THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31, 1903. Want " ads Aertleseeats far tae waat aa ewtaasaa will a taaea aalll 11 aa. aa a-veala aalltlaa aaa aalll far tba aaaralasr aaa l4r aaltlaas. Cask asast aeaaaaaaas- all araere fa "t aaa aaa aa aavertlsesseat will a aept far laaa tkaa JO caata far first laaerttoa. Rate aaaly ta sltaer Tka DsljT tf Baa. Caaealaatlaas at laltlala ar aaseaera caaat aa aaa wifl, Always caaat als warao ta a CUH R4TKI FOR WAIT AOS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa lesertloa, war llae, 1 ats. Twa ar wara caasacatlva laeartlaas, aer llaa, caata. Clark laaartlaa asaaa aa aaa days, lO caata aar llaai l.BO cr llaa ar asaata, aacaatlaa; tkat rilRHlHEO ROOM AOS, nkri aceaaepaata kr eaaa, tka rata will kat Oaa laaartlaa, 4 ccata par llaai tkraa ar ala eaaaacaHva tasar tlaaa, ccata aar llaa aaek laaartlaa m ar vara eaaaacatlra laaartlaaa, a ccata arc llaa aack laacrtlaal era la aar llaa aer aaaatk. Waat aaa far Tka ea asar ka $ft at aar af tka fellawla arast atarca aaa la raar "caraar aragalsl"- a ra all kraack affleee far Tka aa aaa raar aa will ka iaaertea Jaat aa araasatlr aaa aa tka eassa rataa aa at tka mala afflea la Tka aa Rallalaa, farcatccatk aa Faraase atraatai AUwch, W. C, fh and Farnant. Bern nek. 8. A., 1408 9. lsth Bt. BeCht Pharmacy, 720 B. 18th St. Benson Pharmacy. Bauson, Nob. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming Blake's Pharmacy, 2836 Sherman Ave. Courblin. C. R.. 6th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 211 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31t Ave. and Kurnam 8t. Crlssev Pharmacy, S4th and Sis. Cermak, Emil, 1204 8. Wth Bt. Bhlers. P.H.. SsUS Laavrnworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 218 N. 18th Bt. Fro tag. John J , 1914 N. tli St Florence Drug Co.. FV.renr. N'b, , Goodman Pharmacy. Soth and Utke Sis. Oreenough, O. A., 1834 8 10th Bt. Oisnough. O. A., 134 B. 10th Bt. Mayden. William C. 8B J- , Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 B. HHh St. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th Bt. Huff, A. L.. 2934 Leavanwcrth Bt. Kins. R. 8., 2338 Farnam BL KountM Place Pharmacy, 2801 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles B-. 1024 N. 24th Bt. Patrick Drug Co. MM N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga Dwi Co.. 34th Bt. and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Prioe Drug Co., 16th and Chicago Bts. Scheofer, August. 2031 N. llh St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bti. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 30th and Grace Bis. Worth, O. H-, 40th and Hamilton Bis. DEATH, A D rt'KBRAl. MOTICES. SACHS Fanny, Tuesday, March 30, aged 69 yeara, wlfa of Morlts Sachs. Funeral 2 p. m., Wednesday, from family residence, 1&24 North Seventeenth street. gALLY Mrs. James, agad 78 years. Funeral Wednesday morning, March SI, from the family residence ai 1444 Soutu Sixteenth street at 1 8:30 a. m.. In the tit. Patrlck'a church. No flowers. Interment St. Mary'g cemetery. LODGE MOTIVES. All members of Ruth Kebckah loilg-.-, No. I. I. O. O. F., are requested to attend the funeral of our well beloved sinter, Fanny Sachs, from her late residence. lii-4 North Seventeenth street, Wednesday afternoon, 2 p. m. Ellta .VI an en, .Sobio Grand; Hose Golden, pucictury. Daalak Sisterhood, Lodge 37. Sister Pora Nelson Ult-d Aiajcii .!.J. Funeral from her late reitli ,k.. 4(i.i Ua, 1 street, Thursday 2 p. m.;is aiv ic uuested to attend. SIRTHI AtD DEATHS. Births Samuel Anderson, 711 North Twen tieth strait, boy: J. W. Oamby. 1811 North Twenty-fifth street, girl; Herman Shoe lecke. 8 South Twenty-second street, boy. Deaths Dora Nielsen, 4& lsard street, 39 years; John OKIef, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, years; Qua Samuel son, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue. 2 years; Henry B. Oarbbert. 1IM6 South (eighteenth street, 1 month; Cornelius Ryan. Twelfth and Martha streets. 67 eara; Mary S. Rogers, Twelfth street ind Mtd-Clty avenue, 75 years; Bessie Hrowa, leoOVi North Twenty-fourth street, 10 dsys; Mary White, 1 Emmet strrat, 70 vears; Jsmes McDonald, 411 South Fif teenth strtet, 32 years; Jennie May Bren nan, 1M1 South Thirty-third street. 23 years: Paul Bandckl, St. Joseph's hospital, to years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses to wed have been Wsusd: Nam and Residence. Joseph Zelinda. Clarkson . Polly Severs. Clarkson Chris Jensen, South Omaha Ann K. Rasmussen, Genoa Harry Leach. Teksmah .... Lela Waal, Herman Age. ...2a ...26 ...22 ...18 ...21 ...11 .. 2t .. 26 .. 27 .. II George C. Davis, Vlllisca, la... Laura E. van weiD, viiusca, la.... Georg Barratt, Council Bluffs Mabel Harding, Council Bluns ANNOUNCEMENTS SEE our 16th and Douglas St. window for these bargains: A. D. 8. FIG 8YRI P. a great indigestion remedy. 26c and 50c per bottle: STORZ'MALT EXTRACT. 2 bot tles for 25c: Schaefer's famous "Mascot" c igar, a big amoke for 5c 4 for ate. or 81.76 for a box of 60: Schaefer's "Sure Death" poison, for bed bugs, fleas and vermin, 15c, 26o, 60e, 0c sixes; clear your wall raoer with "CLIMAX CLEANER," 15c a can, S for 36c; A. D. 8. Insect pow aer, a quick, certain destroyer of roaches, ants and other Insects, price 15o and 26c per can. