Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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1909 MAKCH 1909
Sun mow tue wta thu ii st
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21 222324252627
28 293031
Th Counting Boom and Baslnsss
O tries of Ths Bsa Is temporarily lo
cate on n'aantta strsat, la tha
room formerly ocenplad 1y Hastings
k Baydaa. ' AoVrarUsaments and snb
acrlptKro mattara will attaadad to
' (bar antll tha saw aoartara aro
Bao Boot mil It.
atonofram Bnfraaiara Edholm, jrwcler.
YoUmare, expeiAc'etnas fitters, 107 8. 1
Toto for S. A. B. Ohaaa all wsrrfs Adv.
Budolph r. Bwoboda, rtibllc Accountanl.
Blaabart, photofrapliar. 18th A. Karnnm,
Equitable tlfa Policies, sight drafts at
maturity. H. V. Neely. manager. Omaha.
W. B. Tkomaa, BOt First National Bank
Bids;., lends money on Omaha real oatato
in auma of T.OO to rSO.OOO. Prompt aervlca.
Is Far Cant laid on Banna; s Aooonnta
It 00 to 16,000 by Nebraska Savlnia and
Lona Aaaoclation. Board of Trado build
in(.' Organised 18SS.
tadiaa, apodal Attantlonl Ask for sum
pie tt Bplehler-a Belsvt L.lly of tha Valley,
the finest perfume made. At drug and de
partment otores.
Kiss Brennan Burled la outh. Dakota
The body of Miss Jennie Brennan. 23 years
of age. who died of acute nephritis Mon
day, was taken from the Gentleman &
I.arkln undertaking rooma Tuesday morn
ing It will be interred at Elk Point. 8. D.
Miss Brennan lived at 1321 South Thirty
thli d street. Omaha.
Death by Drowning Death by drowning
waa tha verdict of Coroner Heafey'a jury
In tha case of Charles Edgar, the man
whosa body was discovered In Cut-Off lake
Monday morning. The Jury did not hint
as to whether the case was one of aulcide
or accident. The drowned man la survived
his wire and brotiier, who live at 1915 North
Twenty-seventh street and at Thirty-first
and Curtis streets, respectively.
General Morton Ooaa to ShUoh Briga
dier General Charles Morton, commanding
tha Department of the Missouri, has been
granled leave of absence for fifteen daya,
beginning April 2, to enable Mm to. attend
tha annual reunion of the Boclety of the
Army of the Cumberland to be held on the
battlefield of Shlloh, Tennessee. The re
union is given in commemoration of the
forty-seventh anniversary of the battle,
April to 8.
Blxty Days for Beating Wife Sixty
days in jail waa the sentence given Oliver
C'oulson in police court Tuesday by Judge
Cockrell. Coulson was charged with dis
turbing the peace and abusing his wife,
and although he denied ever having beaten
his better half, effe so declared, and the
judge took her word for It. The Coulsons
live at 1913 South Twenty-first street with
their little daughter, who was In court with
them Tuesday morning.
Jarjr Arqalte Him of Serlona Charge,
iat Kplte of Considerable Erl-
draee Aaralaat Illaa.
Charles Johnson, a youth of 17 years,
waa acquitted yesterday afternoon of
the charge of having burglarious tools in
his possession. The verdict waa some
thing of ,a surprise for witnesses testi
fied that Johnson was caught on a plat
form In the rear of the Gladstone store,
with a chisel In his hands and two win
downs broken.
Attorney Sidney Smith defended tha
prisoner and made a strenuous fight to
have the Information quashed on the
ground that the article which Jonnson
had waa not a "Jimmy," but a chisel.
Judge Bears overruled him and the case
went on to a victory for the defendant.
Do Fat Folks Worry?
Most thin people would say. no. Most fat
folks, yes. They have all the causes for
worry thin people have, and one other
their fat. Fat mortifies women because it
spoils their appearance, and it dlstrreses
men, for It affecta their activity. A few are
afraid of It. There are few fat members
of either sex who would not gladly dispense
with 30 to W pounds if they knew how.
