iiu teaiahta. tt.l5 50; spring patents. tf 40fiaV: strahrhts. H164J6.; bskers, H06 tf-tav RYls No. a. TRtTtVae. BARLKT Fead or mixing, teQUo; fair tn r ho tea malting. a4fM6Ae. 8EETV-Flax, No. 1 southwestern, I1.S7H: No. 1 northwestern. tl.crVk. Timothy, . "1over. MOO. PROVISIONB Mess pork, par bhl., $1T 1 1T.T0, Lard, per loo lbs., $10.00. Short ribs aldea flooaa), t. TM!.Q. Short clear sides fhnxadS. t 5474 43. Total olearance of whsst and flour war I to T7.OU0 bu. Primary recalpis were 4M.O0O bat., compared with I7l.0no bu. the Mrraeondtng day a year ago. Th world vlaibia supply, as shown by Brsdatreet's, decraaaad $64,100 bu. Tha amount of bread- attsff on ocean passage, estimated receipt for tomorrow: wheat. $0 cara; corn, ii cars; oats, $0 cars; hogs, tl.fttt head. BTJTTBR eady; creameries, tt44T?ic dairies. 2oW4c- I FXKMI Steady, at mark, rase Included firsts. IV; prim first. tOc. CHEESE Firm ; daisies. tt4lc; twins. 16c; Young America, ite: long horn, 16c POTATOES Strong; choica to fancy, srj W2c; rair to goon, s-.fjaw. POUXTRT Eaay; turkey. 17e; chlcscen 1l4c: aprinas. 16e VRALr-Staady; 60 to an-lb. 40 to B-ln. weight, mc; weigtits, amoc. weights. Hc; W to IlO-fb. corresponding period In 190s, 1107, rorreaponding period In U A. W15LSH. Iocal Forcoastsr, t. I.oals General Market. ST. I.OL18, March DO. WHEAT Fu turen. lower; cash, higher; trsck, No. 1 red. cash, !l.Xj.-1.3 No. 2 hard, $1.16 : stay, $i.ii'; July, l.Oi,C1.024. CORN Weak;, track.. No. 2 cash. 65V4A rmc; .no. i white, w4jc; May, M'-sc; July. Hft'tQlifiVaC. OATS Weak: track. No. 2 cash. 63c; No. 2 white, 66c; May. 6J7c; July, 44Uc. RYE Nominal. 80c. FLOUK Higher; red winter patents. IS An e50; extra fancy and atraight, t630J4).0Q; hard winter clears. U.W(ti. SEED Timothy. $2.50(33.62. CORN MEAI.-I3.30. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. $1.11 01 20. HA Y Steady ; timothy, $9.5014.0; prairie. ta. 0031 l.oo. IRON COTTON TIES-lflc. BAO31NO-7c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: JobHng. $17.2. Lard, lower: prime ateam, $9.80B9.O. Dry aalt meats, firm; boxed, extra shorts. 8r; olesr ribs, 10c; sliort clears. 10c. Bacon, firm; boxed, extra short, 107,c; clear ribs, 11c; short clears, 11c. POULTRY Weak: chicken. ".2V4CI springs. 16c; turkey, 14 18c; ducks. HVc: geese. 6c. BUTTER Stesdv : creamery, 234J31C. EQGS Higher, lTc. case count Receipts. Shipments. ;.,V' H.oOrt 13.000 S1,0 57.000 67 011 6t10 35,000 6o,600 Flour, bhl. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. Oats, bu. . Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 30. WH EAT Unchanged: No. $ hard. $1 15HOT 21 : No. 3 hard. $11 31 19; No. 2 red. $1 8Cnjil.3; No. 3 red. ll.28Sri.36. CORN Unclianged to c lower; No. I mixed, 6$c; No. 3 mixed. 2363c; No. 2 white. rOc; No. 3 white. 63c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 6366c; No. 2 mixed. 61ft63c. RYB-73'tr77c. HAY Prairie. 264Oc higher: others un changed; choice timothy. IIO.'W 10 50. choice prairie, 9.7&l0.uu; cnotc aiiaira, no.mra 16.00. BUTTER Creamery. 30c; firsts, 28c; sec onds. SOc: packing atock, 17c. BOOS Extras, lie: current receipts, flat at 17Sc; seconds and dirties, 144,0. Receipts Shipments. Whrst, bu K.oon 47.ono Corn, bu .: 000 H.OOo Oats bu 1.000 7,000 Options st Kansas City: Nurnoer ui sale on stock were: Ama!gamat4 Coppar .... Am. c. a r.... Am. C. F. pfd Am. otlon Oil Am. H. A L. pld Am. lee meurlttae. . . . . Am. L4IUt4 Oil.., A marl can ljOcomotlTa ... Am. booomotift pfd Am. S. K - Am. ft m R. prd Am. Sugar hatming. . .. . Am. To ha coo pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining O0....1 Atchison Atrhlann pfd AIMntta coast Ha III mora A Off Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr t'anad'aa Pacltl Central LaaJber Central Laatbsr ptd .... (antral of Ns Jarter... rhaaapMka A Ohio t'blcago Bt. W Chlnate N- " 0., l. A 8t. P.... C. C. C. A Bt. L Oolorado r. A I Colorado A So Colo. A So. lat pfd Colo. A So. td p(4 Couolldatad Gas Cora Prodoeta Delaware A Hudaoa Deorar A Rio Grand.... t. K. O pfd.... Distillers' Saourttlas .... Ariaji. -. ' Brl lat put Brl It pfd Oanaral Blactrtc Oreat Kortharn pfd Oraat Nortbarn Or etfs. Illinois Centra! Interboroush MM lot. Mat. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Hump low Central Kansas City go K. C. . pfd lyHilavlll A N Mlon. A St. I. tf. . at. P A 8. I U Mlaaoarl Paolflo M., K. A T M . K A T. pfd National Lead N York Central K. Y.. 0 A W Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Penaaylvanla Peep! Ga P., C, C. A St. I. Praaaad Steal Car Pullmaa Palaoe Car Railway Steal 8prln ... Raadlns Rssubllc Stael Raputelle stael pfd Rock laland Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. U A s. r d pfd. .. SI. Loula 8. W St. U S. W. pfd. !oaa-hff!eld 8. Southern Pacific . So. Pmclflo pfd. .. Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd.. Tannoaaa Copper Tana A Pacific. T .. 