Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 .
gHBMBWBEegBBL.L . i ... mi ii-'g
f . I J- .i ' '
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
TIM OnxU !aff OfTlH af Ik
a aha is It oM .
Davis, drug. ' " .
Lewi Cutle. f jT.erl director. 'Fhona 37.
Woodrtng Undertaking company. -Tel. 9.
MaJesUo ranges, P. C. DeVol Hdwre. Co.
W. W. Dfckerson, the watchmaker, ha
inovad to t22 WmI Broadway.
The hesl'wall paper rlrnner, lie: per ran,
"W. Nlcholslnon. 14 g. Main street.
Pictures and art novelties for Eaattr
gifts. C. E. Alexander. 11 Broadway.
Undertakers. 'Phone 122. 14 N. Main 8t.
Up-to-date wall paper ind wall paper
work at reasonable prices. H. Borwlck.
211 .South Main atreet. -
Ir. r. Macrae, president of the Council
Bluffs Automohiln club, has called n. meet
ing of the orjrsnizatlr n to he held Weilnee
dpy evening at o'clock In the rooma of
the Cummvrcial club. '
The beat pafnt for the money on the
market, per an lion, 11.40. We carry a full
line of palnla, , varnlahcs, atalna, fillers.
gla, nvmldlng and wall paper. Kvery
thlng new, strictly up-to-date goods. Walter
Nlcholalaon Co., It -8. Main atreet.
A son of Vf. M. James, president of the
rounty organization of rural mall carriers,
living at 2210 Avenue A. was reported I ant
evening to have been seriously injured as
the result of . falling from a tree at his
home. Besides suffering a broken arm
tt is feared ha haa received a fracture of
the skull. Tha lad's condition was aald to
be critical. . i .
B. F. "Shreave, who occupies a room In
the barn at the rear- of the John Reno
company's; store,-reported to the police yes
Urday the theft of US. which someone ab
at reeled from the pocket of his trousers.
Shreave had left the door of the barn un
t fastened, as he expected a friend to vlelt
him. Ha did not discover Ms loss until
yesterday morning.
Mrs. Blla McDermott, wire of John Mc
Dermott, died yesterday afternoon at her
home In Garner township, aged 85 yeara.
Death was due to the infirmities of old
age. Besides her husband, two daughters,
Mrs. Alice Sullivan, of this city and Mrs.
B. B. Wagner of Randolph. Neb.,- and
three Bona, Michael of Bloux City and
Ihc-mas and John McDermott of this city,
survive, her. The funeral will, be held
Wednesday morntng nt I o'clock from St.
Peter's church and burial will be In HI.
Jitcph cemetery. - '
Andrew -O'Donald, a resident of Pottawat
tamie county for over forty years, died
at a late hour Sunday night at his home
rear Weston, aged 74 years.. Seven daugh
ters and two sons survive him. They are
Mra. J. W. Kissesk. Mrs. John Garner, Jr.,
Mrs. Ira Nixon, Mrs. George Ford, Mrs.
Will Downs, all of this county; Mrs. Lewis mitt and Mrs. Homer Kmmltt of Hllls
boro. Ore., and Miltcn and Harvey O'Don
ald. Deceaaed was a veteran of the civil,
war, having served In Company A, Fifth
Iowa volunlocr cavalry. The funeial will
be hald Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Hazel Dell church and burial will
be In Hazel Doll cemetery. The cortege
will leave the family residence at 1 p. m.
The Harmony
of Home
Does Not Mingle With or - Emanate
From The Table of Dyspepsia.
In tha home, meal time should awaken
In all tha Inhabitants a. peculiar harmony
of joy which will make for the home tba
abiding place of Interest and happiness.
If one member at the dinner table la out
of aorta, thta Influence Is felt and tha har
mony IS lacking. Conversation and mirth
are absent. Devouring thoughts assail tha
dinners and alienee prevails. .
"At Tha Byspeptioa Table Omtaoas, Quiet
And Qloom Orowas Oat Mirth."
All physicians agree that mirth and Joy
at meal time does much toward dlgeatlon.
