Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee
fcntereil at Omaha postofflca second
claaa matter.
Dally Fe. (without Sunday), en year. ..$4 as
Dally Be. and Sunday, on year
Dally Be. (Including Sunday), pit weak 16
Dally Be (without Sunoav). par waali.. 100
Evening Pe-(wttnout Khinday), par wee So
Evening Bee (with Sunday), fT weak.. !
Sunday p., ona yaar
oeturaay ee,
Bee. ena year I-
all cnmnlalnta ot Irraaularltlaa la
Maareee all romp
aanvary to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Building
South Omaha Twenty-fntirth and N.
Council Bluffs 1 Snott Street.
Unooln (1 Little Building.
ChicagoIMS Marquette Building.
New Tork-Rooma 1101-110J No. M Will
Thlrtr-thlrd Street.
Washington-raj rourtanth Straet. M. W.
Cnmmunlcatlona relating to nawa and edi
torial mattar should ba addreaatd: Omaha
Baa. Editorial Department.
Remit by flraft.v expreee or pnital order
payabla to Tha Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-rent rtamrs received In payniant of
mall accounta. Parannal ahaeka. exoept on
Omaha or aaatam exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nabraaka. Dosglee County. ems
Oaorya B. Taaehuek. treasurer of Tha Baa
Publishing companr. being duly sworn, aayi
that tha actual number of full and complete
coptee of Tha Daflv. Morning. Cvwntng and
H'inday Baa prlntad during tha month of
Fabruary. ISO waa aa follow:
1 M.I1S ft M.PM
.om it m.m
4. M.060 It.. les.see
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8.B It ttVWO
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ST.) it nr,iM
Total tfi&
Leas UNll and returned eoploa. S.sei
Net TaUI ,vn&S
Daily average a4M
Subscribed In my praasfif and swots ta
bafor ma thla lat day of March. IK.
(Saai) Notary Public.
. WBM OPT or
takaarlbctw leaiVlnai
tha city tcaa-
rararUy a-eaM have Tha B
Bailee ta thaaa. Addraaa will ha
ehaaara aa ft.a mm wejaaantoa.
Last chance for March to act lamb
The man with liberal views it tl
ways anxious to distribute samples.
Oyster Bay citliens may bow devote
tbelr spare time to fighting cobwebs.
The Balkan war clouds are now ob
scured by a cloud of diplomatic dust.
The "Never Touched Me" sign Is
still on both the North and South
Another lesson which the direct pri
mary should teach Is how to ba a good
loser. C' v'
The women seem to be pretty unan
imous in desiring to darn the stock
In gs-tai.
Some congressmen seek to make
light of the oil Joker In the Payne
tariff bill.
While Castro Is loudly demanding
justice, he Is probably hoping that he
won't get It.
Thirteen hunters were Injured by
African lions' last year. Those Hons
will get theirs this year.
If the members of our city council
were wise they would not boast about
that odorous gsrbage contract.
The entire state of Arkansas has
gone dry,' so the "Arkansaw Traveler"
will not have to shingle his root.
Mr. Roosevelt, left half of his guns
at home. Peace societies will note
this example of a reduction of arma
ment. A Boston psper has a long article
on the origin of grapefruit. Most peo
ple are more interested in the destina
tion of it.
The " Merry Widow" hat may be
forced Into the new style, if It will
stand for being turned down over the
In a few days now more attention
mill be paid to throwing arms and bat
ting eyes than to minor matters like
tariff schedules.
Three years In the city hail has Im
proved Mayor Jim's oratory, even
though it may not have Improved his
rope-throwing ability.
When It comes to reading the other
fellows out of the party neither fac
tion of the loeal democracy has any
the better of the other.
Winston Churchill says the African
lions are as cowardly as the American
coyotes. Can't blame the Hods, if
they know who's coming.
The wife of the American ambassa
dor at Paris has been under the knife.
The ambassador, It Is reported, Is
about to go under the axe.
It looks s If the "Insurgent" re
publicans and democrats were trying
to get even with 8peaker Cannon by
firing tariff speeches at him.
Servla can bo longer claim a repu
tation for bravery. It surrendered to
pressure brought by Austria, France,
England, Germany and Russia.