81. L. A W .. T.. 8t. U A W. t'nlon Pacific t nlon Pacific pfd V. 8. Rubber It. 8. Rubber 1st ptd r. a. ttMi IT. S. taol pfd rut Ooopw Vav-Carollna Chamlcai .. Va. -Car. Cham, pfd W abate, Wabaak ptd Weatlniboua Electric .... Wstra t:nion WhMiln A U C W laeenaln Central Am. T. A T Co Total sal lor th day. tales. Hit. Law. Clo- M.100 11,400 "4.m 4m I. ann WO ' J10 100 itson 4I0 101) ano J. ft") - .mo II. 7.V) 400 Ml 17.600 tno 411.500 . $.500 400 74. 10' -"M4a St , 2S 15 , 54 U4 s4 1J' ' 31 45- l'Ma 14' lUa M' 7"4 in M 54 5H 3' ' 1! 15 S' 1HH 7'4 lain HIS w. 44 S m 104 121) -a 1111 4 '4 74 S d70 2t 10 ' ll "4 14HV, 7414 !44 at WM 11 l"a 1774, 4' 4V4 ITS W 4h .Ii 7.S0O 14J1, 000 ' 10 100 W.too ten 4, frt0 XX) 2m 00 ' 7,600 404 pon T.OOS T0 OA 5. vM 1011 ' 61, mi J47' 74 w, v 4 1a IS tsi 1744, 4"S 74 a-j. '', 63 lit", r,u ion, 1M, .121, 441 itn )4 llltt 44T m 2S 101 6 1t4 147H 14 If. I, 24 74 1M 1S 176V 4Kb 87', sav. fci ,a'. 42S 44- 1,100 $.700 4. W0 144S 157 144-4. r,M 144H U', 34 A I pfd.. . 4.400 SIM) I 14.S00 , 4.404 , 1,00 700 100 . 11.000 . 11 too Ks . 4 ora) . o.soo . l.SQO . 1,1100 ) . 16 4ft) son . 14)0 . $.0 too . 1,M0 io . M.o . 1 soo . t.WO . 4 lflO . . '. '"' . l.euo 4M . $0.40 . 1.600 . !. . 1.IS40 100 aw . 1 too . 1.600 ' . W.700 . i.Joo . 1,100 .1M.704 . 4.VK) . I fVI . 1I.U") -104 400 . I son . l.iw 100 ..' inn 6 K) St 3M. 47H 74' ltt 61 144I4 . 71', 4!4 74 2S 11 47 a t SO 14Sa St lasH U'V f4 14 . 'is ' t tr. 44H I44 67, 74(4 m us M 4 V, sua, !l 7M, 144V, V4 SS 104 'i lit 44S 114 la 4 V, 47 4ii 131 too. TOO aharaa. 44V, 74 1S1V, 64 144 '4 71 42 7"4 II lttv,- 4Mb eo4 7S 1UV, StVi IMS 1KH 1V4 74 'is" lMVi 4", : t4 44 V, 'ii" 66 V4 TS m 1!4H J 14 41V, II 62 7!4 IWVi 4 I! J0SV, 111 4SV a l'-4 lVi 7 ' IttV, S4VI 1M-, 14S 67 144J, 14V4 14 44 60 lav, It 4d 74 1314, ' M 144 71V, 42V, 7 1 v 1S4V, 4614 )Vi 7ia 142 V, 1'4 1.11 V, 112 V 41V4 14V, III 4 lS4i 14 7;:vb 244, a 14V, 14 64 71V, i:js 124 .. 4-S 4SV 41V, it tl 734. 143 Vi 4444 It lt4 41 1IIV, 43 44 lit 14 4M, 4 I 41 Articles. Opn. High. Low. Close. Wheat May July September July . September I 1 10 'rsl I HSI SI S US l'b MS 43V, I 41 HI I 1 WV1 10SB 41 47SB 82SB 1.B lVbjVi rwlladelahla Prod are Market. FHlLADrKmiA. March SO. BUTTER-. THitl and solid packed lc tower; extra west ara creamery, lie: nearby prints. Sc. XHJS Fltm: gO hlfher; Pennsylvania and othar narby firsts, free ease, tie. at mark: currant receipts, in returnable caae. Wc, at mark; weatern firsts, free rases, tic st mark; current raoelpts, free cases, lr jor, st msrtt CHEESE rirm; New Tork full cream, crolce, li-45ac; fancy to good, Italic. VfslbU aaaply af Grata. NEW YORK. Marvh .-Speiisl cables and tslccraphle communication re. e ve j by Bradetreet's show the haues in avai. able supplies aa compared with previous account. , Available suppla: Wheat United mat, eaat of RniWI.s decreaaad aS.0S bu : Canada decreased 1 44 son tu ' total rnHed tat and Cana-la. flecreased MKs) bu.; Afiaat lor . and in Eu- A Aaked. . . Fewrla Market. '' PEORIA. Ill, March . CORN Strong: No. 4 white, 44 '-c; No. t yellow. 444: No. yellow. bc. Nix I. 45c: No. I. .S6U0. OATS Stesdy; No. I white. 64'. c. No. t white. 6'JSiaJVc; No. 4 while, 62c; stand ard, S3'c. ' . . Mlaaeapolis bra la Market. MINNEAPOMI. Minn..- Msrctt vVHKAT-t:ivae: May. II 144: July, l.lV,. Caah: No. 1 hrd. ll.l7v,ol 174,; No. 1 northern. 11.1641.1SV No. I northern, fl H'iC-I.IIS. No. I northers, 1.10V,4l.l.'4, Oalatb Grata Market. Pl'IA'TH. ilinn . March 10 -WHEAT -Close: May. ti.Ml; Julr. tlOdH: Nn. 1 northern. Si 1. No.- 'i norfiiern. I1.UV. OAT8-Se. T Boataa Stoeks aad Besdi, BOSTON, March 30 Money, call loan m, per rent: time loan. thtW per cent. Official cloalng: Atchlaoa ad. 4a. NV,Butt Coalition 24 v, 40 a 10Vol. A Aliases 144V, Atchiaon R. R io)t.i. a Mac la so do B(d lnt'icantannial . 10 Roatoa A Albtnr K4 Copper Rang lit, Boatoa A Main l4lVDir Weal lo Pltrkbur pid iiv,rrnnn n N. T. .V. H A H...1S Orbr 45 t'lon Paclho lUViOrMne Canaoaa lOv, Am. Are. Cbaaa U laJ Rorai k do pfd n aiaaa. aitoin I Am. Pna. Tub 4v,Mkblsaa lovi law. tuiaj- Ill Mohawk fJ', do pfd isH Mont u. a c to Am. T. A T lUViNwl it Amor. Wool ItViOld Dominion v. do pfd v,ucsoia 111 Dominion I. A S lV,Prro Uv, Kdlaon Elr. Iltal 160 Qulata M Maaa. Rlectrle lv,lnannoa 14 d pfd 11 Tamarack 71 Mas Oaa S Trlnur 14 I nitad Prttll UaV, I pliad Coppar 12V, Vnliad 8. M M V. S Minlns 45 do Std i4 V. 8. Oil 11V, V. 8tel Cub 42 to ptd 1114, VIMorta 4'4 AdTWtur lv,Wlno Allouaa 44V Wolrarln 141 Aasal8atttd 71', North Butt 70V, rian Com. It E-diTI4ad. Ct C. A 8t !. 1 Colo. Ind. 6. I Olo. Mid. 4s . . . c. A 8. r A a D. A H. CT 4a. do 1st rf 4a ... D. A R. O. 4a niatlllera' t Erie p. I. 4a do an. 4a do ct. aertea A . . . do aarlaa R . Can. Else. cv. 61... II. Con. lat rf. 4a Int Mel. Bid. Offrd. .l"Vtu 8. deb. 4s 1M1.. M I.. A N. unl. 4a. . . .too M . K. A T. 1st 4a. . 7V do lat A ref. 4a . 76V, do sn. 414. .llf,4Ue. Paclflr 4a .ioo4,x. t. c. a. IV,,.. .. . W, do dab. 4a .lMVtv Y CUT 4Ve naw I07t,v. T . N. H AH .47 ct. I 1fr4,N. A W 11 e. 41 . 4 do ct. 4a. . . tlUNo. Pacific 4 ...... . 