Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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t Iveellaweous Com tlu ued .
WB HAVK . n hand number of 'nil
barruis which will Mil at 60o a
They ere fr rain water or ashes
Call a prose room, Be Publishing C.
tn n
in uuif i rvitci l incunnrore poi low
eeelal price, freight prepaid SO days
VlfrM trial. Write the Old Trust Ineu.
bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. 0
ONT1 Staver OitiTird Buggy, m axla, full
leather top,- side curtains, boot, storm
apron i used about three months; one Bin-.
f;i hsmews and fly net almost new; one
Ight aet of double Concord work harness;
rn aet of heavy single , wsgon harness;
nna bicycle suitable for boy under 9
year. Inquire at 1208 Jones St.
8JODA fountalna, new and aeeond-hand;
monthly payments. Derlgbt, 1811 Farnam.
ELECTRIC PIANOS. 15o. Baysdorfer,
J2 Capitol A"- . . ) M7 A20
JOHNSOW INS.. ll N. T. L. Tel. D.
. - lt
tr. Ketheryn Nlckolas, 60 N. T. L. Bldg.
. . ."! ... 4 E At I A
I tf. Bow?Vver 1W0 Fartimm. Don. 6370.
r. O. BARJIELI FJutton Bit Tat. Red VI 17.
' - (17)
for lnveora mailed on receipt of 4c post
R. g. and A. B. Lecey, ruoma 28-U
Aclflo Bids.., Washington, D. C. Eatab
llahed W. (17) 4
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramg Bldg.
(18) 044
91 ALL'S safes, new. ad-hand. 1818 Farnam.
- . ci8i en
THB SALVATION ARMT solicits caaloff
clothing; In 'aet. anything you do nut
need -we collect, repair and sell at 134
N 11th rU , for coat of collection to the
worthy poor. Call 'phona Douglas 4136
and wagonWUl call. 1W-7IB
tR8 EGGERS. privet confinement noma
Ui Martha. St, Tel.. Douglas 42.10.
,', ' ,Ut-M AlOx
. I)' ' "- '- .
PRIVATB bom during confinement;
bebsas aoopieo. iq unoa MDikniin oun
Itartum. 14 ' Flrat Ave. Council Bluffs,
ja, .' . U8) Ma
r a nVTTPTTP treatment and bath. Mm,
f MAUA illV Smith. 622 S. 16th. Id floor.
UNJ-KtVV niAn iur men unu . wmncii,
made of pure unadulleiate.d wool, - In
bright, airy rooms, .umtcr .the supervision
of Dr. Pratt, $2.50 per garment. Manu
factured by . Oeorgt Rock wood ft Co.,
Benntogtoi. Vt--.v, ' ; US) M7& Six
-a- AKdAfirT : Plactrie vibratory. is a
MiVRCtAU U 16tn Room sua. Fourtli
Floor, Old Boston Store. (U0-MW0 All
vapor baths randd,..M:rd".-.n
men. If you want to get rid of your
rneomattsm. lumbago, aciaUca and other
chronic aUmenls, take the vapor baths and
massage treatmenta of Dr. and Mrs. R. B,
Benda. W also give face and scalp treat
menta.. We-get reaulta. W-U Paxton Bik.
Tat Dougla 1M. .... (18-3 AS
TOUNG. WOMEN, coming.. to Omaha aa
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association rooms, 1618
Farnam St., wrier they win be directed
to suitable boarding places or otherwise
asaiated, . A, deaconeaa representing . the
association meets trains at tha Union sta
tion as travelers', aid. . 118) 268
TRINQER. rubber goods, by mall; cut
prices. . Bend Tor Ire catalogue. Myers
Dtfton Drug Co.. Omaha. CIS) i!7
DTTUMWA Poultry "Tards-Llght Brahmaa
i i nremluma at the state fair. Hi,,, k
if Vor alk old. and young. K. T. Cameron,
Ultumwa, ta,. , uu-U1M x
VH1TB ROCKS Kggs from pen scoring
m lo MH 61. W tut fifteen eggs. C. W.
llowell, Altoontt.. la.- . (U M287 x
ORPINQTONU. all varieties, blue ribbon
winners: -mating list free Boomgarn's
Orpington Yarda, Humboldt, Neb.
(UJ-M1S1 8x
KCGS Vtom two fine pens . of Barred
Rocks of cockerel mating; cockerels scor
ing 1 and 91 W. $2 per 16. Eggs from out
aide pens, li per 1U0, Mrs. J. M. Stewart,
Alnswortli, la. s (U) M236 Irx
FOR SALE Rosa Comb Brown Leghorn
cockerels. Write for prices. F. Bowman,
Route 6. Eldora, la. (11) M&80 A4x
Whit IiSghOrn" -eggs $6 per 100, at Mandy
,Lee trarnk- lei. F lorence ira.
, . . (11) M766A20
It. C. tL I. RED EOOB for sale. Pen ggs,
$1.80 per 15, $8 per 100; from pens scoring
M to M rang $1 per 16, $6 per MX J. W.
Abraham, Valley, Nh. . . (1D-M143
SILVER IACED Wyandotte . cockerels,
chotc stoc, -scored and unscored; Pskln
ducks. Mra F. R. McLaughlin. Manning,
la. ' ' (11 1 Mfs7 A4x
JARfB Pm XX). f Job printing and calen
dars, ltn & Cap. Ave. Phon Ind. A-'MM.
- (6) 4K'i"
HEED ABHTttACT CO. Est. 1856; prompt
vrvivs, gi our iiiiutb. niv r amain ni
. . . - - () 648
- - - (l)-ol
PAYNE INV, CO.. (iret floor. N. Y. L.