The net effect of the operation of a
bank guaranty law Is that If the banks
must go down they will go down In a
heap, the strong with the weak and
the hoc cat with the dishonest.
No Coal Strike.
The lesders of the anthracite coal
miners are to be congratulated In hav
ing refused to precipitate a strike at
this time. They neve voted to con
tinue work, pending negotiations for
a readjustment of terms with the mine
operators to take the place of the
three-year agreement, which expires
on April 1. The decision Is a victory
for the anthracite workers over the
leaders of the United Mine Workers'
essoclstlon, who are dominated by the
forces working In the bituminous
mines, where conditions are radically
different from those prevailing In the
anthracite regions.
A readjustment of the working
agreement should be possible without
serious difficulty If the miners can ad
vance good reasons for a change. The
mine operators have positively refused
to deal with the miners as members
of the United Mine Workers' associa
tion, but express a willingness to deal
with unions of their own men. This
reduces the difference on that point to
a technicality and the miners are wise
In declaring that the recognition of
their general anion Is not the most Im
portant question Involved In the con
troversy. The remaining questions
relate entirely to wages, hours and
methods of weighing, all of which
should be settled without resort to a
The, proposed appeal by the. miners
to President Taft seems to be prema
ture. The precedent established In
that direction by President Roosevelt
In 1162 was based on conditions which
do not now exist.. The country was
then facing a coal famine and the en
tire country was demanding relief
from the intolerable conditions which
had resulted from a prolonged coal
strike. At the present time the miners
are working under an agreement made
at the Instance of the commission ap
pointed by President Roosevelt. Presi
dent Taft could hardly Interfere ex
cept as a last resort and then only to
appoint another commission to inves
tigate conditions and perhaps act as
an arbitration board.' -
If the mine operators should refuse
to deal with such a board there Is
as yet no public pressure to influence
then to do so as there was In the 1902
strike. The miners and the operators,
the parties directly Interested, should
settle the differences between them
Democrat East and South.
The row In the democratic ranks in
the lower house of congress Is being
accepted In democratic circles as the
beginning of the end of the present
control, of the party, and plans are
already being made for a battle royal
to reorganise the party machinery be
fore the next presidential contest. In
dications point to a realignment of the
democratic factions, with the east and
south united against further domina
tion by the Brysnlstlc.wln of Jhe or
ganisation. This Is being fore
shadowed not only by the-attitude of
th eastern democrats, who have al
ways been hostile, . or at least luke
warm, to Bryan, and by the marked
defection of the democratic leaders of
the south who have heretofore allied
themselves with the Bryan followers
in the west and thus controlled the na
tional machinery ot the party.
It requires no political sage to rea
lise that the democrats can not win
in a national campaign without carry
ing a number of eastern states. Mr.
Bryan has tried three times with sup
port from the south, and west, but has
been unable to deliver the goods, to
make any decent showing In the east.
Mr. Cleveland won twice by a combi
nation of the south and east. Judge
Parker lost, largely because he had a
following In the east -hlch was wholly
objectionable to the rank and' file of
his own party.. Mr. Bryan and the
democrats of the east are facing in
different directions on every public Is
sue and the south is said to be weary
of trying to face both ways.-
The south Is showing pronounced
symptoms of breaking awsy from
Bryanlsm for good and all. The fight
on the tariff bill has aroused the
south to the need of protection for Its
Industries and even.. 'Pennsylvania Is
no 'more lusty in calls for protection
than are some of the southern states.
Georgia, South Carolina, North Caro
lina and Florida have joined in send
ing delegations to Washington to pro
test against reduction of the Dlngley
duties on cotton fabrics. Mississippi
and Louisiana are clamoring for re
tention ot the duty on sugar and rice.