Mirth tlnglea the whole nervous organism
of man. the cells wherein are stored val
uable dlgeatlva' Juices, empty their con
tents under tha nerve stimulation and pro
mote the highest degree of digestion.
It gloom and discomfort prevail at table
the reverse action obtalna and meals be
come neceaaltlea, rot anticipated Joya.
Stuart's Dyspepela Tablets are little
storehouses of digestion which mix with
the stomach Juices, digest food, retlngU
the mucous membrane and Ua nerve cen
ters, give to the blood a great wealth of
dlgeatlva fluids, promote digestion and
staya by the stomach until all lis duties are
It dyspepsia sits at tablea It mikes the
dining room a place of awe; these tsblets
should be taken after meals and dyspepsia
of a consequence fleee.
No need for diet or fasting. The dys
pepUca who will use them religiously will
find no etpee of nauaea in the sight of
generous meals pr la the odor of rich cook
ing. It matters' not what the condition of the
stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta only
Improve the Juices and bring quiet to the
whole digestive canal, of which the sto
mach la the center.
Forty thousand physicians use these tab
leta In thslr practice end every druggist
sells them. Price t0c. Bend ua your name,
end addresa and we will send you a irlgl
package by mall Vree. Address F. A.
Stuart Co.. 1W Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.
Lellert's'aT Lenses
Creswat Cemlwt Haewme Wesrwi el Glum
torn ernmt aa, k,aw
rts 4V Je !
d a. MfTUNs izJ aisla-weaaaaw
I w aaut.aea emu, tart
a eeeaea, starre, U
Txa twist orrr stvmzby
Will have a aelee ground on Avenue
"A" and 3kth atreet, next to the car
line, from April 1st to May 1st. lo,
where can be obtained all kinds of
fruit, shi l and ornamental trees,
ahruba, rces, etc. Home grown. Come
and get your stock and sate half your
money. Your, truly.
LQAI1 r.ioriEY ON
I Twenty Yeara of Sacoeaarel Baames. .
No connection with ths firm selling thasaeeWee The Clark Mortgage Ce.
Council Bluffs
C. B. Naih Company Sayi it Doei Not
Correctly State Facta.
City Attorney Maya Same Are Wot
Properly Chargeable Against Ike
Water Works laklna
Fand Levy,
The C. B. Nssh company of Omaha,
which brought suit to restrsin the city
from Iseulng the proposed I60O.00O bonds
for the construction of a municipal water
works sstem. Is not satisfied with the
amending of the record for the supposed
meeting of thd city council on the night
on Snptember 7 of Isst year, - as recom
mended by City Solicitor Kimball. The
amended record, the company says, In a
rommun'cati.-n which was read at the meet
ing of the city council last night, will not
conform to the facts In the case;
At the suggestion of the city solicitor,
the record of the meeting on September 7
was amended to read that "by agreement
and without objection It Is ordered that
the regular meeting of September 1 be ad
journed on that date to September 8. and
that the city clerk make a record of such
proceeding," while the record of the dis
puted meeting on September 7 waa amended
to read as follows: "There being no
quorum present, by unanimous consent of
all present the council did then adjourn to
Tuesday, September 8, at 8 p. m., pursuant
to adjournment." ' , ' '
The C. B. Nash company. In Iti com
munication, ssys that the fscts shown by
the testimony given at the hearing before
Commissioner Ferguson are that Council
men Skodsholm and Jensen, on the even
ing In question, namely, September 7, were
In the city engineer's office for about an
hour, , engaged in general conversation
while waiting for other councilmen to ap
pear; that neither of thetn was In" the
council chamber on the evening Iq ques
tion; that no other councilman nor the
city clerk nor his deputy . wss present?
that there was no assembling of the coutj
cllmanlc body on September T, no organiza
tion of a council meeting on said date, .nor
any attempt at Such an organization, The
company demands that the correction of
the record of the pretended meeting should
be made to conform to the facts.
The communication was ordered received
and placed on. file after a statement by
Mr. Kimball to the effect -that the asser
tions of the company were hot supported
by the facts In the matter. , .
Paymeat of Warrants.