444, la 1"0 8. 1..- t-fdi 4a . .Tonsrana. ct. Ha 14'6. . tvi, do con. 4a .127 Rad:ns sen. IWtm, 1. A T 1'9l. I.. S. W. . f do at toll) la Wa lvMaaoord A. h. 4a. 4a.. 71 o. Paclfio 10I. 4a.. .... Kuv, do lat raf. 4a ?4,3o. Railway 6a r. ts. . 1. 4a 4a. 47- do ten 4a . . 7:i,l nlon Pacific It...,. do ct. 4a 4t,l on lat raf. 4. . ..loovjp. 8. Rubber ta ... . ... in' f. 8 Stool 2d 6a ... 7t,Va.-Caro. Chum. 64. ... . 'DVtWabath at ti . .... 7' do let A ea. 4a... .... 7S4aawetra Md. 4a... 71 Weu Rloc. ct 6a, 44 Wla C antral 4t US'tD. A R. O raf. 6a . lfiv,C. A O. rf. cf. 6a 77V, ' n 4 MS ?' 71 . SS 100'a 44 144, I' V ll'-t 41 4H ltt' 1S4S . t . 7t .101 -71', . K . aa .14H . '4 . v . 7v, . M'4 . M' . iv, . 4;4- lll'i . 71 .10:', ,106 V, . 44'4 .102 .103 . tot, .11!', . 741, . 13V, . t4. . 44H . .101 '4 OMAHA LIVE STOCi MARKET Very Lsvrye Baa of Cattle, Prieei Tending Lower. with HOGS UNDERGO SHAEP REACTION fheea Caasaaaaa Aaaat DteaAp Prtts. hat l.aaaba Belt Tea Casta l.ewer Trad Rfaasaklr Aetla at tarreat rtataraa. ROL'TH OMAHA, Receipts were: Official Mondsy.... p'.stlmate Tuesday Neb.. March K. 1. CM1e. Hogs. Sheep l.2ffi 7.000 4 406 17.700 lOXo 11.000 17.0M 17.M4 16&M 14114 38, VH 14.421 Two dav this week ..ll.J S4.10S Bam days laat week ... ,14 17. Bam days weeks so.. 11. 10 U.tM fme days I weeks o..10.0 M.7J0 Hame days 4 weeks Sfo.. i.J 1A3AJ rtam (lavs laat year. .. .11.41 .ls Th following tabl now th receipts of tattle, hoc and hep at Bouth Omaha for th year to data, compared with Isst 'ar: iff. Ino. Dec. Csttle ....W,8! Ml, TI .IJS4 Hons 710.476 b.1 Bl.'1 Bheep 414,10 3M.B1B b24 The following; table show .hs average price of hnaa at Bouth Omaha for ths last several dsys. with comparisons: Pate. I 1KW .'10.19M.10.1.!14M.10, March 17. March IB. March 11 March . March 21. March 22. March ZS. March 24 March 2. March 2. March 27. March ?K. March 29 March 30. ( 44 4t I 4 Ml ' I 4 mi a IH l 4 Mj 4 78 64VV4I 4 74. t0 4 BO B74 4 m 7 I 5 Oil s z 8 6bI 40) 14 1 oil i ui 11 t 601 IS ill t 67 1 j 11 1 IT 14 111 Z7 SI toj T 1 lot T IB 7 IS T U T 44 ?s 7 2 7 6 101 I 17 7 SO b OO 14 I 09 101' 7 71 4 BS t 01 6 IS1 t 08 I 01 08! 6 15 j I 13 104 6 04 4 W 4 4 B7 6 08 6 U London Stock Market, LONDON. March 30.-Tredina in Amer ican Securities was quiet and prices were steady during tha first hour today. At noon the tone was stesdy. with Union Pa cific and Reading H higher and the rest of the list from V to 4 lower than yesler. day's New York closing. London closing stocks: Coneola. money 14 4-14 it, K. A T ..... do account 44 11-14N. Y. r; antral ... Anarond I'aNorfolk A W Atchlaoa 104', de pfd do pfd linv,ontrlo A W...... Baltimore A Ohio... 114 PanniTlfinla ... Canadian Pacific 171 Riind Mlnaa...:.. Choaapwk A O 71 v. Raiding . .. a soul hem nr ..161 d pfd .. ltTiRouthm Paolflo .. 47 Union Psolfie.... .. 444 d pfd .. U. 8. 8tl .. 4414 do pfd . 14 Wabaah .. lt do ptd . .14t Spanish 4 ..ljevaAmal. Oppar ... steady at 2SVd ner ounce. monkt V4t?z per cent. The rste of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, l401vk Pr cent. New York Mlalna; Stock. NEW YORK, March SO Closing Quota tions on mining stocKs: t'hicaio O. W Chi., Mil. A Bt. P T Bara Drnrar A Rio Q... do pfd Brie do la pfd do td pfd Grand Trunk llllnola Central.... Ixiul.Ylll a N . . BILVBR Bar, 4S4, ...J . .. t4 . . 4 ...441, ... IV ... 4V, ... 4t ... 144, ... 4M4 ...124 V, ...10144 ... 7V ... 441 ...116 ... II ... 4a - 444 7411 Alice .. Brunswick Oon. .. Com. Tunnel stock, do bonds Con. Oal. A V Horn BIlTer Iron 8llTr 0fter4. .176 .. 4 .. .. It .. 14 .. II ..100 LoadTill Oon. LlttJ Chlf . Mexican Onuria Opblr-. Btwdard YetJow. Jackat . 4V, . to . 4 .27$ .103 .14 . 42 Treasury Btatfenaent. WASHINOTON, Msrrh 30. Today s statement of the treasury balance in the general fund, exclusive. of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows:. jAvaJlable cash bal ance, 1131,230,061: gold coin and bullion. 41,!WS,296; gold certificates. Mt), 176. 910. Bask Clearlaa-a. OMAHA, March 30 Bank clearings for today were 15, 122,287. 68 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,961.17.32. . Wool Market. BOSTON. March 80. WOOl-Ttiere has been a falllnr off in the trade of Imnorted supplies In the local wool market and the customary spring quietness again obtains. Worsted mills, however, are very busy and seldom has machinery been So well om ployed. The general tone Is very firm. tne leading domestic quotations rang as follows: Domestic wools. Ohio and Pennsyl vania fleeces, XX, 4tfi36c; X, S2t&39o; No 1 washed.. 3889o: No. t washed, SStiWC fin, unwashed, 2SS!24c; fine unmerchant able, 2647270; half-blood combing, 31c; three eighth blood combing, BOo; quarter-blood comDing, Mwaxi; delaine, washed, Sp40c; delaine unwashed, SO&Slo. Michigan. Wis consin, New York fleeces, fine unwashed 22rfi23c; delaine, unwashed, S&fir&c: half- blood, unwashed, tSt&tJOc; three-eighths blood unwashed, 29o; quarter-blood, un washed. 