Texas wants the duty on wool and
hides kept and Alabama and Tennes
see want the iron ore Industries pro
tected. Praetlcally every southern
state has broken away from the free
trade theories of the Bryanitea and Is
working for the measure of protection
deemed necessary to encourage and
develop its special industries. The
Charlestowa News and Courier, while
opposed to Bryan, is still true to the
old traditions ot the party on the
tariff and offers this word of warn
ing: The dansar la that tha vociferation of
tha groupa of aoutharn man representing
induatrlaa Important In thamaalvea. but
daaarvlng amall conaideration In relation
to tha great body of aoutharn men and
woman who muat be fad and rlothad.
will drive or frighten democratic rnn
rceamen from their ftra,t duty to their
conatttuenta. Vnleaa tha eouthern demo
crat. In rongreaa aland to their guna In
apita of the clamor of aoma of thalr con
stituent, tha democratic party In tha
south will break up In dleorder long be
fore Prealdent Taft'a benign southern
policy of common sense and conciliation
shall aeriously threaten to effect that ra
sult. Industrialism is getting to be as
widely diffused below the old slavery
demarcation line, as on that line's
northern side and the south is accord
ingly viewing the tariff from a new
angle. The conflicting viewpoints
have started a democratic war In con
gress and Its certain spread promisee
either reorganisation or dissolution of
the party before lilt.
Former Chancellor Canleld.
Dr. James H. Can field, who has Just
passed away In New York, guided the
destiny of the University of Nebraska
as Its chancellor at one of Its most
critical periods, and guided It success
fully, measured by results. Chancel
lor CanOeld'i Incumbency lifted our
State university from, the rsnk of a
secondary school to thst of a college
of higher education. His work raised
the Institution up to the point where
it no longer needed the props of pre
paratory departments and laid out the
field into which It has since been ex
panded. While in scholarship Dr. Canfteld
may not have ranked with some of our
other chancellors, for energy, persist
ence and practical management he
stood unequaled. His contribution to
the University of Nebraska could best
be characterized as that of an educa
tional organizer and popularlzer, and
it came In just at the time it was ab
solutely needed for the future of the
Institution. Not only those who
studied at the university during his
chancellorship, but also those who
shall study there ever after, will be
the beneficiaries of what be did and
should pay tribute to his memory.
Improving Railroad Earnings.
Detailed reports of the earnings of
the railroads for January and for the
fiscal year to date show a marked In
crease over the business tor the cor
responding period of last year, and
later estimates, covering February
and March, Indicate a degree of im
provement that is admittedly satisfac
tory. The compilations have been
made by the New York Financial Re
ylew from the reports of railroads to
the Interstate Commerce commission.
The figures have the advantage ot
uniformity of method and classifica
tion as the companies are required by
law to make their returns on the same
business and in the same way. As a re
sult, the figures are clearly compar
able and the totals have a significance
impossible to obtain under the old sys
tem of reports. ,
Reports covering about 230,000
miles of railroads, practically all the
big systems being Included, show
gross earnings for January of the
present year to have been $146,197,
828, compared with $188,276,186 for
January, 1908. The earnings were dis
tributed as follows: Freight, $101,
430,863, as against $94,462,128, in
January, 1908: passenger, $32,717,
481, as against $31,945,992; other
transportation revenue, $10,585,728,
against $10,332,130; nontransporta
tlon revenue, $1,463,756, against $1,
555,935. This represents a gross reve
nue of $872.86 per mile of line as
compared with $841.40 for January
of last year.
While the gross earnings for Janu
ary, 1909 were about $8,000,000 bet
ter than a year ago, there was but
slight change In the operating expen
ses of the roads, these amounting to
$105,705,697 for January last, as
against $105,288,919 for January, a
year ago. The Increase was almost
entirely In the Items of maintenance
of way and maintenance of equipment.
The total net earnings for January,
1909, were $40,382 232, compared
with $33,141,601 for January, 1908.
The figures furnish convincing
proof of the steady return to normal
business conditions. While the rail
roads suffered hesvlly in the early
months of the psnlo, which began in
the fall of 1907, they are now sharing
fully In the' general improvement.
Municipal Consolidation.
The movement for the 'merger of St.
Paul and Minneapolis under one mu
nicipal government has reached the
stage In which a commission has been
created by leglslstlve enactment to
draw up a plan of consolidation of the
Twin cities. If St. Paul and Minne
apolis should be made one the com
bined city will immediately take rank
among the top-notchers with a popula
tion of approximately 600,000, and
with corresponding business and social
prestige. While It may take some
time yet before this municipal merger
Is perfected, it is certain to eventuate
in the comparatively near future.
The progress rusde toward the union
of St. Paul and Minneapolis holds up
another object lesson for Omaha and
South Omaha. Omaha and South
Omaha are closer together geograph
ically and have more Interests in com
mon then St. Paul and Minneapolis.