The following written opinion, relative to
the payment of certain warrants out of
the water works sinking fund' was sub
mitted by City Solicitor Kimball:
The ensbllng act allowing the city a use
the water works sinking fund was approved
February 23, and went into effect by pub
lication. February 24, 1900. It provide tor
the poyment of expenses of acquiring a
new plant out of the water works sinking
fund. Relative to warrants Nos. 2401 to
2403. Inclusive. 2783 and 2785, Inclusive, to
Harl & Tinley for litigation, will say that
thla litigation waa over matters not in
volving a suit preparatory to purchase or
for erection of wster works, but a ault to
determine whether the franchise of the old
company had expired. In my .opinion,
therefore, these warrants are not payable
out of the water works sinking fund and
the general or contingent fund should not
be reimbursed nn those Items. Warrants
Nob. 4408, 4410. 4982, 7588, 768?. 7S67, 788, 8662
and 8o63 were all lasued for 'expenses 'Of
engineers preparatory to the purchase 'or
erection of a water works plant for the
city, and In my Judgment the funds used
for the payment of these warrants may he
reimbursed out of the said water works
sinkhig fund. Warrants Nos. 8S71 and 8S73
were used for the preparation and printing
of information on the water works subject
preceding the election. In my Judgment
this expenditure wss for the general en
lightenment of the public and not a neces
sary expense, referred to In the law, and
that the emergency fund should not be re
imbursed out of the water works fund for
these two Items.
Relative to warrants Nos. 8674 (o 8769. In
clusive, Nos. 8983 to S9S7. Inclusive, Nos.
9248 and M20. were all warrants issued in
payment for expenses Incident to the spe
cial election and are by ssld law payable
out of the water works sinking fund and
the general fund should be reimbursed out
of surh fund for the amount thereof.
What was said with resoect to the war
rtnte Nos. 2401 to 244. Inclusive, to Harl ft
Tlnlev. 1a true of wsrrants Nos. 4S8S to
4385. inclusive, issued to the same parties. -
4""B arch la Street.'
The congregation of the Rpwortb Metho
dist church at Twenty-fifth street snd
Avenue B wss granted permission to place
Its present house of worship In the street
pending the construction xtt a new edifice.
Contractor Wlckham waa allowed a par
tial estimate of $3,500 on the Bryant atreet
bridge and foundation for the new central
fire station. v'
W. C. Boyer appeared as the represents
tlve of the West End and West Council
Bluffs Improvement clubs and auggested
that the dividing line of the proposed di
vision of the First precinct of the Sixth
ward be at Twenty-fourth or TWenty-flfth
street, No action waa taken, as tha matter
Is still In the hands of the committee of
the whole. Mr. Boyer also asked that the
council make a better und more uniform
distribution of the lights In the western
part of the city. Thla matter waa referred
tii the committee on fire and light.
Saloon perm its were granted to the fol
lowing: Neumayer A Mergen, 3ut West
Broadway; Hansen Nellsen, 820 West
Broadway; F. R. Cunningham, 3(4 West
Broadway; E. Frlckson, 330 West Broad
way; U. J. Jackson, 213 South Main street;
C. F. Pavls, 1029 West Broadway; C. May
nard, 532 West Broadway,
The council will meet as a committee of
the whole Wednesday afternoon. ' '
Prior to the meeting the councilmen met
In the office of Mayor Maloney to consider
a request from the Commercial club that
the city taxes against tha Standard Manu
facturing company, the Kretchmer Manu-J
facturing company ana tne. avers Eleva
tor company be remitted for 1908. 'It was
decided to defer action until tha assessor
made hla returns.
Cnaaterfelt t.l Colas.
A stranger, whom the government secret
service officers say haa left his trail at
Intermediate points all the way from S'llt
lAke City, succeeded In pasalng five coun
terfeit $10 gold piecea in this city Saturday
The spurious coins were passed by the
stranger nn the young woman cashier at
the Central grocery and meat market at
the corner of Broadway and Sixth atreet.
The fellow aaked to be given currency for
the gold, saying that he wanted to mall
the money that night and that as the banks
and postofflce were closed he could not
Council Bluffs
obtain a draft or money order. The young
woman, not suspecting that the money was
apurtoua, gave the fellow notes for the
gold. That the coins were counterfeit was
dusTOvered yesterday morning when i.