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store 4 Big Stores. (D-M123 si CARBON eoal. 88.60. Cojtant ft Squires, D. 8. Ind. A-SM0. 1" Farnam. U 1-374 At MU1.TIORAPH DUPLICATING CO.. 873 Brandela Bldg., makera of typewritten letters In multiple quantltiea. Tel. r. 4811. (11-M12S A4 bTgN PAINTING-8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. (11447 OMAHA Bafa and Iron Works makes a specialty of firs escapes, shutters, doois and aa.'es. G. Andreen. Prop., 1W 8. loth. (1 1 548 DAVID COA.E Cresmery Co. (11-548 AVE make a specialty of all foreign pubii rations, post cards. newsrapers and mag asinea. Subscriptions received for sny periodicals published. Schulse ft Blattert Co 10 a. 15th t. Frenaer Block. (1 cVtt 99c llKJ 'O-1 OKIJ.K1HJ H.dJVA BdUVJ eaKis.ia 111 M610 A13 (UVTVP COLLEGE. I train dogs snd AAi' 11I:j pet snlmals. If interested call Piof. W. O. Franklin, 131s Jones St.. or prona Ind. A 2203. 1-M718 A30 J. R. STEVENSON ft CO., successor!, to Sunderland Roofing l , gravel and composition roofing, R. 538 Paxton Blk.; tlt andFarnam, Omaha. Tela: Doug. 31 .V Ind. A 17M. Res., Web. SM. (It M744 All THE Rev. Chae. W. Savldge haa married 1 787 couples and Is praying to marry . If you want him to marry you Tel. Web. S444 or B-1440. (D 144 Alls IHOtl repaired right, ca'led for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., loot Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglaa 7587. 1)-1 IF you are going to build see J. 1. Wsit for plans and estimates. 21 i3 Locust at. Phana Webster Ws. (1 M478 Asx OMAHA PLUMBING AND HEATING . We sre practical. Both phonea. J. Mwrties v, manager, S312 Sherman Ave. OJ H ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) MONEY TO IXAN unw RATE. In sums to lit. J1BeRI1. 'Phone Tiug. 20. 1NION IXAV COMPANT. (1)--e CHICAGO papers, dally and Sunday, dellv erl; also fta'urdav r-enlng Pnst. Brli Nelson. 'Phone Douglss 7553. 181 Opttol Ave. (1)-M3MA2 "wrrt McKelvy Ptg. Co.-Douglsa 117g. (1-61 NEW and second-hand safes, 1110 Farnam. (1) M481 At Tl'RN your old gold Jewelry Into csah; we need It, ss we are heavy users. Frenser, 15th and Dodge. (D-M441 At NEW and second-hand safes. 1110 Farnam. (D-M461 A8 Tt'R.V your old gold Jewelry Into cssh; we need It. as we are heavy users. Krenser, 15th and Dodge. (D-M441 A6 1310 HOWARD Bt., Mo. Filter, days' trial. (D-770 A 7 TOt'R NRXT 12 chs.. shave, 10c; shine, lie. Elsasser's. across from N. Y. t,lfe Bldg. (!)(!) 770 A7 MAX MORRIS, the Tnitor. new location; rooms 3M-2 Brown Block, after April 1. (l)-23 A2t AUTOMOBILES PERIQHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANT, 1814 Farnam St. Htoddird Dayton RoMdster, 11,100. Rpo Touring car, 34SO. Buick runabout, Hlmoet new, $. Stevens Duryea, 33o0. Prajfon Touring car, $1,000. Waverly Electric, $400. All the above guaranteed In good shape. State sgent Stoddard-Dayton. Ford Modl N, 4o0. Ford, R. IBnO. Open and closed cars for rent, day or night. Tel. Douglas 3RS. (21-668 BARGAIN In a Ford Model N. Will put In first-class condition. Top. 6 lamps, stor sge battery, practically a new set of tires. 1400. -R. A. Davles, Arlington, Neb. (21-567 ACTO painting. Andrew Murphy Son. 2-617 A17 ACTOMOBlkB painting and carriage repair work; dead storage.' Wm. Pf elf for Car riage Co., 25th ft Leavenworth. Red 8923. (3-M167 18 M'INTTRE A Wallace, Oakland autos. also slightly used autos. 24th, near Farnam. (2) M291 A18 RAMBLEJRS New, 4 and 2-cyHnders, 30 per cent discount. Rambler Auto Co., 2044 Farnam St. (21-659 FOR SALR Reflector, In good condition. Samuel Burns. Jr., 614 N. T. Life Bldf. (2) 138 31 z WRITE for list of second hand bargains. H. E. Fredrickson Auto Co. (21464 30 I HAVE for sale my International auto buggy of the latest make; have used It but vorv little and will sell at a small figure If taken this week. Address K 137. care Bee. (21-M278 2 Motorcycles. TWO motoicvtles. Baysdorfer, 120 Cap. Av. (2 M7S0 AW AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE: positions open In the auto . mobile field, technical Instructions on both steam and gasoline engines; students paid for repair work. Address Omahs School of Automobile Engineering, 2418 Leaven worth Bt. BARTER AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGE. Are you a trader? We trade the earth. Call and list with u. KEL.LF.T INVESTMENT CO.. 220 Neville Bldg, (31 581 NEW stock of stationery and office aup plles, invoicing about 12.000 for cash or clear property. What have you? Both 'phones. Globe Land and Investment Co , Omaha, Nco. tai mo DARLING DARLING. Farms ft City Property. 441 Brandels Bldg, lS)-tt TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H- R. Stringer, 535 Paxton Blk.. omana. (3)-563 REAL ESTATE LOANS and Insurance - List your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co.. 