They are, and for some time have-been
in fart, one community, although with
two separate city governments. The
inevitable merger of Omaha and South
Omaha is likewise-merely a matter of
time, the only question being whether
It shall be pushed to completion soon
or let drag along Indefinitely while
the benefits thst would accrue to both
are In the Interval wasted.
Three years ago, although the pri
mary law was tne same, the official
ballot In the municipal primaries was
not rotated, whereas this year we have
a rotated ballot. The lawyers can
read the same statute differently ss
often as the needs of the case require.
Lieutenant 8hackieford- failed to
reach the South pole because he ran
out of food. It Is refreshing to know
that there is one place in the world
that is not supplied with a quick lunch
An alderman at Atlantic Ctty haa
Introduced an ordinance prohibiting
photographers from snap-shotting the
bathing girls. That alderman must
be in the pay of some rival summer
Mr. Bryan's request for a srhool of
politics at the State University hss by
his order been endorsed by the demo
crstic legislature. Wonder If that
makes the request any stronger?
"Hetty Green has left Hoboken,"
says a New York dispatch. Naturally,
aa even so grssplng a person as Mrs.
Green would hardly care to take Ho
boken with her.
The Whitlss are showing that they
are good citizens in refusing to be sat
isfied with the return of their eon and
Insisting upon the punishment of his
Governor Deneen has refused the
senstorsblp from Illinois. It is ru
mored that Albert J. Hopkins of Au
rora Is willing to consider an offer ot
the place.
Omaha club women are to listen to
a talk on theosophy by a lecturer car
rylng the name of Jlnarajahdasa
There can be no question of mlsbrsnd
Ing there.
Mr. Roosevelt Is to carry an artlfl
rial ice plant with him on his African
trip. ' Can Colonel Watterson tell us
whether mint grows In the African
.A dftmnrratln nannr tn thai amith ra
ters to the minority In congress as
.k.tHl. . A .. 1 .... . . tl
Otherwise It Is said to be all right.
Worklaft fop A aotncr Fall f
Baltimore American.
The octopua la again In danger of vigor
ous ass.tult. It seems tha more oil Is
poured up them "-the mora trouble the
waters become.
Hope Gate a. Knock.
Washington Herald.
Tough luck for Wall atreet. Just at
Rooeevelt aalla for the Jungle, It la an
nounced that the administration Is prepar
ing to do a few stunta in up-to-date trust
busting. t sclesa Delay.
Philadelphia Preas.
The country will be pardoned If It In
dulgcs the hope that tariff revision isn't
going to be held up until tha democrats
in congresa settle their differences. Few
people now on earth will live long enough
to see democratic differences aettled.
Dee Molnea lad.r Commission Rale.
Boaton Herald.
One year of nonpartisan business ad
ministration of municipal affairs in Des
Motnea created a surplus of 120.000. whereas
a deficit or 110,000 had accumulated under
the old political regime. It .la a aim pie
matter for any tity to discover tha tribute
which it is paying to partlaan politics. Nor
la tha financial saving the full measure of
profit in nonpolltioal administration. When
responsibility Is solely to tha people, and
political liability. la eliminated, the public
service la Improved. The city of Haverhill,
nearer at hand, la furnishing an example
of Improvement' under bunlnesa administra
tion which quite' equals that of Des Molnea.
A Question -fi ambers of Democrata
Arc Aaklnaj Themaelrea.
Charleston News and Courier idem.).
Tha somewhat ludlcroua spectacle of -disarray
presented by the democratic minority
(or minorities) In the house of representa
tives Is not likely to give place to an or
derly reorganisation. Tha aeat of tha
trouble la Lincoln. Neb. Mr. Bryan stands
In the way of democratic harmony now
aa he has stood for thirteen years.
'What Is the use?" is the question that
numbers of democrats ask themselves.
"Why should we endeavor to maintain
party discipline "while an Impossible but
perpetual candidate for president remalna.
and Js a party worth fighting for while
ita objects are subordinated to the per
sonal ambition of ona man and hla as
sociates? What would be the value of a
minor victory over Bpeaker Cannon If we
are doomed to defeat again In 1912, and
an long aa this man'a mastery Is acknowl
edged? Buch la the reaaonlng that brings
despair to tha democrats, that takea all
the hart out of their opposition to repub
lican policies and leaves to Mr. Clark the
vain privilege of amusing himself with the
conduct of a make-believe opposition.
