THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31. 1909. Nebraska LEGISLATORS Vf UNERAL Both Houses Take a Recett Out of Helped t LaUl Warden Beemer. SENATE ADOFTS RESOLUTIONS Ink Masey, for Fifteen Ynn fieera t tfce Peel teatlary, la Fomn Dra la His Bed C ornea frwaa Beatrice. (From a Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 30. (Special.) The ante aenate adjourned at noon Tueedsy to ailernl the funeral of Warden A. D. Beemer. The upper house suspended all legislative work from noon until t:30 o'clock tn pay homage to the man who waa for eight year warden of the Nebraska state penitentiary. The aenate committee offered the follow ing resolutions on the death of Mr. Beemer and they were accepted unanimously by tlie upper houae: Whereas, The state senate has received the news of the death of Allen I). Beemer, warden of the state penitentiary; and, Whereas, 'A. D. Beemer waa one of.Ne braska's moat distinguished cltisena and ploneera, and senred the atate aa loyal official for several yeare, and had endeared Mmsalf tn those who knew him by his kind-heartednens and good business judg ment; therefore, be It Resolved, That the senate extend to the Deleaved family their heartfelt aympathy In thla. their hour of bereavement, and our appreciation for he service that have rendered the atate by Allen W. Beemer. The house also look a recess and the members attended the funeral. Osard Fo.ia Dead la Bed. John Rusey, 68 years old, and who has been a guard at the state penitentiary the last fifteen years, was found dead on the floor of his room at the penitentiary thla morning. The cause of the demise la un known. Coroner Matthews waa called to the instl- lutlon this morning and it is thought he will hold an autopsy over the body. Mr. Busey's family resides at Beatrloe. He leaves a wife, twd sons and three daughters. A daughter. Mrs. Moore, a son, John, and the mother of the deceased tame to Lincoln rrom Beatrice thla morn 'ng In response to a message sent ahortly after the discovery of the body. MKATHirrO MAN IP FOR ASSAULT Another Arrested oa Char ef Satlra Itlaa; Away a Witness. BKATR1CE, Neb., March . (8peolal Telegram.) At hla preliminary hearing to day Ira Rigsby was bound over to the dis trict court on the charge of criminally as saulting Mabel Myers, U years old. In de fault of I ft BOO ball ha waa remanded to the county jail. . When tha case waa called for trial It developed that Miss Myers was missing and Jesse Smylia waa arrested on the charge of spiriting her away. On the witness stand Bmylle teatifled that ahe aas taken away from ..home at the re juest of her parents, but Mr. Myers denied ;hla statement when he was called. A com. taint' will be filed against Smylle tomor row by County Attorney McOlrr. charging him with spiriting away one of the state'a witnesses. ' . Mystery la formal Fire. KEARNEY, Neb., March 30. Special. ) Mystery surrounds the origin of the flrr at the Normal J.nat . Saturday .mprnlng There; was no'lre Within alx hundred fee nf the building, the .heating plant beini. operated on an adjoining lot, and as tit wiring was all Intaot after the fire I could not have been a defeetive wlrt Nothing combustible wss around the rooi and It had just been thoroughly cleaned o waste paper. The clock had been stopp by tha heat at 11 p.. m., and when th firemen entered the building at 7 in th. morning the floor was in a charred con dition as it fell through. There la a gen eral belief that the fire was of an Incen diary origin. k.--i4l i A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched condition. There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read what these women say : Camden. V. J. it Is with pleasure that I send my testimo nl&l for Lydia JB. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, hoping- It may Induce) other suffering women to avail themselves of the benefit of this valuable remedy. "I suffered from pains in ray back and side, sick headaches, no appetite, was tired and nervous all the time, and so weak I could bardly stand. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mad me a well woman and this valuable medicine shall always have my praise." Mrs. W. P. Valentine, 902 Lincoln Ave Camden, N. J. Erie, Pa. M I suffered for five years from female troubles, and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no rood. My sister advised me to try Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora pound, and it has made me well and strong. 