THE OMAHA DAILY REE: Tt'KlsDAY. MAIaVll :;o. WX CRlCi AND PRODUCE MiRlETI;"; DiitBDointine Cubles Strt Whmt I v.,.,r shipments .... Ifl (PHI Trifle Lower. V-" . DtJ i Oats, hu. F.vV TiA irr r- "e,-i i . . ' ivvtuoaiv flJLW S BILLL J U JLLiSH Damn Rcpairls tilse Bet ter Toaa to rrlres, Which ne. reeal la netting on a llriir Hula. - OMAHA. Msrch 29. 19. I Haanpolnting rahlea alerted nil l)o inn 7.0iK s n 44 Or 34 .mo '""K (.KNKRU, MARK FT arloae Qaolatloas f -r B- 4 onamodtt les. celpts. !1 1.17 . bbls ; exports. 24.5-0 hbH ; ""ket firmly h.lfl. with demand alack; Minnesota patent. IS atfM.On: Minnesota 1L"'. -,-"6: Winter etrslghts. .. .: 'n'r "traa.; winter pat- 7 -"5.t: winter low grade. t3.90d i KEW.ORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Again Active and Valuei Advance Rapidly. MAST LARGE BUYING ORDERS Forelgo Marketa Rlw a fi of Settlement of Balkaa Affair ana Movement la Reflected Hera. NEW YORK, March i The stock msr- l4: Kansas sti Sight. lfi.2!iS.4fi. Rye flour, I Kt today fulfilled the prumlae of a alder speculative interest man aas contameo in . Rii'Hni" ...... . . . m. . .. trifle lower th,a morning, but tha domestic I . hoi,'..' $Vifli 7s" Hack iheat flni? ,.ie newa com nues bull ah an. I on numerous ' J mickwheat flour, qmel. damage reporie a better feeling exlsed wnlrii firmed prices to a steady basis, but no heavy advance wu registered. Corn waa weak owing to a alack demand and cajh offerings were onlv taken at a slightly lower figure, aa tha world a visible showed an Increase. Wheat opened easy and aold off gradu ally on weak cablea. but bullish newa and a decrease In tha world'a visible supply started prices up and a apurt of buying aupport from leading longs advanced values cloee to the crop record. May wheat opened at n.11 and closed at Corn waa weak arid nervous at I he si art. cauaed by a easier demand and freer offerings. Cash cofn waa lower and offer ings were slowly taken. A better demand should develop or a decline Is evident. May corn opened at 82Vc and closed at H-"c. Primary wheat receipt were 842,000 hu. snd shipments ware irw.ono bu.. against recelpti last year of 682.000 bu. and shlp menia or 221000 bu. Corn receipts were 471.000 hu. and .Mo menta were 444.000 bu., againat reoelpta last year of 887,000 bu. and shipments of 4K.on0 bu. 'les ranees were 117.000 bu. of corn, none of oata and wheat and flour equal to 399. m bu. Liverpool closed ,6',o' higher on wheat and 'Ad higher on corn. Looal range of o preens: Article. Open. Hlh.l LowTTciose-i Sat y. Wheat- I , Mav... 1 11SI f 111,: 1 1IS 1 1 I1, July... 9V l oovi 99 1 0f"ii :" Corn' " I' I May.., tJi 2' Oats i May... Sim , ' 51',! 61V SI', CX)R.'MKA1 St,..,i,.. .1,1.. ...a ...! MW-V,.1.Sfi''-e; ,oar. 'tl.i0TM.55: kiln dried. R V E Dull ; No. 1 western, t7c, f. o. b. New York. BARI. BY steady; mailing. 7ff7o. c. I. f. New York; feeding. Tlfj75c, c. I. f. New York. WilGAT Receipts, 7B.W0 b.i.; exports, Ui ff) bu. Hpot. firm; No. I red. tl.MSfl 1-S7S, elevator, and tl.27',. f. o. b, afloat; No. I northern, Duluth. V.aKH. f. o. b., aflnat; No. 2 hard winter. tl iaV). f. o. b.. afloat. The hulls gsve the w.ieat market xorllent support today and the ceneral trend of prices waa sharply upward. Higher continental markets, bettec.raah demand, unfavorable crup advices., all contributed to the advance, and final pikea showed N814c net rl. July la.l'ng. My closed at tl.fl', and Julv t ll 14V CORN Recelpie. KKI bu. ; exports. 81.S0O hu. spot, steady; No. 2. (levator, and 73Sc. f o h.. a. 'Inat; No. 2 vellow. 73Sc f. o. b.. afloat. The market was quiet and a shade easier, closing 'sfiAtc nt lnwr. Mav. 7:n,iti74We. closed at ;ic. Julv cloaed at 7.'IV and September at 'Jc. AT8-he-eipts. 59.B0O l.u. Spot, steady : mixed oMs. to J2 lbs.. W'tfr67Hc; natural white, '.'S to .12 lbs, i7rt,c; clipped white, it to 40 lbs . iiTtreic. BRAN-flteady; spring. tJ?.W; middling, ti?7.5': city. f27.75. HAY-Htm: No. 3. 'tic; good to choice. P'oSnC. flinES-null; Bogota. lV3i4c; Central America, liw-ic. I.KATMKK Quiet ; acid. JArfrWc-PROV'lSlONS-fieef. oulet: family. $15.00 15.,"i0; niMi. $10.00$ n. on; beef hms, IUM 'J.0O; packet. $14.orfj14.iii: My exlra Inrlia Oanaha Caatt Prlcea. WHEAT No. t hard,-$1. 1011. 11'4: No. 3 hard. $1.07'44M.l': No. 4 Hard. $1.0&'1.(V Xo. . spring. $1 07ffl.oi". CORN No. S. ftvswn4c; No. 4. ot,a69.e ; No. t yellow. sVt7'0a,ie; No. 3 yellow. Yffi ""'tc; No. ft white. l1!iJi1S- OATS No. J mixed. i9c; No. S vellow. b,c: No. '3 white. 50c; No. 4 white. Wrf' f0c: standard, oWtflfllc. RYK-No. t. 74c; No. $. 72Vg73c. tarlet Keeelpta. ., Wheat. C'n"i. Oa' the sudden revival on Saturday. The effect of the rapid advance In prices at the end of the week was to bring in a large increase of orders for stocks today, which mere executed in the market wltii many symp toms of speculative excitement. The volume of the market was run up by noon to HO.OOO shares, thus rather ex ceeding the recent average for a full day'a bimlneaa. Brokera found themselves with ordera on their handa when the market opened for purchase of anywhere from 1 00 to t.OUO shares ot siuck, the latter figure representing Individual purchases In sev eral cases aa reported on the floor. More over, theee ordera were for purchase at the market In some cases, that la, without limitation on the price. This state of af faire waa responsible for the buoyant uu ahoot of opening prices, first quotations in United States Steel and I'nlon Paclfio be ing wide, or with slmultajieoua prlcea carv ing a fraction. Btsldna the sudden flowing of the speculation In the local market Saturday, foreign markets contributed the Influence of the definite aettlemenl of the dlapute between Austria and Servla re ported In the morning dlspetchea. This re lieved the Ixndon and European markets from quite a weight of depreaalon and com bined with the brightening money outlook to atlmulate a apeculatlve revival abroad. The effect was seen In the large receipts of ordera for the purchae of American securities in New Tork, estimates of Jxin dona buying for the day running from 7I.000 to 100.000 ahares. This waa a material actor on the strength of the market and had a pronounced effect on the foreign ex change market ratea for exchange on Lon don, making a heavy decline under the in fluence of the credits established abroad by these foreign purchases. The question of further gold exports waa thtia definitely surance that peace his rome In the Balkans raised prlcea on the Bourse today and busi ness waa lively. Banking, mining and elec tric sharea were from I In I per cent hlaher. Government rails also were up. but snip ping nnd industrial ahares made no ad vsncea The close waa quiet. PARIS. March Prlcea on he Bourse today were notably firm on the setlle ment nf the Balkan question. The private rate of discount Is l' per rent, a dcllne of ' per cent. "lew tsrk Maaiey Market. NEW TORK. March S MONEY On call. eesv. IVil per cent; ruling rate. 14, per rent! closing bid. 1H per cent: offered at l1, per cent. Tim loans, veiy dull nd steady; slxtv days. 2,ftfm per tent; ninety days. 2 per cent; six months. 