(1 64
CRNJAMTM H. . K rT. 477 Rnnit.U RM
" (19 600
41 Branuela. Bidf . ... Phona Doug. 6034
Bight rooms, modern.eak finish, full two
eturlnM l.r Mimmititinn. r in.r m .1.-.-,
rangement and finUh; built for a home two
years ago; -east fiont In Hanscora park
Park Avs. 'Tbts property munt be sold by
the Sth nt.; and the n.-tce will sell it. as
it Is offered for $1,6H0 less than Its actual
vajuv; pan caso.,wm oauaie 1U
XT A tPTriXT K T iXTtrrcirrtriiim
r 11U-1-1U 11M V TjOI. -iltjl l
681 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. ' Neb.
-' " (13)-1
- " $1,400
At Slat and Underwood, on car line and
two blocka from school and Hppy Hollow
ruo. iwu aotiui front lota. xUi6 feet each.
.-nrMv' waina; surrounuea ny n'W
nunies; !. la JI0 les than their value.
fu-.icr noy inn aeautirui home site.
Payne Invebtmont Co., .
Flrat Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.,
Tels.: IVtug. ITSi, A llf.
' . tlH M740 1
Four rood lota, boxiau. right on Military
Avj. car line, for aale cheap If taken at
one. An Ideal building sit, wtlh plentv
of room for fruit and garden, fill at 616
Branded Bldg., or 'phone Red 6Si(i.
IIUI LI -Ort 1 -
lR RALK Hanilsome, siaclous residence.
ia cjiiu- lorntinn possible, modern, fine
condign; Inumre if owner. Address
Pi t. ffK. Box 1,1. r? atioi D. TeL Harney
I4C4. ... !: M7-J0 i
BOULEVARD HOl'PE. 2248 North ttth St..
rooms, .modern, only . U&om 1 soma
imiiu, rovm 1 issw xork Llf Bld.
New West Farnam
Only $7,250
Tbla la a low priced home In heart ot
Went Farnam district. ALMOST NEW and
atrlctlv modern In every detail; cemented
haaernfnt with laundry, cold etorage, fur
nace room, etc., beautifully decoraled lin
ing room with mantel and aTate and fine
electric chandeliers; Haht, airy a!eeplnt
ronmi with ample clonets and fine bath
room, maids' room and plenty of garret
storajre room. Actual coat more than above
price. Thle ourbt to aril very quickly. Bee
us for full patrlculara.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg.
(1)-701 30 .
Eight-room modern dwelling, It.OrtO; nearly
new; paved street; desirable location, ad
joining the West Farnam district; one
block from car; east front lot; aubject to
8 Installments of paving; very attractive,
neat, small home In n. desirable neighbor
hood. D. V. Sholes Co.,
Ill Bd. of Trade Bldg. 1th and Farnam.
Tela.: Iug. 49. Ind., A M.
(19)-71 t
Southwest corner Qeorgla Ave. and Pa
cific, 64x143 feet; all specials paid $3,150.
16th and Farnam. 4.16 Bd. of Trade Bldg.
(1 711 31
Nearly new 7-room house, modern except
heat, near 28th and Cuming, $600 cash, bal
ance same as rent.
HARNEY $783,
. (l)-62 1
In the West Farnam district.
Fine lot 46 feet frontage, for $1,7R0. Just
the plaoe for a nice horns; choice location
to build, to sell or rent. ' '
119 Bd. of Trade. Tel. Dona-. 111.
- . , . !) M742 21x :
Dundee & Fairacres
Both In the right direction.'
No better place about Omaha In
which to live. No safer place to
make an investment In residence prop
erty. Maps, prices and .full informa
tion can be secured from ' - - -
GEORGE & C.O., ,
1 601 Farnam Street.
0r- M784 31 '
8 ROOMS, modern, near 40th and Seward,
lot 60x160, cement aidewalk, paved street,
l'rlca $3,500; terms.
703 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' Both P4ionee.
' (19) M738 1
ftaat front' handsome 9-room nearly new
. .... - : - i
residence, white oak quarter sawed down
stairs; second floor In cypress; only short
walk jo depots and in beat south .aide
residence district. Paving paid, $7,5tiO.'
0'K.eefe Real, Estate Co.,
1001 N. Y. Ufe.
Doug, or A S152.
(191-M741 81
City property, farma, ranch lands or mer
chandise to sell or trads. list them with
me. It costs you nethlng unless I street
a sal. W. W. Mitchell. 8X1 board of
Trad Bldg. d
House and lot located at 2919 30th and
Madison Sts., South Omaha. Inquire - ;
114 North Rodney St.,
. Helena, Mont. ...
(1D-M685 1
A NICE little home place, very complete
and desirable, . requiring about -$760 caah.
balance, H.ooO; building and loan; pay
ments; Clifton H1U, two blocks from car.
Addreas owner aoon. Full lot. barn,
shade, fruit treea; no commission In
volved; Immediate possesion, owner leav
ing the city; will give a bargain. Stoves,
range, heating and gaa stoves, also tdano
and aome furniture for aale. Addreas J-248,
Bee. (1 M46S 3
2101 N. 4Mh St., 4 room a. i lots, $1.5I0.
4813 Capitol Ave., 9 rooms modern except
furnace $2,760.
M03 Hoppleton Ave. 8 rooms all modern,
$6,600. -
The three biggest snap in town.
Payuo Investment Co.,
First Floor N. Y. Life Bld.
Tela.: Doug. 1781, A 11k. . -
(19 M7i91
Fine 8-room-corner Walnut Hill best
property in Omaha for 13.0X1.
Double house Wvst Farnam district W
ways occupied fine property rents for
$S40 per ear pays ( per cent net on $12.
OiiO. Want offer.