1 hop) all suffering women will Just gie Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, for it is worth Its weight In gold." Mrs. J. P. Kndlich, K. F. D. 7, Erie, Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer ing from the same trouble. For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does Justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and haa thousands of cures to Its credit. I If the slightest trouble appears which t-s you do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass fcr her advice ilia free and always helpful. Nebraska Kills Parents of Wife and Hacks Bodies to Pieces Brutal Crime Committed by Dick Bar ton at Proroit, S. D. Latter it Arretted at Edjemont. ALLIANCB. Neb.. March l.-(8peclal Telegram. )-Word waa received here thla morning from Provo., B. D., Juat over the Nebraska state line of the murder last night of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, ranchers near that place, by their son-in-law, Dick Barton. Barton, It is asaerted, killed the old couple with an axe, after which he cut up the bodies In a flendlah manner. Barton formerly ran out of here aa flag man on tha through passenger trains. After the murder Barton unmercifully beat his wife and exacted a promise that she would not report him until he had a chance to get away. Upon his departure, however, she notified a neighbor and pur suit was begun and he waa located in Bdgemont. where he endeavored to dle poae of his team and tried to get his bag gage checked to Crawford. Neb., where he probably intended to decamp for Wyoming. While there la no positively known reason for the ghastly deed, his domestic affairs have been such as to warrant those who are acquainted with the particulars to be lieve that these furnished the motive for his act. v Before his arrest at Bdgemont a neigh boring rancher met him in the cuatody of the sheriff and made every effort to mur der him on the snot, but. after being over powered, he desisted, and to avoid any fur ther outbreak he, too, was placed In Jail. The feeling in Bdgemont is rather high and It would not be surprising that sum mary Justice be dealt out to Barton by his enraged neighbors beore night. Mews from Para Ifaraaal. PERL'. Neb., March JO. Superintendent R. V. Clark of Harvard visited in Peru today. He delivered an address at con vocation thla morning on the subject. "Teaching ths Grandest Profession on Earth." During the course of his address he brought out with effective Illustrations the close relation of the Influence of the teacher upon the future of the child. The Ciceronian Debating club elected offi cers for the spring term, aa follows, at their meeting last Saturday evening: Edi son Fettlt, president; Oren. Lincoln, vine president; A. C. Kuennlng, secretary; W. E. Burrelle, treasurer; ,1. W. Klrach, ser-geant-at-arma. The society Is planning an open aeaelon program to be given in the near future. Nebraska, Mews Note. FALL! CITT A carload of egge waa fct Ipped to the eaat from here Saturday. YORK Automobile dealera of York re port a large number of sales of automobiles to York county farmers. BEATRICE The Burllnarton railroad will toon commence the construction of a 100,000 iHiMJn liner iuir i TTmort. MCOOK-John. P. Notley of this city and Mrs. Isabella C. Wlnoer of Omaha were united in marriage here March 27. YORK E. S. Clark has purchased the stock or lumber and coal or the Rogers i.umDer company ana nas tanenposseaaJon P LA TTBMOTTTH Right Rev. Arthur U Wllllama of Omaha confirmed a class of welve in St. Luke's Episcopal church In .nis city Hunaay evening. BBATRICB-Mre. A. H. Brink ley died esterday afternoon at. her home at Piek- 11. aged eft years. She Is survived by m nujnina ana one aaugnter. ORD While out huntlnar Bundav in n.,t Vlllllgan ahot off the great toe on his right oot. The weapon waa discharged acoi- leniauy wnne ne waa attempting to cock it. M UWK-Jolin N. Gaarde. lata f .'Mret National bank of thla -cit a Hnb. ;eeper, has been ohoaen deputy postmaster " ciiy oy me postmaster-to-be, Lon EDGAR Although the weather has been cool the past week, farmers have been him plowing and sowing oats, as well aa doing iwi m wurn. r nraf ana rrui Im I unusually promising this spring, and Nebraska farmers entertain strong hopes ef a big harvest. BRATJC1CID Mrs Mary Hackett. an old resident of the Pickrell neighborhood, died Sunday after a brief illness. Pie was 7 years of age and leaves no family except her husband. MOOOK Rev. William J. Kirwin, O. M I., of St. Patrick's Catho'tc church of thla city, la In Rome on business of the Oblate brothere of whom ha is chief In this sec tion of Nebraska. AN8I.ET It la stated that Frof. H. R. H Williams dors