The "how" is my excuse for taking up
this newspaper space. Although very few
fat folka Know it tand thoae who do are
no longer fat), there la a very almple me
thod of reducing safely. All one has to do
Is take after meals and at bedtime one
teaspoonful of the following simple receipt,
which any druggist will fill for a few cents:
one-half ounce Marmola, S ounce Fluid
V.nract Caw ara Aromatic, and 3Si ouncea
Peppermint Water.-Tind the trick la turned.
This Is a certain cure for "fat folks'
worry," for it does away with all necessity
for exercise or dieting. It never causes
wrinkles or stomach dlaturbancea. and 13
to 1 ounces, 1 am told. Is by no means an
unusual amount of fat for it to take off
a tor toolbar ha
knur Uir it a
rant f t.r not. ser
dnca up or lotrs tia
stmts in.
Cms ttts th annas
fortutarfrrtt'iM. Iroi
tktion dual do tna
cet mrt TMTNacaB cm.
At ail drus 1 iste, u cauls, or ay avui.
rtant'a firn dtm t,r Ursi ssl
IfVUI 9 VVS 11 U1U
sIms, 1m.
C. S. DENT CO.. DatreK, Kith.
Latest Perfume
Select Lily
Juat List
N lha riower.
Ask for aaaiple at drag
toret L toilet coiatora
r..v 'v?
A StU Affair.
wars yaa any liola Medal Floar
Ma tar tt Is H'sskbsrs-Craisr's Uvld
Sleaal riens. Tkla la laanvrtaat.
Number of. Ordinances Introduced
Which Affect Railroads.
Olhr Art for fpralaa .r WMealaa
treeta, Unlrh Hoald Take l.aarf
."Vow Brlnm Held fcr the
Railroad nm pan Ira.
The city council In last night's session
considered sevqrsl ordinances affecting
the railroads of the city. One was to com
pel the ynlon Pacific to plare a watchman
at rtallroid avenue and Washington street.
Another provided for a watchman at
Twenty-ft.urth and 55 streets. An ordinsncc
was Introdured to widen Washington street
from Twenty-third to the Intersection with
Railroad avenue. This la to be accom
plished hy condemning prhate property,
which Is largely owned by the railroad. An
ordinance waa ordered to open Jackson
street across the rnlon Paclflo rlght-of-wa.
An ordinance was Introduced estab
lishing the grade at Fourteenth street
north rf Q to the right-of-way of the
Omaha North Platte railroad. A petition
was received to rstablish the grsde of .
street from the Burlington viaduct west.
The bond ordinance for the paving of
B street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
eighth was recommended. By'the same pro
cedure the ordinance for the Issuance of
$38,000 for the paving of I., street waa ad
vanced to second and third reading. The
cost of paving E street Is slightly more
than $lo.00(.
The salary of tlie mayor's stenographer
was raised to $60.
The Junk dealer'a ordinance was again
Introduced at the request of the mayor,
end In accord with the wish of the assist
ant city attorney and the police depart
ment. The truant officer la of the opinion
that much of the thieving by boys Is due
to the ease with which the boys can dis
pose of stolen articles to the Junk dealers.
The new ordinance forces the dealers to
secure a license and to report all articles
bought or sold dally as Is the case with
the pawnbrokers and the secondhand deal
ers. J. D. Ringer. J. J. Maly and A. C.
Pancoast were appointed appraisers to
adjust damages by reaaon of the grading
of Twenty-seventh street from T to Y
A petition whs received from the High
land Improvement club urging the city to
take "steps to hasten the construction of the
Twenty-seventh street spproach to the Q
street viaduct. It Is understood that the
Union Pacific and the Union Stock Yards
company are to construct this approach as
soon as possible.
An ordinance was Introduced to restrict
the construction of meter boxes or man
holts to any underground system, either
of water, gas !!ght or telephones, where
such manholes shall be in a sidewalk which
does not occupy the full sidewalk space as
allotted in each street.
Ilanntn A Crnlg received 31.3M.S8 for
woik completed on the north branch of the
N street gulch sewer.
William H. Rowley received a warrant
for 67.2) for the constructs n of tem
porary sidewalks of permanent material.