Good double .house Miami, near 14th al
ways In demand rents for $) per yesr
Eavs ( per cent net on $8.ftio. Went offer,
.e OWNER," 4106 Lafsyetie, .r csll
Harney ltJ (1)-M362 Six
$1,0006 rooms, lot 36x137. .fruit, one block
fiom car. Duuglas SM. U9 MtW 1
,- Corner lot. 80xlW. 26th and A Sts.,
South Omsha, most desirable.
$900 Lot 60x160, !tth and (Irovwr. .
490 Brandels Building, Omaha.
(1)-M6t!l 1
LIST your property with Chris Boyer. ltd Cuming Sts. 1 o
FOR SALE N'ebrsska s choicest corn and
alfalfa lands. Write for price list of bar
gair.. L. Nider, Fairbury, Neb.
(11) MJ86 9t
CIX)fiR IN flat location, south and east
front, full lot. only 12 blocks from ths
Ronton store, $2 000. I. CONNER, owner,
Ul board of Trads Bldg. (19 M409 I
FOR SALE Sub lot t of lot T. Capitol sdd.;
alxo 44 ft. lot 8. block 148. Make ma an
offer. Slrtll C. Jonea, 8u6 W. Prospect
Ave., Hollywood Sta... Los Angeles, CaL
Il)-Alti21 A4
REAL ESTATE. IiANS and Inaurance
your property with us for sale or
exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills
Realty (Yv. 4O10 Hamilton St. 'Phonee
Harney 37a5; Ind, U-1842. (19166
FOR SALE At Nor lk. Neb.j 10-room
hJiine. centrally located for boarding;
must be sold by April 19; will cottalih r
any reasonable offer. Addrsss Mrs. 11.
Murray, Grand Island, Neb. . (U) MW6 21
VTIEN you writ to advertisers, kindly
mention tha fact that you saw th .:
la Tie Boa
Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation;
augar beeta, alfalfa, aneral farming and
fruit relet eg; low price, eaay pa y men ts.
National lnveatment Col. In Hrandeia
Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Doug las MsL
(ID 67
NELflON B bargain llst-1480 acres 4 mllea
from Clyde; nice, level land, all fenced, at
1160. 1ft 1M) acres nesr Agenda, In Ger
man settlement; creek bottom and well
Improved. A bargain at P.wn, with good
terms. Also have several good farma that
1 can give good tradra on. Write for my
complete list, mentioning this paper.
Walter Nla n, Clye. Kan. (Jt MISS S
FOR "ALB A farm of 130 acr?s. two and
one-half mllea from Osceola, the county
peat of dark county, Iowa. 110 acres
In cultivation, balance In blue grana pas
ture. Small orchard, and a number c.f
shade trees around ther house. Oood house
and barn, and shedding for a hundred
head of cattle, and hogs, wood shed and
hen nnuee. Farm well watered with wells
and living etream. Prloe $70 per acre,
or $23,400, $6,400 cash down and balance
In four years. Interest payable annually;
t per rent on $12,000, and 6 per cent on
$2,200. with option to pay $600 or $1,000 at
any Interest date after one year.
Also hare other baraaina. "Send for Hat
28 P. P." Karr A Karr, Osceola. la.
(301 M38H A4
NORTH Plckrnson county land. lne homes,
good Inveatmenta, selling faat, advancing
rapidly; come soon, get good bargain.
Writ E. Fackler, Mancheatar, Kan.
00) M 81s
FOR flALE-468-acre ranch near Sidney, 130
acres or nay lana, in) acres tarm land,
, balance pasture, nearly all fenced; good
well, but no buildings. School house near;
sidetrack eloee. Price $16 per acr, part
on 'time. W have many other bara-aJna.
80-acre farm, well Improved, near Grand
, Island. $6,400. For particulars, write Dill
ft Huston, Grand Island, Neb.
()-M242 ix
640-Acre Homesteads
In western Nebraska; 160-acre homesteada
in South Dakota: large and small tracts
or good deeded lands cheap.
T . BA1RD.
937 New York Life, Omaha.
(30) M734 Six
North Dakota.'
HAVE a very attractive proposition for
men who can procure buyers for fsrm
irnds in th beat locality in the north
west. H. N. Tucker Co., Courtenav, N. D,
(20)-M108 31
FARMS $8 to $78 per acr. Writ for our
long list. Bemla. Brandels Rldg.
(20) 281 MchSL
We have ten acre In Nowata specially
adapted to truck gardening. $2ij0 per acre.
Terms to suit. 6.000 people. Growing fast.
Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Phone Red 1999. Omaha, Neb.
Open evenings. (20) M7S8 2
CHOICE Oklahoma farm for sale. 160 aerea.
-room house, barn, crib, granary ; 80 acres
In cultivation, 70 acres bottom, 10 acres
orcnara ; 7 miles from railroad town; price,
$36 per acre; one-half caah. time on bal
ance. Writ Swop ft Co., Stillwater, OkL
(20)-M7i Aix
Don't Forget
Npvvata.Co. Oklahoma
21x28 miles. 4.600 oil wells, natural gaa
per i,uw cuuic- teet. -
6 acres tip, $3.76 to $100 par acre. Believe
we are- doing; you a favor In keeping this
Deiore you. ask Mitwourl Pacltlc ticket
Ss-ent for low rate to Nowata,
' Suite 824 N. Y. Life Bldg.
'Phone Red 1999i Omaha, Neb.
Open evenings. (20) M736 2
oath Daikataw
Buy in the Kadoka vicinity. In Stanley
county, whera the rich soil grows gvod
urn, small grain, alfalfa aud timothy
and clover, plenty of water easily ob
tained, fre from rock. Com and buy
while It's wltnln reach, from $8 to $j6
per acre. We also hay. gilt edge first
farm mortgagee for sale, can net you
from par oent to 8 per cent intereet.
Agents wanted. For description writs to
F. B. Reldlnger I .and Agency,. Kadoka,
Stanley Co., South Dakota.