24?3 per cent. PRIME MIEL'ANTILB PA Priit 69 4 per cent. STKRMNO EXCHANOS Weaker, with actual buainess In bankers' bills st $4.Mtl5 tJ 4: . for sixtv-dav bills and at $4 87 70 for demand: commercial bllla. t4 Witi V Ml.VFR Bar. Vsc: Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds - aa fa), lows: C g. ref. is. reg WIHInt. M. M. 4Se H 4 i-fumon lOltoJ.psa 4e ''4 U. f. res 101 do 4S 'fc do roupna Ill' do Zd Mrlea t U. a. 4a m Ill K V. So. la) as... 7. do coupon 1"4 talis Khor. d. 4i lll W Aiiis-rnai. in ... ni. a n. uni i"i Am. Artmillural it ! M . K. T. 1st 4s.. ts Am T T ct. 4 . 1714 do lit a ref. 4t ... 7 Am. Tobsoro 4s 1 do n. 4W "44 do 4s UK Me. Fertile 4s " Aiehlson sen 4a Wts. Y. ( l't do g. b. 1st 4 5'4 dn deb. ir I4 do r. 4s '" N. Y Cite 4s new..lllS do CT. it 17H!. Y . N. H. at H 0MAU1 LIVE STOCi MAREETl Cattle of All Kindt Show More or Lett Decline. Atlantic c. U lit 4i. 714 rr . Bsl. V Ohio 4l. dn. !, d a. w. m IMC Tr. T. 4s ... Colo, so ist Is .. Central of us. . .. f'sntral tosthar s. O. of N. J. I 6. Ohen. Ohio mt. I'HIrsio 4V A. r . B q. l 4i .lt'N. H. 1st e. 4s.. . 'S do r. 4 . H'.No, Ptrific 4a. . 14 H do Ss .lotiuo. B. I.. rtd. 4 .. l'WSPenn. rr. Ilu 11. . 44 do tin. i .V7'4nrdln( sen. 4. .lMv, . " ST . let . 71 . ', . M M44 . 10614 U. A i. T. Is. u B. w. M do 1st gold 4s. C. M. I I F. I tVt IKIRMboard A. I.. c.. n. I. e P. do eol. Is do rfrif 4a rcc. Bt. L. B. 4a. Colo. Ind. la Oolo. Mid. r. A g. r. Tl Be Parlflr ool. KVs a 1st rsf. 4a.... MS So. RallwaT 5s... M do n. 4s. , 7.1 tnina Pmelfte 4s.. 14 44 do rr. ii7 lfl.i'l. Iard. uukt; westeti . $l.4tr0.50; re fined, steady; continent. $10.90; South Amer ica. $11.60; compound. tS.lJVavffl. Pork, sternly; family, tin So; short clears, $lfloir 21. 50; mess, $IH.iVK'a1lt.00. T.M.I.OW 8tesdv; c ity i per pkg ). 6",c; country (pkgs. freet, 5Vi!c. CICE Quiet ; dontrsttc, fair lo extr. 2 HlHif. Japan, nominal. Bl'TTKR Firm ; receipts, 4.38; creamery specials. '4fli": offirlal price. 31c; extras, ntl'jt ; third to firsts. 21fJc; held, third to first. 310(1 'Xc: pro-es. common 10 epeclal, 17M:'4c; western facton.'. firsts. 19tt).4c; ' western imitation creamery, firsts. 2tK8!lc. ... ; CHICKSK Firm; receipts. 672; state, full Li cream, specials. 1ci 17f : state, full cream, ...! fancy. lntc: stale, full cream, good to fine, lo1!': winter made, best. 14V.C. winter made, good to prime, U'iljMV-; winter j" ' made, ciimnton to ratr. itnjc; skims, run . ..... 'to special. I'ifil-'tc. r eat area af the Trading: and I loilim KG(13-Firm receipts. 17974: state, renn Prlces aa Board of Trade. IsylvRitia and nearly fancy, selected, white, CHIOA&O. March 2 Wheat for Septem- j -4c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, her delivery touched a new high reconl ! 'air to choice, whit, ITtrc; brown ami nuxea. lancy. .un . orun una mixea, fHlr to choice. WgaHvl western firsts, 1f4,9-30'4c; seconds, ilvdic; southern firsts, 19:; seconds. 19&W4c. POl'UTRT Alive, chickens, broilers, 'd SSc: fowls. H'jc; dressed, dull; wentern chickens, 12',c; fowls. IMjlSVxc. , WRITHKI1 in THE GRAIN RKl.T ss t I Ida 4 I- Ham Haa am t ittA I i afiinl sa rAfliHlirt mess. 22i-'S O0 Cut meats, firm; pickled , foreign money markets, presaging be lles, $.,o10.00; pickled hams. $l0.2o' , n,.o .oetimulatlon of funds whleh Chicago ... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 5 ..SM .. 34 CHICAGO ftRAtN AD PROI l4IOl mark for the season today, when It sold st $1.004,. The May delivery advanced to within 4c of the heal mark of the seaaon, while tha July option failed by So of equal ling the top figure. The close was steady at the high point of the day. Corn, oats and provisions alao cloaed strong. Weekly statistics were the chief reason for the buoyant tone which waa manifested In the wheat plf during the .greater part of H a day. World'a abiprnems showed . a de-. crease of more than S.O00,u0 buahels, com pared with the previous week, the amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased nearly 2.000.000 bushels and the visible sup ply in this country decreased fW.000 bush els. An additional demand for cash wheat here and at Kansas City waa much more hrtak and this had a bullish effect On the market late in the day. Sentiment In the pit waa a trifle bearish at the atart because nf tha poor response of the Uverpool mar ket, to tha local advance Saturday, but the buying Of May bv a few scattered shorts soon cauaed a substantia rally. The mar ket waa alao supported by the leading bulls. Toward midday, tha mackat again heeam quit weak for a short time owing to profit talking by some of the big holders, hut soon rallied again on buying brought out by the Improvement in the rash situa tion. On this bulga May advanced to $1.194 and July to $1 Oss. The close waa strong at net galna for the day of Ho to T,gic, May helng at 11.1ft1. and July at tl.06V The corn market closed firm at net gains for the dav of ,(,, to Ho, May being at tKHjfwrv and July at toe. Trade in the oats pit waa rather dull. The market cloaed firm at net gains of ' to HQ?, with May at WHc and July at 474c. Provisions were rather weak earlv in the day. but rallied later. At the close prlcea were $VSl6e above the closing quo tations of Saturday. , The leading futures ranged aa followa: Artlclea.l Open. High.) lxw. CJoae.l Sat y" Wheat I I I I I May II l!, t 1V I IS 1 1V 1 18S .liny i utv,", 1 tivi ttvn', I iW4 1 06. 8ept. Wt&V 1 tWSI 1 00,: Corn-e- I May - July 1 Opt. Oeta May July Fept. Pork Mav Julv ' Sf pt. l-atd-May . July , Sept. Ribs May July Eept. viirv M fits' 47 ys'47S0H' VI , 39S' I I 74t:S'9'1l6Sff7 M !V 6H I . 5i a6v,titSf's' rih. M 47 Fair Taesday and ot Mark Change In Temperalare. OMAHA. Mny 19.. The weather Is generally cloudy and un settled In the central vaJleya and through out the west. Light snows are falling tula morning In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys and along tnc eastern slope of the Rocky mountains. Light rains are general along tiW Pac:fic coast, and light snows otcurred throughout tne north west within the last twenty-four hours. Very light and acattered precipitation oc curred in the lower lake region and east ern states during Sunday bur fair or partly cloudy fweather prevails east of the Mississippi river. No Important change In iempralure as occurred in the central valleys or west during the lost forty-eight hours, and there Is no indication of any Important change In this vicinity tonight or Tuesday. The weather will be generally cloudy and aomewhat unaettled but the outlook la net favorable for precipitation worthy of note. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the oorreaponding day of the last three years: 1KUM. 19"). 1907. 190. Minimum temperature 31 x .1$ w Precipitation T . .10 .00 Normal temperature for today, 43 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L .76 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1304, M of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period in 1907, 1.06 inches. L. A. WEI-flH. local Forecaster. the expected accumulation of funds which will follow the April settlements and the Increase In confidence resulting from the Balkan settlement. The speculative ele ment continued to lay much stress on t lie eatly return to the financial district In tended by B. H. Harriman and the nn ferences which have taken place between that gentleman and President lrfuls Hill of the Or eat Northern. The Harriman stocks were prominent features of strength. South ern Pacific, In fact, selling at the highest price of record, while Colon Pacific touched a price within a fraction of the highest made since the panic. Another factor In the strength of the market was the report from Washington of Influential efforts be ing made o expedite the program of tha tariff bill and the hope thus aroused that this matter will be disposed of at an early date and removed as a disturbing Influence. There waa much discussion of the anthra cite labor outlook and the professed belief that a costly conflict would be avoided waa a helpful Influence on the whole mar ket and on Reading in particular. News bearing on the advance did not extend much beyond these points and the technical position aa reflected In the long passive resistance of prices to apparently depress ing factors waa the point most relied on. At the advanced level of prlcea today there was vary heavy selling to realise at all stage, snd this had some ultimate effect on the rise. The absorption power of the market, however, waa Impressive and tnis sustained the undertone of confidence In the speculation. AdvanCea in prices of copper and lead were announced during the day. Reports from the steel trade In dicate that In spite of the dullness In that trade In general, orders for structural ma terial in March were the largest for any month in the history of the trade. Bonds were firm. Total aales, par value, $0,796,000. United Suuea : bonds were un changed on call. Numoer of salts and leading quotations on stocks wara: Salt. Hifk. Lost. CIMa. . . 7."i 7i4 . 1.1 M4 4V M ,S It HH 1!S, , . 1.40 H " 42H i!1. . 1 300 . t.lon . !K) Ml, Kansas City liraln aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 29 -WHEAT-l n- changed to Ifl higher; No. 2 hsrd. tl.t.$ rr 70 17 to 17 00 17 17 70 17 8JV, 17 M'4 17 75 10 1 10 20 10 07V 10 2SH 10 10 10 ft ) I 10 40 10 45 10 I 37V' iV 30 j K,l K awl 2W (70 571, 1.20: No. 3 hard. $1.111.18: No. 2 red. $1 .2: tfl. 3X: No. 3 red. tl .tf1 .33. CORN I'nchansed; No. t misted, t3$'4l$ie: ms :a S1. !0i-i I northern spring, tl.a'tl.211,; No. 2 north I 17 2',; 17 T7Va 17 ?i4 17 80 17 9!V 17 SO 10 So 10 15 10 J5 4'.1,! S7U, 1 a r.-.v No. t. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR earty : winter patents. tf 11714; straights. tllMWM; spring patents l&4a0; straights. $4.1.2S; bakers. $4 06 4JP4. RTB tNo. I. TAo. BARLJTY Feed or m'xlng, KX6Bc; fair to choice) realtmg. K$f.V. 8WHID-Flag, No. I southwestern. No. 1 northwestern, $l.fe. Timothy, M lb Clover. $00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl , $17 0 17 45. Ird, per 100 lbs.. $10. lOJf.1 0.12V Short ribs sides looee, $i.ROif4.30. Sliort clear sides 1 boxed I. t.50 9.82V. IXK8 eneaidv at mark, cases Included, first, lie: prime firsts. !J0c. CHFUSB-Kirm; daialea, 16StPl: twins l4locr young Ajnericas, 10V'; long horns, tac POTATOWI-STeadv: choice, to fancy.. RV. lc: fair to good. afJ7c POUL PR T-Steady; turkeys. 17c; chick ens 15c; arcings, lie. VKAl Steady; 50 to D-lb. weigius. 4UV-- tn tfc-lh. weights. 5V; at to lPVlb weighia, atrAtV. . Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal ta IM000 bu. Prlmsry reeeipts were 42.000 ba., eampared with Ogitto on the corresponding day a year ao. Tlie vlath'e supply 4f wheat In the United Elates de. creaaed Mi. 000 bti for the week. The amount of breadstuff en ecesn (Mage decteasew I $44,000 bu. rTatlmated rjrepla (ortomor nw: Wheat. R4 -ara; rmrn, 1S4 cars; oats, 1S7 cats; hogs! II 000 head while, He. No. 3 while, M'Scj 2c; No. 3 mixed. ti:'.c; No wlille. 5c. (ATS Unchanged ; No. No. 2 mixed. 61452c. R Y" K 7:vtr77e. HAY Steady 10 firm: choice timothy, tl. Otin 10.50; i-hoce prairie, t9.26fl9.50; choice alfalfa. 1 15. 0i t1 00. Bl'TTKR CieHmery, 30c; liists seconds. -: packing stock, 17c. EHOS Kxtrfis. ISc; current recelpti, flat at li'sc; seconds and dirties, 1V. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7." 4.0OO Corn, bu Srt.Oiw ).0OO Oais. bu 22.000 K.OOO Options at Kansas City: Articlei. Open . I High. j Low. I Close. Wheat May July Corn Mav July ., A Aaked. I ! I 1 t I loSl 0MS1 Wi 7',: wsi :v ".'24,T1 "JS; 2SA tt, Amslrsnaied Coppor Am. C. P Am. C. Jr r. r' Ant. rottoo oil. . . Am. H. A I., pit .... Am. lo Sseurltls Am. UniMd Ol I. ....... Amsrlean LooomotWe .... Am. Uoeomotlt pfd Am. I. A n Am. I. R pfd Am. Sugar Rofinlog. Am. To1pcn pfd Amertran Wooisn Ansronda Mining Co.. Airbiaon Atebiiion pd Atlsntlo C'ut Lis Haltlmoro Ohio tUl. Ohio r'd Brnoklrs Rapid Tr . ..... Canadian Pacific ... Central Lutber Ontiml Iathsr p:d. Contra! of New Joraey.... ChMapoaJio Ohio Chicago Ul. W rnlugo N. W r , h. at. P 0. . O.. C. St. h Colorado P. A I Colorado A B 1. 'olo. Bo. IK pfd Colo, g Bo. Id pfd Coaaolldaiad (mi Cart PToducta riawars g Hudaon ritnvar A Rio t.rando ... D. R. O ptd Ulstlllsra' loruntiM .... Kris un 1st p'd Kris Id pfd (Mnml Eiortrlr Orat Northarn pfd Urest Northarn ors etfs Illinois (Antral Intorborougb Mot Int. Mat. pfd International Paper Int. Papor pfd International Puqp lows Ctntral Kanaaa I lly Bo K. ('. Bo. pfd Loularttls A N Minn. Bt Ionia M.. Bt. P. A S. I. M ... Miaaouri ParKte M , K. T M . K . T ' pld Nativnat Load Now Yorli Central V Y . O. W Norfolk I Wtatarn. North American Northarn Pacific Pacific Mail Panoaylvanla Poopla'a Oaa p . :., c. a 11. 1. Praed Bteol tar J4.K MS 40W . 