. The regular monthly claims for salaries
were llowed. The cost of the police de
partment was $1,510 and lha fire depart
ment $1,150.
Offerman Bros, received the sward of
a contract for a storm water sewer at
Tuenty-flrst and Mlsrourf avenue.
Fir Destroys Residence.
A fire broke out at 10 o'-eTock yesterday
morning In the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Zsder, Thirty-first and Madison streets,
which caused a total lots. . amounting 13
about $1,000. The fire etarteoj from a kettle
of lard which the woman Was rendering
on tha stove. The laid gut too hot and
boiled over on the stove, took fire and
spread throughout the room. The fire
department responded to the call, but
could do nothing, as the residence waa
outside of Ihe fire limits. The owners
of the house csrrled $7.V) lusurHnce.
Howard Rrtsrnrd for Trial.
Fted Howard was brought from N'gan,
la., yesterday by J. C Troutnn, who wss
sent to that state after the prisoner. He
la charged with a statutory offence against
his cousin, Mla Maude Hlldrctli ot Neula,
la. The young girl will appear against
him. 81ie Is only 15 years old. The two
ran away from home and ciiinc 10 South
Omaha. They found loc'glng with Mrs.
Miller near Twenty-fifth and N streets,
where they were for a day or two. It is
there the crime Is alleged to have been
committed, l-flter both parties were hi
rested al Pluttsmouth and taken hunu,
where, the girl confessed v.. l:or parent
It waa necessary to tiring the prisoner tu
South Omaha that the case might be tried
in the county ol the state where It was
Magic III) (wal.
Call Ulynn 'Iruinfer (ur moving. Tel. S44.
The South Omaha school teucheia re
ceived their pay yesterday, amounting to
about $h,WO.
Jetter's Gold Top Bet'i- delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone. No. S.
The funeral of John (Julnltin. at Si.
Agnes church, .waa largely atlenuod yester
day morning.
The annual Klng'a Daughter's dinner
will be served al tue f raipler,an church
this evening from 6 to t o'clock.
Mike Oberntuts wss arrested Sunday for
abusing a horse he hud hired from th
Spearman livery. He waa also booked ax
The assistant city attorney Is considering
the raising of the license rate on uogi in
the city. It waa suggested to double the
present rate. . .
Free, a paint brush with every gallon of
permanent house paint, guaranteed for live
years. t Kdutsky's Paint and Wall Paper
The Graded Union of the South Omaha
Sunday school teacher will meet at the
Young Men's Christian association rooms
at 8 p. m. this evening
A large number of friends from Omaha
and South Omaha attended the funeral of
Mrs. Kuse Levy yesterday afternoon The
set Ice wss conducted by Habbi Colin.
The Pioneer Historical association holds
ita monthly meeting thia evening at I.lhrarv
hall. All members aro urged to attend,
liualnrss of Importance la to be presented
for dlacuaslon.
The accounts of women are kept confi
dential and held subject to tlielr own ol
der. Be assured that your account will
receive every conalderation. Live Stock Na
tional bank.
''elective P. H. Shlxlds arrested William
Ferguson, W . McN'eal and C I.. Welsh
yesterday on suspicion. Thev are negroes
and it la thought thrv broke Into Her
man Angers place Saturday night.
The Royal Highlanders. Dunoon Csstle,
No. S3, meet Wednesday rvrning at lha
Danish Brotherhood hall. Delegates anu
alternates to s convention to be held June
i at Council Bluffs, are to be elected.
Wednesday morning we place on aale a
lot of men'a hats at at cents. These sre
odd lots of our $l.o. $1 60 and $'.'.00 grades
of soft and atiff hats, they come In nutria.
: 1 row 11 anu oiaca colors, to close them out
OiilcW they go at Its cente. Nehraaka
Shoe and Nothing Houae. corner 26th and
N Sis., South Omaha. Wednesday ' store
open until i p. m.
, I deslra to thank my neighbors and
I friends, alixi the lodges roreaters. Re
bekahs and Degree of Honor for their
many floral offering and klndneas shown
me during the Illness and death of my
1 beloved wife. Fred J. Edelbauer, Cernvtn
veteran officer.