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney 3785; Ind., B 18. () w BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BBMIB. BRANDE1S BLDG. (81-M470 FOR EXCHANGE for high grade auto mobile, 210 acres fine Illinois land. Will carry back difference or take Omaha property or cheap Nebraska land. Ask for list 2H. Bee. Karr ft Karr, Oscenls. la. (8) M427 6x AUTOMOBILE WANTED I will take a good automobile In as part payment for my $3,000 equity In a 78-acre fruit farm near Glenwood, la. Address P. O. Box 374. Neola, la. (3) M72T 4 FOR quick action list your trades with us; we charge regular commission only. Renils, 478-80 Brandels Bldg. (Established 1888. (3I-M74S31 BUSINESS CHANCES TO OFT IN or out of business call on UAKUmiAif, noom w, nee dior. (4J-685 FOR BALE or rent, restaurant and con fectionery stock and building in southern Nebraska. For psrticulars address P. O. Box 548. Carleton. Neb. (4) M178 4x rOR BALE One blacksmith shop and toola complete and one dwelling pronerty. Address Box 28. Funk, Neb. (4i M160 lx FOR SALE Good drug stock, well estab lished business, good location; will sell at Invoice. Address Ann E. Jackson. 18 Elk St.. Beatrice. Neb. (4) M169 lx A GOOD first-class dental office, with all latest fixtures, for rent by year or sate; location in heart of city. For particulars address Mrs. R. P. Smith, Sturgis. S. D. (4I-M6S1 1 SMALL stock grrcertps and notions, al most In heart of city: rent 816 month. II. Herding. M14 Cuming St. 4)-M88S lx EXCELLENT opening Tor clothing store in live town; we will reit, sell or trade, good brick building. E. A. Boost rom, Stromsburg. Neb. (41 M6ti7 lx PHYSICIAN desires to find a good loca tion In Nebraska, for general and special eve. ear, nose and throat practice. Ad dress P 230. cars Bee. 4 MS Six PHYSICIAN'S established practice for prioe of residence and office combined, 81 800. On business street, town of 6tit; good country; northeast Nebraska. Ad dress V 31. tare Bee. t) M456 lx FOR SALE Meat market in town of 1.300 esstern Nebrasks; nUly equipped; doing good business, a good proposition. Ad dress Y 18. care Omaha Bee. (4)-M307 AS GROCERY LOCATION. Vacant storeroom, natural supply point for dense population, money spenders. A live men with adequate stock of groceries snd family supplies can make good money. See owner. U1 N. ltih St., $ a. m. to 4 p. m. (4)-M417 S FOR 3 ALE Complete stock of harness, tools snd fixtures. Excluatvs sals In town of 6"0 Inhabitants, eastern central Ne braska. 12 miles to nearest competitive point; invoice about Sl.OnO; German looal Itv; good reasona for selling. Address Y 372, Bee. 4)-M241 A6 FOR SALE Con fee tie eery snd soda foun tain, good location and doing a fins busi ness: will be aold at a bargala Apply st noes. Walter D. Hill ft Co.. Pea rio. Keu. 4i-Md7 Al7 g Don't merely put I In She "BEE"-keep BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. FOR BALK First-class saloon In a good town near Sioux City. Address Postofflc-s Box 704, Sioux City, la. 4J M853 DRUG store for sals. Knlest. N. T. l.'fe. (4) 59 IF TOU want a money maker of a restau rant, terms ensy, address X 180, care Bee. '4I-M102 31 x CAPITAL FURNISHED. Irdustrtal. manufacturing, mining, oil, gas srd railway stock and bond issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Grsliam A Co.. Selling Brokers, 43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Canada. (4)-M721 31X DRESSMAKERS OPT I 1 AM First-class ladles' tailoring. J IXLJlO rtiX moderate prices. 1811 Har- ey St. Boyd Theater. (4) M490 I KE18TER COLLEGE, 606 Karbach Blk. -M904 All MISS MALONE, 2308 Douglas St., high class drsssmaklng. Phone Douglas 60f6. -M985 All FIRST-CLASS dress pirating: buttons cov ered, all styles and sixes. The Ideal Plesting Company, 200 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. (Dressm) M213 McDowell Dressmaking school, l2t Farnam. -Ill M. SELICOW, 2KB Farnam Bt. MG81 AI IN FAMILIES-MIbs Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4X24 -412 LIEFF S ladles' tailoring In best style ana workmnnsnip gusran- lerl 207 OM FtmnHel Rlriir Take elevator on IStb Bt. Ml 94 A13 nOTTTARD First-class dressmaking UU1I1AHJJ ,n(, ornr 1S05 beavt snworth Bt. Ind. A-8863 23S Al FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works, 1808 Far nam, best cleaners ana dyers. Both phones. M274 A13 MI8S K. E. CROSBY. 2411 S. JOth Are., dressmsklng. Douglas 7297. M-984Apl3 WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1822 Farnam Bt Ladies' tailoring, alterations, plesting pat terns cut to measure, first-class sewing school in connection. Douglas 3811. M1SG-A1S TERRY College of Dressmsklng. 20th 1 nd Farnam Bts. -M275 A27 DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK, 3d floor. Paxton. D. WS5. (51-800 TAFT'S Dental rooms. 1517 Douglas St (61 M38 A4 EDUCATIONAL APRIL 5, SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT. Enter then for complete Instruction In the science of business, bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, English. Call, write or 'phone for catalague. H. H. Boyles, Prssident, Boyles Birig., Omaha, Nb. (Educ.) M761 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SPECIAL To curs a cold In one day, use Beaton's Cold Tablets; guaranteed to relieve the feverish condition and sore Joints and back, usually associated with the grlppa and colds; clears the hesd in a few hours; pries. 26a Der box. Beaton Drug Co., ibth and Far nam. -M11S i HAMMAND V" day and night Lady and gent attendant. w -M910 Ka LET us shampoo your hair every month; as use warm air to dry the hair; ws use the latest mt tod known to science In our scalp and face massage. F. M. bchadell, 1522 Douglas. M173 Alt M. E. NEP1NSKY GOWNS. 