8imon. proprietor of the store, deposited
them rlth other money at the bank.
It Is aald that the same man secured $1$
In Omaha earlier on Saturday evening by
the same soheme.
Ke One Saw AcrtaVat a ad tncertala
How It naaseaed.
William J. McCune of 230 Graham avenue,
a well known resident of this city, met al
most instant death yesterday afternoon
beneath the wheels of a freight train In
the yards of the Northwestern railroad.
Mr. McCune was agent for a life Insurance
company and during the afternoon he went
to the yarda to look for a man to whom he
expected to Issue a policy. While there
were no eye-witnesses of the accident. Indi
cations are that McCune cams to his death
by attempting to ' board a freight train
which was coming up town. The accident
happened In the south end of the yards
nesr the Ice house at Avenue I.
Shortly after 1 o'clock McCune told some
friends that he had to go to the Northwest
ern yarda to look up a man named Cal
laghan, who was talking about taking out
some insurance. He boarded tha ear at
the corner of Broadway and Pearl atreet
and about two hours later word was re
ceived up town that he had been run over
and killed by a freight train In the rail
road yards.
How the accident happened Is not defi
nitely known, as no one In the yards, so
far as could be ascertained yesterday aft-'
ernoon saw him fall under tha wheels. A
train of freight cars was being made up
on what is known as track No. 4, of which
W. J. Weatrlo waa the conductor and J.
F. Stageman waa the foreman of the
switching crew. All of the cara had been
coupled up and the train waa being pulled
out for the freight depot when Stageman
saw what he thought waa a coat being
whirled around by the wheels of the last
car. Stageman at once had the train
brought to a atandstill and Investigation '
disclosed the mangled body of a man later
Identified as McCune lying beside the track
but a few feet behind the train. McCune,
although both limbs were' severed above
the knee and the. right arm waa almost
torn from the shoulder, was still breathing
when the train crew reached him. Death,
however, releaaed him from his sufferings
In a few minutes.
The belief that MsCune, after falling to
find the man he was seeking in the rail-;
road yards, noticed the train pulling out
for uptown and attempted to board it is
borne out by the fact that his watch and
a email sum of money which had evi
dently fallen out of his pockets were found
by the rall almost a block north of where
the train waa brought to a .stop. McCune's
body waa found on the west of the tracks,
while all the members of the crew of the
train were on the other side, and this ac
counts for the fact that they did not notice
him attempt to board the train, If such was
the case.
Coroner Treynor ordered the body taken
to Cutler'a undertaking rooma. Dr. Treynor
had not decided last . evening whether he
would hold an Inquest. He said he did not
think an Inquest would be necessary,' but
would not decide until he had consulted
with the relatives of the dead man.
' Mr. McCune Is survived by hla wife and
ene son. For a humher' of years he was
traeling salesman for the Btewart Bros,
grocery house. From April f. 1908, to. April
1, 1907, he was secretary of the Council
Bluffa lodge of Elks and recently had be
come associated with the Alliance LJfe In
surance company as its local agent. He
came to Council Bluffs about ten years
ago from Johnson county, of which his
father was one of the first settlers. His
sister Is the wife of Judge O. D. Wheeler
of the district court. Judge Wheeler, on
being Informed of the accident, at once
adjourned court and proceeded to McCune's
Mr. McCune was a prominent member of
the local lodge of the United Commercial
Travelers' association, in which he held an
Jnsurance policy for $,.3fl0. He Is also ald
to have held a policy for $5,000 In one of
the Iowa accident Insurance companies.
rota s a loo i
amber of Other Case Yet to Come
Before the Coart.
M. 8. Odle jft Pea Moines, attorney for
the Iowa Anti-Saloon league, began his
Inning against the saloon men of Council
Bluffs in the district court yesterday. In
the twenty-eight injunction aults brought
by him In the name of Joaeph Leader of
Oakland decrees were entered by Judge
Wheeler in four.