29c. Kentucky, Indiana and Mis souri, three-eighths blood. BVjraoc; quarter- ciooa, w&stc. scoured values. Texas, fine 1 months, 63&c; fins, 6 to B months, 6Sif boc; tine, ran, wyooc. California, northern 68ip32c; middle county, 60(&2c; fall free, 43 tjvfAc; rail detective, stSTo. Oregon, eaatern No. 1 staple, (LStfc; eastern clothing, 56tfl 67c; valley. No. 1, 481050c; valley. No. 1 41 45H7c; valley. No. , 4142c. Territory, fine staple. S4j4fcc; fine medium staple, 60r3 fine clothing, 66STc: fine medium clothing. o4Vuf6lc; hslf-blood, 6tlC4Bc; three-eighths blood, o0tr8c; quarter blood, B&gMo. Pulled extra, Hatj-dbc; fine A, &tc; A supers, 6H DOT. ST. lXVia. March SO WOOL Nominal medium grades, combing and clothing. o Z4c; ngnt line, l.inwc; neavy line, l'agn tub washed, KQ&ic. Laanal aefarltle. Quotations furnished by fismuel jr., 6it New York Life, Omaha. Bu Aearr rfpp Seat ric Orear?. oaaa aWuiae Craarr. pfd. i cur f Ornkt boot a '-a :tlt Dougiaa County 4a 174 Oata Cut Malt Ocmpaar V 14. Tal la 1J 4" prd bonual kaoau CI'f Hy. A Lifit ta till kanaa CI'T T A l.'tt pfd Kaoaaa HIT R. A Utot. coot Nebraska Bioca Oaaah Oaa I 1417 Oaaaba B U A P a t Oauha g. L. A P., ptd .. Omaha A C. B St. B. I 1114 O. A C B Bu Br. a 1HI . Oaaah A C. B 8t. 8. pfd. a, ai-dlT.. Cuba A C. B 4' Br . oem Oovaba A C B Rr B pfd I". Oman Watr Coar,pr a 111 .. Oman Wator Cempasr 6 444 rinaht Water f lat pfd Caaaba Watae Coar'd pfd... . Oaa Board ml Traaa I4 C. pld .. nsuna Bna-d T'aae Bios Co ,-noi OUil Bnc P4. A Til (.. 4 1111..., BurnA Cottaa Market. NEW YORK. March 80. Th cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of I to . points In response, to higher cable than expected and aold sbout 8 to 6 points net higher during the early session on active covering and rreen ouying for long ac count. M arc n contracts loixnan sic, or even with the previous high level for the month. There waa heavy realising on the advance, but prices saaed off only a point or two from tne beat ana tne market con tinued active during th middle of the morning, with th ton steady. bpot cotton riosea qtuei; middling up lands. 86c; middling gulf. JO IOc. No sales. Future opened steady; March, t.Bx- May. bc; July. 44c; Auguat, .40c; Oo- tober. .2Sc; December. BMc; January, 1.23c. Futures clnse steady: March, t 7e; April. .60c; May. .61e; June. .Dc; Julv. .4ic; August, .J6c: September. B.6c; Oc tober. B.zsc: November, f.28c; Xtcember, January, v GALVESTON, March SO. COTTON Mar ket higher at 1 7-loc. NEW ORLEANS, March 80. CH5TTON Spot, nrm; low ordinary, eB-lftc, nominal; ordinary, S4c. nominal; good ordinary, 7 n-lsc; low middling, l7,c: middling, 7-lc; gooa miauiitts, - ntiaaiing tair, IOV40 fair. 11c, nominal: rscelpts, 4,Jt6 -bales sio- k. 314c. S61 bales. 8T. I.ori8. March 80. -COTTON Steady ; middling. 7-16c; sslrs. 120 bales; receipts. s.vif nsi's; snipments, j,?ru nsiee; stock 44.0b$ bales. Oils aad Koala. , March 80 OIL Credit bI runs, 147,157 bbls.; aversge. snipineiii. onia; aver- Sunday. Tha official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: and by mlc'dev etrat-rthina; was dlsrosed Th rlca was weak st the decline. Th vitaj.. with a top st b tn. H. At. Bk. Pt N'. At. 8h. Pf. 6. ...... .14 . . II T rt 40 tl 17 4 t ... 4 IT S IK tft 11 4 a 0. it .. at aa M4 14 14 t I t u IM lie I to to in iao I aa I4 ... 1 tiv, 11 ... 4 4 Tt IT I tt 44 ITT . . 4 4 TT IS 40 rt t i4 to t aft rr tat w mi T7 Ikl 10 41 T4 14 I 4 tSV TT 17 . 4 4TI4j 7 IM to 4 Mv, It 114 M 4 40 41 rt 1 11)1 41 . 4 6 74 44 MA tS Tt T 4 td 7 M4 0 t as Bra 44 Ml Tt Ml ... 4 at It H4 ... It 76 rt , . as r. tt i is) 1 rt loo t 4 44 (14 a IM aa rt it I at n 14 4 4 m m jm . rr n t 4 w t as ta I't 4 4 ta 74 i . . 4 at t4 14 ... 4 10 7 BIT I I V t. Itn an 4 Ml d M 40 M 10 la I St J4 ... 44 Ii it 40 4 1 rte ... t nvi 0 IM . . t M tl as tn t 47V, 4t trt too 1 m rt im n I t?v, T tat) SO 4 a 41 .410 11 4 7 M 117 40 I M N) Ill 46 4 TO rt 'T ... tH4 41 ft ... 4 7 71 14 ... 4 tax, 44 141 ... 4 1 tl it ... 14 6 aa ... ; Tt .......It IT 4 44 41 HI ... 4 Th .- IT ... 4 41 SO AI . , lit 44 KM II t 4 41 7 10 t 70 l in? BIB M IT4 10 TA t tr H I U 71 Ml 1W 4 7 10 ...ait in ipi 44 m ... 4 7 44 .147 44 I 64 71 ... 4 74 44 10 ISO t Ml IT 17 0 I 70 44 Ml l IH 44 174 ... 17 71 ltt ... I 16 T t7 . . 4 7 II J14 I 44 4 17 ... 4 7 40 BIT ltl IK J ... I 73 V, B BW 44 4 64 W .47 . . 4 "4 41 U7 44 4 (4 rt 44 t 76 ti ns . 4 tn t. as ... t it It 407 44 4 44 4 . . 4 74 4 in . . I an si no ... ti tl i. .Ml 10 I to It ..rt ... 4 74 71 Ill . . II o 404 W 4 7t 74 141 IH IM 61 416 M 4 4 M In 10 II m til 41 I to ..... ..44 ... C . M. A Bt. P Wabash Vnlon Pacific Missouri Pacific .... . N. W., eat.... A N. W., west.... Bt. P. M. O. .. C, B. ft Q , east.... C, B. & west .. C. R- t. P.. east .. C. R. 1. P.. west.. Illinois Central C. O. W 4 8 82 8 8 ft 31 h ft) 6 A 7 . 4 .286 11 .. 1 if, is 'i 4 .. 1 i a 2 .. 4 1 1 4ft 11 . 1 I 4 .. 