- :: (20)-MTi88 A4x
4,6(0 acres thi miles of railroad station.
Ijtrge part is finest valley land, best of
soil, lots of hay. well watered, lots of
, trees; land Is worth tSO.OO per acre; one
crop will pay for land. If you see this
land, you will never pass It up. Price
Hi. 60 per acre. Easy terms.
5.0T0 acrea well Improved. $20.00 per acre.
1,040 acrea, 1 Beta of Improvements, $36 per
acre. . .
1.601 acres, well Improved. $20.00 per sere.
We have many other bargains. Write or
see us.
(20) M49J i
FOR SALB-640 acre choice land, Penning
ton county, South Dakota; fine water,
springs well: could cultivate sno
ac.rtsi Improved sufficient for prewnt use;
$J0 per acre, terms to suit; direct from
owner; no better opportunity lor stock
and farm ranch or Investment. Address
E. J. Spencer, Lynch, Neb.
' ' ( M726 Vx
WHEN writing to advertiser kindly men
tlon Tha Bee.
Out they go to' the Great
Panhandle of Texaa, oq our
Every Day' Kxcursiona to ses
the famous Cold Water tract,
Sherman county, Texas.
Fin grain farms at low
prlcf s; good soil, best of wster,
fine climate, big crops.
v . Remember, w go any day.
The World Investment Co.
801.4 n. Y. Life Bldg..
Omaha, Neb.
Ind., A 43H8; Bell, iKiuglas 1U20.
C20)-MH9.1 :
Texas State Land
$1 to $4 Per Acre
Texas school landa In different counties
To be sold before June 30. Ona-fortleth
caah and balance In 40 years. You can buy
S3u acres of th best; pay $32 cash and no
more for forty yeara. but $ t cent Inter
eat on the balance. Aa good-tand aa Kan
sas. Missouri or Illinois, at $160 per acre,
and better climate. Writ ua for further
Information. Inclose 6c for reply.
Amarillo, Tex.
(20-M718 lx
2,200 acres; 160 irrigated, balance pasture;
all enclosed; good ll-rocm house, with hot
snd cold water, good horns and cattle
barns and other outbuildings, etc; con
tacted with telephone snd situated 26
mike south of Douglas. Wyo. Pries rea
aonable: part caah, balano on easy terms.
GEO. U rOXTON. Douglas. Wyo.
(J0)-M277 1
Farm and hamh i,m for lb
FOR SA LB 19 acres fruit and ves-etabl
Irrigated land near Spokan. Wash., at
sacrifice. Writ H. E. Smith. College.
Tabor. Ia i-M2 Alx
FOR RENT Several choice Imrtwed farma
In Atchlnson county. Missouri; Hsrrtson
and Clsy counties, Iowa, snd Chippewa
county. Minnesota, for one-third of crop,
or will furnish seed and take half 3.
Mulhall, Sioux City. la (2D-M147Jx
WANTED City loan and warrants. W,
Farnam Smith ft U Farnam St.
(82) i
WANTED City loan a. Peters Trust Co.
(22) 66
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg.
(Z3 64
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
Bell 'phon Douglas 2818. 22-64
$100 TO $16,0U mad promptly. T. D. Wead.
Waad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22 4b6
If you need a reasonsble loan on well Im
proved Omsha real estate, I can enter
tain your application, at 6 or 6V per cent
Interest, according to location or grade of
property; no delay, and privilege is given
for repayment before maturity.
I. Blbernsen. 208 Old Boston Store Bldg.
(22)-MI7A. All
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Life Bldg.
(2 66
PRIVATE- money to loan. J. H. Sherwood.
616 Brandels Bldg. (82-4W8
Private monsy ; $500 to 86.000; low rata
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop
arty. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge St.
IfflO TO $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Estata Co., 1001 N. Y. Ufa Doug,
or A-2162. - 22-601
MONET' TO LOAN-Pyne Investment Co.
(22) 678
8M0 to $200,000, lowest rates, no delay.
Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. (22) M486
8608 to $300,000 at current ratea
W. H. THOMAS. 60S First Nat l Bank Bldg.
(Si) 667
IF vou MUST sell, list with us. W cannot
sell anything unless at squeex prloca
Open evenings. --
Suit 624 N. Y. Llfa Bldg Omaha,' Neb.
'Phon Red. 1999.
FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs;
Thermostata and other heat regulators;
new furnaces and hot water combination
heating. Omaha 8tove Repair Works,
12O0-12H8 Douglas St. 'Phones: Ind. A-.KI21;
Bell. Douglas 9fi0. 74
HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture,
carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971.
BEST price paid for secondhand furniture,
carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug.
6401. -, (26) 673
AUCTIONEERING The noted auctioneer
of Iowa, Ills, and Neb., F. X. VanPelt. has
located In Omaha. Office 843 N. Y. Life
Bldg. 'Phone, Ind. A 3622t (26)-614 A17
WANTED To buy Union Pacific railroad
land contracts. P. O. Box, 44, Omaha.
'.26)-M128 Six
WILL par good price .ot"4)fctae to move.
J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade.
. - (2M-M4M 4
FlTRNISHED house, 5 or 6 rooms, by man
and wife for 6 to 12 months. Address
A 257, Bee. (26) MS71 lx
WANTED Some sort of seml-clerlcal
work, by one experienced as bookkeeper
and salesman. Address A 223. Bee.
(27)-M745 1x
Isabella E. Hughes and huaband to.
SamuH Olander. MZhi ft. of lot 8
and slOVs ft. of lot 9, block 8, E. V.
Smith's add
M. J. Salvits to Sylvia Klser. s50 ft.
of tax lot 29. ae'4 nw, 1-15-13
Edwin 8. Marston and wife to Llxzle
P. Evans, e22 ft. of lot 3, block 8,
West Omaha .