r.ot want the prtnclpalahlp of the biari sol. ool for another veer. On April 11 the school board will meet to elect a principal for the con tng year. Q EN EVA Geneva is to have a town clock, to be placed In trie court house tower. A fire alarm whistle Is also being placed at the water works office. The wster is now pumped by electricity. M'COOK St. John eommandery. No. IS. Knights Templsr, of this city, which em braces members from all over tms section of the state, will observe Buster Sunday In the Christian church of this clt. ORD J. W. Catkoaki naa bought the whole Interest in the burn which he for merly owned in pertnershlp with Dr. Clsson. The doctor will now give his en tire attention to his veterinary work. BEATRICE The Beatrloe Lawn Tennia club hell a meeting yesterday and elected these orriners: . B. Raynor. president; A. M. Strunk secretary treasurer. Arrange ments were made to hold a tournament here in August. STROM 8BI RQ The fsmllies of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Oust Erickson. who left Polk county about a year ago for Foreat Grove, Ore., have now returned and bought back the old nome m the eastern part of thia city. FALT.8 CITT Word haa been received here that Jule Bchoenhelt had died at a hospital in Kansas City Monday morning. He had suffered severely from rheumatism inct- early last October, me ooay wss br eight here Monday evening. BEATRJCB-Three Auburn merv-hants. Walter Qllmore. Arthur Allen and Charles Ruatla. were in the city yesterday In vestigating the oo-operatlve delivery sys tem among Beatrice merchants. Wymore merchants established the system several montha ago. FILJKY Fllley is to hsvs a base ball team the coming aeaaon. and has or ganised by electing the following officera: C. W. Hagerman, manager: G. M. Clark, captain: w. i. Feed, treaaurer: j. Martin, official umpire: Omer Philllpa. of ficial storekeeper. 8TROMSBURG Two caaea of smallpox are reported in this county, one of the victims being Mrs. W. T. Seymour, living about six miles southwest nf this city, and the other the oldest daughter of A. W. Runqulst living nine miles west. Both fam ilies are quarantined. PLATT8MOUTH Miss Mary E. Foster, oounty superintendent; Superintendent J. W. Gamble and a large number of teachers and pupils In the schools here will attend the East Central Nebraska Declamatory contest in the high school building in South Omaha Wednesday evening. BEATRICE The ministers of the city delivered addresses on the temperance question at their churches last Sunday. A mass meeting of men wss held at the Congregational church on Sunday after noon. Every effort possible Is being made by the prohibitionists to keep Beatrice "dry" this spring., BEATRICE-Mre. Marie von Riessen died yeaterday morning at her home in thla city. She was born at Marienberg. Weat Prussia, December 26. 1831, and had been a resident of this oity and oounty since UTTs. She la survived by a son and three daughters, her husband having riassed away a few years ago. YORK The Cdd Fellows ef Nebraska will employ a civil engineer and survey and plat grounds here for laying out of walks, drives, orchards, location of the new mod en buildings and make arrangements for making the Odd Fellows' Home at York one of the best, most modern, complete and beautiful homes in the United States. ORD A big meeting Is planned for next Sunday at the Toung Men Christian aaao datlon rooms, when Mr. Simons, state sec retary of the Toung Men's Christian associ ation college work, will be here. The ob ject of the meeting will be to get our busi ness men interested In securing a new building for the organization in thla city. FALLS CITY A 14-year-old runaway was found with a crowd of bum at the Bur lington yards Friday. After close ques tioning he stated thst he ran awry from a good home In Chicago, where he had everything he wlahed, as he was an only child. The chief of police telephoned to his father in Chicago, who immediately sent a ticket for him to return home. EDGAR Edgar has two tickets in the field for the spring elections. One is called the antl-llcenss ticket, the other the citi zens'. Both have good men for the vari ous offices and the candidates for mayor and councllmen have made a published statement, under oath, thst in case of their election they will not, under any circum stances, grsnt license for a saloon. The issue, therefore, is only of men. BHATBjTOTD Rlev. Charles Reign Sco vllla, the evangelist who haa been conduct ing meetlnga at Dee Moines, la., the last few weeka, addreaeed a large audience last evening in the Chrtatlan church