08 Paxton Blk. -M641 AJ0 LADIES apparel beautifully dry cleaned. "The French Way." 1806 Farnam. D. 417J, A-2US. -M170 A13 TinSPV. Plor' nd frames. China UWOX u Painting Materials. Pyrography and wood to burn, Victor Talking Machines and Records, Regina Music Boxes snd Mu sical Goods. 1613 Douglss. M640 A MRS. H. M. ECK, 1780 Leavenworth; we make switches and pomps from combings, also a new lino of hair goods. Doug. 6ozl. M561 A18 IF YOUR watch doesn't run try Edholm's repair department, 18th and Harney. M171 A26 SWITCHES, puffs , and pompadours made from combings- Puffs, 16c. Miss Edna Brandt. 2124 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web star 1XS. M332 AU MME. F BAYER'S Adellght specialties, sell ing Marietta Stanley Co.'s goods, for sals st Megoath Stationery, 1421 Farnam. Office, l<i and Farnam, flat I. Doug. 870J. Mlt A 11 WEILANDER ft SMITH, ladles, exclusive furnishings. 817 8. 18th St. M-270 A1S WE BUY gold and silver for our busy shops. T. L. Combs ft Co., 1520 Douglaa. -M9t,7 A 23 CLEANING and dying biggest and best, only one office, IMS Jones St. THE PANTORIUM. 870 All CHINA decorating, realistic; order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursdsy and Saturday. Firing dally. Leather craft, stslns. leather and designs. Mrs. C. C Hungate, 84 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 6456. 4T.I WHEN LOOKING FOR SPRING MILLINERY DON'T FORGET RILEY SISTERS SIT SOUTH 16TH ST. -M58J All NOVELTY SHOP? .N.v"':.Bi0. Waists. Fancy Undergarments and Hand- c.moroiaeiea wvi fi uihuuuai snapping;. MttU A19 BO IS' halreutttng a specialty. Bea barber shop. Bee Bldg. M167 A1S LADIES' straw hats cleaned, dyed, re snaped and trimmed. Mlsa Laola Pepper, 114 B. 28th St. Phone Harney 8908. MS90 Al FOR YOUR SPRING HAT coma to F. M. Bchadell. 1523 Douglas. -M171 All CARPETS, rugs. etc.. cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., room Sut. Douglas blk. Bold 'pnouee. M186 All WS RENT, repair, sell needles and parts fur all sawing machines. Nebraska Cycis Co.. 16th aocf Harney Sta. M7u All THE ARNOLD MA8SAQB VIBRATOR Is a necessity In every home. Write for free book. H. K Hartbun. 61 Bee Bldg, Tsi. Doug. 8478. (Mb) A14 POST CARD, send S cents In stamps for M vlewa of Omaha. Novelty Post Card Ob., Omaha. Neb. 79 As TRY EtJta Hair Dressing Parlors. A. Heath. Mon. VT Paxton Blk Red-442X SI 371 All THE stapa save you 4 per cant. Pennell MUUnery Co., UL1 Douglas. M14S AU f rVTTIU,Trr1 'S Hair Store, 1411 Farnam. MU-N-tLCili. DEvervtnng i nair gooa, and hair work, 26 years' experience. We can servs you satisfactorily. For appoint ment, D. 2333. -M AU EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) EFFA ELLIS Illustrated music courses. Inquire sbout SPECIAL day or evening claasea for women, persons I or mail in struction. 203-4-5 Old Brandels Bldg. 482AII WE WILL SELL all of our hair goods st half price until Easter. 28 inch wavy s-stem switches. 13 50. ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR. 1511 V4 Dodge St. Second Floor. 122 A 17 HAIRDRESSING. massage, etc. If clean, sanitary methods appeal to yon try Mrs. Waterbury. 120 Neville Blk., Doug. 5347. M12I A24 A1VfVfrDrv ammonia, the unlversnl ilivi household prepsratton for all household use. Sold at 216 McCsgue Bldg. M645 A 38 O'CONNOR A EM 111. EM are showing hand some spring millinery In their new room, 70-21 Continental Blk., 15th Bt. entrance. 578 A 18 DICKERMAN SCHOOL OF ACTING, Arlington Blck. 1511H Dodge St. 'Phone Douglas 1810. New Term April 1. Class and Private Iessons. ELOCUTION ORATORY ACTING. -M970 1 ART NOVELTY SHOP-China and water colors. 650 Ramge Bldg. 990 A23 LEARN halrdressing: course $15. Apply H. I. McCarthy. Brandels 8tores. 212 A25 STUTSMAN, at THE BASSETT STUDIO. 811? 8. Ifith St.. is the man to mnke your PHOTOS. Prices right , -M7S8 Ap 30 FINANCIAL FURNITURE LOANS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, Doug. 2295. -390 FLORISTS H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. VIOLETS are plentiful and can be had for 81.00 per 100: sweat peas, all colors. $1.60 per lot); daffodils and tulips are Just now in their best and sell for Toe per doz. ; carnations, 80c to 7bc per dos. ; Easter lilies are coming In and sell for 83 per dos.; blooming plants In pots, such as lllsrs, azaellas, eeneroavla and primroses; pretty ferns and palms can be had at reasonable prices; all flowers are abso lutely fresh. HE83 ft SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1n01. (Flor.)-M883 A RRAmFTC! CUT FLOWER DF.PT. UniViNUililO SOUTH SIDE NEW store; the finest place In the city to buy your cut flowers and floral designs. Boxed and delivered to any part of the city. (FloD-MS&S A HENDERSON'S our own hothouses. Douglss 1283. 1519 Far nam St. (Flor.) M&84 A9 CHAS. EDERER. 80th and Bristol Bts., shrubbery, hardy plants, fern baskets, bedding plants snd designs, fresh cut flowers daily. Tel. 1795. CHor.) M8R2 AS HELP WANTED FEMALE Clarteal sal OSes. STENOGRAPHER, must be quick and ac curate. 850. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 676-77 Brandels Bldg. (71-707 30 HoaseltecBcrs aaa Oamastlea. WANTED Competent nurse girl. BOB Park Ave. (7)-8W EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen eral housework. Call 1517 Spencer St. (7) M989 WANTED Good cook: references required. Mrs. E. W. Nash, 132 Burt St. (7 261 WANTED An experienced second girl by April 1; references required. Mrs. I L. Kountze. 423 8. 39lh 8t. Tel. Harney 187. (7)-M418 WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; no washing. Telephone Douglas 384, or call Apartment 1, New Hamilton Apartments. 24th and Farnam 8ts. (7)-M474 WANTED A girl to do plain washing and Ironing, $30 per month, mom and board. The Creche, 1824 Harney St. (7) 654 31x WANTED Girl for general housework: nod stesdy position; small family, nji No. 22cl. So. Omaha. !") 8o3 31 WANTED Girl to do cooking and laundry work. Mrs. F. A. Nssh. 130 So. aid St. (7)-M700 31 GIKL for housework; no washing. 3315 Burt St. 17) M886 lx GIRL for general housework, must be able to do plain cooking and washing; good wages. 1015 N. 34th St. (7) M6S2 ;il WANTED Good rook; good wages. Mrs. H. Kountxe, 432 S. 38th Ave. Tel. Ksrney 674. (71-M67I 1 GtRL for housework: no washing; no cook ing. 1329 S. 31st St. (7)-M672 lx WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 4643 Dodge St. (7) 74 1 WANTED At once, sn experienced conk; no washing. Mrs. Arthur Metx, ,VJ8 8. 26th St. (7I-M723 2 WANTED Competent cook snd se'ooml sjlrl; host wages to right parties. Address W 2J2, Bee. (" M719 af Iseellaaeoas. WANTED Girl for studio work; no experience- required. Koxy Studio, 812 N. 18th. (7)-M6S4 31 SEAMSTRESS for alteration work; good wages: steady work. Leavenworth. (71-M875 1 WANTED Woman for waahlng, one or two daya a week. Call Doug. 371R. (71 M 170 lx GOOD washer woman wanted: call at 2818 Decatur, or 'phone Webater 6C4. (71 Mi9ft Six HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and fialesmea. MEN to sell goods from our sample wagons.- C. F. Adama Co., 6J8 S. lth (i 232 Al SIDE LINE Beat: no samples; plenty money. Give permanent addn ss. Box 5&j, Omaha. (9i i74 WANTED Managers In every slste lo place our rapilal stock and Insurance. Midland Life Insurance Co.. St. Paul, Minn. (9I-M258 A2x 300 PER CENT profit. - Agents' bonanza. Brand new article. Protecta property at low cost. Farms, factories, homes buy eagerly. Bleckner equipped ten factories lsst week. Made $--10 in four days. Un limited field. No deposit. Hurry. Get best territory now. Fire Appliance Sales Co., Toledo. O. i9t M732 Six $11 THOUSAND for distributing circulars snd samples. Send for sample and con tract. W. A. luring Mfg. Co.. Oix23 Ash St., Spokane. Wash. i9i 6Tj WANTED Esstern msnufscturing concern wsnis two reliable representatives. -ne each Nebraska and Iowa. Men preferred who have been successful handling im plements, groceries or cigar line. An swering, give full particulars, p-m. rare Bee. 191489 WANTED An experienced piano salesman; lib ral salary and expenses: only hustlers eed spply. Liudbolm Furniture Co., Sioux City, la. l)-M733 5 your ad it t!ieie HELP WANTED MALE steal! ss Salesraea- eattaaea. WANTED Men who have ben successful selling clsnrs, groceries or some spe ilslty, wanting to mehe a change. Can show ynn proposition flOO to 1150 per month. All correspondence treated strictly confidential. O-I. care Bee. () 49 START IN BUSINESS: he Independent. I started as an agent; am now big manu facturer niHklng household specialties. Have hundreds of agents working. I'll start vou: won't let vou fall. Agents of ability wanted to open branch offices and employ sub-agents. No money necaen. Write me fully snd frankly. C. K. Swartxbaugh. Toledo. O. (91 M729 31x A IJBRRAL salary and rent Is oftered a msn with good references, well acquaint! d in the city, with $200 cash security for about $!M0 slock of goods, to m-inage our branch In Omaha. fall early today. Homo hotel. Ask for Mr. Brock. This Is a tare opportunity. (9) M7J7 31x AGENTS WANTED We want 10 good salesmen at once; well established line; an absolute necessity; expense guaran teed. Office 27 4th St., Council Bluffa. la. Salaries from $30 to $76 per week. () M880 AGENTS wanted In all towns in South Platte territory to work land excursion business. Address Y 21, care Bee. (9 M869 30x WANTED 10 good sales agents at once: men wtih ability to command salaries; must be willing to work country terri tories; salary and commissions; expenses guaranteed. Office 27 4th St.. Council Bluffs, la. () M678 ARE you a hustler? Are you looking for money? Are you willing to work a strict business proposition? If so, call at our office, 27 4th St., Council Bluffs, and learn how you can make from $20 to 87S per week. Expenses guaranteed. () M879 Clerical aaa Otflea. OFFICE clerk, for bank, must have some experience. $50. Experienced stenographer. $fl&. General merchandise clerk, must under stand bookkeeping, $60. Traveling salesman, young man, experienca unnecessary. $86 and expenses. Bookkeeper, real estate office. $80. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN RBF. ft BOND ASS N., INC.. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-710 SO DRUG CLERKS' positions. Knelst. N. Y. Life Bldg. () 377 ASSISTANT shipping clerk. $M)-$80. , Stenographer, railroad, experienced, $85. Stenographer, out of city, $85. Six salesmen, different lines. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 875-77 Brandels Bldg. (81-708 30 POSITION open with railroad for stenog rapher of experience, preferably In me HiHnlcal line, good salary. Call at office Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. (91-M731 31 Factory and Trades. TWO harness makers. Humane Horse Col lar Co., 1925 a 13th. . (9I-M180 1 WANTED S first class coatmakers at once. Martin Peterson, 415 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. () M129 WANTED To let small job of grading in Central part of city; dirt to be moved 3 blocks. Mall application to E. Wakeley, 8U3 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-131 WANTED Firat class man for black smithing, woodworking and carriage painting, at once; must furnish refer ences and be experienced; permanent po sition to right man. Address D 5001, care Omaha Bee. (9) 263 2 THE great Union Pacific R. R. guarantees you a telegraphic posit Inn after trslnlng. Frsctice on railroad wire. Address for particulars H. B. Boyles. Omaha. (-: PRINTERS wanted at once. 2 stonemen, 2 job compositors. 1 platteit pressman to take charge. Address Milburn ft Scott Co., Beatrice Neb. (9) M23S 2 WANTED Good pantsmaker. Llndqueat Co., 235 Paxton Blk. (9) M682 Six al Iseellaaeoas. FREE Employment Dpt., Business MeA's Ass'n; no lees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg (S)-7 WANTED TWO HUNDRED AUSTRIAN'S BULGARIANS, GREEKS, ITALIANS FOR SECTION WORK WEST. TOP WAGES. APPLY 219 8. 12TH. ()-l OI.D gold Jewelry wanted FRENZER. Jeweler, 15th and Dodge. (II-M440 A6 WANTED Railway mail clerks, salary $808 to i 4uu: no layoffs, examinations In Omaha. May 16; common education suffi cient; candidates prepared free. Write immediately for full partlculaa. Franklin Institute, Rocheater. N. Y. (9)-M416 A lx WANTED to let small Job of grading In Central part of city; dirt to be moved Hire blocks. Mall application to E. Wakeley, 803 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-131 WANTED Men lo learn harber trade. Thoroughly practical couise by free cllnlr and caiefu! instructions. Life scholarship: tools given, board provided. Some money earned before completing. Call or write. Molcr Barber College. 10 South Hth St. (9i-M234 1x WATED-F;FT- EXTRA GANG AMER ICAN LABORERS FOR C. N. W. IN NEBRASKA FOR BALLAST WORK. SHIP 8:45 A. M., FRIDAY FROM 219 8. 12TH ST. (9-996 COIDRED porter wanted: bring references; steady work. 2907 Leavenworf h. (9I-MS74 1 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMAI.R. WANTED Canvassers. $2.60 to $3.50 per day; traveling man, $t lo $S6 month and expenacs. M. N. Gist. Henshaw Hotel. (10I-M661 lx HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, house, etc.. cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum s'stem. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 200 Douglas Block. Both 'Phones. til M882 Al LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses sal Vehicles. PAINTING and repairing. A. Murphy ft Son. ai)-5U A17 RUBBER tiring and repairing dons by Johnson ft Darforth. 10th and Jonea St. UD-M43S Al FOR SALE Cheap, ona-statlon wagon, good condition; one set brass harness, single: one set light harness, single. Sta- hie. 132 S. ZUih Hi. U 14 ONE IMPORTED Percheron stallion will I bes sold si auction Thursdsy, April 1. at I Dr. Allisons horse sale, one mile aouta of Calhoun. Neb. (11) M6&4 Six FOR SALE Strong horse and wagon; suit able for peddler or express. Price. l(M. Tel Red 4434. (10-70$ lx 600 NATIVE horses on suction st E. W. Anaparh's stables at South Omaha stock yards. Thursday anj r'riday April 1 and Z. 1"J.M MISS TrllH BIO BALIS. OO-708 1 FOUR good work borsee. S good single drivers, city broke. 3162 Ames Ave. (1D-T0S Caws. Birds, Daaa aaa Cats. FOR BALK -Two Englua bull terriers. Ad dress 8 221, Bee. OD-MTls lx LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladles' gold wairh. engraved on Inside. Rewsrd. Tel. Red (Ill M7 lis LOST Nnlea snd pspers of value to ths owner, but of no value to anyone else. Finder will be suitably reworded bv re turning to Irving G. Barlght, Arlington Blk, (131-MK1 lx LOST-Vkaxat ladles' dismond ring. Satur day night or Sundav: Ijn reward. A. J. Slstek. 412 Psxton Blk. U2)-M78 1 MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Davenport Bts. : special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors 'Phone Ix ug Iss 1187. Calls answered, day or night. (13)-ll BFST nerve brace for men. "Grays Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drue Co.. Omaha. LS 6i "GLAD you will be." It me know your chronic disease. L. H. Rogers. Station M. Los Angeles, Cal. (13)-M38 Ax MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Board of Trade Bid.. Room 119. 808 South 16th Street. Loans on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Don't Tie Up Your Salary. Established 16 Years. Reliable aa any bank. $08 South 18th Street. Board of Trade Bldg.. Room US. Telephone Douglas &95. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. (141-445 MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, ware house receipts, or snythlng of value, or tn your plain note If you are steadily emploved. Iowest rates, best terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-8 Paxton Blk., 3d Floor, 18th and Farnam Sts. Tele. Doug. 1411; Auto. A-1411. '14) M79H $$$$$$ YOU WANT MONEY $$.