1 I I !40 47 Total receipts The disposition of the day raclpts was as follows, each buyer purchasing; th um ber of head indicated:. CSttle, oga. sneep Omaha Packing Co.. Bwlft and Company cudahy , Packing Co.. Armour A Co 8. A. S Vaosant A Co W. I. Stephen HiU & Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root & Co ...... J. H. Bulla F. Husi 1 Woif McCreary A Carey .. Sam Werthimer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty ft Co .... Sullivan Bros Ihmer Bros Hoffman Independent W'tsmuth Schwarts-Boland Benton-Van Bant .... Hothchllda Other buyers 680 .. 'Ml .. 764 ..1,088 .. 17 .. 84 .. 73 .. 260 .. 184 .. 2M ., iai .. 48 .. 24 .. 82 .. 8S4 ... a .. 108 .. 18 .. 34 M 17 8.401 8 Ml 4 6 4.622 1,7R 8, 800 A877 5 216 M 245 m 1.418 Total I... - 17-68 lUle CATTLEV Receipt of cattl till morn ing were very larg. being tn neariest. 01 any day inc aiarcn ja, wnm s were reported in. -rne amvaie wimr largely of a plain kind of tr sultaW for killers, with a large miitur of fder. W ith rcelpl o large it is neruiy sary to add taai paoara taoa '"' of tha-situation to pound prices a littl. th general market being around 10c tnan yesieraay. it. wa. nuT,,. nvon mud occasional aalss of cattl that Just happened to Buit buyer did not look very mucn lower, -in irmum w. buyers being determined to tak off while saleamen were holding on for pretty firm The'supply ' cows and hUra was not very large and for that reason ths oppor tunity lor pounaing tne maraat t mn w good as In the case of beef steers. Still fh troio waa alow and buyer were suc cessful to a considerable extent tn forcing mora or lea reduction. To call tha market weak to 10c lower would cover tu major ity of cases. In spits or tne itci tnai lati. wtm w,iw slow thr was a very fair demand for ths mora desirable grades of stockers and feed era and tha trade on cattl answering that description wss reasonably active. If any thing tha feellnc on better arrades waa a lit tl stronger than yesterday. Among tha r.celote ware aulte a number of western catita, Wyoming feeders selling as high as 16.60, with a string oi laanos at Quotation on cattl: Cood to choice corn fad steer. 8i.2fU.l6; fair to good corn fed taara. 86.8001; common to fair oornfad teera. 14 60VU6 80; good ta choice COW and helferr, 84 60Q6 60, fair to gcod cow and baiters. 88-804.80; common to fair cow and heifer, 3.3&$80; stock heirei. mwr.iAJ; veal calves. 88 604J7.W; bulls, stags, t.. a7Kn4 aond to cholo tockr and feed ra. S4.b0O6.40; fair to good atncjiar and feeder. M00v34.t0; common to fair stock r and feeder. 88.X43i.0S. BCbaT STE1E7RS. Mirth 80 Oll Tur in 44 17 44 at H'Hw, 10 4, 103 V, V2 10 44 -, M '. as 41V, 41 46 14 17 47V4 40V, 41 II ttv, ini atv, lot 44 tt a t .-, 4 101V, It 10 4 I I 10 4) 44 4" OIL CITY ancea. 11.78; Kt.m bills .: aae. !01.oJ7 bhla. SAVANNAH. Ga Dentine, firm. f7kc. ROSIN Firm: salea,- ?70 caaka: receipts, 1.312 cask; shipments. 1 Orl caaks; atock 10.1'JO caaka: B. U K: P. 83 80: F. t tn it 1 3 4": H. 13. M: f. 83 10; K. ti (. M. Id.frO; l' I80.60; Wl), 15.80; WW, 85.8. I atr aad Malaaaes. J NHW YORK March 80.-SLO AR-Raw, bieady; fair reflnuig. 8.42c; centrifugal, uti I test. 4.4':'c; molasses sugar. 3.JTr; refined !sto:iUv; No. (. 4 46c; No. 8. 4 861 : No. 10, 4.S0C; 11. a.ot-. .-u. 1.. a.iui;, i o. ia( i.luc; No. 14. i 10c; confectioners' A. 4 7oe; mould A. 6 30c; cut loaf. 6 "8c: rrusned S 4hc; powdered, t 03c; grsnulated, 4 55c; c:ih. o.L'Oc MOLASSKS Quiet: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 219 30c. Milaaaake (irala Market. MILWAIKEE. March 3D. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 11 lS'ffl.14: No. ! northern, n i4ttH7i,; July, l OMafrl.fjs, bid RYF-No. 1 TTy),c OATS Standard. 44'-,f?fc. rons-Miv. ov.e hi BARLEY-bample, 6J 3340. No. 10... 1... at .. 14... II... II... 11... I... 4... 17... I... 14. .. I... 4... 4... 4... I... I... 80... 1... 17... 1... 8... 1... 3... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... ... a .. 1... 1 .. ... 1 ... a... 1... a... 1... 1... i... 8 .. T... 1 .. 1... 4... 1... 8... 1... I .. 17... . AT. Pr. IM I 44 714 4 44 1001 I I una 1 to 1141 1IM 1171 lStl 1UU4 ...... 10W loaa I a I a t 64 I II 8 ta I 10 I to . 147 8 71 . 440 8 71 174 . 47 . 717 . 44 .1111 N. 31... )... 14... I... 16... 40. .. 17... 11... Al... II... COW8. 4... 4... II. I Ii. 1. ... 416 ... IM ... I'.l ... 0O ...160 ...11T ...164 ... 440 ...1M0 ...110 . ..W ... 4 ...101 ... 62& ...U04 8 44 I 80 I I 70 4 HEIFERS. I 10 11 I H 14 I 40 I I 40 At. 1011 ..IBM ..1117 ..It 10 .. 148 ..144 ..1S6 ..llll ,.1M ..14 ..141 .1114 .1444 ..l'.4 ..IMS .. Ill .1440 Pr i 44 74 I 14 6 1 I 10 I 71 . 8 M I It I Ml 4 M 44 4 tl 4 4 4 tt 4 7. 4 tt I 4 I 60 I 44 I I I ft I 14 I Tl I 44 I 40 I 44 4 00 4 0 CALVEAV 1 1 4 4 4 AA 4 60 4 6 4 t 4 4 4 AO I 40 8M 440 ion MO u no 40 104 100 STOCKERS 17 I 0 164 I at M IH 404 I 6A IW I Tl 14 4 00 10 4 0 411 I 44 IH 4 aft 4U 4 44 4 I I AND I... a . 11 . 1 . I. . . it . II. . u . 11.. 440 461 101 ...1TA ...1470 ... 14 ...1740 ...IM ...144 ...lit ...1140 ...1M ...1404 ... 14 ... Ml ..,60 ... HO ... MA ...14 ... 16A ... 