on the subject of temperance. Preceding the meet ing Mr. Bcoville was given a reception by the men of the church. He left lest even ing in an automobile for Lincoln, where he Intended to take a train for Dts Moines. ST. PAUL During the paat week revival meetings have been in progress every day and evening at the Methodist church. The meetings are held under the joint auspices ef the P. sbyterlan and Methodist churches, the preaching being done by Mr. Hamil ton, a noted evangelist from Kanaaa, as sisted by Mr. Underwood, the gospel alnger from Mlnneaota. Intereat In theae meel lnga la steadily growing, and the audi ences are Increaaing in numbera. KEARNEY Jake Oomellua. a boarder at Intervals at the cltjr jail, was locked up Saturday night for drunkenness. Monday morning tha Jailer visited hla cell to find that he had to dig through a two-foot brick wall trying to make his escape. The sott brick wall of the city Jail gave way tu the crude tools the prisoner had, but when he struck the concrete wall or a butiamg that sets close to the jail his efforts were fruitless. Judge Rellly gsve him thirty days. PLATTSMOUTH-Mlss Mary E. Foster, county superintendent, prealded during the Case County Teachers' association meeting in the high school building In Louisville. About 300 teachers and a large number or the patrons of the Louisville schools were present during the interesting session Sat urday. A very intereatlng program was uoceaaruiiy earned out. Arter tne exer cises a reception waa given and a dainty luncheon served by the senior pupils of Louisville. BEATRICE The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pickrell Farmers State bank was held yesterday and a handsome dividend declared. J. D. White, who re moved to Ofelanoma some time ago has eold hla Interests In the bank to W. V. Lancaater and Z. C. Brlcker. The old directors were re-elected, and at a meeting held by them, theae officers were elected; Edward Bauman, president; Chria Suilker and J. H. Penner, vice presidents; F. I Pothaat. cashier. YORK Dr. O. M. Moore, at the reouest of the business men, invited a representa tive o the government to vcme here and meet wtlh the York Commercial clurb to d'.kiuaa the beat meana of scouring expert services to assist In building good rosds. The county commissioners voted to not Invite a government expert to come here nd assist In the building of a few miles of good roads to be built out of York, and also voted to distribute pro rata the fund of nearly 13.000 paid in by Inheritance lax over the entire county of York. It waa then the Commercial club got busy. PRISONER ItrrOCATEO IN JAIL Cemsaala la a Serloaa Ceadittoa Wkea Feaad. GENEVA. Neb.. March 0. Two prison ers, confined in the county jail here, atarted a fire sometime during last night, supposedly by accident, and one waa found dead today from suffocation and the other la a serious condition. The Identity of the men has not been teamed. They arrived yesterday and were arrested for drunken, neaa. Foley's Kidney Remc will ture aay rase of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cure backache and Irregularities that U neg. lected might result la Brlght's disease er diabetea. For ' " druggists. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that by uilcg The Bee advertising columns. Nebraska HUSBAND AND WIFE INSANE Peculiar and Sad Caie Developed in Pawnee County. WOMAN MORE VIOLENT OF TWO Reroute lanbaed vlth Idea Tkey Owaed Farns They Heated aad Give O S1eers Lively Ttsse Arrestlasj Them. PAWNEE CITY. Neb., March SO.-tSpe- cial Telegram.) William Havel and wife were both adjudged insane by the Insanity board of Pawner county today. These people have been tenants on a farm near Table Rock belonging te the eatate nf D. K. Miller, but claiming to be owners of the land a short time ago, forced Mrs. Miller and her son off the property, threatening to shoot them should they re turn. A writ of ejectment was procured in district court and Sheriff Fuller served the writ thla morning, accompanied by a posse. Mr. and Mrs. Havel showed fight, having two large butcher knives, a shot gun and a hammer ready on a table, but were overpowered before they could reach the weapons, but not until Charles Mc Courtney waa severely . bitten in the hand by the Infuriated woman and Abe Forney and others of the posse badly scratched about the hands and face. It was neces sary to handcuff ths woman and tie the man, they fought so desperately. They have been a menace to the community for some time and were feared by tha neigh bors. They have considerable personal property. This evening, while being guarded In the court house, becoming excited because her son was out of her sight, the woman dashed her manacled hands thorugh a win dow and cut herself about the wrists and arms badly. IlfTERVRBAN FOR VALENTIN B Proposal to t tills) Water Power for Ita Oaeratloa. VALENTINE, Neb., March S0.