$ 8SO$$ DON T PAY HIGH RATES $UUI$ $$$$ . FEB UB FIRST $$$$$ $8 We loan you any amount on $t 88 furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you $$ $8 have steady employment, on your 8$ 88 plain not at ths cheapest rates In it 88 ths city. Payments weekly or $$ $$ monthly to suit your convenience. $1 t$ Open until 4:80 p. m. 'Phone Doug- It $$ las 2088. 8$ $8 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 81 8$$$ Room 501. Brown Blk.. 8$$$$ mm Opposite Brandela' W$ $$$$$$88 16th St. Entrance. S$tMltl . (14)-M582 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; essy psyments. Offices In 84 principal cities. Tolman. Room 613. New York Life Bldg. (14-821 MOVING AND STORING EXPRESSMEN 8 Delivery Co.. office 214 N. 18th St. Warehouse 2207-r lxsrd SL t6)-4106 OFFERED FOR RENT Bar41as Rooms, THE BACHELORS, 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN 06)-2S DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. OA)-624 LARGE or small rooms with good home cooking. 2416 Farnam. (16) M427 Asx NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern, with or without board; very reasonable. 2618 Dewey. (16) M519 3 Faralaked Booses. 4 FINE unfurnished rooms, ensulte; will furnish single rooms if desired. 2418 Caas Bt. (16) 448 A6x DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman. Select neighborhood, near Farnam car. 131 N. 31st Ave. (16) U36s DESIRABLE ROOM, 218 N. 19th. (151-M8S7 A30x FURNI8HED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fill to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON CO.. RENTAL A GTS. 10S N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug 2304. (15) bliS DESIRABLE front room, West Farnam district, private family. 114 8 I8th Ave. , (15)-MI0 31 FOR RENT Furnished front room In all modern house, 1041 Fark Ave. Harney 3992. (151 M148 1 DESIRABLE furnished rooms; also other rooms for laboring men; modern home. 3916 California St. (16) 258 2 TWO elegant furnished rorms. .,ot Farnam district. Call Harney lit. (16) Ma.'? 3x VERY pleasant east room, suitable for two. $12; also smaller room. Tel. Hsrnev 20. (151 M432 4x TWO FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, strictly modern, walking dlstsnce; rea sonable rent. Call 23 Dewey Ave. Tel Doug. 6401. (15-M178 4 206 S. ?6th St. Tel. Douglas 5428. (15)77jT SULPHUR SPRINGS addition, on Slier- man Ave. car line, newly furnished frtvii room, two Urge closets; Just the thing or . o gentlemen: reasonable; breakfast If desiied. Webster 338. (15) MT33 2x Aaartaaeata aaa Flats. FINEST t-room apaitment in city. $IS. No. via oireniow lerrace. (15) M349 T.TVir tv rnutmDT 8ix rooms, modern, steam heated flat, thick wan, t-wi m auinmer, warm In winter. Hardwood, hot water, near In. Summer price, $34. Reference required. H.-mia, Brandeis Bldg. (15)-MII6 3 UNEQUALED, ce .iral. modern 4 or 6-roem flats. 220 No. 28d. (15)-M2.'.2 8r. flat. 3d floor 1M1 Farnam: suitable for physicians, artists, dressmakers, etc. 3 snd l.r fists. Scsrgo Bldg., 6lhVi N. 241 h. 8. Omahs. Hall, 433 Ramge, Both 'Phones. (1M-:xl Hoasekeealag Rooass. UNFURNISHED rooms to rent for light housekeeping. 1030 S. 23d St. (1S)-MIS6 lx NICELY furnished first floor rooms. 9ns S. 27th St. (I51-M172 lx TWO excellent, furnished, modern rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house. 2614 Harney St. H5)-7;j SUITE of rooms, modern, West Fsrnam district. Tel. Harney 921. I15-M44j 31x 3 OR 4 nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping, with piano. :mI8 Haven port Bt. (IOi 647 Six TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping. All modern; steam heat; $12 per month. 3o!9 Webster St (15) Mi8 3x Vafaralsasd Raoass. FOUR unfurnished rwmi. desirable lota tion. modern except heat. Hanscom Park district. 14 Mason St. Tel. Harney 'J196. (I5l 86S Haascs aaa Caltaaraa.' OMAHA Vsn and Slot ate Co.. pack. movt. tort, H H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N ISth, of flea 160 Fat nam. TcL Doug. 1Sw9 (U)-oJ4 HOUBEB-Psters Trust Co., N. I. I. Bldg ti6)-;u NINE-ROOM modsrn house. 20l Hsiney St.. 850. Tel. Douglaa 91S. (Ui-slMu ELEGAMT ten-room brick resldencs. SJUQ Harney bt: steam best, lsrge yard. es. Mads A. Hansen, 1224 Farnam St. U6)-MJ67 HOUSES. Iniurgoca. fUogwalt, Barker Blk. U&J-aM OFFERED FOR RENT J708 Caldwell. 8 rooms, modem. 830. 1812 N. 24th St.. 4 rooms. 810. 1918 Milltarv Ave.. S rooms. 83. 4918 N 1th St.. 3 rooms. $8. . 213 Military Ave., storeroom and four if Ing rooms. $. vy inr Corby. rooms, modern, 8V0. W 1o8 Corbv. 8 rooms, modern, $16 . .... - i 1.0CIISI, e roome. 1908 8. 18th. 8 rooms, $. RUSSELL, ft M'KITUICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. lfcth and H'j FOR RENT. $oi Burt. ro.ims. modem except heat, 822.50. . 27SO Capitol Ave.. 8 rooms, modem except best, $12. M low 8 ?mh. 4 rooms, modern except heat, $'.8. , 111 N. IMi. 8 rooms, modern except heat, JIT. S.viR N 24th. 3 rooms, partly modern. $8 M41 Capitol Ave. I rooms, close In. $17-50. S0K1 8. 1h. 5 rooms, modern except heat, $30. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Phone Douglas 397. a! 14th St. (15 71S SI HOUSES, flats. Oarvln Bros. 1104 Farnanv (1S C 6-ROOM modern cottage, on car. 8SS Mala St., Benson. $20. Tuikington, Bee Bldg. (!5)-M597 MAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE CO . Tel. D. 1494. Wa guarantee moving pianos, H. It good!. (15) 428 MODERN 7-room house, 801 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1610. (15 MS90 31 CANNOT supply demand fot houses; 11 you have oae vacant list with T. W. Haxen, $:! Douglaa Blk. Doug. I.W. C13)-MS1S AI 8-FIOOM modrrn house, 2409 Lake. $31. 8-room modern house. 32;jl Evans. 815. J. 11. PARROTTE. Board Trada (1&I-M4K4 4 6-ROOM modern house, except heat. S30J Maple St.. X18. 8 rooms. 2d floor. 111)6 No. 20th Pi., 115. 10-room house, modern except heat, $30 snd water lent, ?!ith ant Indiana Ave. 6-room. all modern, $a).00 and water rent; $25 with house In rear. 2708 Lake St. 27118 Lake, 6 rooms, modern except heat, $16. CHRIS BOYER. and Cuming Sts.ATel. Doug, snd B-48. (161-849 123 N. 81st Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $36. 3116 Chicago. 8 rooms, modern. $30. ,r,2 N. 40lh. 8 rooms, modrrn. $80. 2844 Webster. 7 rooms, barn, $23. RING WALT BROS., $08 S. Ifith St .161-M W 8-r. rot tags. 3522 Hamilton, $10. 5-r. flat, 3538 Hamilton. $15. 4-r. flat. 327 Charles. $16. To adult tenants. Tel. D-572. - (16)-M96l FOR RENT-S-room house, all modern, 32i C. M. Bachman, 438 Paxton Blk. ; (lt)-898 FTOTISES? 1" Prts of the city. U6)-29 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates: moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 894. (15)-4M A 6-ROOM cottsge. April 1, modern axespt heat. Inquire at 1914 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 04. Q6)-M168 lx 6-ROOM brluk house, modern. 1824 Mapie. (161-M162 A25x 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 818 S. 22d. 0.6)-M153 A26x FOR RENT 6-room houss. with lsrge re ception hsll and hath, all modern, 2411 Burt St., $30. H. B. Boyles, Bovles Col lege. Both 'phones. (16) -210 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms In apartment basement; city water; toilet and ass tf C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. - 16)-380 NEW 6-room. molern cottage, J613 Blnnev' St. Tel. Webster 1762. (16)-M676 lx $206 ROOMS, modern, i2S S. 21st . $258 rooms, modern, 2708 8. 8th. $209 rooms, modprn, !8(8 Pinkney. F. D. WEAD. 1801 FARNAM. (l M717 .. . Baliatagra. . FOR RENT 8-story brick building with basement and elevator. 1111 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1456. (16)-M63 Halls sal Lodge R OSTHOFF HALL. 6U N. 16th. (U)-M8s7 A2I Washington hall and lodge rooms, 410 S 18th (15)-M174 A26 ' Office. DESK ROOM fur rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th snd N Bts South Omahs. Call at Bee office, S 6.' branch. Mlh and N Sts. New address 416-M677 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounss Blk.. on 16th St.; opposite postofflce $10 per month. Conrad Young, lMg Dodge 16)-74 On account of changes In office arrange ment we will sell the counters now la stalled In The Bea otflea and Hastlnaa .t Heyden's office. These sre handsomely carved and deoorated oak counters, having s marble baea it Inches high. The counter stands 3W feet high und Z-foot top, and tbera la a total of about 46 feet In length. These will bs ld either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Sta OH-274 Stares. t WILL BUILD store rooms to suit tenants on ITS feet front, n. side Katnsm, at K1; on 68 feet front, a. eite Farnnm. w. of 2Sth; on 42 fvet front, w. side 24th s. of Burdette; on bo feet front, w. side 24h. cor. H.. S. O. 8. S. CURTIS, . 18"8 jlsrney Rt. )6)--M2i8 OFFERED FOR SALE Farstlsrs HANDSOME osk dining room set: leaving cltv. Tel Douglas 249"'. (16l 7'12 1 THE DOMESTIC Sewing msrliine, ligh,t running, never known to lulk. alwms ready to do your work satisfactorily. Ses it before buying machine, special nrices this week, second hand machine, $6 up. machines tented, supplies and repairs fur all machines. Of fice noriiirsat corner 18th and Capilol Ave.. Hold Loyal Bldg. 'Phones: Ball Doua 1374 Ind. A -8.152 GUSTAFSON AND HBNRICKSON. Typewriters. TV PE W RITERIf Air ntiVii, a'l prices, far sale, for rent; rent spplled. Bofu phones. is. F. Ew a ii son Co.. 417 So. 16th 8t . Omsh. Mlsealiaaeensa. HIGH grade soda fountain. 410 8. 13th St. (16)-M171 11 FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and A pool tables. We lead ths world In cheap, f bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick- Bslke Collender. 407 8. lotb Bt. 1I)-8SS FOR SALE Some four and five-ton stake drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 435. Sioux City, la. (18)-M77 FOR SALE-Show esses, wall cases, floor rases, counters and mirrors, sll In good condition. Apply T. P. Redmond, Brand ela Stores. (16) M8SI 1 SEND us our mall orders for drugs freight psld In 810 lota. Myers-Dli log Drug Co.. Omaha (16) sa) FOR SALE A $6i0 Tuft's 10-syrup counter soda founlsiu. secondhsnd. at $1A. la. quire J. D. Barnes, Fullerlon, Neb (1Q-M344 Lg DRUGS at cut pi ices: freight pa'd aa all $10 orders; catalogue fiM. fiherniaa ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Nb -14) ett FOR SALE One Am. Hoist and Derrick Co . contractors boistlng engine. 4J Bso f'dg. flO-Mois FOR HALE Cash register. "National" with tape atlaclunsaU Address A 24. Bea, tlj-MauA V 8 i I; f v- i