16A I Tl 4 4 I tl t I 4 60 8 45 4 I 4 14 4 64 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 t 4 tt Tl 4 10 I Of) I 60 I 60 7 OA 7 M T 00 trlr: spot steady; Rio. No. J, 4c; g to. No. 4. Sc; mild, stesdy! CordovB. 18r. IS OMAHA OBKtRIL KAftKCT. ttayla ssl raey rraAae Prlaea Far slilad k Bay era aaA 4'a al ean 1 . BUTTER Craamarr, Ka. I deltvwt t th retail trad In 1-lb. carton. ; 4a. 1 In 80-lb. tub. vvc; no. 1 in 1-10. ctruna, Bsc; la 80-1 b. tuba, STc; packing tock, lsc; fancy dairy, tuba, iolc; cemrnera roll, freah mad. 20c Mark! OAaag ever Tuesday. BOOS stii etuiug atoc. eanaiea. snsj Ha No storage atock tn Omaha Bsavrkst CHH.K nnai wiaconaia run cieaos. twins, laci young Amartcaa. la Boo, llVtcl favorite. I In hoop, lie; dauti, 80 m hoop, 16Vci creaas brVck. full caea, M; blK wlss. I60; full-cream lUaburger, la. BI T11S IUIBJ, ak a. IK, 1,0. 4. JJC ; No. a. BV4. Lioin, no. t, isii wtv a, itcj nu. 1 tv" . . a SHEEP Sneap commanded steady prices today, while lambs sold generally around 10c lower. While th market ws not ex actly active, owing to th fct that sev eral trains were Tat In arriving at th yard, which always daisy the trad to a greater or le extent. Still ther waa a vry fair movement and pretty much everything In sight ohanged hands In vary falr season. That was especially tru of tA desirable kind which were tought after by packer. Tha wtakne shown in ths lamb rnemei wss du to th faot that a ooodderabis proportion of tha day a receipt consistaa of lambs. It might be further added by way of explanation that tha total receipt. numbering fifty car, wera tn iargt or any day sines March 1. In fact, th day run has been exceeded only on two dsys this year. In spite of the fact that there war o many lamb in sight. paca r bought freely, cleaning up th desirable killer in a short tlm. While t tiers wa nothing as high aa th 18.00 top yesterday. ther wer nine car or ismns gooo enough to bring 87.80. As hep were not In Buch larg uppiy, they sold very readily au good, ateady price, there being quit string of old wether good enough to bring 88-88. with ewe selling up to 16 M. Considering th vary large run, tne mar ket waa in a most satisfactory condition. Quotations on sheep and lamb: tiood to ohoJc lamb. I7.80G7.80; fair to good lamb. 87.40fli7.8n; good to cholc light yarllngj. 8A71V4J7.88; good to Cholc heavy yearlings, 8A.DO0f7.OO; good to choica wethers, 86-0P84.8S; fair to good watner. i.7Wjr-w; gooa 10 cholc awes. 3S.tOl3ft.80; fair to good awes, 86.OOt3a.eO; cull and bucks, 12. 0004.0a Rprentauva sale IX o, WM 443 weatern 8 western 648 western lamb 608 western lamb 134 watrn lanvba 880 wtrn lam ha 8M wstrn wether 3 wstrn ws 3M wtrn watbara IM weatarn ewes 83 weatara lamb 88 western lamb 44 western wether 87 orearllnaa 887 watrn ws 100 western wa 881 wtrn ws 101 weatern lamb, feeder,. 41 western lambs, cull and feeders 420 western ewe 88 wtrn we 3 wetrn ewea, cull A weatern Iambs 148 wlra lamb BO western lambs, culls .. 41 western lambs, cull.... 34H wetter lambs 163 western wa 177 Mexican lamba 748 Mexican lamb 243 Mexican lamb 4M waatsrn lamb BOB western lamba 180 western lambs 7 wsstsrn yearling 114 western Iambs 223 weatern ewe 221 weatern yearling 41 western yearlings IS weatern awe, cull .... 43 weatern lambs 413 watrn lamb FEKDICP18 44 lit N tt 444 4tl Tot Ml I 4 I 41 4 T4 4 76 4 Tl I 71 I 76 4 40 4 M I 80 IDAHO. 11 feeder . 1010 8 80 164 feeder.. 10ta 37 feeder.. 1063 6 80 HOGS Th yard were full of hog thl morning. Th stock yards' count at 10 o'clock showed 247 cars In Bight, with rumor that lata trains would toting tha Of ftoial count considerably above that num ber. This means that the receipts were tha laraaat or any day ainoe March 11 when th official count gave tha total a 366 oars, and, with that exception, th largest of any day slnca May of laat year, At th asm time, othar market point wer reporting liberal receipt, with price decidedly lower in conequnc About th sam tlma cam advices of a lower opening on th CDioavgo provision maxaot. au in bear featurea combined to mak tha m ket at tni point vary alow and lata In opening. Whan pacliar began bidding at all It w on tne Daai or a Ksgpuac raduc tloa in prlcea. and aa salesman wr not prepared lo make any auch aoacaaatona without a vigorou fight, th forenoon was well advanced before any bualnaee of con enuene had been rranaacted. When the trsds was one under ttv th general market wa Juat abou." .Or lower than yaatarday. Wh.ll lb trad wa at Av. 101 88 7 81 80 tl 134 100 128 118 .... SX 1 .... 89 .... 74 .... W .... Ill .... lflu .... 81 .... .... 114 .... 104 .... 80 .... 101 .... a .... .... 77 .... 78 .... 84 .... 71 .... TO .... 83 .... 81 .... 73 .... 83 .... 104 .... tt .... 83 .... 80 .... 80 .... T7 .... 82 .... 108 Pr. 6 35 6 AO 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 10 8 36 8 36 8 8f 8 75 7 60 6 7.5 8 00 6 60 6 6-1 b 60 6 44 7 SO 8 3K 6 86 6 76 4 60 7 70 1 2 00 8 60 1 70 I to T 80 7 80 7 80 1 76 1 78 7 70 7 00 T 80 t 6 8 76 8 76 3 60 8 60 7 40 lie. 4 6o. IVaO. 8. 