-(Speclal.) C. H. Cornell, who owns the franchise of a water power on the Niobrara river near here, returned from Chicago accompanied by Mr. Collins, an engineer, who on view ing the power site started across country with Mr. Cornell looking for a feasible route over paying territory for an Inter urban railroad, with Valentine as Initial point. They visited Sparks, Norden, Spring view, Burton, Mills, Jimmison, Naper and Butte, near which place It is proposed forming a Junction with the Northwestern railroad. Mr. Cornell returned home last night via Norfolk. Mr. Collins proceeded on to Chicago. They found a large and productive territory to draw from, the peo ple hungry for a road, and Mr. Collins feels sanguine a third rait lnterurban water power electric road can be made profitable. In all probaballty a company will be formed shortly for that purpose. Conference of Colleaje Y, M. C. A. CENTRAXi CITT. Neb.. March .-Ope-clal.) The fourth annual atate co-ference of presidents and committeemen of the colltge department of the Young Men'a Christian association was held In this city Friday, Saturday and Sunday and repre sentstlves were hare from nearly every college, academy and high school in the state. The sessions cf the convention were held at Nebraska Central college. The atate secretary of college work, Mr. Simons of University Place, was here and also many prominent association workers from all parts of the stste. Sunday was Young Men's Christian aaaociation day In the city, the pulpits of several of the churches being occupied by visiting association men. Sat urday evening President A. O. Thomas of the Kearney normal lectured at Friends church. TARIFF TALK WAXES WARM (Continued from First Page.) ' Sims of Tennessee and Clark of Missouri, Mr. Vreeland said the independent com panies for whom he was pleading Infin itely prsferred a straight ad valorem or specific duty to the countervailing duty, because then tne people would know ex actly where they stood. KHehln Opposes Bill. "Ths democratic platform was right in demanding free lumber," said Mr. Kitchln of North Carolina, "in opposing the bill." Mr. Kitchin's remarks led him into a spirited triangular discussion with Messrs. Dies, (Tx.), and Graham and Burke, (Pa.). The Texas member accused him of being a free trader, which brought the retort that thoae democrats who were asking pro tection for their sections on the plea, that it waa for revenue only, should coma for ward and admit that the republican party had been right and the democratic party wrong. Mr. Kitchin said that under Cleveland's free trade policy there were shipped to the United States but SO.000.OCO more fett of lumber than came In under the McKinley law. 'They did not have the money to buy it," Interjected Mr. Graham. Democratic met the reply of Mr. Kitchln that only a year ago even bankers and trust companies hsd no money. Miller tor Free La saber. Mr. Miller, (rip. Kan.), announced him self as intending to vote for free lumber. This led to a colloquy between the two during which Mr. Miller said he would not .vote for a rule shutting out amendments. Taking up the question of oriental labor employed in the lumber mills Mr. Kitchln insisted that despite the contentions to the contrary, of Mr. Humphrey of Washington, there were more orientals employed In the lumber irdustry in Washington state than in British Columbia and that the wages In the latter country were about aa high as In Washington. Mr. Kitchin spoke for thrte and one half hours. HERBERT L SWIFT IS INSANE Son of Fetaader of Bis Peebles; Firm la Seat to Private Saal- CHICAGO. March .-Herbert U Swift, 3S yeajs old, son of the Iste Gustavus F. Swift, founder of the packing firm of Swift and Company, has been adjudged insane by a commission of physicians and has been an inmate of the Kenllworth sanitar ium since March t. by order of the county court. This became public here today. The petition waa filed March I Louis F. Swift, a brother, testified that' Mr. Swift had threatened to kill himself and members of the family. Excessive use of alcohol was given as the cause. Mr. Swift is married, but has no children. He has an annuity of M.OX) from his father's estate. At the end of fourteen years will receive tl,. j 000,000. conservator will be appointed. It Years ld if s f Mm. Ablgal Morrill, Aged 100. Duffy's Pure I'JhlsEtoif If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy a Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It tones snd strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It Is a promoter of health and longevity; makes the old feel young and keeps the young strong. CAUTION Whon you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Daffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, be sure yoa get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pore medicinal malt whiskey and Is sold in sealed bottles only; never In balk. Price $ l.OO. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the aeal over the eork la unbroken. Write Consulting Physician, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co Rochester, N. V., for free Illustrated medical booklet and free advice. SEMINOLES TAKEWAlil'ATH (Continued from First Page.) gross, relapsed into brutish savagery since the civil war, living a nomadic life and of Intelligence scarcely above that of the cattle they steal. Even the Creeks look down upon them, although admitting them to live In camp and even Intermarrying with them. But the redmen have sacred dances and rites to which no negro Is admitted. Reinforcements Called In. When it was established definitely through the scouts that it really waa the Snake himself In the belesgured company, couriers were aent at breakneck speed to Camp Hickory with the news to the militia commander. From that moment the night became one of concentrated activity. Fighters, under both civilian and military rule, were rushed to the scene, mounted and afoot. . Ammunition and aupply wagons, already loaded for emergencies, soon were rumbling on their wsy to the front. Various posses out rounding up bad In dians were reached as far as possible and ordered to a position in the line around the chief and his aides. Qun fighters from the ranches took their places in the circle. Farmers, in order that the protection of their homes might be made doubly sure came armed with runs of various patterns and made the line stronger by their pres ence. It was an uprising of the whites against the reds and lawless blacks. This motley but grim and efficient body pre sented a determined front and insisted on having a finality of the thing then and there. Craiy Snake waa cornered at last. But while the moat difficult task waa an- compllahed, one fraught with infinitely more danger loomed up just ahead the fight which seemed imminent. Whites Flee from Homes. Whlls this was In progress scores of frightened white fsmllies had fled from their homes, fearing outrages by tha law HOTELS. 1 K JSi JL 1 Mi IrfETf k 1 irSSe- iBBt i"2"h ilk mmn.AB.i Ess. iB-rt: r Hotel St. Francis SAN FRANCISCO ThA C4fd4r tnUrtainment in th city that enltr tains LIB" RDS1T PflPTm I Francisco next October will center in Union Square, 1 . V, nlu tmi'mm thai Rt Francis in tha heart of the city, siiirounded by the fashionable clubs, shops and tbeators. Around this park tbe feast of flowers, ths processions of cavaliers and bull fighters, the crowds of girls with flowers in their hair and men with sombreros, the gorgeous Japanese and Chinese Illuminations st night, com bine with countless other features to create tbe most brillliant spectacle to be seen in the New World. The tbrte-wlnged Hotel St. Francis represents the largest hotel Investment in the West and ths farthest ad fence of science in hotel service. Upon completion of the Post Street snnex, it will become the largest hotel in the world. Under the Manafiement of James Wood less elements. Throughout the night they 1 went to Henryetta, Pierce, and some even to Checotah. Their apprehension was not without cause, for to the south and east of Pierce scattered 8nake bands were hid den tn the hills, while still others had gone to the northeast retreats, making Pierce the center of the district buffeted by the uprising. With these desperate ones near, and with the attention of the authorities very, naturally diverted for the moment to Crazy Snake and the chances for his cap ture, the farms would have been an easy prey for sliders. For hours many a farmer fearfully waited for the coming of redskins who might burn his buildings and perhaps kill him, but so far as the military could learn up ts 7 o'clock this morning no such outrages bad been committed, al though there were instances of people hav ing been frightened by the threats of rov ing war parties. Thrills were sdded to the situation shortly after midnight by the urgent call of Colonel Hoffman for reinforcements. Cap tain Frank King ef the engineering corps hurried with his men from Guthrie on orders from the adjutant general. He ex pected to reach Henryetta at T o'clock thla morning and meet a detachment of the sig nal corps from Blackwell. These he wss to lead to the Indians' wooded valley and to Join In the general forward march. The busy, bustling prcparatlona of the militia men left but little doubt that with the In dian leader bottled up in the faatness of the forest, today would bring forth some definite developments. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Fa any Sachs. Mra. Fsnny riachs, 69 years old and for twenty-seven years a resident of Omaha, died of liesrt trouble early Tuesdsy morn ing at her home, 1524 North Seventeenth street. Hor husband. Morlta Sachs, and four eons Theodore, Martin, Gabriel and Dr. Adolph Sacha survlvs her. She was a member of the Eastern Star and Ruth R bekah lodges and an active worker In the Ladles Aid society of Temple Israel. Born in Bohemia, ahe lived in Omaha at one I"1 n 1 FTF.Srra tn h h1t tn Ran Tdlay Mn, Abigail Morrill of New buryport, M&sb., who is on hundred yo&n old, tike Duffy's Pure Msit Whiskey regularly & a tonic. Mrs. Morrill says that her health and vigor is due to this, and is grateful that she can obtain such an excellent tonic stim ulant in her old age. In sn interview Mrs. Morrill says: "I have been using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for the last two years with good results, sod I am atlll ugiog It every day as a tonic. My health is an good aa can be expected at my advanc ed age. I am one hundred years old today, March Slat. I thank, you for preparing so good a medicine for the old." Every testimonial is guaranteed gen uine and is publiahed la good faith with full conaent. Mra. Morrill's experience is similar to that of thousands of other men sua women who have been kept strong and vigorous in their old age by ths use of Duffy's Pure Malt Wbiekey. time for seven years and twenty years ago returned after an absanea and has lived here ever since. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at t 'deck at the home. Burial Is to be in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mrs. James Sally. Mrs. James Sally, 71 years old. died Mon day night at her home, 1443 South Sixteenth street. She wss a widow and haa severai' grown children living In Omaha. The fu neral is to be held Wednesday morning at o'clock at St. Patrick's church. Interment being tn St. Mary s cemetery. South Omaha. Wa have the exclusive sste for the Hoosler lawn fence, ornamental and dur able. Price, 14c, llo and 10c a foot. P. C. DeVoI Hardware Co.. 'Phones 17. . N. T. Plumbing Co. Tot. S3. Sight, F-1WI. The world's famous black face comedy, singing and dancing. Harvey and Laval. Diamond theater, Sunday, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, The Weather FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL, BLUFFS AMD VICINITY Increasing cloudiness, with possible rsin or snow Wednesday; not much change in temperature. FOR NEBRASKA Wednesday rain or snow. FOR IOWA Partly cloudy In east por tion, possibly rain or snow In west portion Wednesday. Temperature at Omaha yeaterday: our. i . li K6 U 40 40 40 41 4.' 42 42 42 41 40 SI IS a. m id a. m U a. m li m p. m p. m p. m 4 p. m i p. m p. m T p. m , f P. m p. m.... r- HOTELS. Boston's New Hole! Bids yea sad yeur frieade s h tasty welcome. No paiai will be aparad to aaake your eat rust a bageraae. Excellent cbsbV-o with service the beat, ansid sarToundaai ftarsneusly appointed. Eesrythiaf aew, actraa. bra sad cosy, 'nh prices mesoaaUs The Brewster Cer. BoyUtea giuj Wsshiajlea Sts. ' TiV. 41440 OxrO0. ftj Diaaet parties befete sad altar Ate theatre will eaceiea eur special at-1 teatioa. Ladies wSea anipan will and it asoat caaveniaat Is kare luacheoa here with very kaswa comfort aad Araslie & Grabow Cempaxy, Hetols Lmm, TniUriM Eseafae. New Oeeaa Ham a, tWaasaweett Hassl TkckfUU, Jassalea, W. L -Milt a Block freaa Kerala t " HOTEL C0LLINGW00D it est lTi ST Oa the SiMk 5th Ave. &B 'way tw Offers select accommodations te dis criminating people. ABSOLUTELY lKXpROOF. aad afiorua every facility fer tne c art fort of guesia. Situated la th very heart of the city, lu a very aalet neighborhood, convenleat to all sur face. Subway and elevated railway lines, and In the midst the shea slog and theater district Rooms W ith BaU 2 aud tp. Speclai rates by the month or r mi. Rostauraot a la Carte. SBTaT x. MOttnWT, BS, Voranerly of New Havea House, hew Itaveav Ceeva.