Andrew P. Borg to -August A. Ross
and wife. s40 ft. of el:!1 ft. of w161Vi
ft. of lot 41. Elllstone Park place
The Midway Investment Co. to Krnma
Fisher, lot 23. block 2, Persons ft
Berry's add
D. E. Jenkins and wife to Alice M.
Merton. part lot 62, Gise.'s add
Shimer ft Chase Co. to H. A. Scott,
w20 ft. of lot 3 and e20 ft. of lot 4,
block 11, Boulevard park
Boulevard Park Improvement Co. to
Shimer ft Chase OTt e20 ft. of lot
4. block 11. Boulevard park...:
John R. Webster Co.. truatee, to John
Rybln, lota 13 and 14, block 8. Potter
& Cobb's 2d add
Matilda Peters and husband, to Melno
denies and wife, lots 1, 2 and 3.
block 2. Cobb's add
Nehraska InveHtment and Improve
ment Co. to M. F. Funkhotiser. w Vi
et) lot 6 and e4 s1, lot 7, block 5,
Park place
Msrgrethe Pcterten and husband to
James A. Johnson and wife. se4
nw4. 27-16-12
William F. Btalnard ef al. to Dennis
J. Craven et al.. lots 8 and 9. block
8. 1x)we's tb . ..
Ava L. Wood to William F. French,
lot 3, block 4. Plain view
S I.. Utile to George R. Boyd, lot 19.
block 9. Clifton Hill
Anna Wtilff and husband to William
Baalfeld et al.. e30 ft. of W64 ft. of
lots 9 and 10. block 2, Haxel Terrace.
Frank Priborsky and wife to Anna
CharvaJ. nV, of lot 15, block 7.
Kountxe 4th supplementary.:
Emma K. Derr anil husband to Joseph
J. Kuclrek. lots 6 and 7. block 38,
Albright s Choice
Thomas Burnett Malone to M J. Sal
vito. s50 ft. of tax lot 29. si- RWI4.
classes of work to be done In the con
struction of a new college building for St.
Benedict's College. Atchison, Kansas, will
be received until noon of Friday. April 16.
l'.. The contemplated building is to con
sist of a central structure SfcxSO feet, flanked
on each end by wings 79x10 feet, and la to
be conntructed of brick and reinforced con
crete. Plans and specifications for above
work ar on exhibition at St. Peter's Church
Rectory, 1 Bluff street. Council Bluff.
Iowa. Sealed proposals should be ad
dressed to the President of HI. Benedict's
ColUge, Atchison, Kansas.
masier, Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, March
26, 1. Sealed proposals In triplicate will
b received here until 11 a. in.. Central
time, April 9. 19u9. and then 0ned. for the
construction of s band atan'd. Full In
formation and blank forms of proposals fur
nished on application to this office, plans
and specifications may be seen here, also
In office of chief quartermaster, Omaha,
and Master Builders' exchange, Kansas
City, Mo. United States reaervsa th right
to or reject any or all proposals or
any parts thereof. Envelopes to be marked
"Proposals for Band Stand." and ad
dressed to Capt. Win. D. Davis. Quarter-maatea-
master. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Match J. 1 Scaled rrcpoeala. In tripli
cate, wll! he received here until 11 a. m .
cenlral time, April 2. l!o. and then opened
for electric wiring, installing electric light
ing fixtures. furnishing snd Installing
transformer, wstt meter and making serv
ice connect lions to cavalry drill hall. Full
Information and blank forms of proposals
furrlshed on appllcstlon. Plans and srecl
flcttions may b nn here, also In offices
of chief nnartermsstera at Omaha snd
Ietiver, and Master Bulldrs' PX'-bsnge.
Kansas City, Mo. , United States reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all
prcpoeals. Envelopes to be marked "'Pro
posals for Electric Wiring. Etc.." and ad
dressed to CAPTAIN WM. P. DAVIS,
Quartermaster. Mch4-5-6-8-21-Apl
t alon Pacific
' Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8 55 am a 9:40 pm
Colorado F.xprens a 8:60 pm a 6 00 pm
Atlantic Express a 9 ?0 am
Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a S:00 pm
IxiS Angeles Limited.... a 12:65 pm a 8:60 pm
Fast Mall a 9:20 am a 6:45 pm
China and Japan Mail.. a 4:00 pm a 6:45 pm
North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4'4f pm
Colo. Chicago Special. . .al2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice fc Stromsburg
lyocal bl2:40 pm b 1:40 pm
local passengers not carried on trains
Ncs. 1 and 2. '
Effective April 5, 1909. the Union Pacific
RllrOHd company will Inaugurate an addi
tional round trip with motor cir between
Beatrice and Lincoln. Schedules between
tlu'Fe points will be as follows:
lxave. Arrive.
7:40 pm ll:i am Lincoln 10:15 am 3:00 pm
8:00 pm 11:26 am Jamaica 1it:16 am 2:36 pm
8:07 pm 11 :33 am Hanlon 10:10 am 2:23 pm
8:22 pm 11 :4N am Princeton 9:55 am 2:02 pm
8:.T6 pm 12:01 pm Cortland 9:42 am 1:66 pm
8:57 pm 12:22 pm Plckrell 9:20 am 1:35 inn
9:30 pm 12:45 pm Beatrice 9:00am 1:16 pm
Arrive. 1 - Leave.