60. POULTRY Anv. urlngs, Ue; hna. lse; cocks, oVc; duoas. lovsjo; a, BYc; tur key, lie; pigeons, par oa., 6e; guinea fowl, par do,, U-fO, aquaoa, per go., 8A Draaiied. han. lie: prlnn. 1M8134A0I oocaa. vt,o; duck. 13c: a, lie; turktya, 81. rian Whlunh. rrosea. lue; Herring, gvc; salmoa, 10c; pike, ci elckrl, tMtO'ii trout, 100; catinan, iwic, nauout, ci red anappar, Uc; black baaa. 8c; crappiaa, 4J 8c; parch. 8c; oodilah, 18c: mltv, o; !. I60; lobatar, grava, 37 e; boiled. 4ucj frog' . .. . ISO. 1 rios, lfiac; . a, uo; n a. a. c. No. 1 loin, 18HC; No. 3. UVic; No. 8, 11 No. chuck. 7ViC; No. 3. c; No. 8. Vo. No, 1 round. 8c; No. 2, 8c; No. 8, 8c No. 1 piste, c; No. 1 tVo: No. 8. 6V4C. r ntian Tnuii-am, .-rir 1 ara Baldwins. 84; fancy Bes. liavlA. 84; Missouri Flsplns, 82.26; Idaho lVom Seautlea, 81; xtra fancy Ben uavis, pr boa- U.. Ba nana. 4-bunea iota, o car iia. Oranswa. 82 4HE1&.26. Lemon. U6AJ4.0v. Orap fruiu 84 Orapea. Malaga, 17.60 per keg. Florida pineapple, per crate, . VEGETABLES Kanaa rtiyotata. 83.74 per bbl. California relary. Urge, Toe ; mailer, 0. New York Holland wad cab bage, 2 Pr lb. Wisconsin Rd Olob aniona, 14ao pr lb. California eaullflowef, 8 par crkt. Tomatoee, riorld. B-bakt crate. 86 60; Cuba. -bskt cre, 88. Let tuce. pr doa, 40e. Old vegetable par nlpa. turnip, carrot 43.38 pr bi. Vloruia avaw beta, carrot, parsnips, turnip. lo ir dot., T8o. STRAWBERRIES 40c per qt .' Mtal Market. NEW YORK. March 80 -Th London tin market wa unchanged today.' with epnr quoted at 133 17 8d and futures at At 1 S -t 8d. Locally the market waa a ti lot hut higher at 828.ffik9W.60. There wa a good advance In the London copper market, pot doting at 67 and future at 67 13 d Th local market waa firm, with an sd vanclng tendency, parttcularlv on eleotro lyilc and casting. Lake was ftuoted at 87144313.1214. electrolytic at 312rl:ft and csstlng at 312.S7mm2'. Lead was lower, at 13 12 6d in London The 1ocl market wa firm t 84 OTttM.10. . Snaliev w unchsnged st 21 7s 3d In the London market. Locally the msrket was firm and littl higher at 84.77Vxff4.82v4. Th Rn- llsh Iron market waa unchanged t 44 10t,d for Cleveland warrants. Locally th msr ket was quiet and unchanged. No. 1 foun dry northern, $18.364S1.75; No. 1 18.7i(IT18 6: No. 1 southern and No. I southern oft at t76.To4Jil8.3S. ST. LOUIS. March 30. METALS -Lead. higher, 34.00. Spelter, quiet, 31-85. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Bteadr Hon Flv Coat Lower Skaeg) Barely Steady, CKICAOTa, March 30. CATTLILV-Ra ce! Dt. 4000 head: msrket steady: staer 84.004317.36; cows. 84.0nr73S.76; heifers. 8A3nJl 6 00; bulla. 83. 76a. 36; calves, 83.60478.00; stockers and feeders. 88.8036.60. HOOS Reoelpta, 17.000 head; market 6c lower: choice heavy chipping, 87.0OfiW.10 ... . . V. II UiM Irt. I w m.A U ff 1 uuA,iioio. ov.aMi'i . , ii,u, iiiiawu, w. , ' , choice light, 8.85tT7-0O; packing, 3Af.O0; DiaT. 86.aXMPS.40: bulk of ale. HH10JSU' AP4 U LAMBB- Kaceipi. 14. IW) head; market barely steady; sheep, tS.OOQ 7.00; iambs, I7.00O8.26; yearlings, 86.a01a17.86. . z '. . 1 tvaasaa ttty t.iva ataeK ssariiet. KANSAS CITT, Mo., March 80.-CATTI-E Receipts, 12,000 head, including 600 south ern; market ateady to 10c lower; packer nd feeder, strong; cholo oxport and dresaed baef tra, 3S.803.7,; fslr to good I6.36434.80: western steers. 84 e0v1.40; Block er and feeder. 84.00454 00; southern ateera. 84.6080: southern cow, 83.J64J6.00; native cowa, 83 8fpo.4t; natlv halfcr. B8.B.lO; bull. 3360f6.08: calves. l4.OOapi.IO. HOOS Racelpta, 18,000 head; market to lower: top, 8(86: bulk Of alea, 84.60rffA.8T; heavy, 8. 7643. 86: packer and butcher, 88.80 e B0: lis-fit. te aiioa. a: pis. M.uaa.uu. bheep Anu uasdo- rteoeipua, v.tsjv head; markt loo to 16e higher; Colo rado lamb. 88.08; lamb, 8A77'tTg OS; year- Una. 88.60nT7.26: wether. K.vm,: ewe. t6.0i&6.86; tockr and feeder, n.60j.eo. Rt. Law I Stork Market. ST. ITJIS. March . OATTLB-R re 1 01 a. 8.000 head. Including xoo neaa tx ana: maraet tutor to jc iowr, muvi shipping nd export tr, .0"fW.iO; dred beef and butcher steers. 34 OOrfltj.u sleers under in., h atocxer nd feeders. a.lMBb.n: cow ana neirer IS 363140; otuiners. 82 00tf2.7; bulls, 83.00fB IK: calves. 86.6O43A.00: Texas and Indtsn steers, II. 7634.40, cows and heifers, U ToO I. a. HOOS Receipts, ll.iou nesa; msraer, wrj 10c lower: pig and light. 14. trwir; so; pack er. M86QA.86; butcher ana nasi neavy, 14 BOraT lt. HH BtJf inu iambb rtaoerpv. auno head; market. l.VfJ2Sc higher; natlv mut ton. 8. tnjTi 00; iamb. w.wja iu: runs ana bucks, t3.6006.eO; stockers. 83.364T4 60.' t. Joaepk Llv Stook Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March BO. CATTLE Reoelpta. 1,000 head. Market alow; ateera. M 60M. 60; oowi and iifr. ataady At nioeut: ealv. lady at 83.80O7.80. HOOS Racelpta, 8.000 head. Market le lower: ton. to 80; bulk of aalea. .6rM.80 SHBKP AND LAM3S Rclpl. 1 904 head. Market ateady; lamba, 87.00477.80. Blaaa City Live llk Martrwt, anoirx CITT. la., March 10. fSpeela Talerram.) CATTLB-Rcelrt. 