Foley's Honey ana e-ai rurss coughs
quickly, strengthen ike lungs and expels
colds. Get the gtnulne In a yellow pack
age. For sale by all druggists.
Pure Blood
in Spring
Is certain if you take Hood'
Sartaparilla. Thit great
blood -purifier and tonic
Cures those eruptions, pimples and
bolls that appear at all season; cures
crofula sores, salt rheum or eciema;
adapts Itself equally well to, and also
cures, dyspepsia and all stomach
troubles; cures rheumatism snd ca
tarrh; cures nervous troubles, debility
and that tired feeling.
Mrs J. F. Gee, 60 Gould street.
Ptoneham, Mass., says: "In 25 years'
experience I have never known
Hood's SarsaparlUa to fall, for spring;
humors and as a general blood puri
fier. It gives me pleasure to say
Mrs. L. Blckford, Qossville, N. H.,
says: "Every spring I wrs complete
ly prostrated, run down, from dys
pepsia and that tired feeling;- But t
have found Hood's SarsaparlUa helps
me from the first dose, completely re
stores good health and strength." Be
gin to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Today. Oet it In the usual liquid
form or. In chocolated tablets known
as Sarsataba. 100 Doses One Dollar.
Sold everywhere. Get only Hood's.
Omaha Club Vote
for More Ground
is Three to One
Postal Card Ballot Not Yet Com
pleted, but Runt Heavily
for New Lots.
Tre postal card vote of members of the
Omaha club on the proposition to buy ad
ditional real estate adjoining the club
house on the west Is turning out about
t to 1 In favor of buying.
The option secured by the directors per
mits the purchase of any amount of front
age up to sixty-six feet at $200 a foot, snd
most of the answers are in favor of buy
ing the whole sixty-six feet.
The purpose of the purchase Is to put
the club In position to enlarge Its . build
ing when the needs of the growing mem
brrshlp require.
Some of the negative answers on the
postal cards give Interesting explanations.
One club man wsnts to sell the present
club house and get a new locstloir In the
middle of the business district. Two or
three" others, evidently In conce"t, advise
removal to a site on Farnam street west
of Twenty-fourth. Several Insist that the
price of $200 a foot Is exorbitant and a
few others do not believe the club needs
any addtlonal spans at all.
At the last annual meeting of the club,
the directors were authorised to purchase
the ground under' the Impression that It
could be bought for not more than $lo3
per foot. When they found It could not
be bought for less than $-00 a foot the
directors decided to ask for another ex
pression from the members.
Money CinrfV In I naollnlteil, with
Words of Gsensrairmesl
' fr Mew Home.
The fund for the new Child Saving In
atitute building la steadily growing. Many
are sending In their subscriptions with
words of encouragement. Bishop Arthur
U Williams, without solicitation, sent In
$J6 with the statement. "I hope everybody
In the city will help this necessary work
t this time."
Previously acknowledged". $37.21.80
Mr. anti Airs. j. n. vv rosier
Pr. A. F. Jonas
Bistto) Arthur Williams
H. P. Bvurs
Rose Van Nostrand
Mrs. James Dnhlman .
Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner
Mrs. H. Hnrdy
Mrs. Nnthan Roberts
Mrs. W. H. Murray
Mrs. T. P. Kelly Tr...
.'olnt H. Kuony
Charlea K. I-alhrop
Irene Dvbnll
F. E. CostKwortli
Mrs. It. V. Hendlnger
1 o"
I Mrs. W. Miditleton
I Blnehe M. Kelly
1 FYlend
Mrs (' T Hela'-n
K 1.. Cnderwnnil
t.ilin J. "tl'lcan
Vlch.iet Tigh
V. T Gr'nden
Clmrles Hanson
John J. Pvdor
r H. Orlffen .-
George Craig
Total $37.H13
R Badge of Honesty
Is printed on the outer wrapper of every bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
1 nrl if it f-Kiaaa Anlvr rrmAtrlnm (r r rrrr in't rrr,nliir o il rr
anu 11 1 in, win j iiivuiviiiv a w Tf viiinu 0 wvunat aiiiiivinsi
sold by druggists, the makers of which feel fully warranted
in thus taking the afflicted into their full confidence.