40u 11 14 V 1S 634, M' 1IS 7Va tun. l.Sn 104'j IMS 10'S WO) 3!T4 1X1 , till ' mm ' ms m 1,409 It IIS 4.KM b 44V, U.IOS 106S, If 1.400 111 Vt 1M 13.200 llVa 111 ii.ion .'iis ' i)0 171', 170 Itm h2 ma 44', i.S l'H 121 111', 44 74 1.1 S4S 1U 6S i HI 14.XW) 70 W S 1,300 6t, .S 1 .son isih iso 1I.IW0 14TH 144T, 147S MM ;fii, tfi 74.. MOD ih 84S 4, Mil 4VW 4!. 4 I 000 IZS "S S no 71m. 7S "S ll.MHI H8V 117 111 oo ' iS iS 177H 17 t.MM 41, 44 17S 4a 1 am i.nou 14.41 1.S0O 1100 8 ;s if 1.71)0 161 7 V, 4'4 :4 4?4 It 14 SI, ITS 42 U 1(7 11.400 14o4 1441, "0 Ik', 4 CJI'4 , Ifl J6, 144', Hi l.U, )! II', 7. HOI l.ino 40', s I1 s in 3S tMt 14.4 3; 44 '4 Dal. A H ev. 4a. do 1st ret. 4a.... D. A R. O. 4s.... nltlllra ts Brie p. 1. 4s do gn. 4l do rv. aer. A.... do aeries ft Cen. Blet. ev. 4a... III. con. 1st ref. 4 Int Mat. 4W' Bid. Offered. . 4W. 44 4e 1st A ref. 4e . . lOOwir. B. Rabeer la .104V4P. I Ateel M H . IT Cters. Is. . 71 Wabash 1st as . ad do let A ox 4t ... . II Weat am Md. 4s . Tl West. glee. r. la . . MS Wl Central 4a . .. . 11 D. a R. O. rf la. .100i: '7', 7", . I?44 . 44V4 . II 444 .111 . T444 .104 . M'4 lnis .IM . MS .tuS . 74', . M .. S . 44', 44 HOGS MOSTLY FIVE CENTS LOWER Sheep aad l.aaaba Fairly Aellve ni Ten t Fifteen Ceata Higher Than the Beat Tlase Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. March . 1H0 Receipt s were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Kstlmate Monday , .4tio .onO dame day last week....t.082 4. Tot 9.069 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 4. $79 $.221 .U Same day $ weeka Bgo..4,7tO 7,74 771 8sme day 4 weeka ago.. I. AM A4 SO.tW 8ame day last year $.197 $.404 4.7J4 Tha following table snows the receipta of rattle, hoga and aheep at South Omaha for the year to data, compared with last year: l)f ling lac. Pec. Cattla 2,47 2!.S2 -7 Hogs ttM. 770 798.764 106.94 Shep 4UI m SJ0.1S4 $2,910 Tn, following table shows the average price of hogs at South Otnana tor the last several days, with comparisons: Hale. I 190$. 190.19O7.19O$.l$OS.1904.lO$. t K t 49 44 $44 March 17. March 18. March 19. March 90. March 21. March 22 March Jt March 24. March 26. March 20 March 27. Maroh 2$. March 29. t tft MV4 t 6A4 ( fio 4 Ml I $ 11 4 68 It M 4 J t 48 4 Ml t 44) 4 7S. $ 26 16' 4 791 t 1$ 4 r7V 4 l t 08 $87 I t 01! 03 $73 It 621 11 1 601 $ 23 $ m t 17 t 19 $ 18 X I to t 27 4 98 t 01 t ox t 13 $ W 6 01 i M R 16 j 6 1X t M t 04 4 $B t 9S 4 9n 4 9 I Ml t 04 t It 1 1 1 oa T It 7 $8 7 So e 7 44 7 97 7 4 7 22 7 38 27) 6 10 $ 171 T to I ttli t $091 14) Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: cutie. nogs, onwp, i r a. A O. rfdl cfa .l'H', C, Al. A 81. P. Ry Missouri paciric Union Pacific M 14 C. A N. W., cant .... J 4 C. A N. W.. weal ... 86 29 C, St. P.. M. A O.. 13 J (.. R. A O . east j C, R. At W , west.... SO 3 ., ft. 1. v. 1 ., enai.. i Illinois Central S C. O. W 4 1 211 t.ecal Securities. Uiintallona furnished by Samuel Burns. jr., 614 New lorn i.ite, ummi. Arery Company Beatrice Creamery, com Beatrice Creamery, pfd. 4 City of Omaha bonds 4S4S 1421 Douglas County 4a 1441 Cate City Malt Company. 4 Ind. Tal. la li tonvfc pro Bonnet Katiaaa city Ry. A Light 5s 1411 Kanaaa City fly. Light, pf Kanaaa City Ry. A Light, rem Nebraska Telephone Stock Omaha Oaa la 1417 Omaha C. I, I F ll 1441 Omahe C. L. P., pfd Omabs C. . Bt. Ry. s 1114 O. A C. B. Bt. Ry. 4a 14M Omabs A C. B. Bt. R., pfd. ; t-dl. Omaha C. B. Bt. Ry., com. 4 Omaha 0. B. Ry. A B. pfd .... Omaha Water Company (a 1414. Omaha Water Company 4e 1444 Omaha Water Company 1st pfd Omaha Water Company 26 pfd Omaha Board of Trade Ridg Co. pfd... Omaha Board of Trade Bldg. Co. com . . State Inaursnce Company South Omaha Bester 4'a 1414 Bute Barings Bank Block, Butte Swift Co. tex-dl ) Bhetidss Coal It IMS Bloui City Bloc Tarda pfd Trt-Btate Land Co. pfd. teem. bonueV. .. Union Stock Tarda Co. Stock. Omaha... Union Cenau-uctloa Ce., Kanaaa City... Bid Aaked. 110 It 47 14 W 104 '4 1044 IMS IV'S 104 II I714 4HV4 71, 7 sr. 17 . 14 41 14 44 JS Hid) It 101 1, o M4 101 S 10 4 44 48 41 44 4 :4 w 1 t 44 4 104 40 4t 1M 1M 1 14 10114 lots 44 14 HI, 47 at m II 2 Total receipts 213 The disposition of the day's receipts was si follows. e:tch buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company .. Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour Oo , Krey Packing Co Swift, front country... Carey At Benton Uobman A Rothchild . Hill a Son J. B. Root At Oo J. 11. Bulla U F. Htiss I.. Wolf McCrearv A Carey ... H. F. Hamilton M. Ilagerty St Co K. O. Inghram Sullivan Bros I, ehmer Bros Illinois Packing Co 1 SchwartB-BolIn Rothchllds Other buyers US 40 London Closing loka. LONDON. March . American securities opened firm today and during the early trading ruled from to IV, higher than Saturday's New Tork closing. The strength of the market was due to the favorable news from the near east. London closing stocks: rjoneole. money 44V4M , K. A T l'N. T. Central.... 4SNorfolk A W 107S do pfd...' 104I4 Ontario, A W.... 11444 Pennavlrenia .... '.144Rann Mines 71SRedlng b'eSetithern Rj dn acoeunt Anaconda Atchison do prd - Baltimore a (this. Canadian Paclfle.., Ctieaapeeke e O ( hkago a. w 4't 1.14 41 14 4A 47S chl.. Mil. A Bt. P ..1J0S do ptd... .. . . 1414 . . -4 .. 44V, .124', ..l4 4 .. 47", .. a ..t! . . U'4 .. 441, .. 414 s re Reere l7,8nulhern Paelhc Drnrar 4V RIO 0 47l'nlon Pacific dn pfd do pfd Brie J7'C. B. Bteel dn la' pfd 43S OA pfd dd Id pfd ll'eWantah Grand Trunk ll do pfd Iilinoia central 141 Hpaniah 4e tMiiavltle S N 1 341 Amat. Conner HlhVKK Har. sieacly at :i j-iid per ul. MONKY 2'i2S per rent. The rate of discount In the open market for sliort bills is 2 per cent; for three, months' hills, 1S4T1S per cent. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. March 29. MonCy. call loans. 2 H4 ner centi time loans. ZQ per cent t ,6VN e-'Se'A Pullman Plce t ar Hallway Steel spring ( Reading Reptihiic Steal lalhle Bapply ot Grala. NEW YORK, Msrch 29,-The via'ble sup ply of grain In tne United States Saturday, March 27. as compiled by the New York Pr iduce exchange, aas aa follows: Wheat. Ss.412.OnO bu. : decrease. St4,'i0 bu. 4 cm. t.75o.0"O hu. ; ii,tiase. 4oi.t4 bu. Oats, .'7.'" bu.: decrease. 75.000 bu. Rve. 604.I10O bu.; incrcaee, ;ii.(C4) bu. Barley. 3 ".. bu.; iuctease, ', 1.14") bu. Tne vis b e umiiiy fo !iei i. Canada last Saturdav ana 7.71''.Ott. an increase tf T. bu i. A w fi.flrt bu. T.'., y w- M ' 1 ntoa racttiS Republic Mteel pfd Rock laland Co. . . Rock laland Co. pfd.. St L. B. P '.'d pfd St. Ixmia B. W Si. 1.. s. W. ptd Bloaa-ftheffleld B. A I Southern Pacific lo. Patific pfd Southern Railway 80 Railway p'd Ttnneaaae Copper Teus e ,. 4.4u :i4 II 400 J 114, . . 1.100 4S 44', . ;.4w i4s 7414 .. I 4jrt 113', llli, . . 