3, MO head Market lower; baav, 84 6O4MB0; fat cow and heifer. 88 60176.60; feeder, 84004380 vearllnn. .00434.60. HOOS Ruoelpt. 6.000 head. Mrfce4' 63 lne lower; rang of price, 84 404Ji47t; bulk of ale, K.f0tT4 Bb. Staek la Sight. Rclpt of liv stock at th six prin cipal western market yesterday: Cattl Hog Hheep South Omaha 7 000 17 110 h.OjO iovz city t.ouo Bt. Joeeph 10") I.OuO 3.000 Kaaaas City llooo IIOOu 3.00 Bt. Lout 8.000 U.luo t.OO Chicago - t.OOO 17.000 14,000 Total -2,30O 77.800 38,000 CeaTee Market. NEW TORK. March 80 COKTEKTh market lor eorree future opened steady a unchanged prlcea and cloaed teady net points lower to 6 points higher; sales wer reported of SStni baga. including March at !.-: Aoril and Mav. 7 3or: Jul). 7V: ri te ruber, 8 80c, October, 6.10c; tcmbr, tJ6 ! business Chuck, No. Round, mo. nt. No. tveo; No. L BWCJ N. X. fvae; M 1. t; ft. 3. 64e ; No. Bvarateg Apple aad nrled Frolts NFTrV TORK. March 30. VAPOR AT Ft ) A PPLES Market continue oulet. . With fancy quoted st S'iTrfSc, choice st 71;jKc. prime at 8tric and common io fair at 6St. PRIED r"RLIT8-Prunes are flrnilv hM. with quotation ranging from sc to "Ur for nw crop California fruit un to 406oi and from ttijc to 8c 'or Oreo4a 4A-R0 tr 20-dOi. Anrlcot are in a sivona postlou with cliolce ot nted st' IVMdr- enlrs cliAlc st 1010,c and f"riv'at HV.fli"c. Pesrhsa sre rn-rn. with moire ciunteti st STW-e xtra choir st 8',f8i:r a"d fancy t , SHc. Ralslna r dull and i"Oie or leas nettled. Wltb loos MuSi-Atcl ouoteri RlAtfftHc ehOlt-e to fsnpy o-r1 t Jt.t)' 6ve, seed'es s CVIio'kc and l.ond tn lv- ers at 81.20(1T1.30. Liverpool Oralis Vorket. 7.TVBpr00t Mn-ch W.-WHUtT.-tn-f. feady: No. ? ted. western wi"ler. ' t't" Futures, quiet: "ay. 8 td; July. 8 t.: Seoremher 8 'd. CORN Snot, f'-m: w - lcn .pil4. via Galveston, 6s lAd Pultrre. quiet: May, is 8d. Toledo Heed Market.. TOLE-DO, O., March 30 SF.BD I'lovar. caah. 86.45; March. 86.4R: April. 3i.40- rr. tober. BAOS; December. 88.031; No. J. rv-o. 1. I5.ZZV4: rejected. 86.08: neaiected. ' Timothy, prime. 81.80. Alsike. prim, 88 0. KENTUCKY SWAINS BEAT U MEN WHO CALL ON GIRLS Mob ef FiftT altera and aalt meson t Visit ef Oat rattUttr May Re frwaa VAttark. LIVINGSTON. Ky.. March 3o.-A.mobt fifty men last night aMscked C, C. Mont gomery of St. Iioul R. R. Parson of Chicago, Prank Parsons of Coibln and Charles Parson of Winchester, Ky.. an-' beat them vrely. Robart Parsons' is perhaps fatally hurt. Several thot wee fired at th men. They hid com 10 Liv ingston to call on young women and were waiting for a train when attacked by' th mob. Th reason for tb attack la not known. Caspar and Hilton Adama, who Introduced tha men to th young women. are barricaded In their home today -an, 1 fear to coma out, as the feeling la high against thm. Merchant Believe to Be Drowned. SUNDANCE), Wyo., March 30.-(Spcim. 1 Ther no longer aeem room for doubi that County Commlisioner John Marchant wa drowned in th Bell Fourch river laat Tuesday, whll attempting to resou hi horses, which hsd been swept down stream when he attempted to ford the river. Tha bodies of th drowned hones, till attached to th buggy, although th harnaea showed desperate attempt to cut them loose had been mad, war found In th river below the Colony ford laat Fri day evening, and !nce that time the river for a long distance below the ford has been dragged for th body of Marchant. but without result. Merchants overcoat was found on th bank of the river below the ford, wtwrt. It I believed, he dropped It when h plunged Into th rlvr to at tempt to rescue the horses. Probably he wa kicked by on of the atrugglini horses and drowned while insensible. Trapper" Body I Fee a A. BHOSHONL Wyo.. March 0.-iSpcil Th body of Daniel Cavanaugh, an old trappar, which was fount) on Spider creek, after having been badly mauled and dis figured by coyote, haa been burled at tb pot by order of Coroner schoa. Ljttk, re garding Cavanaugh la know In thi Mo tion, except that he made a living from trapping. The condition of hi body Indi cated that n had died from .heart dis ease and that hi body had been mauled by coyote during th several day erhlch Intervened between th tlm of death that of th discovery of the corpse. Rallreag ta Exonerated. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Maxrh 30,lior ciaJ.l Th coroner's Inveatlgatlon of the death of Engineer Laying and Brakemari Pearson, who war killed by a railroad accident near O ranger, haa reault4 In a verdict exonerating th Union racifln RaI road company fromhtame, th evident e showing that the englnor dlrgj-dd ,g danger signal and ran Into a derail swltch, the death of hlmielf and th brake man resulting. ' - ... , Elghty-Hoer latwaltra. CITBTENNE. Wyo.. March 30. (Special. 1 i-Th most protracted spring inowstorm in many year ended -her thia morning. Mow having fallen without reseat ion for eighty hours. Tonight very tittle of th (all re main on th ground. Bigger, vending Better. Buder-Tha'.'s wr-it d In Th Bee -do, (or fruur .1 v I I