The more known about the composition ot
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the more
confidently will Invalid women rely upon It
to cure their peculiar weaknesses and de
ranements. There's no secrecy about Its
makeupno deceptive Inducements held out
to the afflicted. It's simply a f&ood, honest,
N square 'deal medicine with no alcohol, or
Injurious, hablUtormlnQ drugs In its compom
sltlon. Made wholly from roofs. It can do no harm In any
condition ot woman's organism.
Devised and put up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's
maladies. Its ingredients have the indorsement of leading physicians in all
schools of practice.
The "Favorite Prescription" is known everywhere as the standard remedy
for diseases of women and has been so regarded for the past 40 years and more.
Accept no secret nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine OF
known COMPOSITION, with a record of 40 years of cures behind it.
It's foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested
medicines sometimes urged upon the afflicted as "just as good" or better'than
"Favorite Prescription." The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that he knows
what the proffered substitute is made of, but you don't and it is decidedly for your
interest that you should know what you are taking into your stomach and system ex
pecting it to act as a curative. To him its only a difference of profit. Therefore,
insist on having Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages cloth-bound.
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, R. V. Pierce, M. D.,
President; Buffalo. N.'Y.
Local Market Popular in West, Say
W. H. Bucholz.
tlalta Ornwers and Looks Int Con
ditions, Mb Irk He "ays Favor
Omaha aa Great Market
la Fatare.
W. H. Buchols. cashier of the Omaha
National bank and chairman of the wool
storage committee of the Commercial club,
has returned from an extended trip
through the west, where he Investigated
the wool-growing Industry and the proba
bility of a large amount of wool coming to
Omaha the coming season and In future
"The outlook for an Increasing amount of
wool coming to Omaha Is splendid," said
Mr. Buchols. "The .friends of Omaha are
thick In the west and with a larger storage
capacity and better rates we will get suffi
cient wool to make the Importance of
Omaha as a market significant.
"As to the general favor with which th
storage movement Is meeting t do not be
lieve there Is any doubt 'that more wool
will be stored each) year and remain In di
rect control of the growers until It Is sold
to manufacturers or their agents. '
"Commission houses are fighting the
storsge movement and they are heavily
capitalised. They have money which they
can loan against the wool growing on the
backs of the dusty herds In Wyoming,
Idaho and Montana. A bank could scarcely
accept such security; that is, the national
banks could hardly handle such security
as they handle warehouse securities as col
lateral. This loaning on the wool, all ot
which haa not grown on the sheep as yet,
fills a want in certain directions, but there
is still wool which is unincumbered abd in
sufficient quantity to Justify faith In the
warehouse movement."
Forecast of Congress Actios.
Mr. Buchols said while. In tne west he
was shown two telegrams hy wool growers
sent by the Commercial club of Omaha In
forming the growers several days before
they-could have secured the Information
through newspapers, of the probable at
titude of the special session of congress on
the wool tariff schedules. '
In one instance the telegram of the Com
mercial club of Omaha reached a large
wool grower at a big meeting of the sheep
barons at an out of the way place where
newspapers could . not have reached the
growers for many hours. The telegram of
the Commercial club reached the meeting
within a few hours after the bill was read
In congress
A good cheer waa given for Omaha and
the Commercial club at this meeting and
many of the growers whose wool was piled
In. warehouse or commission house, went
to the telegraph office and wired Instruc
tions to hold or sell In accordance with
the telegram from Omaha which advised
that the tariff on wools' was practically
untouched In the bill presented in congress.
Omaha scored In the opinion of the wool
growers and in the opinion of Mr, Bucholz
who happened to be on the ground when
some of tne telegrams arrived, though he
knew nothing about them coming.
Gets Three and One-Half Years for
Handling; Papera of Ile
fanCtBank. Tom O'Brien, recently convicted In the
I'nited States court' at' Miicoln for having
In his possession a quantity of bank notes
of the Farmers and Planters bank of Sa
vannah, Ga., which he was passing on
the unsuspecting merchanta of Geneva and
Falrbury a year ago. was sentenced Mon
day to three and a half years In the United
States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan.