Injunctlor.a were Issued by the court In
the cases against F. B. Cunningham, pro
prietor of the Hoffman saloon; Neumayer
& Mergen, proprietors of the Neumayw
hotel bar; Emtl Kuhl and Mra. Anna
Karrer. The last two named conduct sa
loons In the village of Treynor. In each
of the four cases Attorney Odle wss given
Judgment for an attorney fee of $26, as
provided by law.
In addition to the decree of injunction
estralnlng the defendant saloonkeepers
from selling liquor contrary, to the pro
visions of the mulct law. the court In each
case laaued an order of abatement against
the building In which the saloon waa con
ducted. The decree of the court will not necea
tarlly put the defendants out of business.
The filing of abatement bonds will stay
the execution 'of the writ of abatement, but
any future violation of the mulct law,
however, slight, will result in the forfeiture
of the bond if complaint la made to the
,-ourt. The amount of these bonds In the
rases dispensed of yesterday will be fixed
by the court.
About hulf of the twenty-eight caaes were
submitted to the court on agreed state
ments of fact, while evidence will be taken
In the others. In ths cases of ths Hoffman
saloon and the Neumayer hotel bar it was
admitted that a technical violation of the
mulct law had been committed by having
other doors to the saloon than the entrance
In the cases In which technical viola
tions are alleged by the proaecution, argu
ments will be heard today. Two of ths
principal technical grounds upon which At
torney Odle seeks Injunctions are that the
defendant aaloonkeeper failed to file a
new bond each year, as required by law,
but merely renewed the old bond, and
that the mulct lax. Instead of being psld
on January 1, as provided by law, waa not
paid until later In the month.
A large nvmber of the members of ths
Woman's Christian Temperance union, con
spicuously displaying the white ribbons
of their organisation, were In ths court
room to lend Attorney Odle their moral
support. Rev. J. M Williams, pastor of
Broadway Methodist church, was the only
minister present.
Some amusement wss caused at the morn
ing aeaalon during the trial of the ssloon
cases by the appearance of a "boorrible ex
ample" In the court. The stranger, who
unseen to Captain L B. Ceuelna, the court
Council Bluffs
bailiff, had pre-empted one of tha seata,
made hla presence known by his loud snor
ing. Efforts to awaken the sleeper dis
closed the fact that the man was evi
dently suffering from an overindulgence In
strong liquor. The police were notified
and the strsnger, who was booked as John
Doe. was given a ride to the city Jail In
the patrol wagon.
Ileal Estate Traasfera.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March 2. by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffa:
Tillltha Margaret Kester. widow to
John A. Mcllargue, lot . block lit.
Baylies 1 aimer's add.. Council
Bluffs, w d $ 1.U0
M. 8. Wise and wife to August H.
Hsger. ne ne4 7. snd part n
nw a-n-39. w d
Jamea Wilson and wife to August F.
Manor, nw4 nw4 7-77-39. w d
Daniel Drlscoll and wife to Louis L.
Fsubie, lots U and 12, block 5, Me
Mahon, Cooper Jetferls' add.,
Council Bluffs, w d
Frsnces Ann Children snd husband
to D. K. Shreves, ni ne4 9-77-44,
w d i
Jessica J. Sledentopf. et al. to A. U.
Oretaer. lot 12, block 38, Central sub..
Council Blufis, q c dA B
F. J. Day and wife to Mary Sorensen,
lot 21, block 35, Ferry add., Council
Bluffs, w d 9(0
Thomas Ratllff and wife to Osa Jen
kins, lot , block $1, Central sub.,
Council Bluffs, w. d 2M
Agnes Folsom et al. to L. C. James,
lots 12 and 1$. block , Central sub..
Council Bluffs, q e d 1
J. B. F. McOee end wife to I C.
Jamea, lots 14. li and 18. block 8.
Central sub.. Council Bluffs, q o d. 1
John Ournett, single, to R. J. Organ,
lota 1, 2, (. 4, and $1. block 12.