Mr. Bryan ought to be the moat discred
ited politician that haa held the leadership
of any great party. No man has had ao
many chancea. No man haa made ao little
of them. No man has embodied so many
"paramount" laaues. No man haa ao failed
to make any Issue vltsl. In 1888 Mr. Cleve
land led his party to defeat aa a tariff re
former, but the Issue survived and victory
came with It four yeara later. Mr. Bryan
In 1896 made free Silver virtually the single
issue and was defeated. Four yeara later
and atill preaching silver he was worse de
feated. In 1908, representing no Idea or
Issue that one vividly reoaJls and project
ing chiefly hla own personality, he waa
again defeated, and after bringing thla del
uge of disasters to his party ha Insistently
lingers aa a receptive candidate for tha
nomination In 1912, and hla party In con
gress, partly In fear and partly In disgust
at the prospect, aaks. "What'a the uaeT"
Aa for Champ Clark, what ran, the poor
man do?
The decialon of Prealdent Taft haa been
told to the marines, and cheered them
Joeeph 1 Brlatow, the new aenator from
Kanaaa Is the ton of a circuit rider and
waa born In a log cabin In the mountains
of Kentucky.
Senator Shlviey of Indiana and hia col-,
league. Beveridge, are rivals for tha title
of tha handsomest man In the senate.
Tha chair In the White Houaa formerly
uaed by Prealdent Roosevelt haa broken
down under tha weight of Prealdent Taft,
proving tha Instability of "the aeat of the
It la claimed for George Fletcher Hawkes.
a manufacturer of gold pens, who died
Sunday at hia home in Elisabeth, K. J., at
tha ag of T7. that he waa the Inventor of
tha stylograph's fountain pen.
William P. Hetissey, for fifty yeara con
nected with tha Baldwin locomotive worka
In Philadelphia and active for many yeara
In tha conduct of Its affaire, haa Juat died
at tha aga of T7. Mr. Hensaey had charge
of tha designing, and mora than tl.ono loco
motives were built under hla direction.
Fruit growers throughout New Tork
atata mourn tha death of Prof. Mark D.
Bllngerland, entomologist of tha New York
State Collage of Agriculture, at Cornell
unlvaralty. To tha researches of Prof.
Bllngerland frutt grrowara owe much of tha
auccaaa which haa come to them la tha
eternal bailie against Insect peat.
Disrupted Party
Demoeretlo Bepraaentatlvea Heed
less and Vnabla to Take Advantage
of Opportunities.
Recent jjcvrlnpmrnta In congress serve to
emphasise the fact that the democratic
party is without a head. "It Is a fine thing
for the party In power that there la not
a harmonious, wisely led opposition partv
at this time," said a republican senator,
quoted by the Hoston Transcript corre.
spondent. "If there was an opposition
party that amounted to anything we re
publicans would be greatly concerned about
the slate and congressional elerllona thst
are to be held next year. As It Is we are
not alarmed. Disorganised and leaderless
aa it la the opposition party cannot hope
to lake advantage of the opportunity that
la before It."
Reviewing the political situation nut line 1
In the senator'a comment the rnrr.nn.i.n
"As a result of a lack Of national leader
ahtp the minority party has come face to
iac with a revision of the tariff Without
having a fixed policy to be followed In
dealing mlth the subject. Vnder wise lead
ership the party would have marked out
Ita path weeks In advance of the annesr-
ance of the bill prepared by the ways and
means committee. Tha cold fact la that
most of the democratic members of conse
quence have been sitting around for weeks
wondering what they would be able to
get out of the republican hill; nunv of
them are atill maneuvering with their
hands behind them. Vnder the circum
stances no one waa aurnrlaed when one
democratic member of the waya and means
committee voted to report the Payne bill
without a single change. Perhaps the dem
ocratic member waa Justified In casting hla
vote as he did. for hla party had nothing
to offer at that time. Displaying tha weak
ness it has so frequently displayed In
congress, the minority had waited until
it had learned what the party In power
ad to propose before giving anv thought to
what it ought to offer the country. In the
eatimation of observers the minority
haa before It an excellent opportunity to
gain favor with the country by opposing
with vigor the extravaaances of the federii
government. But, apparently, the party
unaer ita present leadership In congress
Is not planning to take advantage of the
lituatlon. The record of the recent hilllon
dollar session does not reveal that the
minority protested against the enormous
appropriations. Certainly it did not proteat
louaer man a whisper. Such criticism aa
here waa came from the republican sena
tors of the LaFollette-Cummlna type.