Thla gives an excellent service between
Lincoln and Beatrice, and no doubt will
be highly appreciated bv the patrona of the
Union Pacific in that vicinity,
t'blraaro Great Western
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm 7:30 am
St. Paul-Minneapolis..., 7:30 am 11:35 pm
Chicago Limited 6:05 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Expreas 7:'30 am 11:36 pin
Chicago Exprees 3:30 pm 3:30 pm
Cblcaao, Rock Island ft Pacific -
Chlcsgo" Limited a 3:00 sm all :05 pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am s 4:3i pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 8:00 am all:06 pm
Des Moines ft Eastern. .a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:S0 pm
Iowa Local bll:00 am b 9:56 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:28 pm a 8:26 am
Rocky Mounlaln'.Ltd.,,.ali :16 pm a 10 pin
Colo. & Cal. Express.. ..a .1:20 pm a 4:30 pm
Okl. ft Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm. a 1:16 pm
W aba ah
St. Louis Express.. ..a 6:30 pm a 9:26 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs)... a 8;00'am all:16ptn
Stanherry Ixical (from
Council Bluffs) ' bl0:15 am
Illinois entral '
Chicago Express ...a 7:16 am a 8:46 pm
Chicago Limited t :0m pm a 8:30 am
Minn. -St. Paul Express. b 7:15 am
Minn. -St. Paul Limited. a 6:00 pm a 8:20 am
Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:15 pm all:80 am
Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. Pssl
Chicago ft Colo. Special. a 7:26 am all:50 pm
Cal. ft Oregon Express. a 6:00 pm a 8:26 pm
Overland Limited a 9:58 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:16 pm bll.26 am
Mlaaoarl Pacific
K. C. ft St. L. Expresa..a 9:00 am a 6:46 am
K. C. 4 St. L. Express.. all :H pm a 6:60 pm
Chicago ft .Northwestern
Chicago Daylight a 7:26 am all :48 pm
Twin City Express a 7:45 am al0:20 pm
Chicago Local all :30 am a 8:28 pm
Sioux City Local. ...... .a 3:45 pm all :30 am
Chicago Local ....a 4:30 pm a 8:35 pm
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am
Mlnneaot.t-Dakota Ex.. a 6:46 pm a 9:80 am
Fast Mall a 3:35 pm
Twin City Limited. ..... .a :00 pm 2:00 sm
Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:00 pm al2:36 pm
Overland Umtted al0:00 pm a 8:23 am
Nebraska and Wyoming Division
Norfolk-Boneateel . a 7:40 am 6:20 pm
Lincoln-Long -P1n....a 7:40 am al0:35 am
Dead wood-Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander s 3:00 pm a 5:20 pm
Fremont-Albion. b 6:20 pm b 1:56 pm
Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pro b 6:20 pm
. . Leave.
Denver ft California a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express a12:15 am
Nebraska pxnts a 8:46 am
Lincoln Fast Mall h 1:20 pm
Nebraska Express a 9:16 am
Lincoln laical
Lincoln !ocal
Schuyler-Plattsmouth ..b 2:06 pm
Plattsniouth-lowa b 9:18 am'
Bellevue-Piatt smouth ..cl2:36pm
Denver IJmited a 4:10 pm
Chicago Special :..a7:25am
Chicago Kitpress a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:30 pm
Iowa Local -...a 9:15 am
St. Louis Express a 4.40 pm
Kansas City St. Joe..sl0:46 pm
Kansaa City ft St. Joe. a 9:16 am
KanBaa City & Bt-Joe'..a 4:40 pm
a 8:46 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 9:08 am
a 6:10 pm
al2:ll pm
a 6:10 pm
b 9:08 am
a 7:60 pm
bl0:2O am
b 1:06 pm
e 2:40 pm
a 7:06 am
a11:46 pm
a 8:56 pm
a 8:80 am
all :30 am
all 'JO am
a 8:30 am
a :)0 pm
Chicago. St. Pan!, Miaaeapolls ft
- ,. ' Teav. ' Arrive.
Twin City Passenger... h 6:30 am b 9:30 pm
Sioux City Passenger. ..b 2:00 pm bU:65 am
Sioux City Local c 8:15 am c 6:20 pm
Emereon Local b 6:56 pm b 9:10 am
Missouri Pacific
Auburn Iocal '..b 2 60 pm btl:26am
a Daily, h Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Dally except Baturday.
Weekly Balling Between Montreal, Qnb
and UrpooL
Two days on ths beautiful St. Lawrane
river and Hie shortest pecan rout to Eu-
rNothlng better o'n th Atlantic than our
Empresses. Wireless on all steamara
First class, StO; saeona, S60 on class
cabin. (4S.
Ask your ticket agent, or writ for sail
ings, rales snd booklet.
O. 33. BBHJAsmlJr, O. A,
B33 So. Clark Chicago. ZU.
70 TOtntS, de Luxe and
Vacation, for 1909; Cover
All Europe.
$150 to 1195
All Traveling Expanse
O t liMtslu BV KdU VaswV 'il
4t MJ til vmi va ss
Cook's Travelers'- Checks
are Good Everywhere.
McCoy aud Nmlth Go to supreme
hurh and Tripp and MeNulty
succeed Then.
PIERRE, 8. D.. March 30.-(8peclal Tele
gram.! Governor Vessey today selected aa
the new supreme court Judges Judge J. H.
McCoy of the Fifth circuit and Judge E. O.
Smith of the First circuit. To fill the va
cancies cauaed by th appointments hs has
selected B. B. Tripp of Tankton for tk
First circuit and Frank MeNulty of Sisaa
ton for the Fifth circuit.
Simple 2fsar tnr L ttrtpoa.
La grlpp coughs srs dangerous ss thsy
frequently develop intq pneumonia Foley's
Hooey snd Tsr not only stops ths cough,
but hal and strengthens ths lungs so
that no serious results need b fsared. Th
genuine Foley's Honsy and Tar cootalas
no harmful drugs snd Is in a yellow pack
sgs. Re fuss subsUtuts. ru sal by
1 i
Work to Be Done by Captain Schulx
at Once.