Howard add.. Council Bluffs, q e d. 100
R. J. Orgsn and wife to Thomas
Shea, same, q c d IB
Roland D. Overholt and wife to Harry
H. Smith, lot 1. block 18, Wrtghfs
add.. Council Bluffs, w d 1
Jsmes O. Brady and wife to Charlea
lempke, lot 2, Bradley's sub. of lot
1. Aud. sub of sH m4 26-76-44, w d. BOO
Msggie A. Cooper and husband to -John
T Hatcher. lot 8 and wH lot
4. block U, Bayllss tt Palmer's
add.. Council Bluffs, w d .. 1,800
Interstate Realty Co. to Albert and
Marr Jeanson, lot , block 11. Evans' '
2d Bridge add., Council Bluffs, w d 150
Total, sixteen transfers 130,619
Faaerat of Captain Craae.
The funeral of the late Captain Oeorg
JV Crane "will be held thla afternoon. Serv
Icee, to which friends of the deceased are
Invited, will be held in the lodge room of
the Elks on First avenue at 2:30 o'clock.
These services will be conducted by the
officers of the lodge and Dr. Otterbein O.
Smith, the chs plain. Music will be fur
nished by a quartet, composed of Miss
Grace Barr, Mra. Helgten of Omaha, J. H.
Sims and J. R. Oerku. Interment, which
will be private, will be In Falrview ceme
tery. The following members of the lodge
of Elks will act as pallbearers: W. S.
Keeline, P. C. DeVoli I M. I.afferty,
Painter Knox, T. A. Barker and Chris
Those desiring to vtew the body can do
so at the Elks' club house between poon
and 2:30 o'clock.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and residence.' Age.
Frederick Madsen, Stanton. Neb... 22
Bertha Jensen, Stanton, Neb .......It
7ee McKibbln, Burlington, la $6
Catherine M. Blank; 1 Burlington, la 32
Monona Conn 1 7 lastttate,
ONAWA, la.,,, Maren . $0. (Special.) The
Monona county normal Inatitute opened
today in the OnawaAHlgh school assembly
room for a wee'k'se sslon. About 13
teachers from all, oyer the .country are at
tending. The Instructors are as follows:
Frederick E. Bolton,' professor of education
at the State University of Iowa; A. V.
Strom, agricultural exteralon department,
Iowa State college; S. T. Qlllan. editor of
the Western Teacher, Milwaukee; Mlas
Hattie Moore Mitchell, Drake unlvorslty;
Fanchon Moffett, Chicago. County Sup
erintendent F. EV Lark la conducting the
Institute. Miss Mltohell leotured Sunday
evening at the Christian church. The
teachers attending are being entertained
at private homes.
Child Killed by Antomoblle.
SIOUX CITT, la,. March 30.-STecial
Telegram.) In returning from an errand
at 8 o'clock thla evening, Joseph O'Lcary,
the 6-year-old son of Mrs. Michael O'Leary,
was run down by art automobile driven by
Lawton Wyckoff at Tenth and Fierce
streets and fatally. Injured. According to
eye' witnesses,- the machine was traveling
it an unlawful spend and It Is probable
that a warrant will be laaued tor Wyckoffs
arrest. The boy's father was run down
and killed by an automobile September
10, 1807.
Ne Water Works for Whiting.
ONAWA, la., March 80.-(Speclel.)-The
exciting water works fight in Whiting
came to a close tonight when It was found
that those agatnat the queatlon had carried
the election. The quasilon of water works
has been agitated for some time and much
interest and opposition was aroused.
Iowa News Mates.
SAC CITT Almost 100 farmere of thla
vicinity have organised the Farmera' Grain
company, officered by W. F. Bates, presi
dent; Tones Buse, vice president; C. L
Beers, secretary.
HAMPTON Oeorge Church . aged 42
years, died at the home of hla father. Wil
liam W. Church, four mllee eouth of the
city, yesterday from injuries received when
a horse whose tall he waa tying up kicked
him In the atomach.
IOWA FALLS Rev. A. J. Carrick of
Murray, la., haa accepted the call to the
pastorate of t'!S Chrlatlan church here and
will enter on his work here next month.
He will also ecrve as pastor of the Chris
tian church at Robertson.
GRUNDY CENTER R. M. Peacock of
Minneapolis has organised a canning com
pany here with a capital Block of $10,000.