1.000 ii', 41 , .. 1.6'Hl 146 141'4 144 . . 10.4O1 71 ' 7t, 7iS . . 4:S 4iS 42S XI 74 74 71 .. It 4O0 14 II 4.1, . 41., son Hi', !' ltv, . . 4.400 4S 444, 44S 1.400 40', 41', . . S.IO0 SO', 7S II', 11.1MI I43S 1424 14;s 4-0 31 12, 11', . . 14.7011 11,14, m lus .. 4"1 I1J!, 11?', 111S 1.10 41 4-' 4:S 3'at 8S J714 40l ITS', 17 IT.i, 00 W' .17 114, . 114S HIS 14'S 400 111, !, .. l ion w ;;u; ts ?tl, s W4 t4', 17 ;s Atchison adj 4a. do 4a Atchlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boston A Maine... Boston derated . N. T.. N. H. H t'nion Pacific Am. Arge. Chem.. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube . Amir. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Iioinlntou t. A Bdlaon suae lllu.. Mane. Electric do prd Mass. Oaa t nlted Pruit t ailed 8. M do pfd V 8. Bleel do pfd Adventure AUouei Amalgamated Arltona Com Jt'l Kn 10. tl. .. ms i 4. 14' 1 11. .. 95S Atlantic IS 1""'Butte Coalition I4'4 I444ecal. Arlaona 101 I0ii,cal. Hecla 4S0 . .2S,centennin1 ... .141 t'oppw Range .!44Slaly Waat .... .!6tPr,nklln .IMSOraney 94 . 37 Oreene Cananea 10s . 44 lata Rovale IS4 . i'llliM Mining 13"4iMI hlgan 1S .11" Mont C. A C .IMNorada 10T4 . HHoid Pomlnlon M . 444tOareola ! 4 parrot IS .4 Qulncr 47 ', . 1414lbannea 1414 . "S'iTamarack 7414 . 41 Trinity .145't .nmi'nlted Copper !l'4 . 4441'. R. Mining 43 . mar. a. 011 is . 44'it iab 41', .lit Victoria 4S . I Winona 14 . l'4WnWrtne 14) . 7414 North Butte it, . il'4 68.1 HfV) 460 162 m 208 102 M 16 2W 3 28 130 4 88 88 ISO 288 788 1,663 1.348 1.678 371! 128 1.231 420 2.02 73 188 12 1.477 .6.180 6.648 6.690 Total CATTLK Receipts of cattle for the first day of the week were quite liberal, 212 cars being reported In aa against eeventy one cars one week ago and 177 cars two weeks ago. It was in fact the beat Mon day's run of cattle at thla nolnt since the second week in January. About half or very nearly halft nf the arrlvels consisted of cattle on the Blocker and feeder order. With liberal receipta and with prices from other selling points reported lower the market here on beef ateera opened slow and weak. to 10c. lower. The decline was not limited to the commoner grades es pecially, but was fully noticeable on the good cattle as any other. Cows and heifers in soma cases sold pretty nearly steady, but aa a rule they too were weak to 10t; lower with the cloea slow st the low noint of the day The supply of stackers, end feeders on the market waa excessive witn only actoui the usual demand. The result waa a very slow market with prices at least loo lower and In some cases possibly worse tnan that. It was well along toward midday before enough cattle had changed hands to make much of a showing and it was considerably later than that berore a clear anre waa finally effected. auntctions ..o cattle: Good to choice corn- fed ateera. t8.26fij4i.86; fair to good cornfed steers, ti.804.25; oommon to fair cornfed ateera, $4.600.60; good to choice cows and heifers. $4.0076.60; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.8054.oO; common to fair cows and heifers. t2.25J3 SO; stock netieis. I3.uuv4.uu; veal calves, n.Vi'; nuns, sings, etc. I175fii4 86: anod to choice stockers and feed ers. 4.6"tlo40; fair 10 good stockers and feeders, $4.004 60; common to fair Block ers and feeders, w.jwoh.w BEEF STEERS. Ar. Pr. No. A. Pr Tlewr Tork Mlolasc Stoeka. NKW TORK. March i Closing quota tions on mining stocks: Alice Brunawtck Con. .. Com. Tunnel slack do bond Con. Cal Vi ... Horn Bllrar Iron 8iir Offered. ..174 leidTil!e One. . . t Unit Cbiel ... .. It Mexican . . II Otiiarls . . 44 Ophlr .. 44 Standard . ..100 Vellow Jacket . .. 4 .. M .. . .140 .. 40 . .IM .. 47 7 I0O 4.JOO . I.i'1 4n 100 U. "O 1 : I'm im loion ;i 4. "! 4S 1 400 4w, 4 400 :, . I 4.0 4S M 71 i44 44', t'4 'S 24 44S 14'. ' 1444 its 1U, ie , V 941, S 44., 41 11 US lis 41', el :S I Ivereeol Oral a slarket. Inloa Pa cilia pld . a aubhar B. Runner let 1 St. Loala General Market. ST. IXUIS. Mo., March rt-WMFVT-Higher; track: No. i red cash, t!S-l:tl: tl.lo4Tl20; Ml, $l.loS11 1VV: I.IVKRPOOI.. March Jt -WHKAT Spot. I V steady No. 2 red western Winter, 8s 4Sd;t'- 8. B'.ael futures, stesdy; May. 8s 4d; July, 8s Sd; J-'- ttsel pf4 .. September. 8s CORN Spot, firm: New American mixed via Galveaton, 6a l'Vvl. rulures. dull; May 6a 9SI. PKAl Canadian, aieidy; . $'td. FIAM'R -Winter painta. stwng. 32s. ttu'.c: No. I hsrd Julv. $1 OdsaiOtV X)RN-Flrm: track: No. J cash atw; Nol 3 white. iVeA'"" Mev, July, eti-c ' 4ATg-Flrm; track: No. 2 laah. iJi36.V; No. White. 6o; May. 2Vio2T,c; .Inly 4Sc. t'T Hlpher at 8w. FIXLR Steady; red winter patents. $6 kj 4440; extra fancy and straight, ti.-ltai. . hard winter cieaie. Iit)"4ili. SF.EJJ Tlinothv. t2.SiatLj. 4'ORNMKAI,-$3 SO rriAN V eak ; sacked east na k. tl II Hi. 30. II 4 Y-Mrin; timothy. t.Vij II 60; prairie. $9 0k11 GO IRON CirTTON TIK8-H80. BAf;c;iN-7i HMP T WINK 7c. PRO lSIO.SS-Po: k. highet ; .inhhtng. $17. W lid. hit'iei : in me ittcain. I9:,ii leti:",. Ihv salt meats.; boxed xti 1 a.inrtl. I" 71. clear lih, fci ;i., ; short cleave. $iit an. Pl'vn ied ; nned exti s stion. $l.7e: clear HliS $m71,. slioii .-leaia. $il.ta. ."',: No. i.V- N v 4. 4 AtLlRIf ftcsa0i sbickrns, 12c, OATS-l'u.l, chuwe No. $ whits, 44 14c 4lilTaaLee C.rela Market. M ll.W VUK i-:F March "9 -W1IF.AT- i hlsl-er; N". 1 norlhern. i i',OT l; No. I nonhern. tllT',: July, ll.'m Old. HYK - No. I. 4fV. CORN May. m:ac. BAK1.KY- Siaudaid. V: sample, tad 64c. Ihah Copper Va. -Carolina chemical 4 a. -Car,. Chcm. p'd Wahaah Webeh pfd . aetinghotie glectric . , Wcaiern r-lon Wheeling I.. W. P. Innnain t'antral Am T a T i n T'Mal aala for the day. .104 144S llS 144 . 1. 400 4S 44', 44S 4O0 II 111', II . 1 ) iet ioiv, lias . It 70S 7 ' 44S 4. . is rf, int, r: . 1 100 44 41', 4:S 414, 101 114 . !. I4S 4S 4114 14 ll'l 47', l.i 4S 111 iK 474, HO 4.1S ; S 100 44, 44'4 . . 4 I 4IIA 41, 41', 111, too ::', 11114 us', .Ms) aharaa. Uululh lirala Market. IU I. i ril. NUi n . March 29-WIIBAT-May closed V l I'M. J.ily. II If,. b:d No 1 n.irt inn. $1.1,: No. i northern. tins OATS- 6"Sc ' Mlaarapalla (.rata Market. MINNKAIMI.IS. M'nn.. Mjrcli J -Close; Mv. II liSftl 'S: July, tl lSAel lrS. rssll. No 1 hsrd. II lt',731 14S: No 1 nonhern, $1 17S1.1'S: No. 1 iiortoern. tl l&Stfl.leS: No. t nortnern. tl USfl I.13S Peoria Market. I'HinM HI. March .t.-t'ORN Jwir; No. I e low. '.', c: No 3 yellow. Se ; .No. 1 j lorelga r'laaarlal. I IjONIsON. March S.-Money was In good Irtimsuil on tie market inlay fur toe aei. tiemeuia. Diet-junta Acre weak. The bank of Kntlsnd secured $4 ii1. (410 in gold ar rivals. TraOiiig on the stock exchange mas huoiini o-i 'he practical setilrmenl ot th. Balkan d f'lculty. and the pioapecta of cheater created a demand for slot ks wh:ch appesred r.