One explanation of the situation Is that
the democrats In public life, having de-
apaired of their own party ever Coming
back to power nationally, are disposed to
hold out their hands, for such "loaves and
fishes' aa the party In power may hand
out to them. Take, for example, the recent
fight over the rules of the house. While
tha minority made a great mistake In
fighting over technicalities when it might
have taken a stand for a prlnciDle. It entiM
have regained some prestige if It stood sol
idly together In the contest. What broke It
in two? The "loavee and flshea." While
the public probably never will be oermltted
to know the details of the deal by which
certain members of the minority stood by
tne republican organisation. evm-v nh.
server knows that there was a political
aeai, and that tha baals for It waa In part
the tariff bill. Under wise, aggressive lead
ership the minority would not have split.
Privately, democrata who refused to atand
by leader Clark say they chosa1 the course
mey louowea Because they had no conn.
dence In their own party leadership.
me White House "loaves and fishes" r.
already attracting the men who nn.. ..
leaders of the minority party In the leg
islative body. A few democratic senatora
and repreaentatlves refuse to be tempted
by the Intimation that perhaps "If th
are good" they will be permitted to control
a few rederal appointments: but the crush
of democratic senators and representa
tives at the executive officee these fine
mornings Indlcatea that the temptation la
too great vfor many of the men who call
themaelvea democrata.
The fact Is that the democrsiin r,
It Is represented in the
atandlng for anything today. In aome
quartera the hop la expressed that the
debate on the tariff bill may. develop a
.r.urr uui men who know the personnel
In senate and house nrettv wn .
optimistic on this point. Indeed, if some
man should display qualities of genuine
leaderahlp it la doubtful If he could gather
up a following of any consequence. Charles
A. Culberson, the minority leader in the
senate, haa from time to time displayed
aome fine qualities ss a leader, but he haa
never been able to hold the minority In that
body together on important nu.itinn. m.
democrata of the senate are almost as ln-
narmonious as those of the ho,i. .h
leaa all algns fall they will not aupport any
nxea policy when It cornea o dealing with
tha revision of the tariff.
i Unquestionably the situation in congress
Liiiiuiiiuii or tne minority party
throughout the country. Tammany Hall
haa Ita represent at I vea In the national
latlve body. They may be counted on to
look out for Tammany Hall. New Eng
land haa a few democratic members of the
nouse wno Know little about the demo
cratic party of the nation and care less
about It. They may alwaya be found
atandlng for what their constituent m.a
The democratic members from the great
west represent what may he called the
Bryan democracy. They stand together
pretty well, but without the co-operation of
other offshoots from the party rannot ac-
on.piisn a great deal. The southern
democrata dominate. Thev h.v. i
ceased to regard the national democratic
party aa of great consequence. Their first
allegiance is to the party organltatlon of
the particular district or state from which
they come Of recent yeara the southern
senatora and representatives have become
more and more diaposed to keep on good
terma with the represents!! ves of . the
party in power in the nation. Ona Insur
mountable obatarle to a united democratic
front on the tariff la the Increasing demand
for protection for southern industries.
Many careful observers of the trend of
events believe that If the democratic party
could "pull Itaelf together" and accept the
leadership of aome wlae statesmen or group
of stateamen at thla time It might formu
late a policy respecting federal expendi
tures and federal revenues that would re
vive the organization aa a real factor in
the solution of tha Important problems that
confront this country..
In this connection it may be said that
much intereat renters In the banquet of
the Democratic National club to be held
at tha Savoy hotel. New Tork, April 13.
The three democratic governors of tha
north, Thomaa R. Marshall of Indiana.