The company of which he la the head
will erect a factory early la the spring
and prepare for the pack later fat the sum
mer. TRAER Traer is fearful lest It lose the
plant of the Koatland Washing Machine
company. The Commercial club of Cedar
Rapids haa made a propoaitlon to the com
pany to move ite big plant to that city,
which la so flattering that It Is being seri
ously considered.
MARSHALLTOWN A church to cost
$12 000 Is to be built In this city during
the coming summer by the United Breth
ern denomination, which haa but recently
established a church here. A site hss been
purchased. The building Is to be of cement
blocks. It will have a eeating capacity of
MASON CITY Samuel Sherman, editor
of the Thorton Enterprise, was held to
the grand Jury today on the charge of aid
ing hla printer, who waa Saturday held to
the grand Jury for attempting to criminally
assault Laura Parish. Sherman was sble
to furnish bonds for his appearance In the
district court.
IOWA FAMJJOne of the biggest Im
provements thst will be made in this city
this summer is the new factory building
thst will be erected by tha Gade Manufac
turing company. Thla new plant wt" D 60
X400 feet In aixa and will have double
the floor apace on the main floor of Its
present factory.
IOWA FA LI 8 Park Commissioners
Gregg and Repp have Just purchssed two
of the largest buffaloes In the west for the
city s aoological park on the south side,
which now includes some exceptionally
fine specimens of deer snd elk The buf
faloes are to be delivered early .his spring.
They were purchased at Buffalo Center, la.
TRAER The twenty-third annual con
vention of the Christian Endeavor society
of the Fifth district of Iowa is to be held
in this place on April 7, 8 and 9. The rlia
trtct la composed of the counties of Dallas,
Boone, Story, Marchall. Tama and Grundy.
Some ot the prominent Endsavoxers of ln
At the "Goodyear" Store Today and the
Princess Cloak and Quit Parlors
Special Suit Sale
Women's New Easter Quits
At 40 Less Than Standard Prices
Just at this time particular Interest is centering
about the new tailored sulta for Easter. Today we
re ready with a good quantity of new Easter Suits.
You'll be charmed with the beautiful materials, the
new colors, and the pretty trimming touches. The
tailoring Is of the finest. Our line of dresses, skirts
and walBts Is now complete.
Selling thse beautiful suits at the manufacturer's
prices we are enabled to sell you a much better suit for
less money than any retailer but to Induce early buy
ing for Easter we are willing to make a reduction in
prices as an extra inducement, and are now selling
$17.50 Suiu for ...... $io.cq S17.S0 Men's and Women's Raincoats lor..SlO,.
$20.00 Suita for $12.50 $28 Men's and Women's Raincoats 10r..$12.5Q
$25.00 Suita for $15.00 $25 Men's and Women's Raincoats for ..$15
$30.00 Suits for $17.50 $30 Men's and Women's Raincoats lor.,$i7.S0
Goodyear Raincoat Co.
Cor. 16th and Cavenport Streets.
state will be In attendance and have placca
on tha program. .
IOWA KAL,LS-RvidPiitly believing In
foateiing the organization of Farmers' Co
operative planta along l( line the com
mercial agenl of the (it. l'aul & tt 1
Molnea road la ibusilv engagod In the work
of inducing farmera adjacent to every sta
tion along thla line where they have no
organization to form a company for hand
ling grain, coal and other lines.
RCK'K RAPIDS J. H. Kelly, a farmer
living ten miles south of here, waa almost
killed and hla wife waa badly injured,
when tha team they were driving home IubI
night became frightened at an automobile
and ran away, hurling the buggy Into a
telephone pole. Kelly haa been unconscious
since tha accident. Mra. Kelly's arm was
broken and she waa otherwise seriously In
TOWA FAI.I-Philo Martin, formerly a
well known resident of this city and Kldora
number 01 years ago, haa had new honors
thrust upon him by the Woodmen of the
World of Iowa. At the recent atate meet
ing of the order Mr. Martin was elucied
head banker for the coming year. Mr.
Martin haa been prominent lu fraternal
society circles in Iowa for yeara. being
firomlnent in the Maaonlc order, of which
le la now grand master, and of the I'ythian
and Woodmen ordera.