War Department Waste to Knott
the Cbaat-es at Trarlle on the
Lower of This
Captain E H. Schula United States en
gineer In charge of the Missouri river, has
his marching orders to make a survey of
the lower Tellowsrnne snd report on con
ditions of that river looking toward the
opening of the stream to navigation. J
The mouth of the Yellowstone Is about
1.100 miles above Omaha, but the War de
partment desires the Information secured
this year, slso portions of the vi.oUrl
river survey revised looking toward the
same end the necessities of navigation on
the two rivers.
Th opening of the Yellowstone along
with the Missouri river would give the
lower river cities two navigable streams
which penetrate the heart of Montana and
the richest part of the state In agricul
tural products and wool.'
From the mouth of the Yellowstone to
Fort Benton the Missouri river flows for
524 miles through a country which la cap
able of producing as good or better grains
than any fields in .Nebraska and Iowa.
Experts who have examined the landa say
20,000,000 sre adapted to dry farming and
will produce a wheat and oat crop seldom
equalled In the rlcheat regions of the
United Statea.
The Yellowstone valley-from Its mouth
to Glendlve, where the Irrigation dams be
gin, is not only adapted to dry farming, but
thousands of acres are being put under the
Irrigation ditches. From the mouth of the.
Yellowstone It Is a question In the minds
of those who have investigated the Subject
which would be tha most valuable stream
to th trade centers on the lower river
the tipper Missouri or the lower Yellow
stone. ...
Many Reqaests for . Work.
Captain Schults la receiving many re
quests from up stream asking that work
be done as soon as possible to provide
docks for boats which are to run during
the coming sesson. The Benton Packet
company wllj run boats regularly bSTween
Bismarck, Waahburn and Wllllston. The
company ' has six' steamers and a large
number of barges, besides owning a num
ber of .levators and marine legs along the
stream. '
Another company is being organised In
Fort Benton to run S. packet line from
that point to Wllllston and even to Bis
marck. ... .
At Chamberlain', 8.' D., preparations are
being made by a big grain company to run
a line of boats to Sioux City. Already sev
eral cargoes of flax have been taken suc
cessfully down the stream to the big lin
seed fill mill at Sioux City.
Captain Schuls was In Omaha Monday
enroute to Sioux City, where he looked
over the boat yards and attended a ban
quet at which the river proposition ai
discussed. He went from Sioux City to
Running Water snd Niobrara.
Mrs. Ellison's Attorneys Draar the Ca
reer of the Captain" Into
v Coort. . .
Three contested,,, dlyorc suits occupied
tha three Judges on the equity side of the
district court Tuesday morning. The. Elli
son suit Is ttefor Judge Redlck. Past
against Past being heard by Judge Ewelle,
and Doll against Doll by Judge Troupi
. "Captain" F. J. Ellison waa the chief
wltneaa In the Ellison suit Tuesday morn
ing. -After he had denied on direct exami
nation most of the testimony of his wife
which was given Monday, Attorney Wood
land for Mrs. EHIlaon took him In hand
and led him back over his career, par
ticularly In ' Colorado. Mr. Woodland
pressed him close with regard to his being
arrested and charged with the theft of a
revolver. On redirect examination by At
torney Yeleer, Ellison stated that he had
been exculpated. Ills troubles with Sher
man Bell of Cripple Creek fame (then ad
jutant general) also came up. Woodland
wished to show that the rsptain had en
Joyed Tif hugely In various ways, but
objections .stopped him at several points..
Michael Doll,, bead brew-roaster for the
Krur Brewing company; took the' stand
before Judge Troup and defended himself
as a husband and provider. important
witnesses were heard In the Past case.
In a petition for divorce filed In -wlstrlct
court Mrs. Josephine Vanderwoort charges
Pe.rclval Vanderwoort with cruelty In
various forths. including the bandishing
of a knife before her eyes.
Dralnaae Ditch In North Part of City
Object of Much interest to
Boulevard Club.
Th Florence Boulevsrd Improvement
chjb met for the first time Monday night
at the resldenre of C. Gretten on the Flor
ence boulevard. The club haa In view sev
eral Improvements in the north part of the
city, and one of the first matters Is the
opening of a drainage system In the north
part of th city. The city of Omaha haa
bought a long strip of land on which it
expects to djg a ditch, and two weeks ago
City Engineer Roaewater appeared before
th county commissioners to atk that th
county pay on-b'f the expense. No ac
tion has been taken by them. The club
hopes to have1 the ditch dug before th
spring rains overflow, the bottom and do
damage which might be averted. Th next
meeting of the club will be held Friday
evening at the residence of Ous Bolton,
Florence boulevard.
and Lemons
For Htahk
California oranges were never so luscious as this season. In the seed
less Sunkist" brand you are offered the pick of the crop.
Let these fine, round, goldea, juicy oranges head your list of breakfast
foods. kep them on hand all the time -they are most healthful.
A delicate, succulent tonic, most tempting- to the eye-most tatUfvln
to the taste. ' .
children for healthranee TU Ca0'" y" th Pby8lc,an Give them to thft '
Remember the name of the best "5oiAisf."
An fjy pf 25.000 men is employed in the cultivation and harvesting of
the fftmout -SunkUf Oranges and Lemons. . rvesiing or
Your Dealer Has Them . , , ,
UJrJtXSSSt - h" ehol way.'
You II Bnd ao other oratues so luscious, so exquisitely florad- u mw. i.
sej slump, tkin-skiased and Juicy. For flavoring c.Tlelieflnd kea-?foi jTot U
ad ( break up a bard cold or car tbs grip-us ' hiiniUt" Lsmoo.
Ask New Trial , . ,
of Connor Case
Attorneys Pile Appeal Bond for Sear
irijj Befora Uw Diitrict'.-
. court.. ;:.;.:';,
An arral hond to cover costs-, wilt be
filed today by Smyth ft Smith In' county
court for S new trial before a Jtidga of ths
district court of the Connor "win ease.'