John A. Johnson of Minnesota and Judsonx
Harmon of Ohio, are to deliver addreaaes
on that occasion. Benjamin F. Shlvely.
tha new democratic aenator from Indiana,
la alao to apeak. Men at the eapltal
are expressing the hope that auargeatlona
may ba made at that fesat which will
"point the way" for the disorganized rep
resentatives of the minority party hare at
tha national capital.
Use U
to make Delicious Hot
Biscuit tempting, appe
tizing, light, wholesome.
Makes the best food to
work on the best food
to sleep after. No alum;
no fear of indigestion.
81. Paul , Republican: legislatures ate
like people. They have to be dead before
they are fully known.
Lyons 8un: President Taft'a cabinet
ddesn't suit our democratic country news
paper brethren. He couldn't have named
one that would, but Bryan could have
satisfied them with Flngy Connors. Roger
Sijlllvan, Governor Haskell and Jim Pahl
man. .
Blue bpilnga Sentinel: Bryan ?aya thla
haa been the best aesslon of the stale legis
lature tha Mate haa ever had. The editor
knows a lot of prominent democrats over
the state, however, who think otherwise;
In fact, one expressed himself to us the
other day that "it waa the durndest bunch
ever got together."
Crete Vldetle-Herald: Edgar Howard Is
never Idle. , He devotea much of his time
In elevating Into office men of the Ransom,
Howell. I.atta brand, and occupies the bal
ance of hia time In presenting arguments,
unrefutable, why these same men ahould
not have been aelected to misrepresent the
common people. Yea. he Is a busybody.
Beatrice 8un: We must admit, however
reluctantly, that the legislature Is spending
a considerable share of Ita time In Juggling
the laws so that the governor will have
power to appoint officera that have here
tofore been appointed by boards and com
missions made up of atata officera. The
coincident fact that the executive and the
legislature are of the same political faith
may have something to do with" the
changes that are being made.
Syracuee Journal: If there Is a demo
crat In this section who is not disgusted
with the present legislature he haa not
reported at thla office, but the wooda are
full of them who have ao expressed them
selves. And aome of the best men In the
party. In thla locality have stated that they
have .voted their last democratic ticket.
The state Is over 40 years old and I his is
the first democratic legislature. It ought
to be a thousand years before we have
another If thla Is the best they can do.
Slielton Clipper: As an Instance of
democratlo 'economy Is cited the action of
the legislature the other day In voting an
allowance of $1,200 to Chief Clerk Cone for
making up the Journal. Two years ago Mr.
Cone was a member of the house himself
snd when the republican legislature voted
the same amount for the purpose that has
now been voted him he protested against
It on the ground that It was extravagant
and excessive and that the work was not
worth near that much. In fact, he offered
to dp the work for $250 or'$300. But when
he got to be chief clerk of the legislature
himself he wanted all that, he could get
for the work, and he got Just as much as
the republican clerk got. The incident
Illustrates that when a democrat gets up
to tha pie counter he la Juat as greedy as
any republican ever dared to be and he
doesn't care any more for the interests of
the dear people than he rioea about a war
In Africa.
Illg Money for the Census.
Boston Transci ipt. ,
If the coming census cots the fourteen
million dollars for which Director X'liij
will ultimately ask. it will he not far from
18 centa per capita for the population of
the continental t'nlted Slates. As M,
North has himself before pointed out. the
history of census taking shows n slradl'y
riking per capita cost, largt-lv hecnuss
there are so many more things that thi
modern world wants to know.
Don't suffer another moment with a
weak Stomach at relief is waiting.
If what you Just at Is souring on your
stomach or Ilea like a lump of le ui. re-.
fusing to digest, or you belch Gas anil
Eructate Sour, undigested food or havi!
a feeling of Dlixlness. Heartburn, hull-!
nesa, Nausea. Bad laste in mouth and j
Stomach headache this is .Indigestion.
A full case of Pape'a Dlapepaln costs (
only 60 cents and will thoroughly cure
the worst case of Dyspepsls, and have
sufficient about the house In csi-e some
one else In the family may suffer from
Stomach trouble or Indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show you the '
formula plainly printed on these & cent j
cases, then you will understand why Dya-I
pepaU trouble of all kinds must go, and
why they usually relieve a sojr stomach '
Spring Announcement
We are now d'spUylng a most nom
plete line of foreign novelties for
spring and summfcr aear.