Sentence was passed by United States Dis
trict Judge T. C. Munger. O'Brien was
taken to Leavenworth Tuesday by Deputy
United States Marshal Henscl.
Notblnar Hot Few Hontlnr Matters
Taken I'p at Monday Night's
The meeting of the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners last night was short
and little business was transacted outside,
of routine connected with the departments.
Patrolman A. L. Hicks waa fined $0 for
being under the Influence of liquor and fill
ing to report. Leaves of absence for ter,
days were granted to Detective Dunn and
Offlcera Dibble. Llckert, Bitter, Nielsen,
Coffey, Willis and Carney.
The resignation of Fireman Edward" Q.
ffayward waa accepted.
Sturdy oaks from little acorns grow
advertising in The Bee will do wonders for
tour business.
Forty Churches
Join Together
Omaha Federation Springs Into Being
Last Night at Dinner Given
at T. M, C. A.
The Church Federation of Omaha was
brought Into existence last night at a ban
quet at the Toung Men s Christian associa
tion, attended by representatives of forty
Protestant churches and between 10.000 and
11.000 church people. Officers were elected
for one year and a constitution adopted.
The officers elected are:
President Re. F. T. House, pastor of
the First (Vngregatlonal church.
Vice Presidents Very Rev. O. A. Beecher,
dean of Trinity cathedral; Rev. F. U. Ice
land, pastor of the First Methodist church;
Judge Howard Kennedy of the district
murt; a. O. Wallace, real estate dealer;
Rev. J. W. Conley, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Secretsry J. H. Taylor.
Treasurer J. F. Wllhelmy.
M. D. Cameron waa chairman of the
meeting and on the election of Mr. Rouse
as president he told of the union meetings
which had already been held by the First
Methodist, the First Congregational and
First Tresbyterlan churches and asked the
members of the council to touch elbows
wherever opportunity came.
Tba objects of the federation are:
To express the unity and fellowship of
the Christian churches of Omaha.
To bring the Christian bodies of Omaha
Into united service for Christ and the
To encourage devotional fellowship and
mutual oouneel concerning the spiritual life
and religious activities of the churches.
To establish and maintain a permanent
and effective syatem of parish visitation.
To carry tn union Christian evangelistic
movements; to advance the charities of
the city; to protect the Interests of Sab
bath rest and worship, temperance, good
citizenship, law and order and to secure
and exercise a larger combined Influence
for the church of Christ in all matters af
fecting the moral, civil and social condi
tion of the people, so as to promote the
application of the law of Christ to every re
lation or numan pre in cnurcn ana state.
Park t'omml1oners Take No Action
Monday Toward Machinery for
Levi Carter Park.
In the absence of adequate information
on the subject, the Board of Park Commis
sioners took no action Monday afternoon
looking toward the purchase of a dredge
for work In the new Levi Carter park.
The board propoaca to begin work In the
park as soon as spring opens, but wants
to be sure what is best before taking any
definite action.
Five plans for the proposed pavilion In
Elm wood park were presented to the board
and referred to the committee on improve
ments. The pavilion will cost $5,000.
On petition of a number of property own
ers the city engineer was Instructed to
prepare plans and specifications for paving
t Woolworth avenue from Thirty-sixth street
to Elmwood park. The board will pay the
paving cost and the property owners the
curbing. Twenty-seventh avenue will also
be paved between Cast and California
streets and the board will open bids for
this work at a meeting called for Saturday
afternoon. Bids will also be received, but
at a later date, for an artesian well In
Miller park.
Members of George Crook post. Woman's
Relief corps, asked the board to be allowed
to plant Arbor day In one of the parks one
tree for each deceased member, and the
request was granted. The superintendent
of parks, W. R. Adams, waa Instructed to
designate the park and he said he believed
he would name the Fontanelle.
Property owner on Blondo street will
set out weeping birch trees on both sides
of the street between Twenty-fourth and
Twenty-eighth streets.