-arce. Prices rose smartly in all dep.irt m ui s. Consuls, horn" rails and R ias an fundi lead in the ad vance and Hoard at shout the beat for the day. The saitleiocnt reveals a small portion open. Carry-over rates were easy, and ftir Americans were t per cent. Ameri can securities mere from one to laree points higher snd went oyer parity in the forenoon, chiefly on covering nperationa. Some recessions followed, owing to realisa tions but New York redeemed the ad vance In tha a'ternoon and ihls caused a aieady cktse at s fi ac t Ion below tne beg' for the dgy. The stick eichsnge will be rinsed April 9. 10 and It BERIJN, Matron. '. The prswttoal aa- Treasury Stateaaeat. . WASHINGTON. March 29. Today'a state ment of treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the tl50,0n0.000 gold re serve shows: Available cash balance. t13Ja19 737; gold coin nnd bullion. $12,110,814; gold certificates. $I8,144,2M, , " Bank flearlags. . DM HA. March 29. Bank '-leerlngs for today were $2.!2.8G2.M end for the corre sponding date last year T.'.'.a 1.771.56. Wool Martel. BOSTON. Match Jt WOOl la the ab sence of heavy domestic stocks, local wool transactions are- conflnsd to the foreign product, while In both lines the demand exceeds the supply. Dealera are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new clip and advices from the west show an advance to 2Sc for Montana and Dakota wool on the sheep'a hack. Very little ot the old stock la available and transactions are con fined to small lots. There Is a ateady de mand for pulled wool at firmer prices for all grades. The leading domestic quotations range as follows: Domestic wools. Ohio snd Pennsylvania fieeces. XX, HH3ic; X, t'-tfjWSc: N". 1 washed. 31i:83c; No. 2 shed. 3l3c; tine unwaaned. 23'8-J4c; half-blood combing. 31c; three-eighths biood combing. J"r ; otie-qoei'ei nsumj cumning, "P'gSfic; delaine, wsshed. J!4ti0c. Michigan, Wisconsin. New York fleeces, fine un washed. 2243 2Sc ; delaine, unwashed. SS'olSc; half-blood, unwaaned. 2(uvk;; three-elghina blood, unwaahed, 2v: one-quarter blood, 2b.'Sc. Kentucky. Indiana. Miasourl, three eighths blood. 2o?c; one-quarter blood, .tc. Scoured valuea: Texas. fine. ij tnoiitlis. srijeiTiC; fire. to t mouths. aftCoc; flue fall. 4("'oc: California, northern. bj 4Vc". middle county. 6ui;62c; fall free, 4J44Ck ; Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple. C'4ji3c; east ern clotliing. afctit'c; valley. No. , 4vU,0c; territory, fine staple. 4ki')c; fine medium staple. J4ii:c; fine cloihlni. 04Kc; fine mtdium clothing. otiaStSc; half-blt.od. "3iki( ; three-eighths blood. WtilbSe: on,(iLerter blood. fo3c. I'ulled: evtra, tCfjii.,! ; fine A. 6e?i2e; A supers. tVWj&oc. 8T. LUI8. March Jt Wool., Nomi nal, medium gradea combing and cloth leg. 2t3 24c; light fine. I74J ?',.. i,eay fine. 1045 17c; tub waalied. 20 Sir rial Halter 4larke. EU1IS' III . March S - Vti ITKR- Fi 1 m, Joe, sales for the week. 4i,7w (a uuds. in . 4.. 7.. 11.. 1S.. .. It.. 4 . IT.. M 11 II 117 4 40 1440 I on 4 CO 474 4 40 1107 I 14 443 I 21 iWi I 1 414 4 4 ml I 44 1104 i 44 1044 4 4 iOlO I 40 1144 6 M 1141 I n 1040 I 4f 10U 6 40 446 I Ml 441 1 44 440 I 71 164 1 4 1046 I 40 741) 3 0 1044 I 4i 473 I 1i 1144 4 4 744 -4 14 4.11 4 14 1041 4 40 441 4 44 tl. 4. 43. 44., ....1107 4 40 ....100 4 4U ....1447 I 4(1 ...10M I 4a 10 1044 I 44 ...1400 I 74 .. .1144 4 71 ...1148 6 71 ...1244 I 14 ...1M4 74 ...1134 I 40 .. 1ISJ 4 44 ...1041 4 44 ...1111 4 44 ...1470 I 04 ...1411 I 14 U 14 .. 64... 44... 7... 14... ... 40... II... 4... 14. . , COW B. 11.'!! m!!! i.!! m.!! it HsUFERS. 144 I II 1 mo 1 14 11 in m ti 1 171 I 14 171 I 24 730 3 II .471 I 40 104 I 4 1... Tt .. II... 4 BUIJJS. l?40 I 14 1044 I 4i) 114 4 4 ISO I 40 , 40 8 f)4 444 I 40 41 I 44 444 1 7i 1114 i 74 1400 4 74 40 4 40 14) 4 1IO0 4 14 1110 I 14 1 iln 1 50 343 I 74 1 4M 4 40 ' I'd! 4 44 I 4'WI 4 40 11 1I7 4 4" 1 ISO 440 J 140 4 MV I US 4 34 I 14 & W 1 2M 4 40 t tl 6 40 4 107 6 4S CALVES . ... 480 4 40 ....1116 4 44 ....1110 4 40 11116 4 44 ...1104 4 44 ....1M0 4 70 ...144 4 74 ....ll'l 4 II ....1440 4 74 ....1104 4 74 ...1J44 4 74 11)74 4 40 ....1044 4 40 . ... 74 1 75 .... T4I 4 40 .... 74 1 4 44) ....1014 4 44 ....1110 4 40 ....440 4 40 ....401 4 o ....1144 t to ...1710 4 44 . . . . 1440 4 4a . ..1140 4 40 ....1I 4 40 ....1440 4 40 ....1400 4 40 ....1440 4 40 . ...15.0 4 ho I I'm 4 40 1410 4 40 ... Iiao 4 45 ...1100 4 70 ....1414 4 74 ....1440 4 14 .... '00 IS) .... 140 7 !4 . .. 110 IU ....we I lo . . . . U4 4 14 ...114 4 44 .... !) 4 40 ...144 I 40 ....214 $ 44 .... 144) 4 50 .... 'II I 74 . . . Mi 7 40 1H t 00 Tire Place for Savirifls is In a large, strong, conservative bank. W hen too have saved $10 lake out a 3 Certif icate of Deposit Assets ove; $13,000,000.00. trCtrSlfcUllo V i The Bank with' a special depart- tnent for the ex clusive use of rromen depos- J itors. First National Bank of Omaha United State Depository. 13th and Farnam Sts. F.ntranea to Safety Deposit Tanlts Is on ltth Street. about 6c lower than last week's close. Toward the last the market became dull, winding ud weak at the low point of the dr. No. At. 8k. Tr No at. th. Pr. 4 111 ... 4 74 4 lit ... 4 10 I 110 ... I Ml Itl 4M 40 4 70 II 147 ... I 94 41 40 I 70 4S 144 40 I 40 44 941 M IN 71 170 44 I 44 41 Z4H ... 4 70 tl 941 ... 1 44 . JO 144 40 4 7 71 Ill 40 4 44 14 144 40 4 10 94 114 ... 4 41 74 alt SO I TS 14 9l ... g gn Tl 114 ... 4 741 44 lt 49 IS as 141 ... I 71 91 141 SO I 414 SO 914 ... 170 tl 149 4 I 44 n tig ... g 7 41 ill 140 I 44 71 Ill ... B 70 4S 1 ! IB 14 141 40 4 70 41 115 44 IM 41 Ill 4.1 4 70 II IM 44 4 40 44 444 SO 4 TO 71 417 BO I SO It SM 140 4 721 14 t ... I 40 70 MS .... I 7314 71 Ill ti)0 4 40 II Ill 140 4 7 40 tUl ... 4 40 II 314 to 4 78 IT 14 44 I 40 1' 144 140 4 71 74 M0 900 I SO 44 14.4 .. 174 14 :..I04 ... ISO 11 941 ISO 4 71 43. .171 40 4 40 T4 144 ... 4 74 T7 71 1 40 g 40 41 1 40 4 7k 44 It7 110 t 4o 64 217 . I 71 74 m4 40 4 IO '4 41 140 ISO 4 14 11 441 ... 4 41 40 Ill ... 4 74 74 Ill .. I 41', 71 944 ... I 74 41 Ul 44 I 44 T4 944 ... T4 71 Ill M0 I 44 44 Ml ... 4 74 HO Ill SI la 44 141 ... 4 74 40 104 .,. 4 44 44 t4 . 4 77 14 74 144 ... 4 44 44 Si.4 940 4 40 44 Ill ... 4 44 41 414 110 g 4n II K1 ... I 411 44 122 too I SO 41 44 ... I 471s 44 141 40 4 40 II 444 ... 4 47 47 .401 44) 4 14 90 114 ... I TO 44 M 40 4 II II 104 ... 4 TO 44 30f ... 4 44 41 141 ... 4 TO 71 134 ... 