Your early inspection Is Invited, aa
tt will afford an opportunity of ci ooa
Insr from a large number of exclua va
W. import In "Single suit' lengths."
and a ault cannot b. duplicated.
Aa ordar placed now may b. deliv
ered at your convenience.
"Say, mamma." pouted Freddy, "you
don't take me to half aa many placea aa
you used to."
"You've become such a big boy, my
dear," explained his mother, "you see they
make me pay for you now." Judge.
"I wonder. Jim. why they call the fellers
who run the 1' wagons 'shovel's'?"
"I guess It's because only the folks can
hire em what are In the push." Baltimore
"Don't latiRh, Mr. Brown., You never
reein to take me seriously."
"Oh, I assure you 1 do. Miss Jane.
"Do von, Henry? Then you'd better
spi.ik to papa at once." Cleveland Plain
D.FIatt Is It true that you once bribed
an officer of the law?
Suburb You tan call it a bribe If you
want to. I gave a policeman $2 to Induce
our cook to stay. Chicago News.
"Your wife listens to anything you ifbave
to suggest about running the house?"
"Yes," answered Mr. Meekton. 'Hen
rietta lets me make all the auggestlons.
but she Insists on supplying the amend
ments." Washington Star.
"Mildred." murmured a fashionable young
man. sinking on one knee, "for your birth
day gift I offer-myself." .....
"Thank vou," was the cold reply, but I
onlv accept uxeful presents:" Philadelphia
Inquirer. ' '
"Society Is so snallow," remarked the
blrse young woman. ......
"It's a good thing It Is," Yet.lled the cynic,
"or half tl0 penl" "Vhoare wading around
V.i it would be drowned." Ph"ladlclphia
The ' Mistress-Whs t th matter, Hot
The New Maid I dunlin, ma am. Some
Ihlna seems wrong with your hair,
ma'am, I done It tip .iust as It waa before
ma'am, an' It looka all right, ma am, an
It feels all right, hut there's two rats an a,
puff left over. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
'He had to work himself up to the
point of proposing."
"And he had to work to get him to
that point." ,
"Then I suppose their marriage la what
might he called literally a labor union."
Baltimore American.
Teacher-In this free rountry of ours,
children, any hoy may hope to be president
some day.
'urly-l laired I'rrhln (raising his handl
Not me. ma'am. Mv name's William Jen
nings Hryan Simpson. Chicago Tribune.
Dick Do you think some men make a
mistake In adopting politics as s career?
Tom No; the mistake Is made hy the
fools that elect them. New York Sun.
Von Slam 1 see that the Nebraska legis
lature has made It a crime to play bridge
Chicane dee! That'a an outrage!
Von Slam-Fh? I donf see how It af
fects you.
t'lilcenp Because I am not a Nebraskan?
Von ftiatii No. because there Is nothing
In the law to har persons who only think
hey play the game. Cleveland Plain
Clinton Scollard In Alnslee a.
Across the lonely Icngtha of land,
Still on and on I fare.
Ami though, rlear heart, we're far apart,
I feel that you are thre!
The fleeting loveliness of eatth,
The hcauty uf the skies.
Appeal to me because I see
Their wonders through your eyea.
tiarh swaying rcrd. each bending flower.
Reveals some comrade clue;
I'm kin to them root, leaf and stem
And.Mll. my seel, through you'.
There's naught wlililn Ood's universe,
Beneath His wheeling mm, .
Where'er I range, dear heart, seems
st i jnge.
Since love hss. made us ope!
or Indigestion In five minutes. Gut a case
now and eat one Triangula after your
next meal. They are harmless and tasln
like candy, though each runt tins powder
sufficient to digest and prepare for assim
ilation into the Mood nil the food you
eat; liesld.-s, It makes jou go to the table
with a heariy. healthy apixtite, but. what
will please you most Is that you will feel
that your Stomach and Intestine; are clean
and fresh, and you will not need to resort
to laxallves or liver pills for Billouar.ess
or Constipation. , , ,
Tliis city will - have many ; IHapepein
Clanks, aa aome people will "call them,
hutyou will he cranky , about tWs splendid
stomach prescription, too. If you ever lm e
Indigestion or Oaatrltls or any other
Stomach misery, and eat Just one Trlan
gule of Dlapcpain.
317 Sonth Fifteenth Street