Their action has the effect 'of beginning
the case entirely a new. Tried Jfrn;e a
Jury, however, (ho case will be aomawhM
different, for much of he testlfnjony .glvart
In county court will b excluded. Nejtbsr
side registered a single, objection during
the effort to get admitted in. probate th
copy of the will drawn, up hy Joseph- A.
Oonnor and which Judge' Ieslte ruled
against Monday afternoon. . .. ,)
Dick Thayer, Onfc fssllrr of sitting
Rnll, F.nds Life la
Nevada. -"''
CODY. Wyo., March 80. -J"pee1sl Few
men. in the west had more exciting advari-.
tures.thsn R. J Thayer, who committed',
suicide March U in Ploche, Nevada, ,'ac- ,
cording to a. telegram, received hers by
Ben Thomas, secretary of,' the Order' of.
Eagles, of which. .Thayer w-a,s a member..
,-Dlck" Thayer, as ha was beat' known,
was a quiet, unostentstlons msn, who set- '-.
dom talked of the thrilling Incidents of
his younger days, but whoa life held ;
sufficient material for half s doieu dims .
novels. j '
While hunting buffslo on the Little Mis
souri, he and his partners ' er chsse4 '
by a band of Sioux under Sitting BulL .
His partners were killed, .out Tiiayer ran. I
down the dry bed bf-'a. creek until -ha
came to a water hole .unde a eut-bsnk.
He crawled under tha, bank, and crouchei)
In the water to his neck, hoping .to
passed by the Indians 'If) their seatch. ; 1 '
They found him. however, ' and h Was'
taken to their winter camp In, North Da
kota. From that tlm,-which waa In
September, until May, ' they dealt him '
more kinds of. misery, as he 'phrased it,'
than he had had In aU his life put to-''
One of his duties was i .to e'nop ddwrt
Cottonwood trees and peel the bark' 'off
for horse-feed when th deep snow came.
They forced him to dd the squaw's work.,
while the squaws stood." sround ami rldl '.'
culed him In langusg. farfrom ,chojpe .
He ate dog snd other food, beside which
dog waa a delicacy. Fpr anjj workjwhlch
was particularly dissgreeable, tiresome-,'' or
dangerous, he was "the jnn. far th Job."
In 'May, Sitting Boll .-Inrned' him loess
without any clothes worth, mentioning". Sni':
no superfluous flesh pn sis. bones Latsr .
however, Thsyer had revenge In his own
way. with a coupie or rrienas. ne went'
among them with two., or ' three 1 faoa
horses fast enough to clean out tha carop.
He won their best ponies, blankets and -buffalo
robes. : .'. ! '.r ' 1 ''
Learning of a "plan' to'sfeM" nls win
nings and set him and Ms friends afoot,
he brought out ' a five-gallon jug of fire
water as they sat sociably about the .even
ing camp-fire. Th flre-watar' waa' all thai
name Implied, having been especially pre;
pared, for such an emefgeney. . Op"' drink-
was sufficient to Jut a nian to sleep fof
twenty-four hours, and -when the Indians '
all had arrived at this stage. Thayer and
his friends gathered 'Up (heir winnings and
made a clean get-awayt r Thsyer sla-ays
considered this a partial compensation fpr .'
the dog he had eaten as" Sitting Buffs
compulsory guest.
Mr. Thayer 'was 67 year old,' snd' les ves
s son and daughter, both of Cody, where
h himself, lived for ' six years. ' ' '
Reception Will Follow. Oae-alug Of
Educational Department of ' , .
Jfew Balldfnar. v, v
The educational department of the Timing '
Women's Christian associstloo was -thrown
open today. Tonight, from -7:20 to 1:20, a'
reception to the public will b given. Mrs.
C. W. Garloch will preside. , ..' .
Th last of the large- receptions was.,
given yesterday afternoon. -"' -::
At 8 o'clock a program of greeting was'
given In ths auditorium, which was pre
sided over .by, Mrs. W. P. H,arford, who
delivered a brief addreas of welcome. Th
opening hymn . "Blest Be th T1 .Thst
Binds," was sung by the audience, which,
included the visiting ministers, their, wives
snd the general public,, numbering.. sbobf
100. Rev. J. W, Kersey of the' First
Christian church delivered the Invocation.
This opening addreas of greeting was mad
by' Mrs. Emma F. Byers. general seSYetary
of the association. Short' addresses 1 of
greeting were also msde' by Rev. B. ' H.'
I Jenks of the First Presbyterian fchtirch
! and Rev. J. W. Conley of the Flrat Bapflst '
church on behalf of the ministers 'or the
city. Dr. J. W.' Henry of tha ' board of
directors of the Young Men's Chrlstlsn as
. soclatlon spoke in behalf of the board and
was followed by General Secretary. Bf. ' f?.
I Wade and 8tat Secretary-J. P, " Bailey' jjf
'the Young Men's' Christian assoRtatlon.
I Mrs. F. M.: Hall,! chslrrnan ' of th stats,
executive committee Mlaa Helen F.
of New York, national secretary, and Miss
Myrs Withers, secretary pf ths State as
soclatlon. Frank J. Resler sang' a baritone
solo, "Spring Time," which concluded tba
formal program. ' r
Immediately following tne' afternoon ' ex
ercises at 4 o'clock a Bible .hour was con
ducted by Rev. Laura H; Wild of ths Uni
versity of Nebraska, the, them being 'VThe
First Sermon of Amos.'; Tha format pee
ing of the Bible department took place In
th evening.
Aa I ly Gush
should be covered with clesn bandages sat
urated with Bucklen's Arnica Balv. Heal' '
burns, wounds, sores, pile. 26c. For ale'
by Beaton Drug Co. ' ' '