4 IS TO 106 40 4 7 stesdy lo 6c lower; top, t&96; bulk of ssles. tn ftajoj 96. BHKF.P AND I.AMBS-iRecelplB. t.OHO hesd; market 10c higher; lambs, tT.M. Stack lai Algbt. Receipts of live stock at the til prin cipal western markets yestsrdsy: came nogs. enwp South Omaha... Sioux City St. Joerph Kanaaa City St. Ixnits Chics go Totsla .. 6.900 . , i,6tl0 ... l.wo ...17.000 ... 9.960 ...34.000 , S.nn . 5,000 12.0O0 9.;i 40.000 toon 6,6H) 1.700 It ,000 ...M.IflO 76.100 31,200 SHEEP-Sheep sold 10jil6c higher this morning and while the market was not ss active aa on some days, there waa never theless a good demand and a very fair movement, ao that practically everything In sight changed handa in vary fair season In the morning. That tha trade was nut more brisk waa due In large) part to the fact that smleamen were ail determined to force iM-irea upward while buyers hesi tated a little, although taking tha stuff In tha end at tha advance noted above, Thus good Mexican lambs sold aa high ss tt.CO, with a few broken fleeces out. The same stuff sold on Friday of last week atralght at 17.76. Thla is the first time thst Ism be have touched the 18.00 mark alnce April of last year. It might also be added that there were only two months last year when that price was reached, the top In March and April having been fft.10. In April, 1S7, lambs touched tS.60 snd they reached the same point again In May, sell ing on up to 98. 75 In June, the extreme high point in the history of thla market. Mexi can ewes sold this morning aa high as tft.90. which It the best price paid for that kind of stuff on this market alnce May of last year, when the top waa 9V0O. There were no choice light yearlings to make a test of th market, but there was s small bunch of old wethers good enough to reach H 26. It will ba noted from the table of receipts in another column that the total receipts footed up this morning twenty-six rsrs s felling off of ten cara as compared with Monday of last week, snd of two cars as compared with two weeks ago. Tt was. In fact, the smallest run for a Monday since the middle of February. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Good to choice lam be. t7.afJS.0O; fair to good Iambs. good to choice light yearlings. t7M7.28; good lo choice heavy yearlings, tt S04W7.00; good to choice wethrs. t.0O(84l.26; fslr to good wethers. .7Mt4J00: good to choice ewes. t6.o04fA.M; fair tn rood ewes, to 0036.60; culls r.J. bucks, t2.0004.00. Representative salts; No. tot western ewes 163 western lamb) X9 western wetners 266 western ewes 2M western ewea 618 Mexican lamba to western ewes M western ewes, shorn.... m western ewes Av. Pr. ... 76 6 Sf, ...81 7 76 ... 114 26 . . . 90 6 90 . .. 01 6 SO ... 7.1 7 86 ... 84 6 26 ... 86 4 76 ....118 6 86 ...On 7 26 ... Ill 7 40 ... Ul 7 40 ... 88 7 86 ... 76 ttt ... 77 8 00 ... 82 7 416 ... tK t 28 ... 76 8 86 . . . 78 6 75 ... 97 6 75 ... 98 10 ... 61 66 CHICAGO U 1 V K STOCK MARKET 82 western lambs 198 western lamba 200 west-. n lamba 681 Colorado lamba 4 Colorado lambs, culls... 478 Colorado lamba 760 weatern lambs 81 western lambs, culls too weatern lamba, feeders.. t weatern ewes 2W western ewes 77 western wethers 48 western yearlings r STOCKERS AND FEKDKRS. 1 40 4 10 11 T.v 4 40 440 I l 1 411 4 44 i IM 4 00 4 at 4 7J t 4011 4 09 17 fit (tl 1 70 4 40 4 144 I ' 15 441 4 m 4 "t i . Jt 410 4 IS 4 4V 4 OS I Ml 4 II 14 4 4 4 44 I 411 4 SI tS I'U 4 10 1'. 77 4 4.S 47 74 II Jl 4.S4 4 40 44 Ill i 1 1 400 4 40 . ...404 4 1 14 4.'4 4 44 II 444 4 10 11. i Ill 141 47 414 4 !u If 444 4 40 HOGS Shll pers picked up s few very good light shipping and butcher weight hogs this morning for aiiub they paid prices that were about steady with Satur day, in some cases itossibly a little atronger. Their purchases, however, were limited and thev did not buy hardly enough lioga to on veiy much figure on the mar ket as a whole. Packers on the other hand would at no time bid better than prices that were fx- loser than Saturday and in rrany case Pic lower. At the aame time tattle Steady to Lower Hogs Strong beep Steady. CHICAGO, March 29. CATTLE Receipts. estimated at 24.000 hesd. Market steady! at too tower, oieers.; cows, 14.00 4)6.75; heifers. I8.2608.OO; hulls, tit.7b4i6.25; calves. t3.60i7-tf; stockers and feedeis, S3. 40 J40. IIOGS-iRecelma. estimated at 40.000 head. Market sttong. Choice heavy shipping, t7.0tff7.16; butchers, tS.964r7.10: Kr)t mixed, tn'.7.ya8.86; light choice, t4.80.96; packing. 40..!.; pigs, t6.a.3ri. Bulk ot sales, B8.90I&7.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 18.000 head. Market sleevdy. Sheep, M.OfMfft.tfO; lambs, t7.0ma.2&; yearlings. t5.6Otj4V7.33. Kansas City I. lie Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. March 20 CATTLE Receipts. 17.000 head, including 1.400 south erns; market stesdy to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. tS.0oc5;.7r; fair to good. 95-00416 9n; western steers. 86.00 4735; stockers and feeders. t3.7GtfJ6.65; southern steers, t4.75fj4l.a6; southern cons, I.' 5oh6.00; native cows. t3.0OQ6.40; native heifers. S4.00I&6.S5; bulls. 83 26474.76; calves, tt.7oOV7.60. HOGS Receipts. 12.0(4) head;; market ateady to 6c lower; top. tOM: bulk of sales, t16JS0; he.ivv. 94 Mtij 3 ; packers snd butchers. t6.2r0; light, H 469. 76; pigs. t4 86eA SHEEP AND VAMBS-Reoelpts. iSOO hesd: market lOfftUc higher; spring lambs, 90.6nT7.tO; yearlings. 16 2097.26: wethers. 16. 5n31.2S: ewes. t6.K426.88. Blockers, snd feeders, tS f5 W. OMAHA GBltCRAt. TMAIttCBT. Stasia aad raster Prslsr rrleee rr sheet kr Bayers and WkoleseJsre. BUTTKR Creamery. .No. 1 dellvei --d to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, tic; 00. I in 80-ib. tubs, tOHc; No. 8 In l-lb., tfcc; tn 00-lb. tubs, t7Vfec; packing stock, 19c, fancy daily, tubs, 2u4T2ici common roll, fieah made. 20c. Maiket changes a veiy Tuesday. EGGS Fresh sellii g stock, candled, tots tic. No storags atock In Omaha market. CHEF8E-Finest Wisconsin full ctsaiaV twins, loo: young Amerlcaa, a Is hoop, 16 He; favorite, 8 In hoop. 16c; daisies. 20 In hoop. lASec; cream brick, full caae. lie; bleKk Swlas, 16c; full-cream llmburgsr, 18a. Beel cuts miw, no. . leu. 1, uci 0. 8. 80- L4U. M 1, ic; no. 1, 14G, rtu. 11c. Chuck, No. i, Vc; lw t. Hc; No. g 5Vc. Round, No 1, c; No. X, Sc; No. t, 7H4S. Plate. No. 1. ,; i. fcVo. No. ,6c. POULTRT Alive, aprlugs, 12c; hens. lc; cocks, o'ic; ducks. 1ikc; gesse, Hc; tur keys, 19c; pigeons, psr dus., tee; guinea fowls, per do a.. U.K. squaos. per dos., ti. Drsssed, hens, lie; springs, UifihlHu; cocks, two; ducks, 18c; geese, lie; turkeys, tic. FISH Wnlteflsh, frogen. loo; herring, Uc; sslmon. 10c; pike, Sui pickerel, oVHfic; trout. 10c: catfish, imUc; halibut, 9t; red snapper, 12c; black basa, ilhoi crappie. 