An American Kins;
is the great king of cures. Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and
cold remedy. 60c and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
T. T. Varney of Ausley, J. M..McIntyre
of Denver, O. P. Durbln of Lyon's and F.
P. Crouse of Kearney are at the Henshaw,
J. H. Wooley of Grand Island, J. F. Foyo
of Hastings, c. H. Sohaerfer or Holdrege,
W. E. Weekly of Valley and J. W. Reeae
of Norfolk are at the Merchanta.
R. Heaton. J. A. May of Kansas C.ty,
D. W. Uwlnnell of lng Pine. John T. Wil
liams of Callaway and J. R. Outland of
San Francisco are at the Millard.
C. J. Johnson of Tekamah, Jav B. Jacobs
of Los Angeles, J. F. Ryan of Portland. 8.
L. Wal'erstedt, Victor Gylfe. Gust Ander
son and A. A. Peterson are at the Loyal.
R. C. Scott. F. L. Wlllmuth, W. O. Ran
dall nf Lincoln. Mrs. F. C. Hullholst of
O'Neill. J. R. Fuller of Fullerton. W. Blay
ner of Denver, H. J. Strain and C. B.
Bauer of Deshler are at the Paxton.
Rert Relfsnyder, civil service clerk In the
office ef Lieutenant Colonel F. F. East
man, chief commissary of the Department
of the Missouri, will lesve Wodnesdayvfor
Ban r rancisco, irom wnere lie win ssll on
April 5 for Manila, Philippine islsnds. He
will enter the service of the commissary
department there.
r. f a
( w
Ladies' Spring Oxfords
The distinctive style and charm in footwear which appeals to
every well dressed woman, characterizes the dainty new Spring
Oifords we are now showing. -
Every late atyle or leather la seen in a complete variety of new
Spring shapes, notable for the ease and comfort provided by their
perfect fit. The quality is the same as generally found In 13.00
or $3.60 Oxfords, and these are really exceptional alue at .
'Tine Houae
This unusual opportunity was
irll !f
chase ot the J. 8. Cameron stock, at 30c on the dollar. Every Chase,
Hackley, Boltwood, Adam Schaaf, and 23 other makeB are offered and
sold at prices which In many instances do not cover the cost of pro
duction. AO new Pianos, In all variety of woods, former price $350.00
each, present closing out price only. . . I 8175.00
$4.00 Monthly.
SO new pianos, latest styles and designs, former price $400.00
each, presat closing out price. . . . .8105.00
$5.0O Monthly. -Other
New Pianos...... $120.00, $14S.OO. $163.00 and up.
I'sed Upright Pianos $03.O0, $7ft.OO, $85.00 and up.,
Square Pianos and Organs. . . .$10.00, $lS.OO, $20.00 and up
60c to $1.00 Weekly Payments.
New pianos for rent, $3.00 per month and up. Rent allowed on
purchase price.
Call or write at once for at the present prices these bargains won't
last much longer. We ship on approval and pay freight both ways If
the instrument la not entirely satisfactory to 1U owner.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.,
Selling Out the Cameron Stock at 30 Cents 'on the Dsllar.
1811-1313 FARNAM ST.
IP n ll
The Great Laxative and BloodTonic.
Al I mrPf C
The Pioneer
18 Hour Train
From Chicago
To New York
Is still running over the Pennsylvania Short Line!
leaving Chicago at 2.45 p. m. daily. It is a pattern of
excellence. Information regarding this and other at
tractive travel facilities offered by the Pennsylvania ,A
Short Line may be had by calling jmon or addressing
W. H. ROWLAND. Traveling rasa. Agt.. $13 Bofcrd of Trade Bids;.. OMAHA.'.
I Tf Ml
'Back' up your claim to quality by
making your printed matter show it
( ,
A. L lUst, kcaraarataa, 1110-1113 rUwarsI SWm
Displaying the lat
est styles, in every
fashionable leather
and the newest and
most popular
shapes for Spring
ol High Merit'
And Consequently Price Saving on
High Grade Pianos
brought about by our:fortunate pur
TEL. DOUG. 1625; AUTO. A-1625.
The Only Genuine