111 Health Serares Heleaaa Mildred
Ban lea Iron Peaiteatlary.
LINCOLN, Neb., March .-8peoJal Tel
egram.) Governor Bhallenberger has par
doned Mildred Bowles, who was serving a
terra of one year in tha penitentiary for
shoplifting The woman ta in poor health.
She baa served about five month of ther
term. .
Held for Horie Stealleg.
VALENTINE. Neb.. March . (Special. )
Tha two horse th laves that tried, to ateal
thabig bunch of horsea from near Meiri
niau a couple of weeks ago had their pre
liminary here yesterday before Judgayulg
ley and a era sound ov r W tha district
Raincoat Department
Special Raincoat Sale
Top Costa
flour demonstrators brieht .
intelligent men and women
to tell you of "the best flour
made." - They are now in this
city, going from door to door,
spreading the gospel of ? the"
BEST FLOUR and taking trial
orders for
Bmltes Best
"The Beat Flour Made"
A trial order is all we ask of you. The flour
itself will win a permanent place in your kitchen.
Our records show that out of every hundred per
sons who give Bultf's Best an intelligent trial,
ninery-nine Become permanent users. 11 you are
the one-hundredth the exceptional person whom
Bulte's Best does not satisfy, you can have your money '
back at once.
So place your order for a sack with pur demonstrate '
ors they will have your grocer deliver it to you.'
Fuel Company
Pleads Guilty
to Land Fraud
Utah Corporation Pay. Fine and for
Coal Taken from 1,44 Acrei
and Eeturni Land.
BAI.T LAKE CITT. March .-The Ttah
Fuel company pleaded guilty In the United
States court today to the fraudulent ac
quisition of 1,440 acrea of coal land and
paid a fine of $.0n0. also im.OrtO for the
coal extracted, and relinquished the land.
Tha land waa acquired through dummy
entrymen as agricultural land.
The company, a aubsldiary rorporatlon
of tha Denver & Rio Grande railroad, to
gether mlth Henry Q. Williams. Robert
Forreater, George A. Moore. William D.
Foster, Klroy N. Clark and Alexander H.
Rest of This Week
Silk Coots
Opora Cloaks
Auto Coats
Touring Coat
We now offer the best and biggest stock ot water-
proof garments for spring wear ever seen in Omaha,.
Our atock represents the newest raincoat styles.- - Our
garments have all tha style and fashion of the finest
tailored garments, while prices are so low that no man .
or worn a need be without a raincoat. Don't be with
out a raincoat on Easter. To induce early buying-, we
are now selling , . .V
io m cmwT szaoovirr oovron.
On Tali Out and rraarat It to the SalMparaoo
a.a TeaU BaoalT Tcmr 10 Trr osat Ceak
As an eatra Induonroant to have you huy
dlrwct from tha makera. wa'll allow a 10 per
cent dlaoount on all purchaaea madn -beforn
April ISth, but thla coupon must be presented
when pttrehaara are made. , ., ,
moo otto Armxz. lata, o. '
fiwle, officers and employes, was Indicted .
by a federal grand Jury In Aprllt for '
obtaining title to 1,440 acres of coal land
In Bevler county, Utah, through ' dummy
rntrymen. ' "
The land reverts -tp the " public; d main ;
and the company hmrf the SM.tO tea
originally paid, aa well as the further sums.
paid to dummy entrymen. . -
Indictments againat the '.individual e- .
fendante wera dlamlsked.. aa wre fit
sulta In equity Involving many thousands
nf acres taken up by dummies, -
Dangerouslr Hart r sTall.
DAVID CITT, Nb March St. Special.)
C. W. Derby, proiritlor of tha perby
hotel, la seriously 111 aa tha result of i
accident Friday might. Mr. Drrby waa at
the head of the stars Just starting down
when hla foot caught la a hole in , tha
carpet and I a waa thrown headlong, sink
ing a wall near tha lower end cf the atal,--
ay. where It turns. His collar bone waa
broken and yesterday symptoms developed
that Indicated he waa Injured Internally.
A Good Strike
when you get
Alwayj Right"