6 9c; perch, 4c; codfiah. lie; smelts, 9c; sals. lie; lobsters, green, 87c; kollsd, 40c-, frogs' legs, 46c. No. 1 ribs, 17fcc; No. 2, c; No. 8. 9,c. No. 1 loin, tf'fcc; No. 2, ViWc; No. t, lie No. X chuck, 7Hc; No. t, Vc; No. t. Vote No. 1 round, 9c; No. 2, !Vc; No. t, to. No. 1 plate. 6c; No. 2. 6Voi No. t, Ike FRUSH rRtiiTeJ Applaa. New Tork Baldwins. 84; fancy Sec Davis, tt; Missouri Pippins, 82.26; ldsho Roam Beau ilea. It; extra fancy Ben Davis, psr box 41 en. Ba nanas, 6-bunch lota, Se per lb. urangea 82.86478.26. . Lemons, I8.6OQi4.0u. Orape fruit, 14 Grapes. Malagas, 7.60 per keg. Florldl pineapple, per crate, M- , VEGETABLES Kansus swsstpotatoas, Ct.76 per bbU California ceUry, large. 76c; mailer, 40c. New Tork Holland aeed cab Vage, JVe , per Ih. Wisconsin Red Gloss enlons. lo per lb. California caullflowar, tt per crate. Tomatoea. Florida, t-basket crate, K.60; Cuba, t-baakst Crate. IS Let tuce, per dos., 4oo. Old vegetable par snips, turnips, carrots 12.16 psr bbi. riorlds new beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc., per Cos., 76c STRAWBERRIES 40c per qt- Cottoa irVarket. NKtV TORK. March 28 -COTTON-Th market opened steady at a net advanci of 2 to 8 points. Spot closed quiet. 10 points higher; mid dling uplands, 8.t6c; middling gulf, 0.10c sales, 700 bales. I'otton futures opened stesdy: March 9.63c; Msy. 9.48c; July. 9 36c; Augusl. 9.2r& 9.31c; October. 9.24c; December. 9.21c; Jan uary, 9.18c. Futurea closed firm; March, 9.,'iSc: Aprt! 9.61c; Msy, 9.52c; June. 9,I0-; Julv. 9. tit August. 9.36c: September. S.L'Sc; October 9.2tk ; November, 9 25c; Deceinbei', 9.22c, January. 9.20r. , , GALVESTON, Much 29. -COTTON -Steady; bc. NKW ORLF1A N8. Mar.h IS. t "OTTO If Spot market firm. 11V up; middling. 94c. Sales on the spot. 1,150 bales; 10 arrive. S&o bales. ST. IX5UIS. March iD.-CO'lTON'-Steadx : middling. 9 7-lSc; sales, none; receipts. S'f bales: shipments, 390 bales; stock. 44,i bales. Metal Market. NKW TORK. March 29.-M RTA I-8-Thf Tondon tin market was higher today, wltf spot quoted st 132 17s d snd futures st 133 17s d. The IochI nistket was firm and higher at ta.n01ftc9.20. Copper advance.' to 6S 17s 8d tor spot and at 1:57 12a 4M for futures In the London market. Locally tin market was firm, with lake quoted at ll2.87mjl3.12H. electrolytic at 1 2.6tifo'12..', and casting at $12.S7Va. Lead advanced to 13 13s 9d In London snd the local marker was firm at II.O&IH 10. Spelter was un changed at 2 7s d In Ixmdon and re mained quiet at 4 75(5t.77V locally. Iron was higher at 4s 10Hd for Cleveland war rants in the English market. Lncaltv the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern. tl6.258'lS 76; No. t foundry north ern, tl5.7&H'18.25; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern, soft, tlt.TiVS 18.25. ST. I-OCIS. Mo.. Msrch 29.-MBTAU--IBd, steady si 83.86; spelter, steady at. 14.86. Sagar aad Molaaaea. NKW YORK, March '!). BUG A R- Rg w steady; fair refining.; centrifugal 98 test. 13.98 V 6 4.00; molasses sugar. 13 2314. 3 25: refined, stesdy; No. 8. 4.46c; No. 4j. 4 36c; No. 14, 4.85c: No. II. 4 L'5c; No. 12. 14.10c; No. If, 11.14V: No. It. 4.10c: confectioners' A. 4.76c mould A. 6 20c; cut losf. 6.75c; crushed t.S5c; powdered. 6.06c; grsnulsted. 4.95c: cubes. 8.20c. MOLA8SFS Quiet ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 21 30c. Philadelphia Prod are Market.'' PHILADELPHIA. Msrch 29 BUTTER Steady; western creamery. 38c; nearbv prints 33c. HX4S Firm; Pennsylvania and othsr nearby first, frse cases, totsc st mark current receipts. In returnable esses, 19c t mark: western firsts, fres case. tOVsc al mark; current receipts, fre cases, Mt lyitc. CHEESE Firm, New Tork full crtsms. choice, 15sc16c: fslr to good, HViiffiSc. Oils aaa Rosla. OIL CITY, Msrch 29 OH Credit bal ances, tl 71: runs. 180.149 bhln ; average 16X.188 bhls.: shipments, 407. Y5D bbls ; average, 207 710 bbls. SsVVANNAH, fli., March 29 OIL Tur penflne. dull; I7c. Rt SIN Firm: R J25: 11 tJ27'4: F. t3 10; F. t3 87,: F I. 14 10: K. IS.oS M. 15.70. N. 15 75; W G. tt.tO; W W. f, Toledo kraal Market. TOLKDO. O., March 29. SKEDS-Cloi er raau. 15 45: March, ti.46; April. 96. 4J',: Oc tobed. t.02i: Deretni)er. i;.00: No. 2. t53": No. 3. IV 20; rejected. t6.07'i; no established grsde. 14.80. Timothy, piime, 110.40; Ai sike. prime. 94 40 heifers. 18 tVi5.2a. feeders, lings. t3.t4xa4.D0. HOGS Receipts. IM heed: market 6. th were In no hurry to fill orders, helng I lower; range of prices, I Wa:i. bulk of apparenllv perfectly williig 10 g,it I sales. I.04.6a. later development a. Saleamen aere alao ! ..... a.a7J-ai.L u . backward about taking off. making a hard "torn Market, ftglit for laat weeka cloalng prlcea. The; ST. JOSEPH. Ma.. Mirth 29.-TATTLE result, aa w ill bu readily underatood. ass Receipta, 1 4 head; market atead ; steers, a a'ow and dragging market and the fote- ' weak to 1c lower: ateei a. 86; roil nocn aaa ery well adianrer) before erv and neiteis. .- oiro m, stock en snd reea St. I.eals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Msrch 9.-'ATTLE Re ceipts. 296 head, including l.Sfa) Tesana. Market steady to 10c lower. Native ship ping and export steers. 15.007.16: dressed beef and butcher sfers. I4.0yde 'JO; steers tinder 1.000 lbs., 3.617)6.90: stockers snd feeders. 13.851(6.75: cows snd heifers. 3 'Jitt 8.40: canners. I2.00rn2.78; bulls. 3.0076 on; calves. d.50fte7 00. Texas and Indian steers, !J 7fw7 46; cows snd heifers. 2 75'(jj.25. HOGS Receipts, 9.700 head Msrket steady. T'igs and lights. t4.50tj.t'; packers. 7Ka7 0O; butchers and best heavy, 16. Si) 4J-7.15. SHEF-P AND LA M R8 Receipts. 1.7(11 head. Market hlc to lie higher. Native muttons. I4.tji.(4): lambs, to li'u 00; culls and bucks, 3.5r-)16.50; stockers. 1.d 4 26. Ileal (III Lie Stork Market. 1 Pat a 4 rise p la Ills Anhllloas. SIOI'X CITY. March J. tRpecidl Tele- 1 Pome de lon. glancing lliiougii tin gram 1. CATTLE Receipta, t.iioO head; mar- Klyalunt l-adlea- Cornpatiiun. encountered kt lower: Peeves. 44 t.j4 (b: fat con a and tne American Hygienic Face Bloom com 4.(xb).i. ycar-.paiiya fire trial offer, don I send any ! money. In the advertlsin columns. wouiatrt tnat crimp your eternal life ambition'" ha cried. "Now I walked from Jacksonville to Key Weal looking for tha fountain of the bloom of youth, and here ll is, sent on approval in three-Ounce bot tles, recommended by Lily Langtry and positively guaranteed to keep the Wltrh of Fndor as flesh ss a Chicago typewriter girl and only 76 cents s bottle.'' After, that Pon. e wtui out and 4lka mii'h hiisineaa was Iranvarled , ei s. steady. ttr,o4li.2a 1 In the end the most of the hogs sold: IH x 1ft-Receipts, .'! ;ieed; market (01 lliin tiilii,.ie to a po!n emen.-Pub e a (